HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1972-03-16, Page 19i , A bakedLiam•is delicious anytime of the year, but especially so at Easter. The home economists with Agriculturetanada, Ottawa attractively decorated this ham with a mustard glaze and cloves. They spread the hotham with the glaze, baked it 15 minutes at 425 F. and basted -it occasionally. Thenµto set the; glaze, theyi.allowed the ham to sit about 15 minutes, basting.it tab the glaze before starting to carve - " aA Alth round, extra Easter. 'restaur menus,- posters newspap 'special Ham is w been e - -.... Oeeasiom as the pito roll are•te they are c but they ar ham; Most ham Delicate pick ham is tastg for your faster dining table ough, it's eaten ,the year cured ham seems -to he special when served at At •this time most ants feature ham on their stores ' display ` large - of a leg of ham and er advertisements list s" on various ham cuts. a leg of pork which has red and sin.oked. •14 -v -shoulder cuts; such, is shoulder and cottage rmed .'-barn" because ured and smoked, too. e not considered true s in the stores today,. fully -cooked during They should carry g: this, 1)01 if you are 'it, do not hesitate to her. A fully -cooked not need further. usually for best mid, heat it through have been processing., labels statin 4 unsure about ..'ask the butc ham does - cooking, but flavor, you sh beforeserving The -cook -before - eating hams will need a thorough cooking. When buying ham, you will • notice that _there are a variety of cuts ,available. The whole leg weighs from 13 to 18 pounds. Usually it is divided into the shank and butt ends The' shank half contains the shank hone and part Of the leg bone. The butt end May ,cost more per._pound-._than •thea • shank half because it has a greater proportion of meat.. -The shank and butt halves may in turn be cut into sections_,,too, depending on the sire and shape of ha,rn' required. When the larger hams are cut, the center may be Cut. into ham steaks of various thicknesses.. These slices weigh 1 - to 2 pounds' and are 'ideal for serving to a srball family. . Boneless hams are a popular buy these days because they make N ow • Five ye Investm Get you +-A ar. Guaranteed ent Certificates. s now! The senior Trust Company devoted entirely to serving the people of Ontario. !R14 'ant' GREYM.PA'NY SINCE '1889 00 Monday to Thursday 00'Friday -- TRUST CO 9:00 to 5: 9:00 to 6: Lealand Hill, Manage a1 r 524-7381 :Elgin and K ingston Streets, Goderich . carving a ., simple. job. Whole, hams, shank and butt ends., as well as smallerham cuts may he sold 'boneless as well as with the bone ip. A boneless ham will. yield. r.. about, three servings a' pound' while a ham with the hone provides only two. Remember to allow for extras or leftovers when you calculate 'the amount you need. , Hams do-not--need..a ,precooking or soaking in water. They may all be -baked in a 325 F ovenfor`best flavor and tenderness. If you happen to buy a ham with rind or casing on, leave. it on through cooking until.you want tci glaie it. It is .best to follow any cooking instructions giver+ on the label of tlreham; the following directions are given only as a guide: HAM 'BAKING TIMETABLE 325 F Oven' Fully cooked ham, any size, 10 to 15 per pound; half haat (boneless), 4 to 6lbs., 35 to 40 per pound; half ham (shank or, butt), 5 to 8 lbs, 30 to 35\ per pound. M BAKED HAM WITH MUSTARD GLAZE Hot baked ham (about 5 pounds) 1 cup brown sugar 2 teaspoons dry mustard, 3 tablespoons flour. _. 3 tablespoons vinegar Whole cloves ' V ave rrn or casing from ham. If necessary, trim fat, and if. desired, cut gashes diagonally in fat to form diamonds, Place in baking dish. To make ' glaze, combine sugar, mustard, flour and vinegar Spread over meat and insert cloves in design. Bake uncovered about 15 minutes at 425 F, basting occasionally. Let stand 5 minutes, then spoon glaze over ,stop. FRUIT -GLAZED HAM STEAK 1 pound fully cooked ham steak , (t -inch thick) 1/2 cup brown sugar 11 /2 tablespoons flour 11/2 tablespoons syrup from - pineapple 1/2 cup finely chopped canned pineapple 1 chopped, peeled -orange 1/4 cup halved maraschino cherries 2 tablespoons chopped walnuts 2,tablespoons seedless raisins Place ham in greased baking dish. Combine remaining ingredients to make glaze. Your over ham steak. Bake uncovered 15 minutes at '425 F; .Let stand 5 mil -cites, then 'spoon liquid in baking dish over top. 3 servings. Ndte: If using a 1 -inch thick ham steak (about 2. pounds), heat ham uncovered ,20 minutes at 425 F before adding topping, then continue as above. ' GODERICH $101',,,TAL,STAR,4114VASDAY,14Aftell 16.1072 sllt A Canadian apple every dag will keep the doctorawag ° Eye+ since the time of 'ites apples have been munched, pared, diced and quartered, into. increasing popularity. This -month, ,some -of Canada's main u.pple varieties such as McIntosh and Red Delicious are coming out of controlled atmtospber'e storage in prime condition. In fact, this season's apples were of excellent quality when they went into storage in,,the fall and should be every bit as good new. ,Under ''C.A." storage, .the temperature, hun`'idity and air composition of the storage room are all controlled. The apples actually "sleep" under these conditions ' and emerge for marketing in top quality. storage+,appies should always be kept dool until used. At home, they should be stored in a perforated plastic .bag or in the crisper of the 'refrigerator. This will help maintain the proper . humidity and prevent absorption of other food flavo%s. The home economists with Agriculture Canada, Ottawa suggest that, . when shopping for fresh apples, you look for a sign over the produce counter.or on the package stating that the apples are a "product° of Canada". You will also notice the grade name on the-frrtit-;Canada Fancy in most cases. This means the ai ples must . meet certain quality standards set by Agriculture Canada.• Fresh apples are, a perfect snack food. At work or school they are easy to carry and need no peeling or preparation, other than a wash before eating.. • After school, children especially; like apple slices, for snacks WhenMarch winds blow ot bunwiches the answer Hot' sandwiches make satisfying fare for casual entertaining, late evening snacks or are a good answer to "what's ,for lunch?" on cold wintery days. All kinds of bread and •roll's can be used in sandwich making 'and you can completely change the 'appearance of a sandwich by using buns instead of bread. Rolls and buns are so common in the stores nowadays, that most people are beginning.to, recognize athem as sandwich material. You will find many different types and sizes: `hamburger, wiener; crusty, sesame -seed, .Kaiser, Italian and soft'dinner rolls. .All may be sliced in half and served plain or toasted with a hearty filling. The. home °economists, Agriculture Canada,• Ottawa present 'two delicious hot bunwiches, The Steak Sandwich is a very heart•y'one—it is simply, a . steak'cooked just the way you like it, placed on a bun and topped with` a creamy Sour C'team- Horseradish Sauce. ' Chili Beefbnrgersare a little easier on" the pocket hook .but every bit as geed. CHILI BEEFBURGERS 112' pounds minced beef 3/4 teaspoon salt 1,teaspoon dry mustard 2 teaspoons chili powder I/1", teaspoon pepper 1. 2 ,cup chopped onion 1/4 cup tomato juice 2 tablesp'oon's oil 3 :hamburger buns; cut in' halves Butter -Sweet pickle .relish • Combine meat, seasonings and tomato juice. Shape, into six patties and fry in oil 5 'minutes each si.d.e., Toa_ s _.b.uns.and.s.pr. ead with • butter. Please patties, on buns'. Garnish with relish. Makes 6 sandwiches: . STEAK SANDWICH 1' 2 pounds sirloin steak Salt and pepper 3 crusty rolls, cut in halves Butter Cut steak in six pieces and broil to desired degree of doneness. Season with salt and pepper. Toast rolls and spread with butter. Please steak on rolls. SOUR CREAM , HORSERADISH SAUCE t!x cup dairy sour cream' 2 tablespoons prepared, horseradish Dash salt and pepper Chopped green onions or chives Combine ingredients except" onions or chives and chill. .Top steak with about 11/2 tablespoons sauce and sprinkle with, onions or ' chives. Makes 6 sandwiches. a Try spreading generous amounts of peanut' butter or cheese spread on unpeeled apple wedges. adore.' you, know it, the snacks will be all gone. Or dip - apple wedges in butterscotch sundae sauce for a reatly tasty snack for the family When they're watching: television. Just pour `the - sauce.in a bowl and allow children, and adults alike to dip in. And as A snack for guests, cheesy -apple appetizers are difficult -to beat. .fust' dip peeled, apple *edges in ,French or Italian dressing,, then " rill them in, gra,t,e4, cheese and serve on toothpicks. For more information about Canadian apples and recipes for using, them, send for your free copy of, "Apples" publication 1402 from Information Di1i1'sion, Agriculture Cgnada, Ottawa, Ontario K1 A OC7,, ~ , IF you WAND" To .TO DO /T' YO(/RSEi r +I4 �''T,r. dor CR/ T is YOUR WIFE C KN LI NE L SUNQCO At The Five Points Licensed Mechanic Repairs to alt Makes 11.16140111111, 111111111111111111111.111111.1.. OPEN SATURDAYS It makes everything really good --honey Baked goods made with horsey ,stay moist, and fresh_ r'gnger than those made ,with, sugar. Homemade ice creams, frozen desserts, and candies are. smoother and creamier, But for • the hest results jise recipes -specially developed for , honey, advise food specialists at 'the ,Ontario . Food. Council, Ontario Department of Agriculture and Food, If honey is substituted .for `sugaron an equal basis, changes in color, texture, .flavor„ and volume do occur. - Honey's traditional 'use is in baked goods, .desserts, and spreads for toast or waffles: Peanut Butter and Honey Cookies, Honey Brownies, . and Honey Chews are lunch-box:favorites. For special occasions; Honey Frost is a sweet creamy frozen. dessert. Add a small amount Of lemon juice,''and honey becomes an ideal sauce for ice cream., fresh 'fruit -or, cereal. It is just as versatile in the main course. Spicy, Island -Style Chicken with honey ari f pineapple - ,or Horthy -Wine -Chicken are company -hits. For thes-e and other recipes using honey, 'write the' Information Branch, Ontario 'Department of Agriculture and Food, Parliament . Buildings. Toronto HOUSE'OF COUPAL BASIC HAIRDRESSING A teaching institution stpffed by professional instructprs and proven stylists. • '4 -school whose+main interest is the development and preparation of students for the hairdresser - trade examination l•eading'tn an -- Ontarici interim certnhit ate of , ualiha afion • Classes start first \londay ct the month, 1.ormare intorrnation brochures, et1:, direct your inquiries to: • Mr, George'orke. General Manager House of C0upal, Basic Hairdressing • 27,Uupont St E., Waterloo, Ont -Telephone (510)57o-020.. Lice i o'd by the Ontario Department of Labour prig Street is at SHOPPE Goderich OPEN FRIDAY MITE TILL 9 Don SPAR AROUND with your Taxes have you on the ropes? A little fancy foot- work will •bring you •to H & R BLACK—The Income Tax'Champians! We'll' give your tax return a knockout punch with our fast, accur- ate, guaranteed service at H & R BLOCK. , COMPLETE RETURNS * Individuals *Farms *Businesses UP 0 w ', is /971 UARANTEE We guarantee accurate preparation of every tax ,return. If we make -any errors that cost you. any penalty or in- terest we willpay only that penalty or interest. HRU3 Canada's Largest tax Seravice With Over 6000 Offices in North America.. IFE(CANADA) LTD. 19 VICTORIA ST., N., GODE-RIC (HIGHWAY 21, Beside Presbyterian Church) Weekdays .9 a.m. to $ 'p:m. Saturdays 9 a.m. to' 5 p. PHONE 524-8658 NO •APPOINTMENT NECESSARY R. W. BELL OPTOMETRIST , 524-7661 • The Square Ronald: C McDonald CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 39 St. David St., 524-6253 Goderich, Ontario / For FASHION RIGHT SHOES The Place La Go DIESEL Pumps and Injectors Repaired.., For All Popular Makes Huron Fuel Injection Equipment ,, • Bayfield Rd. 482-7971 Clinton- CHISHOtM FUELS .Distributors --For ROSS SHOES The Square Goderich' 'I For Pleasant Surroundin, and Good Food THE GODERICH RESTAURANT STEAK HOUSE. and TAVERN 4 * FRIG,IDAIRE - * WESTI NG NOUS:E * G I BSON * HOOVER - Sales and Service JEWELL BROTHERS' APRL I AC ES 8i TV"LTD. The Square Goderich PRODUCTS: HOME, FARM, INDUSTRY * Free Burner Service * Furnace Financing * Gasolines & Diesel Fuels y. 524-7681'. OR • 529-7524 I Cards For All Occasions * Gifts ro * Books * Stationery Supplies ''" Records ,AN DERSON'S BOOK CENTRE 33 East St Goderich GODERICH BU1LDINQ CENTRE • 524•-8383 Cambria at Anglesea .