HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1972-04-13, Page 8ewsTront
Four sche ls, District Drama , and Mrs Robinson and Mr.
Festival ,,iiripers, competed d in the Smallwood for the roles they
'He it;°iaal Drama 4 Festival held •.played in making the t'estival a
• last Saturday evening. April 8 at suevess
eIli the . March °,Break, six
No Fxit' presenl't4 by, students of G D.C.I. travelled to
Kitchener Waterloo concerned Quebec Marie. Hibbert. Jan
the conflict t41 three, people who Sutherland, Valerie Johnson,
were tr HeOne ,actress Marion MacDonald, Leslie
rcv ed ai, Out tiling Williams and Mari Cutt left
*Perto.rmance Award for her part Saturday. March 18 by trawl for
in this ° i,Qut'hec City. Their home for the
• One of the actresses in' the play next three days was the Chateau
from Aricaster also received an F rontenac
Outstanding Per'forniance Award As one. of the` travellers, Val
1'-h 4xl,.4r4 is. .044.6144441.1t __tthe_,Lo-j � 44., a c ounts ' • T
Best, Actress" or ''Best Actor • diftel'ence between the people in
Awards" of previous years 0 Ontario and Mitp b e c is
;The reason for this change was unbelievable! We not only have
to give more people a chance •for'" different ancestors, abut 'also
the aw and For example. to o male" different • backgrounds—that
actors could receive awards 1f make us strangers in, our own
°.they were outstanding country'"
• • Pollution Probed' was • the Val said that the people seemed
winning play As the title states. ` to appreciate every effort they
the performance was concerned made to bridge -the bilingual gap,
about the fate of the human race It with their high school French'.
thoroughly C'over'ed all aspects of There were organized tours of
pollution. and even -while the, sets,the city liut-t*e•s4tidents did most
were being changed, the audience of the exploration on their own.
enjoyed poems concerning the They found Quebec City to be a
problem. This play: was a trilogy. cultured city, full of history that
or one that is divided into three 'helped to build Canada as •a
• egments. A nation''" as one nationalistic
Last, but not beast. on the student related.
1n Goderich, Clinton and
Seaforth. Odd jobs done, Up to
60 customers needed. For
information, phone collect
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and 9 p.rn.
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program, was -,-Ring Around the
'Moon"'presented by the Drama
Club' of G.D.0 1 Both' , Tony
MfQuail and Rick Fisher
received • Outstanding
Performance? ,Awards. Lynda
Reinifart, accepted yet another
Adjudicator's Award for:, her
elaborate costuming and design.
Mrs. Watts, from ,the Ontario
Collegiate Drama Festivals said
that this Festival was the best
organized she had ever seen: she
was impressed. as ,many were,
with the friendliness of the
Goderich citizens'
Supportfor the Festival was
very good, as there was a crowd of
over 450. For this, the Drama
Club is grateful.
Jan Sutherland. organizer of
the Festival, and her. committee'
of Trudy Kernighan and Sherry
o-re-deserotof credit fora
flawless Festival.
The_ Club .And :s.tudents of
G.D.C.I. are also grateful to Mr.
All of those who took part -in the
trip said that similar excursions
should be emphasized if we as
Canadians want to understand our
country.: ' .a
'Speaking of French. there is a
French Public Speaking Contest
this Friday April 1,41 in Seaforh.
The prepared speeches are to be
three to four minutes in Length,
and the students can speak on any
• topic
Four G. D. C I. French students
will be participating in this
contest: Pete I; ravine, Bob Paolin,
Roger Legere and Claud
Tureotte. It is open to students of
Huron, County. :.Bonne chance.
Friday evening, a local group
"Blunderbuss' will entertain.
•'Morningto.n Drive" had
previously been scheduled to
entertain. but the group has
disbanded This.'is one of the.
,-schonldances of the. year so let's.
The choirs aNorth Street. United C.hurch present Id'` a musical
concertSunday evening at the church which was enjo'gd by a good
crowd of Goderi eh Arid area people. Above (in the fore round) i`s the,.,
juniorchoir which provided some lively gospel•hitdsic for the
audience and in the background is the senior choir s�, ich offered
both sacred and secular music.on the 90 -minute rogram. In
.charge of the evening's music. was Mrs. Eleanor Hetherington,
Separate ScI4oI Board continues
to accept taxis in instalments
organist and choir director. Special numbers on the' program were
the MacMillan family accompanied by Mrs. Hetherington at the
organ and Frank Bisset at the piano: Mary Ellen and Tom McGill in a
piano duet; Jean Srnith-and Harold Knisley in the violin duet; and
Linda,, Cook and Eleanor, Hetherington with an organ—piano
number.—staff photo
BY WI.L,MA CEKE Mr•:•Young as c i f !khan `of the
property cornrnitte made the
'The Huron -Perth County following r,ecomm'en iitions tothe
Roman Catholic Separate School board,whit'hw'ere ap .OVed; at 'St.
.,Board will continue to accept James School in Sea �''rth: that C,
taxes frc 30 municipalities in Ryan install the cul cans at a
the two counties in two cost of $3,75 and ,th, ���'George•A.
instalments each'year and from , Sills and sons,1a orth, he
15 on a vear.ly basis. • ,' engagedto•install ih' sink: that a.
s ' TA -is- d e c -i -s -i •• ink-arnd,cu.pbo
last following the defeat of a vote- the staff roomat' • ; . .A•mb'i`ose
' sevento s•ix,ona motioiw°hich,, ••.as . School in Sera d,1 v;Moffat a
introduced' for the c uart „Iy White. ata cost of $443: and that a
instalments of the taxes from 11 ' rental dusk -to dawn uiiit and pole
municipalities according to be installed at St. Josieph's School.
section 87 of the Separate ' in Kingsbridge, at a dost' of ` 4.25
- Schoolts Att.•Rev+sed Statutes of per month-thinler--h '-t-th s�b ttli-
'Ontario, 1970 which ..would have west corne-r•'of the--se#fool will lie
support our Student's Council:
Recreation plans for
CoIbor�e being discussed
Colborne ` Township Council
met . •in regular session on
Tuesday, April 4, 1972 at 8 p.m: in
the Colborne Township Hall with
all members present:
Mr. • Millar of the Youth and
Recreation"Bran.ch of the
Department of Education (London
Area) met with Council for the
purpose of -explaining Recreation
and projects associated with
recreation, by-laws required,
grants available, purposes. It was
stated that Saltford Valley Hall
.was available tree of charge.
Foresters' Hall and the Ball
• ground at Benm•iller and- the
Colborne Central School would
also be available.
• Also discussed were
negotiating service and°,
arrangements with neighbouring
municipalities and the services of
the Regional Office it London.
Mr. Millar outlined the
'appointment of a ,Recreational
Committee:'two members from
• • Council and seven to 10 members,
from various parts of the
. the - development of a
consciousness of 'a, person as a
total' being,' Mr. Vintar stressed
that sex comprises only about 15
per cent of the course, a fact
which many people do not realize.
ThF program. where it has been
put into effect is integrated into
other subject areas.
11r. Vintar stated that the
Hulron'4-•Pert•h ATiv y
ilii committee has geld meetings and
will continue fa; hold exploratory
meetings into, the feasibility of
introducing Family Life
Education into the Huron -Perth
curriculum. - •
Trustee Ted Geoffrey, Zurich,
who attended the Merit Pay as
Developing 'in .Ontario seminar
reported that itis only the large
boards who have initiated policies
onimeritpay.�..He stated that many,
problems of implementation of
this policy .were discussed and
that numerouS boards. 'were
reluctant to initiate such a
program at this time.
Trustee Howard Shantz,
Stratford, attended the seminar
on Inter -Board . co-operation
stated that the Huron -Perth Board •
Was recognized'at the Conference ,
as the result of the integration of
transportation services in
McKillop ' Township with the
Huron County Board pf Education.
Mr: Shantz also stated theve
was a discussion regarding, the
sharing of psychological and film -
library services among various
boards in the province.
Trustee Arthur Haid; R,R, 4,
Listowel, reported ons the
Assessment seminar and the
proposed Bill which is expected to
he presented to the Ontario
Government the first week of
May, making certain' 'revisio'n•s to
. the assessrnlent act• and Bill 127,
an act to amend assessment acts
Elaborating on the proposed
i s o r: '. leg lailon, Jam` Lane Business" '
Adiiiuis•trator, stated that the
legislation 'when passed-
assed 'permit enorneration of all
assessed owners for statistical
purposes inorder to form . the
• 'v.ote.r'slist-a•ndschool support -for -
each.municipalit y This
informati6n will be relayed
directly to the municipal clerks,
thereby giving them greater local
autonomy. This will permit
appeals to be _madeby
owners directly to municipal
' clerk, particularly with respect •
to school support. * He said ".
formerly appeals of this.,. nature .
were processed through Court of
Mr. Lane went- rrto explain
Bill 127 was passed to enable the
Department of Municipal Affairs,
to achieve complete equalized
assesspent by 1974 for
implementation in 1975.
Mr., •Lane• con`cluded his'
remarks. by stating that it was
necessary for Roman Catholics to
declare thenfseives as separate
school supporters to be properly
recorded on the voter's list within
their municipalities. -
become effectivein 1973.
The matter of tax payments had
risen originally when concern had
been expressed about paying,
ince•res•t-owr-n•oneybarrawed from
the bank'to carry on the board's
Township including present business while waiting for the
organizations. r•
taxes to be paid in. It had been
revealed that a saving of.
$4,196:20 would have.been 'made
by'the board wit the quarterly,
Ai educational c arse on local
government, consi ting of six
sessions at King Lar School in
Stratford, is being attended by
Superintendent of Education John
Vintar of Stratford; Assistant
Superintendent Joseph Tokar, Of
Stratford; and Trustees Howard
Shantz, Stratford:- Chris
Walraven"x of St. Marys; and
Vincent Young of Goderich.
Council indicated that a
Recreation "Committee and
Program would be considered at a
later meeting.
Mr. Ralph Jewell, Colborne.
Township's Representative on the
Maitland Valley Conservation
- Authority explained the increase
in the Municipalities' payments
for 1972 and outlined expected
additions to the. Benrniller- Falls
Reserve Park.
By -Law No. 8, 1972, being a by-
law of Colborne Township
entering into an agreement with
Ontario hydro regarding Street
Lighting of Saltford and Saltford
Hill was given first, second and
third reading and passed subject
to the approval of the Ontario
Municipal Board.
The Municipal Dumpis to be
open two days a week. Council set
the days as Wednesdays and
Saturdays with hours from 9-12
and 1-6.
gg marketing
agency power
"Ontario'•s Egg Marketing industry and intelligent findings"
Hoard must be given `agency hi the report, "For someone
powers immediately," Gordon corning in from outside the
Will, President, Ontario industry, he's -displayed - a
' -Federation of Agriculture 'remarkable grasp of producer
dehl4nded Saturday. "This move problems."
WOU1d, give egg producers Hill, also urged immediate
complete control over • egg' implementation of another Ross
Marketing in Ontario.". recommendation: Government -
Reporting on the .42nd, annual
conference 'of tie Ontario
Separate School Trustees
Toronto April
6 and 7,'nct tinily Life n �$ t n said he had
attenfpte ''' R � '
Education semina ted found it
both interesting a i formative.
He believed the inf ` ' tion at the
seminar would asst `t•, im since
he is a member �of ie • Huron -
Perth Advisory Corhmittee on
Family Life Education,
Reporting on the same seminar
Mr. Vintar stated that education
'for family living was a community
responsibility according to the
seminar leaders and the school
could play a special role within'.
that,community. It was p ,inted'out
that family life prdgr sdea1
with attitudes, relation t ,;' and
oderich wo
pow RCAF maqp
the Ontario Hospital in London
and at Sick Children's, Hospi'a1 it
Toronto she obtained her R. , in
, 1953. After working for ;,a s ort
tithe at the, Western Hospital in
Toronto Major Robinson decided
to join the Royal Canadian Air
Following officers' training in
London she served with, the
R.C.A.F, in hospital's at
I ocke1iff, Goose Bay, . Aylfrer,
Parent Quebec, St. Hubert
Quebec, Cold Lake Alberta., 'the
National Defence Medical Centre
°in Ottawa,' Grosteriqufn France,
and is now serving again at the
backed loans to hard-hit N.D.M,C. in Ottavh. •
dudgeJames Ross proposed an producers. He noted that the The Department of National Major Robinson hold's the
agency remarketing board in his Ontario Federation of Defence this week announced the Canadian Forces Decoration for
one-man judicial inquiry report Agriculture had made a similar ,,y► promotion of Captain Shirley Service.
handed down Thursday. " Re p r o p o s a 1 to the Ontario Robinson, daughter of Mrs. Emily
;rocotrifnerided that a sales agency government in its brief to the Robinson of 88' Oxford Street in • " v
should biz set up without a Cabinet six weeks ago. Goderich, to the rank of Major,`
prodtzonr' vote.
e r r,
GS ■
"Government action has been The promotion becomes
<< es effective
eniiy llwers would allow the dela red fpr weeks awaiting Judge in July of this year.
Ontario egg' industry to take part Ross' report," Rill said. "The - Born at • Lucknow, Major
� int• Apr sed —neit 1 __;egg Ait. ncinlkstate=el,-reggoditnerks --1 obifison. -attended_:—el rl.entattiy . ;
marketing pure, tkid'ge Ross has become More critical in the and secondary school 'in that WHEN you EL
rioted. Reurged fast actidtltoSave meantime` fast decisive community and then entered
triaa�y " ilr����'uee't"•s rem •gdveritfnent action is now I
btrikruptcy mandatoryifthis industry is ib be and Marine Ho,spifal in Owen
p nurses' training at the General '
� ' ..tttt���Ir study of
Ii,1, he 1* impressed With 'saved for farmer's," Wats Hill's Sound.
thec10 Igremark, p Following tbr�e !,'ntj the work at ,
-� al ill
Licensed and bonded
should leave names at the Goderich Town Hall
" Phone 524-8344.
If enough interest is shown a course of instruction can be
: Girls up to age 13 .
: One hour per week
: There will be an enrolment fee
: Enrolment limited. - •
Please call before April 25th, 19721 '
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