HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1972-04-06, Page 20ZB-OWERJCR. SKKNAL: STA1tF. TRUR$P . , APRIL 6, VA • .
rio Ttad'e(eflk�
'will open n Toronto
A Trade and industry Centre to - perfernrance ' in Canada , and
promote Ontario products a abroad° wi11 lie- uailab1e ";
services will be Opened by his A reference library and
department in Toronto, in June.' product sdtirce listings, .will
Trade and Development Minister assist , buyers. locate ` -Ontario
.-John White announced, recently.. s u p`p t i e r s and -- pro v i d e
It will be a Multi-purpose autttorit;itive advice on tariff and ,
ntre,.loused. in 20,000 •square, other matters relating to external
feet on two levels in .one of the ..trade,. •
Deity's newest buildings,'', York
Centre, at University Avenue and.
King Street. /p�
As many as 1,000 Ontario- �wea wean* are
conrpaiiies a. year will be able to
show their products in a series of
which will feature goods app rived for*
,of specific�lndustriej for varying
periods. Products to be displayed ••
at the Trade and Industry Centre Benmillerpark.(TIC( willvaryfromagricultural
"'all(' ccinsumer pods to heavy • The Ilot>outrable James A...: F<>
industrial' products an.d Auld. Minister of the
technology intense items.
A refrigerated display section Environment and Mr. Murray
will tie used to promote Ontario Gaunt M.P.F. for, Huron -Bruce, ,
Food products. Other areas will 'announce' the approval of a
feature the attractions of parks provincial grant in the amount of
and recreational facilities of the $5,250.00, to the Maitlan.d.: Valley
Conservation Authority for a
province• preliminary engineering study on
The centre will provide an
essential service to -visitors from• the proposed weir in the Falls
abroad interested °steel in trade and Reserve Conservation Area in•the
tourism. Township of Colborne."
Mr. White, who is also Minister This study' is to determine the
of Tourism and Information. said feasibility of. constructing a weir
that a tourist inlet motion area across the Maitland River above
part f the falls in the Falls Reserve
-during summer will inslttd. . . hydraulic ,and
supplemeod`�lu h hydrologic studies, preliminary
.months. • ' ...
"TIC. will pro{ride details on ..soils " investiga,tions,' water
.-Ontari-e_pnodue-ts-,-data-on foreign_ quality analysis, determination of
markets and information about, the most suitable type of weir and
Ontario—its economy, people, preparation of cost estimates.
. 'agriculture,. industry, tourism All member municipalities are
and geography. designated as benefiting and will
be levied the Authority's share of
the cost.
Trade and DevelopgnentMinister JohnWhite with a model of his department's new Trade''and l,ndustry
Centre, to be opened.inJune in Toronto. He told a press conference that the Centre,, comprising 20,000
square feet on two levels, will be used to promote Ontario products, including foods and lumber, and
will also house a tourist information • area. The `department is soon to be named Ministry of Industry
and Tourism.
Rose Garland cottage gone
The Hincks farm found
will be a fully -integrated o
'Conservation rea The study
the centre, with its own --staff; f BY W. E. ELLIOTT location of the Hincks farm, a
Modern audiovisual facilities
will be used to provide product
and industry. information•.
M•anufactu°rers, trade
associations' and buying
ol`ganizations and the tourist
' industry will be invited to make
use of the display centre,
*The d tit wn centre wipe. a
unique year' -round showcase for
Ontario's diversifiecUprQducts." BY KATHY BERE .
-Said d -at� the' same '• • - ,"
said M�': While:, `"an,The fifth meeting ref Dungannon r
, .time will provide ,services to our ° Dainty Dolls was held at the home
producers and visitors from of Mrs': Bev. McInnis on March
abroad interested in our products 25th. The meeting opened with the
and our tourist attractions. pledge which was followed by thew
The department's trade and secretary's and treasurer's
_ •• t - 1-•
the --report.
Canadian firm of. architects. , The roll call was to compare
�'T ddlitiitaiit's. The Ontario'-ScieT! e • with -cast of si-niilar- ready-made--- -
Centre is co-operating in garment. After business and
providing design. and other .discussion, the, girls worked on
assistance. their garments until the meeting
Special displays will coincide closed. ' .
with.. conferences. con ntions BY DONNA KELLESTINE
and exhibitions. and sfrinars On March 27 at Carlow Hall the
will be held to assist in export and seventh meeting of the Tiger
marketing - ..e.d u c.a :t,i o n i 11unto0 Bedbugs. was held.
• When Harvey F. Hin .ks of "`take -a -chance"' search was
' in her last made of the i
: lifornia called_
October, seeking the location` of
his great-grandfather's farm (as
reported in the Signal -Star) he had
with him a sketch showing the
property as just beyond the CNIT
tracks at the' Huron road. That is
Lot 1, Maitland Concession,
owned by the'Ransford family for
60 years and consequently not the
Hincks place. • Five...months (and
considerable research).la•ter, the
Hincks farm has been found. It is a
little beyond the tracks. all tight.
but a couple of miles out . in
Goderich township. where the
railway • crosses the' third
concession. road. -
• On this farm great' -grandfather
Hinnk's' is supposed to -have -built .. •
-Rose Garland .Cottage". • a
replica'of one in Ireland, .at his
former home near Cork' There is
no old house now on Lot'11, Con.
III, but a fairlymodern one. along
iilrlir�aa u•nprl '`
since 1-957 by Theunis Dra tra.
In the early yea•rj of
c .
Sutherland Gaze Leer
of Huron for 1863-4, at the ` with the Ralph M. Parsons
University of Western Ontario. At company in ' Los Angeles, and
the regional" History library; `'resides in San Gabriel! -
Xerox copies were made, and up The slightoelling error of the
came. tie name of "Harvey Hincks name in the gazetteer is
Hincks,,,Con. III, Lot 11.()Iwo
Gr at -grandfather Hincks was township residents. Whether the
a cerin of Sir Francis Hincks, • Sutherlands used assessment
whd was finance minister in Sir rolls, voters' lists, or made their
John, A. Macdonald'S first a own census, the result in some
cabinet. Following A. T..Galt and instanceSis sta`r'tling. There are
'John Rose, he held the office from 16 persons listed as "Ellett";
1869 to 1873. He had headed the presumably -representing the
Hincks-Morin government before several Elliott families. Two
Confederation. Connected with • othei:well' known famnilies are
more or less identified as
" I M i It
several newspaper enterprises in
Canada, he was knighted in' 1862.
Harvey F. Hincks is connected
The r11
the poor
00n -smoker
f many in the list of Goderich
Cancer group
pr6ductrvrty and product design, Jo -Ann `Pollock led the pledge.
agricultural and tourist Karen McPhee read the minutes
promotion. _ of last meeting and roll call was
Foreign visitors will ...be
encouraged to use the facilit"to Therewill be a rehearsal and a ,
• establish contact with Ontario small party April 10 at Carlow
suppliers. Hall. Different people . were
Sample rooms will enable the assignedto bring chips, peanuts.
Ontario private sector etc.
'individually or iii industry' Helen Brindley passed out' a
groupings—to present their sheet on checking record books,
range of products for the Y Mrs. Sherwood went over t, o
„_.Jtompetic.and orei`•n trade fn. •,' '-themernbers' pamphlets
appropriate season.. • so the girls would know how to fill
Some 5,000 first-class hotel them in. Vicki Vanstone and Helen
rooms will he within walking - Brindley checked Group 2's books
distance of the centre. to see if they were up to date.
Th..=.het=ade-press will find at the
-Susan Feaganrread the .creed to
centre a new link • with the bring the meeting to an end. The
• department, and information , next meeting will be held on April
about Ontario industry and its '• 10.
for fend drip
settlement,:.. varrou, y ,err
business men 'with money to.,
invest bought and sold farm'lots.
and this one belonged at various
times to Absalom Shade,
Christopher Crabb .and William
Fisher Gooding. Harvey Hincks
bought it in '1861 from Harvey
Lake. In 1865 he 'bought Lot 10,
Con. IV (across'the •road) from the,
heirs of Lake.
Mr. Hincks died in 1894, The
family sold -the Con, IV farm the
next year to John Knox, Goderieh
carriage maker, a kinsman. John
Sowerby gotit in 1900. It belongs
now to.Wayne.florner. The. Hincks
family apparently lost the Con. III •
farm- in 1896.. •
Family records show that Dr.'
.John Francis Hincks. grandfather,
of the California man. was born -
"atGoderich, Ont." in 185'7. four
years •before the -first farm was
"purchased. As the great-
grandfather is supposed to have
rhigrated to Canada sometime in
the 18405 thereis an area Of time --
yet to be, explored.
. With no clue to go on, regarding
4men4 na ajijknehue bane i'f tinete&hana
Let us assist you wl ;our
plal for that all important
wedc.ing day.
Your choice of various.pap'er stocks, type
stye, Md sig.
" ;ask, for .. M
• Sockald ane ec e on.
Jacob S,eegmill'er:"s. name appears
as sornetimes pronoipnced—,
••S,r„;m•iller". Elsewhere in the
fist .are found McMeth.
T(,uc,hbur-n. A,chison and
"'"f�w'oI't y,. •
Nonsmokers are learning' how
to defend themselves.
Remember just.a few years ago
wiien airllnes'jiassed outcourtesy
cigarettes??, NQ longer. Today
they're just as I t`sy setting up.no-
smoking areas 'for complaining
Cigarette 'smoke is more than
an annoyance to noes noke�l 5. It
Can.catise p .ysiological distress
inhealthy individuals as w,ellas in
those with : asthma and other
respiratory r illnesses. New
research indicates, in fact, that
the nonsmoker is affected" by
cigarette smoke in much the same
damaging way as is the smoker
himself. °
Recent experiments at Teicas A
& M University. and elsewhere
indicate that even 30 minutes in a
smoke-filled environment
significantly rncrea:ses--.
nonsmoker's heart rate, blood
pressure, and the ''amount of"
carbon monoxide in his blood.
A team of researchers at the
University of Cincinnati Medical
Center reported that, smoke
drifting frons) the burning end of
cigarettes, cigars, and pipes •
carries with it more cadmium, a
metal poisonous to man, than the
smoke inhaled ijy the smoker
through the unlit end.. of 'the
cigarette. Large doses of '
cadmium can cause'acute
poisoning in man. In lower doses
it has been implicated in
hypertension, chronicbr.onchitis,
and emphysema.
Still another research team a
Wayne-StatGUniver i.ty in Detroit
found that acute illnesses, mostly
respiratory, were twice as
• prevalent among young children
whose parents smoked ;at home
'than 'among those whose pare its
never smoked in the home. Some °
•of the differences were attributed
to 'the negative effe'e''Ys'of
surrounding smoke.
Your local tuberculosis and
respiratory disease association
urges nonsmokers to speak pp and
say "Yes, I do mind if , you
smoke,",Defend your�sel•f. It's a
.matter of life;and breath. Yours.
comp any
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Windshield Replacement at Competitve Prices
W. J •
St. David St., Goder'ich 524-9449
At the mec-t`rng in Wingham. Dr. •
L. Clarke spolte 'to members "of_
th.e. H•ur:oi . nr Of the. Canadian
Cancer Society -on various
aspects of the cancer problem in.
Newfoundland where he has been
residing until recentl''.
There is only one radio therapy
unit on the island,- and in pone
districts one doctor serving a
wide area makes•cancer detection
somewhat problematical. He felt
that in many cases, with a small
amount of training on the subject.
screening coaild be carried out by
Dr: Clarke feels strongly that
there' is_ • an environmental
tendency which predisposes
people to " cancer• in certain
instances, citing one island
'settlement a$ an example. He also
feels that there is a definite
familial tendency to the .disease,
but it would take a great deal of
research to' come. ;to any real
conclusion on the subject .
At the • business segment
chaired by.. Mrs. ' M. • Durst,
-campaign Matters were
discussed, and Howard Aitken
gave • a thorough report on
publicity promotion plans.
Sunday, April 9, has' been
designated. Daffodil Sunday, and
Branch chairmen reported
everything in readiness for the
blitz to begin April 10 throughout
the county.
Additional business discussion
included tentative plans for the
annual dinner Meeting in Clinton
on September 19, at which Bill
Brady, radio and television
Personality of :London, will, be
guest speaker. It was decided that
.tickets should be ordered in the
near future, and the public he
asked to obtain theirs at an early
date • as seating. accommodation
will probably not be.available for
all who wish to attend.
Select your weddings invitations, announcements
and sZeasanties with complete. confidence as 'to
giirtalit .acid cottectness of form.
-__ .
Advertise `economically in the
Huron Shopping News Want
• Phone'• the News'Record at
482+3448 or the Cignal+Star at
S24.8331 to place your want ad.
ACI .42,50A
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