HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1972-03-23, Page 3'001:)R1 "IWI\IAL:SrrAft,, THURSDAY On May 25, 1969 John Hughes of 20 Wellipgton Street in Goderich, son'Of Dr. and Mrs. R. W: Hughes, left home headed eastivard for a two Month holiday in Europe. At 7:00 a.mr on the morning„, of December 31, 1971 John arrived ,back iir Goderich, from the West., pn a Royal Mail 'Truck which had picked hito uP. hitchhiking. What 4 follbsys,WiArLP0.4,,true§.14 , a 32 month -period which •took him • around the world. to Benghasi in time for their wedding reh,earsal. I even stood in for the best man." From Alexandria it was south • to Cairo. By this time John was travelling with spine friends and an AMerican and an Australian. In 'Cairo the Australian gat thrown in jail for haying his camera out at tho harbour. "There were a. Jot of _ ..Rus,Sian boats and; mi`litary., installa.tions there," John "It was against the law to hitchhike in Egypt but trains were cheap even though they Were like a , pigpen. It only cost $5.00 for the ride to Aswan in Southern Egypt; which is the end of the line." , "People in Egypt get a reward for turning in a spy awl one of our - party was accused of taking a picture Of some railway station (which he didn't) and got thrown in jail again. The jail was quite a spot, not onLx the prisoners were in rags: tiff's° were the police." From Aswan John took" a Nile steamer to the border of Sudan, ' then a train to Khartoum, since there.were no roads. From here he travelled eastward 'again across the desert into Ethiopia. "Things are rough iri Ethiopia politically, or were when we were there," John notes, "every 20 or 30 miles we were hauled off the bus and searched. ' For some - reasonthough only the men were searched and the women with all their big bundles were left alone. Apparently they were looking for terrbrists with bombs or weapons but ignored the most obvious" hiding place.'' "In Ethiopia we took a mule trip north into the mountains, rather off the beaten route for tOurists. ' • The peopleseem to be living in the— early stages of civilization and were not very familiar with. whites. We got ourfeet kissed for example." We were eating mostly sardines and riding along •we'd throw away th,e empty cans which our guides would pick up. After they had several they would run off through the hills to some,. village and trade them for eggs which therbrought back and sold —We left Goderich and travelled to Montreal, I say we because on the first part of my two and two thirds years abroad I was accompanied by Bob Wallace (alSo of Goderich)." By means of a Russian ship the two arrived in -England where they purchased a car, MGB, as 1,4is,planned and began a motor tour qf the British Isles and the European continent. "We went through France, Holland and northward as far as 0, Denmark, turnekt back south and visited France, Spain, across the -north of Italy, into Yugoslavia then Austria and Switzerland and • 'enerally toured the region until , we returned to England. As was also the plan we shipped the car and Bob returned home from Scotland in Se•pteniber. I was on my own.'' "I crossed back into France," John relates, -and after Working two months , at a youth hostel travelled to the south of Spain on the Nlediterranean•Where I spent Christmas and New Year's at Torremolinos. There were several hundred Canadians staying in the community and one of the main events that-winter'wag - an east -west football game on the beach. There were a great many of us from eastern Canada as well as lots from Vancouver and the western 'provinces so we 'sort of played the European Grey Cup. The east Won." , "When I left France and cros.sed the strait of Gibraltar my first stop was Morocco where I, arrived through the port of C:euta near Tangiers. On the trip to - Casablanca, Marrakesh and Fes one of the rides I got Was.with a woman who worked at the South Vietnamese Embassy there. You meet some of the most interesting people hitchhiking. She hadirown up in Hanoi but following :the F'renCh occuPation*liad lived in 'Saigon in 1954. I was invited for supper and stayed oiernight." 9 After Moroccb John struck out to the east and .Algerra. "Algeria • must be one Of the best hitchhiking • countries:in the' wOrld, " •"fnLibya.il ran into a 131.oblem whenl attempted to get into Egypt.. Apparently there were niilitary installations in -the area they didn'twant me to see. Authorities were letting allthe Arabs through but no Europeans." "Getting into Libya itself wasn't mutt' easier as I. had to wait three weeks to get a visa.and when,it was granted they only allowed Me three days topass throu'gh the ..1500 mile wide c.ountry. The hitching was good and I made it." Finally in his attempts to get into Egypt John walpsent back to Benghasi (Libya) where he was to catch a boat and enter the country through Alexandria. "An 'English couplehad picked me up .going through Libya and l_rnade it back .411 on t took four days to go 200,iniles travelling every daylight hour due to the rainy season and theAct theti Were no roads. We 'were. stuck for hours at a time." , In .KeriYa, he the .travelking was. still very Slow crosing the equator and rekhing 'Nairobi. "The c,apital of Kenya is• ' a eity Much like Langan England • ahd atter that trip.throughrainHt;, was like reaching.day out Of the night." '• From Kenya it was sbuth And westward down the Hell's Run into Zambia t� Lusaka and then to the village of Senanga„ Zambia -where an aunt and uncle are working on •a mission. "I stayed with my relatives for a month," John - explained. "I find it .neeessary when travelling a great deal to take a rest 'Strap of a fair length of time occasionally or one loses. interest in what is to be learned." • Alter a stay on the mission the Goderich traveller started off -agaln. "I wanted to get into Rhodesia but they demanded a depositof $500 in case I had to bp deported. The usual procedure if they want to deport you is that they just pick you up and take you to the • CanadianEmbassy and tell them to send you home,but in Rhodesia, Canada .has no., diplomatic relations. I cou1dr0 .afford the $500 so I didn't visit Rhodesia." Moving still further southward John passed through Botswana, , again by means of an arty convoy. "I caught the trucks without any, wait this timer he recalls. ' . "At one point' as we were moving through Botswana.," John , relates; "ahead of us a pack of six or eight,w.ild dogs could be seen and as we got closer they ran off leaving freshly killed, • Wildabeast. The men with whom was travelling got yery excited about it and when I asked, as best as I could due to the language' problem,wbat all the fuss was about the officer I was riding with just .said; good Meat, good meat. Sureenough they load,ed it on.one , of the trucks and we ate part Of it for thepoon meal and more in the • evening, it was ,quite good." "Since we didn't speak the language we took this trip thinking it wound up in some village or, town where we eould titiy sUpPlieS but, learned later it was a mountain climbing. venture. 'We, 'had mistaken -the name of the __mountain for the name of a village." • "Onlhe return trip we hadn't -hadany eggs for some time so by r sign language, flapping our arms, • squawking and showing the shape .bteggs with our fingers We. tried to get the „message across to our ;guides. Finally one seemed • to understand and took off running across the hills.", . "The group of us kept on moving slowly and the guide was gone for abOut ,half a 'day but * 'returned late in the evening bringing 22 eggs and a .c4cken. The bidding 'd'pened and we managed to obtainthe whole lot, chicken inclUfled, for a cheap T shirt." • South from Ethiopia John • travelled into Kenya. "The longest wait of my trip, lasting five days, took place trying to get • into Kenya. Finally I managed to gelanarrny convoy going south. It, • Johttnnesburg, Cape Town and to °Durban.. "In, Durban," Min explains, "I had writte4 to Dr. .Kentdn.La.mbert, ,whO is now in • Goderioh but at that time was Working in a hopital there,..with• he hope of finding a place to Stay but when I arrived. it 'was. 'Obvious . they were ail away so I itist spread .out my sleeping bag en the 'porch , --and-bedded..down." ,."In the middle or) the, night 'SomeoneWoke me up. I thotight it Was the Lamberts hut couldn't see for a flashlight in my eyes so I undertook t� explain who I was and about the letter I had Written which only confused matters, It was the police again.." Moving further up the caa.st th,rough-Swaiiland to Pretoria and filen Mozambique John was given. a ride by a -man who he later learned was a member of the Portugese Secret Service. "He told me this story about another hitchhiker he had picked up who he claimed,. tried to rob him. The officer's Story was that he ha,d , shot and killed him with the gun he had under his Coat. Gives you •a 'great feeling." . The next weeks saw John travel • to Malawi through Tanzainia, back to Kenya and Mombassa, then to Uganda where he.saw Lake Victoria and back to Mombassa; "Some friends I had met earlier made arrangements to rent a Cottage in the Seychelle Islands. We•were to meet there but the. shipping comPany .had stopped selling third classrates to Europeans and I couldn't afford sedahe. class, After scouting around I went to the yacht *club. and , with some persuasion a captain let me work on a baa.t that took tne -Feic . •.. out to -the islands on.a week-long From ThaIhitchhiked - cruiseback to ,Bankok and then to ." • "0.n the Seychelles we rented a Singapore in five days travelling time. I. was very. taken .by the cottage for $6.00 per month af the oriental hospitality but was beach andhired a cook who Came in twice a day for $4.00 per menthrunning short of money; In Penang. Malaysia 1'stayed in a hotel that ,We caught our own fish and the was so had the rats ate part of a natives brought vegetables which we ix -night for pennies' note book 1 had left lYing on the • —..• 'Mot' beside thy bed." • When it was 'time, to move on Reaching Singapore john was again- John managed to secure broke. could have, ohtained third class passage on. another tx '' passenger tine to Bombay India... workinAustralia hu couldnt "I met a Swiss traveller anew'e afford the fare. I didn't want to ...Worked in Bombay asmove write home for money because I extras: Movies thake up one of the had this thing about doing if 0-1/_. inv own so'lloOked for work.' biggest inclu-stries in .India. In Batab,ay alone there are 500 'After two weeks of looking John movie companieS,John finally'.got employment with an explains .'''' American ' ExPlExploration. , Company, and wasoon on a. Plane From 13ombay. our globetrotter toSydney Australn He spent one took the train to the Taj Mahal at' day in Australia and then took. a Agra and then hitched to Delhi and Kashmir. —Hitching..was slow in company ship to Wellington New - Indiaand-actitallymore.expensive ;Ze.a.land....wher.e: he worked. for than taking the tra',in since one has \three months hut got enough time ,to pay for accommodation." off to tour all of New Zealand "At one place on tlis' trip some Pitching' farmers gave me a ride, They New Zealandris ver, friendly , • were very welleducated. 1 stayed to Canadians hut vou have to• make -on their farm fbr three days.'' • Sure they ktrow you are Canadian November 13 brought John to and notAmerican they aren't so' - Lucknow wherelie slayed .at the friendly to U.S. visitors. ..Sheik temple during a tithe when: - The nextgom patty contract was , various religious* .holidays were in Taiwan, The crew left May 17 inprpgress.. "It was ajbusy time "arid arrived in port there June 26 in the region with the furl moon, a aftecr a week-lohg stopover in New Hindu 'holiday and the' floods in , Guinea. • , Pakistan," John recalls,. "For the riext five months we . "Calcutta .has a rather - worked in the FOrMOSa Straits. at interesting park .in the centre of times within sight of Mainland the City, where a. flower bed used China. We were under heavy to be, there is now just an area of military proc holes. Venders sell peanuts to "Weals() worked for a time in feed rats living in theseholes." the East China Sea and at one time "While irrCalcutta I toured the were hit by a three day typhoon University as well and in the hour, When all we Could do was keep Our I was on campus I remember -.boy'', into the wind and ride the Aeeing' .three different waves.V..While working on the oil demonstrations," John realls. ship John earned about $550 per C The 100 miletrip from Calcutta month. . • _to East Pakistan cost about three Pl was in Taiwan.at the time of thetistaric United Nations vote 'Riipees or 30 cents. "I \vent And 1.-7-ona.c.cepting-1?ect-C1in 4 "When we • arrived in. GaberOnes I had'one of the more unusual expOriences of my trip. My ride dropped me off in front of. ‘the police station at about 7;00 a.m..on a Sunday morning. Going on the age old rule that the' policeman is your friend I walked ° in; and asked the officer behind a desk.if I could leave rny knapsack -.there-for -safe keeping." - John goes on, "He asked me who I was or what I was doing, something to that effect anyway, and I said I was atourisf. This put . him into a -real flap. He took me into an office and told Me to sit down and,wait until the officer in charge came in. I found out *shortly. that he would not' be around until nanday morning. I • kept protesting but he made tpe stay put telling me I wasn't going anywhere.''' • "Fortunately the Officer did . dropbylaterinthe morning and I was calledinto.h.is.office. He was • sitting behind a desk with passport and asked, "Did ,you say • you were a terrorist?" I left shortly after a brief explanation." . From Gaberones on to ' John Hughes, who spent 32Inonths hitch hiking around the world between May of1969 and De6ember of 1971., is seen with a map he,. WITH DRESSING,_ ROAST PORK HOME MADE HEAD .CHEESE FRESH DAILY s AusAGE LARD Ib. areotavervinewtoyeiwtotawwwwwwveuwwwww.'hiwwwwwwwwwww"A" FILL YOUR FREEZER LET us WIH OUR WHOLESALE PRICES Wo .Buy Diet From The Producer — Savo The Cost Of The Middle Man All Our Meat Is 'Government inspected $ • - reduction so I made the trip for seemed fo care, or eveh know about 15 cents." about, what. was going on." - "In Dacca:: Jo.hn relates, "I November 18 John flew to Seoul spent the afternoon with a crew of Korea and.then hitched through American-- GI.'s who were , South 'Korea. "The country is . yery poor !let starting to show a working with the airlift ot food to number of sieis of development," the starving people in flood strickencareas of Pakistan and I he notes. . ' was there during the fateful FromPusan Korea our election that eventually led to the -.4 traveller took the ferry to war" Simonoseki Japan then hitched ., From Dacca John" flew to north along ,the east coast and Bankok with a stop over in stayed for a time in Hiroshima. , "A ride from Osaka to Kyoto Rangoon..."Burnia is 'one of my favoritcountries" he notes. gave me $8.00 to take the train. 'e , Christmas 1970 was pent in didn't want the.money and kept 'S insisting it wasn'tnecessary but Vientianetaos, half way around the globe from Spain where the guy shoved it into my hand and Christmas 1969 had been spent. said it w -as a Christmas present. ' 'a "We roasted a pig on an open fire dont suPpose he was even Christian but took the money for Christmas dinner. There were absolutely no sign 8 of since I didn'tlWant to offend him. Christmas at all since Laos is On the train a student gave me mostly.Buddist." Christmas was directions to the Kyoto hostel and spent with Other travellers of then came back saying he would French, German, Dutch, English • take a day off school and ,show me and Swiss origins*. the city. Those are good examples The next leg of John's journey joafptahhe.,,hospitality I enjoyed' in involved a river boat trip 200 'From Tokyo John crossed the ile ms doWn the Mekong `River to Thakek, which is, about 30 miles mount 'n t I ok up a youth he from the Ho Chi Nfin trail. "Here worketallws'tei °Fiance two' years westayed in ana.bandoned French • before and thnen siayed in Tokyo Hotel." • With his Parents for a week. "The Japanese hospithlity was great." "Tlie peopleiti Laos are, very - '`I flew from‘.Tokya on' poor but sem happy and content December 19, and arrived in living on the Subsistance level. ;Hawaii December 18, because of TAy,are not politically more Of the international date line. I met -..what is happening around thetn tOme people and they gave me a andbovitheir tate it being sealed - Dike to stay." by others." • After spevling time ,on the • beaches of Ha wail 101111,110w, th Vancouver; and illTiV,(1 10 blizzafd'. -1 had ho-li tlirnrr people all over pie, world how C a n d had cold 1111 I' S eVeryWher0 lait io , alu-i)10;(1". th joke was on no,. 'Sine-e1was travelling in warm countries all 1 had was a sw eater and a light jacket so thiS ruv trim a rag .ctrinpanv heard 1 vas hitchihg to Prince Georve and.1112 through some ot his s,t nit and gave used to outline the route When he told his story reporter.—staff photo f" Mean old army Great C.O;ft It was a per 14-.,c,t lit -About 1:004 .111on,the morning (.1fl.fe.fmber 21 John a rrive71 ih •P 1.10ce GeoiTe. He was retunt(.,(1 Ins family who were 5;:pendirig Christmas at his stSte.r• s-Inune in Prirfee George. • Nly pa rents•thought I would" fly home or takea 'train bail 1 had lian up about" hitchhiking ar011pt th WO1'111 So I started out to c rosS Canada with my thumb. It ha(Jbeen o a, Signal Star IIa 11-a tow days beforv and the • mornino:r. I, left, G4V)1124' it Wa'S 30 ,flelow Zero •• • . Four days later, the inh.rning of December 31a niail truck picked .John up and he was lye‘k in goderich. In all he had visited 43 . • vOuntries and managed to live, during the time he was travjdling. on onlv'100 per month. • TravellerJohiniughes can be seen in the foreground of thi-s photo taken during the time ne workea tor an AmeriOn Oil exploration company on board one of their ships in the New Zealand and China Se.a areas. World travel I er John Hughes thowt sorneof the ,mani,souveni rsent home at ve Hoot titn*s freth wide range of countries during hit thiee year'* hitch hiking around the globe': John refereed is boderich after 32 mbilths abroad, in betember of last year. *tett photo