HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1972-03-23, Page 9• REAL ESTATE FOR SALE H D .�4�-.. W' SH A,E A L ESTATE BR o'K ER) 524.727 r, L•is-NEWGATE ST a t"a,QAtelCI! . r_~� - NEWBRICK 3 -BEDROOM BUNGALOW ' `Located „on the Hayfield Road there is a'" new three-bedroom Bungalow which has a` large. bright living room. dining area, spacious conteniporif-ry kitchen 1 1 • and.,,, our -piece Terrriire � 1iiE G• ._., bathroom with vanity. It •is heated ' by gas fore,. d -air furnace and has laundry tubs in the full bas ii nt. The interior is decorated with best quality paint which is enhanced by the use of 'vinyl finished' wallpaper in the dinette and bathroom. Living room floor is carpeted with• best quality scroll nylon and master bedroom . has wait to wall ''Shag" on the - floor. Easily, purchased at $22,500, the doyen payment is only $1.800. Make the move to, a new home today. .10. WANTED (General) COMPI.ETEhouaeholcl,effects or small • lots wanted,' Cail :C & E Furniture., 524-7231.- tf • I4A1)Y'AS bieyeIe in good condition: Phone 524-6117. -12 • T 'I:;NTY, inch boy's bicycle for eight year old. Phone 524-9800. - WAN`I'i•;I1: A single ,working girl to share apartment with another., girl. Phone 524-8'865 after 5:30. - 12tf, GARDEN HOME-. • THREE BEDROOMS -This farnily sized, three-bedroom home with four -piece cerantic tiled bathroom has a large„ • broadloomed living room, 'dining area. •modern kitchen; • full basement .and .electric heating-. This home is only one year old,, has a completely fenced yard and paved drive way. Down payment is only $1,995 and monthly payments are .$156 whichincludes principal, interest anti:- taxer.. -A lower dowh payment. .can " be arranged with slightly higher monthly payment. COUNTRY STORE NEAR GODERICH ' Selling a complete line of groceries, meats and gas and oil products. this store'is located in'a frame building which has living accommodation and -four bedrooms for: proprietor. Located on Highway' 21' in the heart of the tourist area it hasa steady year. round trade and , is especially btisy during tourist season. . Complete information available fronr.th`is broker. Some terms available. EMPLOYMENT - WANTED- . -. MATURE lady requires position as receptionist. copy typist and or bookkeeper wage clerk. Full or part time.. Phone 482-9882,-12 8. HELP WANTED COMPANION for elderly lady in centrally located home in Goderieh. Phone 524-6104.-12 HANDYMAN Handyman for. general 'caretaking, cleaning and ' maintenance work at local automobile agency. Approximately 40 hours per week. 7 a.m, to 4 p.m. (Time and 'number of hours flexible.) Must have driver's licence, be of good character and in good health. Ideal position for older man. Apply- ° in'. persop to- Al or -' Ken McGee. McGee Pontiac -Buick, Goderich. APPLICATIONS Will Be Received From STUDENTS For SUMMER ' EMPLOYMENT .' At', Judith Gooderham • tiff •Swinrining Pool - and Park Please state age, qualifications, experience and interest area. Deadline noon, March 28th, 1972 Apply to: • Goderich Recreation & Community Centre Board - 5'7 West Street Goderich, Ontario 5. TO RENT FORMAL RENTALS for 'all oc'casions..Pickett & Campbell Ltd., Clinton and Goderich,,-7tfn• TWO; two-bedroom apartments, centrally located,. available immediately. Phone 48,2:9;766. - 5tf ROOM AND. BOARD,' large bedroom would take two occupants or, one as.preferred, ••no children, homelike atPnosphere, gOod•mea.ls. Phone 524-6684 after, 5 p.m.-:12tf • -• 13Y THE -.YEAR or summer season, large log 'house on lake bank., fully winterized, stone fireplace: many extras including new "stove, fridge and bathroom, ' Apply BON 38, Signal -Star. -12,13 TWO-13EDROOM ' house. Available immediately. Phrase 1 524-7920 or 524-7639.-12— V 6. WANTED TO RENT WANTED `TO RENT -Two • or three-bedroom 'house within 5 •--elle radi-u on no • Bayfield. Phone 524 -6026.- 11,12x 24 -6026.-11,12x 8. HELP WANTED WANTED -Dishwasher, full- time,, five days per week. Phone 524.8168, or apply Club 'Grill, Kingston Street, -11 tf COOK -Short order cook required for evening .hours of 5 pan. to 'closing. Good ,salary and working conditions. Apply in person only to -Gus Balkouras, Club Grill. - l ltf DEPENDABLE REPRESENTA?IVE WHO CAN WORK.WITHOUT'SUPERVISION. Earn $14,000 in a year plus bonus. Contact customers in Goderich area. Limited auto travel. `We train. Air mail W. Y. Dickerson, Pres., Southwestern Petroleum Corp., Ft, Worth, Tex. APPLIcATIONS WILL BE RECEIVED FROM STUDENTS FOR' ,. • SUMMER EMPLOYMENT AS 11. EMPLOYMENT WAN TED YOUNG lady •requ1kes position, "cashier experienced, Some, typing • and :gc;nerai 'offtce , w7)rlt. -Would prefer weekends off, Phone 482- 9,882. -12 82- i882. -l2 ,, 12. TENDERS WANTED w : Township of Goderich 13RAVEL• TENDERS Tenders are being called for the supp4Y`ing, crushing and deliveringofapprox 15,000 cu yds ofgravel onto Township roads on or before May 31 at 1972. All ---g.r-five#. to -pa-ss-through _ _3/,r. , screen and to be. delivered 'where designated by the Road Superintendent. All tenders to be accompanied' by a certified ;cheque for $500, and to be in the clerk's hands be.12?00 noon, April • 3rd. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted.. For further particulars, contact Road Superintendent J. Potter. . R.E. Thompson -clerk 11-12 13, AUCTION: SALE CLEARING AUCTION, SAL E of Antiques and Household Effects for Mrs: Emily Cory, Goderich at the Auction Rooms, One mile south of Goderich on Hwy 21 on Saturday April 1 at 10:30' a.m. • Complete list in next week's. paper. Terms cash -house sold Mike Cummings Aticlianeer 524-9064.., 12 AUCTION SALE e, of Modern farm -.implements, livestock, hay and straw will be held for Robert McAllister,' west half Lot 21, Concession 7,, West. Wawanosh Township. six 01es south and three miles east' of 'Lucknow, or two miles west of St. Augustine, on TUESI)'AY, APRIL 11, 1972 at 1:30 p.m. Terms -cash. Allan Maclntyre, Auctioneer. Lucknow, Ontario. 12,13 AUCTION SALE of Irvestock, grain,farm implements and household effects will be held for Rod Bogie, north 'half Lot 9,- Concession 10, Colborne• .Township, .two miles • west and one mile south of Nile, or sit miles north'of Goderich; on SATURDAY;_ APRIL 22. 1972 at 1:30 p.m. Terms -cash -farm sold. Allan Maclntyre, Auctioneer, Lucknow, Ontario. 12',13,14,15 MORNING - • AUCTION SALE Of Ifousehol•d Effects and Antiquesat the -Auction Rooms, one mile south of Goderich on Hwy 21 on Saturday March 25 at 11 a.m. r. 2 pee., chesterfield • suite; .television; frig; marble -top brass lamp table; commodes; TV chairs; wicker chair; book -case: (a) MARINA HELPERS -Snug 4 wooden counters; 2 rugs 9 x 12; Harbour -2 required Chrome chairs; frames; 8 (b) BEACH PATROL for mirrors; end tables; dining room Harbour Beach -5 required table; parlour table; 2 picnic. Please state age , . folding tables; floor lamps; table qualifications, and experience, • lamps;3 chests of drawers: Deadline JVoon, April 11th, continental sleds; Hoover electric 1972 broom; large' electric *fan; high Apply to: chair; dishes; quantity of sewing , Hdrbuur-Ccrnmittee accessories, etc. etc. • -TERMS CASH - Mike Cummings Auctioneer 524-9064 Town Of Goderich 57 West Street, GODERICH, Ontario. • CL ER — RE KT . A u R E R for the ge of A Luckno w Applications are invited for the position of Clerk -Treasurer for the village of Lucknow. Applicants must have accounting .experience. Initial salary to be negotiable with exper=ience and qualifications. Applications stating qualifications, experience and telephone number will be received by the undersigned until 4:00' p.m. March 30th, 1972. w J. W. Jamieson, . Clerk -Treasurer, • Box 40, Lucknow,, Ontario. 12 Look Who&' Ta/king,.. 10" kat 400 'JiM SWAN . The -Early Bird" MON toFRl,bto930am CKNX RADIO szv r 13. AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE ' of livestock, farm implements,, hay and. grain will be, held for William Georrge, . L.ot • 1.•2. Copcession.14,'Hullett Township, three miles ' east of Blyth';'' or, Huron Count' Road 25, on THURSDAY, APRIL 113,, 197 at 1:30 p.m., Terms --a cash- farm sold. Allan Maclntyre, Auctioneer, • Lucknow; Ontario. 1,2,13 AUCTION SALE of modern farm implements and 1969 Oldsmobile car will be held fo'r• Nwrrnan- O Gonnar,.pa,Pt-L- ots- 10 'and 11, Concession '10, Ashfield Township, "two miles north of Kingsbridge on Highway 21, on THURSDAY, MARCH 30, 1972 at 1:30• p.m. - IMPLEMENTS: Massey - Ferguson 65, high arch tractor; International 8414 diesel tractor;•, International tractor and loader; Massey -Ferguson four . furrow plow; International 1.2 ft. cultivator on wheels; International 15 run seed drill; New Holland 68 baler; bale stookerand fork lift; New Holland 32 'ft. bale elevator and motor;. Massey Ferguson six bar side rake; •New Idea 7, ft. mower; New. Idea manure spreader; Gehl l'TO 'hammer, mill; gk4in ' ..auger; quantity • of hay `and straw; numerous small articles. 1969 Oldsmobile car, safety checked.. 'Terms -cash. Victoria & Grey Trust Co,,. C'ommonittee of the Estate, Goderich, Ontario. Allan Maclntyre, Auctioneer; • hucknow, Ontario: - e 13, AUCTION SALE ATHWELL'S 1:' 'w _ rr tel, .w�-�..a•a.d..�i AUCTIONEERS. and APPRAISERS Licenced and Bonded ANTARIO WIDE AUCTION SERVICE PHONE COLLECT' • 482-2420 tfn 14. SERVICES AVAILABLE FOR THE 131•:S1''in plastering call 227-4503 Lucan. No ,job too big - or no job too small, We do them all.= -11,1'2,1;1,14,15 DEAD ELM CUTTING, 50c per tree; also custom chain saw work. Call Roy,Iluber, Teeswater 392- 6069.-8-12 92-6069.-8-12 ,. FOR' your Antenna • Soles and - Service contact Alvin's TV, 1,62 Mary Street, phone 524-9089. - tf ACE RADIO and TV Service, Frank Wilcox, 60 Picton St. W., Goderich, Ont. Phone 524-7771. - 40tf C GRAHAM ELECTRIC Complete Electrical Service Residential -- Commercial - Industrial -155 Keays Street , Phone 524-8670 Goderich: Ontario. 12 ®Aini-IWELL.'S •• AUCTION SALE • for Brucefield • Machinery, •6 miles south of Clinton, 11'r miles east of Brucefield, on , , r SATURDAY, APR1L•.1; 1972 at 12:30 p.m. , Consisting of all • makes- • and 'models of tractors from 30• to 100 h.p.; combines. pull type and,„self- propelled;__forage harvesters: wagons; gravity boxes; seed drills;- corn and bean planters; mix 'mills;., cultivators; disks, plows; bean'pullers: windro erg and scufflers. - Many more implements pertaining to the farming business. Consignments accepted until March 31,, Dealer consignments welcome" Terms for consignment.- up to $100.00 - 10 percent; $100.00-$500.00-8 percent; '$500.00-$1,000:00-6 percent; -over $1,000.00 max. $50.00. No sale -$10.00. Phone 527-0138, Allen Hatig'h,' Sales Manager. - -A full listing will appear in next week's pa'pe r. - 12b MORTGAGE SALE Under and..by virtue of the power` ,of Sale contained in a certain mortgage which will be produced, at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by • D. & J. RIDDELL AUCTION ,SERVICE At PUBLIC AUCTION , on - FRIDAY, MARCH 24, 1972 ' at the hour of 2 P..M, atthe farm of Jean Maurice' • Laporte, near Drysdale, Ontario on Hwy. 21- /z nil es north Of Hwy. 24 and 20 miles south of.-Goderich, the following propety: Partof lots 24 and 25, Lake Road West Concession, 110 acres. more or less; - .Part of lot 30, South Boundary Concession, 75 acres,. more or, less; ' • Both of Stanley Township, Huron County, as ,,more particularly described in registered mortgage number 83980. On the said landsissaid to be erected dwelling house and farm buildings. ' • The lands will Ee sold subject to a reserve bid Terms of Sale: The Purchaser shall pay down to the 'yendor"s agent at the time of sale ,10 per cent of the purchase money and, shall pay 15 per cent of the purchase money to the Vendor within 30 days after the date of auction sale and the balance shall bear interest at six per cent per annum and be paid not later than one year after the date of possession. For, further particulars and conditions of sale, apply to THE ONTARIO J.UNIOIi` FARMER., ESTABLISHMENT LOAN GQRPORATION . Parliament Buildings Toronto 182, Ontario M'ortgage'e Dated at Toronto this 16th ,day of t'"ehruary, 1972. .., t , - 10-11.42 Leis _... .01a.. 46 lea. ..u... . ., . .s;. 27tf G. J. CARPENTRY & MAINTENAN-C1, Gary Johnston, =carpentry work, small remodelling or repair jobs, �miscellaneous• nod'd jobs. Reasonable rates. Phone 524- 7789 after 5:30,p•.m.-30tf DAILY CAR RENTAL ' Reasonable Rates - McGEE'S Goderich ” Phone 524=8391 - 19'1f CARPET, upholstery shampooing and wall cleaning, in your home or place of business. Phone tJiam9nt's Cleaning, 396-3295, 'Kincardine-4tf '• • HAVE,.'Your rugs and, chairs cleaned by dependable cleaners. Call Superior Maintenance. phone :524-.8892, Goderich-eow• • r 14. SERVICES AVAILABLE BRICK work, block laxt*4" by experienced brick..lays , Phode 529-7403. Briatt•Stothe,r,e, RR 6, Goderich, Ont. -1,13,1445 2 RAVESTROUGI1XNG, aluminuni or galvanized, estimates without obligation. Phone 337-1077, R. F. Ruttan, R,R.2, Wingham. - 12.48 Sewing Machines SERVICED &°SOLD" • •A°,BX REED - F 197 Hayfield Rd„':Gpdegridh 524-i:46'5 FILTER QUEEN. BOB PECK .VARNA 2.62=5748 TRI -TOWN BOOKKEEPING ..SERVICE ' Income Tax - Record Preparation - Business - Farm - Individual - Returns `' LAWRENCE BEANE Brucefield Phone 482-9260 i -17b GODERICH TAXI Taxi Stand At Bluewater 'SDI*R10SIGNAL-STA , THURSDAt.. IARC I.23, 0 3 i soRvicos AVAILABLE14., SERVICES AVAILABLE SCOTT AND ; ILLI • PAINTING ,PAPERING k,--) • • , SPRAYING`• U FOR FREE; E,STImAr•ES` - ` CA L I+ 54692 ' oreiQ SAN R ';Ay, _ .. L STING: JACK IlA1111.M'E'R WO R K• BREAK UP CONCRETE BAC/CI-10E1NQ SPRAY PAINTING AmNOLD STOTH ERS Phone 529-7403. - fo'r estimates .VACUUM CLEANERS Sales & Service All Makes BOB PECK .VARNA 262-5748 Collect . • RU.STPRO,OF Let us do a complete job on that new or late model par. Well worth the reasonable investment, See us at ROUSE AUTO ELECTRIC SEPTIC TANKS,CI,EANIEU MQPERN' EQUIPMENT WORK OVARANT.EI D Write or Photos Har` D te, Clinton 1. PHONE 4$2.3320 ,3tt *NOTICE ; to, CItED-I1 ,.11. ;persaies w; havii g ..glainr agailst •the Es,t,at „ ; WIhLOUGIIR'Y RA;TNBB> ' ,. . Retired Farmer', late of -thee Town' ofich''C t to )F .` G der tothe � n . o 0 , y Huron,. who dig.. un or: about the;• 20th day of February, 1,971, at'e ' required to file the same with full particulars witb•the undersigned by the 1st day of April, 1872,„a$ after that date'the assets -of the estate will be distributed, . DATED at Goderich, Ontario, this 6th day of,Mar-ch, 1972. PREST and EGENER, 33 Montreal Street,,. • • , A Goderich, Ontario. Solicitors for the lastate. 10-11-12. e000 eeeee•-- 'NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL persons having claims • against the Estate of ROBERT MANNING BOGIE, Retired Farmer, late: of the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 22nd day, of January, 1972, are required to- file•the same with full particulars with theundersigned by the 8th �,, day of April, 1972, as after that date the apsefs of the estate will be distributed,,• DATED at Godrich, Ontario, this 9th day of March, '1972.. $ PREST and EGINER, Barrister's, etc., 33 Montreal Street,..,. Goderich, Ontario-.` Solicitors for the •Estate.~ f1 -12-13q "87 Victoria St. 524-6594 Bill. Swan, Prop. , EXPERIENCED. DECORATOR Interior And Exterior PAINTING „AND WALLPAPERING FREE '•ESTIMATES Call 52476667 W. PEDERSEN 101 Victoria St. , CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of farm machinery at Lot 1.3, Concession 2, Stanley Township, 6 miles'south of Clinton. 11 miles •west of Brucefield and .rrq ':pilesouth, on Saturday, March 25, at 11:00 A.M-. Tractors-990David Brown', fully equipped, cab, dual wheels, and tire chains. (700-hrs.): 990 David Brown, fully equipped, duals (500 hrs.); ("s1:,te-Tandem frame complete with hydraulic steering which converts the above tractors into a 1101{.P. four wheel drive single unit); 990 David Brown fully equipped complete With cab; 880 David Brown fully equipped, dual Wheels, tire chains and "George White" hydraulic loader . and bucket, (optional equipment for '..above tractors sold separately). Truck -1961 Ford 3 ton with hoist (as is). Harvesting Equipment. Gleaner 'G' combine 'bean special' (gas) complete with cab, pickup and 6 row 20" corn header and straw ,chopper; grain dryer' M,C: Model B-600 continuous 'flow; Speed Ding 6" auger 52' long; Speed King 6" auger 32'. • long;.J & M gravity box with 9 ton wagon; 2--7 ton wagons with ' :_g.ravL y boxes; Holi' auger wagon..--Geh.l•••=se-lf-unloading.fergc wagon; Koofs forge blower c -w-40'9" pipe. , • 'tillage Equipment-"Olivor" 568-6 -furrow ',plow .16" . bottom with automatic resets; 21'' A -C cultivator with "Nobly" harrows; A -C 12 row corn and bean planter (liquid fertilizer), 91/2' Kongskilde cultivator, 3 Pt. H. one way disc.: A -C 2 furrow.plow; stone picker with hydraulic lift and dump, 3 - sections diamond harrows.• - Misc equipment -A -C 140 Manure spreader, Selson 1000 gal. liquid manure tank; Selson liquid manure agipump, A-C Pt. H.s•craper blade, Golden Arrow 250 Gal. field sprayer with 24' booms, Lely 3 Pt. H. 2500 Ib. fertilizer spreader, 6' °. "GeorgeWhite" Snowblower; ; 7' Ford rotary mower 3 Pt. H. Hatchinson grain cleaner, seed cleaner; 8' „lawn roller: - cfenientmixer,• Water putrrps„ Pig& Feeding Equipment -Mix Mill Automatic feed grinder & distributing- unit; ,-200'--4'.. a.uger4,=, pig bowls, feeders, fareowing cratos; Gascoignes pig scale; Jameswav feed cart; 180 Amp Lincoln welder Pig & Feeding Equipment -Mix Hill Automatic feed grinder & distributing unit; 200' -4" auger, pig bowls, feeders, farrowing cratos; Gahcoignes ping; scale; Jamesway feed cart; 16" barn Tat; presser cleaner. Shop Equipment -225 Amp. Lincoln Welder, 180 Amp. Lincoln welder; Purox acetylene welding & cutting outfit; battery charger, Webster portable air compressor & paint -attachments; bench vises; skill saw; '/2 13 & D drill; pipe cutter & threader; 12 ton hydraulic jack; work benches; emery; quantity of nails, bolts; rolled & flat steel. Misc -Hydraulic rams; 3 Shur Shock electric Fencers, 2- • Pio air pumps; 32' extension ladder;'Shel1 cattle oiler, set of snap tracks; quantity of aerators; electric motors from 114 - 4 H.P.; A -C tractor frame & spray booms; Anhydrous tank & ''guages; quantity of lumber; International liquid fertilizer tanks for disc; dry chemical 'applicators for A -C planter; 1350 Rosco bin; etc. etc. ° - Te.rms---Cash--No Reserve turret Available ESTATE OF LATE MALCOLM DAVIDSON RATHWELL'S AUCTION SERVICE' R>`igld 4. 3120, -.-. • CALL FRANK TUTT Fit all your .flooring needs: Buy your carpet anywhere:• 'r 20 years' installation , experience. ' -Free measurements. IN THE ESTATE of • Alexander Saunders, late of the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron. *All persons claiming against the above estate are required to forward full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before April 30th 1972, after which date the assets will be distributed:• ^ W. Frank Saunders Execute/. 86 Waterloo St. N. 524-6804 • Goderichntario V'12,13,14. Goderich. - - MOTORIST: Your good, clean used car is at its . PR -EMI IUM VAL.IJE NOW. • -BECAUSE: -We' re low on cars. ' -We have waiting buyers. • • - -We meed the stock. -Prernium prices paid for good, clean used cars -especially 66-69 Rambler Americans. ' MOVE UP OR DOWN -TO AN INTERMEDIATE SIZE CAR - THE 1-972 -MATADOR Mataclor,is_ the most amazing car in :cur .Eine., Its overall length and ' its low price place 'it with the intermediate cars. But the ease with whicli you enter and exit --and. t+te -inter-ler h front--and-back-are--onl-y--- comparable to the more expensive full size cars. • Matado is engine is designed to be economical to operate and easy t o maintain. Its standard 232 cu. in, 6 makes Matador surprisinlgly'responsive. Handling is quick and sure footed." You can get Matador's,,unique roominess, performance and agility in 'your choice of sedan, wagon or hardtop. • , Matt dal Sedan ' priced from 3376°° 00 PROTECTED BY AMERICAN MOTORS ' BUYER- PROTECTION PLAN - • M Save Up To 11000 on 25.1911 Company exec titive driven cars. 400010 12,E miles. J W.—AMBASSADOR J tVEL$N AMX ' IV IATACIOR.HC ENE` OREMLI'N Fri FINA SERVICE. dodorich sz+e.n w.a. sal Bayrfk ltd Road cord Munr e , 4 •