The Exeter Advocate, 1893-8-17, Page 5Airylit'REA:ist ere it now new
co4yry thud cure the 5seistoases Al
Nervous Debility Lost Yigor and,
leading 'Manhood; restores the
uuiltness of body or mind CaUstd
py oPer-Work or the etrora or eS•
rani mise x"i ceases of youth. This ,Itcmedy ab•
soltttt y earns alae uiest obstinate cases when all other
"a 1:41$1.1LTVS bexP.iatled encu to relieve,old by drug,.
nits et'x"tilicer packwdi or six for $5 or sent by mall on
receipt e,1 prico by addressing TUE JAMS$ MEDIC1N,10:
CO., Toronto, Cant }:'rite for pamphlet, $old in.
VOL' Hale in Exeter by J, W. Browning
Two men were killed outright and
two fatally injured by the explosion of
a powder mill near East St. Louis,
Mining experts note that cholera
never attacks the bowels of the earth
but humanity in general find it nec-
essary to use Dr. Fowler's Extract of
Wild Strawberry for bowel complaints,
dysentery, diarrhoea, etc. ' It is a sure
The funeral of Mr. David Porter,
M.PP,, for North Bruce, took place at
Tara yesterday and was largely at
unless stopped by Dr. Wood's Norway
Pine Syrup. The best cure for Coughs,
Colds and Lung Troubles,
Hon. Oliver Mowat will probably be
asked by Winnipeg Liberals to address
a public meeting during his western
A perfect cook never presents us
with indigestible food. There are few
perfect cooks and consequently indi-
gestion is very prevalent. You can
eat what you like and as much as you
want after using Burdock Bloo:l Bitt-
ers, the natural specific for indigestion
or dyspepsia in any form.
The International Socialist Congress
at its session in Zurich yesterday, de-
cided in fayor of establishing an eight-
hour day.
When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria.
hshe cried. tilrlren she was a Child, , d for Castoria.
When she became hiss, she clung to Castoria,
When she had Children, she gave Mom Castoria.
The Grand . Lodge of the Young
Men's Protestant Protective Associa-
tion continued in session at Port Credit
Vigilance is necessary against un-
expected attacks of summer complaints
No remedy is so well known or so sue
cessfull in 'his class of diseases as Dr.
Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry.
Keep it in the house as a safe -guard.
John R. Arnett, warehouseman and.
okgqr, committed "suicide in Montreal.
es day by shooting himself through
the head at his office.
They make one feel as though life
was worth living. Take one of Cart-
er's Little Liver Pills after eating; it
will relieve dyspepsia, aid digestion,
give tone and vigor to rhe system.
At Peterboro' yesterday' a by-law to
build a drain for the electric light
works to the river was carried and one
to erect a new school building was de-
Sirs, -About two years ago I took
rheumatism in the knees, which be-
came so bad that I could scarcely go
up or down stairs without help. All
medicines failed until I was induced
to try B.BB, By the time I had taken
the second bottle I was greatly Talley -
ed, and the third bottle completely re•
moved the pain and stiffness.
Amos Becksted, Morrisburg, Ont,
The Board, of Works yesterday de-
cided to send on to the Executive
Committee the report on the perma-
nent pavements construction prepared.
by the Engineer.
should be given Dr.. Low's Worm
Syrup. It regulates the system and
removes worms.
The celebration of the/ter-centennial
anniversary of the birth of Izaak Wal-
ton was commenced at Niagara on -the -
Lake yesterday and will be continued
to -day,
The Great Engiish Prescription.
A successful MeBdicine used over r.
30 years in thousands of cases
Cures Spermatorrhea, Nervous(
+ice Weakness, Emissions, Impotency
and all diseases caused by abuse
barons] indiscretion, or over-exertion. [Arras]
Six packages Guaranteed to Cure when all others
Fail. Ask your Druggist for The Gret English
Prescription, take no substitute. One package
Si. Six $5, by mail. Write forPamphlet. Address
Eureka Chemical Co., Detroit, Dick.
At Fostoria, Ohio, a boiler exploded
instantly killing G. C. Davis, secretary
of the Coldwater Milling Company,hand
fatally injuring Fred C. Meyers, book-
For fifteen years we have used Dr,
Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry
as a family medicine for summer com-
plaints and diarrhoea, and we never
had anything to equal it. We highly
recommend it, Samuel Webb,
Corbett, Ont.
In the cricket match played vestir-
dav at Toronto between the London
Asylum teatn and Toronto, the Rev. F
W. Terry compiled 101 runs in the
former team's second innings,
That tired, languid feeling, and dull
headache is very disagreeable. Take
two of Carter's Little Liver Pills before
retiring, and you, wi'l find relief.. They
never fail to do good.
'I'lte proposal that Irish members of
the Imperial House be allowed to vote
only on amendments to the home rule
bill was defeated in the British Com-
mons last week by 221 to 181.
Pro's Remedy far Catarrh is the
hast, Easiest to Tase, and (Meanest.
Sold by druggists er sent by mall,
too. E. T. Esselte*. Warren, I'u;.
A Convenient Plan Described by a Success-
ful Farmer—Wlay Thrash the Oats?
Not more than one man in a dozen
]snows how to shock grain properly, Not
a little grain is lost in the field solely be-
eause it is not properly shocked. When
the binding is done by machines, the
sheaves are larger than when the bind-
ing is done by hand, and not so many
should be put in a shock, especially as
they are more compact than sheaves
hand bpund. An Illinois farmer, John
M. Stahl, says in The Country Gentle-
man that four of them should be set up,
one at each corner of a square, all in-
clined about 15 degrees toward a com-
mon center. The most convenient way
is to set them up as two pairs. Against
each pair set asheaf. Then at each side
set three sheaves,` The butts of the
sheaves will be in this position:
This makes a nice, round, compact
shook, tho sheaves all fitting closely to-
gether. All the sheaves should be in-
clined slightly toward a common center.
When all have been set, throw your
arms around them and draw the tops
close together. i:' or cap sheaves select
long, fiat sheaves. Lay the first cap
sheaf across the direction of the prevail-
ing winds. Then lay the second cap.
sheaf across this, with the top toward
the prevailing winds. Placed in this po-
sition the cap sheaves will not be nearly
so likely to be blown off as when the top
sheaf is laid at a right angle to or its
butttoward the prevailing winds. When
the top sheaf is placed, place one arm
near the top and the other near the butt
and put considerable weight on them.
This will fit the sheaf closer to the shock
and prevent rain from blowing under
the cap sheaves. lin important point in
shocking is to set the bundles clownhard
in the stubble. The butt of the bundle
and the stubble will interlace, and the
effect is to anchor the bundle in place.
One of the things that Mr. Stahl does
not understand is why so many farmers
thrash their oats they intend to feed to
their horses and calves.. He says: "The
grain and the straw are complementary,
and when unthrashed oats are run
through the cutter they make a splen-
did feed. Another advantage in thus
feeding is that the grain
and the straw
are masticated together, and we have in
the stomach of the animal that intimate"
commingling of grain and bulky feed
which is best for digestion. - The straw.
is better utilized if feel this way than
when thrashed, the waste of chaff is.
much less, and the expense of thrashing
is saved. Oats to be fed this way should
be cut four. or .:fi've days earlier than -is
the common practice.
"If the weather is dry, the straw may
be quite . a little green when cut, espe-
cially if the binding is done by hand. If
the shocking is well done, the grain will
cure nicely in the field. Of course if the
air and the ground are full of moisture
it is not advisable to cut so early. The
straw of the early cut oats is better for
feed, containing more nourishment and
being more easily digested, and the feed-
ing value of the grain is not reduced in
the least. Some fear that if oats are
cut before the straw is thoroughly ri-
pened the feeding value of the grain will
be reduced, but such is not the case, and
the earlier we cut the less the chance of
the grain being lodged by a storm and
the work of harvesting being much in-
creased, if indeed a part of the crop is
not lost."
Poultry, Rouses.
If the fancier has ranging space for his
flock, it is not important that he build
or provide very extensive quarters for a
few dozen fowls. A small house where-
in 25 adult birds can be comfortably
sheltered may be a lean to or sh.d 10 or
12 by 20 fent in dimensions. If they have
a yard run outside of this twice or thrice
as large, they will do very well. If their
range is unlimited, so much the better.
A fowlhouso that may be made con-
venient, useful and complete for a small
flock of birds calls for few absolute
requisites that any man cannot arrange
who is able to use a saw and a hammer
handily. This we give as a general di-
But in each case, if we are called upon
to advise in detail, we must first know
clearly what the inquirer wishes to do,
how his premises are situated, how
much spare room he has - for houses and
yards, how, many fowls he intends to
keep and how many varieties he wishes
to provide for, what he inclines to bread
fowls for—whether for market or for
fancy purposes—etc.
Meanwhile we answer that for a score
of fowls only very limited shelter is
needed, provided the premises are kept
clean. The house may be put up at a
few dollars' cost for lumber and a few
days of labor. But it will be found
more important that the stock •should
have their liberty more than half -the.
year to rein in the open air. And if
this can be accorded them during the
other 6 months in the 12, 20 or 25 chick-
ens eau be kept in very narrow quarters.
Beets at the Pennsylvania Station.
Several standard varieties of beets
were sown in the garden April 20, and
when two inches: high were thinned to
four inches. As the roots became of a
'marketable size they were ptillecl and
sold. There was practically no differ-
ence in the earliness of the following va-
rieties: Ileli 1 ise, Edinand's Early Tin.-
nip, Basset°, Philadelphia Early, Pbila
delphia Perfection and Burpeo's No. 4,
Burpee's No. 4 is an attractive beat with
a crisp solid flesh colored very dark pur-
ple in rings, alternating with lighter
rings in the cross section. The root is
round with a strong tap root.
For Over Fifty IC ears.
Ali Oa» ,aivn: Wisr,a-'1`atrn1) BF.MTnr.—Mrs,
Winslow'sSoothingg Syruphas been used
for over fifty. years by inillieni°of mothers
for their ehildron while teething, with per -
feet success. It soothes the elnld, softens
the gums, allays all pain, euros wind oohs,
and is the best remedy for Diarrhaiti. Is
pleasant to the taste. Sold by Druggists in
every part of the World. Twenty -ave cents
a bottle. Its valve is incalculable. Bo sure
+end ask for Mrs. Wiuslow's Soothing Syrup,
and take no other kind
tlt,lii;1-rti it1H0
whey E enot
tised to cure everf/r.
thir"p,bu, i s Imply bead-,
gases. Try them, de
u ill cost but 20' cents
for a boas mud thee, . ms
I wrrmbes$.
They are nota, CathertIy..
Tie bean crop of Kent county has
been almost corn Ple ti:iyrtithed by ex-
oessivo drought. Wheat is yery back
ward in. that county and fanners aro
" 1 ii)on't 'Want Any Dinra,eri."
Well, i1 you should miss a meal, all
the botGer. Don't let anybody induce
you to eat if yon don't feel inclined.
Tell them to mind their owe stomach
and You'll Mind yours. The appetite
will return when the digestion is made
right, and one of the safest and surest
holps in that direction is a eour'se of
Mcmbray's Kidney and Liver Cure,
now on sale by all druggists in Ca,..ada
One death from cholera has occurred
at Swinburne lslaud, off New York,
and two.more of the Karamania's pas
songersere i11, with the disease.
An Unusual Death Rate.
this th s season' of the year there are
always litany deaths; particularly
among children,frorn Summer Com.
plaint' Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Cholera
Morbus; Cramps, etc., but this season
the cases seem to be uuusally frequent
and fatal, and everyone ought to know
that a sure and speedy cure can eas
ily be obtained bytaking a teaspoon-
ful of Perry Davis' Pain -Killer in
sweetened water (hot water is the
best), every half': hour until relieved.
Full directions sent with each' bottle.
It is kept by every respectable drug
gist. New Big bottle' only popular
price 25 cents. ' '
The boring; for natural gas in Ham-
ilton has not been successful and has
been discontinued.
John Elliott of Toronto, who was in-
jured while riding an a Hamilton car
on June 29, is suing the Hamilton
Street Railway Company for $10,000
Hon. A.. J. Blair, Premier of New
Brunswick, has consented to speak
with Mr..Fielding of Nova Scotia and
Hon L. H Davies at the political meet-
ing to be held at ;Moncton on August.
21, A special general convention of
the Westmoreland County Liberal As-
sociation will be held ohthesame day
Ir- .Tii>---
Hastings, `?111�b! � Prop.
Every attention paid to
Ladies' cs ars r
d Children s
Hair Cutting.
Cheapest and
est Place in
To get your Boots and
Shoes mended, is at
G. 1.O'!
Just a few more pairs
of those Men's cheap
Hepburn Shoes and La-
dies' Dongola Kids left.
11cxt IJOOP
� . vt}> ol'Pos
Bargains ! 1
Bargains 11 1
ITogs Wanted. i. Dressed.
or to 4ve.
iDressed Hogs bought subject to the
following conditions; -2 lbs per cwt off;
5 lbs extra if shoulder stuck; 3 lbs for
either bung' gait or guliett, if left in,
All Hogs to be cut through
T�Qr., rs
from Tail to Throat.
Highest Price paid for Hogs
weighing from 100 to 200
pounds, dressed.
The undersigned having; handsome-
ly. fitted up hie parlor and restaurant
—will serve—
during the Summer Season. Also a
large supply of
Confectionery, Bread, Buns,
Cakes &c.
Visits Exeter every Wednesday. and
Saturday afternoon. A11 orders left
with George Sanders promptly attend-
t0{IlC@ ed to.
Oysters and fruits of all kinds in
their season.
The Spring , Season
is about here and our
good wives are begin-
ning•to think of house
cleaning. Then after
the "dirty work" is fin-
ished, as few nice pict-
ures will be necessary
for a spring -Like ap-
pearance. Bear this in
mind, the best stock of
Bamboo Novelties,
Picture Moulding
Curtain poles,
Is at
S GI t ,L EY'S
• • •
Baby Carriages
And Musical
Instruments. •
We are the only firm
who make a specialty of the
above named goods and
therefore claim that we can
give the people of Exeter
and vicinity,—
Greater Barg'ins !
Greater Choice ! !
Lowest Prices. ! ! !
The latest and newest at-
tachments for all our goods
can be had by calling at
our ware-rooms,—One door
north Dr. Lutz's drug store;
Odd -Fellows Block. Opposite J Grigg's *1'
Stationary. ill
John tokens
Of St. ary'S, Ont.
A Great Sufferer from
Perfectly Cured by
Hood's Sarsaparilla
The best stomach tonics known to
medical science are so happily com-
bined, in Hood's Sarsaparilla that it
cures Indigestion, and Dyspepsia in its
severest forms, when other medicines
fail. In many cases Hood's Sarsapa-
rilla seems to possess a magical touch,
so quick and so gratifying the relief.
Read the following from an aged and
respected citizen of St. Mary's, Ont.:
" I am very glad to give this testimonial as
to what Hood's Sarsaparilla has donefor me.
I suffered very much with dyspepsia. 1have
been taking medicine
For 23 Years
and I never had anything do mo as muco
good as Hood's Sarsaparilla.: Every symp-
tom of the dyspepsia has entirely disap-
peared and I feel that I cannot praise the
medicine too highly. I
Eat Better, Sleep Better
and feel stronger than I have for <manly
years. I have taken six bottles of Hood's
Sarsaparilla bought of Mr. Sanderson, the
druggist." Joaw Aricnws.
From Mr. Sanderson, the Druggist.
"I know Mr. Aikens to bo a strictly honest,
straightforward man, and takemuch pleasure
in testifying to the truth of the testimonial
he gives above." F. G. SANDERSON, Drug-
gist, Queen Street, St. Mary's, Ontario.
H GOD'S PILLS, tho bust aftor•dinnor Fi11si
'assist digestion, prevent constipation,
Vegetable Files aro pre.
pared to meet, a legit'.
mate demand for a mild;
efficient and reliable family physic. They are
purely vegetable, hontaining no-' .0
calomel, mercury, et Mineral sub- p
stance of any kind. Hood's Pills
act Upon the stomach, liver, and alimentary
canal, and cure Liver Complaint, Constipation,
Nausea, Billotisness, Headache; Indigestion,.
Sour Stomach, Distress after Eating; Jaundice.
A cold inay be broken up and a fever prevented
by promptly taking Hood's Pills,
Hod's Pins
Are prepatred by 0, I. Flood & Co., Apothecaries,
Lowell, Mass. Price 25 cents per box. Sold by
alt druggists or sent by mail oti receipt of price.
Currys the largest and best
stock of Furniture and under-
taking goods in the County.
Stock complete in all lines. . ,
Night calls for undertaking will receive prompt
attention, by calling at my residence on Huron St.
(The promises lately vacated by Thos. Prior.)
The : a ..ionab 4
Cutter and.
As 1 am ,the only CUTT/.al
and I1'l fTE.Ct fat. town. whohaa
visited the largo cities in 'tl
'United $tater bits Spring Ian
therefore the best able to 'Y•9
you in'Vito Proper Style.
When you have bong}1;`r
the material for yoto.
Spring and Summer coat
come to measand get fitted
Before you buy yore l
Spring Suit, come up tel
my shop and get posit:
The Fashionable Cutter and Fitter.
C����91 DRAG Sz9A�
A complete stock of
Pure and ReIiable Drug"
PRIC/11 Smiles,
Or1Ii!t'8 slI1!CS
9t right and reasonable prices.
and Family Receipts
Carefully Prepared.
wmairs contiiti114 U..
the best in the market.
Has now in stock
��t��n and i�lint�r
West of England Suitings and "Trow
Scotch Tweed Suitings and Trouser
French and English Worsted Clo r
All made up in the Latest
Style, at best Hates.
Atkinson.'s Furniture Ware`
rooms is the cheapest and best
place in the County to buy Fur.
[an artificial gastric juice—formula on every label]
to any person suffering from stomach troubles, es-
pecially if taken at the first symptom of Indigestion,.
Which is usually Weight at the stomach, sometimes
attended by slight pale, and may folios' either a
wholesome or it heavy meal. At first, this feeling
soon passes away, and is only remembered hs a little
ae,ajiluesai , which, when repented, gradually • be
Comes mare pronounced, to the aierase'Susan is
new suggested the cathartic pill, bitters, or other
liquid purgatives, that will clear out the bowels. Stich
treatment as worse time useless t. it is positively hart.
fah The trouble is in the Stomach, the Vowelsare
responsible,and relief will only Come through
an intelligent reatment of the disorder within the
stomach. MALTOPl".'PSYN is the remedy for all
stomach troubles, Endorsed by, the best physicians
of England and Canada. Send a urs, in postage for
valuable pamphlet to: tlAZEN lstOl.SE,
IsranNATiONAi. 1lsiooE OsxMu0.
A first-class Bed -room Suite for only t O and g,every-
thinelse in comparison. x,11 goods n �, ii z �l z� tcecl io
be my own make, of first-class dry nnateria.l, nothing.
but best hard lumber used.
Lumber and Wood
Taken in exchange for Furniture.
Wire att1'Oss �
place � �
The only � co iia. town whereyou can 1 the
1 n buy h.
Patent Dominion Nickle-Plated Wire Mattress —war-
ranted not to rust.
t Iris()