HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1972-03-23, Page 166A Ri.''R-DERI�CH S1(INA t;pm° the Minister's Study •. -STAIR, THURSDAY, MARCH 23, 1972 • BY REV. LEONARD WARR VICTORIA ST.-BENMILLER UNITED CHURCHES • • 0 Hope of Heaven Has the Church lost its sense of home, so to speak—of man's ultimatO destiny'' • Have Christians forfeited their', rightful anticipation of heaven'' Are we so concerned :r about 'making this world a "better place to live in" that we forget the Bible's- admonition ,'Here -we- have no continuing or lasting city, but we seek the city which is to come" (Hebrews 13:14)'' Do we think that the Son of God Game into this world primarily to reconcile man to man, 'rather than to redeem man from his sins and make him fit for heaven.'' The activities of many suggest that our world is permanent and that man's tenancy is permanent. But that is not so. We live in a world dominated by sin and dying of it, and the Christian's witness is not primarily about what is seen and temporary but about what is seen and eternal. • "Some people are so heavenly Minded that they' are no earthly use," We've heard. Perhaps so. But' there are certainly many •others who are anxious to• be where the action is that they overlook the place where the greatest !'ac'tion" of history took place. The Cross of Christ. .. Wh'y shouldn't the,• .Christian- think and look forward to heaven? The earth and our bodies are temporary; heaven is home. Christ, makes it plain that His primary object in coming into this world was .to save and to give :,�etern;tl lite".. It is one of the strange vagaries of our day that talk about salvation. heaven, aiuf eternal life is, generally, speaking • passe, Gould it.be that Satan has blinded the eyes of the world to the trancr-ence ofthispresent life arid to the fact of a•ti4e after death to be lived somewhere. eternally'' Jesus said His Father is in heaven. He 'said that no man can come to the'Father but by faith in Him. He* -repeatedly• spoke of eternal life and they necessity of being prepared for it. He inade it plain that sin separates us from suffering and sorrow, but theirs is a double ministry—to the body •and to the .soul. All honor is'.due to those who are personally engaged rn human - relief. It is the duty of every • Christian to recognize such work as both legitimate and essential in the total witness, of the ,Ctrut-cnir: --gyp . gonia i _ii f fine the—wayit. is But let us be sure that it is This attractive young lady is Marg Dowson, a therapist at the' Ontario Crippled Children's Centre. She's also a friend of Stephen Layton, Canada's 1972 "Timmy". When Timmy saw that Marg could use a little help in trying out some signs and locations, for this year's annual "Walk-a-Thon" on Saturday, April 8, he .gallantly lenta helping hand. Last year, local walks in various communities .across Ontario raised more than $90,000 for crippled children. This year, being the 50th Anniversary of the Ontario Society for Crippled Children. 'Timmy and his .friends are hoping to improve on that,figure. As for Marg, we think her recognizes as a means to an end -and not as an erid in itself. The ultimate goal of the Christian lies beyond the horizon of human experience.. I have known some who .had everythinOhis world.has to offer but who still ' were, utterly miserable. They had no joy in' the present, no hope for the future. I <? have also known many, here and abroad, whei had onlv.the barest WILLIAMS .CEMETERY. MEMORIAL And, Inscriptions Stratford Ontario -RONALD- M4cALLUM Representative 21 Cambria Rd., North, Goderich' Phone 524-6272 or 524-7345 — • . necessities of life, but who nevertheless had joy in the present and complete 'confidence in the future. • ;, The Church mtrst emphasize ' this future joy as man's ultimate • destiny, through Jesus Christ our ' 'Lord: clear, it is the fact that ' the 0 MIN1/TLS MI M. fliE BIBLE BY CORNELIUS R. STAM PRE'S. BEREAN SIBL( SOCIETY CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60635 " WHAT WAS ACCOMPLISHED AT CALVARY?' If the Bible makes, anything „ When You Shop Say... I SAW IT IN THE SIGNAL MEMO.RIALS,—MARKERS & CEMETERY LETTERING T. PRYDE AND SON CI i-rton—E:xeter-SP,aforth Canada Handbook ready Canada 1972, a 336 -page reference handbook compiled and edited by Statistics Canada goes on sale this week at Information Canada and in private bookstores across Canada. A` general ppblic and for students, especially those 'of high school age, it presents a 'summary of recent economic, social and cultural developments in Canada. The book is widely used in Canada and abroad, especially try diplomatic and other representatives in ' foreign' ountries. 'This is the 41st edition of Xhe handbook CANADA1 and it features brief descriptions of the main aspects of Canadian life written by specialists in various fields. Many of therm work in Statistics Canada and other government departments; others are from the private sector. Special contributors this year includ'e"t Professors Don Armstrong (the economy), Eugene Forsey(goverrirrrent), L. - E. Hamelin (the Arctic), and John WBrkentin (geography); Fred Brueminer (the Eskimos); and the Very Rev. Dr. E. J:: Howse (religion). 8upeb'ly illustrated, the handbook contains some 230 photographs, 1.20 of there. in full colourr Selected tIrom a wide range of ,go errirnenta1 dOnifiitercial, press and private sources, The wraparound cover depi?tS .a brilliant -:subset itr the -C"anadiati North. Available orf both English and French editions. CANADA •1972'is priced at $1,1i0. - secret of all God's. good news to ' mangy is centered in' Calvary. -It was because Christ was to die fozatigr ttslt t 1aGopft Jai' good news to --sinners ' down through.the ages. It was -not until _Amer time' after' ttie •cruc•ifixion, however, that '.'the breaching of the cross'' ' was widely proclaimed as fi nes- sagehy Paul in "the gospel,tgood Goderich District Representative i • news) of the grace -of God'.' iActs 20;24; I Cor: 1:1`81. • Frank McI•Iw,aiin The proclamation of "the gos- 5249465. Pel of the -grace. of God" .was the natural accompaninient • to. the 200 Gibbons Sc. l eg. J.' Bell r reviFlation . of the cross as the ecret „of God's .-food news' to man, In this proclamation of• His • over -abounding grace to. sinners, 45 Cambria Rd.S.. everything centers in the cross. 524-7464. • ♦� Accc7rdind, to Paul's epistles • M rr• sb , we have redemption through Christ's- blood," (Eph 0), We are '"Justified by His blood" (Rom. 5:9), "reconciled to God by the death of Hifi Son" (Rom. 5:10), made,nrgh by the blood of,C.hrist.'.' (Eph..;13) and "made the righteoiisness of God i -ire because "God hath made I-1'in to ',be sin for LIS (I1 Cor..5:211: The "'Covenant- of the Iafv wa s abol i s hed l i-449-64'.6ss,.,iC.ol . 2:141, the curse of the law was removed by the cross (Gal. 3:13), 'the, "middle wall of partition" was broken .down by the cross (Eph. 2:14,15) and believer's in Christ are reconciled to •Gad in one -body by the crass (Eph.2:16•x:• Little wonder Paul.* calls this , message "the preac4'ung 'of .the Gross.,( To the believer it is thrilling to see the cross as God's reply to Satan-•when,",at first glance, tt had appeared that the cross was Satan's 'greatest tri uniph.. - You are invited to attend our.... p - REL'IVAI SERVICES . Vod . Sadie • Evangelist From PONTIAC, MICHIGAN' "To hear Bob Eaton is an. .unforgettable, Ifeartwarming ice -changing experience." NURSERY WILL BE AV,A'iLABLE VIar2O25Q r • f7 Nightly SAT. 25th - 8.00 P.M. - SPECIAL YQUTH RALLY, SUNDAY 26th • 10 and 11 A.M. Calvary ,Baptist Church 231 BAYFIELD ROAD taODERICH; ONTARIO REV. R. BRUBACHER, PASTOR PEC!AL MUSIC NUUITIY 1 . • MR. JOHN J. McDONALD -» "The Singing Missionary" Tort:awr° ..4 ...a. , w akar ,,• V . wJ: • 41r 04 yR- 44,6 ,.......a• , r 4...4110p040 N/w� ,iu, 9 ;,Nw::::",: 1.,••w••••........s • w4'.4J,h•...,. • Special plan for teachers Teachers. experienced in . schools operated by Retarded Children's Authorities who lack the basic Ontario teaching certificate will be able to obtain the certificate through a six-week conversion course to be -held this summer, . Education Minister Robert Welch announced last week. The Course,Will be offered at Hamilton Teachers' Coflege:. When school boards became,. • resf onsible for classes and schools , for trainable retarded three yearago, many, of the teachers had•less than grade 13 background or. had, ,advanced academic training but did not possess a basic teaching certificate that' was a. valid in Ontario: However, the' Department of ,Education ruled 'that they were qualified to teach trainable retarded children. The regulations also allowed graduates o,f _- Ryerson Polytechnical Institute, the Institute of Child Stride and colleges of applied arts and technology who had taken appropriate courses in child study, and , development and Department summer. courses to teach trainable retarded children without holding a basic teaching certificate." Mr. .Welch had already indicated that teachers who had taken Department _summer or winter courses would be granted a certificate fors' that particular •course. He said the new course is the final stage in a series of changes designed to allow such teachers to become fully qualified,. The'' sinister said' the Department has constantly endeavoured to provide them with the opportunity to become fully qualified teachers, not only through summer courses dealing with their, own field. of the trainable retarded but 'also through a clear admission program to, all summer and w•intE'r professional development courses. • Mr. Welch said that such teachers have 'made a valuable contribution over the years and that he was sure• they would welcome the opportunity to achieve basic °'tea'ch.er certification. • Hi u • Goderich and GEORGE+, LAlri .OR Funeral setvice was held .in Auburn March 6 for Qeprge•Henry Lawlor who died March 3 in' Freeport Hospital, Kitchener, following a four week illness. The son of the late Mary Leaves aid Thomas Lawlor, he was born in'ubur""n, March 14, 1886 andhad resided there most °this life. Predeceased • by his wife the former Agnes,Ladd, in 1970,1ie survivedby one son Wilbert, two '"'d;aughtersF Mrs. ,Gerald (Ferne) M.cKay and Mrs: Charles" (Jean) Waterman, all of Galt;•four grandchildren` and one • great- grandchild; also three sisters, . Mrs. Dorinda, Ferguson of ,Windsor, Mrs. Alfred (Mary) Rollinson of Auburn and Mrs. Julia Medd of Goderich. . Coutts and Son Funera•1 Home, Galt, was in charge 'o'fl arrangements. Interment was in Ball's Cemetery, Auburn. ' ARMAND BEDOUR Armand (Babe) Bedour,' 126 Wolfe St., died March 16 at Alexandra Marine and General Hospital following a three-month illness. He was 54. He was born March 10, 1918 in Zurich to Albert and Edith (Denomme) Bedour. He was an employee of .Dominion Road Machinery for 26 years. He was• a member of St. Peter's Church. , Surviving are his wife, the former Teresa Maloney whom he married in Seaforth April 16, 1945; six children, Leroy, Donald, Davidand Catherine; all at home, 'Linda Willowdale and Beverly,London; five sisters, Mrs. Ernie . (Luella) Fisher, Goderich; Mrs. Adrian (Louise) Denomme and Mrs. Leo (Cecile) Meidinger, Zurich; Mrs. Lester (Geraldine) Banks, Toronto;, and Mrs, Laurence (Lucille) Brisson, St. • Thomas; and three brothers, Gordon -and John Goderich, and Bill, Zuri-Ch: and his father, a. Albert Bedour, Zurich. He was " predeceased by.one son, Leonard, November 18, 1967. ,Fun ,ca.i-service was Monday,. March 20 at St. Peter's Church, Goderich, with Rev. Fr. R. Moynahan. Interment was St. Peter's Cemetery, Colborne' Township. Pallbearers were Don Stimson, SUNDAY SE1VICES SUNDAY MASSES PARISH OF ASHFIELD St. Joseph,"Kingsbridge• —Saturday 7:30 p.m. —Sunday 10:30 a.m. —Sunday 10:30 a.m.. —Sunday 9:00 a.m. St. Augustine St, Mary's, Lucknow WESLEY MEMORIAL CHURCH ti HE FREE METHODIST CHURCH Park St:. at V'ictori.a H, ROSS NICHOLLS;' Pastor 10:DOa.m. vndalr••-School "i .m• — Worship 7:Oal:00 pa. ,— Evening Service. WELCOME CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH BAYFiELD ROAD AT BLAKE STREET .• EVANGELISTIC FUNDAMENTAL REV. R. BRUBACHER, Pastor 10:00 a.m.-"New Record in Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—Evangelist Bob Eaton 6:30 p.m.—Young People's Meeting 7:30 p.m.—Evangglistic Service—Hear the Ladies"Sextet, Zurich Wed. 8 p.m.—lVkidweek Service A WARM WELCOIVI'E AWAITS YOU 7 ' area Carl Sehneiker, George, DeJong, Bill DeJong, Leslie Pitblado and. Bob Jeffery,. MRS. A'EXANDER PROFIT Mrs. Alexander , Profit, 27 Bruce St. E., died suddenly March 17 at Alexandra __. Marine and General Hospital. She was 67. Born in Edinburgh, Scotland, Jrruarli 5, 1905 to parents George and Susan (Daly) Watters, she war the' ,former .Janet Watters. She lived in Edinburgh txnti11936, when she moved to. London, nEngland, She came .to' Canada in 1959 She wais 'married August '21, 1929 in, Edinburgh to Alexander Douglas (Sandy) Profit. She w.act a member of Knox Presbyterian. Church-. • Surviving are her husband; one obituaries daughter, Mrs. William (Jean) Tucker, London; three sons. Alexander Douglas, Windsor: Thomas W. and Stanley. both of Goderich; nine grandchildren: six brothers and one sister In Edinburgh and- one sister in Toronto. Funeral service was Monday; March 20 at Stiles Funeral Home with Rev. G.L. Royal officiating. Cremation follbwed in Mount Pleasant Crematoriunn, London. Pallbearers were Alex, Tom and; Stanley Profit,. William Tucker, Walter ll.iott and Maurice Cowan. 0 THERE'D CROSS IS PEOPLE LINE YOU HELPING PEOPLE LIKE YOU Huron opal AUBURN Saturday1'Murch 25 BOB BAXTER Sunday, March 26 8 p.m. DONT MISS THE EVANGELISTIC SERVICE with REV. L. SHEFFER, { 7 and THE MESSENGERS c 1 ',- • Male Quartette From The Missionary Church, Kitchener. 2 P.M.—Service in WESTFIELD CHURCH U. R. WELdOME The Huron Christian Mens Association presents The News on CKNX Radio every day at 4 p.m. Evil Prevails When Good Men Do Nothing ARE :YOU •GOING TO CHURCH THIS SUNDAY? - IF NOT, YOU •ARE INVITED TO WORSHIP WITH US. Bethei Pentecostal ernade Taub Affiliated with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada CORNER OF ELGIN AND WATERLOO STS. REV..PETER G. 'ST. ION,,,Pastor SUNDAY, -MARCH 26. • 10:'00 a.m. - SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11:00. a.m. — WORSHIP SERVICE. -7:00 ,p.m. — EVANGELISTIC SERVICE. - Tuesday, 8:00 p.m. — Bible Study and Prayer. Friday, 8:00 p.m. •— YOUTH NITE. For further information about church services call 524-8506: "SOME' PLEASURES ARE MORE TROUBLE THAN TROUBLE." Knox Presbyterian Church THE' REV. ( LOCKHART ROYAL, B.A., Minister WILLIAM CAMERON, Director of Praise SUNDAY, MARCH 26-x. lb: oo A.M. — SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00A.M• -- DIVINE WORSHIP. Sermon: SERMONS FROM THE, APOSTLES' CREED: ' • (8) "The Resurrection of the Body" ---PALM SUNDAY -- 7:U 7:30 p.ni,-Yourrg People's Society Enter to W"or;ship epart to Serve ST: GEORGE'S CHURCH PALM SUNDAY—MARCH 26:, 1.972 .Holy Communion at 8:30 a.m. Rector's -Class Cancelled Palm Sunday Procession at 11 a.m. R - Church School at 11 a.m. WEDNESDAY, MARCH -29 Holy Communion at 7:30 and 9:30 a.m. . (Breakfast after 7:30 service). Maundy Thursday, March 30 Holy Communion at 7 p.m. Organist-Choiri•naster:' Mr. Paul C. Baker, F.R.C.O.. L.R.A.M., A.R.C.M. Rector: THE REV. G. G. RUSSELL, B.A., .B.D. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH (Baptist Convention of Ontario, and Quebec) , . MONTREAL STREET near The Square REV. 'W. H. McWHINNIE 10=00. a.m. — .Sunday School. _Sermon: r 1 �> 5-a:m�——�rrjmg—�rlstip: ---- —: "WE PREACH CHRIST CRUCIFIED" - .�.�.-.Special Music by the Choir. - 8:00 p.m. -- Wednesday,' Prayer and. Bible Study. COME AND WORSHIP IN A CHURCH. Victoria Street United Church HOUSE OF FRIENDSHIP REV: LEONARD WARR 10:00 a.m. -- Bible School for all Grades. 11:00 a.m.-=-COMMUNION SERVICE & ' RECEPTION OF NEW MEMBERS BENMILLER UNITED CHURCH 1:30 p.m.--Commltnion Service &Bible Scho'di--Reception of ' p . Mrs. Jr'Snider• Victoria St. Organist & Choir. Director New Members Mr . Leonard Warr Beniller Pianist & Choir Director North Street "United Church ".REV. ROBERT L. RAYMONT • Miss Clare McGowan SUNDAY,'MARCH 26 a )tit 9:45 a.m. - 9 -year-olds and over. 10:50 a.m. ,Babies to 8 -year-olds. 10:50 a.m.--•Morning Worship. (Service will begin .with a hymn Sing.) Sermon: "THE TRIUMPHAL ENTRY, TODAY" - • -'•E•L-C.O M.E • Mrs. ,Eleanor Hetherington, Orgahis} and Choir Director Miss Clare McGowan—Assistant Visitor Phone Church Office find Study —524-7631 Church Building 524.6951 0 M • .4