HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1893-8-10, Page 1•
The Molsons Bank.
(Chartered by Parliament,1855.)
Paid up Capital .... $2,000,000
Rest Fund.. .. .. 1,100,000,
Head office Montreal.
Money advanceri • v good Farmer's on their
own notes w.'.1. one or more endorsers at 7
per Dent per annum.
Exeter Branch.
Open everylawful day from TO a. m•to 3.p.
m., aturdays 10 a. m. to 1 p. m
A general banking business transacted
OUILRENT RATES allowed for mon-
ey on Deposit Receipts. Savings Bank, at 9
per pent.
Exeter. Jan 28, '88, Sub Manager
Is published every Thursday Morning,
at the Office,
One Dollar per annum if paid in Advance.
81.50 if'not so paid,
2Ld.-srext308.xs.c Rates O1 $ppllca-
No paper discontinued until all arrearages
are paid. Advertisements without specific
harpeddirectionsacoo din PubLiberal discount hed. till made
id and
chargede tent ag ,y.
for ngra eT10d . Every Sdescr ption of JOB
serted for
Long periods.
turned out in the finest style,
and at moderate rates. Cheques,money ord-
m rs. &e, for advertising, subscriptions, etc. tot
b e made pavable to
Sanders & Dyer
Churelr .iDireetOIfy.
Fatt, Rector. Sunday Services, 11 a. m
and? p.m, Sabbath School, 3 p... m. Holy
Communion, 1st Sunday of each n.onth at
Morning Service, and in months of five Sun-
days, after Evening Service of tth Sunday of
of eaohnmontfat morningservi ed Sunday
METRODIST Osmiu TI--James-st, Rev. A. L.
Russell, Pastor. Sunday Services, 10,80 a, m,
an,d 6.80 p.m. Sabbath school, 2.30 p.m.
. ata N STREET -FAV. W. McDonagh, Pas -
to. Sunday Services, 1030 a.m. and 6.90 p.m.
Sabbath School 2.30 p.m.
f gESi3YTERIAN CtiuilCll•—Rev. W. Martin,
Pastor. Sunday Services, 11 a. m. and 6.30 p.
m. ;Siibbath School, 9.45 a. in
Professional Cards.
IL KINSMAN, L.D. S, Benson's Block
two doors north; of Carling Store
rttAIN $T1UEET, ExETElt, extracts teeth
without !lain. Away at Hensall on 1st
Friday; Ailsa Craig ou 2nd and 4th Tuesclay
and .Zurich on last ;l,hursday of each month
t H. IN(RAM, DENTIST, Member Royal
V • College Dental Surgeons, successor to
5L L. Billings. Office over Post Office
Exeter, Ont.' A safe anaesthetic given fur
the painless extraction of teeth. .Bine Gold
Fillings as required. ..a
T•lrs. J A. ROLLINS & T
JJJJ Residenees, same as formerly.
OFFICES, Spackman,. building, Main 9 t.
Dr, Rollins' office; same as formerly—north
door. Dr. Amos' office, same building -south
door. May 1st. 1893
J. A Rollins, M. D. T. A, Amos, M. D
the College of Physicians and Surgeons
Ontario, Physician, Surgeon and Accouch-
eur. Office, Dashwood, Ont.
• 1L. OR, Conveyancer, Notary Public.
Office—Over O'Neil's Bank, Exeter, Ontario.
Money to Loan.
II. DICKSON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR of Supreme Court,Notary Public, Con-
.Oflice -Fa' neon Block, Commissioner, to loan
itors, Conveyancers, &c.
ggam�•• BROWN,.Winaheleea. Licensed Auct.
11.. ioneer for the Counties of Perth and
Middlesex, also for the township of Usborne
Sales promptly attended to and termsreason
able.Sales arranged at Post office, Winehelsa
A J'. ROLLINS, late of Manitoba, Licens-
.ed Auctioneer, for the counties of Hur-
on and Middlesex, Residence: 1 mile south
of Exeter, Ont. Sale Orders by mail or other-
wise promptly attended to at reasonable
EBOSS.ENBERRY, Hensall Ontario. LA0-
. eased Auctioneer for the Counties of
Huron and Perth. Charges moderate and
satisfaction guaranteed.
FRED.W FARNCOMB, Provincial Land
Surveyor and Civil Engineer. Office,
User Post Office, Main street, Exeter, Ont.
The Western Fire Assurance Company,
of Toronto
The Phdnnix Fire Insurance Co'y.,
of London,England
The Alliance Fire Assure Co'y., •
of London, England.
Office:—Main-street, Exeter, Ont.
Wheat per bushel $0.64 to 0.65
Barley .:......... 35 to 38
Oats .... 30 to 32
Peas .:. ... 55 to 56
Butter .... ......... 14 to 15
Lard ....... 12 to 13
Eggs .. ... 10 & 10
Chicken per lb:. 5 to 6
Clover Seed.....:....:. 9,75 to 10,00
Timothy.. ... , 2.75 to 3.00
Alsike ..:.. 8.75 to 9.00
Pork..,,.:....,.. : 7.00 to 7.20
Potatoes per and :. 50 to 55
Hay per ton , . .. 6:00 to '7.50
11 Pocit.itau permanent
r BROWN Enos. Co,, Nurserymen,
Toronto, Ont.
Mr, N. S. Bowman. of Waterloo, will 10-
(sate his Stearn Renovator 1.0. Exeter, a bout
Sel,tember 3.1111 next. and will, be prepared
to make old feathers as gooey as new. All
feathers onto througllhis steam Renovator
are free from moths, oily substanoe, anim-
al.su',ell, dust and dirt, Wait for him.
The Goderich Nortiotiitural Society have
completed.arrangements to make an exhi-
bition, from the 00 t of Huron, of plums,
pears and apples at the World `s Columbian
Exposition. All exhibits packed and ex-
pressed direct to Chloago from here. Parties
will receive full credit for any exhibit they
may make. All ex Isres5 pr other charges for
sending from any part of the country here
will be paid at this end.
Correspondence regarlling number of spec-
imens, tame fur sending' eto., cheerfully an-
swered by the undersigned.•
Secretary. , President
Goderich, July- 26, r98, 4t
the T'p of Stephen, County of Huzon
—Notioe is hereby given that T have traml-
mittocl. or delivered , to the persons ment-
ioned in tho 8rd ands 4th suctions of the
Voters' List Act, the copies required by said
section to be so transmitted or delivered of
the List, made pursuant to said Act of all
Persons appearing by the Bast revised as-
sessment roll of the said municipality to be
entitled to vote in the said Municipality at
elections for members of the Legislative
Assembly, and at the Municipal elections,
and that said list was first posted up at my
offices, Stephen, on . the 4th day o
Ane„ 1003 and remains therefor inspection.
Electors are called upon to exam ine the
said list, anti if a11v omissions 9.r other pri-
ors aro found therein to take immediate
proceedings to have the said errors correct-
aclaocording to law. 0. PROUTY.
Clerlcof he said Nunicipility.
Dated this 4th day of Aug. 1093.
The Rev. Steele. of Kirktnn, hos
been spending his holidays down by
the sea enjoying the- ex hilarating
surf-bahing at Bay Chaleua, N. B.
and the grand scenery for which that
part of the Dominion i, noted, Mr. S.
is expected home this week and will
resurn.e his pastorial duties •on Sunday
next, August 13th by conducting ser-
VICe fn St.Patrick Church, at 11 a.
and at Kirlcton, in the evening of the
same day.
Mrs. W. J. Wilson, vis' ted Mrs. Alex.
Fraser and other friends in Ailsa Craig
last week.—Our public school will open
again August 21st. We are pleased
to hear that Miss Laura Baker, who
passed a successful. examination at the
Ottawa Nnrmal School has been engag-
ed to teach ,in'°Cfediton.—Mrs. J. T.
Wilson„is v'lsi hg'her sister Mrs. Jos.
Dickson', of Claudeboye, this week:
—The Ladies Band of Willing . Work-
ers, are arrangeing their 20th Annual
Harvest Home Thank -offering Dinner,
for Sept, 13th. Large pictures of the
World's Columbian Exposition will be
on exhibition in the church shed.—The
Secretary of School Section Ni. 10, has
received notice last week for the trus-
tees to meet the arbitrators appointed
to form a new school on the boundary
of Stephen. Meeting; to be held at
Grand Bend. August 23rd at 11 a. m.
The following pupils were successful
at the recent Entrance exam., viz:—
A. Turnbull, 525; L. Halls, 460; A.
Hunter, 434; C. Delbridge, 399, They
did well and deserve praise. Miss E. E.
Halls will take up her professional
course in the Toronto Normal School
next week.—Miss Jennie Halls return-
ed last week from a two months' se-
journ in Chicago.—Mr. A. Halls left for
Chicago last week to consult physic.
Taus there.—Mi. Harry and Miss Jen-
nie Coates spent a few days of last
week with their parents.—Miss Mary
Handford, of Centralia, is visiting in
the village. --Mr. Thos. Smale's horse
strayed away last week and. Mrs. Swale
in the absence of her husband at work,
went in search, and for the space of.
about twenty-four hours Mr. S. was
minus both wife and horse, but the
happy reunion has taken place. -School
re -opens on the 21st, when a public
school leaving class will be formed of
those who passed the recent entrance
examination and others who formerly
passed. -The cream separator at Win-
chelsea, under the able management
of Mr. Rell, is doing excellent work.
The directors and officers are able and
estimable men, who deserve theconfi-
dence of the community and will no
doubt give a good account of them-
selves. It is expected next year to
manufacture the butter in the same
factory, and perhaps add cheese mak-
ing also, which will Increase the pro
flts very largely, and save time and
expense. Seed down your farms.
Cheese patrons say there is more profit
in ten good cows than is realized from
grain growing on one httndred acres.
Try it and satisfy yourselves:
Investigation :invited.
Of course it is proper to inquire
ebout what any man says, Is it tune?
The most rigid investigation is in-
vited into the testimonials published in
behalf of Hood's Sarsaparilla. Special
attention is ealled to the high charact-
er of the persons whose testimonials
are published by the proprietors or this
medicine, as evidenced by their occu-
pations or indorsements. In fact, no
matter where a testimonial in behalf
of Hood's Sarsaparilla may be from, it
is reliable and as worthy of confidence
as if it came from your most trusted
►`�3' Line,
Mr. J. and iviiss M. A. Pollock visited
friends in Varoami Stillday last,—Flax
bees are numerous in this vicinity—no
lose than three last i eei .e -Farmers
bane nearly completed their fall -wheat
harvest here.—The hum of the threrh-
ing machine could be hoard oli this
line last week,—Mr. E. Tetreau pt•e-
sented his son-in-law. Mr, W. LeFaurl,
with a farm the other day —Mr J. and
Misses T. and Love :spent Friday
night last at Mr. G, Romohr's-Mr.
James Latta has secured a sitllatioll
in the vicinity of Hensall on a farm,
On Sunday morning as some parties
were driving along the Credited Road
their horses took flight at an approach.
ing bicycle and suddenly shied and up-
set the occupants into the ditch. The
tongue of the vehicle was smashed and
the horses ran away, but fortunately
were captured tly some of theneighbors
who rigged the tongue up and sent
the unfortunate people on their way
rejoicing.—It becomes our painful duty
to chronicle the death of one of Credi-
ton's oldest and mucn respected resi
dents in the person of William Sweet,
His sicknesss was of short duration be
ing only taken down a few days before
his death which ocentred en Thursday
last. He was nearly 86 years of age.
Owing to the remarkably warm
weather the past few weeks the fall
wheat and barley harvest is about
completed.—Mr. Angus McInnes, who
has been wurkiug in the Michigan
lumber woods for some time past, met
with an accident which caused him to
return to his home last week. He has
since been eonfined to the house with
inflammation of the knee cap, which.
will throw him out of work for some
time.—Miss Olive Walker, of Centralia
and Miss Edith Turner of Salem, are
visiting at Mr. George Sheritt's.—Ort
Wednesday of last week the wife of
Mr. Robert McLinchy, presented him
with a new harvest hand. Mother and
son doing well.—On Sundae evening
a young pedestrian endeavored to
show bis respects by accoinpan) ing a
young lady of this locality to her.
home. When within a short distance
of her destination she concluded to
complete the journey alone allowing
the brave gent to retrace his steps.
His feelings can be easier imagined
than described:.
Several of the farmers in this vicin-
ity have threshed their fall wheat,
which is turning out very good.—.Mes-
ars. F. and W. Curts, of Salt Lake City,
Utah, were the guests of their brother,
nlr: John Cn to, last week. They re
p rt business booming in the Mormon
city, Mr 'll.d Mrs McGuire, of Exet-
er, were visiting Mr. and Mrs Rooert
Tay far ou Sunday last.—Some evil
minded person or persons broke into
the hnchelor apartments of Messrs. Ross
& Poliock during the absence of said
parties and took therefrom a quantity
of provisions The parties had better
bea little careful as they are suspect-
ed, and if they are caught in the act
Sam says he will giro them a free trip
to Goderich.—Mrs R. Jennison, aceom-
pnaied by her sister, Miss E. O'Brien,
visited Grand Bend on Sunday last.—
Mr. John Curts spent Sunday in
Parkhill and vicinity.—Bob' says some
of the boys around here have to leave
or else some more girls must come as
some boy always takes the girl that he
Messrs. Wm, Campbell and George
Haxby, of Seaforth, paid our village ea
flying visit last Sunday—Miss Mary
McCosh has returned from Toronto.—
Mr. Wm. Murray, of Exeter, spent
Tuesday visiting relatives here.—The
Rev. Mr. McDonald occupied the pul-
pit of the Methodist church Sunday in
the absence of the pastor, Mr. Leech,
who is at present away on his vacation.
—Miss Lattice Foster is still confined to
her bed.—Miss Wanless is also on the
sick list.—Messrs. J. Johnston and £cob-
inson, of Detroit, are spending their
holidays here. -While two of our young
men were returicg from Goderich on
their wheels last Sunday, what might
have pros ed a fatal accident occurred.
One of the young men, while going
with great velocity down a steep hill,
ran into a pitch hole, which resulted In
elevating him a few feet so that he lost
control of the wheel, whereupon the
bicycle turned, going down the wrong
way. By this time his comrade was
on the qui Nave, and upon looking had
the mortification to see , his friend
stretched out in a pool of water with
his bicycle on top of him. The young
matefelt cool the rest of his ,journey,
Moral: Don't go bicycle riding on
Sunday.—Out of the five pupils that
wrote at the recent entrance examina-
tion 4 passed successfully; also two
wrote at the leaving examination and
passed successfully. The teacher, Mr.
Harrison, may well feel highly elated
over their success and also the trustees
on having such an efficient teacher.
Champion Cyclist Zimmerman was
defeated at Detroit yesterday by W. C.
High Scion--liool EwntranceestHuronE• Geigxaminat- Geiger Wier Edmunlli}lmd, Znrieh"I' S.
Well Tillie
In this inspectorate 225 candidates
carne up for examination.
Goclerieh, 102, of whom 59 passed.
Exeter 60, of whom 33 passed,
Dun ga ,nor 6 whom g t > 3, of I om 21 passed,
Ziac!! 27, of whom 16 passed.
The highest nnarks obtained at each
of the centres were as follows:
Grace Strang, Goderich M. -S 582
Vinetta B'tnes, Crediton P. S 573
May Mallough, Dungannon P. 8_575
.Maggie liamilton,'Varna 1'. S., 471
The highest nurnher of marks taken
in each of the subjects of the examina-
tion is as follows:
Reading, Annie Galbraith, Varna
P. S, .: 4
Drawing • books ',Chas. Delbridge,
and Edith Turnbull, Winchel-
sea P. S . 25
Mauger Naftel, Goderich M S. 25
Drawing paper, Willie Borland, No.
2, Usborne . 28
Copy book, Edith Turnbull, Win
chelsea .P. S.. 25
Writing paper, Vinetta Banes, Cred-
itou P. S. , . 22
Orthography, David McNicol, No. 2,
- Usborne, - 35
Literature, Grace Strang, Goderich
M. S.. 95
Arithmetic, Arthur Bates, Goderich
M. S. . .105
Geography, Wm. Glen, No 3, Col-
.. ..... 64
Composition, Fannie Hatt, Gederieh
M. S. .. 79
History, Nicholas Allin, No. 8, Col ,e
bourne . . :. . 62
The list of successful candidates, with
marks, is given below: •
Andrews Lizzie Goderich 11I. S. 454
Bates Mary ` 516
Baker Isabella 467
Farrow Laura 384
Hatt Fannie 469
Lee Nina 527
Lee Grace 427
Million Clara " 437
Moseley May 480
MeEwan Bella 511
McIver Mamie 450
McSween Christina 888
Robertson. Olive 421
Strang Grace 582
Sheppard Ruby 528
Tichborne Mary 451
Watson Blanche 484
Bates Arthur 447
Buchanan Oliver • 382
Brophy Fred 489
Payne Margaret Goderich S. S, 498
Webb Nellie " 419
No. 1, Colborne 421
" 399
Breckinridge Andrew.- "
1)e Pe-Mi.y Charles
Garrick Joseph
Lane Stewart
McGregor Wm. C.
Naftel hanger
Waddell Jack
Wallace Alvin
William Lindsay
Humber Henry H. tt
Martin ,Jonathan
Gallagher Harry
McBride Jarvis
Tyndall Cora
Glen James No. 3,
Glen William
Good Allie No. 4,
McClure Rebecca
Taylor Wm H. No. 5,
Green Jennie
Morris Maggie No. 6,
Aliin Nicholas No. 8,
Robertson Lester
Lawson Grace No. 9,
Shaw Grace
Tobin Mary
Haacke Wilmot No. 2, Goderich 429
Rodges Teresa " 395
Cox Lilly M. No, 5, " 446
McDonald Florence " 445
McMath Eliz. E. No. 6, " 422
Elliott Clarissa No. 8, " 416
O'Keefe Agnes Kingsbridge S. S. 424
McLeod Florence Kintail P. S. 390
Gordon May Sheppardton P. S. 424
Hawkins Mabel " 425
Matheson Isabella, private tuition 571
Blake Elizabeth, No. 9, .Ashfield 429
Craig Minnie, No. 15, W. Wawaaosh 406
Robinson Leslie M. " 438
Elliott Edith, Nile P. S. 484
Girvin Anson, " 449
Sanderson, Persv " 393
Smylie John " 402
Jardine Bella, No. 6, Ashfield, 482
Leddy Frances, R. C. S. S. W. W. 395
Mallough May, Dungannon P. S. 575
Anderson Harvey, No. 5, Ashfield, 883
McKenzie' Wm. J., " 471
Durnin Howard, No. 16, " 420
Duff, Albert, " 522
Treleaven, Wm. W. " 432
McDonald Fraser, No. 3, W. W., 416
Taylor Reuben. No, 2, W. W, 489
Lane Robert, No. 10, Ashfield, 447
Lane Tillie, "
Johnston Maggie, Belfast
McAllister William, Belfast,
Contine Matilda, No, 1, Hay 454
Musso, Amanda, 405
Curry Jane, No. 3, Hay , 388
Carlile Wilson "' 440
lister Arthur `f 452
Blackwell Chas. 0 410
Douglas Aggie, Blake P, S. 461
Manson Sara " 416
Allan Sara " 419
Hamilton Maggie, Varna P. 8, 471
Torrence John " 442
Walker Maurice " 462
Galbraith Annie " 382
Bishop Victoria, Lumley P. 8, 462
Ellerington Helen " 528
.Earl Mary A. n 51.8
Passmore Wilber " 434
Baker Eva L., No. 1, Stephen, 451
Banes Vinetta, Crediton P. S. 573
Borland William,
�No, 2 Usborne 494
McNicol David " 401
Buswell Edgar, Eden P, S.
Dempsey Nellie "
Hunter Lille, ° "
Chapman Kate. No, 2, Hay
Chapman Ralph tt
Ross Cecil .
Delbridge Chas,, Winchelsea
PIalls Lillie 'f
Turnbull Edith
Duncan Clara, No. 3, Usborne 399
Harris Lillie, No. 13, Stephen 443
Jeckell Allen, No. 1, Usborne 462
Bagshaw Victoria, No. 3, Stephen 390
Stewart John, No 1, Usborne 394
Exeter P. S. 413
Bissett Isaac R.,
Hooper Barton
Kemp Arthur
Nelson. Almer
Quance Nellie
Treble Acla
Westaway Mary
White Plattie
Fatt Clarence
Dempsey Alma.
Treble Violet ,
Grand Bend,
—Another sad and lamentable accident
occurred here on Friday evening about
7 o'clock, when a young man named
Benjamin Brown, son of Mr. George
Brown, postmaster at Brinsley, aged
about 19 years, met his death by
drowning. He and a number of other
young people were in bathing and it
appears his principal drift was to at
tain the art of swimming. However,
in his first attempt he got out beyond
his depth and was almost drowned
when Mr. George Snell, of Exeter, who
was in a boat, at once went to his res•
cue, and with some difficulty succeeded
in getting him into the boat, caution-
ing him at the same time to be more
careful, Mr. Snell at once started to
row him closer to the shore, but before
going far the young man made anoth-
er plunge into the water Mr. Snell,
seeing that he was going under, made
another attempt to rescue him, but in
his attempt was almost drowned him-
self, by the young fellow clinging to
him, and it was with nine)).
and difficulty that lie freed himself.
After Mr. Snell got away from him he
was seen no more alive, He was a
bright young man, with a promising
future. He attended the last session
of the. Forest City Business College,
London, and was popular among his
fellow students. The bereaved family
have the sympathy of the entire com•
The new arrivals at Grand Bend for
week ending Monday, Aug. 7th, are as
"Boffins Bower":—Mr. and Mrs. J. A.
Stewart, Dr. Amos and wife, Mr, and
Mrs. R. H. Collins, Mr, and Mrs, 13. S.
O'Neil, Miss Kate Bonthron and W. D.
"Dotheboys Hall"—Judson Davidson,
"Dingley Dell"—Mrs. Hodgins and
family. Ciandeboye.
"Bleak House"—George Snell and
Mr. and 11Irs. Chas, Snell, Exeter; Mr.
Jno, Snell, Mrs. Ferguson and daugh-
ter, Exeter; Robt Ferguson, Haysville;
Ed. Hagen, Hay.
"Idylwyld"—Mrs. Essery, Centralia.
"Chesney Wold"—Mr. and Mrs J. R.
Jaynes and family, London.
"Ivy Cottage"—Mr and Mrs. Wm.
Brown and daughter; Mr. F. Ruse, Ex-.
"East Lynne"—Mr. and Mrs, J. H.
McKay, Miss A, Monroe, Miss May
Tildon, Miss Victoria Lynn, Ailsa
Craig ; Miss Ayr, Mrs. E. Martin, Miss
Storehcuse, Miss M. 1llcieay, London,
"Woodbine"—H. Spackman. wife
and family, Miss A. Weekes, Miss Min-
nie Weekes, Miss Susie Weekes, Exeter
Mrs. George Weekes, St, Louis; Miss
Sharon, St. Thomas.
Tent No. 4—Jas Creech and wife,
Miss Mony, Miss Jessie Creech, Thomas
Creech, Norman Creech, Edna Creech,
Miss L. Eacrett.
"The Oaks"—Miss Sutton, Walker-
ton; Mrs. Canon Richardson and two
daughters, London; Master Frank
Dennis, Exeter.
Tent No. 2—W. Browning, William
Brooks, Frank Oke, Exeter.
Kamp. Misery have decided to Stay
another week,;living on hard tack and
There are some simple remedies in-
dispensable in every family. Among
these, the experience of years assures
us, should be recorded Perry Davis'
Pain Tiller. As a Liniment it has no
equal in curing Rheumatism or Neur-
algia, Burns and Bruises, and wounds
of every description. It is the cheap-
est and best remedy ever offered to the
public. Only 25c for big 2 ox bottle.
Eseljay's Liver Lozenges are a trier,
oughly scientific production of the
present day, and are the best remedy
known for biliousness, constipation,
headache, etc, 25 centS a box at all
drug steres:
NO 32T
Mr Alf• Faust, who has been in S. U.
of late, is honie again looking hale an
hearty.—Me Edge 'Armstrong, of Got~ •
erich, is the guest of it, R.. Stein,dh
this week -Mr. F. 'Crassweller, of Du-
luth, Minn " vi'1ro was at one time irir.-
ciple of Zurich Public School is visit-
ing relatives and old acquaintances in
Zurich and vicinity.. Since leaving
here 'Frank studied law, passed exams.
and has now a good practice in -hie
new home.—Mr. Dan. Davis and fami-
ly, of Exeter, and Mr, and Mrs. Box, fit
Seaforth, were the guests of Mr, aniil
Mrs. D. Steinbach, last Sunday --
Threshing in this vicinity is going 01'
in full blast and from all accounts the
farmers in this neighborhood need net
complain of the harvest, as the yield is
abundant and quality excellent.—Miss
Mamie Kinsman, of Exeterwas the
guest of Miss Beatri;e Stciiibach, ,last
week.—Messrs Hry. Smith, Williams.
and Henry Hess left for the Bend this
week with. the intention of camping
out for some time. They .also intend.
to deal extensively in fish, Success to
you boys.
Young, old or middle-aged, who find
themselves nervous, weak and ex
hausted, who are broken 'down from
excess or overwork, resulting in nearer
of the following symptoms: Mental
depression, premature old age, loss elf
vitality, Toss of memory, bad drearrie,
dimness of sight, palpitation of the
heart, emissions, lack of energy, .na
in the kidneys, headaches, pimples 4%Et
the face and body, itching or peculiar
sensation about the scrotum; wasting
of the oagaus, dizziness, specks before
the eyes, twitching of the muscles, ey--
lids, and elsewhere. bashfulness, depos-
its in the urine, loss of will -power, ten-
derness of the scalp and spine, weal-
,- flabby muscles, desire to sleep,
failure to be rested by sleep, coestipa-
tion, dnlluess of hearing, loss of voice,
desire for solitude, excitability of tem-
per, sunken eyes, suirouiided witki
,LEADEN CIRCLES, oily looking skis,,
etc., are all svmptorns of nervous debil-
ity that lead to insanity unless. cured.:
The spring of vital force having lost
its tension every function wanes ism
consequence, Those who through
abuse, committed iu ignorance, may
be permanently cured. Send your ad-
dress for book on diseases peculiar to
man, sent free, sealed. Address M. W
LUBON, 24 Macdonnel -Ave., Toronte>~
lel AIt «li.$GES.
HAaT0N.—IIANDFoan•—Iu Exeter, en
the 2nd lest , by th„ Rev. Wrn. Mc-
llonag•h, Oenrge Ifarton, of Usborne-
to Mrs. Jennie iTanclforrl,
ird Fa71'6Eti.
PICKARD —In Exeter on the 5th inst,
the wife of Robert Pickard, of a son
SWEET.—In Crediton, on the 3rd inst.
William Sweet, aged 85 years and
6 months. •
Do not be discouraged if other medi-
cines have failed to give you relies.
Memhray's Kidney and Liver Cure
acts on the Kidneys direct, combine•3i,
with a mild scion on the Liver and.
Bowels, thereby rennoving the cause el
Back Ache, sour stomach, dizziness, € e-
digestion and constipation, Try it.
A lady who gets very ill,
And who never can swallow a 1i1Y,
Says that rather, than try
She surely would die—
She'll try Eseljay's method, she will.
Eseljay's Liver Lozenges are pleas-
ant, harmless and effective. 25 Bent-.
* 1*
Few remedies for biliousness are ..et
all agreeable. A pleasant and perfect-
ly harmless medicine feir all liver ant.
stomach truobles is Iliseljay's
Lozenges They effectually regulate
the digestive organs and purify the
blood. 25 cents at all druggists.
Dear Sirs,—I have much pleasttre'In.
certifying that after suffering seye :1T
for 15 months from diarrhoea, which
carne on after childbirth, previous to
which I had suffered from dvseentlg
for some months. 1 was cured by De,
Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry.
Annie M. Gibson,
Brilipatam, India.
Grand Master Gibson will lay Os
foundation stone of the new Anggliciau
Church at Morrisburg on Friday.
No one knows better than those who
have used Carter's Little Liver Pills
what relief they have given when tak-
en for dyspepsia, dizziness pain in the
side, constipation and disordered stout-
The mimic warfare between the real
and the blue fleets of the British ,navy
is still 1)eing carried on ' in the lridb
Do not despair of curing ur sibs;
p g 5'o
headache when you can to easily A-
ttar). Carter's Little Liver Pills. They'
will effect a prompt and permanent
cure, Their action' is mild and nettled
A largely attended demonstration
under the auspices of the C.O.F., wao.
held at Kincardine Wednesday, Aur
list 2nd:.