HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1972-04-06, Page 17A new service bas•tmgun on a trial"basis by the staff in 019 front officeof'The Signal Star. They ar`e Charting dates. , upcgming events on a calender in an 'effort to .asst locale service clubs, churches;• and other organizations to co- ordinate their, fund-raising events. A s the systemnow stand, the Signal -Star office staff will chart coming events on their' calendar only if especially requested by an officer of an 'organization. TheSignal-Star office staff, however, wille` . not b responsible for charting all upcoming events in the community. Itis hoped this service will alleviate some problems for Goderich and district people until a more permanent arrangement is found. • THE BENMILLER Maitland Group Bake & Rummage, Sale at Victoria.. St. United Churclf, Goderich, Saturday, April 8 at 1:30.-13,14 44, CARD PARTY., St. Peter's Parish Hall, Sunday, April 9th, 8:00 p.m, Lunch, prizes. Everyone welcome. Sponsored by St. P,eter's Youth Group. -1°3,14 RUMMAGE SALE, North St. United Church, Friday, April 7, • 1-8:30 p.m. Auspices North St. U.C.W.=-13,14x PUBLIC .NOTICE re Harbourlite Inn. We are accepting bookings iihtil .December 31, 1972, for banquets, luncheons, dances, etc.` Phone Roy ,`Breckenriilge, 524- r5 9371 or 524-9264.=11-1i GIANT BakeSale 4 Rummage Sale; Saturday, April 8, l:20-- 3;30, . St.. Peters Parish Hall. ,Auspices • Catholic Worneres League. -13,14 n THE dRGANIZATION MEETING for the ° Goderich •Township Women's`Institute Branch will be held in the Township Hall, Holmesville, on.Thursday, April 20, at 8 p.m. All interested ladies will be welcome. -14,15 TURKEY SUPPER at Victoria, Street United Church, on Wednesday, -April 19, at6:3.0 p.m. Adults $2.00, children under twelve $1.00. Phone 524-7696 for tickets. -14,15 CROKINOLE PARTY, Benmiller United Church, on Friday, April 7 tat 8:30 p.m. Ladies please bring • lunch. -14 T � RUMMAGE SALE, Salvation Army Hall, Goderich, Saturday, April 8 at 1:30 p.m. -14 GODERICH ART. CLUB SHOW, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, May 5, 6, and '7, at the Maitland Country Club. Opening night, May 5, there will be a Wine and Cheese Party, tickets $2.00 each, 7!30 p.m.. to 10 p.m., available from Art Club members or at the door. --14,15 RUMMAGE SALE, auspices A.hmeek,, Chapter • I.O.D.E.,: Friday, April 14, 1:30 p.m. at MacKay Hall. -14,15 OM reception for Mr. and Mrs. Tarry Chambers (nee . Claire McWhinney) in Dungannon Agricultural Hall on April 6th, 19'12,.startingat 9:00 p.m. Lunch . provided. -14x, LUTHERAN Worship Service, • Knox Chapel, Sunday, April 10, 2 p.m. Church of the Lutheran Hour. Bruce B.jorkquist, castor--r7,144,5x- , s BUS 'TRIP to London, Ontario, April 1,8, 1972 leaving God.erigh '4, MR . R. K ENT R O W L E Y 'Salvation Arm,' Hall at 10 a:m., Secretar. y -Treasurer tat' the leaving London• 9: 15 p.m. Tickets. Council of- Canadian Unions, will. • $2.50. !'hone 4824604,-13,14 • „address a public,.meeting on dApri;l . • ''6 at 2 p. m, in the Legion Half •alt • BINGO ev ery Saturday at the subject of Independent. Unions Goderich Legion Ball, 8;30 p.m. in Canada,,:-A.Larea unionist and Fifteen ,regular games, $12.00 prizes. Four ' share -the -wealth' games with this week's jackpot $85.00 if won in 57 calla. Door prizes. Admission $1.00.-41 COMING! ''King . James Versio,n,'' Knox Church, , Thursday, Apr.i1.13 at 8:00 p.m*. All welcome! -1,4,15 the public are•ur'ged to attend thus important event. Please clip as a sx+ • " v reminder. of this meeting,' It cah flurry and fuss all. Sponsored by the Local likes—I'm heading ,south. Committee for Independent ' , Eiierything has piled up—as it here but just aboutabout to leave. . I just HAVE to mention that last week I was misquoted --if that's what you might call it. 1 mentioned. I had done some shovelling and cussirr—but—I didn't do any cursing. I know the little typist must have a terrible time trying to follow my way 'of talking. But she will have tel get used to it because that's the way it's done and I can't change M'E. I'm missing a real good Little Theatre performance this week and I'll miss • helping with the make-up—which I ,enjoy doing whenever I get the chance. .Make-up is a very interesting bit of Theatre. • It isn't noticed by the audience—unless it is too garish or outlandish. Make-up, well done, helps the actor pla `'his part—he should be able to LOOK the part as well as trying to•be another person. Our McKay Hall audience is so close to the stage, that the performers dO not use—or need to use heavy make up. They DO have ' to use makeup as the strong lights drains theit 'natural colour and they. look -terrible! I hope you enjoy the show and give plucky little Ruth Leonard a There were seven and one-half great big- hand for allthe hard tables in play at the Goderich work she has dope. Of course, she Duplicate Bridge Club on has some, great helpers there, -- Tuesday, March 28. too, and they all need a good round Winners and their scores were of applause. as"follows: Mrs. A. Galbraith and• • We have another instance A' J. Weerasdoriya, 10412 ; W. where the entertainment calendar Duncan 'and Gerry White, 851 z ; is,not working—and how can it if Mrs. F. Curry and Mrs. K. your date is -not sent in? eniek e nd Goderich Art Club has planned Unions.=10 I3 usual—but because I am such a ENJOY an evening di music by the A SERIES of prenatal classes will poorly organizedperson 1 haven't North Street Choirs and begin Wednesday, Apri1,19, 1972 my column, written days 'ahead. Instrumental Groups under the ' at the following places, sponsored Next week it will come from the direction 01 Eleanor by the Huron County Health Unit: sunny country and •1. hope the sun Hetherington, Sunday, A s ril 9, 7 Clinton, Health Unit Office, 7:30 has taken over here by that time. p.m.,'482-9661; Wingham, former I noticed a friend's protected Nurse's Residence, 2:00 p.m., row' of spring flowers—some in 357-2264; Exeter, South Hurons bloom—but rest just a 'bustin' to Hospital, 2:00 p.m., 235-1014; get out. They were a little short - Brussels, Health Unit Office, 8:00 legged—hut this always happens p.rn °, 887-9331; Goderich, Knox to the very earliest, I find. Presbyterian Church, 2:00 p m. t- We will be glad when we can 524-8301. forget the winter weather and be The aim of these classes is to `happy with°the first dandelion. By give the expectant mother a better that time the Forsythia is flushing understanding of pregnancy and labour. I11 addition, where the family physician approves, the expectant mother may pat'tieipate in exercises which are helpful in preparation for the delivery and the puerperium.. These will be held at weekly intervals for eight weeks. Those interested are invited to attend or phone the health unit,` between 9:00 a.m., and 5:00p.m.-13,14,15 p.m., in the Church Sa tuary. Adults $1.00, children ,r 2 and under 50c. Tickets �,,h,,° � le from U.C.W. members and Hibbert's Store. -12,14 Mr.' and Mrs. Stanley L. Crawford, 99 Brock St., will be at home Sunday, April 9., 1972 2:00— 6:00 p.m. to welcome relatives and •friends on the occasion of their 45th wedding -anniversary. Please no gifts. -14x REXALL lc Sale starts April 13 at Rieck' Pharmacy. -14 •4 DESSERT Card Party and Bake Sale—Goderich Rebekah Lodge No. 89 at McKay Hall on Wednesday, April 12th at 1:30 p.m. Everyone welcome. Draw on quilt after cards. -14 PLAN to attend the luncheon, April 26th, 1:00 p.m., at North Street United Church, sponsored by the Maple Leaf Chapter, IODE With Doris Anderson, Editor of Chatelaine, as guest speaker. Tickets $3.00 available from members or call Mrs.., Herb Murphy, 524-9185.--14,15,16 COME to Blyth Lions Club NEW BINGO at Clinton Legion Bingo every Saturday night at 8:30 p.m., •Community Hall. Hall, 8: 3,, p.m., April 6, Admission $1.00. 12 regular' admission $1.00. Fifteen regular - games, $10.00 each. Two games} .,$10 each. Three Share- SharezThe-WPalthgames. 'One the-: Wealth_ games One Jackpot_ $25.00 special. $125.00 jackpot, game for $150.00 in 54 calls or tt, taken in 60 calrs,,if not ta1tett l e ss ,, • o r .,guaranteed ' $25 $1.0.00 added each night. 50% of consolation. One call. and $10 ' ' ---take-to—to--card if. jackpot -note Y tfn - _ y. - added..weekl weekly. not Wpri.- . taken.` =-;Tifn ` `. . , 6 0� ONTARIO OLLEGIATE DRAMA FESTIVAL Regional Competition GODERICH DISTRICT COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE. Saturday, April 8 ''11111111 . BROWNIE'S RIN TIS CLINTON - ONTARIO. OPENING FRIDAY, APRIL 14 DUE TO ADVERSE WEATHER CONDITIONS Watch 'Next• . Week's Paper For .Program • ASK FOR AN APPOINTMENT. Attar .... �. Om royally .t -An,,,, emb.. . If, you have a hearing problem contact ,The Zenith . Hearing Aid • Service by calling RI EC K PHARMACY 524.7241, 14 1 he Square,. .F; TIN NO OBLIGATION. -, its lovely pure yellow-2l'nd,•with the dandelions sprinkled all dyer we know that Spring is not, only • r a *:; .BAYFMLD AD, --,GODER,I i 4 624-7111' ' f —Formerly TilThe _ PIZZA PATIO DINING' AND DANCING EVERY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY NIGHT Friday & Sotrrday April 7.4- 8 un Mrs. J•' Donnelly. 801,2.' - a Wine and Cheese party in • t, "NO EXIT" Eastwood Collegiate, Kitcherier "1 WISH" 'Saugeen District High School "POLLUTION PROBED" Ancaster,,UJ h School Scenes from "RING AROUND THE MOON" Goderich Collegiate " * ADJUDICATOR: Gordon. C. Johnson ADMISSION $1.00 Sponsored by Simpsons -Sears Limited ELM HAVEN MOTOR HOTEL PLAYING NIGHTLY "PEA B OD Y and - HIS F(JNKY LITTLE n A BAND" MATINEE MATINEE SATURDAY, AFTERNOON 4-6'P.M: 14b f10 -J f connection with an:,4-Art show' planned for, May 5, 6 and 7.. The • wine bit is on the'Friday nite, May 5. e an es-pecially fi' - showing for this area and the Art Club want Shave more'of interest erested lit the.. many. phases. or ..uredia_ which they too may become involved , with. So-o-o—they carefully checked the dates and arranged -for tickets etc., when wouldn't you know—the big musical—the big treat of the year is. using the same set .of riites— more or less! Anyway, 'Little Theatre are having'four- big -niies, so•you will.. have a chance to go to both affairs. •You will hear about it thro your paper, your radio and possibly— hopefully—television too. Love, Martha ,P.S. I'm taking a jar of our maple syrup -REAL stuff—to the south, a surprise. I know they don't want a snowball—since they. haven't been away from it lan 1 Ruth Fremes is a home economist and broadcaster. Her com- bined experience in both fields qualifies her as one of Cc,ada's - top consumer specialists. She's heard each week, along with consumer law expert Bill Neilson, on CBC Radio's Consumer Probe and Comment, answering questions sent in by listeners. What's your consumer complaint? Send it in to CBC Radio Con- sumer Affairs, Box. 500, Station .A, Toronto T16, and Ru-th Fremes may answer it on air for you. Welcome from SKYRANCH DRIVE-IN for another season LUNCII.& REFRESHMENTS -$43 COUPLE • Sys ., , n `PHONE 524.5162 POR TICKETS HIGHWAY 21 N., GODERICH OPEN RS., FRI., ,1 1 A.M. T1k.- MIDNIGHT SAT., SUN. This year to top off our vrdnilla, Chocolate and niixed swirl, we have a chocolate chip and peeinet brittle krunch 'kote topping as well as chocolate dip. FOR, TAKE T SERVICE rank .& Gus Carry -4. ALSO SPAGHETTI-LASAGNA-RAVI OLF 50 WEST STREET, GODERICH (Near The Laundromat) OPEN 4 p.m. to 2 a.m. IHf !MAN PROOUEION COMPANI pax t sIDneJ POITIER "Me ®RGRn!ZaTlnn" coswnmg - BARBARA MCNAIR GERALD S. a'LOUGHLI(V A,YETtIIU*TANMMNT . -COLOR TECHNICOLOR.FLYNN D 3.30 - ERROL FLYNNYNNDEAN STOCKVIEtiL PAUL LUKAS ROBERT 'DOUGLAS. «- Sun.. 9 Mon.I0 Tue. 11 "Trio best comedy ' • ethar nd kyle •,+ best love stay!' 20•!, CENTURY YDx ▪ Made For. Each.Other coLoa n, DE LUXE• �` ,• enough to forget it. I'll bring back an armload 'of sunshine -and that's a promise. wit 12 ttiu.13 Fri. 14 , 5,J5 WARREA BEATTY end GOLDIE HAWftt Fl, (Dollars) . , 1St prize $5,000 2nd prize $1,000 3rd prize 40 @ $100 y ,f !Otter Kinsmen - serving the community's greatest need. „KIn Lottery tickets may he p', rc:hased from any member of participating Kinsmen Clubs (Ar authorized sales ,utlets For information on ix, K in Lottery ticket agent write Kin Lottery Box KIN (ornwall Ontario 4,YN sift im us m r lrrm i to Mr sir MM ba m Mil YMr'riM allNoii iM 4 1 En clotted please`tind my: In'cheeueimoney circlet tot_ -,,1 1 tickets at $.ob each In ohequetmoney order for $18.00 1 for a book bf ten tidket8. Make cheques payable to "'kin 1 1 Lottery and mall to: Kin Lottery, ;box 1779, Cornwall,t 1.nntarl0. 114.32" 1 - y AODFtE88 Ah r 1 11 OTV ... oat v 1 • 1'To be eligible for the next Mint kin Draw,.ydur ticket order l 1 tom of draw coupon musk b"e received by the Kin Lottery M ettiOe before noon on the 12th or the 'rmenttt %tau*. oat. woe row'. iota riMti.ekes/ Itis Lottery tlkket$ may be. purchased tr'Or l the tolloteM ltothoriz r srsl*e outlet*. +=.�.:=':.�-'u er- :Wr=vnam- :r.s��c.-r_ 3x.r.... t,.�� V+.. -...4h.: __.�c,z:__.s::._s c,.:�..,.> W,.�=.+icy._.ax-.ea:.-.:�s...-a,.,.'7.+rs,5._sK,-......a..nst.cx v...z.•o.,..-.=a.,=-.._... x:�.,�..�vrsi ,k .i_•u:t McGee .Pontracd8uick -Goderich Discoltnt Centre.W. J. If1tighea Real eetslte-Don Hoist Real Estate4RlittiwaterCleaners.:-EluewaterBody 61' R:4rid�ar-$ E H rr-t. Son—$AL Niagara Finance ---Household Finence—Kint*tlI• General Store—Goderielh Nisnufat turing 'Lionel's Sunoco4..Sp'r4'1's BPS -Worthy's Esse-.0e any Kirittrith Meriibior.