HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1893-8-10, Page 5'nisi
Nl11tYNf i1 A?lb aro it not
y eatery that etre the worst eases) of
Nervous Debility Lost Vigor andEE
Veiling Manhood; restores the
b .. V _ wetikness of body or mind caused,
by oFer.work, or the errors or ex-
66: Attgo,n. ,+:aa erases of youth. This Remedy ab•
whitely cures the most obstinate casae whoa an other
'Ti 11tuArbl0N'rs have tailed even to relieve, Bold by drug.
Vote at 01 per p)wlcxge, Or six for $5, or sent by roan on
receipt o; Drive by adtiressing'rlil, IAMD$ MDDIO11114
4704 Terence. Ont, Write for pamphlet solo in—
E!or Salo in Exeter 43' J'. W. Ii:rowriln.
A young son of John Northeut, aged
• 'fourteen nears, was drowned at Lake -
field Monday afternoon. It is supposed
be fell off the railway dock,.
Dear Sire, I was greatly troubled
'with weakness, loss of appetite, rest-
lessness, sleeplessness, and found B:13,B.
the most strengthening and beneficial
medicine I have taken.
Miss Heaslip,
84 Huntley St., Toroutc, Ont.
At Penctanguishene yesterday Mr,
Ju>:tice Rose gave judgment extending
until September 16 the injunction pre-
venting the city from draining into
Ashbridge's Bay,
Their gentle action and good effect
on the system really make thein a per-
fect little pill. They please those who
use them. Carter's Little Liver Pills
Amey well be termed "Perfection,"
In,popularity increasing. In relia-
bility the standard. In merit the first
In fact, the best remedy for all sum-
mer complaints, diarrhoea, dysentery,
cramps, colic, cholera infantum, etc.,
is Dr, Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw-
berry. All medicine dealers sell it.
The directors of the World's Fair
have been fined $1,000 apiece for con-
tempt of court in closing the gates of
the fair on Sunday, July 23, in violat-
ion of an injunction of -the Supreme
Court ordering the gates to remain
When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria.
When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria,
When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria,
When she had Cixillren, she gave them Castoria.
fls y Ilevo Been Pluu1exiug tho 14011L
Island Coat -.-Hot Pureult.
$ATBROOK, Conn,, Aug. 8. —.Deputy
Sheriff Knowlton, of Three Mile Hambor,
La, witWitha posteof four armed Men, 18
cruising in this vicinity iu search of a
gang of pirates that have been eolnmitting
serious depredations along the Long Is-
land shore. `T h.e'pirates travel in a swift -
sailing yaobt of about fifteen tons burden;
Last Wednesday evening, about desk, the
ol•aft was seen off CQcoles Harbor, near
Shelter Island. That night two yachts
lying at anchor there were stripped of
their rigging, sails, cables, anchors and
everything movable: The pirates then
sailed across Gerdiner's Bay to Three Mile.
Harbor, . where they stole over )9600 worth
of fishing . nets, rigging and, anchors, as
well as other property along the shore.
A, few days before they visited farms
along the Sound and robbed barns and
chicken roosts. It is estimated that they
got away with about $1,500 worth of pro-
perty in the vicinity.
The thieves are desperate characters,
and on several occasions have tureatened.
the lives of Long Island tanners. A few
days ago they drove a Long Beach farrier
and his family into the house with revolv-
ers wlaile they robbed the hennery.
Aside from the claims of the hotels
and boarding houses in Montreal who
failed to receive expected lodgers, the
:shortage in connection with the Y.P.S.
.E. convention will be about 83,500.
.should be given Dr. Low's Worm
Syrup. It' regulates the system and
removes worms.
'R. T. Rokeby, ex -Manager of the
, on: 'ercial Bank of Manitoba, who is
now in Chicago, says that his actions
will be justified, when the charges
against him reach the courts.
Is at Sambro, N.S., whence Mr. R E.
Hartt, writes as follows:—"Without a
.doubt 3urdoek Brood Bitters has done
me a lot of good, I was sick and weak
and had no appetite. but B.B B. made
me feel smart and strong. Were its
virtues more widely known more lives
would be saved,
The body of an unknown man was
found in Niagara Riyer under the up-
per suspension bridge yesterday. It is
thought to be that of a young man
named Shaw of Queenston.
If you had taken two of Carter's
Little Liver Pills before retiring you
would nut have that coated tongue
or bad taste in the mouth this morn-
ing'. Keep a vial with you for occas-
ional use.
Edward McDonald, aged 14, a stud-
ent at D'Assumption College, Sand-
wich, was drowned at that town while
in swimming. His relatives live in
Galveston, Texas,
All who have the care of children
should know that Dr. Fowler's Extract
of Wild Strawberry may be confident-
ly depended upon to cure all summer
complaints, diarrhoea, dysentery,
.cramps, co,ic, cholera infanturn, chol-
era morbus, canker, etc., in children or
George Steersla well-known resident
of Strateroy, committed suicide yes`er-
day morning by hanging; himself with
n, piece of clothes -line.
Tile Great Englisii Prescription.
successful Medicine used over
30 years in thousands of cases lr
t , Cures Sperntatorrhea, Nervous
Weakness, Emissions, Impotency • \a
and all diseases caused by abuse.''
Daintor&E] indiscretion. or over-exertion. (AFTEm)
Six packages Guaranteed to Cure when all others
Fail. Ask your Druggist for The Great English
Prescription, take no substitute. One package
/Eureka'che by nical1Co.,Detroit, ADial.
Sensational Storyfrom Sun Salvador—
Seventeen Robbers Shot.
NEW Pontic, Aug, 8.—A rich. coffee
planter of Salvador arrived here on the
Panama steamer yesterday and told a son-
sational story of robbery by brigands at
his coffee plantation, sixty miles from San
Salvador. A band of 150 brigands in June
swooped down on the place, and after
binding and beating Salaveria and his aged
wife, secured 20,000 in coin. This money
had been provided to pay the coffee pick-
ers. The robbers also stripped the house
of jewelry worth see-eral thousand dollars.
Salaveria tracked them to their retreat in
the mountains and warned the Govern-
ment, which promptly despatched troops.
All the mountain passes were guarded and
then the hunt began. When Salaveria
left Salvador seventeen robbers had been
caught and after a brief trial s`sot.
Delius of the Virgin's itiuttier.
NEW Yome, Aug. 8.—Mgr. Marquis, of
Quebec, who arrived yesterday on the
French steamer La Champagne, brought
with him a part of the retrains of St.
Anna, the mother of the Virgin Mary.
The relic coupes from the Basilica of Ant,
'in the Province of Avignon. Father Tet-
reau, of the little French church of St.
John Baptiste, in Beet 70th street, met
Mgr. Marquis at the pier and took to his
church the silver bound glass jar contain-
ing the relic which is ah'ut six inches
long. Mgr. Marquis and Father Tetreau
are friends and when the monsignor start-
ed for Boma Father fetreau asked him to
go to the Archbishop of Avignon and in-
tercede for a part of the saint's body.
In the case of Galt against Goudv et
tl.•charged with throwing the stones
wnich crushed in the sk till of a girl
named Knight, the defendants were
yesterday acquitted.
YOU: VL OULD NOT have. bad <
throbbing headache had you takers a
Burdock Pill last night.
Three additional tines were imposed
at Tilsonburg yesterday in connection
with the illicit sale of liquor at the
1aee meeting in that town.
Dear Sirs, -About three years ago 3
was trotrhh'd with dyspepsia in its
worst form, neither food nor medicine
would stay on my stomach, and it
seemed irnpossible to get relief. Fin-
ally I took one bottle of 13 $.B, and one
box of Burdock Pills, and they cured
me completely.Mrs, 8.13. Smith,
Einlsdalt', (Jilt.
11 A. Seaton df Montreal, made the
aVquaintanbl of two men in H3ami'ton,
who, after a' cotiple bf hours' amt ee-
inent, fobbed hire of $110,
Plso's aomecry for Catarrh is the :$
Veret„1`asieet to (Me,and Ulm pest.
9 , h..•
bold by druggists or sent by )mail,
tire, it T. Eaten -Ma Warren, Pao'
Doctors W'en't Gro tN )tone.
NEw Yomc, Aug. 8. -The secretary
general of the eleventh International Medi-
cal Congress, which was to have been held
in Rome on September 24, cables from
Genoa that the congress has been post-
poned to April, 1804. Dr. A. Jacobi,
chairman of the American National Com-
mittee, desires both the regular and medi-
cal press to give this official information,
which ought to reach immediately those
who intend to visit the congress.
Tramps Take a Train.
LIMA, 0., Aug. 8.—Last night the train
eastbound on the Pittsburg, Fort Wayne
and Chicago railroad was boarded by 50
tramps at Delphos, fifteen miles west of
this city. They swarmed through the
train and terrorized the crew and passeng-
ers. Telegrams were sent to the police in
this city. when the train pulled in here
the tramps jumped off and took to their
heels. A number were arrested, but part
of the gang escaped to the woods.
Neruitz Discharged,
Carc .uo, Aug. 8.—II. B. Nemitz, ac-
cused by the Swiss Commissioner of the
World's Fair of having embezzled a large
amount of jewelry of the Geneva exhibi-
tors, was discharged by Justice Porter
yesterday. Consul Holinger, the com-
plainant, signified his willingness to dis-
continue the prosecution.
Two Toddlers Fall to Death.
NEw YORE, Aug,—Bartholomew and
Thomas Crimmins, the two little sons of
Patrick Crimmins, fell fifty feet from a
window to the stone pavement yesterday.
Both were killed.
Stinger's :Mishap.
CHICAGO, Aug. S,—Walter Sanger, the
Milwaukee bicycle, rider, sustained a bad
fall in a raps at the L. A W. meet here
yesterday. He will be unable to race again
until Friday.
He Wrote for Boys and Girls.
new YORK, Aug. S,—Alfred Butler
Storey, editor of Harper's Young People,
died last night of,typhoid fever:
Earamanla's Passengers Well.
NEW Yomt, Aug. 8. ---The steamer Kara -
mania's passengers, now on Hoffman Is-
land, continue well, and all on board the
Kararnania are well.
F ,A;y s
They ore nota vrer-
a d ereevery-
,pry 14004.
aches. :taw' them, it
uHll cost but 21% centr.
for a boa: and. they a.^11
They are net a Cathartic.
AN Or,n AEP yirer ur.ir l' aftr A Iaiilt laps --Mrs.
Winstow's Soothing Syrup has 'Wen used
for over fif•tyyearsminions of mothers,
for their children while teething, with per-
fect sniieoas. It soothes the ehtld, softens
the gums, allays all pain, cures wind 00110,
and is tho boot remedy for Diarrhoea• is
pleasant to the taste. Sola by frog gists - in
every part ofthe World, Twenty-five cents
a bottle. Its value is ixuraloulablo. Be sure.
tend asst for Mrs. Winslow's eootlhing Syrup,
and. take no other kind
Sharpshooters Take Possession of the
Town and Barer.
SAIGON, Aug: 9.—Two hundred and fifty
French sharpshooters and marines have
left this place en route to Chantibun, the
town near the Gulf of Siam, which the
French are to occupy temporarily, in ac-
cordance with the terms of the supplemen-
tary ultimatum recently accepted by the
Siamese Government. the French will
ileo occupy the river upon which Chanti-
bun is situated. The town lies 175 miles.
southeast of Bangkok, and does a consider-
able trade with China.
liolpod A,rton to Escape.
PARIS, Aug. 0.—A sensation has been
caused by the publication of a brochure in
wbioh M. Dupes, a former official of the
detective service, declares that the Ribot
and Loubet Ministries connived at the
escape of Acton, the Panama lobbyist.
A. Heavy Gold Shipment.
Lownoec, Aug. O.—Seven hundred and.
forty-seven thohsand pounds of gold was
withdrawn froth the Bank of England yes-
terday for shipment to the United States.
A Project on Foot to Recover the Vic-
toria by a New Plan.
VALETTA, Malta, Aug. S,—The Victoria,
lying seventy fathoms sleep under the blue
Mediterranean, off the coast of Tripoli, the
tomb of many
hidden gallant British
sailors, may soon be brought back to ,the.
outer world with all its ghastly freight. An
Italian has taken it upon himself
to return e the bodies of the dead and the
carcass of their sepulchral home to the
bereaved families and . the. Admiralty of
England. Sig. Balsamello hail invented a
new diving apparatus known as the "Balla
Nautica," or deep sea ball, It is an enorm-
ous metallic sphere, which, by a compli-
cated System of pumps, can be sunk to
almost rtny given depth.. By an ingenious
mechanism it ` can be raised to the surface
in a:very short time. The chains and
grapnels necessary to bring the Victoria to
the smrfaeo could thus easily be put in
place, and so the one dif&oulty attending
the undertaking world be conquered. The
Xing of Italy ie said to have witnessed the
workings of a model of the invention, and
to have expressed a hope that the attempt
vv weld succeed.
' W 11' America Regulate It?
1'Aius, Aug. 8. --Inasmuch as the Beh-
ring Sea arbitrators have not asked the
termite of either power to furnish Addi-
tional evidence relating • to the question of
regulation, it is inferred that ,the decision
of the court will be against England, As it
has been arranged that if evidence Was'
sought at all it would follow a decision an
the (meal= of, jurisdiction favorably) to
1ibtgland. ..
iSaccilli round on Examination of a Kara -
mania Suspect.
QUARANTINE, S.I.;, Aug, 9.—Dr. Jenkins
has issned the following bulletin :
” The bacteriological examination of
Lorenzo Moracio, a passenger on the
steamer IC:aratnautia, who has been isolated.
on Swinburne Island, shows the presence
of cholera baccilli. The patient is recov-
ering, and is now able to be up and about.
The other passengers of the 1'iar'amania,
who are on Hoffman's Island, are in good
The steamer Idassilla, which arrived
from Marseilles and Naples yesterday 17
days out, reports one case of measles
aboard, with this exception all are well.
Unemployed to Parade.
NEvr YORE, Aug. 9.—Arrangements are
being made in this city for a parade of the
unemployed. Christopher Evans. secretary
of the American Federation of Labor, said
yesterday he estimated that 100,000 men
are ont of work in this city. This includes
non-union men es well as men in all the
various organizations,
]Liss 3eettbc eleanticee
Is the sister of Mr. W. S. Huntley of
Cortland,. N. Y., a well known car-
penler and builder. Her frank state -
meat below gives only the absolute
trudt cancernlag her illness and mar-
velous recovery by the aid of Hood's
Sarsaparilla. She says:
C. I. Heed tri Co., Lowell, -Mass.:
" Dear Sir: Twelve years ago I began to
save hemorrhages and four years ago became
so low that the physicians told mo
fi'ho>t"i Was No Hopo
and I should so:On die. I could not be moved
froze :;1!/ bed. Tinder my face were napkins
continually reddenedwith blood from my
i,xt,Mh it a;,n vd eat nothing and had no
•kerion of the bowels for a week. The doctors
Said tho cause was ulcers in tile stomach. At
this tn"i 10) ?tether said site wanted to make
one rum trial, and asked if I would take
. looct 3 Sarsaparilla. I told her it would bo
A Waste of Moony
but finding it woe d comfort her, I began tak-
i t„ 1 I1 a low days the bloating began to
I seemed to feel a little stronger, but
Ihutight it only fancy. 1 was so freak I could
only take ten drops of Sarsaparilla at first.
In two ae les I was able to situp 0 few min-
utes every day. la a month Il could walk
'lereea Inc roma. One day I asked what
they were to have for diener, and said 1
wanted something hearty. My mother was
so happy she cried.. It Was the
First Time fi 67iad reit Hun
gry f n Two Years
I kept on with Hood's Sarsaparilla and in six
month3 was es well as ever in my life. It is
now lot& yehrss yince'I recovered, and I have
> a 10m0r.
trail 7
,tic since. o
not had clay's s
icl ut., , y
rha;,e 1f ever a human being thanked the
nod Lord on beaded kneeS it was I. I know
that flood's Sarsaparilla, and that alone,
uncle atiortnbiy lat.valaat any Life."
Messrs. Sager S Jennings, tho well known
druggists of Cortland, say that Miss Huntley "is
a highly rospuctod lady; her statement of what
<iECX245: Sarsaparilla
Sits dorso for her is worthy tho highest coni)•
donee." 'good's I'iii9 clue Lever 1179,
9 .
Every attention paid to
Ladies' and Childr n s
Hair Cutting,
Cheapest and
Best Place in
To get your Boots and
Shoes mended, is at
Just a few more pairs
of those Men's cheap
Hepbu n Shoes and La-
dies' Don o of a Kids left.
g Volt Door
9 Bomb of Postolfiee
; . arg ,,ins ! !
argains ! ! !
i Vegetable fills are pr
H00 pared to meet a legit)
mato demand for a mild,
efficient and reliable family physic, They aro
purely vegetable, containing no •
ealotnel, mercury. or mineral sup-
stance of any kind. Hood's fills
act upon the stomach, liver, and alimentary
canal, and Cure Liver:' Complaint, Constipation,
t ahsea, Biliousness, lIeadaelro, indigestion,
Seur Stomaeh,Distress after Bating, eiatindice.
A cold laity be broken up and a fever prevented
by pr,0inptly takitlg Rood's Pills:.
Hood's Pi Is
C1,1, hood 8t Oe.; Apetheearles,
Are prepared by
2 owed, Mass. Trico 2G omits, Crpbo' gold by
all druggists of seiit by )nail on receipt of price,
The Spring Season
is about here and our
good wives are begin-
ning to think of house
cleaning. Then after
the "dirty work" is fin-
ished, a few nice pict-
ures will be necessary
for a spring -Like ap-
pearance. Bear this in
mind, the best stock of
Bamboo Novelties,
Picture Moulding
Curtain poles,
Is at
Odd Fellows Block. Opposite J Gribg's
Dsltir i
or Alive.
1Dressed Hogs bought subject to the
following conditions: -2 lbs per cwt off;
5 lbs ultra if shoulder stuck; 3 lbs for
either bung gut or g'ullett, if left in.
All Hogs to bo cut through
ti. on)'rail to Throat.
Highest Price paid for Hogs
weighing from 100 to 200
pounds, dressed.
The undersigned having handsome-
ly fitted up his parlor and restaurant
—will serve—
during the Summer Season. Also a
large supply of
Confectionery, Bread, Buns,
Cakes t&c.
Visits Exeter every Wednesday and
Saturday afternoon. A]] orders left
with George Sanders promptly attend-
ed to.
Oysters and fruits of all kinds in
their seasoM,
Sewing Machines,
aby Carriages
And Musical
Instruments. .
We are the only firm
who make a specialty ofthe
above named goods and
therefore claim that we can
give the people of Exeter
and vicinity,— . . •
Greater Bargg3ins !
Greater Choice ! !
Lowest Prices. ! !
The latest and newest at-
tachments for all our goods
can be had by calling at
our ware-rooms,—One door
north Dr. Lutz's drug store.
Ro t.
owe, . •
• Carrys the largest and best
stock of Furniture and under-
taking goods in the County.
Stock complete in all lines. . ,
Night calls for undertaking will receive prompt
attention, by calling at my residence on Huron St.
(The premises lately vacated by Thos. Prior.)
. ://)/
[an artificial gastric juice—forinnia on every label]
to any person Suffering from stomach troubles, es
pecestlly if taken at the first symptom of Indigestion,
whieh is- ustially weight at the stomach, sometimes
attended by slight pain, and may follow either a
wholesome or a heavy meal. At first, this feeling
soon passes away, and is only remembered in a lithe
eirpe2,e,tnt,' which, whets repeated, gradually be-
eonies more.prehoenceld. To the average persen is
bow suggested the 'cathnrtic pill, bitters, or other
liquid purgatives, that will clear out the bowels. Stich.
treatment 18 worse than useless t it 15 positively harm,
(tit. The trouble is in the Stemacli, the Vowels are
not responsible and relief will only come through
en intelligent ttreatsiient Of the disorder within the
stomach. MALI0h'EP6YN le the remedy fpr frit
stomach ttoubles. tndotsed by the best physicians-
Y t9. 111
postage for
Send p
nd And C
shad$ lI
of Iaitrla
lt- l
ilAi; i.i I S
, to 1
ih ,
le n
b A
v r p
ItaraittaArio1a1i1.' TIRinGB Ofi1'itRYer
'he "a ;menet
ter n
As 2 AUL the only CU 2"] 1 'tl'
011(1 FITTER in town tvhohti<
visited the large eitles fn t.
t!nitedStates this Berme,'" et
thoxof'ore the beat able to :1
you iis'Tlits l"rol)Cr feta ly. "
lAT11.en yon have bong d
the material for you
Spying and Summer co«..
come to nae and get fitt4 t.
Before you buy y(1
Spring Suit, come' up
my shop and get posit':
Tho Fashionable Cutter an Fitter:
A complete stock of
Pure andlieliabie D11 .gi.
A or ro ijiii mss ° chi 4Ki*,
Driligst's Stroligs
4t right and reasonable priege.
and Family Mal'
Carefully Prepared
\llti's COMM Pffitl
• the best in the market.
A. J. SN
alra., st
Has now in stock
Autun and
West of England Suitings and ri roe,
Scotch Tweed Suitings and Trous' l
French and English Worsted Clot
All made up in the Latera
Style, at best Rates.
A. J. SNELL• .
Atkinsan's Furniture Ware-
rooms is the cheapest and best
place in th.e Count. to bu.. Fur-
niture. . . . • • •
A first-class Bed -room) Suite for only F9 and evei y -
thing else, in comparison. All goods g•iiaianteed lo
be my own make, of,first-class dry material, nothll
but best hard' lumber used.
and Wood
Tal elx in exchange for Furiiitttie,
The ,
' Ile only place Ill. town where e :. oil can_b
p yy.
Patent Dominion Nlcklc P1 afed Wire Mattress
i anted. not to rust,