HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1972-04-06, Page 25ASA NA oirs ntrio nurses show -poorly 's as art Usingtbs ., The inventor of the tarn can ° ,1 teaspoon whole R cloves .. surely deserves the , heartfelt 1. teaspoon mh,strd. eed thanks Of every busy housewife. 1 19 -ounce ,can beets. drained Thanks due to frim, we can have at Combine vinegar, stt�and ar hand every day of the week the spices tied in cheesecloth bag: round vegeta that might Add beets. Cover and, bring to g During her report to the 'hoard, accounted for by the rapid transit enrollment will cause. the need aof . ek Meeling of the Perth -Huron of new programs. Examination of "l' instructors. Regional'Schoolof Nursing, Miss programs will be done• • E.A. Elliott, of Goderich,. M. Philpott, Principal of the' Mr. L. O'Dea, College of Education Advisory . Chairman, school expressed the fact, for the Nurses Inspector visited the -recommended t l a t a sub - first time, computer data was- Stratford�schoQl on March 7, .8, committee of ones• hospital . s r i : .one"-,D.octoa�,...dzu �,�.� _�-ade—a.-vaiial�le �xt—t?-��•,.,-=�and�th-�#o revie�! ..the . Schcol<,.--,Adrrr�nit � off -- results for the, provinces Qf orgainizationi, philisophy, Director . of Nursing: ;and two ii Canada, and a compari,sonof each. ° ,objectives, course content, and laymen., be• formed:, in order to' school's results against the utiWzation of *clinical: resources. exainine he Changes taking place Qntariogaverages. ° - Mrs, O'Dea confirmed that the • in nursing, ;and, :the needs • of • Approximately„ 10;000 nurses" Perth,Huron School Qf Nursing is hospitals.. He' felt this school ti'cold play, an important' role' in. wrote the' R.N. �xamitrations rn mf?etng regulationsas $et•by"the .Q, p Y p August . in Canada, half ,of this , College of Nurses, this area; a place to meet in study number: werewOntario graduates. , Following the. attendance Oat a ' for all concern. ed•• ' • ' v.. J. F-er' uSQ•n, The Ontario results „showed t,he' Directors of Schools of Nursing � Key g ak '• lowest achievement of all ten Conference, Miss Philpottfelt�the , recommended that the Executive provinces. 'Phis: coir Id b e, main focus of, the conference' was • Committee approach the Hospital the 'changing over of the diploma ll, ' ,schools of nursing in the QYSE Community College settings. a • .This change over is expected to be r Ov i'Cta introduced this sitting of the �'■. House -of Assembly. The instructors of the, school ''CI:i a n c e have attended seminars in Hamilton, -Galt, and New York. The facilities of the school have ' been made available to the Nursing staffs of the participating hospitals for conferences. Other activities at the school have been the. making of films,. five up to date. J. Carter of St. Mary's, finance chairman, stated' the expenditures of 1971 was' '$425,477 which proved to be under the budget which was set at $460,663. For the year of •1972 an increase'of 7 per cent over 1971 is allowed, The Finance committee recommended for the fall of 1972, the enrollment be set at 70. This needs . chiabist A project, to involve about 750 students in the 15 -to -19 age M bracket in an economic educational - program this summer, was outlined by Labour Minister Fern Guindon recently. It will be a co-operative effort of the Ministry ' of Labour and Junior Achievement of Canada, a Is non-profit educational • organization. • The program, "Ontario Youth Summer Enterprises", - is spo.nsored as part of the Provincial - Government's 'Summer 72' program. It will "provide opportunities for male and female students to run their own miniature companies during during Scubo ear. July and August.�, facing the same situations and pp in* � hospitals? tackling the same problems as. Commission in the possibility of securing a full time •Chaplain to, serve in a.dual capacity of serving the Stratford Hospital and the Nursing School. • br. A.R. Rowe, who chaired the meeting said the will of the late Dr. Grieve will - benefit the Stratford Medical staff one year and the following .year, Nursing Education will benefit. " Dear Ann Landers: I'm 18 and a t ,faro au with.. ,s nd,unt.-.he;r.�.at , � My steady afternearly 14 months because he started to ta1k.about sex' and marriage. I don't know why,,.but it° •frightened me. I've always been terrified, :of letting anyone. h icall. -c14se• • getpYs Y., Right now 'I'm, enjoying the company of u guy who definiteW has gay characteristics. -When lfy:' ° parents met hiin a few weeks^a.g0 they.were flabbergasted. "Can't you ee he's.a fag?" nay dad yelled at me: My mother .said` I must be out of my mind to be seen, with a -' fairy. . 1 really enjoy this fellow's company and I want to keep seeing him, but 'I don't know how much of this pressure I can- take _lrom-"MY_ family. Peart of lily problem. is they thought my ex -steady was "Mr. Fantastic" and this new Souffles are great Light as a cloud, high as the sky, and deliciously sweet or savory, a souffle can be a most attractive entree or dessert. And, it is not very difficult to make. The -tales of fallen souffles coincide with the days before we had controlled temperature in ,ovens. ' CHEESE SOUFFLE 3:tablespoons butter 1/4 cup flour 12 teaspoon salt Dash pepper IC ICNAI,"�,7#AR, fello`v quite a lel-down. 1 can't IeiLth. h :. �, area. help trim --Sunshine . • • Dear Sun: You,need more help than 1 :can give ''you. You need a .psychiatric evaluation to 'determine 'the severity ',0.1 your emotional, problem. Girls who' • gravitate . toward homosexual.' males because they are araid�, of . sex ,,are grossly imrnatut:re.. 1 suggest you try fo re-establish the . relationship 'w„ith "Mr. Fantastic,” level with frim and . enlist his- uhderstanding. ' , Dear Ann Landers: I was . talking on the phone this evening and my mother walked by and screamed, "Tell` whoever' that is that you're not 'allowed to talk forever' on:a school night and. then get off." . Well, I' didn't have to tell him.., Heh.eard it. And so did everyone else within a block of our house. I was so humiliated I• just said, "I'm sure you heard that. I want to apologize for my.mother." Then .I rang Off because I was on the verge of tears. My • mother became .furious for mentioning her. She said I had no' right to, -make her look bad and she was sick of me and.my big mouth. - Thisisn'tthe first time she has . 1 cup milk done something like this to me. I 1 1-3" cups grated Canadian am.1.6 years old and counting. the cheddar cheese (about 5ounces days .until I can get out of: this yearboil. Si IHUer 10 minutes: Chill otherwi(Seabe difficult to buy. o ht- th:;.a1 beets `''"Wlier .�..b�yllrg'°y�=°.�eaxrncec�-e� � .:. vegetables, look for the grade xrumer ed in piecrI ing' rurxtttre name' the 1'h.bel. brain `before serrlg. May be cn served as a.relish with coid,Meat$ earrada "a�ncy,vegetables are: or as a salad on 'lettuce°. May be t i best' . ualit they are refrigerator. he la. g +� . X stared l month. in I s und, clean, unblemished, of •• Makes about.1 r(a • cups. " . . good color and uniform s}xe, and ' are packed. at perfect •°maturity. JIFFY POTATO �AAC For, dinners 'with family or 219-ounoe cans potatoes, ,drained conip'any, Canada Fsney grade 1- 14 -ounce scan gree4 beads, vegetables are: the perfect buy.. drained Canada Choice rade ri4 cup chopped celery Ca . da 114 cup chopped green pepper vegetables, are of gooci'.qualitY; ' ,;� tablespoons chopped green they are: sound, clean • and onion unblemished, but may vary N hard -cooked eggs Tightly in • size, color and 2 2 tablespoons chopped' fresh maturity. They'are a good buy for aisle family-nieals. parsley 12 teaspoon salt Although 'Canada Standard. ',/§ teaspoon pepper grade is the lowest grade, the 1 tablespoon French or Italian vegetables are still of good dressing quality with fairly good flavor, 1,y, cup mayonnaise or salad color and uniformity'. They are an dressing economical buy for casseroles Dice potatoes and combine with and crea�tned vegetables dishes: remaining ingredients except Look for the "Canada" in the mayonnaise, Chill. Toss lightly grade name. This means the with mayonnaise before serving. product was grown or packed in Canada. Canned vegetables can be used ._ in a multitude of ways. They can he .attractively garnished, delicately seasoned or skillfully incorporated 'into a.' variety of b t )' dishes. The ', three recipes 4 beaten egg yolks house'. Please tell me how to keep presented by • the home 4 egg whites myself together until then. Is ' econo nists,•Canada Agriculture, Souffles are usually a To make the sauce, melt butter then any way 1 can get Mom to Ottawa give different quick ways combination of a thick sauce,- a and blend in flour and seasonings. ' r.espec • The --as a, persozr.'_ I know of utilizing a 19 -ounce _can' of: ,pureed • or -finely chopped 'Gradually add milk. Stir and cook • her life isn't a bed of roses but .it.. vegetables. The "Zesty Pork 'The artici ants will learn by . flavort)ngandeggs. The egg yolks - until smooth and .thick: Add isn't Bair for her to take Ther Casserole.' uses canned cream and cheese or other flavoring cheese and stir until melted; unhappiness out -on me. Please ingredients are added to the thick Remove from heat and gradually answer scion. I' m --Sinking Fast most businesses. Each 'of the . Surgical masks are standard cream sauce, while the whites are stir into egg yolks. Cool Slightly. pear. Sink •.- yw.t__._lra_ve_ good. , -11 frtimin:tur�_,-carnpa_►ti-e.s-- -of -2,5. •b t ate1 t'tl incorporate • . Beat egg whites until stiff but not rtnclerstancling as indicated by the' ' ' • students will produce and market its • product, ,items .. such as artificial flowers, beer. •can in Indianapolis, operotrng roc... lighters and desk pens. The personnel, wear surgical masks imprisoned :air expanding in the dish. Bake 55 tq 60 minutes ,at 325 • „ meanness and al)usive treatment students', summer will be filled connected to .respirator systems oven heat that makes the souffle '' F or 45 ti) 50 minutes at 350 'F. between people who live or work w c 11 ging Xp 'i nces cti lik ba .masks. rise. Serve immediately. 4 servings. • together. It's called 'displaced such as.selling to the public; often Air is supplied, while exhaled anger." Your best defense is to door to door, keeping books in The most important part of the SPINACH -HAM SOUFFLE I g carbon dioxide is directed 'awayreact as little as possible and or=der=; preparing and discussing , from theo statin area. A gentle souffle preparation is the beating 2 tablespoons butter avoid situations that . might p g g of the egg whites. The whites 2 tables oons flour ' should be at room. temperature, 1; p ,provide her with an opportunity to q teaspoon w'tiite pepper humiliate you. Remember that before starting,. Carefully beat .1 ,2 cup milk r o she can't'make you lock had'. Only them until shiny and stiff enough 1 cul) grated while Canadian You can do tlutt. to hold a good peak when lifted on Cheddar Cheese• Dear Ann Landers: The guest ' the beater`, Then; folding the • 12..eup`cooked spinach" whites into the sauce is all the who found the'seven foot iguana in 1 cup, chopped'cooked ham i o umesln operating -r -Dams.. -.But:-_- ea en separ . " `'" as much air as possible. Thenithe . dry. Carefully fold •cooked scuba gear maybe the next style. statement that your moan i At Indiana 'University Hospital whites are carefully folded into. mixture into egg whites. Turn into • corn. and the "Quick Pickled Beets" can he made with canned Odle, sliced or 'quartered beets: By using canned potatoes and s green beans, IIs easy to ma t rhe •".Jiffy Potato Salad". • unhappy and taking it out on vr)u: ' the other mixture, It is • this ungreased6-cup souffle or baking This is th.e reason for most of the company reports and policy, 'developing relations with his of her co-workers as well as breeze of -sterile air is blown constantly over the patient:- .,In the real underwater world, a • surmounting the dally crises of scuba diver straps to41is body the keeping an' enterprise productive equipment that supplies his air, • and profitable.; and removes the carbon dioxide The -companies • will have he exhales: The air he breathes, :crccess to the advice of college . underwater as well'as out of -the students hired under the program . - water, is 'one-fifth oxygen and to act as cb-ordinators. Resource r four-fifths nitrogen. But nitrogen li ht remains. It wise to add about 1 4 • • the'tiathttth didn't get the • ' ritesaa e: If -was loud and -l --clear•: of the -whites to the ,sauce first, 4 e whites• 13tittr�red bread crumbs Stix pork n; c �i and corn ar.rd.tur'n into greased baking, dish. Saute onion and green .pepper in fat until onion is transparent. Stir bouillon° chili sauce. vinegar' and.seasonings and bring to boil: - Pour over meat mixture. Cover and bake 25 minutes at 350 F, uncover. tcip with crumbs and bake 5 minutes more, 6)servings. egg I�.IOELS. SuNO4 A't. The Five Points Licensed Mechanic Repairs to all .Makes 4111111111111011111. FOR YOUR 46. -IA/EST ST. 524.9442 ZESTY PORK CASSEROLE 2 1 2 cups diced cboked pork, .. 2 cups cooked macaroni (1 cup or 4'ounces uncookedi 1 19 -ounce can cream corn 0?. cup chopped onion 1-3 cup chopped green pepper 2 tahl•espoons .fat , • 1 cup beef bouillon cup chili sauce • 1 tablespoon vinegar 1 teaspoon salt 1'4 teaspoon pepper-. but 1 GO NOMI carefully mixing it in. To ni ke sn.uce.�meltbu, et are t ens.the..sauce so: that it ca.n be ' �. '-s.a,..eonstatrt sourc,eof w0rvikr . g blend in. - flotir--•:. and._ pepper,... to-methat •so -1l a•nv people )l&Sttmia _.. • combined .. easily with, the Gradually add milk. Stir and cook • remaining egg whites. until smooth , and thick. Add they are welcome simply. becapse they are''relatives'. They invite This people from business and the becomes narcotic to divers after community will also assist .a depth of about 40' yards., At A mainly' in special seminars deeper levels, 'divers have to including one on how to approach carry expensive helium instead of job huntink in the future. nitrogen. The participants may 'earn Scientists are looking; for ways some remuneration depending on to increase man's ability to the profitability of their breathe underwater without enterprise. Mr. Guindon masks. At the University of emphasized, however', that it is Marseilles in ' ,Fiance, Dr. expected the students will profit Jacques Chouteau 'kept two goats primarily from the involvement alive for" a full day in a pressure experience ,.. offering a n 'chamber simulating conditions 'understanding of business, an 300 yards underwater. The insight into human relations and• unusual aspect of the experiment leadership training as well as was that a cylinder filled with a practical vocational experience. . gas called potassium superoxide. collapse. To test for donen*.ss,. This summer's•program which • kept rec'onverting just the right move the souffle slightly. If it will be operated in up to 14 amount of oxygen in the chamber. -shakes, it needs a few ' more , communities is a - dramatic ' The goats, incidentally, thrived minutes cooking. It will be, firm expansion of -a highly successful on their daily ration of one all the way through when well pilot. project conducted Int cigarette, which they ate with done... summer i n Windsor-a.•1-•s,a•,.., obvious -pleasure,•• .-- - r .............. .... ... .:.... ..... - ...•... ,....,'; .. sponsored jointly by Junior One day man can live under the.. Why not try your hand at making , Achievement and the Department sea' if he can figure out how to these two souffles? The Cheese of Labour. breathe justthe right combination --Souffle is a familiar and Junior Achievement in co- ' of gases. • • < traditional.. recipe while the ordinating--4he program, will • In the meantime, to fid out Spinach -Ham one displays more employ many of their proven more about•the many problms of creativity. One last reminder ©intact from. the home economists, 4r Theosouffle should not be left -' cheese and stir until melted,Remove froth heat. Drain and themselves to enjoy. frac bed and standing, and so after the egg board and Stay as long a,s'it suits white is incorporated into. the chop spinach. Cornb'ine with ham their" fancy. •sauce, the whole mixture should and -egg, yolks. .Pour sauce over That iguana was a neat idea. At • be turned into a baking dish and te} spinach mixture and combine present. I'm ne;otiaiing for an put into the even. There is no need well. Beat egg whites Until still , eight foot gorilla as a"permanent but'not dry. Carefully fold'cooked to use a special souffle dish—any mixture oour guest room. _ into egg whites. Turn intoccupant ,ofBecause. I've—Haddit - In New 6 ffl or bakirl Orleans - - Dear Haddit: Wouldn't -•it be simpler to tel your relatives 'to straight sides will do. Once the ungreased cup sort c souffle is in. -the oven, try riot to dish; Bake 55 to 60 minutes at 325' open, the door until the last to ' F or 45. to 50 minutes at 350 F minutes of cooking, otherwise the :Serve immediately. 4 servings. cold draft.might just cause it to - materials and methods as well as breathing' above .water, ' the facilities used in their regular your local tuberculosis and Canada Agriculture, Ottawa—"A program. The regular program, respiratory disease association. souffle should be served .. which runs from October to May, It -really is a ,matter 'of, life and immediately—let the 'guests do involves 3,800-ofQnta.rio; s.. youth. breath._• _ the waiting!" ' • Further information regarding this summer program may be 'obtained by contacting. Junior Achievement of Canada at 145 Yonge Street, Toronto 1. 1111111111111111;1I11I111i11t11111i1iii111111111II11Iiliillliillllllh THINKING. OF EASTER P As with a trumpet shrill, again The Easter world awakens; Drab soil grows green, new life is seen, What music each bird makes! Though you have failed, sing this refrain: I car"; I will begin again! . WELCOME SERVICE • ter: lul J k tL_�..call� you with..v "housewarming. IIir end information about your . new , location. `The. Hostess' will be -- soled to Orange your4subieriptlOf to the SIGNAL+STAR. ,— Gsl'i her-ei 5244524 FOOT TRQU ILE'S? ATTENTION�� By settingtoo much ,pressure ■. on arteries, reins and' the nerve system on the bottom of your feet, - it can cause malfunction for the following: Feel Tired? Backache? Sore Feet? Painful Neck? Callouses?` Arthritic Pain? , Rheumatic Pain? Poor Circulation? Balance and .Co-ordination? Numbness or. Cramps (foot and leg)? . Alznner National Arch Supports . ,, could be your answer- 'as they have been for thoiusands and thousands of others in Canada and the United States. They are ,scientifically designed to match the contours of your feet — makes walking • .a pleasure again. Recommended by doctors. SPROULE SHOES r', Please do not miss this -opportunity w FOR YOUR HEALTH'S SAKEI a ObligationNo CAMPBELL'S- GODERICH THURSDAY, APRIL 13 - 1 to 3 p.m. •a Batteries, accessories repairs ' �, tip most ;makes E. R. T:H EDE- Hearing Aid Service. Ltd. 88 Queen St. Kitchener HEARING AIDS • QUICK PICKLED BEETS 1 cup vinegar 1.1. cup stigar - 1 hay leaf • 'find other acco'uimodations" • ' 2 teaslioorl_pepper corns, R. W. SELL OPTOMETRIST , The Square 5247661 Ronald L. McDonald: DIESEL Pumps and Injectors. Repaired ',.. For All Popular Makes Huron Fuel Injection ;Equipment - Bayfield' Rd. 482-7971 Clinton - CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 39 Si. David St., 524-6253 • Goderich, Ontario For FASH ION RIGHT SHOES l CFI ISHO'LM FUELS The Place To Go Is ROSS SHOES. The Square Goderich THE GODERICH RESTAURANT STEAK', HOUSE; and TA' VERN - PRODUCTS HOME, FARM, INDUSTRY Free Burner Service Furnace Financing Gasotines .-8t Diesel. fuels- 524-OIC7681 ,529-7524 Cards For Ali Occasions * Gifts -* Books * Stationery Supplies /." Records ANDERSON'S. BOOK 'CENTRE 33 East St Goderich P •, * FRIGIDAIRE * WESTINGHOUSE 4'` G IBSON ' • HOOVER Sales and service JEWELL 'AROTHERS— APPLIANCES,8t TV !AD. tiO 004010