HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1972-03-23, Page 20., GOMf**. SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, MAkC U 23,1.972 FOS 010 NOON Rik 1.Ian's Pedigree . Three monkeys sat in a coconut dee Discussing things as they're said to be - S id one to the others "Now listen you two There's certain rumor that can't be true That man descended from our noble race The very idea issure a disgrace . No monkey has ever deserted his wife - Staxved her babies and ruined her life And you've never known. another monk To leave her babies with another to bunk Or pass them on'from one to. another Till Theyhardly know which one, is their mother And another thing you will neversee A monk build a fence around a coconut tree And ret the coconut waste Forbidding all other monks to taste Why, if 1. put a fence around' this tree U Starvation would force y.ou,to steal from me C And here's something else a monk won't do Go out at night and get in a "stew" ,Or use a gun or a club or knife To take some other poor monkey's life Yes, man descended -the ornery cuss- . But, brother, he didn't descend from us • 7/ Woman to Woman With Shirley J. Keller Are you ready,•ladies? Are you - you please put that cigarette out. penitentiaries from 1969 to 1971.. -set to go? It is that time again, It -is offensive to me." ' The ni1'mbers of deaths didn't believe it or not. Canadian Cancer , If enough non-smokers did that ^''surprise me, but, the ' causes of Month begins Saturday, April 1 simple thing, it wouldn't be easy death which were listed did, Of andthebike-a-thon to raise funds 04, for smokers • to find a- place to- 105 deaths reported, 32 were by to. whip this crippling killer is smoke. Think about it. In time, suicide . According to to y scheduled to go on • in April, smokers could be°bannished to a figuring, that almost one-third of probably, toward the end. of the certain area of every "public the .total deaths by suicide. That., month. building to smoke. They would be seems like a very high percentage Last year if you will recall, segregated from thenon: smokers , in 'this modernage. there were 67 women of Goderich to indulge in their smelly habit. I don't know all that much about and area who said they were ready They would be social outcasts in jails and the new methods which to go again on.another bike ride some respects. I wonder then, if are employed. to treat inmates for cancer. I'm challenging' them , smoking would be so' attractive to • like humans. I've gotten' the i flea now to make thier promise good— many who are taking up the habit lately, 'that strides are being and What ' s em o r e ,..I would for the first time. '. made.to keep the inmates as happy • encourage eachof them to bring a And there is yet another and as comfortable as possible . friend, I'd like to see at least 100 complaint about smokers whichwith an' eye toward rehabilitation women out,,4here this . spring was phoned into our office last whenever possible. peddling for cancer. week. It seems there is at least Of course, there was no.. We_.ha-d no. goals last year. It une lady in Goderich who objects , _ indication given either, in '- the •- was really just a last minute to smokers who carry • their "figures I found; the age of the effort to get into the swim of ' cigarettes onto the dance floor. prisoners who took their own things. -But this year. we have I've seen this happen and I'm - lives. There was '. a complete 'objectives -and the main one will sure you must have, too.. The • breakdown of the length of their be' to improve. , last year's dancer`s who are smoking are sentences, but this didt1't seem�'to success. -usually holding their cigarettes in follow any set pattern.. Their ' A total of $2300 was raised last' their hands, not in their mouths. sentences seemed to range all the year. I'd like to see that increased They very often brush against way from about one year to 20 or considerably and I know you wouldother dancers and a- lighted fag . more. . too. It can be done if everyone gets can make quite a hole in almost The question I keep asking into the swing of things and „any` -outfit in just a matter of myself is why these prisoners "pumps" out additional funds for seconds. That can be maddening ' were driven to commit suicide: Is the cancer.drive. . beyond `.imagination for people it remorse? Is it sickness? Is it I'm not sure of the date. I'm.not who don't smoke—or in fact, for frustration? Is it depression? certain of the route. I don't even 'anyone who doesn't appreciate What is it? . ,• know the length of the route. But I ' burned -through' areas in their Could i t be that...our do know were going with the lodal best garb. '' penitentaries are such 'hateful • unit of the Canadian Cancer A word to thg wise is generally places that , prisoners would Society as the organizers. Let's sufficient. I sincerely hope some :rather die than wait out their ".get in thefe and ride, ride, ride. 'smokers will take the hint from , Sentences for:freedom? One of the main topics at the • this little tip and leave their ' I just don't know, but it gives Cancer Society meeting I`attended cigarettes' in the ashtray while ''one some food for thought. ',- list Thursday evening (after dancing: Want to buy a- love tub? You discussions about the fundraising Too many irons in the fire. ',haven't heard of a love tub?' campaign, of course) 'was That's myproblem. I'm trying to A loye tub is. a giant••bathtub smoking. I suppose when you work do too many things all of once and ' ;designed to accomodate two ' closely with the Cancer Society , that's why.I,'ve.not yet planned that people at a time. Two models .are you become more aware than ever meeting for persons interested in available. One i s 'the before about the dangers of a Consumers' Association in conventional, recessed wall "unit' cigarette smoking. Goderich. , and the other can stand in 'the Some people will be happy to The, need .is still here, of centre of a room above floor know that the film on smoking course. Every once in a . while, level, or can be inset to simulate a which shocked so many' people, people will •come ..to , me with Roman step-in tub. Both are made into giving up the habit will.be marketing problems ,that - just of molded fiberglass -reinforced seen again on television March cannot be solved easily. It takes a plastic. • 29. I would suggest that it is much stronger organization to These love tubs, I'm quite sure, ' -wing--arid fight- come of ;---the----troubles.. --tee-being-ma rtrfaefured-by 'thre should be seen by children of all comsumers encounter from time. .same 'fellow who told the 'world ages, the younger the better, to time. ' last.' week that healthy • sexual Perhaps.. activity . is "heartening" .... in I must be in a morbid mood Statistics seem to indicate that• other words, helps to prevent hou• h I really dont feel KIngsbridge. CWLsendE�g $10 doniiion:t� Madonna House: phone committee praised Following Mass in the Church at 8:00 p.m., the March meeting Of the Kingsbridge C.W.L. was held in the Church Hall with Father H. Cassano and 18 members in attendance. In the absence of the recording secretary, the corresponding secretary read the minutes of the last meeting. • It was moved by Mrs. Wilfred Austin and seconded by Mrs. Mark Dalton to answer the appeal from Madonna House by -sending telt dollars. Mrs. Doherty .. of Madonna House is the Lenten Speaker Marsch 23 at'St. Peter's Cathedral in London. Holl call was taken by Mrs. Anton Van Oschh A collection will Conservation Authority 9 , plans new contest for Grades 7 and 8 T•he . Mdaitland Valley Conservation_ Authority As again_ sponsoring the Conservation Scrapbook Competition in the Grade/ and 8 classes in a number of elementary schools in the Maitland River Watershed. This year, the competition is. being held in cooperation with the Huron County Board of Education. This will be • the . sixth such competitibn sponsored by the Authority. The students. will be concentrating _ on the ffood control,. forestry, wildlife, land use and recreational :aspects of conservation. The scrapbooks will be judged by the Conservation Authority and prizes awarded to students in each sehool. The competition will close at the end of April of this year. The participating, schools are the Blyth Public School, the ,Brookside Public' School,` the Brussels Public School, the East Wawanosh Public School and the Robertson Memorial I-ub rc School. The scrapbooks are supplied by the Conservation Authority. The entries must be the student's own work. .The entire book must be filled and the winning' entries 'will become property of the Maitland Valley Conservation Authority:, ,The work cobtained in the books should be divided into • the following categories.: flood control; forestry, land use,' and wildlife;, conservation • ...areas ( recreation). The teachers will review the scrapbooks and submit only the best five from each class. The prizes for each school are: first, $15: second, $10; and third,.' $5. The judges will be».two. Authority members and the Resources Manager: The contest will end April 28, 1972. Huron Medical Secretaries hear Dr: J. R. Deitch speak Due to very stormy weath5r• handle these ill the future because the meeting of the Huron County of his very pertinent and clear 'instructions • sees,., • ..,.....,...•,..., , .,. ,.. -, Dr. Leitch brought out the fact that he felt .Medical Secretaries are looked on, in the course4o'f their duties. to be well versed in ernergend,r.pr.dcedures because of the close association .with there were sixteen present. New Doctor' »work. One ,of• the most members were ' added to the 'important facts brought out by Dr. .----membership and t is h )ped to Adit—Leitth was that after some- very, to •the 'membership" as the year progresses. . ,_ Brts.i.ness meeting Was opened by the president, Mr's. Donna Fisher,.. who expressed tiler pleasure at seeing the • good attendance,.. in spite of the re- scheduling of the meeting. Due to the inclement weather -_usually present in the area. the meeti,rf. -for the months of January and • February are omitted and 'extra meetings; held in the summer . months to make up for this. The minutes , of ;.the .previous meeting held in November were , read and 'adoption . of them was seconded by Mrs. Madeline Yeats, It was decided. everyone. would contribute to lunch for next month. The move to adjourn the business Meeting was tirade by Mrs. Bonnie Finch and seconded by Mrs. .Kay Hodgkinson. -Guest speaker for the evening was, Dr. \J. R. Leitch of the Goderich Medical Centre and he was introduced by Mrs. Lee Flowers. ' The. introduction had been prepared by Mrs. • 13etty Wilkin but which she was unable to give it due to the change of date Tor the meeting. Dr. Leitdh's topic for the meeting was "Emergencies ' and - all felt much better' equipped t9 Medical Secretaries originally scheduled for Wednesday evening, March 9 had to be postponed until Wednesday evening, March 1.6. The meeting was held at the `Clinton ,Public Hospital, in the Cafeteria, and 'simple procedure or knowledgable action at the time of an emergency, could very easily mean the saving of a life„ or the. prevention ofpermanent injury if - 'not' treated with due care and caution. . . Dr. Leitch listed six headings under which to be, prepareti to give calm, intelligent assistance. They are: feel, talk, observe, brain and spinal cord, fractures, wounds. Cases were cited from a Geigy Pamphlet on Emergencies. Members are writing -to ask».for copies • of .,this .pamphlet to distribute. among the members.,_ Leitch stressed the most important thing to remember is DON'T PANIC He also 'suggested that, 'the .,St. Johns' Ambulance Course would be.very helpful. A demonstration of the_AMBU life saving equipment was demonstrated by Dr. Leitch and then Mrs. • Joyce Armstrong of Zurich acted as the patient and let» everyone' practise. Mrs. Kay Hodgkinson thanked .Dr. Leitch very much fortlis• thought provoking .talk. . • „ •After this 'the Hostess Group served a very tasty lunch and all enjoyed• a very pleasant social time before going their separate be taken for Easter flowers. Mrs. Eugene Frayne reported that on February 2, seven members attended a meeting of the Goderich C.W.L. at which Miss, Eileen Boyko of Ontario Hydro was guest speaker. Her topic was "Freezing Foods A commentary and slides on "Living Better Electrically" ` were shown. • March"3, five me.mber.s' attended the World Day of Prayer . at St. Peter's Anglican Church in Lucknow. One member read and another participated in taking up the collection, Mrs. Walter Clare reminded everyone about "Action Life", the movement to stop further liberalization of Abortion Laws. Letters are still needed in Ottawa. The addresses, are in the January Newsletter. TlitFirst Frrday Mass' Is kW— Vocations. In her report on the Kingsbridge Girl Guides, Mrs.. Walter Clare stated that Mrs. Bain MacLennan has finished her term as- a leader. Mrs. Jack 'Tigert's tern ends in June. Help is needed for the Guide's .July camping trip. A letter of appreciation is being sent to the Guide Leaders for' their help and excellent leadership. ,M,rs. Walter Clare and Mrs. John - Howard will visit Mrs. Paul Caesar. • Father H. Cassano and the President thanked , the ' Phone Committee. Storms this winter caused a number of caneellations and changes in plans., The ,Phone Committee was a big help. Birthday cards are to be sent to all over 80. Mrs. Bob Howard will visit Mrs. T. Dwyer who is a patient in the Goderich Hospital. Mrs, 'Mark Dalton, Social, Econoinic and Civic Life Convener, gave a reading on -Good Canadian Citizenship". Mrs. Carl Riegling read the resolutions sent ..in to the Diocesan Council. 'The White Fathers, Acadian Bl.vd., Montreal, Quebec are asking. for "Leper Gowns" to be made from old sheets. Details.are in -,The League Lingo ""- Father Cassano spoke on "The .,Women of Galilee". children Must decide by the age of seven or so, that smoking is harmful to•their health before the anti-smoking campaign 11 have any effect on them whatever,If you haven't got a color set— how many of us are that lucky?— you might like to consider going to the home of a friend or a relative who has a color set. I'm told the film is all the more startling • inncolor. ..� Pm also told that since the filming of the picture,' several o. the persons interviewed' on .the Show have died 'of the disease brought on by, cigarette srrloking. don't know whether that will have any added effect on viewers or WA, • My mails complaint with smokers, of course, is not Cha .they have chosen to ignore the safety in foyerr of th weed, if you went to smoke despite the •risks involved, that's you fitrsiriess entirely, lout erten smokers pollute my airy -and, make• me choke an sputter, and risk my future• - that"s knottier matter. And I'm fo prcttiotiiig a`catiyj�igti �iMbng na�n stnokers to stand up for otx bights. I'd like all hon-smoket�s to lake the catrirage t+ty, shy, "Would that down. But some very interesting statistics crossed my desk this morning and I felt others might be just as interested as. I W . W e get the regular copies of the debates of the Senate, of course, and from the Tuesday, March 7 session came a report on the deaths of inmates in federal f I t slogan's r d L d heart disease; • I know that many, many people found Dr., Eugene Schiemann's findings most ' interesting, especially presented in the form they were in last week's. Free Press. And Ting's cartoon • which followed was a real rib -tickler, was it not? SPORTING GOODS 1101 BES CRAFTS 524.6985 SPORTING GOODS . '73• Hdiuilt.i St. • FOOT TROUBLES ATTENTION'I By setting -too -much pressure ..on arteries, veins and 'AM_ ',nerve system on the bottom of your feet, it can cause malfunction »for the following:. Feel` Tired? Backache? Sore Feet? Painful Neck? Callouses? Arthritic Pain? Rheumatic Pain?. Poor Circulation? Balance and Co-ordination? Numbness or Cramps (foot and lett? • Alznner National Arch Supports .. could, be your answer - as they have .:been for thousands and thousands of others in Canada and the United States. They are scientificallydesigned tet match the contours of your feet -- makes walking a pleasure again. Recommended by doctors. SPR�LJLE SHOES GODERICH . sees`' miss this ppor `unit • • • Please' ddi notmiss1 FOR YOUR HEALTH'S SAKE! pIi Of the membership fee thl$ 'year, $1,35 went' to National, Provincial and Diocesan funds. In the •.past year, twelve free memberships were given. It was moved by Mrs. Clarenceoh�erty and seconded by,Mrs. Theon- Diepen that we raise the fee to $2. The meeting was mowed adjoijrn€ 1 by Mrs.. John Austin 'and closed with prayer." ' During lrinchtheMystei'y Prize was won by Mrs. Wilfred Austin. . 1. Oeflomme FLOWER SHOP Phone, 324 11132 -DAY OR NIGHT Aunt for 17�4hr+ FILM '11,111ViLOP1140 The corresponding secretary will be sending tharik-you notes to Tlie Lricknow Sentinel and The Goderich Signal -Star to thank them" for coverage. • The nomination committee was appointed. They are Mrs. Joe Maclntyre, Mrs. Stanley,Doherty. .and Mrs. Jack Van Osch. An executive mee Ing' will' be h.eld in the near future to get• *annual reports completed, HO 4E.WNR$. Call to 1Op.m. $ 2 , OOO - $ 5 0,000 _.'Obtain all the cash you need and reduge your payments by as ,. ..,� 6 -ail -With _ .. _ ,. much as #rslf with a 2nrd or 3rd mortgage on sdns'ibl'e'ternl-s. Call to 10 p,m. today for helpful, courteous service. Prompt Investment Corp, 330 Bay St., Toronto. Call Collect 366-9586, evenings 231-8146. AMP- • You II Get a Good .Deal a from Us.. Just ask your friends. You can rely on . .us for fair estimates, reasonable costs, expert work. »After accident damage or just, daily wear .and tear, let us rest,ore your car's like -new look.... FRONT END ALIGNMENT SPECIALI&TS • Windshield Replacement at': ComPetitve Prices • :»MILLS W. J. MOTOR SALES LTb'. St...David St, Goderich 524-9449 . DO SONETHINGINICE» FOR,»YQURSELF'» SPECIAL ALL PERM VHAVES UNTIL MARCH 25 »ONLY .$25 Perm Wave—$20 $201Perm Wave --$17 - $18.Perm Wave—»$15 $15 Perm .Wave—$12.50. $12.50 Perm Wave—$10 Mae-Barb—Bonnie . Anti—Ramona—Bubbles' HETHER BEAUTY SALON 108 LIGHTHOUSE" ST. 524-7461 Yea, wa have lust about everything yen will need t the lumber and building • supplies line. What's tsW% for the quality wit handle the price Is d M Vale thinking of loading Materials, think .11 w. ° e 4 t► • r, 4 w 0'