HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1972-05-11, Page 5OCIDERICH $1.011/44,8144R; THURSDAY, MAY, 9e 1
Would i -t really, be fun?
Everyone said it would be. It was
even called Fun Night but I wasn't
Once inside the school, I tried
to shoot a candle flame out with a
• water pistol. The Grade Three's
told me I couldn't do it and they
were right. Next .1 bowled at the
Kindergarten alley and threw
darts at the Gr. 8 'balloon board.
At the Grade 2 money toss I won
a little soap swan. Next I •tried to
# hang on to a' high bar for two'
minutes to win a prize butt fell off
just before the buzzer rang. Oh
well, I won a pen ..at 'the. Gr. 8
money toss! Such fun.
All the people I met were haying_
a real good time. From' where I
stood in the gymnasium 'I could
see a line of children eagerly
waiting, fo go fishing at the Grade 1
fish pond, a dad going on Grade 6's
treasure hunt, kids trying to drop
clothes pinsinto bottles and a
whole table of people playing a
special kind of bingo.
When I was buying some
-cookies at the 'bake table .and
flowers at the Flower Power
thevrest of my life, happened one,
cool, breezy summer day while I
was just standing around, minding
my own business. Along came a
mean, stupid rabbit and started
chewinron me. What an unkind'
thing for him to do!
Nothing happened for the next
few years aexcept for a
woodpecker, who created a hole in
me to hide in. Then a moose came
along. Of all the food he could eat,
it had to be me!
To date, I'm a poor example of
whata•tree looks like at its best.
That rabbit did me about as much
good as the family of coons, thea
two children playing Indians, the
six clumsy campers, the boy who
gota new jackknife or the sow with
her team of uprooters. I'm now a
half-barkless, sloping, uprooted,
helpless plant. ;If you want to do tis
a favor, try to prevent this from
happening again, please! ,
By Linda Kaminska
..-Grade 5
The sap goes drippidly drap
.1` could hear laughter - mnt rrer"t"atr"'""--
With branches big and proud
You'll never find a cloud.
A tree so healthy
No matter where you look
You'll find a sweetly flowing
With its* branches big and bushy
And its leaves all coloured with
J say now is it a beautiful scene?
It's trunk all long and slender
And its very,ve•ry tender.
The bark stands out so you can see
My.lovely Maple Tree.
outside in the courtyard. I got out
there just in time to see Richard
Schoemaker get his face we,inffie
sponge throwing contest. There
was even an apple dunking there.
By the time I came back into the
gymnasium I heard Mr. Black
announcing the 36 lucky winners
of free mini golf at Dykstras
Little Point Market. Mrs. Phyllis
6 Bogiewon'the jar of smarties'by
guessing "how many". Mrs..
Betty Duff won a jar of jelly beans
in another guessing game.
Then came the "big one". The
tj.cket was drawn and John t'ogie,
Grade 8 won a gallon of .maple
• syrup. The Winners of the art,.
poetry and .essay contestswere
awarded their silver . `dollar
That was it. And was it fun! Was
I ever glad I came. Whom am I you
ask?Oh, I'm Tony X from Venus
and you didn't see me because. I'm'
invisible.'.And you won't see "me'
when I return :o view the trees
planted with the profits from
Colborne' Central's Fun Night
either. }lye. ,
The following people won silver
.dollars in the Art and Essay.
contests about -trees:
Kindergarten, art, Monica
Ehler; Grade 1, art, *Monique
Facchinato; Grade 2, "` art,
Gregory Feagan; Grade 3, art,
-Teresa buff; Grade 4, poem,
Darrell Kloeze; Grade 5, poem,
Linda Kaminska; Grade .6, poem,
e Martha Robertson; Grade 7,
essay, Allan Watson,; Grade 8,
essay, Judith McPhee.
By DarrelleKlo.eze
Grade 4,
Trees are majestic,
Beautiful, and tall,
They give you some shade
° In the summer and fall.
By Judith McPhee
Grade 8
As I strolled through the
towering forest I gazed tranquilly
at the beauty that engulfed me.
,The trees seemed to sweep the
intense blue sky free of clouds.
Their soft green leaves, mingled
with the serene quiet of the
afternoon lull, filled me -with
The joyful singing of birds,
sheltered secretly among the
protective branches 'reached my
expectant ears. •
A. few stray leaves. floated
listlessly to -the -ground: as - if to
protect it from the oncoming
severity ofrw.inter .
As I 'studied this picturesque
scene, I knew that whether they
are giving shade, sheltering
animals and birds or showing the
intricate pattern of their leaveg,
our world could never survive
without trees. -
Seasons won't be seasons
Without the trees.
The wind plays merrily
Against the leaves.
Be seated in doublekni•ts, fortrel and wool tropicalsrKoratron
permanent press, machine washables in plains, stripes, large
checks, small checks and distinctive patterns that are the
ingredient's of our incomparable slacks.' Gentlemen, we seek
your seat business now, with the fullest assortment --in many
Overtheweekendthe Goderich-Art Club hosted a large number of
Goderich residents at a Wine andCheese Party held in the facilities
of the Maitland Golf and Country Club. In 'addition to the social.
activities the members provided a large sllow of art for those on
hand. Organizers of the event report the• party to have been a
success:—staff photo
come out ahead on a Kawasaki
- George A. Kerr, Minister' of
Colleges and . Universities
announced this week adjustments
which will help :alleviate the
"financial ' burden on graduate
'students caused by recent policy
changes at both the federal and
provincial level.
The government of Ontario has
decided to rai$e the ceiling from
t4_$2,.400r,on-- payments
which may be. made by
r,4,144 es- to :tea"chant;
'-'assistants. Many graduate
students help finance their
studies by teaching'
As'a further air!, fo'r the period
from September .1, 1972 to August
•31, 1973, universities will be
, permitted to use operating funds
for the provision of bursaries to a
maximum of $300 per student to
those, graduate students who
register' for three consecutive
academic terms. Such bursaries
should be of direct benefit"
offsetting the third term tee to he
applied. ,Under the_ operating
grants formula 'for students who
elect to' take three consecutive
academic terms in. a twelve-
month period. For other graduate
._students who enrol for p,two
:academic terms, the formula fee
will be $585, the same as the
standard undergraduate arts fee. .1
These two, modifications" will
enable the •universi,.ti.es
themselves to... aid -, graduate
students Who may encounter
financial problems. Both •these
Changes have. been 'recommended
by tie cotrnci1.'of Ontario
universities and the committee on
.univerwvaffairs..I_.wo.uld like at_ .
this tirne.to comment!
universities for theirwillingness
•to use operating funds' t6a:55ist
graduate students in this 1Mtnnet•
These changes will not rlltfuirl‘
any increase in rnv ministry
budget for the current year.
The Ontario council of f: railu,ltt'
studies hasbeen asked to prollris,
guidelines for eligibility tit
receive these special bursa rius, .
No matter. where you ride, you'll come out ahead -on a Kawasaki:
You can't live without them,
The.really' are kind
They give you shade in the
* might get ,fined.
By Martha Robertson
Grade 6
O Cedar -Tree! 0 Cedar -Tree!
Standing at the river bed,
Give me some of your strolt'g
bong rs,
To make my farming stead.
O Fruit -Tree! 0 Fruit -Tree!
May I taste, your,luscious.food,•
So it will ' make my growling
t stomach,
In a much more happy mood.
O Elm -Tree! 0 Elm -Tree!
May I sit neath your cool shade,
To refreshen my tired body,
And make all the hotness fade.
-1-• 0 Oak -Tree! 0 Oak -Tree!
Lit me taste your meats divine,
So that my hungry self,
May have scmething on which to
0 Birch -Tree! 0 Birch -Tree!
You are an exquisite sight,
Someof your white skin could you.
spare, .
So I've something on which to
Great ,Britain'.:roads are .the. .
most crowded in the world. A total
of 14 countries have denser
traffic than Canada. The Qntar•io
Safety League quotes_ from the
latest figures (e1969) showing the
number of' vehicles per mile:
Britain 62.6: Netherlands' 57.3.
U.S.A. 28:6. France __28_0.. __Japan
24.7. Canada 15.8. Australia 8.4.:
• For short -distance riding you cant
beat the light m weight ,ne+pens.ve.
Tun bike .the Kowosak, 9Orc 03
You'll fly f at•out over the fraughest
terrai,, and claw up the steepest
inclrnos, on the rugged Kakvasaki
175cc f7 trail bike
And nobody catches Kawasaki road
biker, The 750e. Mach IV is the
ultimate in power and performance
and the world's fastest production
Make sure. you- come out ahead.-.. come in and see our
complete.Kawilsaki linea .. we have everything from
mini'sto the maxi 750cc Mach JV..
-.I-ND rwhDtJA t
C1 M�tpleTre'et O Maple -Tree!
Could 1' have your syrup sweet,
So that C' may have one more,
Delicious food to eat.
By•Atlan Watson*
Grade 7
!don't exactly know how 1 came'
to be, though. .1. have heard
stories, but there .Y was. a tall, .
slender, 'greenish stalk of life,
and very .handsome 1 might add.
The first of several unfortunate
mishaps to Create an ugly sc it for n
Zip. Polaroid's new low cost
camera for black and white
. pictures in seconds.
Now everyone can afford to enjoy the fun
andexcitement of pictures in seonds
with the new low cost Polaroid,Zip
camera. Although low in price. Zip has
many features. There's a whennihhotometer that reacts,'
posure is perfect. hs
h -e Type 87 film and
a shutter speea of 1 /200th ,of a second
enables the Zip fo freeze any action..You
'never—have. to focus. Pictures in bright .'
sunshine are sharp from 2 feet igreat far
close-ups!) to the horizon. And flash pic-
tures are easy, too. The drop-in film pack
loads in seconds without threading or
winding. Try the Zip yourself—it's an ex-
citing kind of camera that makes instant
photography I tore econofllical than ever!
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the romantic perfume
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Buy a Zip camera and
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