HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1972-04-27, Page 27Town Council u
The dog bylaw for the Town•of
Ail Goderich has been reviewed and
updated by the council after
several weeks of study.
It provides the following:
1. (a) Every owner of a dog in the
Town of Goderich shall within one
111' month after becoming such
owner, cause such dog to be
forthwith returned to the
3. A dog which is found, whether
on or off the premises upon which
it is habitually kept and whether
,under or -not under the control of
any person, without a tag shall be
impounded; a dog so impounded
shall be field for a periodnof three
licensed rnthe Office of the Town ► ' cl' ear days and if not claimed and
released, to the owner thereof
withinsuch period of three clear
• days maybe killed or sold by the
Ahimal Control Officer as he may
deem fit, the selling price of any,
dog so sold to belong' to the
Municipality; a dog so impounded
shall not be released until the
owner thereof shall pay to the
-A i-rnal- ; Gen+roi-- Officer---- or
Treasurer a sum not exceeding
four ($4.00) plus the sum, ot two
dollars ($2.00) for each twe ty-
four hour period or part thereof
during which such dog has been
Clerk for the period which will
expire on -the lest day of
lbecember in the current year,
and shall thereafter annually on
4 or before the 28th day of February
each year cause such dog to be
again licensed for -one year from
the said 1st day of January. 'Every
owner shall pay the following
----- ..license fee-.._ , __. — .___. r. ......._
Fora male dog or spayed female
dog, $4.00; For each additional
male dog or spayed female dog,
$6.00; For a female dog, if only,
one is kept, 20.00; For each
additional female dog, $25.00.
(b) The owner of a klennd of
purebred dogs registered in the
register of The Canadian Kennel`
Club. Incorporated shall pay an
annual tax of twenty-five dollars
($25,.00)'to the Treasurer of the
Town of• Goderich.
2. (a) On payment of the license
f,ee referred to in (a) above, the
owner shall be furnished with a
dog tag for each 'dog 'so licensed.
(b) The owner shall keep such
tag securely fixed on the dog at all
times during the year and until he
procures a tag forthe following
,• ye• ar and no person 'other than the
owner of a dog shall remove the
tag from such dog. •
(c) The tag shall bear a serial
number and the year to which it
applies and a record shall he kept
by the municipality showing the
name and address of the owner,
and the serial number of the tag.
(d) No person shall' use a• tag
upon a Udog other' than that for
which It was issued.
(e) No license shall be
transferable and the license,
referred to in Section I shall
-tr expire and become void upon the
sale, death o.r ether disposition or
disposal'of the dog to which such
License relates and the tag
furnished for such dog sh411 he
Woman to Woman w
7. Don't require your child to' be
an extension of you.
'8:- Never tell them I' don't
believe you: "-
And there they are folks. Give
yourself a test—if you have
teenagers in your household. Ask
yourself.'How many of those'rules
1. Be firm but fair. do I keep? How many do I break?
2. Don't he cruel, by hitting Maybe they will help when you are
them all the time. in doubt. •
3. Teach them how . to make .+ + +
decisions. • • . Asrrlst of you knowby now, I'm
• 4. Have a united front. • an avid Exeter Times -Advocate
5. t f you •promise them reader. This week I clipped the
something, keep that„promise. most telling little verse .from the
6. ,Talk to them, not just when column written by the editor, Bill
they are little but always. They'll'” Batten. -'
leve you. Here it, is in aliVrlts truth:
My son.has trimmed 'his dangling
Has4cut them, let them fall;
And all because of what he termed
"The cruelest cut of all."
I'm glad he's past the long -hair
' state
' For though' I'm no conniver,
. It did me good to hear him called
"A crazy woman driver." -
nor until the owner
thereof shall have caused such
dog to be licensed by the Town of
Goderich; any dog sold by the
Animal Control Officer shall be
reported directly to the Tax
Collector of the Town of Goderich
to be licensed.
4. An owner -of a dog which has
been apprehended by the Ahimal
Control Officer must pay the
charges Lncu(`red' while such dog
is impounded.
'5. An owner whose dog has been
'apprehended by the Animal
Control Officer that has not been
`licensed by the town of 'Goderich
shall submit-preef=-el lieerrsing to
the Animal Control Officer before
such, dog is released from the
6. A penalty,of not less than four
Survey centre says
Iyelsw1II st�y
about same
As shown by the Lake Survey
Center Monthly Bulletin of 'Lake
Levels, the levels of the Great
Lakes for the coming boating
season are expected to differ very
little from those of last year.
Lakes Superior and Michigan -
Huron are expected to be about
one,irach below their 1971 levels,
while Lakes Ontario and Erie
should be about one inch above and,
Lake St, Clair two inches•above.
According to the six-month
forecast (provided bby. the Detroit
District of the Corps of
Engineers), all of the lakes should
be above both their long-term and
ten-year average levels, with the
exception of Lake Ontario. The
latter, though expected to remain
above its ten-year average for the
entire forecast period, should
remain .. above its long-term
average until June and , then fall
slightly below ,for the remainder
of the forecast period.
. The Bulletin shows that Lake
Continued from Page 2B
That's mighty fine advice from
a teenager;'wouldn't you say.
• +++'
• 'The teenager went on to 'give
eight rules for raising children
and avoiding problems wih your
teenagers. They are: •
Erie should reach•its peak about
mid-June;. Lake St• Clair about the
end of June; Lakes Michigan;
Hurbn and Ontario about ,mid-
July; 'an
July;'and Lake Supei'ior during
mid or late,' August. In the
meantime, according to the
Notice to Mariners dated March
.21, 1972, Colonel M.D. Snoke,
District Engineer of the Detroit,
District, Corps of Engineers, who
is authorized by law to do so, has
put a ten statute mile per 'hour
speed limit on the area ',from
Stag Island Upper Junction
Lighted Buoy to the international
boundary at St•. Clair Flats Light
13." Such a limit is set only when
the stage of Lake Huron into the
St.. Clair River exceeds two feet
above chart datum and it is
deemed necessary to protect life
and property.
The Monthly Bulletin (free on
request) is provided by the Lake
Survey Center, a component of the
Natioral Ocean Survey, part of the
Department of Commerce's
National Oceanic and
Atmospheric 4dm-inistra.tiora,.-.,it
shows in graph form the present
' lake' level's, highs arid' 'I 's of
.record„ ten-year and long-term
• averagre levels, and the six-month
,forecast of levels. Italso contains
the low water or chart datum for
each lake' - This is the arbitrary
plane to which depths on both U.S.
and Canadian, charts are
dollars (°$4,00) and not exceeding
ten dollars ($10.00) exclusive of
costs. is heriegy imposed upon
every person' who contravenes
any provision of this 'part and -
every such penalty 'shall be
recoverable under The Summary
Convictions Act.
11 For the purpose of this Part a
dog shall be deemed to be running
at large when found in a highway
or other public area and not under
the control of any person.
2. The running at large of dogs is
prohibited within the
og by-law
large contrary to • the visions oL
this •4'art may be seized and
impounded;,,a dog sp impounded'
.shall beheld fora period of three
days and if not claimed and
released to the owner thereof
within such period of three 'days
may then be destroyed or sold by
the Animal Control Officer as he
may deem fit, the selling price of
any dog so sold to belong to the
Municipality; a dog so impounded
shall not he released until the.
owner thereof` shall pay to the
Animal Control Officer ' or
Treasurer the sum of ($2.00f for
each twenty-four hour period or
part ther•eofduring Which th.e dog
has been impounded and, in
addition thereto, the sum of four
dollars_lS44,01)..ia th
nog impounded for a second or
subsequent time, the additional
sum of ten dollars ($10.00).
4. Female dogs in heat must be
confined in a, building isolated
from otherdogs and 'mist remain
there until such heat has ended.
5. It shall be lawful for the Mayor
of the Towne of Goderich at any
time to • direct that a dog be
destroyed if such a dog is found
running at large and -or such dog
cannot be apprehended by the
Animal Control Officer. •
6. A penalty of not more than fifty
dollars ($50.00) exclusive of cost
upon every pers-on who
case.-. -of-a.----.00nnria-v-ene any -pr -o i-sian of this
Part and every such penalty shall °
be recoverable under the,
Summary Convictions Act.
1. When a dog is known to have
bitten a person, the Medical
Officer of Health may order that
the dog be kept under supervised
quarantine for a period of 14 days
and the owner, if known-, shall be
held responsible for the cost of
such quarantine.,
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