HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1893-7-27, Page 5:11 ',. xlEttyl/ 31 AViS aro t, nasty <t
cover that emu the worst eases 0t
y 1Nervuun 1)Ohtiity lynch Yiser and
BEAM '- weske as of boli or amid es ctaUSad
RUy Arm-work,ur the errors ores.
moowaw. rmmwr.sas poses of youh, This Remedy air
Soiutely °urea Ova mart obstinate sated when ail other
'ai3s te,.ri$ I .L 3 have failed twee to relieve otcl by dreg.
grits ?. v1 Pet' pae$a(1n, c t Six for S5, or Sent i'.fi t u L ou
receipt of price by ail sio 111, J AMLS MI01U1N1i,
4)0.. Toronto, Ont. Wit • for unani `a.ut. tiuld lu-•
For Salm he Exeter by :D .. W. Hirer white
The exact number of families homeless
by Monday's fire at Fairvilie.N. 13. is 6o
and the estimated loss is $75,000 with $30,
000 insurance.
Cuts Burns, Bores Bruises; Wounds, Chap-
ped Hands and Cold Sores. Price 55c.
Sir John Thompsyn and the Hon. C, TI,
Tupper expect to return to Canada by the
xst week in August.
This term should be applied to the choice
every intelligent person has between Bur-
dock Blood Bitters, the natural and cer-
tain remedy for dyspepsia, biliousness, con-
stipation, headache, and bad blood, and
the various imitations offered by unscrupu-
lens parties as being "just as good." 'There
is nothing else as good as 13. B. B. It is
an honest medicine.
Robert Patterson was killed by a cave-in
of clay upon him last week at the tile yarns
in Drayton Ont.
WiLL be found an excetnent remedy for
sick headache. Carter's Little Liyer PiLLs
Thousands of letters from people who have
used them prove this fact. Try them.
Mr. Lewis Guay, of Lewis. Que. aged 94,
• danced at his grandson's wedding on Mon-
For nearly forty, years Dr. Fowler's Ex-
• tract of Wild Strawberry has been the 1'ead-
ing and, surest cute for cholera, cholic, di-
arnccea, dysentery and all summer corn -
plaints. It is a record to be proud of.
The Great English Prescription.
A successful Me@dicine used over •�.,
30 years in thousands of cases. a,
Cures Sperratorrhea, Nervous
, Weakness, Emissions, Impotency
and all diseases caused by abuse.
lassos) indiscretion, or over-exertion. [sirrsj]
six packages Guaranteed to Cure when all others
Fail. Ask your Druggist for The Great Enctteb
Preeoriptton,,y take no substitute. One package
Eureka Cheimical Oe.. Detroit. ABalcha.
The Western passenger associat°on has
adopted one -fare rates to the World's Fair
worms of all kinds in children and adults.
Children cry for it.
Sir John Abbott's health has not improv-
ed as much as his friends hoped for.
Headache, which is usually a symptom of
stoinaLh trouble, constipation or liver com-
plaint by B B. B. ( Burdock BLood Bitters)
because this medicine acts upon an.l regu-
lates the stomach,liver bowels and blood.
Three cases of small pox have been found
in Chicago.
� If you once try Carter's Little Liver Piees
or sick headache, bir.iousness or constipa-
tion, you will never be without them. They
are purely vegetable, small and easy to take
Don't forget this.
Mr. Walter Rowan, of the Post -office
Department., in a fit of delirium on Tues -
clay night. threw himself down stairs with
suicidal intent. Failing by that method he
hacked his throat with a razor ancl also
swallowed some poisons. He will probably
is recommended by Physicians as the best.
Up to last Thursday 15 bodies had been
recovered from the ruins of the cold stor-
age warehouse at the World's Fair.
When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria.
When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria.,,
When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria,
When she had Children, she gave them Castoria.
This wonderful discovery is the best known remedy for
Biliousness and all Stomach and. Liver Troubles, such
as Coi sti ration, Headache, Dyspepsia, Indigestion,
Impure Blood, etc, 'These Lozenges are pleasant
and 'harmless, and though "powerful to promote a.
healthy action of the bowels, do not weaken like pills.
If your tongue As coated .you nectithent.
Dr, Eseljay don't ass: you to take
A young man named McDonnell, of
Owen Sound created a sensation at Ni-
agara Falls Friday by walking; out on
Calyerley's tight wire and performing
a number of tricks.
Keep the system regular: with Esel-
jay's Liver. Lozenges. -
A New York health, inspector Friday
ran across a man, his wife, and three
children, all afflicted with smallpox ,
The family was poor, and could not
afford a doctor,
Twenty houses were burned at Prince-
ton, Indiana, last week involving a loss of
My little boy was taken very bad with
diarrhoea, he was very delicate and ' got so
low we had no hope of his life, but a lady.
friend recommended Dr. Fowler's Extract
of Wild Strawberry, and although he could
only bear a few drops at a time he got well.
It saved my child. Mrs. Wm. Stewart.
Campbellville, Ont
If you are sick take Eseljay's Live
Lozenges and get well.
The bodies of three unknown men
and portions of a vessel have been
found on the south shore of Manitoulin
Island, fourteen miles northeast of the
Duck Islands.
Eseljay's Liver Lozenges invigorate
the weak.
Mail Carrier Charles Miller, at Mat
toon Ills., shot and fatally wounded his
sweetheart, Mary Mark, who . had dis-
carded him. Miller they committed
• O. E. Nettleton, a stock broker in Boston
is said to have iailed,with liabilities amount
ing to $41,000.
If sick headache is misery, what are Car-
ter's Litt e Liver Flees if they wire. positive
ly cure its People have used them speak
frankly of their worth. They are small and
easy to take.
The Queen Regent Christina of Spain is
suffering with a tumor. She is in no im-
mediate danger.
Gentlemen,—I can recommend Dr. Fow
lers Extract of Wild Strawberry, - for it
saved my life when I was about six months
months old. We have used it in our family
when required exer since. and it never fails
to cure all summer complaints. I am now
fourteen years of age. Francis Walsh,
Dalkeith, Ont,
Miss Palmer, of Kingston, is 94 years of
age, Her father lived roc years.
HAReH COUGHS, Heavy Colds Hoarse
ness, Asthma or Bronchitis cured by ])r.
Wood's Novway Pine Syrup. The best in
the world.
Morell's packing house at Ottun,wa, Towa
Was burned last week, " Loss $ }oo,opo.
Gentlemen,—I was thoroughly cured of
indigestion by using only three bottles of
B. B.13, and truthfully recommend it to all
suffering team the same mahula.
Mrs. Davidson, Winnipeg, Mati.
The German steamship:Trave is bringing
from England 11335,000 in gold.
A new°discovery of great value—
Eseljay 's Liver Lozenges.
Andrew Scott, teacher of the school
on the Mill Road, near Brucefield, had
seven pupils writing at the entrance
examinations in Clinton, and of these
five passed, and the youngest of the
successful ones is only ten years of
Headache is generally the result , of
a constipated cr deranged condition of
the digestive organs. To cure the
headache it is necessary to get at the
root of the evil, and for this a toning
laxative is much better than a violent
purgative. A doctor says, "I know of
no better medicine for this purpose
than Eseljay's Liver Lozenges."
Burglars at Bay9leld. -
Brucefield, Ont., July 23.—A villager'
passing. Wm. Scott & Co.'s general store
at 8 o'clock this morning. discovered
two men burgiariziug the establish-
ment, and immediately gave the alarm*
After a lively' tussle both burglars
were captured and taken to Clinton
Davis' Pain Killer.—Its valuable
properties as a speedy cure for pain
cannot fail.to be generally appreciated
and no family should be without it, in
ease of accident or sudden attack of
dysentery, diarrhoea or cholera morbus
Big 25c. Bottle.
Mrs Joseph Acher, Logan, was be-
fore Magistrate Flagg at Mitchell on
Friday on a' charge laid by T. S. Ford
with passing bad money, The evi-
dence showed: that at Mr. Murphy's
store the prisoner presented a $10 bill
in payment of some 'goods which she
had purchased. The money was re-
fused, and the woman told that It was
worthless. After this she went to Mr
Ford's and exchanged it for two fives
with the cashier. The court was very
lieuient with her, on account no doubt
of her circumstances, and being her
first offence. She had to make good
Mr. Fold's loss, pay costs of court, and
then was let orf ou suspended sentence,
Flso's Itemedy for Catarrh is the
'Hest, Easiest to tisn, and Cheapest._
Sold by druggists or scent by mall.
we. 111,'r. ltade1tiuo. Warren, Pa,
lift]➢ I SS t ACHE
more R5
f11.l- HEADACHE..
owl/ gra Doe tral,0r
tits-ea to ctrre etre)'1/.
tleiaty,btrtstraply head..
aches. .Trey thems it
u•iU cost but :Oa vents
}}o7+a box oust they ogre
Thor are net Cathartic'
A+' or Over Piety -Weave.
Art OLD, ANDWisLL-TaxiSm Ra anenx: Mrs..
Window's Soothing Syrup, has been used
for over ititv,yoars by millions of mothers
for their children while teething, with per-
foot sueooss, It soothes the child, softens
the gums, allays all, pain, euroswind colic,
and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Is
pleasant to the taste. Sold. by Druggists in
every part of the World. Twenty-five cents
e bottle. Its value is incalculable. lie lure
and ask for Mrs. \Vlnslow's Soothing Syrup,
and take no other kind
Deaths of the week.
Bridget Mullein died at Collinsville,
Miss., Sunday, aged 107 years.
Mr. Justice Patterson of the Supretne
Court died suddenly at Ottawa Mon-
A farmer named Menard was struck
by lightning: and killed at Napierville,
Que,, on Saturday.
11ira.liza Rather died in Berkeley,
Mass. on Sunday at the age of 100
years 10 months and 25 days.
Mr. T. B. Grath, manager of the
Hamilton Street Railway, died Satur-
day afternoon,
Dr, John Rae, the well-known Arctic
explorer, died at London, England, on
A woman named Mary Craig took
Paris green at Brantford on 'Saturday.
and. died Sunday from the effects.
John Leacock was killed by light-
ning on Saturday at Frankyille, Ont.,
while walking behind a load of hay.
Mr. John Stewart of Paisley, who
took a prominent part in the rebellion
of 1837, died at Paisley on. Saturday
aged 85.
WiWon Confesses.
Sarnia, July 20th.—Albert E Wil-
son, accused of murdering Mary J.
Marshall, of Warwick, four years ago,
has made a full confession of his own
free will. He acknowledges his identity,
and that he killed Miss Marshall. He
.committed the deed with. the English
bulldog revolver which the police
brought from the Wiggins farm, near
Saginaw, in Wilson's valise, A car-,
tridge from the box found at the same
time inflicted the fatal wound. When
asked what impelled him to commit
the deed, he replied that something
came over him. and ho could not resist
the temptation. There is no doubt that
he was in love with the girl and con-
sumed by jealousy. He gave an eva-
sive reply when asked whether he
bought the revolver to kill the girl,but
s'tid that he had • sutTere:l more than
'death during the four; years since.
"I don't feel like Eating breakfast
this morning". This is a common re-
mark and is proof positive that the Kid-
neys and Liver aro out of . order, and
nature calls out for relief, A bottle
of Membrays Hidney and Liver Cure
will remove the cause of all this troub-
le. Try it.
The Mackinaw Tragedy.
St. Ignace, Mich,, July 24.--A corres-
pondent to -day interviewed W. Bag -
leg, the soldier in jail here, charged
with a criminal assault on Lillian
Saulter, who committed suicide at the
Grand Hote, Mackinaw Island, last
week. He talks no more than he can
possibly help. He claims that on the
Sunday after the crime is alleged to
have taken place Lillian visited Fort
Mackinaw to see hirn, but he declined
to see her. Later in the day, he de
clares, he was out walking • ith an-
other girl, Lillian saw them, and he
attributes her rash act to jealously.
IIe claims he will bring evidence at
the trial in the Circuit Court to clear.
him of the c barge
Are Yon Riervous.
Are ou all tired out, do you have
i 9 feeling ick < ch.?
that tired or si 1. headAche?
You can be re]ieyed of all thea symp
toms by th Id ng Flood's Sarsaparilla,
which gives nerve, mental and bodily
strength and thoroughly purifies the
blo d. It also creates a good appetite,
cures indigestion, heartburn and dys-
hood's Pills are easy to take, easy in
aettott acid sure in refeet• 25cents a
Il N ,v sty c?u
Mrs. M. B. Merrick,
Of Toronto, Ontario, Cured of
Catarrh and Neuralgia
Good authority has said that "neuralgia is
the cry of the nerves for pure blood." The •
prompt action of Hood's Sarsaparilla on the
blood, combined with its toning and strength-
ening effect upon the nerves. make this a
grand medicine for neuralgia and also for
catarrh, etc. We commend this letter to all
having such troubles, and especially to
Suffer! rig,Women
"Fora good many years I have been suffer-
ing grana catarrh, neuralgia and
Cerneral Debility
I failed to obtain permanent relief from
medical advice, and my friends feared
I would never Snd;anything to cure me. A
short time ago I was induced to try Hood's
Sarsaparilla. At that time I was unable to
walk even a short distance without feeling a
Death -like Weakness
overtake me. And I had intense pains from
neuralgia in my head, back and limbs,
which were very exhausting. But I am glad
to say that soon after I began taking Hood's'
Sarsaparilla 1 saw that it was doing me
good. When I took 3 bottles I was entirely
Cured of Neuralgia
I `gained in strength rapiuly, and can
take a two-mile walk without feeling tired.'
I do not suffer nearly so much from ca-
tarrh, and find that as my strength increases
the catarrh decreases. I am indeed a
changed woman, and am very grateful to
Hood's Sarsaparilla
for what it has done for me. It,is,my wish
that this my testimonial shall be ,published
In order that others suffering ad I was may
learn hoW to be benefited. Mits. M. L.
Mnnnxext, 57 Elm Street, Toronto, Ont
Hoop's Phan cure on Liver Ills, Bilious-
uosa.Jaundice. indigestion, Sick headache.'
A. Hastings,
Every attention paid to
Ladies' and Children's
Hair Cutting.
A. Eaztings.
Cheapest and
Best Place in
To get your Boots and
Shoes mended, is at
GEO. I I'!
Vegetable Pills aro pre-
pared to most a legal -
mate demand for a mild,
efficient and reliable family physic. They aro
ptireli' vegetable, containing no 1
calomel, mercury, or mineral sub-
alt Branco of any kind. Hood's Pills
act upon the stomach, liver, and alimentary
canal, tend curls Liver ;Complaint, Constipation,
flausea, l3iliodsness, Ileadaeho, Indigestion,
Sour Stomach, Distress after,Eating, Jaundice.
A cold may be broken up and a fever prevented
by promptly taking Hood's fills.
Just a few more pairs
of those Men's cheap
Hepburn Shoes and La-
dies' Dongola Kids left.
Next Door
South of Postof roe
Bargains ! T.
argains ! I. I.
Hood's pills
Are prepared by C. I. Hood & Co., Apothecaries,
Lowell, Mass. Price 25' cents per box. Solis by
SII druggists or sent by mall on receipt of price.
The Spring Season
is about here and our
good wives are begin-
ning to think of house
cleaning. Then after
the "dirty work" is fin-
ished, a few nice pict-
ures will be necessary
° for a spring-like ap-
pearance. Bear this in
mind, the best stock of
Bamboo Novelties,
Picture Moulding
Curtain poles,
Is at
Odd-Fellows Block. Opposite J Grigg's
���t�r Packing �o�se.
nop Wantect, Dressed
or Alive..
A FDressed' Hogs bought subject to the
following conditions; --,2 lbs per cwt off;
5 lbs extra if shoulder stuck; 3 lbs for
either bung gut or gullett, if left in.
All Hogs to be cut through
from Tail to Throat.
Highest Price paid for Hogs
weighing from 100 to 200
pounds, dressed,
The undersigned having handsome-
ly fitted up his parlor and restaurant
—will serve—
during the Summer Season. Also a
large supply of
Confectionery, Bread, Buns,
Cakes &c.
Visits Exeter every Wednesday and
Saturday afternoon. All orders left
with George Sanders promptly attend-
ed to.
Oysters and fruits of all kinds in
their season.
Bicycles, •
Sewing Machines,
Baby Carriages •
And Musical • •
Instruments. •
We are the only firm
who make a specialty of the
above named goods and
therefore claim that we can
give the people of Exeter
and vicinity,— . . •
Greater Parguins !
Greater Choice ! !
Lowest Prices. ! ! !
The latest and newest at-
tachments for all our goods
can be had by calling at
our ware -rooms, --One door
north Dr. Lutz's drug store,
e F shi,o+naabk ..
Cutter and
As ]: m the urtly 0111TitC
and I"ITT.BP in town whoh:n.
visited the laxge cities in ,
-United Statos'this Spring ]ia
tlterofore the best able to .1
you in rn'b&' !'roper
When you have uougl'o,i
the material for you
Spring and Summer cosi
come to and get - ittee,
Before you buy , ycn-
Spring Suit, come ups
my shop and get post&
0 9
The fashionable Cutter and Fitter,
tJNTL%L '119F-.
A complete mock of
Pure and Reliable Drug
4t right and reasonable prices.
and Family Receipt
Carefully Prepared.
• e
1 'S Cont] Iwlia
the best in the market.
owe, . .
Carrys the largest and best
stock of Furniture and under-
taking goodsin the County.
Stock complete in all lines.
Night calls for undertaking will receive prompt
attention, by calling at my residence on Huron St.
(The premises lately vacated by Thos. Prior.)
1aixs. st_
Has now in stook
klama end Wintz,
West of England Suitings and Trou
Scotch Tweed Suitings and. Trouser
French and English Worsted Clot'
All made up in the Latest
Style, at best Rates.
t . J. SNELL
Lan artificial gastric juice --formula on every label]
to any person suffering from stomach troubles, es-
pecially if taken at the first symptom of Indigestion,
which is usually weight at the stomach, sometimes
attended by slight pain, and may follow either a
wholesome or a heavy meal, At first, this feeling
soon passes away, and is only remembered 05 a Trills
tin fileasrEnt, which, when repeated, gradually be-
comes more pronottneed. To the average person is
now suggested the cathartic pill, bitters, or other
liquid purgatives, that will clear out the bowels. Such
treatment is worse tlrart'useicss ; it is positively harm:
ful, The trouble is in the Stomach, the Bowels are
not responsible, and relief will only come through
an intelligent treatment of the disorder within the
stomach. MALTOPItPSVN is the remedy for all
stomach troubles, Endorsed by the best physicians
of England and Canada, Send sets, in postage for
ValttablCparnpblNrOiutarfQN 1 z. l ttNwOS'QN'rit5t0.
G'. INS.
Atkinson's Furniture Ware -
rooms is the cheapest and best
place in the County to buy Pur-
niture. . . • • e • • a
A first-class Bed -room Suite for only l) and every
thlli Zg else in comparison. All goods guaranteed to
,-, 1� `,
be my own make, of first-class dry material, nothirg
but best hard lumber used.
Lumber and Wood
Taken in exchange for
� �1
whereyou can Lu.. the
The onlyplace in town � r y
tr : vvar
Patent Dominloxl Nickle-Plated Wire �Iat less
ranted not to rust.
....,.,......... . .... .Una,:.