HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1893-8-3, Page 1eineMnopm.ittal,ncit.WMI,OMOS.:01 VOL'. IN EXETER, ONTARIO The Moisons ank. (Chartered by Parliament, 1855.) , Paid up . $2,000,000 Rest Fund.... , 1,100,000; Head office Montreal. F, WOLFERSTAN ThoMAS, Esq., GENDRAL MANA.GER Money' advaneed se eyed Farmer's on their own tiotee wi11, one or more endorsers at p01 cent per annum. Exeter Branch. Open every lawful day from 10 a, na.to 3 p. Saturdays lOa,m,b01 P. re A general banking business transacted CURRENT RATES allowed. for mon- ey on Deposit Receipte. Savings 13ank at 8 per cent. • N. DYER IIIIRDON Exeter. Jan 28, '88. Sub Manager. 611.11011.11101111111•11.111001•011•Mittli•MMIlladIM. TH E Oxieter Abrocate, published every Thursday Morning, at the Office, eLAIN-STREET, --- EXETER. By the SANDERS' PUBLISHING COMPAN'Y TERMS OF ST.7BSCRII'TION. One Dollar per annum if paid in Advance. 01.50 if not so paid.. MEAteat acre • Ne paper discontinued until all arrearage ' aro paid. Aavertisements without specifics direetions will be published, till forbid and eharged accordingly. Liberal discountmade for transeient advertisements inserted for long _periods. Every description of JOB PRINTING turned out in. the finest style, and at moderate rates. Cheques, re °nay ord- ers• etc. for advertising, subscriptions, ate. to b 8igtade payable to Sanders & Dyer . . ellOPRIEOTRS Church. Directory. TEIYITT MiaLoraA,L ONITREH.--1113V. F H Fatt, Rector. Sunday Services, 11. a. m and 7 p.m. Sabbath8011001, 3 m.. Holy Communion. 1st Sunday of each month at Morning Service. and in months of five Sun- days, after Eveninervice of 4th Sunday of the m math. Holy 1, elitism on 2nd Sunday of ea:311month at Morning service. METHODIST CHEROH--Sames.st L, Russell, Pastor. Sunday Services,10.8o a. and 6.30 p.m. Sabbath sehOol, 2.30 p. m. Mine S'runier—Rev. W. McDonagli, Pas- tor. Sunday Services, 10 30 a.m. and 6.30 p.m. Sabbath Seb.ocil 2,30 p. m. PRESBYTERIAN Ontenete—Rev. W. Martin, Pastor. Sunday Serviees,11 a. m. and 0.80 p. El. Sabbath School, 9.45 ie. m „Ave Professional Cards. H.E.INSMAN,L.D.S,Fanson's Blook two doors north of Carling. Store 111.LIN STREET,EXETER,ExttfietS teeth with.° at pain. Away at Hensall on 1st Friday; Ails& Craig on 21111 and 4th, Tuesday and Zurich ou 'last Thurs,lay of ea..11. mon tit IleINGRAM, DENTIST, Member Royal •e College Dental Surgeons, successor to H. L. Billinge. Officio over leost, Office Exeter, Ont. A safe anaesthetics given for the painless extreetion of teeth. Eine Gold. Fillings as reenized. ..... III.EIM.9•4011014110.0111.3 Medical • rate. y A. R)LLINS Sa T A. .MOS. JLe _ Resideuees, setae as formerly. ' OFFICES, Speakman, building, Mein 4 t. Dr, Ratline' office' same as formerly—north door. Dr. Amos' office, same building—souf, h door. May 1s5. 18 0 3 d. A Rollins, M.3). T. A. Amos, E. D Tn. T. P. MCLAUGHLIN, MEMBER OF :Le the College of Physicians andSurgeons • Ontario, Physician, Surgeon and A.cooneh- • eur. Office, Daelnwood, Ont. *ila..1.....1*.alueusts.a.rcirmio-,....,raseCcernocr4.19400. 1) H. COLLINS, 33A11RISTE31, SOLICIT - O31, Clonveyaneer, Notary Publics. Office—Over O'Neil's Bank, Exeter, Ontario. Money to Loan. \ L H.DIONSON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR • of Supreme Court, Notary Public, Con- veyamser, Commissioner, &e. Money to loan Office—Panson's Block, Exeter. 117LLI0T & EL1,10T, BARRISTERS, SOLIO • itors, Con.veyancere, See. B. V. EnexoT. FREDERICK ELLIOT Auctioneers BROWN, Winchelsea. •Licensed Auct • ioneer for the Counties of Perth and •Middlesex, also for the township of Tjeborne Sales promptly attended to and terms reason b1e Sales arrangeel at Post ofnce, Winchelea A ROLLINS, late of Manitoba, Licens- ged Auetioneer, for the counties of Hur- on and Middlesex. Residence: 1 mile south of Exeter, Ont. Sale Orders by mail or other- wise promptly attended to at reasonable prices. BOSSENBERRY, nensall Ontario. Lie- -12e • ensed Auctioneer for the Counties of Huron and Peith. 'Charges moderate and eatisfaction guaranteed. VIRED. W. FA TINCOMB, Provincial Land -a' Surveyor and Civil Engineer. Officio, Over Post Office, Main street, Exeter, Out. ttamsammemo, ,yeamon.• EllNEST ELLIOT. AGENT FOR The Western Fire Assurance Company, . of Toron to The Phoenix Fire Insurance Co'y., of London, England The Alliance Fire Assur. of London, England: Office:—Main-street, Exeter, Ont. EXETER MARKETS. Wheat per bushel...... $0.61 to 0.65 Barley .. 35 to 38 Oats . 30 to 32 Peas........ . 55 to 56 Butter .... • . ....... 14 to 15 Lard . . 12 to 13 Eggs . . . 10 & 10 Chicken per lb ...... , 6 to 6 Clover Seed . . .. 9 75 to 1000 Timothy.... ....... 2.75 toe 3.00 A1sik, 8.75 te 9,00 ,Pork . . . .a....0 7.00 to 7.20 POtatees per bus 50 to 550 171.1ATITERs OLEA NED, — Mr. N. S. Bowinau, of Waterloo, will lo ante his Steen) Renovator is F,xe.tor, abou September 3 lied will be prepare( to wake (Ad heeeoet, as 600d as new. Al eiithers once throughs bis steein Renovate aro fre,1 &OE:1,5410 lis,, Oily SEIM tanoe, alexia al smell, dust and dirt. Wait, for him, W--7)R1:D' COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION. , The Goderich Hortieulturel Soolety Wive corn pletee arrangements to M lt a an exhi- bition, from the county of Huron, of 'plume, pears au d apples at the World's Columbian Exposition, .All mehibits packed tied ex- pressed dirvot to Chicago from here. Parties will receive fell area it ior any exbibit thee' may meke, All. express or other oh erges for sending from any part of the country here will be paid at this end. Correspondence regarding number of spec- imens, time for eendieg. ate., cheerfully ane swereclby the undersign ed. W, LANE, J. T. DICKSON, Secretary. President Goderieh, Judy 28, '93, et NrOTERS' LIST, 184' mUseeerti/A.argv OF V the Village of Exeter, Cowley of Hui on —Notice is 11 exeby given that I have trans - nutted, or delivered., to the persons ment- ioned in the Srrl and. Oh sections of the Voters' List Act, the copies required by said seetion to be so trausinteted or delivered of She List, made yruieV.aut to said Act of all persons appearing by the last revised as- s:essrn ett roll of the eitid inueicipelity to be et titled to vote in the said MireimpalitY at elections for members of the Logielative Assembly, end at the Munieipal elections, and that said list NV a 5 Arst posted ttp at my offi' ce Tewn Hall, Exeter, on the 2,7th day of July.1,893. and rem ains there for inseeetion. Eleetors ale, called upon to examine the said 1it, and if any ()missions or other err- ors are found therein to . take imm edict() proceediege tis have the said nors correct- ed timer/ling to law. M. EACRETT. ' Clerk of he said Municipality, Dated this 27t1i day ef July, 1893. eeteceseset senipson. Sigeor Lananda, of Detroit, STave an • exhibition of his str.•iee th on the mar- t, ket square •last '1 hursclay evening, He THURSDAY., AUGUST 3,1893. INIMROV011ae.41331.1..30111.22121,11.1:147.3..2 We understrnd the "Two Jims"Creech and Bissetthave dissolved partnership aud tht t the bnsiness will be carried 'oft in the futines by Mr. Creech. We understaigl that the Ilensall Observer which hes been conducted by Shnon Stable at Lieesall for nearlv two years has beeollie financially embarras- sed and he has ceased publishing. The entire outfit has been seized by a man from Michigan. • There died at her late residence, William street, Elizabeth Ann, beloved wife of LewisDay, at the age. of 30 years and 5 days. Deceased had been a sufferer from consumption for some time and succumbed to its fatal effects yesterday (Wed.). Her remains will be removed to Loudon to -day and there interred. The Goderich Cycle Club have pre- pared a most attzactive Drogramme of races for their meet on August 17 - Coming immediately after the London and. Hamilton meets and with a prize list of $1,000, they should draw many of the fastest men in America. The. track when conapleted will be is mile in. length and. eery fast and semis pile. nonsocial time may be looked for. The circular city people claim to have the most beautiful town eed the best roads in Caneda and are bound to please all whe visit them. Posters andsmall bills giving full particulars are out. August 17 will be a red. letter day at Salt town. araeket es' wand, On Main street, Exeter, a fawn -Col- ored jacket. Owner can have same by n calling at this office ad paying for this notice. Shipments. • Dan Davis shipped a carload of fat cattle to Montreal on Monda.yr—Win. Balkwill shipped a carload of line cat- tle on Thursday.—A.Q Bobier shipped a carload of eggs on Thursday.—Wm. Dunseith, of Si. Marys, shipped. a car- load of butter on Tuesday. crops in Ontario. The Ontario Department of Agricul- tute has issuel a bulletin relative • to the crops in the province. Fall wheat will produce little less than the aver- age, and spring wheat is reported as not altogether satisfactory but the pro duction will be in excess of 1892, Barl- ey will be late, up to the average in quality. •Oats are rank in straw, but with favorable weather will be an im- mense crop Corn is backward, but prospects are exceedingly good. Pe,as are "good in high lands, poor in low lauds," and barring the bug will be a satisfactory crop. •The potato bug is present in such immense numbers as to excite apprehension, otherwise the tubers are making grand (growth. Roots are COMiller, on well, and crops in general are relented good on high well drained fields, poor or total failure on low and undrained lands. Advice to leatherS. The following advice is given to bathers by the Royal Humane Society of England:—Avoid bathing,- within two or three hours aftel a meal. A- void bathing when eehansted from fa- tigue or any other causeAvoid bath- ing altogether in the open air if after beieg a short time ni the water it causes a sense of chilliness with numb- ness of the hands and feet. Bathe when the body is warm, provided no time is lost in getting into the water Avoid chilling the body by sitting; or standing, undressed on the banks or in boats after having been in the water. Avoid remaining too long in the wat. er; leave the water immediately there is the • slightest feeling of chilliness. The vigorous and the strong may bathe early in the morning on an empty stollasch. The youtig and those who are weak had better bathe two 01 three hours after d meal—the best time for such is two or three hours after breakfast, Those who are sobjected to giddiness or faintness, and those who suffer from palpitation or other sebse of discomfort at the heart, Should not bathe without fiest consulting their Ray per ton , .. 6.00 to 1.58 Medieal adviser. would appear to have the strength of aeSamson,' His jaws; ere as vices of iron and his teeth as of steel, 'He raised squarely up los, his teeth a bereei Of water and four men. seated on it, total of 1,100 poUnds, Signor's ;We'sinsped like a vise a beevy ber rcani.hau and it was swung to ,and fro end :howl out straight at ease The teeth made a heavy diet or impression on the weed Hods a rausculer, short, thick pet man, With truly wonderful power. He took up'a (OlIocitIon —0 111 ton News -Record. Runaway.. • Much excitement was eansedby a furious runaway team on cur. Maio street this (Thnrsday) moreing, :It ap- pears Mr. Jot n DOW end Wife„ of • Uss borne, had deiven into town and ?top. ped to de business at the grist mill, and. had justsjumped out of the rig, w hen the. borses took fright. end Started' to run. irhey 'ran dawn Malestreet at a. breakeneek speed and when opposite Dr. BrOwning's drug store collided 'with a buggy belongieg to one Mr. Boyle, Which was turned upside • down, but, strange to say, nothing was brok- en. Here the team was captured, nooe the worse for their run. The tongue of Mr, Dew's rig was badly demolished. Mr. Doyle. whose life was endaugered, deserves credit for the way hi which he htmg on to hie horse. "B" Mr John,Nirade is having his barn re-shiligled. W. Willert, of Dashwood, te doing- Via job.—Quite a number hem this vicinity pie -nicked in Taylor's Grove on Friday last.—People are busy pulling fiax at present.—Messrs. Taylor & Adair have finished their contract of peelitag bark for Mr. 1 Hawker.—Miss Scott, of Pt. Blake,' was visiting friends in this vicinity last week.—A young men from Pt. Blake visits this hee cpaite often lately. Won- der what is the canse? Zurich. Mr. H. Schnell, of -Eden, is' visiting relatives an friends -this week.—Miss Lizzie Sipple, Of Detroit, is spending her holinaye with her parents and other friends in this vitiluity.-Miss E. Dyee and •Mis's Carle3r, were guests of Mr D. Steininich7s on Theireday Mr. Munroe, 9! Parkhill, had. ,busiaese in town oa' Thursday lasts-eMr. Harry Dumert transacted business in Exeter en Tuesday—Mr. A. G. Dyer, of Exeter Was the guest of Mr, D. Steinbach. on Sunday last. Greenway. Rey. J. H. Chant organized, the young people into a society • to be known as the Boston Epworth League and Christian I-Me:aver. Chas. Curts, President, Miss Jennie Whiteside, Vice President, Miss Lillie Brophey, Secre- tary.—Miss Ada • Mallard is visiting friends in this vicinity,—The McPher- soh Manufiteturing Co. has put in ma- ehinety to make punnossesOttr village nierchetit is selling fine new extracted honey for 8c,. per lb ,and is clearing; out his smoked bacon and nam at 113e. a lb. Luenley. On Saturday night some person en tered the cellar of Mrs. C. H. Homey, 5th concession, TIsborne, and took pos- session of some half dozen sealers of berries. • The int- sites of the house were aroused in time to hear them take their departure, but were unable to trace the thieves. Mrs. Homey puts up a 'first-class article, which accounts for the fact that this is the second time her fruit cellar has been visited in the same manner. It the partieswho get the berries will kindly•return the gems Mill. Hornets will be very pleased to re -fill them.—Mr. George Kerslake, of the north boundary, Usborne, has had a severe attack of inflammation of the bowels, but is, at last accounts, in a fair way of recovery. This is the tenth time that he had been afflicted in the same manner in the course of the last few years. Grand Bend. • Dnoweenn.—An exceedingly sad drowning a c cicle,nt happened, here on Thursday last about noon, when Wm. Phippin, aged about 20 years, and son of Mr. Phippin'of Parkhill, met with his death by drowning. It appears he and several others were down on the beech of the lake enjoying them- selves, while others were bathing Some of the parties who were bathing inyit ecl him to accompany them, but he said "No," stating at the same tinoe that his parents did not wish him to go in the water, °vying to the fact that while in the water the day previous he was taken with cramps, However they persuaded hien to go in, tittle thinking that their pleasure was to be turned to grief. He had not been in many minutes, and was just a shert distance from the shore, When he be. gan to struggle and call for help, but before help could reech him he satils beneath the wavee to rise no more alive. It Was some time before the body was recovered, owing to the lake being so very rough. His remaies were taken to Parkhill and there in- terred. • The followieg item appeared in the London Daily A d viser: "A jolly crowd of London boys struck the Bend at the beginning of the week aed they have already added such life to the place and created such amuse- ment that the stalwart oaks will weep with the willows when the woods cease to hear their joymie laughter. They are located at "Kamp Misery," and their names are 'Messrs. T. E Mara, W. Mare, G. Forsythe, Tony Tillman, A, E. Brown, W. M. Vanhatter and W. B. Gilhuly (all of T. A. •Mara Company, London). Their tents are ornamented with placards, one over the dor „bear- hig. the line from Dante, "All hope a- bandon ye who enter here." Another one heralds the fact that "Dr." Jerry Woods. Surgeon dentist, is one of the crowd, that he makes painful extract- . . . Ion of teeth a spetialtty, and that he will inflict a lead filling while you wait. It further states that his office hours are from 12 p.m. to 3 am, a fact which is no doubt greatly appreciated by camping neighbors. Another bulletin states that a housemaid is badly want. ed, and that W. B. Gilhuly will run his practiced eye over all references. Ap• plicants 51111 please note that they will fiot be allowed out more than eight aft- ernoons in one week, and must have no haeg,gs-on aud no feiends on the, police foree of the Bend. Again you are inforined. that "Micky" Forsythe, eak,rcr, 1,005 Easy street, sunny side, will supply meals at all hours. The beys are Out for a good time and have expressed the firm determination that come what will they will not sta.rve," Since the foregoing- appeared in the Adveitiser the following as applicants for the position ofhousemaid were re- ceived•; London, July 28th, '93. MR. A. BRowN. • foine sar i reckin ye want a, housekeeper by the paragraf in the Paper and aim the One for yees 1 See it was Ba gilhuly I was to sind me not- ice 50 but his witty eye will uiver rist on my erecter aven if you wont take me. I will have to come and get some of my teeth filled for its lead fillip ive been after this long time your oace hours are just fettle as hi git up early if its riferences ye want I can give ye twinty more or liss since this time last year i am yours • fBriina ver iteer MALONJ3W. • London, July 28th, '93. ED. MARA, ESQ, DEAR Sart,--Ize been told dat you ar de Eeptiernan clat wants de girl I nebur ',,az much ob a mre 'but Ize he,Iped heaps ob tolines. I cun clean a gnclen boottful onsi am a master hand at chamber work when dar 10 no. beds to make. Ansur soon. DIANA POWERS, • London, July 27th, 93. „ W.' B. Gerginey. Deism Sin—I.say by, the night's issuethat you. are in want of a house- maid. 1 am at your Sarvis Sar 1 nits - was in sands where I war panted 8 afternoons a wake and nivir a hanger- on ha -Te I except it be your own sweet sill. One thing I will say, I do not likejintlemen interfering in my wark, espeacaly that Micky Forsythe. I will .be.on hand. Saturday morning with my dusting cap and broom and if the Lodgers are not noat 6 every morn - leg I will make it interesting, for them the wal,ges I will not state pay me to my abilety. Address to BIDDEY. Brewster Farmers are busy drawing their fall wheat, whieh is an exceptionally good crop.-1Vliss M. E. Vine, who has been for the past sir months learning the dressmaking in Forest, has returned hoine.—The fishing tugs, Evelyn and Seibold, of Goderich, were both loaded with sturgeon from the fisheries in this vicinity lase week. -,-Mr. S.:Gratton has •purc,hased a fine horse from Mr. ET. Bossenberry„ of Grand Bend —15 is with profound regret that we have this week to record She death of a little child, of Mr. Oscar Duscharm, who died very suddenly on Saturday morning last. •The remains were interred in the R. C. cemetery- at Drysdale on Sunday afternoon --Mr. and Mrs. T. Vine were visiting' friends in the vi- 'cinity of Parkhill on Sunday last.— Mrs. McDoucle and family, of Sarnia, are the guests • of Mrs. McDougle's mother, Mrs, A. Armstrong. Varna. Miss Armstrong and Miss Reid, of Bay City, Mich, are visiting relatives and friends in this vicinity,—Miss Hil len, of Winthrop, is the guest of Miss Wanless.—Miss M. A. Blair, wha has been visiting friends here for the past two weeks,left for Harrington ori Wed- nesday.—Mr. Cairns will peke posses. sign of the post offiee store in a few days.—Mr. Harry Hessour genial tail- or; has left for his native town, Zurich, where he intends opening tip a tailor- ing establishment. We wish him ene. cess, and hope he will not fail in future to pay his respects to one of our fair belles,—Mr. Andrew Reid has purchas- ed a new separator ancl intends run- ning two threshing machines this seas. on.—Mr. Wm. Taylor was the guest of Mr. John Johnson On Sunday, and Mr, Rufus Reyes was the guest of Mr. John Galbraith.—St. John's church garden party is this week,—Miss Mary Mc - Cosh ttnit with a Painful accident at week, heing aecidentally struck 051 the eye, which has resulted le depriving her of the use of it altogether.—Anoth- er aceident of the same nature happen ed to Orte of our young men while arousii1g. themselvee singing "lIome Sweet Dome" through • the key -hole. We hope no more accideuts of 5lu.8 kind will occur. • Usborne. Mr. Fred Fisher has had his house newly sided and a new coat of paint put on, which adds greatly to the ap- pearance of his farm residence, --Miss Edith Buswell was laid up with a se- vere illness last week. • By good medis cal attendance and constant care she was able to be out of bed Sunday, Around About Us. Thos. Case has'sold his farm on the Huron Road, west of Seaforth, to John Fowler, for $4,800. Large posters are out anuotincine” the County South Huron Fair to be held in Exeter on Monday and Tuesday Sept. 25t1m. and 6th. On. July 12, two years ago, the wife of John gitley, VViarten, presented him with a son, and on the 12th ult. an- other son was born to them. Messrs Henry Guenther, Henry Stauhers and Geo. Orange, threshed thirty acres of heavy fall*wheat in six and ahalf hours on the famn of August Heist me illondase. Beat this who can. A young man was brought before Mr. Justiee I3eattie, of Seaforth, on Wednesday last, and fined for having tied his horse to a shade tree .on the street and allowing the animal to bark the • tree. Messrs. Crossley and Hunter the Methodist'evangelists, have been lab oring in Port Elgin, and some 350 con- verts ha e been secured. The work has been under the auspices cf all the churches in town. , Owing to a refusal of the millitary authorities to allow the salute of the Italign warship Etna at Montreal to be returned, the Italian Admiral coneider- ed. that his flag -had been insulted, and •threatened to leave port. After the ex- change of a number of telegrams from Ottawa leave to eeturn the salute was Qbtained from Hon. J. C. Patterson who is at Goderich. • SAD'ACCIDENT.—Mr. W. Foster, late - 1,y of Clinton. Was on the C. P. R. train from Teeswater by which baggage - man 'Matthew Bunton was crushed. The man was coupling two cars; • He slipped and feel beneath the wheels, His left leg, loft arm and right hand were terribly crushed. The unfortun- ate man wad removed to the Toroeto hospital, where he died. He leaves a wife and one child. What mignt have been a serious accident took • piece at the railway, stetson Kippen the other day. George Taylor had occasion to cross the track with his binder, just as the train was in sight, and when the binder was on the traek, by some means the tongue dropped, leaving Mr. Taylor at •the mercy of the engine driyer, who stoop ed his train, preventing any accident and possibly loss of life Mr. David Dorrance, Principal of Harriston public school, received. notic.e the other day that out of 89 of his pup- ils that wrote at the entrance exami- nations; 31 had passed successfulls,and that his pupils had carried off all the medals, both gold and silver, This, also, is the first time that pupils from the Harriston SCh001 had ever won a medal. Mr, Dorrance may wall feel elated over his success, but this is only one more evidence of how Huron trained boys can excel when they try. There are a couple of charming and beautiful young girls in Kincardine who are going to be the ianocent cause of some trouble in a few years. They are twins, about 15 years of age, as much alike as two peas, and even their intimate friends are not able to tell them apart. When they reach wom- an's estate, the young men will require the sharpest kind of eyes to disting- uish one from the other, and be sure •they are eourting the right one. These ladies are the daughters of Mr. Wash- burn. --Mitchell Advocate. An incident which occurred on Tues- day morning in Ingersoll will mark an eptioh in an unknown mother's life which may carry ins load of sadness with it. At 3 o'clock in the morning, Mr. Albert King heard a noise, an% going to the back door found there care fully wrapped up in a black worsted summer shawl a well-developed baby boy of apparently two days old. Beside it on the doorstep was a box in which $16 In eash and a quantity of clothing suitable for babyhood, well made and comfortable. Mrs. King says she heard a buggy pass about half past two, coming from the south, and soon after returning. Otherwise she knows nettling of the child's former whores: bouts, nor can he conceive the motive fcr leaving it in her care. However, she is quite proud of her little charge, and saye she will take the best of care of the little one. Mr. and Mrs King moved trite Ingersoll from the States the latter part of last October, and are now packing up to return to New York State. • Mr, Ring is an employee at Noxori's foundry, NO 32' Mr. Tvgert, who has been represents ing a hay firm of New York, buying hay in the counties of Puron, Bruee„, and Middlesex, but chieffy Huron, hue finished his labors for this Heaeon emit gone to Michigan to begin operagousi with the new crop, Ile has shipped 369 carloads, which means 8,630 tool of hay baled, The duty is $1 a to; totalling $14,520 duty, The ffeight ie $40a car, totalling $14,520. He hoe paid on an average $9 a ton, making $82,670 distributed among the farmers. The baleing costs about $1 a ton aaa a baler $250 to $300, Mr. Tygert tell; come back in October. We made mention of a horse, cart and harness being stolen from Mr. Gee. Hart, near Brucefieid, last week. Os Thursday the complete outfit was found in Mr, McGowagt's bush, along- side the Kippen side road, none •tke veered, It appears that a man by the name of Frank Murray was the °Mettl- er and is Well known in that vicinity. However, he was captured by Mr Dun- lop, aud taken to Seaforth, and while there made his escape. Mr. Dunlop had put the cuffs on him ancl placed him in the Town Hall, while he went to interview the magietrate, but before': he returned to his surprise his victim' was missing" DP to tbe time of writ-,' ing nothing had been heard ef him, There were 379 tandidates for ad- mission to High Schools wrote at eke various "entrance, ceutrea" in Ead Huron, viz: at Clinton, 105; at See - forth, 96; at Wingleam, 77; at Brussel, 63; and at Wroxeter, 13e; of these seta, e successful, viz: at Clinton, 53441 at Seaforth. 48; at Wingliam, 37; ace Brussels, 37, aud at Wroxuter, 25. 11126 following are the suceeesful catididat, , at Brucefield ansi lIensell. , Kaiser, Jose:hat:WWI leLD. Mustard, Win, A. Murdock, Alex. Colwell, Leslie Bonthron, Bella Elder, Jessie Ellen Reynolds, Lucy Florence Moir, Louisa Jane ,11001,t British Grain Tra,cle, London, July Bi.—The Mark- Laue Express, in its weekly review .of the- Y British grain trade, says:—Whw thle wheat crop is bad, it is very bat. Where it is good it is barely gooas. The average yield is not expected exceed 27 bin to the acre, which. make a total of 7,067,500 quarters teseess ainst 8,030,000 quarters in 1882. growth Of root Crops, including potatoes,. • has been highly favorable tritely. The' cool showery weathor has been advazt- ageous only moats and barley in back ward districts. There will •probable:, be a very fair second hay crop, and improVeinent in the pastures. Theta is a reduced demand in the mark -et for all sorts of fe ding stuffs. The sales • of English e'hca 5 included sampicee. The first salee were made at 30s per quarter, but lacer there were transact, ions at prices ranging -from 28s to -82s: .; The opening mean values were:—Red 27s to 81s; white, 28s to 34s The qua icywas very uneyen. Foreign wheato were dull. Indian aud American dos - caned 9c1. The stoct's of foreign wheaSe and flour amount 50 2,785000 gnarterer At to day's market English wheat Was unchanged Foreigif was ed totem American firm". declined 3d per sack, Malti n g ba Hey was unchanged ;feeding was Gd lower. Oats were irregular and cheaper. Corn was from 3d, to %S lower. tehe Wife of Noses. , WO Must ex amine the Talmud anik the beaks of the commentators befeeti we can answer the question of a cerras-, pendent, "Did Moses take a negro wom- an to Wife?" We learn from the tWelftis. chapter of the book of Numbers teal certain persons "spite against Reece because of theEthioeian woinan whom, he had married, for lie marria an Ethiopian weman," but it must be remembered that all the people of tile extensive region aeciently known eel Ethiopia. were not negrons, The Cush-- ite race lived therein the tune of Moses. ,Perhaps the wife whotn the Lawgiareg. of :Israel maigied was a CuSlitte oe Sag - bwart, If, however, she wits of the new-- ro race, we cannot helpit —New Yori# Sun. 13.1.WritS. Tnomrsoef —In Maguire, McGillivray on the ist.inst., the wife of Michael Thompson of a son, HOLMAN—At Elfinyille, on the 2nd inm the wife of Geo W. Holman of is, daughter. • 110.171A1ClIff$24 DAY. -111 Exeter on the 2nd, inst Elizabeth Ann, ('610 ved wife of Lewis Day) aged 80 years and 5 days. smirimormessiveterefiiintainithlriannthalaiseilmeitismniesesemiflelanCit ./..)own With High Prices Pot • Electric Belts, $1.55, $2.65, 83.70; former prites$5, $10. Qualty remains the same -16 4i1- fci'eiit styles; dry battery andaeld base --mild or strong ourrent,LUS thanitallt the pries) of any other conipeny arida:mess home testimonials than all the test .Par gather, Pub iist free. Mention this paper, W. T. BAER & 00, Windsorj