HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1972-03-23, Page 1A
125TH YEAR -1 2
Call back workers immediate
Members of Local 2315 of the 'board increase and an additional on seniority during temporary lay
International Union of Machinists 30 cents for- skilled workers. pffs, Union spokesmen said the
and Aerospace Workers ratified After a number of meetings the company had . pushed for a
—an , agreement. on__ Tuesday ,,by..RP.-.linion.d:emand.drappedt-p-15: cents-,_ naximum,temparar-y lay-off of up
viitue of a 33-23 'vote with their .pe,rhpur in ea.ch year of a twoyear
employer, Sheaffer Pen,'of contract. ;.i The . final offer,
Canada, bringing a three and ne 'accepted by the union of 12 cents
half month old strike to an end. and 10 cents, carne forward at the
• The company began calling last meeting.
workers back on Wednesday in An additional clause in the ,new
order of seniority. contract guarantees the retention
The new settlement provides a of voluntary overtime and
wage package of 12 cents per hour provides for increased emphasis
in the first year of the two year
contract, and an additional 10
cents in the second year. Wagesat
the plant had ranged from $1..65,
per hoiir to $3.503 Per hour before
the strike. The two year
Settlement is effective from the
date of .signing the new contract
and not retroactive to September
when the old contract expired.
Union members walked off
their jobs November.27 and have
to 10 days at any time, regardless`
of seniority but the final •
agreement calls for`lay 'offs to be
limited to a maximum of only five
days and that they be determined
on the basis of seniority. It also
provides that .an •individual.
employee can be laid off only four
times'per year.
• •g��m
Geo r
o �head
of slate
"No victory without work." It • 'at the` centre to go to 11 within a
seems the local Association for few days.
maintained- picket -lines outside the Mentally Retarded is finding. There was no other discussion •
the plant ever since this saying to be true., on the questionof a new workshop.
The new agreement resulted But with.a good deal of behind- , The Goderich and District
'thea meeting last Wednesday at : the -scenes: effort, appro�rirnately Associatipn 4 for the , Mentally
the Department of Labor offices 50 ,people gathered in. Queen Retarded had agreed this winter
in Toronto with the help 'of a Elizabeth School Monday evening to •join, with the .South Huron 'president of Ontario Hydro. • hospital. -
c o nci 1 i a t i o n • officer .• it to help the local Associatrorl Association for the,' Mentally- :Tony who's subect` was .''This is not peculiar to
represented the third meeting set reorganize and get -on its way to, ' Retarded to build a- regional ' '" }
upb the Department of Labor new success. • individuality in the future, is a Goderich," said Dr. Leitch. "In
Y P workshop for retarded' adults reverse .twist on the drop. out some hospitals, up to 80 per cent
since the strike first began. �.; Fiv^e persons were elected , to : adjacent'.to the forme C FB and having taken a year off school aid o f the persons w ho ,g, o to
During the early stages of the the board 'off directors. They are . several joint •meetings were' held returning this year to Grade 13 at. emergency are not emergencies
strike employees said the , George Simons , M i c h a e 1 to discuss plans; A fund-raising the Goderich and Dirtrict but need care.'
company was attempting to ,Moriarty, Rev. Peter St. • Don, comriiittee was named, including 'Collegiate Institute. "There is -•an increasing
destroy their union by .removing Mrs. Betty Reid and Mrs. Beryl Reeve Paul Carroll as chairman;
scarcity of physicians on a 24 -
the clause. covering their security Harper. - - Mrs. Dorothy W a 11 a c e a s
from the collective agreement. • George Simons was, named, hour aday basis," continued Dr.
h g g Goderich fund raising chairman; sun1�'1@r 197. Leitch. ' "'Here •in Goderich, • we
This clause remains in .the new president of ` the Association; and Case VanRaay as South Huron cope with this problem by always
contract and is seen as one of the Michael • Moriarty, vice chairman in charge of fund h a v i n one h s i c i a n o n
major. concessions on the part of president;' Asa Steckle, past raising.
may see cafes g �"' l Y
emergency call but phis can
the Textron I of Canada Ltd. president; Maurice VanDerMeer, Ata meeting in Goderich later, become, a very burdensome
—.._._.-eorn-pany-.-__--,-.{—_ . w_-..._.__-_..---_-..r--tre•asurex ;-•Mrs•r 13.ery.l_ Harper-,— ;h.' -w re r, G o d e r i c h' s • '
Dir J.R-. Leitch, chief ofstaft of
Goderich Alexandra Marine arfd
General. Hospital told about 20'
persons present•at the annual
meeting Monday evening of; a new
education program in co-
operation with the University of
` ...Western Ontario which will effect
Ton McQuad' • Goderich hospital soon. ' ,
It is a new concept of
continuing medical education,"
third in •final . stated Dr. Leitch, "Physicians
• are encouraged by,goyernment to
Tony McQuail 19 of R.R. 4 keep up-to-date and to participate
Goderich won the silver trophy in the training of undergraduates ,
and scroll of mer; it as third prize student$ in their fourth year of
in the forty-sixth annual Oral medicine."
Communications 'Festival Dr, Leitch explained that under
(formerly the Ontario Public • the plan, undergraduates from'
Speaking 'Contest) in the UWO' would .come to the 'local
secondary prepared section . at hospital to work and to gain "very
Toronto on Monday. - practical experience". He said
The�festi'val is co-sponsored by these young doctors could he part
the . Ontario Public School ' of the answer to the problems of
Trustees Association andOntario locai physicians who are finding
Hydro. Prizes were dist'rib'uted an r e sed workload in the
by D. Arthur Evans, 'vice- emergency departnierit-, of the
' Originally the union had corresponding secretary; •Mrs. artici ation in the regional task."' ti
Or g y participation on, sI dews 11 ,it is very possible we'll be
demanded a 40 cent across- the 'Rose, recording secretary; Mrs. workshop was voted down: Some . , .
,. •-i--. Bert Harris, camp development; Associatiei supporters . 'agreed a Thee 'Goderich Sidewalk Sale:,
membership, Mrs,'Myrtle Good; -the group was ,not sufficiently held annually in connection with
day care, Mrs, Betty Reid; adult organized to permit the the Art Mart will have a new name
education; Bill Cameron; undertaking of a fund-raising and .ma,ybe a new face this July.,
spiritual advisor, Rev. Robert campaign. Others favoured ,the • The G o d e r i c'h Tourist
Raymont.. idea -of a regional •workshop ,ind Committee -•s.- s unanirp.ouslly
Yet to be appointed are the hoped reorganization would help agreed on the name -Summer
p u b 1 i c it y c h a i r m a n °, ' th'e " ' the locaTAssociation to that -goal. " Fest for theevent - and local.
I recreation chairman and the Still others thought a larger, merchants are being encouraged
representative to ' the Huron Please turn to Page 10 to provide imaginative displays
County Board of Education. during the,entire Sale, .,
e The possibility , of having
TOvmn PoLIO private enterprises establish
sidewalk cafes is also to be
�investigated. For special events.
re ort+ few" the Committee will discover the
feasibility of using marquees and
r'• the arena.traffIC mishaps It was also reported that 13,000
tourist brochures have been
Local. women.
, - satisfactory`
After car crash
Two Goderich' women, M•rs.
Rita Ross, 30, and Mrs, Marjorie
Robinson, 32, are listed in
satisfactory condition at St.
Joseph's hospital in London
following a two car collision on
Highway four about two• miles
south ,of Exeter Saturday,night."
The accident victims had been
listed as n serious condition.
Mrs. Robinson wasa passenger,
•in the vehicle driven by Mrs. Ross
as was Kay John§ton 21, of
London. Miss Johnston is a sister •
'of the driver. Larry Willert, 23,
of Exeter, driver of the.other•car•
was also rushed to •hospital in -
London in serious condition.
Offic'lers of the' Exeter
detachreent '' of. the Ontario
Provincial Police are
investigating the accident they
term an "Approaching
collision." It was almost head on
they explained. The crash
occurred at'• 11.40 • m Saturday
causing extensive damage -troy bo h ..
- During During the discussion prior, to
the election, Mrs. Beryl Harper
expressed the' discouragement
which constantly plagued her and
other devoted workers 'in the
Association. •
"You can only hit a brick wall
'so many tines and bounce off,"
Mts. Harper said. . _ Town Police in Goderich report shipped out of Goderich for
Mrs. Harper said later she was a quiet'week despite the additional distribution throughout Michigan
crowdsbecause of Young Canada and Ohio,
'An, - attempt will be made
pleased to see the renewed
interest of the service clubs and
labor representatives in
Goderich and area.
The revitalization of the local
Associatioq for the Mentally
Retarded '-also included the
registration Of members.
Membership fees remain at $2
per person and $3 per family.
Week as well as the holiday period
for school children. - ' through the Department" of
Only one a c,c^i d e n t- was Tourism to establish hospitality
reported, and that one occurred ' . seminars directed towards public
13 days ago March 10. and high school students as an
WilliamL. Overhold, 149 East educational program to
St., was backing out from the curb encourage them to better their
at Cutt's Store on Kingston Street attitude°toward tourists.
when his vehicle struck another • The' Tourist. Committee is
driven by Brian J,. McGregor, - recently reorganized with H. B.
Seaforth, who was,ma-king a left Such, chairman; -C -Ba-nnister•in •
In hen report, Mrs. Evelyn turn 'into the Kentucky Fried - cfiarge of harbor and welcome;'
Carroll, supervisor of the Chicken store.
shop for the adult workshop Dev„er: >,ma e y Cutts finance; M. ' Campbell,
situated at the Kinsmen Park, police at $75 to the Overholt car advertising; and Paul Baechler,
stated that she expects enrolment and $300 to the McGregor vehicle. special events. •
Dave Gower; touri.,st,loath;_-M•--
,s'eeingitres�e young people. from . the problem's—this' is 'going to
the UWO in our hospital before' present."
another year goes by," cod'cluded Hospital emergency treatment,`
Dr, Leitch. -- • said Dr. Leitch, is "far more
— expensive than. physician's care
•Dr, Leitch also stated that in his office'.
physicians are "getting pre'ssureo
from government to prevent
overuse of emergency
departments" in hospitals.
"It is a bit of a• dilemma," said
Dr. Leitch. "The medical staff of
this hospital is concerned about
Another phase of the regional
hospital program' involving the
University of Western Ontario
will' be the exchange of
"physicians in residence
Under the • scheme, qualified
doctors in specific fields of
range Waik in
Goderich' in July
Preparations for the
celebration here of the :July •
Twelfth` anniversary were
advanced at the regular meeting
of Vic.toria.Loyal Orange Lodge
on Monday .evening, when a -
c Momm ittee of three was a oin•ted
Pp ,
to o'versee all the•
ar•rangements.lts members are
Glenn Patterson, Charles Ruffell •
and Earl Cooper.
..: • Earl Haywood., noted,Wingham
entertainer, has been engaged for
the°'day,' Saturday, July 8. Five
other celebrations - 'in Ontario
have heen_announced, ,two on the.
8th and three on the 15th, but only
the 'one scheduled for
Thamesford, in Oxford. • is
considered near enough' to
Goderich to affect attendance.
The lodge has not vet signed up
a. white horse for the county'
•marshal to ride at head pf the
• procession. King William
bestrode a white charger at the
Battle of the Boyne, in Ireland in
1$90, as all the pictures show, and
'his followers have carried on the -
,traditron- Besides being - white',
theanimal. assigned for this duty
should be reasonably lively, while
at the same time •unlikely to be
disturbed by brass bands, pipers
and fife and drum bands.
• '
At Monday's meeting, the lodge
passed a resolution of thanks to
the master, W. Bro. Glenn Slavin,
and Niers Slavin, for their
personal contribution, to . the
success of the supper held in the
lodge hall on March
medrerne wily 'be ava"Ha1 e to
hospitals'such as Goderich.
•Dr:'Leitch said that in recent
months, doctors from Goderich -
have been going into London for
Post -graduate, education. Under,
the proposed plan, doctors would
"spread out of London 'to the
community hospitals" and would
work with local nursing and
medical staff right in the hospital,
The Chief of Staff stated that the
medical • staff ^ in - Goderich
"appreciate the very substantial
support of the board". He also
claimed that ho
administrator • Tinier '`"Elliott
"`deserves the highest praise of
the community and the hospital
staff". d
"We know we are accredited,'
continued Dr. Leitch, "and I think
we act like we're accredited."
.Dr. Leitch acknowledged the
return of Dr.' K.C. Lambert,
surgeon, to ,Goderich. - Ile ,also
noted that a London physiotherapy `
•consultant, Dr. Durnin, was at the -
hospital every two weeks and was
a valuable asset to patients
requiring rehabilitation
treatment. -
The Chief of Staff expressed.
regret at the loss to fulltime
institutional medicine of Dr. C.F. •
Doorly, and to the public health
field, Dr. Frank Mills, ' Huron
County Medical Offices of Health.
Dr. Mills, he noted, will remain
'as a consultant at the local
-hospital. y .
Mayor Harry' Woreeli (left) a'ccepted a cheque for ,$2,000 from
K insmen President Don Ruetz Iast Saturday at the official opening of
Young Canada Week. On the right is arena manager Bill Lumby. The
cheque represents the second instalment of the Kinsmen $8,006.
pledge towards the renovations 'at Goderich, Memorial Arena.-:
photo by Eric Carmen •
'The proposed • Harbor and
Waterfront Development
program was discussed only
briefly last week at the regular
meeting of Goderich, Town
Council even though- a substantial
amount of data was available to
Councillors regarding the matter.
On council's agenda was a
letter from J,A. McBride,
resources- manager, Maitland
Valley Conservation Authority
containing his impressions of the
proposed harbour and waterfront
plan, prepared by Reeve Paul
Carroll last year and published in
'full in the Signal -Star.
Also provided for councillor=s'
was a mimeographed sheet of
comments by Reeve Carroll
concerning the letter from
McBride. fl
"However, members of council
agreed that an additional two
weeks of study would be a, valuable
asset in helping to determine the
merit of the two documents.
In his notes to coiuicil, Reeve
Carroll advised the harbor - and
waterfront brief - had been
endorsed in principle by Goderich
Town Couricil last April, Since
that 'time, the brief has been
circulated to the federal
Department' 'of. Transport, the
federal Department of Public
W.orks, the provincial
'Department of Transport and
Communications, the provincial
Department of Energy and
Reso'u'rces, the Midwestern
Ontario Developm'e'nt
Association, Stratford, and the
Maitland Valley 'Conservation
Authority, Wroxeter.
The Reeve said that response
from these • groups has '"varied
with a combination of positive and
negative results".
He said the provincial
Department, of Transport and
Communication and MODA' are
presently compiling data
,regarding the ..commercial
Gtential.of the Main harbor area.
under the Federal Marina Policy
where costs may be split dollar
for dollar if private :enterprise
and -or the municipality will
undertake development of all on-
shore facilities."
Reeve Carroll said it was his
understanding that the federal
Department of Transport and ' the
federal Department of - Public
Works will provide dredging and
channel marking - to match the
onshore dollars spent. He said no
formal approach has been made to
private enterprise in general
although certain efforts with
existing Landowners "have been
"The problem • is compounded
With the extensive works required
to stabilize the river mouth,"
said the Reeve.'
"The Department of Energy
and Resources indicated last year
that they would send someone to'
The two Ottawa °governmenta examine the shoreline erosion
depalrtments have found "further -;problem" continued Reeve
works regarding, small boat ' Carroll "but to myknowledge,
,. g g, � , g,
faculties not possible except this, has not been done."
In the n letter from J. A.
McBride, the•question was raised
whethver Goderich Town Council
would ' agree . that other
government agencies should
contribute to the financing of the
harbor and waterfront program.
McBride stated that the Maitland
Valley Conservation Authority
was the "ideal agency to
financially co-ordinate ' this
program" since it is financed by
both, local municipalities and the
provincial government.
"Costs could then be
distributed regionally and
provincially, as well as in the.
Town itself," wrote McBride.
"I think that the Conservation
Authority is the logical agency to
execute those petitions of the brief
not pertaining to industrial
development," agreed . Reeve
Carroll. -
McBride also asked if the
possibility ofpartcipation by the
Ontario Dep artmetit of Vourisin
and Information had been
investigated. 'Reeve Carroll said
clarification is still required •t6
show how the Department of
Tourism and Information Could be
of assistance.
»In answer to McBride's
question as to whether or not the
province has been requested to
get involved in the waterfront
area, ReeveCarroll said an
approach was made regarding the
establishment of St.
Christopher's Beach as an
Approved Park.'
"This has been donee°by
municipal bylaw but Council did
not desire to undertake any
development under the Parks
Assistance Act (1969)•,,, wrote the
reeve. "The Provincihl DTC and
MODA are researching data
regarding the commercial
Potential of the main harbor•"
Reeve Carroll also explained
.that the exact ownership of the
la!ids involved in the plan for
development it not clear.
"Council has asked for
ownership to be determined by
our solicitors for the shoreline
area only," 'said Carroll. "No
maps exist for the valley area."
In the correspondence~ from
McBride, it •whs-'toted that total
municipal membership in the
Maitland Valley Conservation
Authority could he advantageous
to Goderich. d
"Recontrol of 1a.nri, , the
Conservation Authority could
acquire this land with at least a 50
per. cent provincial government
grant, if this area was within the
-Authority boundaries, which it is
not at present," wrdte McBride'in
connection with the .Lake Huron
shoreline south.
"Erosion control is one of the
Conservation Authority's main
objectives, and while in the past
Authorities have not been able to,
undertake lakeshore erosion
control, a recent precedent for
such involvement has been set in
the metro. Toronto area," said
McBride. "Also the former
Department Of Energy and
Resoltrces Management, and now
the Department of the
Environment is the provincial
Department with which
Conservation Authorities are
involved. It is likely -that the
Maitland Valley Conservation
Authority would receive* more
assistance from this `Department
than would the Town."
"Planning, of the waterfront'
area for recreational
development could likely be done
by the Conservation Authority
with a provincial grant of at least
50 per cent,'' said McBride, ,"but
only if the Authority boundary was
relocated to encompass this part
of the„Town.'' -
"The plan ' could likely be
executed as an Authority
project,” McBride' concluded,
"with a grant greater than that
obtainable under the pates
A_ ssistance.Act, but, again, only if
the area was within' the
Conservation Authority
-It would appear that full
membership in the Atithor t
would benefit overall waterfront
development," commented Reeve
Carroll. • • Coun'cil must
determine whether it wishes to
join the Authority in its entirety."
ReeveCarroll also suggested
that adjacent townships should be
asked for their comments and
suggestions as they might pertain
to the. parts of the 'proposed
harbor and . waterfront
development plan common to
their respective jurisdictkis,
"Council should consider
which elements of the -brief it
desires to implement and request
an agency (e.g. Conservation
,Authority) to do -ordinate the
eicecution of the balance of the'
plan," the Reeve advised.
He said council . should` also
reiterate its request tty have the
solicitors establish ownership
along the shoreline,and: should..
request the DepartMent of
Tourism and informatiGm to
advise how they can assist in the
promotion of existing facilities
and those oopsidered., for
tte'Velopitl►ent. -