HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1893-7-27, Page 1• -r rFrnr'T nA rtn X11 TO..TIT1fT.F,': T)AY_ JULY VOL IN 27, 1893. The Voters' List for. thee ;villege l' of Public School Leaving Exam. A a� i L+ A.CllElis CLEANED. _ 1- oi ' eted a Illi G { 11 completed, v ee rh'ieb Exeter c _ L q n. , . eaor4e11' '�will o ce *n Q 6 � � °a}'1 � 11Ir, N, 6. Boxy on of waterloo 1 ?a• deCreaSe til A►c Plnlriil9 'olio nave Peen emont,l ,, .a �� ^', xcter about tains a total of 543 voters, t❑ c1u►olti G41►e>tie0 '1`l,eY ��=�e, prepared �,e }tombc,r 8,)c.lLnu, t,wncl wftl�. be l,rel�a of 22 to that of last year: This examination was held at the to Make old t.;atbers as ;roc y, o,�, ,,, icor vitit or i od i of Entrance. The • 1 .... 82,000,000:. , i ,1„� steam 1 1Ve kzndl infero �, L, � ams time as the , H. S. n Paid up Capital feather, roue for ' rgl , y s 1,100,000, aro Erre f, oto nxotlxp. oily snl,starteo, r�ncm Grand Bend that eve have at different a papers were considered yery fair and Rest Fund: , •, i l dirt. Wait for him: .era d , ll 1 al smell, dart ,eLl c out of b3�:candidatos 34 ;Have been sue-' muu cat 1 the written stgna cessfuL The Education Department. pays 85 to the Publie'School Board for each successful pupil on the following conditions. (1) The principal of the school must hold a first or second class certificate. (2) theie must be au least one legally qualified assistant. It is expected that Euclid and Alga bra will be added to this examination for 1894 and that the literature will be redueed in quantity. When this is done, many of the.pupils in our rural schools will no doubt take the P. S. Leaving exam. before attending the High School or. Collegiate Institute We understand that the headmasters of our Collegiate Institutes will admit those holding P. S. Lea ging certificates to the third room of their schools with out further examination. This will saye the candidates about two years at the High School and will leave them at home at a time when they should be under the especial care of their parents We believe this will be a gain to both the Public Schools and the High Schools. It is certainly a gain to the parents. To pass, the candidates required to make at least 50'f, of the total, i.e., 500 marks and 33;t /, of each paper. The following is the list of the suc- cessful candidates at the diifereut ex- amination centres, the schools where' they were educated, and the total num- ber of marks obtained. GODERICH, 4 T� e� (Chartered I M a 1 date -1, .F' , anal eke Renovate= by Parli Hr5 ' tato lit Steam t k 1 as newt call T Head officio Montreal, P. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, Esq., GEN]:RAL MANAGER Mone, advanoec7 to good Farmer's on their own notes with one or more endorsers at 7 per cent per annum. Exeter' Branch, Open every lawful day from TO a. m.to 3 p. m,, Saturdays 10 a. m, to 1 p. m A general banking business transacted CURRENT RATES allowed for mon- ey on Deposit Receipts. Savings Bank at 3 per cont. N. DYER HURDON Exeter. Jan 28, '88. Sub Manager, �� m THE d 0X� .iebVoi te) Is published every Thursday Morning, at the Office, MAIN -STREET, — EXETER.' fay the SANDERS' PUBLISHING COMPANY TERMS 013' SUBSCRIPTION. One Dollar per annum if paid in Advance. 'u 1.50 if not so paid.. .Eid=rerti�i g Rates esz ,I3,pplica- tiosa. No paper discontinued until all arrearages are paid. .Advertisements without specific direotions will be published. tillforbid made gharged accordingly for transOient advertisements inserted nsr e JOB for long periods. Everydescription PRINTING turned out in the finest style, and. .. &c. f03' advert sing, ato rotes. Cheques, subscriptions, ons etc. t - b e made payable to Sanders & Dyer 2ROPRIEOTRS. 'titnesstatod that wo.publish no com- munications ions un eSS - ture is attached: "A Lodger's” eopy would make a splendid 10 inch U. C. "ad," The garden party held under the auspices of the Presbyterian coug•r.ega- tion on Mr. E, Christie's lawn yesterday (Wed.) evg , was a grand success, finan- cially an dother•wises The Exeter brass band was in attendanceester' added much to the entertainment,. Wm. Lankin, a man who has been in the employ ofAndreWDougal1,Hay tp, was brought before Justice Snell on Monday and found 'to be insane. ,On Sunday he chased. Mr. Dougall's family and threatened violence. Chief Gill removed him to Goderich. -MasoninExcursion—cheapest ride of the season --to Sarnia and return for 95e. Everybudy is going to take it in. .A. ratepayer wishes to known why the park is not kept open for the bene fit of the public to whom it was given, and if any rental is received from the g,eutman who grow, his vegetables therein and why such rental is not spent 'le providing some other ground for public recreation. . Church Directory. TRIVITT MEMORIAL 0utrafoc--R01 . n..m and. .Rector..bb Sunday School, 3 p... m, Holy and? P• iT1• Communion. ist Sunday of each month at Morning after Evening Service oand in f 4th Shs ofn d yve Sun- days, of thy , the month. Holy Baptism on 2nd Sunday of each month at morning service. METHODIST. CsuICH--James-st , Rev. A. L. Russell, .in. Sabbath r. School, 2 90 p. m. ru, and 6.90 p. m. MAIN STREET—Rev. W. MCDonagli; Pas- tor. Sunday Sorvices,10.30 a.m. and 6.30 nm. Sabbath School 2.30 p. m. ihiPRESBYTERIAN CHURCH.—Rev. W. Martin, aster. Sunday Services, 11 a• m. and 6.90 p. Sabbath Sob ool, 0.45 a. Professional Cards. • li,KINSMAN, L.D•S,Fanson's Block two doors north of Carling Store MAIN STREET,. EIETE1i, extracts teeth without pain. Away at Hensel' on 'ist Friday; Ailsa Craig ou 2nci and 4th. Tuesday and Zurich on last Thursday of each month C C . INGRAM, DENTIST, Member Royal • College Dental Surgeons, successor to H. L. Billings. Office over Post Office Exeter, Ont. A safe anaesthetic given for the painless extraction of teeth. Nino Gold Fillines as required. •n• • Medical Drs. J A. ROLLIN'S & T A. Ait09. Residences, same as formerly. OFFICES, Spackman,, building, Maiu S t. Dr, Rollins' office; same as formerly—north door. Dr. Amos' office, same bniilldi� gst ori09 door. J. A Rollins, M.1). Richard Snell, clerk for Mr J A• Stewart, and son of Mr. John Snell, will receive the congratulations of many friends ou les return to town with his bride. He was married yesterday (Wed.) in Clinton to Hiss Mary, daugh- ter of Mr. Wm. Give, of Usborne - to. "Dick" kept his little affair very quiet and it will surprise many when it he comes generally known. We wish the happy couple a prosperous career through life. T. A. Amos, M. D "B" Line, : Mr. Alf. Sutton is training n trotting colt for Mr, Joseph Brenner, of Grand Bend.—Mr. Sam Pollock, accompanied by his sister, spent Sunday last at Hen- sall,—Mrs. R. English, ofBoston, spent - a few days in this vicinitylast week.— Mr. James Morrow, of Silver Spring, Man., spent Friday last at Mr. G. Poll- ock's.—Farmers are busy euttt; their fall wheat at present. -Mr. G Pollock, Jr,, who has been visiting' his sister in McGillivray, has returned home. Personal a.gentnon. Misses Agnes and Annie Kay, of Ailsa Craig, are guests of their aunt, Mrs. John Matheson.—Frank Tom, of Brockville, is spending a few days with his parents. He has not been enjoying the best of health for some time, so will remain until it improves. —Reginald Elliot, of Molsons Bank, Toronto, spent Sunday and Monday with his parents and friends,—Dennie Holloran, of Brantford, spent Sunday with friends in town.—Alfred Eacrett, of London. is the guest of Mr. M. Eac- rett.—Miss Mame Sanders, who was visiting in Cleveland, Ohio, retur•ne(i home on Saturday anct left again on Monday to visit in Toronto and Peter- borough.—Detective Graham and wife, of Loudon, arrived in town Satnrdav evening. Mr. Graham left again Mon- day morning, while Mrs. Graham will visit friends until to -morrow and then will take a trip up the lakes for the benefit of her health. She nas been suffering from lung trouble.—Thomas Snell and wife, Huron street, spent Sunday with friends in Clinton.—Mr. Rob hhannon, who passed through here on his way to London last week, returned Saturday in company with his cousin, Will Shannon, book-keeper in D. S. Perrin's wholesale confection- ery, London. They are making a tour of Huron and Bruce c',unties on their "Safeties."—Miss Lou Shannon, of Walkerton, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Dan Dyer. She is accompanied by their little nephew, Audy Shannon. Miss Shannon is on her way to Buffalo, N.Y. Andy will remain here thissum- mer.—Dr. K. Kinsman attended the Dental Convention held at Hamilton, on yesterday.—E. J. Spackman was in Toronto on business, Monday.—Chas Eweing who visited friends in Tees - water and elsewhere returned home on Monday.—Mrs, Howe, nee Miss Emily Jeckell, of Toronto. is visiting her parents, Mr & Mrs. Wm. Jeckell, London Road. -Mr. N. Dyer Hurdon and family are visiting friends in Sar- nia.—Mr. and Mrs. John Burrige and Joseph Burrige, of London, attended their aunts funeral -the late Mrs. Southcott Tuesday.—Mr. Geo. Neaves, who has been visiting friends and rel- atives in town, accompanied by Joseph Davis, teller in O'Neils Band, took in the World's Fair for a few days last week. - Mr. Neaves and wife left yes- terday for their home in Ashford, Eng. —Frank Oke, of Toronto, is renewing acquaintances in towti,-Mrs. A. A, Lind, of South London, who has been the guest of her sister Mrs. Dail Dyer, for the past two weeks, returned home Sunday night with her husband, who drove hero Saturday night.—Miss Lil- ly Hardy left yesterday for Walkerton where : she will visit friends.—Miss Edith. Gidloy is visiting friends in Sar• nia.— isles, L. Thorne and Miss Carrie Drew left for Bothweliwhere they will visit, -Miss Smith and Miss Elliot left for Brussels where they will visit friends for a few days.—Miss, L. Whit- lock, of Walkerton, is visiting her, parents,—Mrs. Wesley Bissett left for Kalamazoo, Monday where she will ,join her husband.—John Luxton left for Ingersoll Friday. --Miss Elia How. ard, after spending a few days, In town returned to London Friday last --Miss Eva Newton, of Detroit is spending : a few weeks with her parents.-Seaforth Expositor. -We are sorry to learn that Mrs. Wm. Hawkshaw,who was thought to be recovering a short time ago, Is again confined to her residence through l;n east"—M'is5 Sophia Sweet, of this i place is at present vi frimds in. Hensall.—Miss Shaten, of St. Thomas, DR. T. P. MOLAUGHLIN, MEMBER OF the College of Physicians and Surgeons onOntario.OffiPhysician, Surgeon and' Accouch- legal. H. COLLINS, BARRISTER, SOLICIT - 11. OR, Conveyancer, Notary Public. Office-Over.O'Nei1's Bank, Exeter, Ontario. Money to Loan. - TT H. DICKSON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR .1.4• of Supreme Court, Notary Public, Con- veyancer,Commissioner, &c. Moneyto•loan pfTfee—Fanson's Block, Exeter. ELLIOT & ELLIOT, BARRISTERS, SOLIC itors, Conveyancers, &o. B. v. BLLIOT. FREDERICK ELLIOT Auctioneers I7 ��J BROWN, Winchelsea. Licensed Allot 13.• ioneer for the Counties of Perth and Middlesex, also for the township of Usborne` Salesromptly attended to and terms reason able. Sales arranged at Post office, Winohelsa Cromarty• Fire broke out in the splendid bank barn belong•ipg to Mr. John Dunlop, on lot 2, con, 11. Hibbert, shortly after 10 o'clock, Monday ova. 17tH inst. When first noticed, the destroying• elements had got beyond 'coetrol, and the barn Which' contained a— quantity of hay, threshing machine, binder, four horses three pigs and the farm implements were all destroyed. The fire is sup- posed to be the work of an incendiary. The barn and contents were insured but not exceedin„; half its value. The loss is estimated at 51,500,—Miss Han- nah Dow was the guest of Miss Brown on Sunday.—Miss, Minnie Tu aid, of Chiseihurst,was visiting, friends.i round here last week.—Miss Lillie Park was visiting the Misses Towers on Sunday. - Messrs Jas Hislop and Thos. Boyle spent Sunday in the vicinity of Staffa. — Messrs. Andy Stewart and Jas. Abs bot, of Exeter, paid our line a flying visit on Sunday last.—Quite a number of young folks gathered at the resi- dence of Mr. John Morgan's on - Friday evening of last week, with the McLean and McKay orchestra furnishing the music, spent a most enjoyable time, in a good old scotch tla'uce until the wee sma hours, when.all departed for home feeling well satisfied with. , the night's fun,—Cromarty can. now. boast of some of the fastest horses in. Western Ontar- io. Their speed being tried last week on the new half mile track. The fast- est time was made by "Brown Bob" owned and managed by Alex. Boyle time, 2.291; 2nd by "Nellie B." owned by Jas. Hislop; 3rd by "Bay Frank" owned by F. L. Hamilton, Alex Boyle thinks lie will enter "Brown Bob" in the Woodstock races this fall in the 2.20 class. Success to you Sandy. here without hiring or bargaining 'ou a Sunday. Where does the light shine brother?—Mr, John Prang and Ed. Zeller an d th Misses Mc Ne v r n drove to Exeter in company with "Billy" Mc- Nevin wife aid' family, on Wednesday The latter aro now Exeter's eitt&enS. We wish them good luck in Exeter. Usborne. Mr. Wm. Pincombe, of Usborne, Jos- eph Spears, of Cromarty, Miss Ida Cooper, and Miss `Nellie Davidson of Exeter, spent Sunday at the residence of Mr Robt. Coope,', Biddulph. Before going thither they visited Mr. Thos: Shute and feasted on dewberries, which they pronounced as being a very pal'- table and highly flavored dish and ex pressed a wish of participating in a like dish in the near future. A J. ROLLINS, late of Manitoba, Licens- .,ed Auctioneer, for the counties of Hur- on and Middlesex. Residence .1•mile south .of Exeter, Ont. Salo orders by mailer other- wise promptly attended. to at reasonable prices. EBOSSENBERRY, Hensall Ontario. Lie - . eased Auctioneer for the Counties of Huron' and Perth. Charges moderate and. satisfaction guaranteed. .• .L RDD. W. FARNCOMB, Provincial Land surveyor and 'Civil Bn ineer: Office, Over Post Office, Main street, Exeter, Ont. ' anwommwomme ERg'EST ELLIOT. AGENT FOR The Western Fire Assurance Company, of Toros to The Phoenix Fire Insurance Co'y., of London, England. The Alliance Fire Assur. Otey., ofLondon, England. °Meet--Vain-street, Exeter, Ont. Gordon, Wm. Sheppardton, P. S.. 696 Green, Lillie Sheppardton, P. S. 543 Hayden, Emmeline, Sheppar.lton 516 Hawkins, Walter, Port Arthur P S 511 EXETER. Brown Mary, Exeter P. S. 544 Creech, Richard, Exeter P. S. 612 Huston, Evie, Exeter -P. S. 500 Martin, Nettie, Exeter P. S. 602 Martin, Alex., Exeter P. S. 525 Jeckell, Roden, S. S. No. 11,Usborne 636 ZURICH. ' Buchanan, Milton, Zurich P. S. Klopp, Clara, Zurich P. S. Tippet, Wm. H., Varna P. S. Torrance, Grace, Varna P. S. DUNGANNON. Curry, Geo. D, Nile P. S. 570 Duff, Bertha, S. S. No. 16 Ashfield 500 WINGH AM. Bray William C., Wingham P. S. 725 Bradwin, Ed. W., Wingham P S. 653 Cowden, Celina, Wingham P. S. 501 McTavish Catherine, Wingham P. S. 528 Ross, Chas, W., Wingham P. S. 671 WROXETER• EXETER MARKETS. l .64 to 0.65 Wheat per bushel... � Barley8 36 to 38 "Pidie800 32 Peas • ..:.. .:. i ....: -..1.. 65 to 66 Butter i .. If ... . ..:..:.:. 14 to 15 Lard -104i i ... 12' to 13 D • { .. 10 & .10 ggs :.. ... , 5 to 6 ChickenSeed,. pex lb : , ...... , . . 9.75 to 1.0.00 Clover Seed .......:.... . 276te300 Timothyi ..... i II • .. • .'. . Alsike ...•••• ..• . 6 ... Polk 1 Potatoe3 per bus ..... i .. UTaygper toll 6.. i i . ir. i. 8.75 to 9.00 7,00 to 7.20 .. 50 to 550 6.00 to 4,58 is the guest of the Misses Weekes, Lozenge& NO - 320, and Mr. C. ii. Wilson, formerly of Clancleboyeested.M!'.'Jamee D. Wilson, formerly of Centralia, These all ap- pear to be happy: and contented in their .adopted6,,entettey, and all express a longing dps,ire to visit their many friends end;i' latives ill Canada,—Mr: ucw Reding, who bought � 'iqw bind.- 1 era few days -ago, ;went oat to edit - wheat last Friday morning and found the canvas cut in rieces and the knife broken in two. No cause is assigned for the fiendish act. -Mr, James Me- Wilson is preparing to start his two new threshing; melees to work in a few days. --Mrs. A. M, Wilson and daughter left hero last week to take charge of the Methodist parsonage for her brother, Rev J. G. Keir, at Thorn - dale, --Miss Rose Brophey, who had charge of the post, office and store dur- inY the absence of our postmaster, Mr. W. G. Wilson, at the World'f fair, was taken sick a week ago last Monday and has been unable to leave her home.. She is some better this week. She caught a bad cold which settled in her throat, Brewster Mr. T. Jennings and family, of Greenway, were the guests of Mr. Robt. Taylor on Sunday last, -Miss A. Densmore, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. M. Whitmore, for the past four weeks, has returned to her home near Blyth. -Mr. L. Revile, who has been employed bee: Messrs. Welch & Scott for the past three months, is now in quest of a new 'job, owing to a slig ht misunderstanding—Farmers in this vicinity have finished cutting their fall wheat, which is a very good crop. -Mr. R. Vine had his best girl out for a drive on Sunday last.—Miss M. O'Brien, who has been learning dress making in Exeter, is home for her va- cation. A certaiuyoung man is all smiles over it. 581 514 539 591 Grand Bend, The following are the new arrivals at Grand Bend Park for the week end- ing July 24th. DOTED Boers HALL,—John McPher- son, B. A. Campbell itch W., F.. May bury, of Parkhill; Rich Gidley, John P. Ross, M. Eacrett, R. Blatchford, Eda Gould and Master John. Spackman, of Exeter, and J. W. Broderick, London. IVY COTTAGE.—Mrs Bolster, of Chat- ham, and Norma Bobier, of Exeter. THE OAxs.-MVlrs, Geo. Kemp, of Ex- eter. ' CHESNEY WOLd—Mrs,, Smith, and Miss Aggie Smith and Mrs. Stuart, of Sea - forth and Miss Mand Hicks, of Exeter. TENT No. 4—W; Ryan and family,of London. TENT No. 5.—Fred, Bissett, Richard Creech and Chas. Shute; Exeter. InyuwyLu.—Mr.'& Mrs, Tolland, Mr. & Mrs. Cobbledick and fancily, Mr. & Mrs Moncur and family Exeter. EAST LYNNE,—Miss Donaldson, Miss McBride; Miss Chester, Miss McMillan, Miss N. Reid, Mrs Munroe, Miss Gra- ham, Messrs Boyle, McBride, Hugh and Will Kennedy and Edward Wylie, of Ailsa Craig. Allen, Elsie, Wroxeter P. S. Bennett, J. H., S. S. No. 4 Howich BRUSSELS. Armstrong, W. E., Brussels P. S. Duncan, .Jas. C., brussels P. S. Irwin, Geo. H., Brussels P. S, Smith Dora, Brussels P. S. • Stewart, William, Brussels P. S. 636 528 Around. About Us. We are pleased to notice that Dun- can McLeod, M.D.. formorty of Kipyen, in this county, has been appointed President of the Detroit Board of Health, Mr. J. B, Scott of Ilderton, Ont , Wed- nesday, realized .('„+125 from one litter of six•months'-old pigs. They were sold for $6.25 per cwt. live weight. Who says raising, pork does, not pay? A large number of ladies greeted Mrs. Fletcher, of the Thames Road, Usborne, who delivered an address at Egmondvilie. They were all delighted with the splendid discoiv se of this gifted lady. A little boy, son of Mr. Cameron., Staffa, fell into the spring near the hotel on Monday, and would have been drowned hacl net the egg mart seen him. He was 'fished out insensi- ble, but recovered,. Dr, Armstrong has purchased the Fullerton hotel property for Mr, Joseph Morrow, of V'irnit, Who will change it into a private iesiclence and house of aecommodation without taking out a license. Mr. Morrow.will also start a store in Fullavtou. "One of the evcavators on South ad- dition of the 'Union station Thursday afternoon discovered a leather pocket- book buried in the ground It was filled with bills, the outside one a $10. Onunde:taking to grasp the roll it dissolved in his grasp. The wallet had evidently lain there many years." - -Lucau Record. A freak of nature occurred at the farm of Mr. James Lloyd, near Blyth, last Wedueseay night, when one of his brood sows gave birth to a young pig with only two legs and these two are in the centre of the body, it is deform. ed in no other respect except the legs, it suffers no inconvenience as it gets around on the two legs as well as on. four. The Hon. T. C. Patterson, Minister ot Militia ; Mrs. Patterson, Miss Patterson, Miss Kathleen Patterson, Miss Annie Patterson and itir. Jarvis, private sec- retary, and albs. Jarvis arrived at Point Farm at 3 o'clock Saturday afternoon.. .A. salute was fired from the one gun battery as a party drove up to the door, while_ 'gederal welcome was extended''by the:ninlerous guests pres- ent Centralia. A very exciting and rather amusing race took place on Tuesday night last. The same came off on the `Methodist Race Track " situated one mile north of here, owned and kept in shape by William Essery and James Handford. Any races that come off are under the supervision of - James Handford and not under Association rules as should be. One of our citizens, namely, Ruf- us, was shut out for simply not know- ing the rules. 1st, Nothing but good horses allowed in ring. 2nd, All per- sons competing must be of good re- pute and under conditions not to sell the race. 3rd,' That no entrance fee shall be charged until after tha 1st of September, 2000. 4th, That where there is a clispu•ie between judges, Jim Handford to be called and all left to him. As the weather was somewhat warm, only three horses entered, (i.e.) "Gold Ring," record 3,65, owned by Jas. Handford and driven by that able and very efficient gentleman, David Hutchinson; "Amber." record 415, owned and driven by Wes. Handford; "Teenie," 5.45, owned by Will Essery and driven by Curley. When the word "Go" was given by Tom Howard they got off in this way. Teenie took the lead, but broke. Gold. Ling pass- ed and kept, the pole till finish, making first heat in less than 4 minutes. When they scored for second heat Tom would not let them go till Dave got his cap, which had fallen off on the home stretch. They scored again and finish- ed much as first heat, time 3 59. This ended the race for the evening. Quite a concourse of people witnessed the race and some got quite enthusiastic over it, offering to put money up that Tom Handford's "Mary" would beat Gold Ring, best 3 in - 5. Jim hearing the scrap came over, when the boys left it all to him, after which all start- ed for home, pleased with the even- ing's sport. More! More!—Our farm- ers aro mostly done hauling wheat in- to the barn and report good crops,— Handford and Robinson have complet- ed their hay harvest, taking 95 loads off 50 acres.—We are pleased to be able to report the convalescence of Miss Maud Hicks, who had a slight at- tack of fever —Frank Hicks and wife have taken up their abode in the house lately occupied by Thos. Hand- ford, and right here we offer our hearty congratulations, hoping soon to hear childish laughter as of yore. 676 526 631 631 558 Stewart Duncan Brussels P. S. 566 Mitchell, Jennie C., S S No. 1 Grey 696 SEAFORTH. McCloy, Mary Jane Proctor, Ettie Reid. Alex. CLINTON. Thompson, Olive, Bayfield P. S. 51.3 638 581. 502 Zurich, Mr. Alfred Moritz, of New Dundee, is spending his holidays at home. -Mrs. F. Wortz, of Dashwood, was the guest of her sister, Mrs. F. Kibler, this week. —Rev. Mr. Braund, of the Evangelical church, F. Kibler, Mr. and Mrs. Phil Haugh, are attending the World's fair this week.—Miss Lizzie Hess, of South Bend, Ind., is visiting at her father's, Mr. F. Hess, and other friends. , We understand Miss Hess also visited the World's fair for a` few- days. -Georg Buchannan, of Goderich' High School, is spending his vacation at home,— Mr. George McEwen and Dr. Thomp- son, of Hensel!, were in the village on Sunday night.—Mr. John Deichert is DINGLy DnLL,-Miss Ida Sturton, of London; Miss Maggie White, Exeter; Miss Tillie White, Sarnia; James Ram- say and John White, Detroit, and Mas- ter Cooper White, Toronto. IvANI10E —Miss Lilla Johns Mr. D. Johns, and Miss Della Crockei, Exeter; and John Gould, Ridgetown. tt.Lliss ALDER SIDE.— Mr. & Mrs. Lev e E Levett, Miss A. Levett, Parkhill.and W. Lovett, Exeter, MIs TI7;iT " ERY" No. 6.—T. A. Mara & Co., W. B. Gilhtily, J. E Forsythe. A. Brown, W. Mara, W. M. Vanatter, T. Tillman, London. TENT No. 7.—Mr, & Mrs. II. Jackson, and Mr. Geo Jackson's ' family, Sea forth. J0NN SPAoolkAN Prep, Never be without Esel j'ay's Liver N oteetly improving the appearance of iris property by erecting a neat new fence.—.Farmers in this vicinity are all busily engaged in cutting their fall wheat, which they report a heavy crop.—What might have been a Sunday ons accident occurred hereon Su y forenoon. While Miss Cash, who is working in Seaforth, and sister, of Hensal!, were driving through the vil- lage at a good rate and by turning. tooshort at the crossing were thrown. out of the rig. They escaped, however, with slight injuries. The rig, which belongs to Mr. Thomas Murdock, o Hensall, was badly wrecked. The horse escaped unhurt. We could not help noticing several men from the East, in our quiet town on Sunday evening last looking for laborers. This, we think is very un gentlemanly and unchristainlike for prominent men of their ` stamp. We miprominent forgive them were they from the far Ji we have heard and the west, but as "the light tomos know long ago that the gh s from the East"wo feel pained that h observance has such a slim Sabbath ,. hold on these otherwise enlightened gents. We understand they got very little satisfaction here, as our working Men know they can get plenty of work There was considerable excitement in Brucefieldlast week when it be- came known that Mr. George Hart's driving hoise, caeL, harness, robes and entire outfit had been stolen the prev- ious night. The steble-door.was lock- ed, but it is supposed the thief got ha at the loft door afi'cl climbed clown in- side. The doors were left open. The cart was 'tracked around the 'back streets, and, it is supposed the rlg was driven towards Seaforth. eloen NG FOR A Rion. -A Goderich township eorrespondeut says: -"It .is said that a certain farmer of this town- ship has stored ill his barns the accom-: mnlations of.ilearly,s , even years' wheatea,.. �o crop, which he!haalreld from, y, year with the expectation of a rise "ie: prices. For'someof this grain he was• offered over1.a bus'hel' 'If he were able to es`hn ,ton brit he has lost by rats, shrinkig99 and, the loss of interest, he would fitid.that ioldiug his grata has been a costly , experiment, and. there is not the slightest prospect that he will ever realize a high price for what he has on hand. Greenway, Mr. W. J. Wilson and family return- ed home from the World's fair, Chica- go, last week. Mr• Wilson says that eyery loyal Canadian has good reason to hold up his head among the nations of the world. The government started in right by selecting as Execu- tive Commissioner for the Dominion Mr. J. S. Lark. He is king at the Can- adian Pavilion, Jackson Park. He has charge of all the manufactured arti- cles, and the display in every depart- ment shows taste and skill equal to any people in the world. ,The Province of Ontario started right by selecting Mr. N. Awreyr He is the right man in the right place. He has good men to assist him. Among thein are: Mr. Potitett, Mr. Armstrong, Mr. Gilchrist. and Mr. A. M. Wilson, of this: place. Tho display made by Ontario in every department has been a source of won- derment to the world at large and to none more than the people of the Unit- ed States, who, though they are sup p :osed' to bebetter posted than Europe - of the most drroneous ideas ans, had. . n and resources of our count the extent t i, n: Canadians sten ry. Antoaln• theiina y over there Were: MO.Belautau (nee Miss Stinson),, Mr, Thbmas 'Drophey —13—"‘"4"--1.11,9011:5--. 1a I•IoLTzMAN, .Ill Crediton, on the inst., the wife of J. H. Holzman 4%i , f a so11, GREARY.-In TTsborne, on the 14th inst the wife' of Robt Creary, of a son. NISLr,.—In Usborne, on the 19th inst,, S the wife of Sidney Stoll, of a son. >u>eeeitte ri OTT.—In Stephen, on the 24th Soux wife of John lost., Mary, beloved. Southcott, aged 60 years, 111TH,—Near Exeter, on 24th Inst, IIoG Harold Eber, infant son of E. S. Ho - Barth, aged 3 months and 11 days,' s1:iN,.—In Exeter North, on the 26th Flo : inst., Elizabeth (beloved wife ofWni, oskin) aged62 years and 5 moniliid. Funeral Ij`inoral ori Friday, 28th—Exetee cemetry.