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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1972-03-16, Page 18
h. DNshff }Sls TiIrIiIlnq resuits • The engineer watched horrified from the' cab while his heavy diesel locomotive, unab,l a t© std_ in time, rolled over an 8 -year-old boy• on the tracks near Timmins and severed both his legs below. the knee.- Had this accident happen,d ha If a century agd—instead of three • years aga-- Den is L apal me mi ght Dave died, dr at, best been doomed tc a' wheel 'chair for I ife. • But today, because of Easter Seals and the Ontario Society -'for .Crippled rehildrerT",inhi-chts-ceMirating its 50th anniversary, Denis climbs trees, r4 rides a bi.cy'cle, runs with his dog, plays hockey, football and baseball, anti has been returned t'o"the community, as a.r active member. Denis is just oneca "e'. There are . 1.4,524 other crippled children across Ontario :who need your help and a simi lar promise of hope through your purchase of Easter Seals during the month of March. This year's goal ---an 'all -ti -me high•one--is'$1,627,500. It was a snowy day in November, 1922, when a dozen men—some of • them physicians and surgeons and • others representing 10 service, clubs --met at the Prince Edward Hotel. i n Windsor under the auspices of the Rotary Club.. After a long discussion the 12 men realized the tremendous number of uncared-for cases of crippled.chi Idren across the province and were appal led. They rea l i zed, .too, the special skills some of them had acquired during Wend Wart• 1 in dealing with severe battle casualties. They dec i_cted t_Q em.pi oy some _Qf the almost miraculous techniques of. orthopedic 'surgery which was then developing rapidly. ,So they did something positive about it and formed' the Ontario Society for Crippled Children.• In the first year the 10 service clubs looked after 75 handicapped chi Idren. Today 230 service clubs are affi I iated with the Society in the .tiniest viIIages and largest cities across Ontario and wherever crippled children need cl inics, braces, artificial lints, wheel chairs, summer camps, 'cerebral, palsy clinics or, transportation. Clubs endeavour to mail seals to every wage earner in the di strict they serve, and although in other years the response has been rated good, only a smal I fraction of those recei,,yii g • seals contribute to the great , humanitarian cause. Because service clubs work without fanfare, all too often their work goes unrecogn i z.ed, Many handicapped chi Idren in the area 'are enjoying life , to -clay because service club members cared enough to give generously of thei r time, thei r to I ent, and often their money as wel I . Easter is a" happy time and your contribution, even if very small}, may "make it possible for a `Nth ippled, children to walk 'gaily with his 'playmates in the Easter Parade next year. • Woman to 'Woman The day is Fpiday and_ the weather outside is simply great. , Lots of sunshine to melt the snow and the gloom which lias encircled most of us for the past few days. • These are difficult days. We're anxious for sprit -ilk -and we-'retruly weary of battling the elements. I ' feel particularly sorry for the hrgY scFro6T—stuaents this week who must also hear up under the ' pressure of•examinations. That's • depressing at -the best • of times, but when the weather is pulling us down too, it seems that much worse. . There's one bright spot in view ,for them, ` though. That's the spring. break which • (begins tomorrow..No,xpor.e classes until March 27! And then just four days back in class;; and a three-day weekend for Easter. Some of the older students— perhaps -those in Grades .l2 and 13—are planning special trips for the spring break. • I've heard of young people who are travelling to Florida and even as'far away as England and Spain! What a world we're living in.. Anyplace is just a few hours away and even the very young are taking advantage of this globe-trotting ease. • , I suppose that most of the enrolled at Victoria Public School, St. Mary's School, Queen Elizabeth School or) Colborne Central School attended open house last week. l hope most of you enjoyed those hours as much 'as I did. - X have a youngster in kindergarten and was intrigued . with the kind of in-depth work these youngsters are getting. What a.difference from the years I went to school? My compliments this week go out to the schoolteachers in and around Goderich., You know, a great Many 'of us are quick to , criticise but slow to praise. Maybe that's ,human nature but after an experience such as Education Week, you begin to see - . the intracicies of teaching, the Method and the purpose for every little think, , . The new kind of Education Week We've been enjoying lately "has done a great deal to cement relations between the school and the home, t believe. Parents are finally getfing the kind of first= ` hand knowledge they've a been Wanting for so long. They are getting a chance to actually see 'their -Johnny er thein Mary in action fn the class. They an assess for themselves just, how theitr, :offspring stack 1p in the SOrelyfhiskindof relationship is vital. The school staff is to be With Shirley' J: Keller .l ooznn tided for providing the ,, workshop facilities could be opportuiiitP:`" •`'�•'a' " provided' With this system...and As ;some of you may ' have - that's just not good enough. noticed, there was a letter to the None of the municipalities in gUtrc +.rcesxr rtnKnsa editor in last week -s `grgna1°ar Huron is large enough to supporta concerning the local Association fully -equipped workshop for, • for the MentallyRetarded,andits retarded. adults. There is.a hope program to provide a workshop that in the future: the provincial for 'retarded adults. It would government will take over all the appear there is a great deal of expenses for such workshops, but unrest and possibly disagreement at the present time a large part of within the Association itself as to the bill would have to be paid .by aims and objectives. the local people. I seriously doubt In fact, we could conclude from I•that the people of. Exeter or the letter which appeared in last Wingham or Goderich could week's newspaper that there is , finance the.kind of a workshop that Antill a portion of the Association is neededby the retardedadults of members who would like to see a our community—nor would the workshop for retarded adults on a government permit them to go. -regional basis—that- is with . way out on a•limb for something Exeter, Wingham and Goderich— the government could not later areas getting together to build a finance. single workshoj9 for Huron's We've heard it said that the ret ded, adults. people ,of Huron _County are not Let me tell. you all that, my able to get together on any .one sympathies are with the people project successfully. We've who would like to see a regional heard that unless the project is workshop. I .suppose there is a; taken over by Huron County great deal to be said for each Council. for instance, it vil1 not m..unicipality having its own little. function for long. If this is true, it workshop, but as far as I can is a sad thing'for l -heron County. In discern from conversations I've this day and age with all its had and from meetings I've complexities of business, it attended, only very limited . " A Please turn to Page 7B a`. Ahme+ek Chapter ?ODE Dublin in Ireland topic by Mrs. G. Henderson • - An interesting • .and busy meeting of the Ahineek -Chapter, 1.0.D.E. took place -on Monday, March 6, at the home of Miss L. MacVicar. . ,The regent` Mrs. R. Neville, presickA and led in • repeating the 1 • given by the new treasurer, Mrs. Grace Donnelly. In business arising from the rnute, several Lrerurnrnendinsations from the Executive meeting were discussed,' prayer of the Order. Mrs; .C, Honorary membership. was Ruffell, standard • hearer, e conferred on three members. presented the flag, and the new 1 t was de c.id .e tl .to h o l d a secretary, Mrs. G. F'. Mulls, read rummage sale ,on April 14 in the minutes of the annual meeting. MacKay Hall; a dessert card The treasurer's report was party and bake sale on May 10 in Dorothy Feagao new president of -Beta- Sigma Phi Sorority A meeting of Beta Sigma Phi was held March 9 at the Victoria and Grey Trust Co. with 16 members present. - • The minutes of the previous meeting -•were approved •as read. The Extension Officer, Larraine Baechler,. had been in .touch with the Clinton chapter who . now have their da'ncefor March 17 completely organized and nearly sold out. It was suggested that the chapter invite the Clinton chapter to join them? on their trip to Dashwood to . tour Dashwood Industries April 11. The service committee chairman, Pat Spence, reminded .tlic 'girls to bring their clothing Champion of the farmers for the Children's Aid Society March 28, ' A presentation was made to Dawn Hutton who was -moving to Sarnia to be married. .i`lotuinations• and elections for the new executive were then held with the ,following • °results: president, Dorothy Feagan; vice- president, Verna Kane; secretary, - Larraine Baechler treasurer, Barb Moss; exte isTon, offic ,,,_,Sue The cultural program was then presented by Verna Kane. Ver'na's topic was on Speech and how' to correct speech problems in small children. • The evening conclrxdbr%c with - lunch, the Legion Hall; and to have a table at the Art Mart in July. Mention • was made of - the ,provincial annual meeting to be held in Hamilton in 'April. Some rtrerittiers will attend. -a'The' new. Educational. Secretary, Mrs. M. Robinson gave a short report, also Mrs. D. McMillen, 'telephone convener,- and onvener,and MrS O. Straughan, —card convener. The regent, Mrs. R, Neville, read a note from Mrs. C. Gibbons, former secretary, thanking the members for cards. Mrs. M. ,Clairmont, World Affairs Secretary, gave avery goodn'eview of current world Lhappet ingS, concluding With an-_ Irish poem'. . An interesting reading on the cit,of Dublin, Ireland, was given by•Mr•s.,.G. Henderson, program and social convener. A letter was read from Captain Wm. McCune, Salvation Army, requesting help in the annual •••cani'ass. Three ladies ; offered their help. The next meeting will be held at the hoe of Mrs. R. Redmond, "Trafalgar Street, on April 10. McKinley of Huron questions in House R. E McKinley, Huron County's MP and a farmer from Stanley Township -asked .a gtiestion• in the House of"Com mons recently pertaining.to the Farm Products ' Marketiiig Counc1ili Which'whs to havetieen 'appoints MckinIev asked when_ the Council would he named .according to provision. in the marketing bill. Marcel Lessard, parliamentary secretary to the Minister of Agriculture, told McKinley the appointments would be mile soon. McKinley then asked Whether the producers of any particular - commodity have asked for an agency,to be set up to regulate that • commodity. .Hospital Auxiliarg will. hear ntirse speak about Home Care The ' monthly meeting of the Women's° Hospital Auxiliary will beheld on March 20 at 2:30 p:m, Mrs. Betty Cardnoofthe Huron County Health Unit will speak on the. Horne Care Program. . • Everything's New for 72 in HALLIDAYS SHOWCASE OF FINE HOMES Lessard said there had been plenty of discussion on this subject, -but was not sure whether there had been.a specific application inpthat regard. M. • BODY REPIR RELIABLE•ECONOMICL You I I oGet t Good Deal from Us. • Just ask 'your friends. You .can rely on us for fair estimates, reasonable costs, expert work. After accident damage or just daily wear and tear, let us restore your cares irks -new took. 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Moine Catalog, 69c for Cottage Catalog 524.8383 fti) GODER1C11 BUILDS CENTRE Cambria Rd. & A lglesea St., Goderich, These on -air personalities are backed up by a skilled staff of reporters .0. editors . I . news:.cameramen and more than 20 correspondents. Watch their Coverage of your nevus. 12.45 - 1:0,0 p.m. A Town & Country NeWs 6:00 - 6:30 p.m. insight 11:00 -11:20 p.m. The National 11.20.11:40 P.M. Late -insight 1.00'- 1:30' p.m. Focus tin 1 hci.Pa1rm Monday to ' Friday - lulonday to Friday Nightly Nightly Sunday •