HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1972-03-23, Page 23A
Coocero over public reaction
OOf iRICH $it NAL -S 'Ai '* T'HU S AY, ARcIf 11„1.14 5*
tot new exfended care insurance plan
Dr. William L Taylor,
Executive Director Of Associated
Nursing Homes .Incorporated
Ontario, stated to -day "'hat the
Association was conceinedt over
the public concern,bei.0
expressed regarding reports that
some.of the nursing homes Might
"opt out" of the rfew Extended
Care Insurance Plan which comes
into effect April' 1st, J972.
In order to.ass.ure the'residents •
of Ontario that every effort is
beitrg made by ANHIO rnembers'to
co-operate With the Ontario
government and - maintain their.
present high standards of
resident care, Dr. Taylor has
'issued the . following motion
unanimously, approved by their
Board of Directors this w,pek.
"The Board. of Directors' of
Associated Nursing Homes
Incorporated Ontario met in
formal session on the afternoon of
Cost per
best guide
The best guide to economy when
buying Easter ham is cost per
'serving, not cost per pound, say
food specialists at 'the Ontario
Food ,Council, ' Ontario
Department of Agriculture and
Food. •
Boneless hams are generally
the most expensive, per pound.'
Bone -in hams are least costlrin
terms of price • per pound, but
actual cost per serving may be
comparable to, or"greater than,
cu s.
Quick calculation before buying is
the best guide. To find cost per
serving; divide cc,,st per pound bye
the number of servings in a pound
(2, 3, or. 4 depending on the cut.)
Boneless hams generally yield
4 servings per pound. Semi -
boneless hams have the shank (or
bock bone) and the aitchbone (atthe ' butt end) removed. These
provide about 2 1'2 servings per
Economy, .of ' course, is not
always the only factor to
consider. Many homemakers find
several uses. for leftover ham
bones--insoups, stews,
casseroles, or baked beans. •
TN's tc it
FR M .00HING OUT • . .
Service Station
Coffee Shop.
411 -Huron Rd., Goderich
524-6871 ti
March 14, 1972 and after careful
consideration of the position with
respect to negotiations with' the
Government on the Extended Care
Insurance Plan and in the best
interests of• the residents
recommended to their members,
that they participate in the
Extended ,Care insurance
P'ogram. '"
The .'Board: expressed•
confidence in, -Dr. Potter,
Minister of Health and trots that
through our mutual co-operation
the plan will be implemented for
the best interests of all invol,ved..
The ,Board appreciates Dr.'"
Potter's promise to' keep an open
door for the discussion of '
problems Itrld that 'he is gnome
"negotiable;'.:- and the Board
agre'es,to his proposal that there
will be monthly rneettn,gss between
his office'and the'Association.'.' ,
Stephen LewFs coming
to Huron •CountyApriI S
The March news letter for the
Huron New Democratic Party
came out last week formally
announcing that Provincial Party
Leader, Stephen Lewis, will be in
the, riding on Wednesday, April 5
to attend a party dinner at Huron
Centennial School at Brucefield.
According to the bulletin, dinner
is set for 7:30 p.m.
The circular arso notes that
representatives of the local group
attended the Provincial Council of
theparty and that representatives
• SC422. Special Look 'N Listen value.
\•• Beautifully styled component system finished.
in walnut with chrome and black accents.
• 40-waft.stereo chassis with AM/FM/FMS radio. .
• SSR automatic changer with smoked plexiglass cover.
8 -track tape. player
Ilk Complete with 2 speakers and "mobile
stand on ball casters.
will also be gding to. Oshawa on
Karcfir.18 and 19 for another
session. The news letter notes
that committee members are
Making contacts about beginning
discussions on the. 'Federal
Election which it is felt wily be Q
held soon. d -
In this same 'vein the group is
looking for a steering committee
for the Federal Riding and for the
best candidate to carry the NDP
banner When nomination day
The. regular volunteers and
musicians from Goderich were
unable to attend Monday's
programsas a result of the severe special for the residents. Eight
ice storm, The old tyme music young girls, ballet students of
,and dancing period was replaced Mrs. Zablocki to entertain and
by a sing a long. were' appreciated immensely.
After a two month absence the Judi Wise, Rolina Boyce, Sharon
birthday party was.once again on Harper,. Carolyn Bern and Mary
the agenda of events.' Those who Helen Clvnick performed a ballet
celebrated 2 their birthdays in : •At- Last Spring ', while Peggy,
either, FiS'ruary or•- March, were 'Jones Mitzi Ravi *and Deana
honoured at the festivities.: Harper did 'a Polish Folk Dance.
A combined group of Clinton
and Blyth !Womens 'Institutes- The ladies then' presenteTthe
'provided the entertainment to a 42 residents celebrating
capacity crowdof both residents birthdays with a present.. and
Mrs. visitors. W. •Colclough ' 'needless t' -;,v just added *to an
was -i-n' .charge -of the- program, alreadydelightfrtl-da-v. Following
which had a'definite Irish mood.. a cup•of tea; Miss Agnes, Lawson.
3–sifr g spng got things rolling.'" 'who celebrated her • 96th birthday
fol ve Eby. a. few Iris , .olos 111x,,; ...P e§s - ythatrks and tlit.
Mrs.,C. Wittich, Blyth who was •
accompanied by Mrs. H. Brown. A
quartet ,,,,,composed, of Mrs. A.
Groves, Mrs. C. Nelson, Mrs. M.
Batkin and Mrs. M. Gibbings sang
of variety of Songs -which kept the
audience very attentive. '
George Wilson. played his
Jew's -Harp, • an uncommon
instrument and was well
rewarded for .his efforts with
applause. 'Mrs. .Colclough got
right into ,the, swing. of ''things by
calling a square dance for four
.couples decked Out i'n' their green
and white St. Patrick's Day
clothes. The couples were Mrs.
Trick and Mrs, "Tyndall, Mrs.
Grigg and Mrs. Fisher, Mrs.
Gibson, and Mrs.' Richardson,
Mrs: Wiltse and her daughter
Mrs. Elliott. Pianist for the
square dance was M'rs. Radford.
7. When the clapping had subsided
the quartet of ladies,returned to
the' mouth organ.
The next portion of,the program
Mrs. Cunningham slowed down
the pace with an enjoyable piano
solo, Mrs. Nevins was next,. to
display her talent namely playing
the residents for a 'show well
There were only two groups of
people at the special'” Irish
Program on Family Night, those
that are Irish and those that
wished they were. The program
was •arranged and directed by
Mrs. Orville Storey of Seaforth
and the numbers were introduced
by John Henderson. - •
The Henderrson Trio, Donna,
Darlene and Debbie sang several
Irish songs and the very popular
Irish singer Clarke Johnson' of
Wingham thrilled the ,audience
with their favourites and included
Sherri Storey—Irish jigs, Verne
Sawyer— step dancing. Junior
square danders were twin sisters,.
Donna and Doris Lawson, •sisters
Debbie and Darlene Taylor,
Leslie Lawson, David 'Fownsentl,
Roy Brown., Verne. Sawyer.
Accompanists were Mrs.
Henderson, piano and Nelson
Howe, violin.
A vote .of appreciation was
extended to the group on behalf of
the residents by Mrs. Leybourne.
gJeeoen4 a ej�a, ,nctiiee,l'r%ne iahI??, tAtue4rin4
Let us assist you with your -
plans for that all important
wedding day.
Your choice of various paper stocks, type
styles and sizes,
ask for ...
Special treats go' great
during Yaung Cafiada Week
This is Young Canada Week in
Goderich. Is there anything like it
any other,time of the year? We
t ilk no
cup softened Nutter
2-12 cups bran flakes
1-a cup unsifted all-purpose,
Hour .
' r teaspoon salt
teaspoon nutrrr,eg
2 teaspoons grated orange' rind
' 2 cup chopped walnuts
2 clip chopped raisins -
Orange }utter Glaze orChocolateGlaze • •
Heat eggs until thick and light in
- colour, Add sugar. 1 tablespoon at'
time, heating thoroughly after
each addition. Beat in butter. Add
c'e'real, flour, salt. and nutmeg.
Stirin orange= rind. nuts,•and
r,ritiln, Spread ina greased 9-
m('.1.1 square pari.
Fake ut 3'754 F for 25 to- 30
• iuirfutes. or until edge draws arty
1iom'sides. of pan. Spread ,glaze -
- ',over top whale rst�r Co w elft; '
into bars. Maikes 24+small bars.
When your young people—and
maybe even mom and dad --'come
home, from the Arena after a
thrilling'but chilling day of hockey
• games,' piping' hot drinks and
delicious bars would be a
welcome treat.'
Just in time for Young Canada
-"'Hockey Weekend, we've got three
-new recipes for you to try. We
think they'll„h€'lp to make Young
Canada Weep, even more
memorable—arid when serving
time rolls round; you'll find these
goodies are in the . I.ions •('lub
''t olors as..wehl. Flow's that, for
ingenuity? •. •
1 (7 ounce) envelope grape
flavour crystals
6 cups water
' 3 sticks cinnamon
9 whole cloves
3 whole allspice
' Combine all ingredients. in
saucepan: blend well. ,Bripg to a
boil, reduce* heat, and sirniner• 1()
minutes. Stir sin acid serve- hot.
Makes about 12 servings.
' 2 eggs
1 c firmly packed brow n
1-' 2 tablespodn milk
• 1 tablespoon butter .
1 tablespoon orange juice
1-''4 cups unsifted icing suga r
2 teaspoon grated orange rind
a drop of yellow. food -coloring.
.Heat milk, hinter. and orange
10c.e until butter is melted. Stir
intosugar• in a small howl: than
beat until smooth. Add orange
rin(Lilnd foot- coloring.. Adil more
liquid if thinner ,consistency is
desired. Makes-' 2 trip. .
1 square
1 tablespoon butter
cup unsifted icing sugar
Dash of salt
2 tahlQsz ut it,hot milk
Melt choco�:ete:with butter ,over
low heat. Remove Atom heat. Add
sugar and salt; then add milk. ,a
:mall amount- at a time. until
mixture is of glaze consistency.'
B1rntwell.• While glaze is still
u'arrzr., spread over.cak.e, cream
puffs, eclairs or cookies. (Pour
glaze ern cake: then spread' With
spatula.) Makes ' 2 cup.
$ 3 2 9.9 5
Includes FREE BONUS: two, 8 -track prerecorded
tapes and two stereo L.P. recordings,
,b t
would like to call on you with
"housewarming gifts" - .and
information about your new
location. , The Hostess will be
glad to ar"ran'ge your subscription
to the SIGNAL -STAR: •
f:al,l har at 524=9525,
• -.The Carlton color -TV Special Look 'N
Listen value •
• Giant 26': matrix picture tube
�• Patented Electrolok automatic fine tuning
and Electroti'nt automatic tint control locks
in the b6st possible picture
• Deiicraft cabinet finished in Natural Walnut -
See this and, other Eleitrohome TV and stereo
specials now during Look "N. Listen' Days
(*(irP eytiefid
• -t Carousel" Special Look 'VI Listen
value' " -
• Big 20" color picture performance
• Patented Electrolok automatic fine tuning
and Electrotint automatic tint control locks
in the best .passible picture
• Finished in tough, attractive walnut vinyl
• Includes dipole antennae.
Select your wedding invitations, announcements
and accessories with complete confidence as to
,quality and correctness of form.
tro oerttj
See this and other Electrohomn TV and
stereo specials now during Look 'N Listen
Days. - n