HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1893-8-3, Page 5rei. riL V I.'..f, J ATV'iINVOiFANt,pro G pea um-
'covery that eine the worst oases of
Netxoun Ihbiltty, Lust Viaor and
q7 �r 1' X44 �knthut; lltatOwud
restores the
�:D3 .,.1.. ',IS ,voakucss of body or amid caused
by o,cr ,vurlt or the errors or cx-
t.+awnuz,..su,vvm.0vr, acmes ut Yuctli. 'Chis Bellied/ air
yolute'y ogres the most obstinate cn,y when all other
3ttw.ettiP's have failed tweet° relieve old, by drag.
teL at yl per pucka c.: six fur a5, or set by mail on
receipt of price by ncidirsslog TB:I/ J AMLS tlilu70•IO1 I
470.. a'orouto, Ont. it rit* ''or pamphlet. Sold w—
Igor Salo in Exeter by J. W. Browiiitt„
The first shipment of hay from
Montreal to Hamburg was made last
Dear Sirs,—I was greatly troubled
with weakness, loss of appetite, rest
lessness, sleeplessness, and found B.B,B.
the most strengthening and 'beneficial
medicine I have taken.
Miss Heaslip,
34 Huntley St, Toronto; Ont.
Direct telegraphic communication
has been established between the Unit-
ed States and Guatemala.
Harsh purgative remedies aro fast
giving way to the gentle action and
mild effect of Carter's Little Liver Pills
If you try them they will certainly
please you.,
The annual convention of the North
America Caledonia Association began
in Chicago yesterday.
In popularityincreasing. In relia-
bility the standard. In merit the first
In fact, the best remedy for all sum-
mer complaints„ diarrhoea; dysenterv,.
cramps, colic, cholera infantum, etc.,
is Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw-
berry. All medicine dealers sell. it.
Thomas Lawther, merchant, of Rus-
sel, Mann., was killed by lightning
while writing at his desk Friday.
When Baby was sick, we gays her Castoria.
When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria.
When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, .
When she had Children, she gave there Castoria.
The 200th anniversary of the parish
flf \'arennes, Que.,30 miles below Mont-
real:, was celebrated: yesterday by a
large demonstration.
.should be given Dr. Low's Worm
Syrup. It regulates the system and
removes worms.
Robert James of Malahide took Paris
green while temporarily deranged, acid
died several hours afterwards.
Is at Sambro, N.S., whence Mr. R E
Hartt, writes as follows:—"Without ,a
'qixbt Burdoek Blood Bitters has done
rie iJt of good, I was sick and weak
:and had no appetite, but B.B B. made
me feel smart and strong, Were ,its
virtues more widely known more liyes
would be saved.
The by-law granting a bonus to the
H. G. & B.' Electric Railway was carried
in Saltfieet Township yesterday.
If you hed taken two of Carter's
Little Liver Pills before retirine- you
would nut have that coated tongue
or bad taste in the mouth this morn-
ing. Keep a vial with you for occas-
ional use.
Tho Italian warship Etna passed,
Cape Chatte at 7.30 Friday night. She
is expected at Quebec this afternoon..
All who have the care of children
should know that Dr. Fowler's Extract
of Wild Strawberry may, be confident•
ly depended upon to cure all summer
complaints, diarrhoea, dysentery,
cramps, co;ic, cholera, infantum, chol-
era morbus, canker, etc„ in children or
Fifteen seperate°congresses werein
session at. Chicago Thursday in con-
,nection with the World's 'Educational
The Great English Prescription.
A successful iiegdicine used over • -
80 years in thousands of cases.
C , Cures Spermatorrhea Nervous, l
`h<,Weakness, Emissions, Impotency
and all diseases caused by abuse.
isswoxml indiscretion, or over-exertion. [arm]
Six Packages Ghtaranteed to Cure when all others
-Fail. Ask your Druggist for The Great English
Prescription, take no substitute. One packagr
$1. Six $5, by mail. Write for Pamphlet. Address
Eureka Chemical Co.. Detroit. 111ieh.
The steamer Pearl was run into by.
an unknown steamer off County Down
Ireland, Wednesday. The Pearl sank,
^a,rryine. down seven persons.
YOU WOULD NOT have had that
throbbing headache had you taken a
Burdock Pill last night.
A Windsor woman.. Mrs.' Smith, had
her right side completely paralyzed.
Wednesday by lightning, which struck
her house..
Dear Sirs;—About three years ago I
was troublOd' with dyspepsia in its
worst form, neither food nor medicine
would stay on my stomach, and it
seemed impossibleto get relief.. Fin-
ally T took one bottle of 13 B,B and one
box of Burdock Pills, and they cured
me completely.` Mrs, S. B. Smith,
Elmsdale, Ont.
The Spanish 'steamer San Juan,
loaded with keresez e, enroute to Amoy
has been de!,troved by fire: Out of 250
people on board, only 29 were saved.
end invigorating appetizer—Milburn's
Aromatic Qu.iinine. Wine:
Walter Arthurs, aged nineteen, a
lanae sergeant in the Royai Canadian
Dragoons, shot
himself tlluounh the
head at the Quebec barnacles yesterday
unless stopped by Dr. Wood's Norway
Pine Svrnp. The best cure for Cowebs,
Colds and Lung Troubles,
est Dough
Syniitld Vse
In me Soldbr cg,tis
,,114s Z. :IN.,Diniitt F1 n fastO:
This wonderful discovery is the bestknown remedy for
Biliousness anti all Stomach and Liver Troubles, such
as Consti aatlon, Headache, Dyspepsia, Indigestion,
Iin ure Mood, etc, these Lozenges are pleasant
Intl harmless, acid though powerful to promote, a
leaithy action of the Bowels, do not weaken like pills.
It your tongue is coated you need thele.
• err
ra '11?.ii ° ;1''' p.
4tT ALL p1tlI4G 67l'0[Cl:u.
A young son of John lerorthcut, aged
fourteen years, was drowned at Lake -
field Monday afternoon. It is supposed
he fell off the railway dock.
All disorders „,caused by a bilious
state of the system can be cured by
using Carter's Little Liver _Pills, No
pain, griping or discomfort attendiug
their use.
Dear Sits,—I have much pleasure in
certifying that after suffering severely
for t5 months from diarrhoea, which
came on after e ildbirth, previous to
which I had suffered from :dysentery
for sore months. I was cured by Dr.
Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawoerry.
Annie M. Gibson,
Brilipatam, India.
At Peuctanguisheiie yesterday Mr.
Ju•tice Rose gave judgment extending
until September 16 the injunction pre-
venting the city frorn: draining into
Ashbridge's Bay.
The recent discovery of Dr. Eseljay
's the best remedy for biliousness and
all stomach and liver. troubles. While
regulating the system Eseljay's Liver
Lozenges actasa tonic and do not
weaken like pills. They aro the ' best
airily medicine on the market. 25
cents at alt druggists. •
Found Dcaei in the Woods.
Trenton, Ont., July 31.—A :young
man named Burt Ireland, a son of Geo.
Ireland, of this place, was found dead
in the woods on his father's fart„, a few
miles from this place. He went out on
Saturday morning to work among
some potatoes, iutendiug to use Paris
green on them, and was accidentally
poisoned iu some way it is supposed.
As he did not return at noon or even-
ing., search wits made and continued
till an early hour S:>nday morning,
when his body was discovered in a
The Care of the Skin.
In an article on the cultivation of
beauty, a physician writes:—"The best
methods of keeping the skin In a
healthy and clear condition is frequent
bathing in cold water and avoidance
of the use of complexion powders con
taining arsonic.or lead, proper—diet,
correct habits, plenty of sleep and open
air exercise; and if we might add .one
article of medicine as being specially
valuable for this purpose it would be
Eseljay's Liver Lozenges:"
Death or Cot. Coleman,5-easorth.
Seaforth, Cnt, July 30.—Dr. T. T.
Coleman died at his residence (Hillside)
this.morning. Dr. Coleman was • born
in iralee, Ireland, RS years ago. He
practiced medicine for a number of
years in Seaforth, and when salt was
first discoverednt the county of Huron
he embarked in that . business. • II'e
%vas Colonel of the 33rd (Huron) Bat-
talion. •
iat-talion.: He was the•first Reeve of the
village of Seaforth after its incorpora-
tion, and was elected Mayor of the
town on several occas ions. In politics
Dr. Coleman was a Conservative. and.
took an active interest in .the welfare
of the party;
Don't You Know
That to have perfect health you must
have pure blood, and the best way to
have pure blood is to take Hood's Sar•
saparilla, the hest blood purifier and
strength builder. It expels all taint of
scrofula_ salt rheum and all other hum-
ors, and at the same time builds up the
whole system and gives nerve
Hood's Pills nizty be had by mail„ for
25c, of i. 1. Hood & Co Lowell, Mass.
A Clandestine-luarriat:e and an Irate
Parent ...
Woodstock, Ont, July 3L.—(Special)
—John Redhead, a young Englishman,
and RhodaCleaves, a pretty, country
girl of 18, are responsible for the latest
sensation hereabouts.. They t; ere
quietly married et the Methodist pars
euage in the west end, when the two
lovers sot out 00 Sunda yto visit the
bride's parents bear Bcachville, but as
soot' as the bride's father heard of the
elandestlnc wedding he gave his
daughter, it is said, a most brutal
thrt,shing in the presence of her - hies -
band and a rival 1 .ver from Embro:
The bride" was then • taken into the•.
house wed locked up, when her bus
band was ordered ori' the farm, It is
said the cause of the old, man's wrath
was the fact that his daughter had re-
fused, ,cgelinst his wish, to marry the
Enibro sititOt•, who i4 a very respectab-
le young man :lamed McDonald. The
young woman and McDonald were;en-
g•agt-cl, but in Itis absence I•tedhead
had pressed and woti his suit for
Elioda's heart and hand. Robeit
Ci eaves, the fattier, is a u t tiot man,
on the C. 13, R, and it is said line a yio-
lellt temper Illioda says her ago is
20 but herr fa,tl11r putsn
s it to t i 6, The
faets of the assault will be told at the
Police Court to -morrow morning. The
complainant is Redhead, Who is more
anxious, however,, to get possession of
hie bridal than to punish his father in-
law for dtssault,
OF'Fk:14 'S
t1piifilLESs r�eA4ludc l€
l"o ueRS•
J,L; a not
tilted ` to Pure every-
think, ,but sfmrpl y head..
aches. Ws -11 them, it.
will coot but oea oent•
limit box and, they a.*a
liar mless,
Thief aro not a t athartle.
,,'or over A+'il'ty Years,
AN OLD, AND Wtan-TRZED Iimafitl)x,-1MIrs.
'Winslow's Sootbiug Syrup has been used
for over fifty, ears by millions of mothers
for their chiltdron while teething, with per-
fect success. It soothes . the child, softens
the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic,
and is the best reruetly for Diltrncooa, Ls
pleasant to the taste. Sold by Dru ""gists in
every part ofthe World. Twenty-five cents
a bottle. Its value is incalculable,' Bo sure
and ask for Mrs.'Winslow's Soo thing Syrup,
and take no other kind
They tal,p d the wire.
On Monday afternoon two farmers
rode into Windsor from: Pike's Creek,
Essex County, and informed the police
that two meni had tapped the telegraph
wires two miles west of Pike's Creek
and had run the wires into an old
building, where they had a telegraph
instrument. It is thought their inten-
tion was to work the pool ,room in
Windsor, and Detective Campau and
Officers Mahoney, Giles and Lister
were dispatched to the place. The of
fleet's returned late at night and report-
ed having seized forty batteries and
eight sets of instruments, The mel
were also well pro fsioned for ai long
time in the woods.
Mothers will find the. Pain -Killer ie
valubale in the nursery, and it should
always be kept near at hat:d in case
of accident. For pain in the breast
take a little Pain -Killer in sweetened
milk and water,battling the. breasts in
it clear at the same time. If the milk.
passages are clogged, from cc Id,' or
other causes, bathing in the Pain -kill
er will give immediate relief. Ask for
:lie Nev Bottle;
Habits That matte '-al. Nice Girl."
Making a sacrifice cheerfully when-
ever One is made.
Inquiriuu after the friends and fam
Ries of chose whom she meets.
Shoeing "small courtesies" to hum-
ble people without an air of patronage.
Making no unnecessary allusion to
any subject whi„his known to be dis-
agreeable to another,
Apologizing •without • reservation
when alt apology is needed.
Drawing checks on her own happi-
ness to bridge over to the .i.mpeuding.
bankruptcy of another.
Avoiding jokes of a personal nature
likely to wound' another's feelings.
Showing herself happy when she is
enjoying herself, remembering it is a
pleasure to others to make her happy.
Always repressiug criticism when
there is anything to praise.watassa
A. Hastings, Prop.
Every attention paid to
Ladies' and Children's
Flair" Cutting.
A. lia$tings.
Chea est and
Best Place in
To your our Boots and
Shoes mended, is at
' OV ONS'!
Just a few more pairs
of those Men's cheap
Hepbui'u Shoes and La-
dies' Dongola Kids left,
EONoxt Door
s� 9
argains I
Bargains 1 ;
The. Spring Season
is about here and our
good wives are begin-
egin-ning to think of house
cleaning. Then after
the "dirty work" is fin-
ished, a few nice pict-
ures will be necessary
for a spring-like ap-
pearance. Bear this in
niind, the best stock of
Parnboo Novelties,
Picture Moulding
Curtain poles,
Is at
S .mtLk Y's
Odd Fellows Block. Opposite J Grigg
's pEpa
E�ci�r F�ck��g Egtu.
Bogs Wanted. Dressed.
or Alive.
if Pressed Bogs bought subject to the
following conditions: -2 lbs per ewt off;
5 lbs extra if shoulder stuck; 3 lbs for
either bung gut or gullett, if left in,
All Hogs to be cut through
from Tail to Throat.
Highest Price paid for Hogs
weighing from 100 to 200
pounds, dressed.
The undersigned having handsome-
ly fitted up hie parlor and restaurant
—will serve—
during the Summer Season. Also a
large supply of
Confectionery, Bread, B ns,
Cakes &c.
Visits Exeter every Wednesday and
Saturday afternoon. All orders left
with George Sanders promptly attend-
ed to.
Oysters; and fruits of all kinds in
their season.
Sewing Machines,
Baby Carriages
And Musical
We are the only -firm
who make a specialty of the
above named goods and
therefore claim that we can
give the people of Exe,ter
and vicinity,-- . .
Greater Pargreins !
Greater Choice ! !
Lowest Prices. ! ! !
The latest and newest at-
tachments for all our goods
can be had by calling at
our, ware-rooms,—One door.
north Dr. Lutz's drug store,
Rev. •infant Hollinshed'
01 Sparta, et J., voluntarily, says:
" To Whom it May Concern:
"Unasked I` deem it my duty to a suffering.
dandsouls humanity whose' bodies s so s I would
have healthy, to tell them' of the value of
Hood's, Sarsaparilla. While living in Ohio
one of my children was greatly
Afflicted With Boils
having s0 on her limbs, and being unable to
wall:. I had heard of Hood's Sarsaparilla,
and bought a bottle, half of which cured en-
tirely. Two years after, another child was
afflicted as badly. I used the other half.
bottle of Hood's: Sarsaparilla with like re-
sults. About four years after, the child first
afflicted was again tormented like job, and I
bought a bottle (on Sunday at that) and
again a'eure. I gave some of the medicine to
a poor woman and two children; they were
helped as were miner Through a testimo-
nial sent to C. I. Hood & Co., inquiries came
from all the country, asking if it was a 'bona
fide' testimonial, and of course I wrote all.
that it was, and have the knowledge of
•Scores and Scores
Of persons helped or cured by Hood's Sarsa-
parilla. Mild cases of rheumatism have
yielded to it. Biliousness and bad liver have
been corrected in my own family. • This is
the only patent medicine I have felt like
praising. I speak not for C. I. Hood, but for
the Jobs who are impatient and aro tor-
mented beyond
ormentedbeyond endurance. Nothing I know
of will cleanse' the blood, stimulate the liver,
or clean the stomach so perfectly as
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Any person wishing to know more, enclosing
a stamp will be informed. Yours for the
health, happiness and Virtue of humanity."
W:LLXAm. Ror rxsraun,.°pastor of Presby-
terian' churrh, Sparta, N. J. ,
flood's 1'1109 cure habitual constipation.
Vegetable Pills are pre -
{r° t, pared to meet a legiti-
Math demand for a mild,
efficient and reliable Earthly physic, They are
purely vegetable, containing no
ur or'minoral sn .; �'
calomel mercury, ,
stance of ally kind. Hood's Pills
act upon the stomach, liver, and alimentary
canal and euro Liver Complaint, Constipatiott
Nausea, Biliousness, headache, Indigestion,
Sour Stomaeh, Distress atter Bating, Jaundice,
A. cold may bo broken up and d fever prevented
by proinpt*y taking flood's ,Pills,
• HUbds Puss
Are prepared by C. L Hood & Co., Apothecaries,
Lowell, Mass, Trico 26 cents per bort, Sold by
all druggists or sent by mall 011 receipt of price:
bt. I• ,;.. k, ,.,r •
18 !
Carrys the largest and best
stock of Furniture and under-
taking oods in the County.
Stock complete in all lines.
Night calls for undertaking will receive prompt
attention, by calling at my residence on Fluron St.
(The premises lately vacated by Thos, Prior:)
The Fashionable
Cu er an
As 1: am the only OUTTEB
atit L F.L`_l"fjfit in town whohan
visited the large cities in ti ,.
United Stator this Spring,I an
therefore the best able to tt
you in T110 li rep4'r Stale.
When you have bought
the- material for your
Spring and Summer- coir
come to nye and get fitted,
Before you buy yo't' i
Spring Suit, come up 14,
my shop and get posted
The Fashionable Cutter' and Fitter,
C���fi�1 DiVG STDAB,
A complete stock of
Pure and Reliable Drugs
4t right and reasonable prices.
and Family y Receipts
Carefully Prepared.
11111[1E11's CoR1i1li1o, FowdBi
the best in the `'market.
TIT.' N.
Has now in stock
ran ad
c —c s.,
West of England Suitings and Troy.
Scotch Tweed Suitings and Trouser
French and English Worsted Clot/..
Ali made up in Mite Latest
Style, at best Rates.
wtr •
Atkinson's Furniture Ware-
rooms is the cheapest and best
place in the County to buy Fur-
Lan artificial gastric juice -formula' on every label]
to any person suffering from stomach troubles, es-
tiecially if taken at the first symptom of Indigestion,
which is usually weight at the stomach, somete„ •
attended by slight pain, and may follow either a
Wholesome or a heavy meal. At first, this feeling
'r •
soon passes away, and ,s only remembered e
xrr lt.arruie, which, when repeated, gradually be-
comes mere pronounced. To the average person is
now suggested the ar,thm t c pill, bitters
liquid purgatives, that will Clear out the bowor other
els. Such
treatment ,s worse then useless ; it is poOitively harm-
ful. The trouble is in the Stomach, the Bowels are
not responsible, and' relief will only Como through
an intelligent treatment of eke disorder within the
stomach, MAiiro'kPSVN is the remedy for all
stomach troubles. Entletsed by tilt best physicians
Of f ngtand and, Canada. Sendz its. in postage for
valuable pamphlet HAZH N Tvt;OlSE,
A first-class Bed -room Suite for only t`in9 and every-
thing else in comparison. All ,moods guaranteed to
be my own make, of first-class dry material, nothirg
but best hard lumber used.
Lumber and Wood
Taken in
exchange for Furniture.
Wire Mattresses.
place in town youthe
w where a
The only can buy
Patent Dominion Nickle-Plated Wire Mattress;cY<ar-
minted not:to