HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1972-03-23, Page 17M '
W,iqhtvdatch,rs Hume nutritionist
-•-• •••••-
X,)!Art 2341972 T
Barbara: McLaren beat the bulge.
Menof the.Goderich F ire Department feed hose through ceiling to
other firefighters on the second floor of a frame home on Gibbons
street early Friday, morning where they•answered a Are call to a
blaze centred in the rear portion of the house. Thefi:re department
VMS re4uests.
....,. .. tin
blocks from members
The Presbyterian Woman's
Missionary Sdeiety met for their
March meeting at the home of the
pr-esident, Mrs, Wilfred
She gave the the,call to worship
and the hymn "Lead kindly Light"
was read inunison. She welcomed
the members and the devotional
period was taken by Mrs. Jack
--Hallam. The scripture •tiading
was read and her m-editationwas a.
pre -Easter message.
• The roll call was answered by a
Bible verse containing the word,
Faith. The minutes were read by
the secretary, Miss Minnie
An invitation to attend the
speed up,
___.Each --spring,–_ .people using.
hotbeds will have vegetables like
radishes andlettuce much sooner
than those,who plant directly into
the garden. For those who want to
spend a little time and effort, the
hotbedkan be a good investment,
says R.W. Crawford,
horticultural specialist, Ontario
Department of Agriculture and
,m°,,,,.,.a„14.otbeds are.basically a wooden
frame.with aglass frame. This is
placed in the garden and some
form of additional heat is
supplied, Sometimes this rain
simply be,'fresh manure'.
However, a more modern method,
is a soil -heating cable. This cable'
works well, but a screen should be
' placed over it so that it will not be
damaged if the soil is dug up.
There should also be a thin layer
of sand between the screen and the
cable. The cables are often
equipped with a thermostat.
Hotbeds can be stand -atter the
} danger of very heavy frost has
The cost.of snacking is rising
along : with everything else.
Consumers' Association of
Canada points out that on a per -
pound basis you pay as finch for
snacks as you pay for a good cut
meat. CAC recommends using
substitutes such as carrot sticks
or fresh friiit when in season.
CAC headquarters. is at 100
Gloucester Street,°Ottawa.
bet damage quick
y extensive
resP q l and soon had the flames under control
sive due to the fire and water. Fire fighters
had to chop their way through the ceiling, upstairs walls and the
outside of the house to get water on the flames.—staff ptfoto
U:C.W, on March 30 was read.
Letters .of thanks were read
from Mrs. Oliver Anderson and
others. •
Quilt blocks are to be brought in
immediately. ''
Mrs. Major Youngblut gave an
inspiring- pre -Easter ° message-,
On the Hill. 1'
The offering was dedicated by
Mr.s, Sanderson. The meeting was'
closed by hymn -and the
benediction. Lunch was served by
Mrs. Sanderson.
Funeral services for George H.
Lawlor were'•held on March 6 at
the Arthur Funeral Home, Auburn
with Pastor Alfred Fry
, He was in his 87th year 'and had
passed away in Coutt's Pavilion,
Freeport after a lengthy illnes's'.
He was predeceased by , his
the, former Agnes, Ladd..tie'
is su 'v
and two daughters, Fern and Jean,
all of Galt, four grandchildren,
'and three sisters, Mrs. , Dorinda
Ferguson, Windsor, Mrs. Julia
Medd, Goderich and Mrs,. Alfred
(Mary) Rollinson, Auburn,
Burial took .place in Ball's
• • 1 II 1 •
Bell Aerospace
latest sale
The Bell. Aerospace of Canada
plant at Grand Bend completed a
$1,114,400 sale on Friday 8f last
week to the • Provincial
Government department of
transport involving a 25=ton
payload hoverdraft.
The hovercraft which as
spedially built .for use . in the
Arctic .is the second of the . huge
vehicles produced at the plant.
Named the Voyageur, the first
production model is sfill
completing tests at Toronto.
• m
Auburn Socials
Mr. and Mrs..:��Ronaid Rathwell,
spent the week -end with •her
mother, Mrs. Gordon Taylor.
Michael and 'Janice will remain
for .a ,week-longV'vacation, with
their grandmother."
Allan McDougall of Levack,
spent, the weekend with his
parents, -Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth
Mrs. Beth Lansing
convalescing at her home since,
being, hospitalized.
Misses Nancy Anderson and
Brenda Ball left for motor trip
down through_ United States last
Saturday- morning for a week
526 - 7595'
Mrs. Ebner •Trommer • and
"daughter Miss Comite Trommer
left by bus on Saturday morning'
fora holiday -at Daytona, Flowida.
George Timrp, • Miss Erna
Bethke, Mrs. Edith Kock, all of
Gorrie visited last Sunday. 'with
Mr. and Mrs. Maitland Allen, •
Mr, and ,Mrs. Ralph Jackson .
and',farnily of Mitchell 'visited on .
Sunday with li•er'parents.,, Mr. and
Mrs. John Daer.
:tiss Carolyn Craig of Lucan
Bill_ldesn.n of A.rva visited_
last Sunday with her grandfather,
William J. 'Craig and her uncle
and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Maitland
No, Ma'am, we
don'floan • „ ,
money for
maid service,
but. �..
" •'' fir, '�
We' can help you ° get
all the modern appliances you
need to makeyour job' easier
Homemaking is easier, and'housework goes breezier, when
modern new appliances aro on the Job for you. Let us help you
withy or.urhework ... get a low-cost Appliances Loan here
and now.
.'.s t..,
ai • ' 'A
II l ► ' 1 ,p
Goderich Corn munty
Mrs. Adelaide Daniels, founder
and director of -Weight Watchers
of Ontario Limited, has
announced - that lir. Barbara
McLaren, former Dean of"the
Faculty of Food Sciences at the
University of Toronto, has joined
the organization as nutrition
adviser. r.
In' addition' to constantly
updating the program of Weight
Watchers of Ontario Limited, in
the light. of new research, Dr.
• McLaren will aci in a consultant
°capacity on all matters relating to
food and nutrition.
Dr. McLaren is well known in'
Canadian food circles, noton'ly.as
a professor, but for the .obesity
clinics she conducted for adults in
connection with the work of the k
Faculty. , .
Born in High River, Alberta,
where the Duke' of Windsor had his
.._famous ranch, Dr McLaren
received her Bachelor of Science
degree from the University of
Alberta, her Master of'SCience in
biochemistry from the University'
of Minnesota, and a PH.' D. in
biochemistry from the University.
.of Wisconsin.' There she worked
under the direction of the famous
vitamin discoverer, Dr. C.A.
Following a period a's associate
professor of Food and Nutrition at
Washington State College, she
joined the University of Toronto
in 1953 and in 1957 became
Director of the Faculty of
Household .Science, later the
Faculty of Food Sciene.es.
She has a personal
und'rstanding of the problem. of
,over,wpig ;t;,.l since , She
, periended and coped with xt
"Not only` do 1 have a real'
understanding -•of the problem 'of
the obese," says Dr. McLaren;
"but l feel a,responsibility as a
nutritionist to use my, knowledge
to help as many people as
possible. .
"I think it is an excellent
forward step that Weight
Watchers of Ontario Limited want
to f each a sound nutritional story
to their lecturers, so that they can
reach a large part of the public
with 'the nutrition story," she
Among Dr. McLaren's studies
reported.in professional
publications are ones on B
vitamins, gluten-free bread,
treatment of obesity, and teen-age
eating habit's. She has set up.
nutrition programmes in as
widely diverse places as
Frobisher Bay and, Calgary, 'as
well as Toronto. •
She holds membership'in a long
list of highly -,regarded
professional organizations,
The latest issue • of Canadian
Consumer points out that when a
property owner eventually sells,
he must pay income tax on all the
accrued depreciation taken over..,
the years. The only way to avoid
this is tO demolish the building
and sell. the land,' which is
sometimes economically
feasible. CAC headquarters is at
® 100 Gloucester Street, Ottawa.
so more
mill live
including the Nutrition Society of
Canada, the Royal • Canadian
instttut , the American Institute
of Nutrition, the Institute °of Food
Technologists. She is also an'
affiit'ate Qf,the. Ameri':can
Association fo"r- the . Advancement
-of Science.. ' • '
• Despite' her highly professional
standing Dr. McLaren 'retains
;the .gytnan , touch.. She ' enjoys
travel and likes gojf, the .theatre,
opera, ballet anti, the syphony:
She spends as much time as
.posstbie at her 'Fenelan Falls
cottage, which she has completely
renovated since buying:it in 1959.
Weight, Watchers of ' Ontario
Limited has a branch In Godertcb
and is an organization .Which'
teaches a carefullyplanped eating ._.,
program,. combined' witbc regular
attenance at weektYclasses. It is 4.
.designed to teach the overy e gh' .
person to reaeya realistic weight
goal, and .learn to maintain the
weight loss. d1asses:are for limn,
women and, teenagers.