HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1972-05-04, Page 22.28 GOORIPI SIQNM L -STAR, THURSDAY, MAY 4, 1'972
Oe Distaff Side
What is the answer other than
transmitting ° our problems to. our
And a woman who held a babe against
her bosom said, Speak • to us of
• And he said, •
.Your children are not your children,
They are the sons and daughters of ....
Life's longing for itself.
- 'hey &Aim through you but from you.
Andthou4h they are with you, yet they,
belong not to you.
You may give them yotir love but not
your Thoughts •
For they love their own thoughts.
You °may house their bodies—but not
their souls,
-For their souls dwell in the house of
▪ which you cannot visit, not even in
your dreams.
You may strive to be like them, but,
seek not
to make them like you.
For Iife goes not backward nor tarries
with yesterday. d '
—Gibran, Kahle'', THE "PROPHET.
omen to Woman
With Shirley J. Keller
Spring is surely springing Thus, pressures on both •the "At a time,
these days and we are hoping for men and women of our business-
goodweather this Sunday when world build•to almost intolerable
our bike -a -thou' goes south 'five levels—and all because'bf ideas
miles and back north five - which are drummed into us from
all for the cancer fund. • the time we are children that men
Someone asked me why men had must be very., very strong and
nit been invited to ride, and .quite 'women must be weaker.
frankly I had no suitable answer , + + + •
for that question: I will take it • I was extremely • interested.
upon myself to announce that if therefore. in a couple of items
there are some•gentlemen in the' which crossed my desk in recent
area who would like to join the weeks,
ride Sunday, May 7, they would be The first one' announces that
welcomed. It is our pleasure to Formosa Spring Brewery has
accept'the pledges of anyone who "welcomed women into one of the
cares to donate time and effort to last remaining bastions of
the project. • masculinity—the vocation of
I've had a few people call me selling beer".
•and•say they .will be delighted to ' •Sverre E. Lunder, director of
sponsor me in the bike-a-thon this •sales for Formosa Spring
year .... and to those persons I say Brewery, announced that the
.,a hearty "thank -you". If there are ' company is hiring women as sales
others out there in that great representatives:Four have been
readership who would like to hired as sales trainees and the
sponsor me, would you just call eornpany may hire more as it
the girls in, the front office of the expands its sales staff, said Mr.
newspaper who are
' making a list
t Lunder.
for me�aThat would be sincerely 'Re i
stration�ofMrs. Monika
appreciated. Hofmann, Mrs: Irene Baronenas,
+ + + Mrs. Carol Leslie Moffatt and
N• ext Sunday, M a y 14 i s• Mrs. ElizabethGenovese as sales
Mother's Day and if you are a ' representatives of the company
mother, there is'little doubt that has been approved by the Liquor
you will be forgetting that Control Board of Ontario.
•importantdate. I hope your family • • "They are the first full-time number of sales to.women in the
will remember. you on that most women 'sales representatives to forty-five and'above age category.
special of days._be ' employed by a Canadian T h is is main 1 v d n e to the
I thought there may be' some of . brewing company. °Traditionally, availability of a life insurance
you who will be writing for • or brewery sales, jobs have been policy particularly designed for
speaking about Mother's Day ip filled by {nen, older people.
the next few days, so for that "Patterns have changed in our •'A small proportion of these
reason I will__....include-`- some industry. Beer is a moderate woiti"eh:"he"stated, had probably
quotations I have discovered- beverage and no I on g.e r lost their insurance during the
which concern "'Mothers". . considered solely a man's drink. depression. Mostly, however,
"Gbd could not be everywhere Today, nearly. 30 percent, of all they are women who now find that
and therefor e he made beer drinkers in Ontario are they have a peed for small
mothers. --‘A non (Jewish • women and they drink , beer at policies fora variety of reasons.
proverb)" • ' home and when they go out for "The president ofLaurier Life
"The sweetest sounds to mortals meals or entertainment," said is confident that purchases- of
insurance by women will continueye.
Azze heard in Mother, Horrie_ and , 7ormesa'SriVr''' iiikeinits''' 7o"; '"d ►`;" 's: "',econi`re ' e
Heaven." representatives will fulfill the independent economically.
—W. G. 'Brown same sales activities as, . their An increasing number of
"What is 'a home without a male colleagues, heL,- ,Said, young • married people ' are
mother?" eAlice Hawthorne including promotion, product becoming accustomed to the good
"Her children arise and call sampling in licensed outlets, things in life provided by a double
too,, when many
men, even in managerial
positions, are looking for work.
women in various fields arra
finding, greater 'opportunity 4han
ever before. The result, says
Brooker, is that women are
tending to .becor..e iiie majof'
economic force in many of today's
your -families. •
'•Their responsibility becomes
even greater. he says. when the
young .marrieds- start raising a
famiiv and the wife elects to
continue working. somethiflg
which isbecoming ever more
common. -
"This new-found status
undoubtedly has ' resulted in
women recognizing their greater.
responsibility to the family unit."
Brooker says, '-'and ,undoubtedly
has a bearing' on' their mounting
intei'est.in purchasing protection
for their families."
The *increased numWt.-: of
separated and divorced women
probably is also reflected in
interest' of women in ap roduct
which was bought almost solely by
men since its • introduction.
Although young women are
showing an amazing interest; in
insurance, Mr°. ,, Brooker's
company makes its greatest
her .blessed:"—Old Testament, , regular sales calls on Iic,ensees
Proverbs XXXI, 28. and consumer contact,
"For the hand that rocks the "The concept of hiring women
cradle as sales representatives was
▪ Is the hand that rules the world." studied by ouryoung management
-W. S. Ross team. We as a company are
"Mother is the name for God in constantly working on ideas which
the lips and hearts of little will accommodate the changing
children."—Thackeray attitudes of people today," said„
"Who ran to help me when I fell, Norman B. Wright, 37, president
And would some pretty story tell, of Formosa Spring Brewery.'
Or kiss the place to make it well? "We are hiring women because
My Mother." ' • we believe they•will be as efficient
. —Ann Taylor and successful at selling beer as
+ + + they have been in other
I attended the IODE luncheon p rofes'sions and jobs which used
last Wednesday and heard Doris to be restricted to men."
Anderson', the editor of + + +
Chatelaine as she spoke to about There was another release
250 women. Although not what I front the Laurier Life Insurance
would term a true hard-nosed Company which tells us that
radical Women's Liberationist, changes in the status of womeh
Mrs. Anderson spoke about the are influencing insurance sales"
new woman who is emerging from "Women of all age 'groups are
our society, and believe me, she buying insurance in,., greater
nixie a. great deal of good sense. numbers° today but particularly
he of the things which Mrs. noticeable is the interest shown
,Anderson pounded home was the by younger married women. In the
fact that women are every bit as past the buying of insurance has
capable as Men and should be almost solely been the
taking their place in many, many responsibility; of the husband. But
professions where women Have the socio-economic revolutibn is
not always been keen to enter: changing 'that,• Brooker believes.
According:to Mrs. Anderson, we' "Noting that in the vast
are brainwashed -into believing majority of cases young married
that tnen"become doctors and women choose to . Continue
women beccifle nurses—Land when: working, he points,out that irr tfie
you interchange that 'normal present-day economic climate
trod, you raise the•eyebrows of ,their job security is frequently
society.° greater than that of them
,She said thatif" a woman is husbands. In addition, if their
.sucoessi't11 in btrsine
ss, she, is husbands work on an hourly rated
said'tdbe` in danger of losing her basis, strikes and layoffs often
" 0i : _ if a ; man : i s reduce their ,annual' take„home
unsuc esaful itt business, he is' pay to n a t m n c h more arid
looked upos as less t hua n sorrietintes, less than that of their
�nimsculife. wines.
Clinton sisters
The P!N.G•'s Club of Goderich
Rebekah Lodge'No. 89 held a very
pleasant meeting April 25 when
they had the sisters of Clinton
P.1V.G.'s Club as visitors. There
was an attendance of 30 members.
The meeting opened wjith the
President, Mrs. Grace Fuller in
the chair and after opening
, exercises the Clinton ladies
income-• A"s far as we can
discover, most young women no
longerwant to wait 20 years for a
fur coat or a holiday in the sun.
Not only that, but they enjoy the
excitement of working in a
business environment. ' -
``Laurier Life became aware of
the 'growing interest of young
women in insurance, oddly
,enough, as the result, of
advertising policies directed to
older groups. # ..
"They simply wrote in asking if
there was something available
which would stl'it their needs,” he
said. '
• + + +
I have hada call from Mrs. Pat
Morris, the new chairman of the
Tinkertown Executive. Mrs•
Morris and former chairman
Mrs. •Mona Mulhern, are
somewhat concerned about the
"very, very premature"
announcement that Tinkertown
and Princess Anne Nursery
School MAY amalgamate.
The story; of Bourse, came out
"Of the last meeting of the
Association for the Mentally
Retarded ' in Goderich. The
possibility bf the amalgamation
was- discussed at this meeting.
.with a Signal -Star reporter- in
attendance—and was duly written
up for our newspaper. The story,
we are told, has sparked some
• excitement in Tinkertown
circles. The truth of the nYatter~ is,
, according to Mrs. Morn '' and
Mrs. Mallen, that the subject
has not been "discussed at the
exoeutve level of Tinkertown and
brought greetings from their
The business of the evening
followed and members were
advised that May 2 the' P.N.G.'s
were to fill the chairs far the
Rebekah Lodge meeting. May 16
is the Lodge Birthday Party and
the Executive were asked to
purchase a gift for the Lodge for
The Huntsville Salvation Army
Band along with members from
the Wingham, and Goderich
Corps, visited Huronview on
Sunday afternoon and presented a
concert af' re1igi6iis'Music in'the
auditorium. ,
Mr. Vand Der Ende led the ---
Christian Reform song service on
Sunday evening. He was assisted
by several members of the
Piease'turn to Page` "7$. ,.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Finlay• of. t, modern square dance group from
Goderich were guests on Monday the Clinton, Goderich and'
afternoon's get-together' and ° Seafor•th area, provided the'
helped provide the music along E'ainily,Night program. The group
with Mary'T'aylor,'Norntan Speir of twenty-five, with Ross ,Merrill
and Jerry Collins, .Mr. McMillan as master of ceremonies', danced-_
Of Harriston livened up the several round and square dance
activities by calling off a square 'numbers" •with Glen Patterson •
dance.• • 'calling. Some of the men joined
Mrs: Chrystol Jewitt played the 'together for novelty songs with
piano for a sing a long and, everyone joining in a sing -a -long.
several ntimbers duripg the lunch
period at the Clinton Kinettes
monthly program and tea.on
Wednesday. .I1inettes Barbra
Norman, Jean Jewitt, Rox Ann
Brown, and Maxine. Merner were.
in charge of the program and the
appreciation of the residents for..
the enjoyable afternoon was
extended to the girls by .Mrs.
Albert Colclotigh.
The Wheel -N • Dealers, a
this special occasion.
The ladies then enjoyed an
evening of Euchre at which Mrs,
Mary Grigg of Clinton was winner
with•Mrs: Elsie Mumby receiving'
the consolation prize and Mrs.
Irene Harnock winner 'ftir loan
Mrs. Pearl Lawrence received
. •the Birthday gift of the evening
and Mrs. Ruth Taylor of Clinton
was winner in the draw for a pair
of pillow slips donated by Mrs.
Aileen Fritzley.
After a delicious lunch, served
by Mrs. Alice Moss and her
committee, a very enjoyable
evening was brought to a'close.
:o five
er cent
on savings \3
Right now is the time to switch your
savings to where you get five per cent •
interest on non-chequing savin'gs
accounts. Victoria and Grey has less
service charges, more convenient hours,
pays interest from May first. on deposits
made before May 12. Get more for your
money -- today'— at Victoria and Grey.
The senior Trust Company
devoted entirely to serving
the people'of Ontario.
?L4 and GREY
9:00 ,to 5:00 Monday to Thursday
9:00 to 6:00 Friday
Lealand Hill. Manager
Elgin' and Kingston Streets, Goderich.
.::��•.... .,,..,, _.hofs
20" LAWN -MASTER .,..$69.95
A mighty muscle with quick
recoil -start . to make light .
work of mowing .. , light
touch to your budget!
•. 4 -cycle engine with dial control
• T-type handle with grips
• Fully baffled wash-out deck -port -
• Easy -rolling 7" plastic wheels
- 4 7 5` �� with 5 r. crankshaft warrant- (%9.
22" LAWN MASTER ....� 9 9 Y Y
Let this giant do large lawns for you. All you do
is guide it. 4 -cycle 31/2-h.p. Briggs & Stratton
engine; recoil start; dial throttle control; cyclone deck; '7" front, 118°95
8" rear wheels.
Workmanship and
materials of mowers
shown guaranteed
for 1 year from date
of purchase, under
normal use.
with 2 -cycle 3-h.p. Tecumseh engine ...
Packs plenty of power for a surprisingly modest price! And more:
tic 95 • Quick -start; fixed -speed throttle •
"•'Hi -Airlift one-piece blade
• 6," hi -impact plastic wheels
• Adjustaltle'cutting height
• Chromed handle; enamelled housing.
J„I01elelIIIN e 4S‘r
• .. _.moi'
Powerful 2 -speed mower with a 10 -amp motor. ti
Castaluminuni Vacugtn-Action ''deck, -twin
blades, single discharge. Adjust-
able .. cutting height. Chromed•
handle; 6" wheels. Less cord...
Twin blade mower made for us by' Sunbeam.
Short wheel base, 9" ,,overlapping blades reduce
scalping. Chromed swing -handle;
5 cutting heights ; ,twin -discharge; 59.95
6" dist wheals. Less cord
Peppy 8 amp/110-volt C.G.E. motor resists stal
ling. Cyclone deck with side discharge. Chromed
swing' over handle with finger-
tip on-off control; • 7" wheels, ". 62'
smooth -tread tires. Less cord...
Twin blades; '10 amp double -insulated
motor. Swing handle; built-in switch.
High -suction vortex -pan 'for
seamless mowing. 53A" ad- 9S
justable wheels: Less cord
Mighty l3riggs & Stratton en,
gine; 10" front, 13" rear,
wheels; recoil start. Blade
clutch, adjustable blade, pad-
ded seat. Yellow/Black.
5-111,8111116 16 MOWN with 8" front, 10" rear wheels,
recoil start, Briggs & Stratton engine.
Red with Black trim. 24535
Budget -easy `Suffolk' i 5 -blade cut- ` Am
ting eyyinder in Sheffield steel. 14"
t cut; 1 -pc roller; 8" wheels:°
116"'out moth' th •d'soction roller .... $11.11 ' •
1V" will rubber -410d 7%" when{...... WAS -
41';:'l::.:itiY:•:<�:Nl•i;2::•:•l:y::::}n�'•. 'K•!?V.•'::ti:.{:VP'•::: ,lYh •�f:�
The Extras to keep your power -mower rolling smoothly
A.THP,OTTI:3CONT'ROL—fo handlemount3.1! • F. BLADE SHARPENING FILE—easy to use .119
B. WHEEL4-ItitI4T ADJUST R --set of4.5.39 "' o.MOWERtHARP13NEn.forEL1 CTRICDR1LL
C. 1 PIECE ROTARY BLAIg Austempered Attaches to drill. With 1/" arbor 1.39 ,
steel; 1811° to 22" sizes. Complete with hub kit 4.39 • H.SHATTERPROOF WHEELS—fit mostmowers;
D. REPLACEMENT BLADE HU$ ----fit most .91 6 -inch 1.91 7 -inch 249 8 -inch 3.11$
E, BLAbE HUE KIT—hub; key and bolt ... 149 ' J. POWER, MOWER TUNE-UP-4oz. can .. 49
EXTRA! .Cash. Bonus Coupons
221 Huron Flood' 8244121