HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1972-04-27, Page 10citleqsi N44114. • THURSDAY, RR1i, ,27. 1O7 4 3„ -REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 3, REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 5. TOlRENT Evact.rr Lauckner rtEALTOR _ Resort property for -sa Bayfield $3,000 down. owner will carry mortgage, 3 bedrooms, 3 - piece "bath, livit room with fireplace kitchen and garage. Crest .Beach Lakefront;2 bedrooms up and 3 -piece bath. -sundeck, large lig ing room and fireplace kitchen and -powder room down. Lakefront Lots. (;OIfERl.4 H— Fvicellent condition, 3 bedroom brick, automatic gas . heat lig ing room. kitchen. inin ea, 4 - piece bath, b sem with 9 foot c ing t' m ly good Poco • on. P .900 which il.cl ir: tic Hasher_ and dt er•, hot water .as heater. stated -u eeter, store and refrigera or. Om ne rs leaving country . Other • furnishings available. '6 per cent - mortgage availahlp 4,41 Contact ADAM FLOWERS Box 41, Bayfield -Phone: 565-2813 A BAILEY I:\KTER-2 storey building on Main Street, formerly occupied. Good location. The 'upstairs is renovated and contains 3 bedrooms, large lig ing room, bath. kitOen, good closet space.-` a nd balcony „a;(.M,-rear. Idea1 for furniture store. restaurant, r•iety store etc. intek,este*d persons can retch us .4.1 1.c rr Bldg.. 476 Mani St Exeter or •hone 235-1863. —17-18 FOR SALE B't 'TENDER,. large two-storey brick house, near the Square, modern kitchen, 1 I baths. 44 Lighthouse Street, 'Goderich. Phone 524.8904 or 679- 1992.-15,16,17 BE_\.,L:'1'\ Salon in Lake 11rii'on's prettiest summer resort. e\ceptiona1 year round trade, established 42 y e;4ri . \djoining business to rent as barber shop or other business. three bedroom lig ing quarters, garage and lovely large lot. Term available, owner has other interests.. \k rite P.0;. Box 86, Ba, field. Ontario 'or Phone 565-2801.-17 FOR SA1,E or Rent—four • bed•room, ideally situated. oak floors, aluminum siding. 'fireplace. garage; recreation room,. wonderful kitchen,• lig ing room. etc. Appointment 524- ;586.-17 247586.-17 Real Estate 82 Albert Street Clinton • 4 BEDROOM Country home on two acres near Blyth with, modern conveniences. 'COTTAGE atPort Albert witll,all -conveniences and furnishings. Ideally located on Nine Mile' River. -...-- 100 Acre. farm in Goderich Township with 'good .house and small barn. Locat-ed on paved road. 7,2 Bedroom brick home in Blyth. nearly new,. Priced right. WELL located, well established Garage Business in Blyth. Showing excellent profit. Priced right with good terms. FOOD -FOR THOUGHT Success comes in cans. Failure in cannots. Contact Mason Bailey Office 482-9371 • Res. 523-8338— . 23-8338 _ —17 HAROLD' W. ,s REAL ESTATE BROKER S24-7272 s NEWGATE 5T GODEatCh NEW BRICK 3 -BEDROOM BUNGALOW Located on .the Bayfield Road there is a new three bedroom bungalow which has a large, bright living room, .dining area, spacious contemporary kitchen and four -piece • ceramic tiled bathroom with vanity. It is heated by gas forced -air furnace and has laundry tubs in the full basement. The interior is decorated with •best quality- paint - which is enhanced by the use of vinyl 'finished wallpaper in the dinette and bathroom: Living room floor is carpeted with best quality scroll nylon andmaster bedroom has wall to wall "Shag" on the floor. Easily purchased at $22,500, the down payment is only $1,800. Make the move to a new home today. GARDEN HOME— s THREE BEDROOMS This.family sized, three-bedroom FURNISHED cottage-- for sale. .Amerley Beach .on Huron~Shor.es Dr,. good consuPrction: panelled interior, -well treed lot. close to sandy beach. Phone .524-7739.- 17 524.7739.-17 1st -2nd MORTGAGE LOANS 24-HOUR SERVICE . • Mortgago Purchased' City.,andr outhwestern Ontari2 100 Percent Mortgage •Financing of Cottages' Free Accurate 'Informatic .y FARM -MORTGAGES Call Collect • 432-6337 • Mortgage Dept. .CHARLES DRAKE CORPORATION LTD. 227 Wharnclifie Rd. South • MEMBER OF THE OJA.B.A. 4. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED to buy. private buyer.. 2 or 3 bedroom house or cottage. Will pay cash. Phone 524-9045.— .17,, I& 24-9045.—_11 ,I& REAL ESTATE WANTED `=bedroom homes and small 3 - bedroom homes for cash buyer's now waiting. Now is ,your chance to move up to a larger home. Call for a free appraisal. • . HAROLD W. REAL ESTATE' BROKER 524.7272 IJ S NEWGATE, ST GODEr1ICh 5. TO RENT 0 TO RENT—$1.50 per day rents you an electric -rug shampooer, Removes spots, grease, -etc. Service. Electric, ' phone 524- 8581. -- 41 tf FORMAL RENTALS ' for . all occasions. Pickett & Campbell Ltd., Clinton and Goderichs-7tfn THREE bedrooms and den, -,two storey home, excellent location, '$125,00 a monti. Phone 524- 8480.-14tf TWO bedroom house, remodelled kitchen, carpets throughout, ,corner Raglan and MacDonald home with four -piece ceramic Streets.'Aailable immediately. tiled bathroom has a large, Phone 236-4230 or 524 7980, broadloomed living room, dining 16,17 area, .modern kitchen,full basement and. electric heatin F O1%R room apartment includes This home is only one year old, sunporch. Private entrance and has a completely fenced yard and yard. Ideal for a responsible paved drive way. Down payment is only $1,995 and monthly payments are -$15b---Which includes principal). interest;-a.nd,taxes, A lower down payment can- be arranged 'with slightly higher monthly payment. COUNTRY STORE NEAR GODERICH Selling a complete lineof groceries, treats and gas and oil products, this store is located in a '-frame building whiche has living accommodation and four bedrooms ' for proprietor. Located on, 14ighwiy 21, in the heart Of the tourist area it has a steady year round trade and is eespCiailly busy `during - tourist season. COMplete information .availabte.{korn this broker. '• Some' tering available. -12tf adult. Phone 524-9079.-17x TWO bedroom house for ,rent. Available May 15. Phone 524-6522 bet een 6'\and 7 p.m. -17x i4 T large bed r pi apartment, lar'ge living room,: kitchen, new three piece bath, lots of closet and storage 'space, completely redecorated. $115.00 monthly, heat included, available immediately. Phone 524-7,014,- 17 -SIGNAL-STAR 13EDSITTING Rocim and kitchen, fully furnished. Miss Mary B. Howell: 12 St. Vincent St. Phone 524.8642. — 17tf - 75 acres for cash cropontiwy.21;' 3 miles north of Goderich•. Contact Harry Chisholm, 'R ,R .6, Goderich. Phone 524-6372 or 524- 6462. —17 TWO bedroom, modern apartment, igimediate possession. Phone 524-8480, — 17tf I'1'RNISHFD one bedroom upper apartment, newly decorated. available May 1st. Phone • 524- 8416.-17-18 PASTURE and water for 'eight to ten cattle. Phone 524-6381.-17 LARGE livingr•oom,- large kitchen, bathroom, two bedrooms; heat and hydro,- very reasonable, located in Saltford, $75,00, ailaple May lst. Phone 524-7014.-17 6. WANTED TO RENT UNFURNISHED apartment. with stove and fridge for immediate' occupancy. if possible. References on request-. Phone Coll,e, t Sarnia 336-9380 between '10 a.m. and 6 p.m. Monday through Saturday. -17 8. HELP WANTED - AGE IS NO -PROBLEM MANY of O.A:A.'s'top enrollers and commission earners are maturepeople whoare well on the way to retirement'or are 'retired. This is part or full-time dignified work for those of all ages. For information without obligation apply to: Charlie Lee, -22 Alfred Street'. %Ingham, phone . 35,5- , .1383.:--15,16,17 5.5- .1383.-15,16,17 HURON -PERTH _ASSESSMENT OFFICE requ i res "a SECRETARY 3 ($104.50 "to $122.00 per week) The position is that of Secretary' to the Asse.ssmetlit Commissioner. The duties will encompass all the functions common to a secretarial position, Such as, taking dictation by shorthand and dictaphone, typing a variety of material, opening mail, answering telephone, making : travel arrangements, maintaining a filing system, etc. The subcessful candidate should have a high school education and have successfully passed the Civil Service typing and shorthand tests. In addition, --she should have at least 3 years' typing •or stenographic experience, with at least one year as a secretary. Applicants with an equivalent , combination of experience and 'education will be considered. Please apply in writing, stating qualifications and experience to: B. ,G. Eastwood Assessment Commissioner 57 Napier Street P.O. Box 190 Goderich, •Ontario 8. HELP WANTED PART TIME model required for student photographer. Please apply Box 47, Signal -Star. -1P7 RELIA13;LE,,baby sitter required fora 21'2 year old girl from 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., 5 days per, 'week Monday to Friday; in your own-, home. Preferably ,in Robertson Memorial School area. Phone ,524.8101 after 6 week days. - 17 -19 - WANTED to Buy—Two Universal Milker units, stainless 'steel, floor type. Phone 523-9388. --17 Rt'IRED by May 15th, PART TIME SWITCH'BOAR'D' OPERATOR—RECEPTIONIST. Apply' to Business Manager at - Alexandra Marine and General lifspidal. —17 10. WANTED (General) 'WANTED to Buy --Manchester Terrier pup. Phone 524-6434.- 17 COMPLETE household effects or small lots wanted,, Call C & E Furniture, 524-7231. --tf WANTED—Girl's bicycle, reasonable, good condition. 26" or 28" wheel. Phone 524 -6584.- 17x 24 -6584.-17x • WANTED man's bicycle. Phone 524-865,8. —17x 12. TENDERS WANTED TENDERS will be received by the undersigned•until6p.m. Tuesday, May 2nd,.1972 , , For supplying and installing a deep well pressure pumping system and erecting a pump house' at Huron Sands 4trb division, Twp. of Ashfield. Plans and specifications may be seen at, Clerk's office. Lowest or any tender no't necessarily accepted. - Donald M. Simpson . •-R;R:'3 Gnderich.. - —16,17 FOR,SA,LE BY TENDER— Residences of the Late Thomas Dougherty. Sealed tenders. plainly marked as to contents, will be accepted until 4:00 P.M., Monday, May 8th.' 1972,.at the office of Prest and Egener, 33 Montreal Street, Goderich, Ontario, Solicitors for the Estate for: — . Residence and vacant lot situated in the Town of Goderich: on the North side of Nelson Streret. West, and running through to the South side of Bruce Street, West. and being all of 'Lots 1444 and 1445. • Plan 22, and known as Municipal Number 46 Nelson Street. West, Approximate ' Dimensions:— East-West imensions:—East-West frontage on Nelson and Bruce Streets -50 feet North- South depth -208.9 feet. TERMS:—Ten (10 per cent) per 'cent'by,certified cheque•attime of acceptance of tender. and balance incash within thirty (30) days. Highest or any tender ' not' necessarily.accepted. • Inspection by Appointment with ' Executor of Estate, ' Mr. Howard Young, $5 Albert Street, North, Listowel, Ontario, Telephone ' 511-291-17,53.-17- - • 18 14. SERVICES AVAILABLE ARPFT, upholstery shampooing d walk cleaning, wallpaper removal, in your home or place of business. Phone Lamont's Cleaning, . - 396 —‘3295, Kincardine. — 4tf .NEW CANADIAN COMPANY• Opening in this area requires three levels of personnel immediately: - Management personnel Organizing personnel • Salesmen , Full and part time positions available in all levels. Full training supplied. Please phone 524=7337 after, 12 noon- on Friday for Mr.,Lance Rieger. 0 13. AUCTION SALE CLEARING AUCTION SALE of livestock, machinery, feed, household effects and antiques will be held fctr -Thomas'Siew'art, lot 32, concession 14, Culross Top nship, 8 miles north of l,uc•know and 21.: miles east or 5 miles north of Teeswater and 31'_ miles west on Concession 14, Culross Township on Saturday, May 6 at 1 p.m.' Full list in May 4 paper. Terms cash, ,farmsold. Auctioneers' Grant McDonald, Riploey^ 395-5353 and Wallace Ballagh;' Teeswater 39:4-6170.- 17 9286170.- 17, ATHWELL'S II*, SERVICES, AVAILABLE W11114 do ironing, Mending and; alterations, Phoint 2,1-7695, 16,17 • ANDY'S, Refrigeration - and - Appliance Service, - 24-hour emergency. service. Repairs to all makes, all work guaranteed. Phone 357.3484 Wingham. --16 to 25x - FOR your Antenna Sales and SSentice contact Alvin's TV, 1,62 Mary Street, phone 524-9089. — tf' • 'r G.• J. CARP ENTLRY & MAINTENANCE, Gary Johnston, carpentry work, small remodelling or repair jobs, miscellaneous odd fobs. Reasonable ' rates. Phone ' 524-4 7789 after 5:30 p•. n1. — 30tf • ° EAVESTROUGHI G' aluminum or galvanized, .esrotos without obligation. Phone 357=10'77, R, E. Ruttan, R.R.2, Wingham.-12-48 AUCTIONEERS & APPRAISERS ORUCEFIELO, ONTARIO LIQUIDATIONS OF ALL TYPES • BANKRUPTCY • ESTATES • ANTIQUES * FARM * REAL. ESTATE * BUSINESS Licensed and Bonded ONTARIO WIDE INVENTORY & SALES PREPARATION SERVICES OFFERED' Bruce 23 - ESTATE AUCTION At 72 Princess St. Clinton on Saturday, April 29, -at 1:15 P.M. „ PROPERTY: Lot 244, 72 Princess St., Clinton. One storey, 6 room frame house, woodshed, half basement and gas furnace. Lot 821.2 x 132.'. No'modern facilities. ,JEWELERY STORE CONVENTS: Grandfather style clock; Seth Thomas clock; kitchen clocks; mantel clocks; cash register; 2 glass showcases; 2 desks; dominion safe; Smith. Corona• typewriter; small quantity of stock. HHOUSEHOLD FURNITURE & ANTIQUES: Rogers ,Majestic 23” TV; Rotor & 25' tower; Imp„ °tar gas range; Westinghouse - refrigerator; Maytag wringer washer; extension. table & 6 matching chairs; Columbia gramo-phone & records; antique' kitchen cupboard; odd chairs & table; rocking chairs; dresser & matching washstand; wood & steel beds,; Verica vacuum cleaner•; Necchi portable sewing machine; pictures & frames; glass & china, silverware. & ornaments; quantity of jars Including 3 beaver jars. L'AWN,a&'GARDEN EQUIPMENT: Int. 7 Hpe riding lawn mower; 6 Hp, riding mower; Toro 910 .riding mower; 5 Hp, Toro riding mower; 42. Mustang riding rrlowet-s;'3' hrnmebttilt riding mowers with 5 •Hp. motors; 2 Briggs & Stratton power mowers; large assortment 'of lawn mower parts and accessories; 4 (new) 7 Hp: 2 cycle' engines; 3 (new) .5 Hp. 2 cycle engines; 4 (new) electric start kits•; 2.5 Hp. ,garden tillers (1 new); 7 Hp. Yardman snow blower (new); mini -bike edger mower. SHOP TOOLS: Portable air compressor (new); drill press; small lathe & emery; hand tools & garden tools; etc. Terms—Cash No Reserve • Proprietor - ' Estate of the late Alvin Vod'den RATH.WELL'S AUCTION SERVICE' Brucefield 482-3120 PART-TIME TYPIST R.E Q:UIR E D- Must be able to type,60 words per minute on blind keyboard. For -'interview and speed test contact Lloyd Lounsbury, GoderichSignal-Star, 37 West Street, 524- 8331. - 1 .16,17b HULLY GULLY' HERDDISPERSAL AND MACHINERY AUCTION Consisting 61 head of -dairy cattle, 3 tractors, self-propelled combine'and a complete I ine of ti4lage equipment at Lot 9 and 10, Concession 5, 'Stanley Township, 11/a miles south of 'Brucefield and 21/2 miles west. , . - WEDNESDAY, MAY. 3 at 1:30 P.M. LIVESTOCK:selling at 3:00 P.M. sharp -25 head of Holstein cows and heifer -15 cows in full production, 4 due, safe time, balance due in. the sum'rtner months; '6 first calf holstein heifers dui in Mav and June (2 registered), 14 Holstein heifer .calves from 2 to 8 months old. 10 Guernsey cows and heifers— 4 in full production, 6 due sale time and through the summer months, 6 Guernsey calves 1 monthto 1 yr. old sired by Noble K ing. Note: This is an excellent offering of high griade dairy cattle bred to Unit sires. Anyone interested in expanding milk production should plan to atfend. DAIRY EQUIPMENT:8 can spray cooler, double stainless steel wash sinks, 45 milk cans. SHETLAND PONY. ' • TRUCK:1964 For"d t/2 ton, TRACTORS AND COMBINE: 570 Super Cockshutt diesel fully equippedwith rice tires; 990 David Brown fully equipped c -w Freeman loader; 99Q David Brown fully equipped (both David Browns recently recd'nditioned); 660 Self-propelled Case combine c -w cab, 10' header, innus, pickup (new), straw Chopper', and 2 row corn head.' MACHINERY: 111/2' Int. wheel disc; 13''Kongskilde cultivator with leveling harrows; 4row 494AlJ.D. c,orn and bean planter; Case 16 run grain & 'fertilizer drill; Cockshutt 3'furrow 16" trip beam ful ly mounted ploW; J.D. 4 section rotary hoe; 12 ton wagonwith400 bu. grain box; 2-.M. 200 bu. gravity boxes with 7 ton New -Holland wagons; 17' long Machinery float c -w winch & tilt frame., • MISC. EQUIPMENT: 32' bale elevator; 3 Pt, H. scraperMade; • 3 Pt, H. weed sprayer.; 4" grain auger;, 3 'Pow cuctinber picker; Champion snow blower; Tripod cattle oiler; quantity of wood and steel posts. Terms -Cash - Lunch Available' ' Farrn. Rented Proprietor—Randy Collins RATHWELL'S a AUCTION SERVICE Rrucetietd 482.3120 c' h a 1'b a,; 13. AUCTION SALE ''AUC'TION SALE of llea.vy Equipment, Crawler Loaders Backhoe and -pump__ Trucks, Several " Farm Truekr with hoists, plus several Farm Tractors and Machinery; also 3 Railroad Cabooses will be held for Met Jermyn at the No. 4 Highway Farm, 31/2 miles south of Wingham or 11;4 miles north of Belgrave on Saturday, April 29 at 12:30 CONTRACTOR' EQUIPMENT: International T.D.14 142 crawlet' 1'oader wi "h Drott,.4 • in 1 bucket also wiff h, international T.D.14-, 141 crawler with Drott 21/2 yd. loader; International' T.D.9 crawler with,Ilrott 11/2 yd. loader; 'ase- Con>•truction. King - diesel !tractor loader backhoe; & yd, -cement mixer, power take -off drive; White tandem truck with London mixer mounted; 'Mercury diesel truck and 50 ton King float; Ford 750. tractor With 5th wheel .and saddle tank. GRAVEL TRUCKS: 1965 G.M.C. tandem 12 yd. box and hoist; 1962 I.H.C. single axle 7 yd. dump truck; -1960 I.H.C. < single .axle 7 yd. dump truck; 1958 Ford with 6 yd. box; Several long wheelbase trucks with hoists; 1967 I.H.C. high racks and hoist; 1965 Fargo 12 ft. platform and hoist; 1962 Dodge 14 ft. stockrack and hoist; • 1961 Chev 1'2 ton truck; 1959 — 980 Chev., grain box and hoist; 1960 I.H.C. with racks and hoist; 14 ft. platform and hoist; 171'2 ft. platform, all steel, nearly new; 12 ft. stock rack for truck. FARM TRACTORS -and MACHINERY; Cockshutt 1450 diesel (power s'teering); Case 530 diesel (power•steering); Case 400 gas with "Freeman loader; David Brown 990' with loader, used 1 year; Allis Chalmers B tractor Several small .Ford tractors, some with loaders; John Deere 4 'row planter; Case 14 ft. cultivator; Post hole auger, drill press; Tractor blade; Cardinal' single chain elevator; Seed drill, manure spreader; Field sprayer: Several steel tanks, 200 to 400 gal.; tractor pulleys,. winch and cable, etc. Auctioneer or Proprietor not responsible for accidents con•nected with, the sale 14, SERVICES 1VAILA,E 0E PJOBS Wi11 rake'l3wn$, cut grass, storm windows removed. ° sereens installed, ;,,,trucking. moving nd.garden,s tilled, Ph l.e. 524,6973 or 524-7989.-17-18 WORK wanted for Buckeye tiling machine during summer and fall. Phone Seaforth 527.0984. —17- 19— 21x 17- 19 -21x ACE RAIMO' and TV ' Service, - Frank Wilcox,, 60`Picton St. W., Goderich, Ont. Phone 524-7771, 40tf ' • ft GODERiCH TAXi Taxi Stand At4 Lionel's Sunoco Service Station 87 Victoria St. • 524-6594 4, BiII Swan, Prop. tN Sewing Machines SERVICED & SOLD ALEX REED • 197 Bayfield Rd.r Goderich' 5 2 4-8 4.65 SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED , MODERN EQUIPMENT WORK GUARANTEE[ Write or Phone ' ' Harvey -Dale, Clinton PHONE. 482-3320 13tf TRI -TOWN BOOKKEEPING SERVICE Income Tax - Record Terms Cash Except on Preparation - Business - Farm - Contractor Equipment and some Individual Returns LAWRENCE13RANE Brucefield Phone 482-9260 1-17b large items. Terms made known ' day of 'sale. . Mel..Jermyn, Proprietor Phone 887-9493 Brian Rintoul, Auctioneer; Whitechurch; Phone 357-2349.. —17b 14. SERVICES AVAILABLE RUSTPROOF Let us do a complete job on that ,new or ,late model car. Well worth the reasonable investment. See us at ROUSE AUTO ELECTRIC' NM in in LAMB'S DELIVERY MOVING .- HAULING Phone 524-9.657► GRAHAM ELECTRIC ,Complete Electrical Service . Resideptial — Commercial -- Industrial 155 Keays Street Phone 524-8670 Goderich, Ontario.-- ,- t. _ ......_..7t1' .. American Motors /I Buyer Protection Plan t's standard equipment on the .Sportabout. N�rthArnerjca's only compact -sized (108 inch wheelbase) station wagon. — When you buy a better station wagon, you should get a better guarantee, With American Motors Buyer Protection Plan you can' drive your 1972 Sportabout for 1 year or '12;000 miles whichever cordes first, and if anything goes wrong and it's our fault, we'll fix it free. . Take 'a Sportabout out for a. spin, today. It does more than you'd ever expect it to. Just like our new cal' guarantee, • It works. Because our cars work better. 'USED CAR .FEATURE BUY 71 ORkMLIN, only 7,000 miles, ,6 cylinder, automatic, , radio. Serial No. E260322. JEEP—AMBASSADQR—JAVELIN....AMX MATADOR—HORNET—GREMLIN FIN SERVICE Goderich 124-9411 • GRAF'S- 268 Bayfield Road • Gord. Munroe John Graf _..1' 1' a 0 tl 41