HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1972-03-23, Page 1010 GCDMBIC $I+ NAirSTA.R0 URSDA"St`, MARCO 28,.1972 15. NOTICE to CREDITORS A. BIRTHS , ALL pe spns having claims against tht. Estate of ,William James Carey, Gentleman, late of the Town of Goderich. in the County of Huron, -who died on or about the 24th" day' Of January. 1972; are; required tO file the same .w`l.th, full particulars with ' the •unde rsignect by .the 8th date of April, 1972, as after that date the assets of the estate wti,il1 b'e distributed. • DATED at .Goderich. (lfrtario, this '13th day of March, 1972. , PREST and EGE:NER: Barrister, etc.. '33 .Montreal Street, GODERI('ll, Ontario. Solicitors for the. Estate. 11,12,13 16. PUBLIC NOTICE ,KINDERGARTEN Registration will be held at,Colborne Cen.tral School en Thurs.day, Mar. 30 from 12:30 till 4 p.m. Children born in 1967 are eligible. Pleasd bring proof of birthdate and immunization record. Children are invited to attend to see their classroom. --12 MR. R. KENT ROWLEY, Secretary -Treasurer of the Council of Canadian Unions, will address a public meeting on April '9 at 2 p.m.. in the Legion Hall on the subject of Independent Unions in Canada. All area unionist and the public are urged to attend this important event. Please clip as a reminder • of this meeting. Sponsored by the Local Committee for Independent Unions.: --10,12 KINDERGARTEN 1�tS1RMIQN at Vi.C1O'Rtk.:.. PU:QHC SCHOIIL. and ROBERTSON MEMORIAL SCHOOL Parents who have children b renin 1967 --should contact -J, P. Kane at Victoria Public School. Phone'524-8306; R..E Smith, Robertson Memorial School, Phone 524-8972. • MATHERS: Al St. Luke's Episcopal Hospital, Ponce, Puerta Rico, to Mr. and Mrs. ,Keith Mathers, on March 17, 1972, a daughter. BLACK: At• Alexandra Hospital., Goderich, on March 19', 1972, to Mr. and,Mrs- Bryan Black,;,; RR 4, Goderich, - a daughter, Tracey Lynn. 1I4LUFS1 N; At . Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on March 17, 1972, 'to Mr. and 'Mrs. Peter Herlufsen, 47 Elgin Ave'. W., Apt. 1, Goderich, `a daughter, Lisa Marie. C. BRIEFS WHEELCHAIRS— WALKERS The Humanitarian Service C.P.&T. omrr`rittee of the Goderich 'Oddfellow and Rebekah Lodges have equipment for loan. Contact Amos Osbaldeston, 524-9623 or Fred Fritzley, 524-7217.—eow E. CARDS, OF THANKS, 'Victoria Loyal Orange Lodge wishes to convey grateful thanks to all those who by their help contributed to the success of the supper held on the evening of St. Patrick's Day. --12 BEDARD: -We wish to thank friends, relatives and. neighbors for all their .kindnesses to us while we were patients in Alexandra Marine and General Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. A. B. Deathe, staff of second west and X -Ray. --Mrs. 4 ilberta Bedard, Master Kenneth Bedard. -12 FISHER: We wish to express our sincere thanks to all our relatives, friends and neighbours for the lovely flowers, cards and gifts received, also for all who visited us at home. Your kindness will' always be remembered. — Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Fisher. — SCHOENHALS: Thanks to• Dr. Watts and Dr. Leitch, ,2nd East, nurses and staff for kind care; also .to the Ladies Legion Auxiliary and my friends for flowers and cards.—Mrs.. A. Schoenhals.. —12x • LEWIS: My sincere thanks to m y friends andto the doctors, nursers -and-staffs of -t l-intonand CoderiLch - hospitals for their kindness :while I was •a patient.-J.A. (Barney) Lewis. -12b . G. COMING EVENTS 19. LOST AND FOUND, LOST—Ocie pair girl's glasses ,with blue frames in vicinity. of Victoria School. Reward $5.00. .Phone 524-8991.-12 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES - NEED A MORTGAGE? • Up to 90, percent of appraised value on home less. than 20years old. Up to 75 percent on 'older properties. N.H.A. Mortgages arranged on new homes. For complete details call :. HAROLD- W. SHORE REAL ESTATE Bi1OKER 524.72n I SS T Givutst1Qh 7tf p .��, TQ C31VE AWAY ONE small two-year-old male . dog. Used to small children. Phone 524-8991.-12 RECEPTION. for Nancy Sow erby and John Adams following their marriage on Mardi 25, at Sal.tford Valley Hall,9-1. Music b:y the Country Boys: -12x COME to the Giant Rurnmag a Sale- at the Orange Hall, next to the Salvation Army, on March 25, at 2 p. m. , sponsored by the Highland Dancing Association. -12 ENJOY an evening of music by the North Street Choirs and Instrumental Groups under the direction of Eleanor Hetherington, Sunday, April 9, 7 p.m., in the Church Sanctuary, Adults $1.00, children 12 and under 50c. Tickets available from U.C.W. members and Hibbert's Store. -12,14 • The Goderich and District Association for the Mentally Retarded had its annual meeting Monday evening and,named five di rectors as well as its slate of officers for the Association. Pictured here are (back, leftto right) Rev. Peter St. Don, director; Asa Steckle, past president; Maurice VanDerMeer, treasurer; (front) Michael Moriarty, vice-presiclent; Mrs. Betty Reid, day care chai rman;and 'George Simons, president.--L-staff photo County jailclosing 4.. local prisoners to Walkerton A 'letter from the County of Huron has reminded Goderich Tow n Council that the Goderich Jai', will be .officially closed Friday, March 31. It also advised thri o fr Agri-t—the—are - pr esently served by the Goderich Jail `will be served by the Walkerton and Stratford 'Jails. Goderich Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police and Goderich Town Police have been requested to utilize the facilities of the Walkerton Jail, along with provincial and municipal police forces , fro'm Wingham.' Pplice . forces of Clinton. Seaforth and ;Exeter will make • use of. the Stratford Jail. The letter further advised that all municipal police forces_ _presently served by the Goderich Jail will regeive a sulis.idy during the coming fiscal year. It will be paid by the Department,`,' of Municipal Affairs and will ,be based on the_number of criminal charges'laid, as recorded in the largest available Ontario Police Commission Report, plus the ' additional travelling involved. . Also at last Thursday's regular' ;.session •of Goderich Tovvn Council, a petitionwas received from. the town of New Liskeard regarding "the rising cost ,of providing. police services-" The resolution protested the spiralling cost of providing pence protection, the annual demands for extra fringe benefits, additional pension plan coverages etc, the growing .generosity of Arbitration Boards, the fact that municipalities have- no control over: police costs or. administration and the limited tax base from which the municipality must derive its revenue for police, costs. It asked that the Minister of Justice and the Attorney General, provide relief from these rising costs "through a system of police grants". A motion was 7rrade to concur with -the New Liskeard proposal. During the discussion which 'OIL Reeve Paul 'Carroll said that "conditional grants" were not the answer to the problem. "We would be increasing our dependence, not our independence", said the reeve. Councillor Frank Walkom' predicted that if the town received a subskly for municipal policing, police personnel would likely "go after higher wages". . Cp•unci.11or Stan Profit concurred. He 'said •"costs would, not be reduced" if the government provided grants " for municipal police work GOWE SPRI WO BO Walkerton for court in April; the overtime pay would, become an additional burden,. .'..";„7 -- Reeve ',.: «. -"Reeve Carroll proposed an amendtnent to the. notion to .--accept the-N-ew Liskcar'd resolution. He suggested a system of unconditional grants to " aid municipalities. Councillor Elsa Haydon'urged council to draw up its sown resolution rather than attempting to amend the New Liskeard proposal. The •arnendrnent was lost when .put to the vote and .when. .the original motion was voted upon,' it' too. was lost. At this point, Councilli,r Deb ,till wfelt suggested the Town of Goderichforw.ard a resolution to go,Vernrnent- asking that the province take over policing of all towns under 10,000: This motion was seconded by, Councillor Ed. Giesbrecht:. Councillor Shew°felt said that in discussions with many peaple,. was felt --•ghat policing by the Ontario Provincial Police- in municipalities of 10,000 citizens or less would be :ideal., He told Councillor Walkom that' such a Move would make the -local police' commission •inactive and unnecessary. " Councillor'Haydon said council needed more time to think about' the motion before voting on it. Thea matter will be left over to the next coirnocil meeting "for further it study" Goderich Twp. council tfi n�eds enowt Members of.,,,thp Goderich Western Ontario History Township Council met for their Department come into " the regular meeting at the municipal offices later this year Holmesville facilities on Monday and microfilm old assessment evening of this week with much of roles prior to 1900. the business handled dealing in' An alicatian from John personnel matters, Hindrparforsh :d ` by A petition from Bill Jenkins council perwasmissionreceiveto dispose was heard in connection with ari of a portion -of land. T he ' $,000 foot `..drain which„ runs c application notes that Mr. ,through his farm. The' drain, dug Hindmar,sh 'is °donating .the land; in '1961, was ,in need o'f_ improvements -and cleaning, Mr. Jenkins felt and asked,- counoil, to ,consider the work. Council agreed to look into the matter and the item was referred to the Engineers Report.' A letter was read +to council' from .a, London firm requesting information on any cottage areas ,in the township that might be interested in some sort of refuse pick-up service. The, group also wanted to know where tine nearest EV1NRUDES dump was locatedand the address of any cottagers' associations. Council members agreed to refer the company to the Bluewater Beach Cottagers Association. In other business, council agreed to let the University of free of charge to the Girl Guides. Counc„il approved the•” • application without condition and passed up a possible 5 percent, of the value in view of the f ct the land was being given awao such a worthy cause. • When the wind gives out ... Simons ... . • Continued 'from Page 1 - better equipped workshop locally was the answer. ,� - News ha's been received fhjs week from the South Huron Association that members there have taken an option on parr of the Kongskilde ' Ltd. building on . Highway. 83 west' of Highway, 4. Members of that Association have been to Toronto and have been given some assurance that their plans will be approved. Their fund-raising 'campaign is set for April 14 with a kick-off dinner.' and dance. As well, members of the South Huron Association are travelling to, Tillsonburg later this week to observe a workshop for retarded adults in operation -there. YPHTW1N (I V I I I IV/N/►�/DI a�■�Ili■Elr brings you back! Sid ' �t Anywhere! The 4 hp Yachtwin is the high thrust version of the, weedless. Lightwin 4. It's designed fon sailors and fishermen • who don't plan on tangling 'with weeds - who want maximum thrust from .a small outb,aard, Cance be fisted with ' top- mounted controls and 5" or 15" shaft extensions. SERVICE' DOMINION HARDWARE A SUBSIDIARY OF SERVICE .EI,ECTRIC (God., chI' LTD. 70 VPCTORIA ST NORTH GODErCH , 6241601 9 1 VICTORIA STREET GODERICH OPEN. NITEL-Y UNTIL 10 p:m. 'CI..OVER LEAF SWANSON-Beef, Chicken, :Turkey KRAFT CANADIAN -16 oz. Applications are invited for the position of Warble,Fly Spray Ope gator. Township 'to . supply all equipment. Applicant may apply on basis of ether Prici per hour or Price per head. Duties to commence April 10, 1972. Written applications to,be in hands of the undersigned by April 3, 1972. • IGHLINER-1:' OCEAN PERC • HOSTESS --10' oz. TR.EESWEET-48 oz. IVORY 32 LIQUID KLEENEX -100's Mayor Harry Worsell noted that overtime duty -=particularly police time spent in the courts— was a burden to taxpayers. He said officers must be on duty in the municipality at the same time as officers are pard to sit in on certain court sessions. He indicated this was alarge factor in increasing police costs. - Councillor Frank . Walkom reasoned that when the Goder-iqh Town Police began travelling to For farther information con`tact the undersigned. - R. E. Tliornpson Clerk Township of (;oderich When You Shop I 'SAW IT IN THE SIGNAL 'Roouc .,qF u.s.A, GREEH INIONS /PEODUce OF U.S.A. 140. 1 GRADE (ELERY HEAR RODUCE OF U.S.A. , ADISHE$S•