HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1972-04-13, Page 10tL ESTATE FOR SALE HENSAL.L 3. or 4bedr.00M, 2 -storey, white dnyl. house. Recently 'refinished living room; diming room, • ° kitchen and TV sitting room. , Four .extra Tots . suitable for development: Must be seen to be • 'appreciated: Please . call Bill F ,Mickje, Hens.11, 262-5708. . ':Have client for small farm with $,000 to 10,000 ,4roiler quote. .° Also have client interested in farii acreage. When listing your house, farm, business or cottage, contact Bill "Nlickle, Hensall, 262-5708. AL SINNOTT Realty Ltd. •Realtor London Oft. • 42tf Real Estate. 82 Albert Street Clinton WHY PAY RENT? Reduced for quick sale -4 bedroom insul sided home in Clinton. New gas furnace and water heater. Attached garage. Quick possession. - Cottage- at Port Albert--with--all- conveniences and furnishings. Ideally located on Nine: --:dile River. 100 acre farm in Goderich Township..with good' house and small barn. Located, on paved road. 2bedroom brick home in Blyth, nearly new. Priced right. Well. located, well established garage business in Blyth. Showing .excellent profit. Priced right with 'good terms. . FOOD FOR THOUGHT It requires over 300 hen hours to " produce 1 dozen eggs, worth about 2Sc at the farm. - Contact Nilson Bailey •Office 482-9371 es. 523-9338 -15 At 3. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 8. HELP WANTED MQRTGAGE LOANS 24HQUR SERVICE Mortgages Puruha§ed,. City andSouthwesterrf Ontario 100,Percent Mortgage Financing of Cottages , Free Accurate Information • FARM MORTGAGES Cali Collect 432-6337 Mortgage Dept. CHARLES DRAKE CORPORATION LTD. 227 Wharncliffe Rd. South MEMBER OF THE O.M.B.A. 5. TO RENT TO RENT -$1.50 per day rents you an electric rug shampooer. Removes•spot's. grease, etc. • Servic" Electric. phone 524- 8581..-41tf ROOM AND BOARD, large bedroom would take two occupants or one as preferred, no children, homelike atmosphere, good meals. Phone 524-6684 after 5 p:m.-12tf FORMAL RENTALS for' all occasions. Pickett & Campbell Ltd.. Clinton and Goderich. -Ian AMBITIOUS self-starter with car to ,make .above-average income representing a well: known world' .wide org•anizati$n. High commission, rates and bonuses..•'or further information, write P'.O. Box 518, Owen.. Sound: - 15,16, AGE IS NO'PR,OBLEM MANY .o-Q.A.A.'s top enro'llers And commission garners are mature .people who are the way to retirement or are retired.. -This is part or,full-time dignified work for those of all ages. For information without obligation apply to: Charlie Lee, 22 Alfred Street, Wingham, phone 357 .1383.-15,16,-17 FXPERIENCID miller for Surge 'milking power in London area. Phone 451-7638.-7 15,16 it THE ONTARIO AUTOMOBILE ASSOCIATION' Will employ ambitious people who want a pleasant dignified career position that pays salary and -bongs. Includes GrowInsurance and pension benefi.'ts., There are no strikes or lay-offs in .'our business. You must be mature, enthusiastic, neat and enjoy talking to people. An automobile is required. Apply to Ed Bauer at the Elm Haven Motel,Clinton; Noon to 6:00 p.m. - .T-15 10. WANTED (General) -' 'R -EF', bedrooms acid den, two Ct51GiPLYTE1 ou,aehpld effects pr small lots wanted. Call C & E Furniture, 524.•7231. -- tf 'HAROLD W. storey home, excellent location. $135 a month. Phone 4-8.186.•._ 14 tf SINGLE light housekeeping-oo T fully furnished. Miss Mary B. Howell, 12 St, Vincent St. Phone 524-8642.--.13tf • GARAGE, heated', dry. good for . storing furniture or what -have - you. Phone 524-7902.-15 APPROXIMATELY 65 acres of land,' Barn. Phone 482-3109.- 15,16 HOUSE for rent. Available May 1. Phone 524-9337. -15tf nc TWO bedroom apartment $75.00 Avai a.,e `ay 7014.7-15;16 .LAWN customers wanted: Student wishing lawn customers in Goderich, Crinton and Seaforth. Odd jobs done. Up to 60 customers, needed. For .information, phone collect 527-1440 weekdays between 7 and 9 p.m. -14,15 WANTED TO BUY -girl's .two wheel bicycle for 'six year old. Phone 524-6914.. -1.5 WANTED: New members to join the Maitland Country Club. For information, contact John MacKay, or Lealand Hill; -15 upstairs WANTED -a two -wheel monthly. Phone 524-6973.-15 on 5-224 trailer. 13. AUCTION SALE. AUCTION SALE. •. Auction' sale household furniture and°appliances wilt be held for. Mrs. Thos. Carmen' Anderson,' '204 Regent . St,,; Goderich on Wednesday, April 26 at 1;30 -Full. list in 'next week's paper. - Terms Cash -Property Sold Allan Maclntyre Aut t. Lucknow, , AUCTION SALE ' of livestock., grain, farm implements and household effects will be tiefd for -Rod Bogie, north half Lot 9, Concession 10,' Colborne Township, two miles .west and one mile south of Nile, or six miles•north of Goderich, on - 'SATURDAY,. APRIL 22, 1972 at 1:30 p.m. Terms -cash -farm sold. Allan Maclntyre, Auctioneer, Lucknow, Ontario, 12,13,14,15 . AUCTIONEERS • and APPRAISERS Licenced and Bonded ONTARIO WIDE AUCTION SERVICE . PHONE COLLECT, 482-3120 14. SERVICES AVAILABLE FUR THF. BEST in plastering call 227-4503 Lucan. No job too big or rio jobtop-sm-aH : -Ve-df them all. -1:1,12;13.14,15 • FOR your Antenna Sales and Service contact Alvin's TV, 162 'Mary Street, phone•524-9089. ' tf ACE RADIO and TV Service, Frank Wilcox, 60 Picton St. W., Goderich, Ont. Phone 524-7771. - - 40if • ' -CARPET, upholstery shampooing andwall cleaning, in your home or place of business. Phone Lamont's "Cleaning, 396-3295, Kincardine-4tf ' 14. SERVICES .'AVAILABLE CUSTQM . BULLDOZING CHAS. BRUINSMA RR 2, Goderich 5.24-98.04 15 -CALL FRANK TIJTT For all your flooring needs. buy your carpet anywhere. . 20 years'installation 'experience, '-"'" Free measurements.' 524-6804 Goderich. ER.VICEs okVAILABLE Farm Draun49 and sub -irrigation, Latest Equipment Aute natio Laser• .Grade Control ZorPIow P.0.100x 544 Woodstock, Ont. -Phone-537477 ¢_- SCOTT AND H WULLIS' --*'•• PAINTING; .° • PAPP,RING SPRAYING . FI)R FREE ESTIMATES CALL, 524.6902.. BARN DANCE SALTFORD °VALLEY HALL SATURDAY,APRIX 2 2 MUSIC WY- ROSSY MANN AND THE CKNX RANCH SAYS DANCING FROM 10.1, TICKETS AVAIR.ABBLE AT DOOR, $1.•50. PER PERSON, $2.5Q PER COUPLE. (SPONSORED BY THE KINGSBRI.DGE YOUTH CI;,41B) EVERYONE WELCOME M ., ANTIQUE AND HOUSEHOLD AUCTION - SAWS, LAWN MOWERS, - SCISSORS, ETC. Bring them in dead: Take them out. • alive! 40 years experience. C. H. Horriar, 246 Huron Road. SANDBLASTING 'JACK HAMMER -WORK BREAK UP CONCRETE 15. NOTICE to CREDITORS NOT C1 TO CREDIT,ORS AND O - ..TH - - RS IN THE ES -TATE,' 0-F BEATRICE GRACE LAUDER, late of the Tbwn of Goderich, in the county of Huron, .Retired Teacher, who died on'or about the 25th day of,December, 1971, ALL 'PERSONS having claims again t the above estate ,,are requi ed to send full particulars of.su claims to the undersigned Exec tors on or the 8th day of Ma 1972, after which mate the esta e's assets Will be distributed, having regard only to claims that have then been recei' ed. - MICH EL J. WOLFE FLOR{ NCE. E. LAUDER, Exece ors by their solicitor: PAUL D. WESSENGEII Barrister & Solicitor, P.O. Box 91, Barrie, Ontario. -15,16,17' . BACKHOEING SPRAY PAINTING' ARNOLD STOTHERS Phone 529.74 05 for estimates 16, ,P!UBLIC NOTICE' VACUUM CLEANERS Sales & Service • All Makes - BOB PECK . VARNA At Lot 24, Con. 2, Stanley Twp., '2 miles west of Brucefield,o 3 miles North on Sat. April 15 at 1:30 P.M. ANTIQUES: 8 -piece 'toilet set; High boy chest of drawer; shaving mirror; 2 commodes;. picture frames; Settee and rocker; mantel clock; buffet; view `naste"r;'mount 'deer- head;"3 .copper boilers; pine table; demaert in excellent condition; water goblets and pitchers; . Royal Doulton ,china cream sugar and 3 pc. tea set; Cocoa pot; ,,Sherbet goblets; Bird of Paradise 10 place_ setting of dishes; and many more pieces of china and glass; quilts, blankets; etc. etc. APPLIANCES, FURNITURE: 7 cu. -ft. Viking deep freeze; Admiral deluxe refrigerator; Admiral 30" electric range; Frigidaire refrigerator; Beacon2'4" electric range wringer washer; wood annex; buffet; china cabinet; extension table; 6 matching 'chairs; chesterfield. and 2 matching chairs; 2 chrome sets with.4 chairs; Maple dinette table and 3 chairs; telephone stand; 2 double beds; dresser; wardrobe cleset;. single bed; small tables'; chairs; lamps; 12' x 14' broadloom; drapes and many more items. MISC.: Fanning mill; cream separator; root pulper; emery stand; cast iron kettle; 200 gal. sap tank; Lawn boy mower; etc. etc. Property Sold Terms Cash .. ' • No Reserve Mr. & Mrs. Cal Horton - Proprietors RAfiHWE LAS AtJ CTIO -- SERVICE 9 Brucefield-482-3120' I WILL notbe'responsible for any debts incurred .by my wife,, Patricia May (nee Fry) as of April 13th, 1972. -Arnold G. Fuller. - 15,16,17x ' FOUR bedroom duplex, fireplace and dining room,' $135.00 per month: Apply 116 West Sti4eet or call 524-9093.-15 WANTED -two hair boys' used roller skates, sizes six and nine.. .Phone 524-8844.-15x . 4, REAL ESTATE BRDK.Eft 524-7272 ,, TiS NEWGATE ST C,OOE UJ NEW BRICK 3 -BEDROOM BUNGALOW Located on the Bayfield Road there, is a new three-bedroom bungalow which has. ' a large, bright jiving rooi,6 dining area'; . spacious contemporary kitchen and 'four -piece. ceramic 'tiled bathroom with vanity. It is heated by gas forced -air furnace and has laundry tubs in the full basement. Theinterior is decorated with best quality paint which is• enhanced by the use of vinyl finished wallpaper in the, dinette andbathrocim. Living room floor 'is carpeted with . best quality. scroll nylon and master bedroom has wall to wall "Shag" on the floor. Easily purchased at .$22,500, the down payment is only $1,800. Make the move to a new .home today. • GARDEN HOME -r - THREE BEDROOMS This fan1itry sized, three-bedroom home , with four -piece ceramic tiled bathroom- has a large, ,broadloomed living room., dining area, modern kitchen, full basement and electric heating.. This home is only one year old, has a completely fenced yard and paved drive way. Down payment is only $1,995 arid monthly payments are $156 which includes prineipal, interest . and taxes. A ' lower down payment can be ' arranged with slightly higher monthly -payment. w COUNTRY STORE" NEAR GODERICH Selling a complete line of groe'eries,.meats and gas and oil pt:oducts, this storeis located in a frame building which has Hying aecoimmodation and four bedrooms for • proprietor, Located on (Highway 21 in the hear of the tourist area it has a steady 'year tf and trade and is especially busy. during tourist season. C'onplete information 'available from'this broker... Some terms available. 6sU4'ANTED TO RENT 'PWO bedroom cottage July 16th to, 29th. inclusive, preferably in Port Albert. Phone 524-8837.-15,16 8. HELP WANTED MUTUAL Fund' Distributing' Co: requires sales personnel, male or female, 'for this area. Write Box 40, Signal -Star., -13-15 ' FEMALE help wanted, live in, home atmosphere, 1 child accepted. 524-8379.-14,15x LOCAL manufacturing company • requires part time office help. Full time -during vacation period. Shipping, invoicing and related duties. Must be good with figures. Good salary and benefits. Reply to Box 42, -Signal -Star. -14,15 - ` 12tf .4. 'km ESTATE WANTED FULL or part-tif'rre waitress. Apply in person. Candlelight Tavern. -15 NEEDED immediately' 'a baby sitter Monday through Friday for 2 pre-school children in my home. Phone 524-6885 after 5 p.m. -15 $FDROO7M 'COTTAGE a For cast . oft with exchange 5- .'5dr pm for scare. Phone 524- 1045., HELP WANTED Te employ and'train retailers of new product....,;Preyious sales experience necessary. Earn $1,000.00 per month, plus bonusesIf you are serious so am I. Phone366-2661 or write Tom Fritz, Chepstowe, Ont. BICYCLE built for two in food 'condition. Phone 524-6627 after 6 p.m,-15nc `. 11. EMPLOYMENT ' _WANTED_ ___• WANTED, >a position .as companion fof an •elderly woman With small salary. Lig-ht housekeeping room and board. Write E. Saunders, Box 71, Goderich. -1 . 13. AUCTION SALE "MORNING ~ m AUCtION SALE" ' of Household Effects and Antiques for Mr GeorgeRoss, Goderich at the Auction Rooms one mile south of Goderich on Hwy. 21 on Saturday, April 22 at 10:30 a.m. Chesterfieldand {chair; 7 pre bronze set; 5- p f '. chrome set; Hoover sprin-dry washer and dryer; humidifier; vacuum cleaner; record player;. 3_' pce bedroom suite; spool bed with matching bureau; antique buffet; 'oval ' parlour' • table; ., antique wooden rocking chair; scales; d4, oil lamps; brass• jardiniere stand, part toilet sets; clocks; fern stand; book -case;, washstand; serving table; mirrors; continental beds; chests of, drawers; desk; rugs; frames; drapes; dishes; bird -cage, etc. etc. • 524-9064.. -15,16 Terms Cash House sold Mike Cummings auctioneer PART-TIME TYPIST REQUIRED Must be able to typo 60 words"Ler mihute on blind keyboard. For interview and speed test COP tactoy� Lourisbury, Goderich Signal -Star, 37 West Street, 524- ,(+ 5331. ° • • G .. T, _C _A R P F. -NSI'... Yom. -. MAINTENANCE, MAINTENANCE „ Gary .Johnston, carpentry work, small remodelling or repair jobs, miscellaneous odd jobs. Reasonable rates. Phone 524- 7 -789 -after -5 30 p: rra -38tf BRICK work, block laying by experienced brick -layer. Phone 529-7403. Brian Stothers, RR 6. Goderich, Ont. -12,13,14,15 EAVESTROUGHING, aluminum or galvanized, estimates without obligation. Phone 357-1077, R. E. Rattan,. R.R.2, Wingham. =12 48 262 -5748 -Collect NOTICE OF STREET {LOSING • ,TAKE NOTICE that the Councit. of lie attar f -the Town of LAMB'S DELIVERY GODERICH • TAXI Taxi Stand At 1. ionel's Sunoco - . Service Station 87 Victoria St. 524-6594 Bill Swan, Prop. RUSTPROOF ROUSE AUTO ELECTRIC Let us db a complete job on that new or late model car. Well worth the • reasonable investment: See us at" TRI -TOWN BOOKKEEPING SERVICE Income -Tax Record, Preparation.. - Business -..Farm Individual Returns LAWRENCE BEANE Brucefield Phone,4132-9260 1-176 fi Sewing Machines SERVICED $r SOLD ALEX REED 197 Bayfield Rd.,* doclerfch 5 24-8 4 6 5 to �-• SEPTIC TANKS CLEANEO -..,..10.I :E.titt ,E. a it M.E.N:'1 . WORK GUARANTEED Write°or Phone Harvey" bale.... COW, !rr .4 PHONE 4824320 1311 MOVING. - HAULING Phone 524-965.7 _.GRAHAM ELECTRIC • Complete Electrical Service Residential - Commercial - Industrial • 155 Keays Sheet Phone 524:8670, . + - Goderich, Ontario. REPAIR WORK -Brickwork, stonework, stucco, plaster, cement, fireplaces, chimneys. Phone 529-7636 or write Ray Squire, R.R.3, Goderich.-14tf DAILY CAI -1 RENTAL Reasonable Rates McGEE'S Goderich • Phone 524-8391 19tf COMPLETE bookkeeping + for small business, available part time, reasonable rates. Phone 524-6564.:-15 • Goderich, in the County_of Huron, intend to pass a by-law at its meeting at 7:00 p.m. o'clock on Thursday, May 11, 1972 for the purpose. of stopping up for a -specified period Ara•--per•inds--of- time, Edna Street and unnan•ied.. • lanes as shown on Registered . Plan 21 Tying south of Bennett Street in the Town of Goderich. A plan of this proposal will be ' 'rnadeavaiIable_foi-. inspection. to :- any person calling at my office in. the Town of Goderich. • AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the Council will at such 'meeting hear any person who claims that his land ' will be Prejudicially affected by such by- law and who applies to be heard.. DATED at Goderich, Ontario, this 6th day of April, 1972,. 'Harold Walls, A.M.C.T. .14,15p - ATHWEL.IL.'S CLEARING. AUCTION .SALE Of farm machinery; feed and furniture *at` to(21, Concession :10, Stanley Township, 7 miles north of Zurich or 2• miles east ' of Bayfield and 1 mile south, on Tuesday, April 18 at 1:15 P.M, TRACTORS: 724 Int. diesel, fully equipped, oversized tires (2 yrs. old); Golden.Jubi1•ee.Ford c -w 3 Pt.. H., hydraulic 475 Kelley Industrial loader with front endpump; Int. H. row crop r -w 2 row scu fler and bean peri i ' T i G -K 1963GMC -lI2--ton, 6- ovl•inder. -HAYING„k; HARVES`T'ING EQUIPMENT: No, 80 Int. pull type - combine c -w bean attachment; 37 Int. 'baler p.t.o.; Allied 6” P.T.O. Auger 36' long; 5 ton Sohn Deere wagon with 200 Bu. Turnco Gravity box; 28' Mayrath.bale elevator; Case 4 12ar side delivery rake; 6' Massey Mower; wagon and flat -rack. ►D SF,FJlJNG FQIIIPMENT; 1\10 :6 Ind `1,4 bottom trail type plow (hydraulic• lift)•, 14''Triple K cultivator c -w leveling hat -tows; No. 350 Int. 10' 'wheel disc; 12'- spring tooth cultivator with hydraulic control; No. 455 Int. 4 row corn and bean planter; 5 sec s diamond {farrows; OTHER EQUIPMENT: Gehl'Mix-all 15" head c -w intake conveyor; 100 gal. 'spray motor 3 Pt.H..,sprayer with 22' - booms; 155 bu..Int.. manure_spreader;-7' "3 PLJI, scrapper blade. , MISC.: 20' Spee&King Auger, 4" dia.; NW 17 Pioneer Chain Saw; 32' Aluminum ..Ext. ladder; Shell Cattle oiler; 75' Hamrner'•Mill drive belt; 3-16' cattle feeders -hydraulic cylinder0,Starpig feeders quantity of wood and steel posts: Comet portable air compressor, etc. - STRAW AND GRAIN: 1500 bales barley straw; ;1000 bu. Bushels Mixed Grain; 1000 bu. barley. • FURNITURE: - China Cabinet; glass front wardrobe closet: washstand; 2: dressers; vacuum cleaner; odd '-tables and . chairs; high`boy'chest of drawers; two beds; etc. etc. AUCTIONEERS NOTE: This is an outstanding line of recently, new, well-maintained machinery, plan to attend. Terms -Cash. • - Farm Sold • 'No Reserve . Allan Armstrong --.Proprietor Clerk of the Corporation 'of the. Town of Goderich, 57 West Street. When You Sh6p Say... I SAW it IN THE' SIGNAL r . RATHWELL'S AUCTION SERVICE Brucefield 482-3120 14,15b NOW We only need 6 new car, sales by Api'li 20 Our used car inventory is low and we"re still badlyin neer) of good glean trade- ins. So we're offering an all time premium pricefor your good used car. Thinking of a sub -compact? Why not take an extra -close look at the Gremlin, made in Canada with Canadian driving in mind; or this specially built Gremlin X..Standard features on a basic Gremlin, Just to mention a few important specifications, ° are: economical 232--6; 2572 pound curb weight; 17 gallon gas tank; front wheel tread of 57.5";, rear wheel tread of 57"; plus many. THIS WEEK'S USED CAR FEATURE VALUE .............................. other things that make this sub -compact bui It to give you bigger- car.size,Stability. As forthe Gremlin X, why not drop in and let tis tell you the facts. Backed by our Buyer Protection Plan of course. Ask us for details. 1971 VEGA two -door, one ,lady owner, original 7,900 miles, still under new car Warranty, automatic, radio, etc, Lic. K49491. a $199S �a JEEP-AM6ASSADOR-JAVELIN-AMX MIAATAOOR-HORNET-GREMVMLIN fo 5liar iris Svice 268 payfietd Road" Goderich . Gord Munroe , 5248411 John Graf. 0