The Exeter Advocate, 1893-8-3, Page 4'r
til owti�et.T2t
w a
vM �, Els'
SAND R$ & DY;4R, Peca't,�
The Buffalo. EXUrg4S of told morning
lots advertise.
contains .a list. Of Buffalo t
ed to be sold for taxes, The list is
Printed in smarter tylia than any that.
appears in the Ad-Ocate, aild in length
A Board of Finance, has leen a •
pointed t0 man ig'4 thQ nl0ript2}r affairs
r , .
of the, World $ 1 arr;
A. terrible explosion oeon
p curled
June 24 at the Chinese Governments
pewder magaaitie is Canton. Many
Persons were lcit4d Etna s
P ld �1Q0 houses
lVirs, Alexander Calx Bron n of Pors
i , 0 e
Arthur's first r4srdonts and lie 11, t
m a
rQsid4d tlabr'0 cont liu0al$Iy for Over' 20
Oars died on Satur•da ri
years, y loruing, aged
67 years.
JariIOS Walker, who 11Pe,1 abOUt five.::
milesfr•onx Br'acebridge,£was run over
and killed by a train near that place,lrow,
S ancl.l y morning; Hefelt: as,ge on
the track,
} ,
, Dr. Patterson of Lueknow, has been
hid $$20 and C4ss by Mayor B;irkgr
of Kincardine for practising dentistry
.p „ dentsr
without a license, in violation of the
dental law.
Robert Porter,zeas
recently superintenremedy
dent_ of the Federal eensus will return
to the Nuw York Press newspaper as
editor-in-chief He will take charge
on Sunday,st
Rev. Thomas Spurgeon preached in
the London tabernacle Sunday for the
first cimo StitC4 his return ;from Arid:-
land,. The congregation was except`
During a barroom fight at Three
Mile Brook, near Eclmm�ston, N. 8.,.
Herbert Mtircure was thrown on a pair
of sales and lead his neck. broken, He
died instantly.
The Cauglinawaga Indians intend
to askthe Dominion Government to
disaallow action of the Quebec Gov
erameut in imposing' the Quebec buss
P b '
ness tax upon chem,
Abram Faidon, the paying teller of
the First National Bauk at Peterson,
N.J., was arrested Saturday evening.
owing to the discovery of a defalcation
to $10,650,
Harry Dell and FIerbej't Peeking
two young men of London intend"
leaving to day for Chicago, walking
the entire distance and tot�•-'
, expectCures
make the trip 10 15 days.
By the destruction of the Canada
Patent Brush Company s works attion
4t%iudsor on Saturday morning --
hands are thrown out of employment
and a loss of X15,000 caused.
Mrs. Anthony Orr, wife of a farmer
living two miles from Galt, has e o )ed
with Harvey Mulholland,' her hug-
bands hired main She took two . of
her young children along with her.
Through fear of starvation, ,William
Nunemasher, a farmer near Antigo,
Vis, killed his wife and three children
and tried to kill himself. He is still
alive, but paralyzed from the. injuries
Murderer Taylor was electrocuted
at Auburn prison Thursday twice.
Sometbine•went wrong in the fil'st. at-
tempt and the man came to life again,
Then'the city electric, light apparatusXdO
was called into play.
The British Commons, in committee
of the whole yesterday, by 226 to 166
rejected Mr. Joseph Chamberlain's pro-
position that the collection of Ireland's
•rest ermanentl with the Im-
P y
perial Government.
A special cable to the New York
World foreshadows the decision .of theapanic.
arbitrators in the Behring Sea case
It says pelagic sealing will be restrict-
ed, but Americans will 'not be given'
the full property rights claimed.
A majority of the members of the
lodges of the Amalgamated Association
of E'en Steel Workers of Indiana
have consented to sign the old scale
and return to work as soon as the roll-
ing mills begin o ei'ations.
At Danville, Icy,, Friday, Flying
Jim," a two-year old by Happy Day,
paced an exhibition half mile in the'
remarkable •time of 1.04 , a" 2.09 •ait,,
This Is the fastest g
public trial everi�
made by a two-year-old in harness.
The tug'of war from f orra.-theis
champions of America-seft have Chicago
last night; where they have entered
the contest art the World's Fair for a
trophy valued at X250. Captain E. L.
Sutherland willgo in char e of the
team. ,
Wm. Barrier, of Wellesley township
, y\.
while endeavoring to stop a runaway
team attached to a self -binder,' was
thrown in front of the machine and soa
terrihly mangled' by the cutting bar
that he died abont fifteen minutes af-
rather than sell tt ,at trip. low p rie() now
r:cliin '.
lne grsolls rite of taxtbtien l r,l ba
> t ..,
2 mi s cul the do.l t,,
2 ; •�l a
•i i •• • W , ' Fair
1 Lrd cirri st ions. at ilio Wo lcl s i a i
on IO11da were •Q 54` .
. y' ? , i
The gory Normal school. School for
1laxlitobl Elio be c;roctricl2tt Brandon
• r•
?Bur«'lois entered file stere Of W, (�',a
"" "
McCloud Woodstock but o no
n '' '
n10 ey.
The run of salmon in the Frazer
river, B, C,, this year, is ,ahead of 2x11
previous yeal•S,
the flSllillall, ,have, frogs' legs,
rf e•et? "Sure I con couldn't see mune •
B d°l ,
he had his pants oxl,
In Chico o Tuesday pork dropped
, tt e
from $19to $10, fall\.11 to $ 11,0,
however,` before the close.
Celebrations in honor of Emancipa-�
tion Day were held by the colored Citi.
of Hamilton and Chatham.
Mr. Stephen J. White, box manufac--
turer at Belleville, fell dead in his
factory Tuesday, from Heart disease
A despatch from Fostorio Ohio, says
a• large number of farriers in that yic-
inity are feeding their wheat to hogs,
A despatch from Brantford.,sa s Mr,
P e
James Stenebaugh, of Jerseyville, was
instantly ktllecl bylightning Monday
The Grancl Oran e Loci o (> of British
America'met at Sault Ste. Marie, Ont,of'
Tuesda in their sixt 'forth annual
y' Y
At New York, Tuesday; Jas,Mitche]1
r _
threw too �U pontld weight 3S 1 1 2
inches, three feet farther than thepre-the
teems world's record.
The citizens of Paisley are petition-
ing the government to remove Tat-
rick ' ,IFIell'erinan of Walkerton,from
the list of coiinty Constables.
Town Marshal T. J. Blunk and Ed-
ward Graham, a tougli;•shot and trilled
each other in Parkland,l� a suburb
of Louisville, on Saturday evening.
H. de M. Harvey, the bank clerk ac
ctxsed of defrauding the Dank of I3ri,ish
Ainerica, at Loudon, was admitt
ed to bail Tuesday, by Judge Elliott.
robbers took 7,500 from the
creamery safe at Wichita, Ii2tnsas, ou
Saturday by holding revolvers on the
employes. `Phe scoundrels got away,
The body of S. •W, l lagler, postmast-
at Wellington, was found floating
in Elie lake at that point Sunday. He
is supposed to have fallen in accident-
Friday, James Heyser, •proprietor of
the Welland •granite works, had his
lee' broken b L monument which he
Y `
was taking to the cemetery falling on
Mitchell Franks, the' Indian on trial
at Bracebride•e char ••ed •with killine
„ g „
another Indian, in order to marry thetg.
latter's wife, nas 'been committed for
Mr. George Mitchell, reeve of Hamil-ii,
ton township, has' been chosen to chary
the Conservative standard in the next
provincial election for West Northum
Prices on the Montreal stock market
declined all round yesterday, owing to
the depression in New York. There
nothing, however, in the shape of
1I and Mrs John Nicholls; of rix
bridge, Ont:, celebrated' their goldeli
wedding anal Mrs. Nfcholis
wore the":some costume as on her wed-
ding da,y 50 years ago.'
P. W. Graham, was convicted at.:F
Woodstock -Tuesday. of selling his ef.-
fects, with the intention of defrauder*g
his creditors, He :was allowed to go
under Suspended sentence.
Mrs. Blanchard; wife of a Congrega•
ttoi5al miiiistCr, received injuries from
burning on' Saturday evening, when
visiting friends in Etobicoke Township
from which she died Monday moraine',
Utica, Licking County, Ohio,
John Kettle two men named Bell, Mr.
Bowers a,tid Mr. S1:ellen• were 1 '11ed
and Joseph Shipp was fatally injured
by the explosion of the boiler of a
thrPsltivg machine engfile.
Mr. Laurier was In Montreal Tttes-
day „morning,. on his way to St Const -
out; where he opened ,yesterday his
campaign fn the Montreal district. He
expects to 'hold his opening Ontario
meeting in Toronto about the end of
A5' Col. . Cowan of Imeersoll was.
CleatliTl° Oil ilio Cl tq 1 at his nq rso,
, ?� r • . o, lip•
ril axlp.pnst elyd `� edu4s,day morttin6t11.13‘
Carrie upon ,a peculiar sedfnxp t at the
b .: •al of a
• ottotn .of xt, irr the foci Sot of
mai glees tools.
' toh, };�,� p�.
, ., _ ;;.
�u `� 5;, CU/7G5 DYSPEPSIA
GPe�/' .
THURSDAY. August 3rd, 1 .934
is equal to 27 column cf this a er!
'l'al 1; about hard cinies in Canada! 7 he
tis stat l t a iuntediatel'Dtt on
I et h, tti x J, P
.his r•etn'II fral+uglaud 11x•,.. Dalton
12CCalthy, ll, /..):;1. „wilt stump the Prov-
race on the ta, rl; gneseen, AI range.
been made fora series of
nient5 liaVO§§��tltl��11
political plc -nits.
. A report from Winnipeg indicates
P :,
that Preruier Greenway. and Hon. Jas.
�+y'p pp��all
L9111 u 1901V1
Mr. 0'1 McNeil, of Leith,
out., � hies: � i, h'
.DEen suds,—E'er yertrs and
y oar'sisur$t to romdyspepsia
tryingiits worst forms, and after
meals in my power.
to no it
a purpose a was irorsnttdod
1 Dia, e id after using G bottles
ewes mom urea,
completely o
s T
,T..:3:t'iLANS DA7, IS GOlE.
Most people in, Canada would not
sa\ c l 44x1 x11-1)14ased had ilanlan
�J,"atoll Gaudette at Orilla last week,
in E. oter : n
The sale of a; to\t 11 lot ... x k
, of our Canadian towns or cities.fOr
any a
tales is a very lxltilSual preceding
,W, hat is going to become of that
"wonderful” domain:?
Short, Manitoba Commissioner to the
`� O11d S Fair, la\=e had 'a 1\ tie,cell-
n , :'on i , s' show . 1 a .o
eGt> with the side sl 0 1t Ch c g ,
and the commissioner has been bonne-
., � -• , . Cures CONSTIPATION
f ,.-.• . ,'i'
1� n r
i.t:Ycres,C0N$T1PAT10M }ttl
s _u
rot that t114 love G2Lud: till less,butis
'hat rhes Have a w Cty• warm- feeling
tier the man who first gained the
weld's. s Chatupionship on the water•fished,
lFtnlalx is a modest, unassuming,
yi.ndly man, who has made friends of
11t with whom he ever came in con-
isict, and those friends are willing still
a >"Did
The spite business is being carried
to a frightful extern, In the [7nitpci
States all Manner of industries flour
for Many years, ht spite of the
high talrtl, and now everycllu,g is go-
c• , o fthe "tariff re-
lay to smash in spite f
• Fowler'sDnen
Extract of,Wild Strawberr is a reliable
that can always be dependedon
to cure cholera, cholera infanini colic
cramps, cliarrboea, dysentery, and all
looseness of the bowels. It is a pure
„r �,c ,
o TH
��y�p p� �+
nal,.. �.Zecovory.
Snu,—I have tried
your B.B.B. with great success
for constipation and pain in
my head, The second dose
made 1110 over so much bettor.
my bowels• now move freely,
and the pain ill my head
rho riff 'suatooverybodywith
rue disease Irecomniend
B. B.
Mas iooatrmars,
5 •, reroute,
9 rejoice in his successes.
News of the Week in Bfief,
But it is manifest that Ilal'11a11'S day
s past.. The life of a professional ath-
`etR ie a short one. The training which
`mines a man to a shpreme trial in his
scot possible condition is one that dls-
t lints his future, and the time soon
i,mes when there is n 1 •n
o more credits
vial which to honor such calls. Nat-
bn gives some lien more strength
rl others but in all healthy men
,-,e physical capital is intended to cov-
:r the average as,'e of men and if it be
rested in any w;:at*„thq man dies be-
ere his time or loses his virility. Hanthe
an has passed his merediau and no
p' '
is mbt he will now, though reluctantly,
�'ciinowledge the fact. Of course we
not press the are+;ument too far
air draw unwarranted conclusions
it: Le Gaudaur is only three
ars younger than Hanlan. But
Izsliau matured early—Gaudaur late.
The people. of Canada will have the
®opt kindly feelings for their former
itz,tnpimu, because of his personal
tta3ities, and because of what he has
true; and they will trust that he may
Ing live to wear the honors he so nob
y won, though the laurel no longer
daces his brow.
The Nawab of Rampur is now ill
New York,
Anewicigar factory has been start-
ed in Belleville.
Governor Holes, of Iowa, says he is
done with politics.,;re„ation
The paid admissions to the World's
Fair Friday were 77,606.
A rod e e of Soils of L u c laud l?as been
institute at Peterborod.
The North-west Legislature has
been called to meet August 10.
Thelfirst trip of the trolley was made
successfuly in Peterboro' Saturday,
The paid admissions to the World's
fair grounds on Sundaywere 1S 557.P
Jane Richardson died in the jail at
Kingston On Sunday, aged 110 years.
The Russian Legation at Washing-
ton will be raised to an Embassy soon.
Wheat dropped to 60 cents Friday,amounting
• dP
in Chicago, and September wheat to
The World's F it gates were open
Sunday, but then,. were scarcely any
The Siamese Government has do-
cepted the full terms of the French ult
The Orange Grand Lodge of British
North America met at Sault Ste• Marie
Of 344 candidates who tried exam-
inatious in Loudon Collegiate Institute
eontainiu rho virtues of Wild tr
g s aw-
berry, Hilo of too slvfest and surest cures
for all summer cola plaints, combined
lv thotherliarmlessyetpromptcurative
agents; well knower to medical soieltoe.
The loaves
jv., °
11 1
,r� st ' ,ti, Cures BILIOUSNESS.
tip ,�,1k Cures BILIOUSNESS.
t D
l.tO i =- v.• Cures BILIOEIs�I�'S(
Strawberry wore known: by the Indians
to be an excellent remedy for diarrlioaa
Y ,
dysentery and looseness of the bowels;
but medical science has placed before .
public in Dr. Fowler's Ext. of Wild
y� �m
Str zbe lar
a complete and effectual cure for all
compo distressing and often danharous
o�c y� �ry
LIVER, �0t
Direct Proof.
y Sins, -1 wastronbleflfor$ve
oars with Liver complaint.
`nich Dia mono soca, auaa
was getting worse all the time
until I tried Burdock Blood
bottles, after taking four
bottles I am now well, a can
of Dyspepsia.
14G1atX A. T. DEAOON,
able comclimate.ints o common in this change-
It has stood the.test for 40 years, and
hundreds of lives have been saved by its
use. No other remedy always
f t T'.,
' ,
} a - •r k
' Ccrres HEADACHE.
summer complaints so promptly, quiets '
the pain so effectually and allays irrita-
so successfully as this unrivalled
prescription of Dr. Fowler. Ifyou are
p 1
going to travel this
U •
° ��li���,
be sure and take a bottle with you. It
overcomes safely and quickly the dip-
tressing summer. complaint so often
$� � ��
A P-..fesiapt Cure.
DEAR stns; lavas ver baa
avith headache and pain rya my
book; m hands and .feet
swelled so a could do no work.
Day sister-in-law advised me to
try 13. B. B. With one bottle
dolt so much better that 1
got one more. Iauinow well,
and eau work as well as over.
256 passed,
Quite a number o£ barns in Ontario,
caused by change of
is also a specific against
and all bowel.
Price 35m. Beware
air and water, and
sea -sickness,
• �'
16' •�
of imitations and
7iv ' �.,
} � Cures BAD BLOOD.
C+lri':b Cures BAD BLOOD.
a as
art., }" Cures BA® LOO
So far as we have seen no Canadian
r '
raper has defended the proposal to sell
he Thousiwd islands. On the other
d, journals, Conserve-
%vt as well as Reform, have strongly
ondemned the sale. We do not say
glee scheme is indefensible. No doubt
things can be said in its favor.
'ib reasonableman will assert that
ministers have taken an important
rep out of pure wantonness. But the
hings that can be said in favor of the
Tile are so unimportant in comparison
oath the objections that have been
I•iged against it, that no newspaper
las chosen to take the responsibility of
p y
iefending the proposed action.
There are fewer "organs” in either
than is
)olitical party generally sup-
&acs. Still there are papers which
ei er condemn the party they support
;;,the goverumesit 10 power by that
tlrty. It is certain that the sale of
'rhe a housand islands \would be defend-
r,if a do+fenso could ne made,
nszclgring that such general disap-
fival of the sale has been expressed;
nnsidering that the reasons urged
gainst the sale have been so stione'
sough so moderately preferred; and
onnidering that no defense of the sale
as been attempted, may we not ask
Io government to stop it. or at least
3 defer action until the matter can be
ansidered in parliament by the repre-
fx atives of the people?
were struck by lightning and burned
011 Monday.
Robert Lewdly, ex Reeve of Yespra,
at his residence in Barrie on Fri-
day, aged 70.
Joseph Porter, aged 18, was drowned
in the river near Thomasburg, Ont.,
cn Saturday,
From May 1 to July 22 inclusive 301
banking institutions in the 1Tuited
States have failed. •
A Montreal dispatch says there is a
revival of the Canadian lumber trade
with South America,
Piincipal Burt, of Brockville Colleg-
late Institute, has been appointed to
the Brantford institute.
Tho steamer, Columbia which ar-was
rived in NOW York Friday from Europe
brought $247,500 in gold.
Henry Miller, colored, was' clanged
at Dallas, Texas, Friday, for the mur-i
der of Policeman Drewer,
Wheat sold lower in Chicago on Sat-
urday than at anytime in the history
of the Chicago Board of Trade.
August 9, is to be British day at the
World's Fair, and ;neat prepa • tfols
are being made for a grand display.
Mr. Samuel Kirkland, a wealthy
farmer who lives near Teeswater, died
of heart failure early Friday morning.
Despatches from Medford, Prentice
Junction and Fifield, WiSs say those
towns have been wiped out by forestAt
The many truthful testimonials in
behalf of Hood's Sarsaparilla proves
that HooD's CURBS, even when as
others fail
Dr. James Cunningham Bachelor,
commander of the ;sn r4me council of
Scottish Masons, died Friday
substitutes sold by unscrupulous dealers
for the sake of greater profits.
f U116T�C�
wig g Boon of the Sto soh
L,ver, x�raueys Bowels.
to -^ �••••-° ------
1 f1i"'
13. B. B., by regulating, and
the c useeandomkes newt oh
blood, remor-iug. ail -blood
aiseasos from a piaipic to a
scrofulous sore.
ti ,..; ir<, "•' '
•c! ° "a t' r •i i.
trr;r t , F ,�
i I
The undersigned
t0 i11f0]']11 the a Otleral
that he keeps constantlyin
stock; kinds of building
n-iate1'lal Clressecl ' and
-. ,
dressed lumber
�i3�ct n ?
�1 y' l�yi`
�1,. '' �
a _ , eel
� •,
: ' `caw.
tt -� �...� u.
y,' V, '"';
t r•
Laocoon in
" r the coils of
the fatal ser-
` eats was not
more helpless
l than is the
under the ef-
sects of dip-'
, i u roto ,: ease, excesses,
B. C. .fL`'�,C9 Ontario,
• •��,,,worry;
gh Land
Pine Shin
S ecial notice
uCi B. C• Red Cedar
most durable timber
grows; especially
to �years.•
It iS Sa7Cl by
know, that they
from 3G t0 4O years
James , i�
" +Jl�
Tis. . .
.1.s dlawn
to be the
for shing.
those W110
will 1st
1n any
tmete tmuwwwl1 overwork,
etc. Rouse yourself. Take
heart of slope again and BE A arAN 1
We e hose cured. 'thoitsaiids, who
allow us to refer to them. WE CAN
CUBE YOU by use of our exclusive
methods and appliances. Simple,
unfailing treatment at home for
Lost or 1 aiiing 11Jaithood, Genel'al or.
Nervous Debility,Weaknesses of
Botly tzic1Mind,`L''ifects of Errors or
Excesses in Old or Young. Robust,
Noblo iliANuooD,fully Restored.
!m il'oveinent seen the first da
1 Y•
holy to enlarge and strengthen,
PiITS OF BODY. Hen testify from
50 States and.'Foreign -Countries.
IV 't tl'iem. 13001: x a
pl nation
and proofs mailed sealed free.
Uncle Sam is now worrying' himself
bout the "Canadian spies" who are in-
tieing thousands of poverty-stricken
clsiercan farmers to come to Canada
r,d settle in the great Northwest. The
Steles are turned upon Uncle Sam,
nada allowed his lying "spies"—as.
lied by Grit orators and newspapers
-to coax away many Canadians to a
fe of toil and send starvption in the
fates, and our dear old uncle shouldn't
ieli,now that the boot is on the other
)oat. Come over, 0 estarvclin s and
i d'the richest (Premed y g '
a+ the most born
cul yielci of the grandest wheat i»
ka e world,and the cheapest implements
a the world, to help you to get rich.
rite at
Jim Courtney was, hanged Friday,
at lnrayeross. Ga., for killing his room-
mate, Jake Smith, last April, over a
game of cards.
' Dickil:'Ha11, the noted moonshiner
chief of Kentucky, has been killed by
John W. Belcher, on the banks of the
Elkhorn river.
President Cleveland has issued a
proclamation •lnclttding Portugal • with-
in the benefits of the International
Copyright Acta =
Watson's box factor London,was
destroyed by fire Saturday. The,loss
is .12,000, and:40 employees are tom-
periallyt out of work.
i e ;