HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1972-04-13, Page 18MICR MOM -STAR, TOMMY, APRIL 4 ictoria iewpoint / / f / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / ct 4 THE GODERIcHLICNS CLUB A ,Q WQU.LD LAKE TO THANK all thosewhadonated to the Crippled Children's Eater Seal Fundthis the campaign. MRS. CORY as ,.We had-plan1ed on discussing "Rain" this week, but when -the' weather ratan • playedan April Fool's joke and sent,SnOW and cold weather, we changed plans • This week we continued discussing, Spring,and looked for signs thast it is Spring even though it doesn't feel that way. MRS, IRWIN We are looking for signs of spring. We want to find a different one for every day in April. Do ydu think we can find that many'' MISS VERHOEF Miss Verhoef0s class • has raised over60 in Canadian Tire money. They will soon be buying a bicycle and holding a raffle. The money raised will pay for a trip to Niagara Falls in June. MRS. WALTER We have a visitor in our room this week. Mr. Leggatt will be r, •teaching us. We are learning about bees and other insects. We have made spring pictures and ,a mural about the pond. `MR. YEO Our floor will be in much better condition as far asneatness since our seed mosaics will be finished., :We have seen the problems that dictionaries have in putting words in order because the -past _week - has beeii'`spent in tryirig to do this. • MR. SYGROVE Grate 5 pupils are working on a•° projectof China. In se'ience the. class has started a unit tin weather. MR: SNELL The grade fives are beginning a study of fractions While the grade ,sixes have' begun decimals in arithmetic. • After finishing a study of Electricity in Science 'we are beginning a unit on Australia MRS.,-'MacDONAL D' On Friday aggrnoon Miss Roder showed slides of Italy We saw pictures of old buildings that attract many tourists from all over the world, MR. CARROLL For Art we made several kinds of "critters" from egg cartons. ,.,Some made mice while others made ducks., rabbits and ,elephants.. They are brightly° painted and decorated. The ducks are covered with real feathers. M R.S. H E,SK The pupils are giving some e: cel'1•ent - reports` on their projects of South America. Jerry and David reported on bananas and treated .the . class to some delicious banana cake. Bluewater Council for Blind meet; at Goderich Legion The April meeting of the Blue Water Club of then Canadian ' Council of the Blind in -et on Monday April 3 in the Legion Hall, Gaderich, Mr. Geo, Cox of 'Wingham presided. - ' rv,' Mrs. Harold For•.Your RANCE we or can ' 11111100Ew n / Malawi'''. ry 44 North St.,-- 524-9531 Donald G. MacEwan Goderich K inettes formally made the presentation of, a K -cooler to Alexandra Marine and General Hospital Last Thursdayafternoon, Here (left to right) Kinette Treasurer Betty Ruxton and President .Bev Whetstone show their interest as Mrs. Charity MacDonald, This year. the Federal Opportunity for Youth , program has arrangeda two-way exchange between 10 blind , vo•ung.•.:lfeople St. Peter's Cft hold kprfl meet On Wedday" April 5, St.. Peter's C.W.L. , held their monthly meeting in -the Church Hall. wMrs. Walter Palmer. president opened the meeting with, prayer. ° Volunteer canvassers will join • the Salvation Army. for their May 1 Red Shield Appeal. Members who are sewing were reminded to return same to Mrs. J. McKenzie from Ontario with 1.0 from by the end of April. director of nursing,'demonstrates how the equipment vitt) be utilized in the hospital's wards.`The apparatus; Mrs, MacDonald said; wilt serve to cool apatient with an intense fever or warm a patient suffering from shock or chill. (staff photo) Peter S. MacEwan When You\Shop Say... ISAW i1INTHE S!GIAL Alberta. Mrs.. Thomps n said C.•W.L. will provide and society has changed its image of a serve dinner to youths from °. hi -id -person r with Wingham. Kingsbridge, and the tin cup to that of a self-reliant 4-Y-e�-Rally to be well adjusted, responsible citiz.en held at St. Mary's school on May who has a particular handicap. I, - or Mrs, Patterson spoke most' ' Discussion followed. regarding Vodden, Auburn read the•m'in-Ea-7-1T The resignation of the treasurer, • ` Mr: Allan Reed, Clinton was accepted with regret and Mr..Geo. Cox agreed to act as treasurer f • • cTOy the balance of the term Discussion _followed re , The annualpicnic which is to be -held this year in Mitchell, June 13. A new district administrator: Mr. Wally Kennedy. Sudbury, has been appointed to replace Mr. Jack C1 meiits Loaha.s been assigned tothe Barrie office CNIB. A new rehabilitation teacher, MISS Kaye -Leslie has been named to , the London area, Mrs. ' Orace Gottschalk of London introduced the .speaker, " lVfI'S J. T.`Pa•tte"rson, of London. National President of. the C.C.B: Mrs. Patterson explained that the • • Canadian Council of the Blind is an organization ,.of the Blind, speaking for the blind. The council acts independently of the "• --Cl ; . ortjed financially by the latter: The C.C.B., consisting of 82 clubs across Canada, presents briefs on behalf of the blind citizens to• both provincial and federal levels of government. The biennial national meeting convenes in Regina this summer with 6 representatives from each province. . refreshments,;,•. interestinglyb of having attended a major fund ''raising event to the Vorldr'Cbuncii:-af'the Blind in complete pa-ynaent• en -.the. hand. BIG SAVINGS! BIS SALE! rn ew e r, nc Ia a time the C.C.B. presented a On April 26 'the Feast of our mobile eye clinic to the blind of . Lady of.Good Counsel C.W.L. patrones, a special Mass will be celebrated in honour of Father L. Hennessey who •retired as fC iocesan director -this year•. Installation of officers will take, place at the same time. Mrs`. Clem Steffler chairman of the, Nominating Committee gave her v. lc India. There • are five million known blind in ,India among a population of 500 million:- Mrs.' Thompson who became &Had as an adult. spoke entertainingly of the• sounds and smells encountered in her travels. Mrs. Howard Carroll .graciously thanked the speaker. Entertainment followed to the report and since there were no delight of•all present. Mr Elgin further nom inations the following Fisher introduced his sister Mrs slate o,f officers was . Past Audrey Kerr, pianist. his President: Eileen Palmer (Mrs. daughter, Mrs- Gail Dnak. W. ; President: Dianne Buchanan vocalist and Francis Schram and !Mrs. J. First Vice president: ,Bruce Ryan. .violinist and Mrs. Bev. Jeffrey (Mrs'. Don) guitarist. The group provided. Second Vice 'president: Mrs. Tina -�nu&ie and-sgi-far-a-pleas;nL Gal1Qw CMrs. Bt11j�hid�_ YiCe._. hour. . • President: Eileen O'Brien (Miss) Refreshments' kindly. provided Secretary:Mary De Marco (Mrs. • by the ladies of the Legion concluded the gathering. The Blue Water Club, C.C.B. is deeply grateful 'to Mr. E: G.. • "Barney", Davis for ' having ,arranged for the use of the Legion, Ball, the fine entertainment and R.) Treasurer: Rosemary .Lassaline (Mrs. M: Mrs. Palmier congratulated, the new officers, thanked the outgoing executive and members for their , support during the last tw'o years and the rneeting was adjourned. A social hour followed. e yeas 1 Snyder's, Fancy Quality, French Style Wax or Green Beans 14 -(I -oz tuts FANCY' QUALITY Bright's . Applesauce ..19-fl-Qz tins _ALL FLAVOURS ..Mei •fie C . ' Crum. one.pint ns ,to i 0 ASSORTED COLOURS WHITESWAN TOWELS: PKG OF 2 ROLLS e or on eu -oz ins FANCY QUALITY, CREAM STYLE Ideal corn - CHOICE._ QUALITY, WHOLE Pantry Shelf Carrots 10 -fl -oz tins CHICKEN NOODLE, VEGETABLE BEEF -Heinz Soup_ 14 -fl -oz tins 10 -fl -oz tins Stock Up and Save ! VANGUARD OR UNIVERSAL ,BRAND Cohoe Salmon .2 _3 3/4' -oz tins 1:00 MIX OR- MATCH 3 FRUIT' MARMALADE, PEACH, STRAW. BERRY OR RASPBERRY JAM WITH PECTIN St. Williams Jams— .24=(6/-fai 1.00 DIGESTIVE, BUTTER CRISP, CHOCOLATE CHIP, OATMEAL- .CHOCOLATE -CHIP ti Dad's Cookies 216 -oz tin tie bags 1,00 JUNE BRAND. Soft Margarine 31 -Ib tubs 1.00 SUN PAC BRANT, CONCENTRATED,' FR'OZEN'' `" "' '"" """ bra ige_ --Juice 3 -12 -EI -07 tins SLICED, CRUSHED, TID BITS PANTRY SHELF PINEAPPLE 19 -FL -OZ TINS JANE PARKER (SAVE 20c)• APPLE P1 FULL 8 -INCH, 24 -OZ: SIZE -• A J J '.�� �' I JANE PARKER (BUY 3 -- SAVE 47c) Spanish Bar Cake 3.19 -oz cakes 1.00 WHITE, SLICED ,, (BUY 4 "-- SAVE' 17O 24 -oz loaves 4 Jane Parker Bread • 4 t9 5 CHOICE QUALITY, SLICED D.C. BRAND PEACHES 14 -FL -OZ TINS /s° Ontario, Canada Fancy, Controlled Atmosphere McINTOSH. COME IN AND SEE OUR COMPLETE SELECTION -OF ----4. • INVITATIONS • ANNOUNCEMENTS' • INFORMALS • ACCESSORIES. INSTANT COFFEE Maxwell House " 10-ozjar 1•73 WHITE, PINK, YELLOW, GREEN White Swan Toilet Tissue pkg of 4 rolls 5 qc " WHITE, PINK, YELLOW, LILAC, BLUE, TOILET TISSUE ' Babies Only.Please 3 pkgs of 2yro1ls1.00 DETERGENT (PREMIUM PACK) GIANT SIZE Breeze Powder 2 -Ib 10-o2 box 1.00 ANN PAGE Peanut d Butter 3 -Ib jar 99c AU. PRICES SHOWN IN THIS AD GUARANTEED' EFFECTIVE THROUGH SATURDAY, APRIL 15, 1972. RED BRAND STEER BEEF DONE -IN, POT .ROAST Select you. wedding invitatitios, announcements and: Recetwories with complete confidence AS to quality and : correctness rtif foram. WE, ALSO HAVE PERSONALIZEDVRDUYIO, NAPKINS, MATCHES AND CAKE BOXES RED BRAND STEER BEEF BLADE ROAST BLADE REMOVED N-Rx,:ewutYi. 0 BURNS BRAND, STORE PORK & BEEF Sausages' ' lb 541 MAPLE LEAF, 5 VARIETIES, SLICED m6.02 VAC. ,P Corked M�ats' ��, 341 SUPE* PIGMY `OUAUTY, Stroked, Cooked, Pietmlr Styllt noulaer lb 1511F UNIVERSAL LIRAt�D, ILA. A CK4P-SACIc, PEPPERONIPzza Pie , 14 -oz plc 8'l RED BRAND STEER BEEF BLADE STEAKS EXCELLENT FOR BRAISING