HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1972-04-27, Page 20• Low-cost consulting assistance
for small Ontario companies will
be provided this summer by a
group of graduate business
students from the University of
Western Ontario • School of
Business, it was" announced by
Industry and Tourism Minister
John White recently.
This pilot project may result in
expanding this type of summer
student work activity to some-
Other schodls of business acrass
the province next year. ,
The pilot study was proposed by
the School of Business
Administration, University of
Western OntaTie. The project will
be under the general direction of
professor C.B. Johnston of the
University's School of Business.
McKinley hints
at sugar beet
Huron' MP Robert McKinley
said last Tuesday in' Ottawa he
understood consideration is being
given to building" a sugar beet
retinery in Southwestern Ontario
but continued interest depends on
a long range protective policy of
the federal government. _
He said an inquiry to
Agriculture Minister H. A. Olson
confirmed the rumor tint the
company has not been identified.
In the House of C`orn►nons the
Huron member asked if a long-
range policy was .being
considered' by government. He
was told only that the present •
policy was an improvement upon
that which existed when the
Canada and Dominion Sugar Cod
Ltd. closed its refinery in
Chath,a.r some years ago and the
sugar beet industry in
southwestern Ontario became
Later Mr. Olson explained that
while Canada continued to import.
•6free sugar"' from the world
market it has seta minimum of
$3..75 per hundred,pounds `for raw
cane. That price is nearly double
the price when C & D sugar closed
the Chatha-m plant.
Present retail prices of sugar
.:would make the industry
attractive to producer and
processor alike. but it would he •
unlikely either would. wish to
invest heavily in it without long-
.._,.._ __..
terrri "assurances:. To provide
these. it,would he necessary for
the government to enter long-
term. world agreements.
something it has not- done in the
past. There are many probl'erns
involved in Such a course,' the,
minister said, and it would affect
all industries. which use sugar.
Among these would be bakers,
food processors of all kinds and
beverage manufacturers. a.
The federal government has
subsidized the sugar beet
industry for many years, the
minister pointed out, and it was
not the grower who suffered from
low prices in the years prior -to
the C & D refinery shutdown at
Chatham. It was the refiner who
The Ministry will hire .ten.
Masters of Business
Administration students between
the first and second year of their
program at the University of
Western Ontario -selected and
supervised by a four -man faculty
board. ,The students will provide
the consulting service within a 75
mile radius of London for the
period May -August.
The board will comprise three
professors and a representative
from small business. Criteria for
selection - includes academic
felt it could not continue. . .
Subsidies that guarantee the
grower $15.9$ per ton for beets
with 121 per cent sugar content.
have continued to be paid to
growers in Quebec and Western
Canada, butit is unlikely it will be
necessary to subsidize 'the 1971
crop. The return to • growers is
expected'fo be above the
guaranteed minimum when final "
payment is made from sale of the
refined sugar.
The southwestern Ontario
Sugar Beet Growers Marketing
Association still exists and
members of the executive with
other interested groups recently;,
met members of the agriculture
. committee of the Liberal caucus' .
in Ottawa to present a brief urging
restoration of the industry in
their..a.rea_ Presentation, was not
made on the official level but
'subsequently the agriculture
minister -was made a+ a^re,,of,
to check outlets
o,iCe.Per year
qualifications, actual work
experience sand .0 functional
Mr. White saf°a that the
advantages and difficulties of the
program willbe nanlysed with a
view to broadening the service in
"lam confident that increased
understanding of small business
problems and establishment of
closer, more productive
relationships among .small
businessmen, schools of business
and the Ministry of Industry and
Tourism will result,'' he said.
Apart from providing
-assistance to small businesses,
the program wjil help
.univer•Sittes increase
understanding of the problems of
such businesses, and provide
case histories and research
material for "possible
development of courses in small
business and new enterprise
It will provide ' first-hand
experience for students 4 and
increase employment
opportunities for thein .consistent The pilot study—costing , an
with , their own professional estimated $30,000 -will include a
development. market audit and consulting plan
As spon as the regional°offices development to ascertain the
of his re -structured Ministry extent and nature of demand for
were staffed and in operation,. the service in Southwestern
said Mr. White, comprehensive Ontario.
data on the opportunities existing Students will have intrtductory
in the various regions would be • interviews , with , businessmen
available and future programs interested in the program. Later
started without delay. Further the student consultants and
support will be available from faculty board will meet to decide
other government. agencies such policy and organize the summer's
as the Ontario Research workload. Each student will be
Foundation. assigned over-all responsibility
for two or three firms.
"I must stress," said Mr.
White, "that this student group is
not intended as a source of free
labor for companies needing
conventional, part-time *summer
"I am concerned in idiproving
the profitability of small
businesses...the studerlts will
deal with those problems which
will lead to immediate as well as
long -run improvements - 'in
productivity and profits," he
6" WI DTH �� PER 100 FT.
,•• .9 .
3 R A
10" WIDTH $4900 PER 100 FT. ---
Or Arrange
For A
Farmers should check all their � dra'ins; However, it does occur to
tile systems at least two or three some extent, Mr. Sojak noted.'
times a . year. says M. Sojak.' These roots *die during or after-
engineering Division. Ridgetown the growing season. Dead' roots
College 'o_ f Agricultural may clogtileoutletsatthe rodent
Technologw, and: he emphasized gua-rdLLduringspring:runoff: These
that. -the most impo-Ltant - :guards should-- be cleared' to
ispectionis in the springtime". ensure proper operation.
The most important part of any Wash -ins or' blowouts in
tile dr'.ainage system is the outlet, drainage .-systems must be
In the -spring. flawing ice in the repaired immediately. If repairs
'-ainage ditch or ice and snow are delayed, a heavy rainfall
sliding down the ditch bank may could clog the system with- soil
have damaged or pulled out the from the point of damage to the
nutlet pipe. Surface water run-off
may erode the ditchbank and
°undermine the tile outlet. Rodent
guards may have ,pulled off\ or
rusted away. Any damage of this'
type must be repaired at once or
the situation will deteriorate.
says Mr. Sojak.
Ditches which have silted for a Airplane observations are 'an
long time should be clewed out to excellent way of detecting
alldw'free outlet for the drainage nonoperating lines in a 'system.
a s s to m. A ,s y s t e rrr with a Detailed plans of the system are
continually submergedQutlet will • extremely important, and, says
deposit silt tri the tile and reduce Mr. Sojak, aerial photos, even
its efficiency and life. with a; standard -camera' can be
Very few commercial . props , very helpful for comparison -with
.,,,.send their roots down into tile the plans.
A tile line that. is working can be
spotted by the narrow strip of dry
ground surface above it. If' the.
strip ends abruptly and it is known
the tire extends further, this may
indicate a blockage point.
Emergencies tob�-
Any interruption of service
which threatens to be of' an
extended nature, especially if it
imposes hardship on an ill or aged
person. -
Any equipment failure which
threatens a general breakdown of
the power system, including
generation, transmission • and
Ontario Hydro today asked its
11,700 -member employees' union
for agreement on what constitutes
an emergency situation in the
event of a strike. The'utility also
-requested a meeting .with. union
officers to discuss procedures
wherehjy striking,employees can
handle e!!nergencies. -
Racal 1000 of the Canadian
Union' of Public Employees
applied last month for
conciliation services. The union
is Currently taking a strike vote,
although it has said it will strike
only as a last resort.
Ina letter handed today to W.A.
Vincer, president of the CUPE Under normal operating
e local., Hyc ro•'s director of labour conditions, Hydro is convinced it
relations, Gordon McHenry, can maintain the power supply in
asked union to agree to the the event of a strike. "We have
following, definitions of about 1200* persons from our
emergency. situations: supervisory staff who can operate
' AtrY intertuption of service to the system and do essential
° hospitals.. sewage disposal maintenance." says Bill Polson,
punts. traffic lights or. other director of operations. „'But we
services. Which jeopardizes the prbbably can't give normal
safety or health of ttie gettieral service in the event of emergency
pulili. ` , repair's being required.'"
The union has already declared
its willingness to • maintain
service should negotiations break
down and walkouts occur. Its
c=ontract expired March 31. ,
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