HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1972-03-16, Page 73. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 5. TO RENT u 11. EMPLOYMENT WANTED TWO BEDROOM OOM apartment," 3 or 4 -bedroom, 2 -storey, white available May lst 1972. Apply 113 vinyl hoose. Recently refinished ,'We;st St. or "Phone x524--6625,-- living -remit, reom, dining room, l lx kitchen and TY sitting room. Four 'extra lots suitable for SWAT TED TO RENT ;. `development. Must be seen' t� be ' appreciated: ,4 Please `call Bill Mickle, Hensalt; 262-5'98,. , ' WANTED _-t'O RENT" -Two • or , three-bedroom house wit hin 5 ,• - Ti EfitefrT mall, armwi�Mile- -radius on worth side of 8,000 ,to •10,000 broiler quote. Bayfield. Phone 524.-6026.- ° 24-6026•-° Also have client interested in 11,12x farm acreage. • B. HELP WANTED • t When listing your "house„ farm, business or cottage, contact Bill Mickle,, Herrsall, 262-5708. AL SINNOTT Realty Ltd. Realtor London Onnt. -42tt ° BAILEY A eal Estate 82 Albert Street ' Clinton Variety store with modern apartment in Clinton. Well located. 50 acre farm in Hullett Township with excellent buildings. Spring possession. • 2 bedroom brick•home in Blyth., nearly new. Priced right. Well located, well established er • Garage Business in Blyth; showing excellent profit. Priced • right with good terms.. ' FOOD FOR THOUGHT Less than 10 per cent of the money - that Canadian Consumers spent .,, on food in 1971. was paid' to Canadian farmers. ' • LISTINGS NEEDED ON GOOD ,HOMES • AN opportunity to sell our complete line of plastic Magnetic signs. Excellent opening ' for experi-en-ced salesman or ambitiouspersbn with extra time and needing additionalincome. Very small deposit required. High commission arrangement. Car necessary. Reply in detail to •,Magna -Fast Signs, R. R.. 1, Woodstock, Ont. =10;11 ”` • WANTED -Dishwasher, full- time, five days per week. Phone 524-8168, or apply Club Grill. Kingston Street:- 11 tf COOK --Short order cook - required for evening hours of 5 p.m. to closing. Good salary and working conditions. Apply in person only _to Gus I3alkouras; Club Grill.- l ltf REGISTERED NURSE for Huronview, Clinton Good Salary , -Pleasant working conditions. Apply by telephone 482-3451, letter, or in person • to Administrator. -11 kr Contact Mason Bailey Office 482-9371 Res:: 523-9338 =11 IIIIIIIIIIIiIIIIIIIIIIII'IIIIIIIIII�I -E. LEPAGE 11111111111111111111;IiIIIIIIIIIII��� . n E. A• '6. T Q R Insul brick bungalow, large",lot, Bayfield, $7,000. . • Lakefront cottage, close Goderich, furnished: . 4 Lakefront cottage, 'Bayfield area., 4 bedroo-ms, Targe lot.' J Ultra modern home. Lake Huron • subdivision, .large living room, kitchen with appliances; laundry. • " room with dryer and washer, 4 • bedrooms. Electric heat. Acreages and cottage lots. • fit RUTH VAN DER MEER 55 Montreal St.,„ GODERICH 524-7875 WAITRiES.SES WANTED FuII & Part -Time Apply CANDLELIGHT TAVERN BAYFIELD `ROAD APPLICATIONS Will Be Received From:, STUDENTS • For SUMMER EMPLOYMENT At • Judith Gooderham Swimming Pool tined Park. Piease. state age, qualifications, experience and interest area. Deadline noon, March 28th, 1972 4N•pp1-y, to: Goderich Recreation & Community Centre Board 57 West Street „Goderich, Ontario, 4f'REAL ESTATE WANTED - WANTED: Lake Huron Frontage with or without cottage near Piney Park. No real ors. Write'Box 36 c -u Signal Star. -11-12-13x • 5. TO RENT 4. 'APPLICATIONS WILL BE RECEIVED FROM STUDENTS' FOR SUMMER EMPLOYMENT AS (4 -MARINA HELPERS—Snug s ----Y4 •.,--•-r----Harbaur--.�-2 requared.- TWO -ROOM suite, fully (b) BEACH PATROL furnished. Miss' Mary B. Howell, 12 St. Vincent Street, phone 524 • 8642.- 5Qtf ATO RENT -$1450 per day rents you an electric rug shampooer. Removes spots, grease, ptc. Service Electric, phone 524- 8581.-411f 24-8581.-41tf ' FORMAL 'RENTALS for all occasions. Pickett & Campbell Ltd., Clinton and Goderich. - 7tfn TWO, two-bedroom apartments, centrally located, available immediately. Phone 482-9766. - 5tf TWO one -bedroom modern apartments at $125.00 each a D month. Includes fridge and stove, broadloom throughout, Contact W. J. Hughes Realtyta,Ltd., 524- 8109. -.;-1 o tf MOBiLE HOME, furnished, suitable for one or two people. Phone -524-8068, •--10tf APARTMENT for rent. Apply at 131 Picton. ---11 FARM house, five miles south of Goderich. Available April 1st. Phone 524-68415. 11 tf MOD:RN three-bedroom home. Available immediately. Phone,,;., 524-9953.-11x f o. r Harbour Beach -5 required Please state ''age; qualifications, and experience. Deadline Noon, April llth, 1972. Apply to: Chairman, Harbour Committee Town of Goderich 57 West Street, ' • GODERiCH, Ontario. 10. WANTED (General) ° COMPLETE household effects or ,-small lots wanted. Call C & E 1 urniture, 524-7231. - tf LADY'S bicycle in good condition. Phone 524-6615.-11 ' 13. AUCTION SALE R,THWELL'S • AUCTIONEERS and APPRAISERS • Licenced ,and Bonded ONTARIO WIDE AUCTION SERVICE PHONE COLLECT 482.3120 tfn WILL do sewing, new clothes, all kinds of alterations. Phone 524- -• 6246.--0,11 - 12. TENDERS WANTED • Townsh prof 1 GRAVEL TENDERS Tenders are being called for the ,supplying crushing and delivering of approx 15,000 eu•yds ofgravel onto Township roads on or before May 31 at 1972. All . gravel` to pass through a ' 3/4'" screen and to be delivered where designated by the Road Superintendent: All tenders t� be accompanied by a , certified cheque for $500, and to be in the clerk's hands be 12:00 noon, April 3rd. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. , For further particulars, contact Road Superintendent J. Potter. R.E. Thompson -clerk 11-12 Ni l4! 14 Nt 44 NI 13 AUCTION SALE MORNING AUCTION SALE of antiques acid household effects of Mr' G:eo'rge Johnston. Godenich, ai>; the Auction li000rs, , one mile south of Goderich on "Hwy. -21, on, - SAT,IIRDAY, MARCH .18, 1972 at 10;30 a.m Brass bed; bureau; settee: c< rve 3rng rocim eha%r's: pressed. -back chairs: cane seated chairs;'.4 wooden rocking chairs: antique kitchen table: 2 blanket .boxes; antique blanket chest: trunk; 2 'commodes: dressers,; beds: oil lamp: frames: sealers: jugs; crocks,: 5 pc. toilet,• sett leather• couch; buffet: clock: chesterfield suite: small tables: washing machine; • bedding:. " dishes; R.S. Prussian china:, Mary Gregory vases; Nippon; 'art glass; English set of dishes: Kelvinator frig: 1961 C'or•vair 2 - door car which has not been safety checked. Terms -cash. Mike Cummings, Auctioneer. 524-9064. 11 IIMATHIWELL'S NI MM. wiliSiemaz.-VigAllli AUCTION CALENDAR Saturday, April 1 Brucefield Machinery Auction of tractors, combines, seed drills, corn planters, haying and tillage equipment. Turn you r idle equi rment into cash. Consignments accepted until March 31:Equipped to lead and unload. Pickup and delivery may be arranged. Terms for consignment - up to $100.00-10 -percent, $100.00 - $500.00-8 percent, $500.90 - $1,000.00-'6 percent, over $1,000.00 max. '$50.00. No sale --$10.00. Dealers Consignments welcome. Phone 527-0138, Allen Haugh -Sales Manager`. Saturday, April. 8 - O ce Equipment, garage equipment and stock. Main St. Exe er; Dobbs Motors, Proprietor. . • Saturday, April 1 5 - Household furniture, applifinces and antiques at Lot 27: Concession 2, Stanley"'Township,•for Mr. and Mrs. ('al Horton.. Proprietor. Tuesday, April 18 - Tractors, combines. machinery, feed and household effects at Lot 21, Concession 10. Stanley Township for Mr. Allan Armstrong, Proprietor. 'Auctions are our bustnerss'' at a NH R.athwell's Auction Service • ,BRUCEFIELD __" sax=3i so ' 'CLEARING AUCTION SAIF Of farm machinery,at Lot 13, Concession2, Stanley Township. • 6 miles south of Clinton, 1' miles west :of Brucefield and t mile south, on Saturday. March 25, at 11:00 A.M. Tractors -990 David Brown, fully equipped. cab. dual wheels. andtii•e chains. (700 hrs.); 990 David Brown, fttlliequipped. duals (500 hrs.); (Note -Tandem, frame complete with hydraulic steering which converts the above tractors into a 110 H,P, four wheel drive single unit);,990 David Brown full, equipped complete with cab; 880 David I3rown fully equipped. dual wheels, tire chains and "George White" hydraulic loader} and bucket, (optional equipment for above tractors sold separately). Truck -1961 Ford 3 ton wj,th hoist (as is). Harvesting Equipment -Gleaner `G' combine 'bean special' (gas) complete with cab, pickup and 6 row. 20" corn header and straw chopper; grain dryer M.C. Model B-600 continuous flow; Speed King 6" auger 52' long; Speed King 6" auger 32' long; J & M gravity box with 9 ton wagon: 2-7 ton wagons with grayity-b-oxes; Holi)t auger wagon, Gehl self unloading forge wagon; Kools forge blower c -w 40'9" „pipe. _ • a•lage-E uipment °5fr8;-= 6..- frrrro ,w-71'64", bottom with automatic resets; 21' A -C cul'ti"ratnr with "Noble" harrows; A -C,• 12- row corn and bean planter (liquid fertilizer), 9112' Kongski'lde cultivator, 3 Pt••H.'one ,way disc.: A-( 2 furrow plow; stone picker'with hydraulic lift and dump, 3 sections diamond harrows. - Misc equipmentA-C 140 Manure spreader. Selson 1000 gal: liquid manure tank; Selson liquid manure agipump, A -C 9' -3 Pt. H. scraper blade, Golden Arrow 250 Gal. field sprayer with 24' booms, Lely 3 Pt. H. 2500 lb. fertilizerspreader, 6' "George White" snow blower; 7' Ford rotary mower 3 Pt. 11, Hatchinson grain cleaner, seed cleaner; 8' lawn roller: cement mixer, water pumps. v - • Pig& Feeding -Equipment -Mix Mill Automatic feed grinder & distributing unit; /200'-4" auger, pig bowls, feeders.' farrowing cratos;, 6ascoignes pig scale; Jamesway feed cart: 180 Amp Lincoln welder Pig& Feeding Equipment- Mix Hill Automatic,feedgrinder & distributing unit; 200'-4" auger, pig bowls. feeders., farrowing cratos; Gascoignes pig scale:.Jameswa,v feed cart: 16" barn fan; presser cleaner. Shop Equipment --2'25 Amp. Lincoln Welder, 180 Amp. Lincoln' welder, Purox acetylene welding & cutting outfit: battery charger, Webster portable air compressor- & paint attachments; bench vises, skill saw; 1 2 B& Ddrill: pipe cutter & threader; 12 ton hydraulic jack; work- bencher; emeo : quantity of nails, bolts; rolled & flat steel. - Misc-Hydraulic rams;,3 Shur,Shock electric Fencers. 2--- Pto air pumps; 32' extension ladder; Shell cattle oiler, set of snap tracks; quantity of aerators; electric motors from 1 4 - 4 A -C tractor frame & spray booms: `Anhydrous tank & guages; quantity of lumber; international liquid fertilizer . tanks fordisc; dry'chemical applicators for A-(' planter; 1350 bu. Rosco bin; etc. etc. - Terms -Cash -No Reserve' Lunch Available ESTATE OP LATE MAL-COLM DAVIDSON RATHWELLVS AUCTION • SERVICE I3i'ucefie&d-482. 3120 13. AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE N of modern farm implements and Oldsmobile automobile will be heti' for'•Norrnan 04,4m-r;or, part Lois 10 And - i 1, Coneession 10,, Ashfitld Torr-nship, on Hwy.' 21,' two miles north of Kingsbridge. on . Tlil'RSDAY, MAK.4.1.9„,;„,10.2.,---,;,, at -1:30' p. m. PERtENCER interior and Tertns - cash, exterior ' painting anal wallpapering. - Free ..estimates. Victoria & Grey'frust•C'o., C'ommonittee of the Estate, Phone 524-92$7 or 524 -7667. -- 1.01)1 LC SIGNALSTAR,iRE A .MA,RC1.I16,1172` 14, SERVICE$ AVAILABLE 14. SERVICES AVAILABLE G. J. CARPENTRY & MAINTENANCE, Gary Johnston, carpentry Work, small remodelling or repair As, miscellaneous, odd jobs Reasonable rates. Phone 524- 7789 after 5:30 p. m. -- '30tf DAILY CAR RENTAL Reasonable Rates McGI; E'S Goderich Phone 521-839.1 19tf CARPET, -upholstery shampooing and wall cleaning, in your hoh-e or place. et business. Phone LamontCleaning, 396-3295, Kincardine -40 SEPTIC TANKS D'IEANEu' ' MODERN EQUIPMENT WQRaK GUARANTEED Write or Phone • Harvel, Dale, Clinton PHONE 482.3320 13tf • GODE ' CH TAI Taxi Stand At Bluewater� . 'SeeviceoStation . - 80 Victoi-ja'St.. 524-6594-7- 24 659 24 Hour Service Bill Swirl, Prop. Goderich, Ont.10,11x ' - Allan Macintyre„ Lucknow, , Ont. , 15. NOTICE to CREDITORS 11,12,13 •Sewing Machines AUCTION SALE • of ordinary household furniture and effects, with some momentos of the horse & wagon era, early furniture of interest: plus an excellent modern s'bctional Hiving-ropm suite; good dinette set, a large gold carpet and underpad'. This safe is for a Tiverton area Estate and a Gowanstown resident with appropriate additions from other proprietorships, and being offered on their behalf through the facilities of - ESTATE MARKETING ' SERVICES Auction Centre - Wingham, Ontario Saturday March 18th 12:00 noon 7,47/, You are invited to attend the preview of the entire offering Friday Mar. 18th 1:00 p.m. till 6:00p.m. andSaturday 10:00 a.m. till sale time. - - Notes watch for the Banquet Special, 92 cups & saucers perfect shape in Blue Willow plus several plates in white. 357--1011 for information: -.1,1 MORTGAGE SALE l'nder and by vi r;tue of the power of Sale contained in a certain mortgage which will. be produced at the time of sale, there will be , offered for sale by p.' & J. RIDDELL AUCTION SERVICE At ,,. PUBLIC AUCTION on FRIDAY, MARCH 24, 1972 :it the 3?i71tr►'r`if'2 P.M- at the -farm of .lean Maurice Laporte, near Drysdale. Ontario on, Hwy. 21- .21 1-•21 2 miles north of Hwy. 24 and 20 miles south of Goderich., the following property: Part of lots 24 and 25, Lake Road West -Concession.:, 11(1 acres. • 'more or less: . Part of 'lot 30. South Boundary Concession, 75 ;noes: more or Tess: Both of Stanley Tow nship.-'Hueco Count'. as .more p;7rticulii r•lY described in registered mortgage number 8:3980. On the Said lands is said to be erected'dwelling hotise and' firr•m ' • buildings. • The lands will be.goId subject to. a, rose ry -bid Terms of Sale: The Purchaser shall "pay down to the Vendor's agent at the time of sale 10 per cent of the purchase money and shall pay' 15 per cent of the purchase money to the Vendor within 30 days after the date of auction sale,an J the balance shall bear, interest at six per cent per annum and be paid net later than one year after the date of possession. For further particulars and conditions Of sale, apply to: THE ONTARIO ' JUNIOR -FARMER ESTABLISHMENT LOAN CORPORATION �• w- _Rail lament Bui ldi.ngs Toronto 1-82, Ontario Mortgagee Dated at Toronto this 16th day of February, 1972. 10-11-12 SERVICED & SOLD ALEX REED 197' Bayfield. Rd.,•.Goderich 5 2 4-846 5 g FILTER QUEEN BOB PECK VARNA 2¢.2-5748' TRI -TOWN BOOKKEEPING SERVICE - Income Preparation Individual Returns LAWRENCE BEA NE •' Brucefield, Phone 482-9260 1-17b • All persons having claims against the Estate of WILLOUGHBY EZRA TEBBUTT, Retired Farmer, late of the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 20th day of February, 1971, are ;required tofile the same with full particulars with the undersigned by the 1st day of April, 1972, as after that date the assets of the estate will' be distributed. DATED at Goderich, Ontario, this 6th day of March, 1972. PREST and EGENER, 33 Montreal Street, Goderich, Ontario. ., Solicitors for the Estate. - - 101-'-'12 IN TIIE ESTATE OF •OSWALD POLLARD, LATE OF. THE TOWN OF GODERICH, IN THE COUNTY OF Ht'RONiti , All persons clairhing against theabove Estate are required to forward fu11 particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or, before the. 21st d'ay of .March, Tax' Record 1972, after which date the assets Business' Farm--be-b'e"'dt5•t't"ib0ted. • DONNELLY & MURPHY, 18 The Square, ' Goderich, Ontario. Solicitors for the EState. 9,10,11 RUSTPROOF Let us do a complete job on that new' or Hate model car. WeII • worth the reasonable investment. See us at 14. SERVICES AVAILABLE FOR TIIE BESTin plastering call 227-4503 !mean,' No .lob too'big- or no job too. small . We do, -them all -11,12.13.14,15 DEAD ELM'CUTTING. SOc per tree: also custom chain saw work. Call Roy Huber. Teeswater :302- 6069.-8-l2 FOR your :Antenna Sales and Service cortitact. Alvin's TV, 1,62 Mary Street, phone 52479089. -- tf ACE, RADIO and TV Service, Frank Wilcox,' 60 Picton• St. W., Goderich, Ont. Phone 524-7771. - 40tf - GRAHAM ELECTRIC Complete Electrical Service Residential Commercial — -, Industrial 155 Keays Street Phone B24.8670 Goderich, Ontario. , 27tf ROUSE•.AUTO' ELECTRIC r CALL - FRANK TU'TT For all your flo-oringneeds. Buy your carpel anywhere 20 years' installation experience. Free measurements. 524-6804 • Goderich. SCOTT AND WILLIS PAINTING t PAPERING • SPRAYING FOR FREE ESTIMATES CALL 524-6902 SANDBLASTING JAC, .t -HAMMER WORK BREAK 1.P CONCRETE BAC1tHOElNG ' SP -RA -Y --PAINT 1 -NG--- ,.- ARNOLD STOTH ERS Phone 529-7403 for estimates . . ALL ,Persons having claims against the Estate of William ,James Carey, Gentleman late of the Town of Goderich. in the C'ounty of Huron. who died on or about the 24th day Of .January. 1972. area required' to file the same with full particulars with the undersigned bY- the 8th day of April. 1972. as after that date the assets of the Testate will be distributed. " DATED) at Goderich, Ontario. this 13th dad of March. 1972.. PREST an,d F:(;FNER. Barristers. etc.. . 33 Montreal Street. GO-DERtCFI. 'L)r,;ttri•o. Solicitors for the Estate. 11.12,1:3' y -r VACUUM CLEANERS Sales & Service All ,Makes BOB PECK - VARNA 262-5748 Collect EXPERIENCED DECORATOR Interior And Exterior PAINTING AND W AupA:pERI NG FREE ESTIMATES Call 524 -6667 W. PEDERSEN .1431 Victoria St. NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL pearaanfi, having eilLinliat agaliat" the Estate of ROiERT MANNING BQ(UI. Retired °`armed', late of the Town G derivh:, in the Count .of 11tli5rOn, whodiedor about the 22nd °may. ofJanuary,1972, are ,required to file the same With full particular's with the undersigned by the„.8th • -.,,*„With April, 1972; as. after that date the assets of .the estate will be distributed. !state DATBA at Giode:r eht ,Ontario, tt► 8 9tb..da►y of %arch, ' l'972; PREST and. Ell *1 ET1,, ' .p 4, Barristers, etcr�'�", 33 Montreal Street, Godepleh, Ontario. Solicitor s ;for the 1 state. 1142-13 . IN THE ESTATE of' Alexander Saunders late of the Township of' ,, Goderich, in the (�unty of Hilton, All persox}s Telairning Against: the above estate are •required to forward full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before April 30th 1972, after which date' the assets will be distributed. W.. Frank Saunders' Executor 86'Waterloo St. N. Goderich, Ontario 11-12-13' 16. PUBLIC NOTICE NOBLE: 'Not responsible for debts incurred by my wife, Jeap Noble, as of March 2, 1972. -Ken Noble. -9,10,11x . 21. - '. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES • NEED A MORTGAGE? Up to 90 percent -of appraised value on home less than 20 years old.' Up to 75 percent on ' older properties. N.H.A. Mortgages arranged on, new homes. For complete details call HAROLD W. •:' SNORE REAL ESTATE BROKER 524-7272 �6 NEWGATE ST - GooEgi h 7t1 22. TO"GIVE,AWAY PART Collie. part • (;erm'an Shepherd .dog. Excellent with .cliildren. Preferable farm home. Phone E24-6972:-11 '• • - A. BIRTHS GODDARD-Paul and Ruby (nee Jones)are happy toannounce the arrival of thei-r-daug,hter Tammy =Joborn on March -10th, 1972. at St. ' Joseph's Hospital, Hamilton, Ont. -11 Fewer people knew how good our Buyer Protection Plan' really was than 1 expected. Not only that, after test driving our " cars, they found the built-in quality to be beyond their expectations. Do you really know how :good, our; Protection Plan js, or have you test,,,driven a Gremlin, Hornet, Javelin, Matadorkor Ambas-sado, ? Don't you think it's time you 'saw for yourself? 'I'm sure you'Il.change your thinking towards our American_Matoa s. products Ambassador is the full sized, standard priced car that's built with the k ind of craftsmanship and attention to detail that puts it firmly in a class by itself. ; o perhaps it's not too surprising to Learn that every. new Ambassador comes with the following luxury features as standard equipment. Air - conditioning. Automatic - transmission. A new and smoother 3 speed automatic, A V-8 a- engine, for reliable performance'andpower, even on low lead gasoliftes. P:owerbrakes,,r,AII desirable features on any Targe 'car. Che,ck,_the workmanship. Check the luxury features. Experiencethe roominess, comfort and smooth ride. You'll buy Ambassador for all the best reasons. For example, did you know you can own a full site 1972 Ambassador'SST four -door sedan FOR. AS LOW ASS4S24' PREMIUM PRICES PAID FOR•YOUR GOOD USED CAR AS WE HAVE WAITING BUYERS. JLEi pM i:ASSADOR—JAVIi:LI111—.;AMIjf MATADOR-HORNET—GREMLIN r• 268 Byfield .Road Gord Munroe FINA SERVICE Goderich 144411` Sohn Wei., 44 -t •mY