HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1972-04-27, Page 160 ty r gOt.) SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, APRIL 27 1972 and BY MRS. WES BRADNOCK Avbvri MSI' • 4 a District New slate for 1972 The ° April meeting of the '• Auburn Women's" Institute began - with a oz'gasbord luncheon served at 1 last Tuesday afternoon in a Memorial Connmuntty,• Hall with Mrs. • Leonard Archambault in charge. Mrs. Kenneth McDougall, Mrs. Oliver Anderson, Mrs. Andrew. Kirkconnell, Mrs. Alfred Fry and. Mrs. Wilfred Sanderson were the committee in charge. ' A sing-s'ong was led by Mrs. Gordon Chamney. The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted as read by the secretary, Mrs. Donald Haines. She also presented the financial statement. . It was announced that the 'new flag has been given to the Town of • Auburn. Final plans' were made for the Huronview birthday party. It was announced thatthe blossom tea at Huronview •would•be held on 4, May 3. Plans were made, for the 50th anniversary to be held on. May 2. •Mrs. -Donald Haines and Mrs. Eleanor Bradnock were 'named conveners for the wedding dinner on June 3'. It was decided .to buy more juice and water glasses -for the hall. Reports were given for the year's work by Mrs Gordon Powell and Mrs Eldon -MacLennan for Agriculture and Canadian Industries. Mrs., ThomasLawlorand Mrs. Gordon • Naylor for Citizenship and • Education: Mrs: Lawrence ;'. Piaetzer and Mrs, Gordon Chamney,for Historical research , • and current events: Mrs. Thomas• Archambault: alternate district Mrs. Andrew, Kirkconnell gave the monthly and year report for Ow cards sent and replies. The roll call was answered by ' the paying of fees. Mrs. Gordon Taylor gave a summary of the Tweedsmuir book. Mrs. Leona rd Archarnbault read.,an address to Mrs. Tavlar thanking tier for` 27 years '.as curator for the book and Mrs Robert Phillips.. presented her with a life membership and pin in the Federated Women's Institute of Ontario. Mrs.. laylor, taken iy surprise, thanked everyone for bestowing this honor on her. A reading was given by Mrs. Kenneth McDougall. Prizes were presented to Mrs. Roy Daer, Mrs. Leonard Archambault, Mrs. Gordon Chamney, Mrs. Torrance Tabb, Mrs. Frank • Raithby and Mrs. William Elliott. Sha?on Glousher took up the collection. . The chairman of the nominating committee. Mrs. Robert Turner presented the slate for 1972 which were accepted as „prepared •by • Mrs. Turner, Mrs. Beth Lansing and Mrs. Thomas Lawlor. Mrs. Frank Raithby presided for the election of officers.. • The new officers are: past president, Mrs. ,Leona'"d Archambault: .president, ,MTS. Donald Cartwright: vice- president: Mrs". Thomas Haggitt: second vice-president, Mrs. Eldon MacLennan: secretary - treasurer. Mrs.'Donald Haines: assistant secretary -treasurer. Mrs. Gordon Chamney. District director. Mrs. L. Haggitt ,,and Mrs. Roy Daer for home econom ci s and health: Mrs. Torrance Tabb and Mrs Ed Davies for resolutions: Mrs: Eleanor Bradnock for Public Relations- . and Mrs. Gordon 'Taylor for the Tweedsmuir • History book. dire.ctor,; Mrs., Frank Raithby: visiting committee, Mrs. Roy ,Daer. Mrs. Robert Turner. Mrs. Gordon Naylor: card .convener. Mrs. Andrew Kirkconnell: pianist. Mrs. Robert Phillips. Mrs. Richard Brooks; "directors. Mrs. Robert Phillips. Mrs. H'arry MOTHER'S DAY SPECIALS AT BLANCHE'S Nbir Styling AUBURN 526-7595 . PERMS -$15°O FOR B T290 s 1 2 5o FOR • $1,0oo • N $10°9 FoR .$650 FOR THE-MONTH._OF MAY 526.7195 . Watson, Mrs. Bert Craig: telephone committee, Mrs.•• Ed. Davies, Mrs. Robert Phillips. Mrs. William Straughan: nominating committee, Mrs. Thomas Lawlor, Mrs. Beth Lansing, Mrs. Gordon Naylor: public relations officer, Mrs. EleanordBradnock. Standing committee conveners, Agriculture and . Canadian Indu"stries, Mrs, Eldon MacLennan,WMrs. Gordon Powell: citizenship and world affairs, Mrs. Gordon Naylor, Mrs. Thomas Lawlor; .education} and cultural affairs, Mrs. Kenneth McDougall, Mrs. Wilfred Sanderson; family and consumers affairs, Mrs. Roy Daer, Mrs. Thomas Haggitt; resolutions, Mrs. ' William Elliott, Mrs. William Empey; curator, Mrs. Gordon Taylor; Tweedsmuir book Committee, Mrs. Robert Phillips, Mrs, William. Straughan, Mrs. Eleanor Bradnock, Mrs. Oliver Anderson, Mrs. Thomas Haggitt and Mrs. William Clark. • Mrs. Donald Haines extended thanks to Mrs. Archambault for her leadership and the new president) spoke a few words before the meeting was closed. ENS ' 1 FMC CORPORATION Sporty new' engine runs cooler, Lasti. longer, packs more power! • Model 1556 15 hp PLUG-IN ATTACHMENTS .0DURABLE OVERHEAD VALVE ENGINE introducing the 1556, newest member of the Husky team. Powered by revolutionary 15 hp overhead valve • en. ine,�.Runs cooler, longer. , . more efficient perfomlance. Hydrostatic transmission lets you keep your bands on the wheel, change speed and direction with your foot. Back -saving hydraulic• tiff Is standard. 'Solid state ignition for dependable year `round starting. Teems up withover 301 ob-mindedattachments. Don't tette sporty look lOoi you ... under the hood, the 1556 is all business.. HeWildiog: Repair a i 412' 9980 Rig.* lErta CLINTON - . Auburn ladies host party at Huronview Over thirty residents of Huronview having ..birthdays in April were honored last Wednesday by the'Auburn Women:s- Institute: Mrs. Gordon Taylor and Mrs. Thomas Haggitt were in charge of the program and getting the gifts: - • - _. Mrs. Taylor led in a sing -song with Mrs. Donald Haines at the piano. Mrs: Richard Brooks played a piano instrumental. Ross Robinson played several mouth - organ selections accompanied by Mrs.. Haines, Readings were given by Mrs:Thamas Haggitt. Mrs. Taylor sang solos accompanying herself- on the ukulele, Happy birthday was sung and gifts •were' presented- Decorated cupcakes' were served to all and those having birthdays received cakes with tiny candles. Auburn Socials • • SoUcitorxpkiifl$ the procedure for SuIIy Park proposed plan town's solicitor. Dan Murphy spent most of the evening with Goderich Town council. Thursday -and his services were well utilized: First of all, Murphy was called upon to explain to council the • .step-by-step . procedures to follow with regarbd to the' proposed Sully Park. He said there were two decisions to be made -- whether to proceed at all with the project' and whether to close parts (*certain streets to permit the park as planned. Murphy explained that 'while any taxrpayer can make representation.; 'to counxil concerning their views about the proposed park, council has the . final decision in the Matter. • It is unlikely that' anyone could stop the project if council decided to proceed with it," said Murphy. "A citizen's only relief, would be to vote in a new council when the next election rolled round.'' Where closing streets ' is concerned. only people who can prove to Council and -or the Ontario Municipal • Board ingress or egress to and from their property"` has been blocked by the street closing. will have a case for stopping 'the action. • It was also. -made clear that before the final• reading of the bylaw to close parts of Wellesley Street and Cobourg Street three agreements_ will have to be drawn up ' and .• Mr..and Mrs.B: E: Nixon of .:. Mississauga spent' thew weekend -r with -her parents, Mr. and Mrs. • Ted Mills. • Mr. and Mrs. Duncan MacKay. Mr. and Mrs.- Thomas Johnston and Miss Laura Phillips were guests at a birthday party in honor of Mrs. Elsie Eustace on the occasion of her 80th birthday at the home o1- her daughter,, Mrs. John Weir acrd Mr. Weir, fi Mark - St., London. Mrs. Weir and her mother received the guests from Goderich, Clinton,' Auburn . and London. A social time was enjoyed by all and Mrs. Eustace displayed her many birthday gifts and cards: Dainty- refreshments and birthday cake were served.,. Mr. and Mrs: Wilson Armitage of. London visited last Monday with Mr. and •• Mrs. Robert Phillips. Robert. Armstrong is a patient in Clinton Public Hospital. • Mr. and Mrs• Ronald Rathwell,„,„„„„ , Michael and Janice of Chatham visited last Saturday with her mother, Mrs. Gordon Taylor. Mr:and Mrs. John Robinson of, Mississauga visited last Saturday . with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Phillips. Sympathy' is extended to Mrs. Raymond Redmond of Goderich on the sudden death of her husband on last Sunday morning. I ,,AL -WAYS LOVE TO REMEMBER I always love to remember, Those'sweet days of long' ago. When we walked down the road altogether, To the school by the side of the road. There were Verna, Grace and sweet Genevieve, Gordon, Wilmer and Tom. Elmer, Ella and Violet, Rata; Reg, and wee John. I arrays love to remember, The school lunch we carried 'each day, The chats that we had as we ate IL In my memory 'will ever stay. We had .games we played altogether, can recall every one. 1. always loge to remember, The 'earning, • the schooldays, the fun. by Celia ft. Taylor. .n• Auburn . approve.d by the Sully Foundation and, the Town of Goderich. They are the conveyance of that triangle or- property' bounded by Lighthouse. Cobourg and Wellesley Streets from Bilk' Sully to the'Town: the conveyance of part of Wellesley Street from the Town to Sully: and an agreement with the Sully Foundation for the-groposed park containing some guarantee to the Town that the project would be completed according to ,plans presented. Two public meetings are scheduled for the convenience of citizens who are interested. The first will be 'May 2 at 7:30 p m..in the small gyre at GDCI when the public is invited to voice opinions concerning the proposed Sully Park to Goderich Town Council: the .second Will be May 11 in the council 'chambers be -heard from those having cause with regard to the streets closing. The solicitor was also needed to settle a .minor dispute which arose in 'council. The question for Murphy was simple -in the case.of a tie vete in 'wh•ich the Mayor .has voted. is the motion lost? The matter which brought about the tie vote concerned a land severance in Goderich Township. A letter from th.e County of Huron asked for the Town's opinion on the severance which was being sought by Gordon Smith. The Public Works Committee - report recommended that the severance be • approved in' principle; but after some discussion around the council table Thursday evening. opposition to the severance was registered. " 1 As a result, a recorded vote of council showed that Reeve * . Paul •Carroll, Deputy -reeve Dave Gower, Councillor Elsa Haydon and y Mayor Harry Wprs II were opposed to the severance while Councillors Reg. Jewell, Stan Profit, Ed Giesbrecht and Frank Walkom were in favor. Councillor Deb Shewfelt was not present at the meeting. Murphy. the solicitor, ruled that in this case the motion to approve the, severance was liost. . The final matter for which Solicitor Murhpy's advice was sought concerned some proposed subdivisions in the municipality. This business • was conducted in "committee` of the whole" without the press in attendance. It is understood, however, • that council is particularly concerned that proper services to all lots are' provided by the town's subdividers,, and that all • precautions are being taken to insure this result. LADES -DAYS' at Goderkh Building Centre 40 NOTICE TO PEOPLE OF ALL AGES INCOLIORNE TOWNSHIP MEETING TO BE HELD AT TOWNSHIP HALL, CARLOW THURSDAY, MAY 4 1972 SUBJECT - PROMOTION OF CULTURAL EDUCATIONAL 0 PHYSICAL and SOCIAL ACTIVITIES For the pur't`fiose of appointing a Township Recreational • Committee and, organizing a Recreational Program for Colborne Township• , , SPORTS= ---and other COMMUNITY PROGRAMS The key to the success of this meeting rests in your participation, Wilmer Hardy L , ti• Clerk -Treasurer, Colborne Township. 44. ro• 1 PIJB+LIC NOTICE ENUMERATION 197.2 The Huron -Perth Assessment Office ' will be • commencing its annual Enumeration Programme in the Huron -Perth Assessment Region on May 1st. All enumerators involvedin this programme are vested with the authority to ask the necessary questions and each one carries an identification card. If any problems should arise, please call the Regional Assessment Office, Goderich, Zenith 66500. alb `Jelinek'Championship Catcher Full- size glove- in tan. -leather -with four.-. finger flex=action; -double-ply trap; raw- hide, lacing and nylon stitching. Left and right. crf�rl ;. (i) Daiwa '4300' Spin Reel Spring-loaded drag ad- . just. Fingertip anti-re.98 - verse. Smooth full -bail action. 255 yd. capacity. 1° (2) 'Daiwa '7270' Spin Reel Priced for the beginner! Smooth, quiet action. Full -bail pick-up. Anti - reverse. 100 yd. capacity. z • (3) Mermaid 'Zephyr' Spinning Rod . .98 . . -2-piece:_6 .! hollow fiberglass, 3 .plated guides and tip. tir MERMAID 'TRUECAST' SPINNING ROD -61/i ft. hollow fiberglass (4) 7 ft: "Mermaid' by. Hedd'on 5.. guides and tip. Pressure -formed fiberglass. `Permagloss' 2.98 winding for added beauty, strength and durability. JUNIOR GLOVE 3.q8 Cowhide palm and tan vinyl backed; nylon stitching; rawhide lac- ing. Left hand. (5) . 2 -piece -51/2 ft..Solid Glass Spin Rod Another favorite by `Mermaid'.- 3 chromed guides and tip. Fixed reel seat. Cork handle. Quality built by a famous maker! 3.49. >>„ (6) '-`Osman'• Spin -Cast Reel - Star drag. Carboloy pick-up. Thumb -release casting action,: 4# • TRAPPER 'WIT .95 Full -grain tan cowhide scoop.model with raw- hide lacing. Left or right .hand. q 4 -FINGER GLOVE (7) 'Imperial' Spin -Cast Rod 2 -piece hollow fiberglass, Cork grip. 4 plated line guides..,, 5.95 Q.98 (8) 'Range -Finder' Spin -Cast ,Reel Patented 'memory -log' for .45 . trolling / casting/still fishing. Get these Values to help you land the BIG ones! "Spalding" multi -flex- cowhide. Left, right. "EXPO" 4 -FINGER left • or right. '1.98 1 .44+. reagrle Choices! ' ixiow' BASEBALL CAP with 189 official insignia. Universal fit , : • . B. "EXPOS" BASEBALL BAt ...: 240. 1.49 junior size with offici*j insignia. 211" "Expos" 5N. -ootid ash , ... , 22i C. HESPELER No. 45 HARDBALL' BATIJ"' 75 -sizes 33 to 36" solid ash • . • .. , . • ` eof bs0 e.41.46 Sr small 13.t 2.75 O. SANDLOT HARDBALL----9'offitiat 7 tag. practice ball with rubber toyer . . Worthy, th s'" tfardboN i.M Wpm 12"':otlb4011 9. CHEST -HI RUBBER WADERS One -piece uppers and boots. 1495 Light brown. 7 -to 12 sizes. 10, MEPPS SPINNER SET `A 69 �.. 6 assorted lures; plastic box. 'i -• • 11, HIP -H1 FISHING BOOTS 1.99 Rubber. 6 to 12 sizes. , Pair 12. FISH STRINGER 8 snaps; 60" long. 1,29 13.-FISHERMAPi''S'VEST 9,45 Water -repellant, S, M, L. r 14. FILLETING KNIFE •6" staiiiless steel blade. 219 15. SINGLE CANTILEVER TACKLE BOX Seamless steel; tray with 5` sec- 3`69. tions. 13!4 x 6th x 41/2".high. 16.MOI► OFILAMENT LINE �7 to Mermaid brand. 6, 8, 10,15 or 20-1b. test. 100 -yards. 'a '.333 17. BAIT/MINNOW BUCKET Sturdy polystyrene. Construction; with lid. 8 -quart capacity .99 18.'S000P' LANbIN'G NET 24" handyA29; 18 x 18" net ' 19,,PLOATING BAIT BAG 13 x 18" collapsible wire; plitstic ^ 3 9 top. Less float. ;EXTiR'A! Cosh iii Corry BONUS COUPONSi DOMINIC FOX LTD, 221 Huron Road 6244121 OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY i i a 4 .aj