HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1893-7-27, Page 4a SAN 4YW U 1I N Cenienr :radian :Fate, an e. sti two mil are Celia 400,000 ga in the Lak agara dist Ions yearl is made ill Judge Mos -vineyard i north as w city, and i It has been there are for grape capacity of tho capacit 15,000,000 1)1 VORO Prof. S. led "Diver American and figure the Ameri writer dee years 1866 the United pies are n goddess of churches pie claimi that time. creased GO creased 15 says the w "inhuman one case a wife becat band, has of stealin tiff, who is which gro baeco, is g husband s verde is g • insists on tare and i language obedient t the husba here who you love loved me, to sue for Mary obli obtained a pears in c wife ref us pair and s corroborat witness w plaintiff w ,waistcoat. pulls plain kers. One divorces a They may live to the A F Reforme years that stricted re States. T a cloud of medians able to ev do not lie eigners. Ho veve Tii'ould what its a 3 he oppon vied that i that farme no higher duce than they pay f adian far need; they Canadian' Frage their as Canadi York, for fully as m Bare argil rise hip; he reason to t ed reef pr would be States far any attern reciprocity fused outri ions; which cede. Slime m who repres summons, ]tis eonstit Into that p 'ork whic ;ngtiire ho there conal Lseds fart ,. ., wta �q i k1 »4 C �. Si, : t .�.... .A 4;4,3: c '1 l• e JZ•-R.S a DYER, 1'rot.,b, 1), �411az1 ilei y s v0,000 can is of abound, ng g. ranted. m me ho generally olve e dvocates mars farmers an example, uch any oaths proposed ttents ctrl le tiv vers: its •rail and o 1 , a. n its ratan reported the , result of its ltlS'4'Sti,°,'at10XA. Tim follow- I in is a summary: of tile. views. :, From pin rill we could pearl,, we four( that £art�ners lir Jc ifn on au St•` L,:lw-t ' leilee 40ttnties where e, yisited,paySGt whate ' Ag much or 'mire they play t . purchase and get no nioro for the pro- Auto theyhave to sell than do farmers i, also foundMany in the county. of Leeds. Wea that they not more Fos orous areany prosperous from all we could `gather, a e iuore heavily mor•t 'a edthan farmers. y g g in the county of Leeds. We also found' that well -improved farms of the Very best sail, free fro ll broken lands, and o, •f 1y ins'• from within two to tell miles o . Cho city. of Ogdensburg; as well as to ether looalitits :lure we made en- hew - can be purchased much cheap- er purchased > with than Lauds of the sails quality, same improvements, similarly ed, in the county' of Leeds; that lands have depreciated more in the last tenyears in St. Lawrence and Jefferson counties than similarly situ y ated lands in the county of Leeds, In regard to prices, we found cotton goods of all kinds will average about the same in the United States as in. Can- ada; woollen goods of all kinds and clothing are very much higher in the States than in Canada; sugar and teas are higher in the States than in Can- ada; provisions about the same; agri- cultural machinery and binder twine are higher in the Statessothan in Can- ada; waggons and buggies, consider- lug quality, the Canadian goods are as cheap if not cheaper than the Ameri- can ; cheese furnishings are higher in tltp States than in Canada, while cheese is not so high; taxes, irrespective of school and poll taxes, are higher in the States than in Canada; western corn is very little, if any, used by the farmers for feeding purpoes in the section of country visited byus, farmers using chiefly their own coarse grains. Tables of prices paid and received by farmers on both sides of the line are added, which sustain the toreros- ions reached. The comparison made is one of the fairest possible. The two counties are equally distant from mar• kers of ultimate distribution. Condit apes in the two are not materially dif-y+ if thefarmers of St.ot unfair to Lawrencey N.Y, are not materially better in oir cumstances than the farmers of Leeds county, Ontario, then Canadian farm- ers have no advantage to expect ' from unrestricted reciprocity, Tho. Belleville Intelligeneer's list of Otto 'enar•ar s. l , t r 1 )rise � C. z� ; . 1 Q4. i71,tU dA3 COn i ,.. � 5.1 names, Mr. George C.Pcrkins has. been ap pointed United States ato • from t . t,allfor�ra. Selz A eollicry strike, iuvolying nearly f in half a million men, is � g nd, farmers Oxford have had to x d li hayfreightday. leave thr it na and attend to the wheat harvest. J. Adams of Buffalo, committed ani- nide at the Queen's hotel, Toronto by taking morphine it ofMr. TheTradee and Labor Council �, , 0 Toronto Iizday night resole, tion favoring,Sunde • cars. - T11eVhhite' itv W" d' Fair was C - ( oil s I' deserted Sunday. The Sunda. closing y was rigidl unforced, Y The paid admissions at the World's +Scotia Fair numbered ]�63S7, the. total attendance being 164,000. At London F. W. Shorland rode 428 miles and e starter on a bicycle in 24 hours' establishing a new record, ' Mark Stephen, aged 9, was struck by the steamboat express near lllerrit ton, and died of his injuries in a few hours. To cure nervousness your nerves must be fed by euro blood. Hood's Sarsaparilla merles 11r0 blood. Take p p it nolo. A platform meeting in opposition to Sunday street cars was held Sunday bight in Avenue Road Meth. church, Toronto. The Chippewa, the latest addition to the fleet of the Niagara Navigation Company, came into port on Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Crowther, of Norwood, and Mr, Samuel Minalzer. of Rednerville, Ont., are twins aged 83 years, and both hale and hearty. Bradstreets report 40jbusiness fail - ures in Canada the past week, against 26 last week and 22 the corresponding week a year ago. The Toronto defeated the Cornwalls on Saturday at lacrosse by 5 goals to 1, while the Capitals vanquished the Shamrocks 6 to 1. While Michael Rol] aged 17,was lighting a gasoline stove at Petrolia, an explosion occurred, and Rolla was terribly burned from waist to head; At Detroit Friday in the free -for all pace Mascott defeated `Flying Jib and Hal Pointer and won the :second heat in 2.04§, within half a second of his record. The Executive Committee of the Ca- radian Cricket Association decided Monday night to hold the international cricket match September 11 and 12, at Rosedale. The steamer Etruria, from Liver- pool to New York, made the trip in six clays and 40 minutes. Her best prey- thus record was 6 days 1 hour and 50 minutes. Cashier James M. Downing of the United States mint has' been arrested at New Orleans on a charge of embezz ling $25,000 from the United States Government, - Three hundred employees of the C. P. R. in Quebec was discharged Mon - day, Half of these were employed in Hochela;a car shop and half;in the ma- chine shops at Montreal. The Seyenth Fusiliers, of London, made 832 in Saturday shooting in the Military Rifle League match, and as their were 98 points ahead prior to this it is resumed theyhave woo the shield. The heat was so intense at Huron, South Dakota, on Saturday that work in the barley and rye haevest field was abandoned. The thermometer has ranged from 96 to 106 during the Inst five days. Fire' broke out i. e . transportation g p building at the :Chicago fair Monday, but it was, extinguished before much damage was dote. For a few minutes the crowds in the building was almost panic stricken. The jail of Shelby county, Tenn., was broken in by a mob on Saturday nightandLee Walker a negro ac -BILIOUSNESS, cused of several criminal assaults, was taken out and hanged, the body being afterwards cremated. Brantford saying that a call has been extended from the Windsor'congrega- tion to Rev. J. C. Tolmio of Brantford. It will be four or five weeks before any meeting will be held for that sculling purpose.' The race for the champion= ship of America between Hanlan and Gaiiclaur at Orillia on Saturday was rowed over on Monday. There were four fouls. Hanlan finished alone of ter Gaudaur and he had interlocked oars. At Washington Monday in conned tion with the Ford's Theater disaster the grand"jury found a true hill against Henry C. Ainsworth, Chief of the Pension Bureau,and the contrac- tor, the superintendent and the,en i. neer of the building, Louis Frank was 'arrested at Stratford on Saturda charged •. with k playing the flimflam game. He gave .�� ,. r , .-. his,address as Iittsburt , and Is in jail until his relatives •can be he •r• a d %hm. 1 r. Henry VI y. A tadt; shuemal: er had the ,R� man arrested for doing him out of a 85 bill: ' • . Lillie the girl( �o1r•o1d D" , •, 4 daug ei of Mr. A. (lark,n f Norwich, has 1•eceutly passed threunh a novel and painful ex-i,Lti) •.• pertence The, other' morning her • o, : , . mothc,r, •while •bathing set, • And ofre what she though was the end of a nail •r t , p o tad' from her daughters gide. Site was taken to' Dr. Ilary '.A�q�` ,eYI Who succeeded in,extraetii g,from her Sld a lai`ae sewing,_ metric wit it tlireari attaelind, Although the operation was , i , l sufferer ; a painful on(, the iritic en- dured it wnhou.t the aid df art antes- thetle and is now doing, iven, There were 104,000 people at the World's Fair 00. lhureda �. � gllelplr „irl has boon fined $n"10 aud •General posts -for using an •effaced postage stamp, P It is estimated that there are 10,000 unemployed moll in Denver, Col,, at the present time. present A six-year old daughter of D. Sil- verthorn was run. over and tilled ]y a train at Essex Foes A. court of the Catholic Foiesters has been instituted a.t Wop(lstock. will be known' as St. Mary's Court No, 350• ITirman Skinner, an old resident _. of Q4lutletouOnt.,'die in a lead 111 df which he was working Friday from e spasms. It is reported that `a 60 ounce nig- gat of gold hi,d, been taken from the •situat' ,&�pm� Salisbury Company s mine in Nova Friday. Hay in •England is now quoted at 90 to 95 shilliur' s' er ion ton, a de ^ r p g cline of 10 to to 'shilliu; s from the prices of 'a week ago. John B. K. Phair, a Philadelphia lumber merchant worth $200,000, jumped from the roof of his house Fri• day and killed himself. Tuesday was the hottest day Toren• to has had for a number of years, the thermometerranging between 93 and 95 during a great 5)E rt in the day. The Amoskeag Cotton Mill, Boston la one of the rgest in the world, will shut down for the month cf August, owing to the present condition of trade. Austin C. Dempsey, a harness maker, aged 25 took an overdose of morphine at St, Catherines Tuesday and died from the effects. An inquest will be hold' I t It LWST Weakness Errors Noble Enlarge Organs falling Men testify tries. planation ERIE QR r� or Excesses Manhood and and Home from Write and MEDICAL EA afid:Nervous fit'" "' ( `---.— / , �ay -- __., raQ �• •..r-...- i) = ti " MNHQOD Oehilit , ' j ! rat, :,_.- t' -7r-t, . Il !` nn 1 �1 t Robust IIow t un a day ex free. N.Y, 11 un and . , • thf that . , whc last any r T n .Y, JITL.� 27th, 1098. - -- -threatened g pEngland, ting upon the success of Ca- ' les exhibited at the.World's . g.p points :.y e .oiout that with. land, os of the Detroit riser there duan viuyards, producing lions of wine, while the vines 'z I i- e Erie, I flee Is and and N produce a million gal. of lure grape •ince which 1 g P J :o claret, It adds: "Againquiries, >er grove, t.or e, we are lard, has aorder n Eastern Ontario, as far [thin, three miles of OttawaThursday making wine successfully. estimated byexperts that p' square miles suitable growing' in Ontario. Theb France is 5,000,000 acres; y of Ontario is said to bo acres „ ,,, , u..;.» �.,,,, Tilt TRIUMPI Bclul't of Body and in Gid fully Strengthen Parts of Body. Treatment—Benefits 60 States them. Descriptive proofs mailed COI el or'I Restored. �`'eak,Undevelopel and Mind, hung. Absolutely l�oreignCoun P i sealed Buffalo w• Ars to for will � •in Book, wishe public building drawl: whi.cl: be shing in i 11W Z'IIE' Ul\TI2'ED STATES. Brun has an article emit- ce made easy," in the North Review, founded upon facts s supplied by the report of Labour Couunission. The with a period of twenty -1886, in time of peace, in States, "a land where tem_ erected by the state to the Reason," where schools and and amongst a peo- to be religious. During which population has in per cent. divorces have in- 7 per cent. It is interesting riter, to see what constitutes and cruel treatment." Iu court granted a divorce to the se the defendaet, the hus- accused the plaintiff's sister In another case, the plain- subject 'to ' sick headaches ws w orse'when she smells to- iven a .divorce because her mopes. In another the di- because the husband quoting• passages of Scrip- eminding the plaintiff in the Df St. Paul that she is to be o her husband. In another id wrote, "There is a woman I think I could loee. If Marv, or if you have ever you will do me the kindness a divorce as soon as possible." ;]ugly asked and, of course, divorce. A husband ap and complains that the p es to keep his clhtniug in re- on his buttons. He is ed by the testimony of one says that he has seen eh only one button on his In another case the wife tiff out of bed by the :his couple under forty have two piece and thrpo marriages. vet contract a dozen if they four score years and ten. • Bold Robbers Captured at Brucefielcl. Last Sunday morning at an unseem ly hour—about 1 o'clock—a light and two glen were discovered in the store of Mr. Wm. Scotts general merchant, Brucefield. The alarm was quietly givenby to the owner and the time the bold robbers had made their select- ions and concealed 011 their . persons liberal supply of goods, there •lyero con good5,dressed Bgrucetietd citrgated eous ready tom eceive the thieves with open arms. The first desperado captured is said to be one Charles Prince ,'a low set man, dark features and whiskers, disfigured left eye, hump -backed, and generally sneaking a hard looking character. He is probably 40 years of age and feet 4 in height. He offered some re- sistance and the shooting -iron he at. tempted to "draw" upon his captors proved to be a large solid iron chisel. Andrew Scott, son of the complainant, captured Prince's pal, whose name is given as Joseph Green. He is a' de- termined looking character, aged about 30—low set and dark complex- ion. Both of course were loaded down with` goods cbusisting'of shoes, socks, watches, knives, rests, handkerchiefq, ties, tobacco, candy, and various arti- cies of clothing. A rig was procured and early Sunday morning both birds were placed securely behind the bars in Clinton lock-up. They are said to hail from Toronto. The information was •laid by Mr. Scott, of Braeefield, and the case was heard before. Mayor y McTaggart and J. McGarva, •J.P.'s, Monday morning. Mr. Scott testified to the particulars as aboye and identi fled a vest from his store being taken off one of theprisoners in Clinton. The prisoners did ot enter any plea and were sent to Cxoderich to await up trial. Their kit of burglars tools con sisted of files, chisels, a broken tackle knife, lock picks, a double key filed to p ` + fit store door lock, etc. Among the kit was a note book with several pages of entry, but much of the writing could g o not be deciphered. Among other things,� as.— our reporter could make out was.— „ p by -Capt. Barrett, Liver- "Mon „ TL pool, and �rrank Bradly, New Bed- ford, Mass. They have evidently been in the burglarbusiness for some time. Mr. Scott and friends are to be congratulated on capturing such un- visitors.—Clinton News -ice- co.rcZ _illfli, o The undersigned to inform the general , that he keeps constantly p Stock, all kinds of a ° material, dressed1iand - lumber �y B d✓ R8 O1.1tari • • 9 High Land Pine Shingles. 5 Special notice to B. C. Red Cedar is acknowledged a most durable timber grows; especially les. e� �s ,r� _ 36 to 40 years. It is said by those know, that they from 36 to 40 years climate. Willisew James LUMBER MERCHANT News of the Week in Brief, Kingston's civic holiday will be on August 14. Boring for natural gas has begun in Wiuuigeg. The Prohibition.Comnision resumed its sitting in Ontario'thi week. The strike of printers in Vancover has been settled, the men giving in. Half a dozen buildings at Chesluy were destroyed by fire Monday morn'- inhurt " Wm. Beatty new saw mill at Parry Sound Sound was destroyed by fire on Sunday Loss $10,000. The steamship Campania, is making an effort to cut the ocean record in her present voyage. The Liberals of Montreal will hold a demonstration at the Exhibition August Grounds on Au est 14. Forty eight compositors have been suspended from the Go eminent Piint- ing Bureau at Ottawa. The latest boy preacher, 12 -year-old lvey Gregor comes appropriately Gregory, PP v from Earlycount Ga. y' Hamilton's Clty Council met Monday night and filially passed the smelting works and H. G. Sr B. by -larva, Recent storms have caused a loss of 1Mongolian $.00,000 to market gardners iu the' yicinrt-y of Rutland, Vermont. A committee has been formed in Rome to make prelimineryarrange- r inents for an international exhibition in 1896, Mr, Gladstone's new financial clause of the home rule bill was passed in the British Commons Monday night by a vote of 22Gto 191. Hon. David Mills lectured in the Baptist- Church, Rid etown Sunda p • g y night, refuting a number of `Robert Ingersoll's •arguments. 13, Typographical Uaion No. of Bos- ton, haspassedresolutions commend- ing Governor Altgeld, of Illinois,. for' pardoning the Anarchists. A Buffalo man has sent a sum of money, to Brantford for deposit to in- sure its safe keeping,°owing to the pre- p valence of failures in the States. The election 'of members of the French Chamber of Deputies will take place on August 20 and the second on' September third. A London carter named Thomas4,s Hall cut his throat'Mouda while - sofengi. hiring from derangement the result ., b , of :,..Fr a,sunstroko. He may recover, The New York Sun announces that i T,V. Powerdly, to resign as 51 goingn d ,.encr t master w orl,man oc the Knights 'of Labor. and go into the , •, prac,tiuc, of la W, FranI- Wal er f II o" Indianapolis won time prize � g the epi ,e In the Detroit pit cyclin n, road race, covering 25 miles in 1.06:10 the best time on record: Wm, Hyslop jtin. of Toronto was third. ;. Prince Edward County Conserve- •• - ; • , • fives met at Pietro on Saturday and�� Y were addressed b,y Dr, Willoughby, M P.P. 1The selection Of a candidate for the Local Rouse was postponed. a The NaWabOf IZAmpurandsuite • ate .. occupying sixteen rooms at the Wind. s l n entreat, re . t,i. , .ou, so , oo ltltai; an their tetuln journey ' y ,. from the 4Vpr1ClN Fair. The Prlll(;e, will leave this week for England. - Y: h` 'r }x ®�;"le ;: �" f',rr UNLOCKS of THE CARRYINGOFFGRAbUALLY, ING1H HUMORS. ING ACIDITY ACHES, CONSTIPATION, DROPSY, SALT, FULA, NERVOUSNESS, DESILIrv: COMPLAINTS T,vr INFLUENCE BITTERS. ,v t F• y +•c { t Yh•••v= �l�,,.t'wm ee 4 , �, eh sea ri A t : u . v ,,Tp .7l' O. i g lit i , s foul - cURA- •i, ,•1 lit n }�?s e ' -m ' -•• -- AIR OOlrt'AR1SOY. rs have insisted for some o e Canada must haye nnre_ ci rocit with the United p y he proposition rested under suspicion from the first. Ca think themselves their own policy; they to receive orders from for -+desirable r, the main question was: lrestricted reciprocitydo said it would do? ants of the scheme have de- t would. They have said ss in the United •States get iverage prices for their pro- Canadian farmers receive; oily as highprices as Cate pay for articles they make no more money than make; they mort- farms tows great an extent farmers; and rand in New has fallen in value ask d itballots au 1 Ontario. They ed that, as a stream cannot r than its source, there is no hulk that under unrestrict- Deity,Canadian farmers boiler off than United mars, Further whenever ' p has been made to secure of any kind, it has been re- gilt of coupled with c n it. p o d Canada could never eon- ago Mr. Geo. Taylor, ants Leeds in the house of that a slumber of should cross the river o1' the state Of New es opposite, and •should pip I the conditloti of £atmets ... o •f Ares with the condition C. The committee made z� r r..»••cru w ;,FIE w', $ •_ F it na �L, +.F „fr�sMr ALL THE CLOGGED SECRETIONS BOWELS, KIDNEYS AND LIVER, WITHOUTWEAItEN- SYS1EM, ALL IMPURITIES AND AT THE SAME TIME CORRECT- Or THE STOMACH, CURING DYSPEPSIA, HEAD DIZZINESS, H EARTBuRN, RHEUMATISM, SKIN DISEASES, JAUNDICE, RHEUM, ERYSIPELAS, SCRO- FLUTTERING OF THE HEART, AND GENERAL THESE AND ALL SIMILAR QUICKLY vuELD TO THE OF BURDOCK BLOOD . -0...____.. Charles Coakwell, aged 15, ;Was drowned •in"the •m]il and at Br *lin Out., on Saturday while bathin„ While driving across the Grand Trunk at Brampton Sunday on his way to church Mr, Joseph Featherstone was Feath- killed by the Chicago flyer• Mrs.Feath- who was him escaped. erstone, p The great driving wheel of the Mem phis (Tenn) electric powerhouse ex- pioded on Friday into hundreds of pieces, tearing up the bei ding and killing Engineer Pat McDermott •in- scantly. First W, G• Class SPECIAL COMMERCIAL Orders left will receive ATRIAL 1�1 Bissett s' , Li e Liver �I and Rigs WITH MEN, attenti• on. i RI SL'T'L Horses RATES at Bissett Bros.'Hardrvari prompt p - S REASONABLE SOLICITED. W. G. - - tee ,. me', 4.0 � � tftshl' ,`a't ',w't'- -S^'` e kr7 �} e r ,��,; E '% f �r LR Or ��CT. _ , e r �S"�► I .-• �,:� r � i A ° ,. 1 _. •Oi .t• tf' !1K 5 'A ri ��� CU i� ICOIL r' li JET, �' y r _: ; - ; n, -- ' RR. ®RS(JS�' + HO , / ' y 9 F : ,. ? Y ENT l "' i,, A DA4I. , PL ��' C OF ,.'' ' 0 csi-lip by uL p' �. k rilLURE'� c r.5 ^ ;F 1 ,o S ,. ,,, ,r�.J n - r d /ATVs 'T� � . : , did 1"!1'1 $ 'i :511,Stllf -of a' ,, s , ,/ •ygp6 M �` mals 4'Y,.,,. .,. �w P # d� t ..,. •...>tlray:...n�l t5) .�-,>i ,..,, *,'•' ? wit Store,P TERMS `. -«••-••-- COMMERCIAL '»• .•.•. f; r q ii Y ) NJcitcnNYntll.vC And THE TrIA�F I{ OR AT THE BE PROMPT - ,.: JtiQ1iIIItr TO. 2�maEoizct x b -._.. ..-... Fir 't Glass RIOHORSES -x� ORDERS' LEFT AT SHAW 'HOUSE STABLE WILL LY ATTENDED 2ersrsp' = ,.... 7DIeDhone C onnootlon f „ gin •- .... ' •o;os SC0In;ozos A otuno v utotj SOSVOStll poolq tiro '0utnoutox 'pootq trait Mon fi031Oul 5)w esnroO otlg so4',otaox 'su�qeco eseg4 Autnol pito flutgviui ai £q g :107:0 ID+og sRouplaz 'xanl'T 'clovtnogg g;o uot�ov8,uont utort os1311170it, poo j pot X0076 OM "'WO T10078 ON $aTina V0079 uv8' Selina .po'2.tuquosivr, 'sauteing SISSY •a0n0 sv 1105 by atxoeS. two pay' 'nom 5oa to i I 'oxout ono 4o5 I pvtig xoggoq Bonin os glow i oppq ouo tom. 'g •fI't1 Azo 04 oto postnpu a'qt-ut-tagsts SIT '3(x05 ou op pinoo los pouOms geoJ pure spuvtt Ata 'ttovq' Sul at nzrod pini OttO'sp77Ott qua pvq Exon sunt I—'stag ovale •pzn° atixLxodra 'd7 3H3V01I3/l 'MONISM qup `ouogsRmroH 'Noovicr g ,y auv1� •otsdodsAct JO 0.100 Olio 4o;q)'.puotutu000tos('s 000 I atom. moo ut0 I setggoe ,uo; entails :may •sxoggig pool„ iroopxng potx4 I mutt out et% no osxoet 5tggqo8 spm I pnv '5)008 ou ont pip T10nta eutotpotu pimp 509.100 pass •quirotdntoo ronin Rua sxvo:f DAVAO; poignoxq sv5 I—'sung •sooz.x ga0x L SS3fISI10/7/8 Safina SS3NS12 0/7/8 30,en3 'SSR10017/0 sa"3 `oquotoy "qg zoom; en, 'sxxyr rrr1 ',I ssil}I .a . r o: puemm000xx osroastp clays olio tnr5 ApogSaone 05 pU0 'out opt soy pooh Sm ni ncoci ellg puv Atoo.v °nom Sou sta5oq AIII 7049.eq 1(0ntu os .0n0 out opvttt osop puooes et[,7 70014 ALIT • utvd pito uotgvdtgsuoo zo; sse00ns gvox0 tigr5 g g g Ino. potlg onvtt I—'sing uvaq •szetw.021 p;dut NO/1 b'd/1 S OO saana NO/1 dd/1SN03 s8Jf3 N0/1dd/1SNO. saws Tomo Alegetdmoo area I setg5ogS8utsn .zowl pnv'pipI tt0tlla "g•g'g Azo og sptte5p Sq poponsied soy I esodznd otz o4 zemod Sm ut suoom ilro 214E4 10;;v pus 'silo; 49105 x4r lay vtsdeds.Cp tuoqpe.opnsIssroa& put sole& zos-'suis uvacr : x04001. '•400 'tlglorI 3o 'I5°Non Uo1S '114 'd/Sd3dSAC S3H113 • y/Sd3dS10 S381.03 • VISd3dS,1a S31/fl9 E Laocoon in the coils of the fatal ser- pents was not more helpless than is the Than who pines under the ef- fects of dis- ease, excesses, overwork, worry, etc. Rouse yourself. Take heart of hope again and BE A YAW! We have cured thousands, who allow lis to refer to them. Wr cArr CURE You by use of our exclusive methods and appliances. Simple, unfailing treatment at home for Lost or kuilinp Manhood, General or Nervous Ibebility, Weaknesses of Body and Mind, Effects of Errors or Excesses in Old or Young. Robust, Noble' MANIIOOD fully Restored.. Improvement seen the first day.' How to enlarge and strengthen, WEAK, UNDEVELOPED ORGANS AND PARTS or BODY. Men testify from 50 States and Foreign Countries..' Write them. Book, explanat ion and proofs mailed (sealed) free. Address ERIE MEDICAL CO.70, 4 BUFFALO, P11 Y THE Y TO HEALTH. Unlocks all the clogged avenues of the Bowels, Kidneys and Liver, carrying off gradually without weakening the sys- tem, all the impurities and foul humors of the secretions; at the same time Cor- recting Acidity of the Stomach, curing Biliousness, Dyspepsia.* Eeadaches, Dizziness, Reartbllrn, Constipation, Dryness of the Skin. Dropsy, Dimness of Vision, Jaunt." dice, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Scro- fula, Fluttering of the Heart, Ner- vousness, ; and General Debility , a.� these and many other similar Complaints yield to the happy influence of ,EURDOC1 ato ,BIT 'BKS. For Salo b;/ ail T)ecZcrs. 1.'U &CO.,Propr'ietols, Toronto, 'OflJ'aI;;L'3 0 jail OE toile. iv cavo Logy 10854' 5115.1e5 no wow/ •9,itut91 olq @ttldut'd rJgzOU tla'A, 4e1:14 9og •bpvtu eatr 94Ue1u .tilb a Vz 5aculTIStii.Og '4140°4Gino ttotgnt 18J dutDtpplu :pitman tta otti SLi3 0f4;04, 4 �l,'3tltltl�H. SS�'lflaliil(," . Polo 1. , ,. r.,.a.. s,