HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1893-7-20, Page 8�ntl�l�k
PIlb11���111� ��
We beg to notify the
the people of Exeter and
vicinity, that we have ap-
pointed 11NIr. John Giigg
of Exeter, to be our agent
through whom all our
publications and patterns
may be obtained at the
prices advertised by us.
Toronto, May 1898.
• 0 •
Nearly 3000 pairs of man-
ufacturers Samples of fine
Gents' and Ladies' Hosiery
just opened up at the Big
Bankrupt Store. Half reg-;
ular price is what we want;
for the choice of this lot.
This is a lot of beautiful
goodsfor you -to select from.
Come quick, if you want •,a
Big Bargain.
Have you noticed that fancy sign Prof. Frisby, of the Naval Observa-
tory, Washington, has the following
on4George 4anson's shop front?
Mitchell will hold their annual fall
fair tine year oe .Sept. '26th, and 27thn
An outs will pay for the ADvooa.'rA
from now until Jan 1st 1894
Subscribe now,
A letter received in Goderich re-
cently bore the address: ''Coderiea To-
ronto, Canada, America." It was not
front England either
Rev. 0, 11. Bridgman, late of Mill-
link, formerly of Hensall, has been
appointed to All Saints' church, °Shone
aucloah. in the diocese of Central
Pen nsyIva nia,
Farmers aro about through haying
and are making preparations to cu:
fall wheat, which is fast becoming ripe.:
The hay was a heavy crop and most
of it well saved:
On the 17tH of ,Aug
aust there will be
rbig day in Goderich. $1000 are be•
ing offered in pees for bicycle races,
and cheap excursions will be run to
the town from all parts.
The total amount of the contribut
ions received from those who yisited
the Trivitt Memorial Church, on July
12th, was $2785. Nearly 1,000 people
viewed the village and surrounding
country from the tower.
In answering our question as to
whether "there was anything else
wrong with our council board" our
eotern shouldersthe questiou onto "al-
most every person one meets," and
then sneaks into his hole. A very,
small hole wi`l hold him.
In the absence of Joseph McDonald
and family on July 12th his hotel at
Devon was entered by some unknown
person or persous and the house rale
sacked. The entrance was mad, by
breaking a large hole through the
front door. About a dollar in money
was taken and several bottles of liquor_
We are closing out bal-
ance of Milliney Stock ata
great sacrifice. Sdme nice
goods still • left,—it might
pay you to take a look
at some cool summer hats
for ladies and children, at
decided low prices.
IL Point Possibly Well Taken.
It always struck the Listener as a
rather large sized affectation on the
part of the postoftice people that the
province should be asked for by them
in the case of a letter which. is not go-
ing outside the limits of the province:
inwhich it is mailed. If a letter is al-
ready within the proyince of Ontario
when it is posted, why should it bear
the name of Ontario? It can't be sent
to Ontario bee :use it is already there,
and there is no warrant in the super-
scription, if it bears the name . of no
province, for sending it out of the prov-
Gni Club Shoot.
Silver medal, unknown angles, 10 birds
F. Collins 0 0 0 0 0 0 -retired
-G. Anderson 1 0 41. 0 1-4
Anderson winning silver medal.
Gold medal and sweep, 10 birds,first
five birds countieg in sweep: ---
Gold Medal.
Anderson 6, Wood 2, Loadman 3, Coll-
ins 2, Johns 7.
Anderson 5, Loadman 2, Collins 2,
Johns 3, Ed. Bissett 3.
Johns winning gold medal, Anderson
winning swoop. Johns and Bissett
divide second money.
common on the nc egnifleent display
of which was thought to have been
northern lights in the heavens, on Sat-
rlr,lay night --At 10.30 o'cloek the
comet suddenly developed an enorm-
ous tail, which to the impractised eye
was taken to be a display of the aurora
borealis. At that hour Prof. Frisby, of
the Naval Obsery story ,, was studying
the cornet through the nine -inch glass.
Ile noticed a long streak of greenish
white light shoot out from the comet
and extend itself almost to the zenith..
At first the nucleus of the comet being
at that moment hidden by a fleecy
cloud, it was thought that the aurora,
borealis had sent out an advance not-
ice of a brilliantengagement,' but as
there was no flickering, and as the
light clime steadily from where the
comet had last been seen, the pro-
fessor concluded that he was seeing a
comet in processed developement. Tho
tax of the comet was thirty degrees in
'length, and extended from 10 degrees
above the horizon almost to the zenith
It was plainly visible to the naked eye,
and was watched for some time by
the corps of observers at the institution.
Boy Wanted
A good smart boy wanted to learn
printing. Apply at this office,
`arm for Sale.
The undersigned has several first
class farms for sale on .easy terms.
J. Sreac000N. Exeter.
Annual Excursion
At a meeting of the MasoniccExcurs-
ion Committee held on Tuesday even-
ing it was decided to run an excursion
to Sarnia, on the 8th day of August.
Posters will be out in a few days.
Wait' for it -the best and cheapest of
the season.
County Crintrnal Statistics.
Returns to : Government by crown
attorney Lewis for the first six months
of 1893 show only five prisoners tried
at the County Judge's Cr:retinal Court
during that period: one for embezzle-
ment, three for larceny , and one for
else pretences. Four were committed
out of the' five. The three for larceny
were all sent to the Central Prison, the
one for false pretences to the Mercer
The Second of August.
This is this date fixed for the gigan-
igan-tic C. 0. F. Demonstration at Kincar-
dine. Energetic committees are at
work on every department of the var-
ied and magnificierit program. Among
the events are a C. 0. F. procession,
calithumpian procession, lacrosse match
tug -o' -war (captained by Reeve Bland,
of Kincardine township and Reeve
Thompson of Hymn with sides chosen
from each township) trapeze perform-
ances, slack wire 'walking, aquatic
sports, excursions on the lake, exchan
ting music, ending up with a grand
concert in the evening. Cheap rail-
way rates have been arranged and a
special train service been secured.
Come, all ye inlanders of District No.
1, and spend a blissful day by the lake-
side. -It will do thee good.
Personal Mention.
Miss Ida Willis, who has been visit-
ing friends in. Brantford for the past
two weeks, returned home Saturday
evening.—Hon. Thos. Greenway, who
has been the guest of Dr. Rollins for
the past week, left for Chicago Satur-
day.—Miss McRae, after spending a
few days with Miss Bella Acheson, re-
turned home Monday evening. -Miss
Sturton, of London, is visiting friends
in town.—James Hicks, who resides
with his parents near Centralia, and
who has for some time been `suffering
with hemorrhage of the lungs, was
taken suddenly
aworse. here on Wed-
nesday of last week and vomited a
large amount of blood. Ile continued
in % critic,l condition for some time,
but is now slowly' improving.—Mir'
Clara Vosper left Tueeday for Kings-
ville, where she will be the guest of
Mrs. (Rev.) Jasper Wilson,—Misses
Florence and Clara Hunter are visit-
ing at Exeter. -Brussels' : Post.—Miss
Manual, who has been the guest of
Mrs. McDougall at the Metropolitan
returned to her home in Columbiaville,
Mich:, on. Tuesday. -The Misses Sadie
and Ettie. May Hawkshaw, who have
been in Detroit for some months ar-
rived home on Monday and are now
spending a couple of weeks at Grand
Bend. -Deputy -Reeve Spearman spent
Tuesday in London. -Geo: • Hoskin' of
St. Thomas and Geo. Brooks, of Ridge
town, are spending a ` few days with
their parents. -Ray Eaerett, of Sarnia,
is spending a few days with friends in
town. -Miss Ella Howard, of London,
is spending :'a short vacation with
friends and relatives in town. --Mrs. ' H.
Kinsman and daughter are visiting
friends in Wingham—Miss Edith
Hyndman is .visiting in Grand Rapids
Mich. -Miss Mortlock is visiting in
Hamilton. -Miss Robertson, milliner
at J. A Stewart's, left on Saturday for
Hensall where she wiil spend a few
days, after which she will go to Chica-
go.—Mrs Marchmount, daughter of W.
Case, who has been visiting her father,
left for her home in Alma, Mich,, Thurs-
day. -Roger Crocker, typo, of Toronto,
is spending his vacation at home.—Mr.
Case, of St. Catherines, who was called
home on account of his father's severe
illness, returned home on Friday.—Mrs
Rich Bissett, of London, is visiting
friends and relatives in town.—Miss S.
Tait and Miss M. Christie have gone
to Detroit for a week's holidays,
—Mr. Rob. Shannon, Kincardine, called
on his cousin, Mrs. Dan. Dyer, last
night enroute to London He is mak-
ing the trip on a 'safety' and made the
journey this far in 9i hours, a distance
ofoyer 60 miles.
The Exeter cricket team drove to St.
Marys on Tuesday and played a friend
ly game with the team of that place,
resu'aing in a vistory for Exeter by
one wicket and four runs. The first
inning St. Marys went to bat and scored
41 runs; Exeter 48. Secouud innings
St. Marys 81 and Exeter 83 with one
wicket to spare.
Mr. Lewis Braund, who for some
years resided and worked here with
Richard Pickard and afterwards with
Mr. Grigg, as tailor, died in Seaforth
on Saturday, 8th inst. He was as
Englishman by birth and was educat-
ducat-cd for the Methodist ministry, but his
health not being equal to the mental
strains he was compelled to give it up.
tike was a quiet and good living man
and was much respected'wiren here.
Word was received here on Tuesday
to the effect that James Loosemoore,.
son of Wm. Loosemoore, who resides
near Alvinston, was kicked on Monday
by a horse and almost instantly killed,
He was about 20 years of age. The
same young man narrowly escaped be-
ing killed aiew months ago by the ac-
cidental discharge of a gun.. It will.
be remembered that Mr. Loosemoore
was a resident of Exeter some years
An exchange, in speaking of an-
other gang of ligntning rod swindlers
who are going through the country,
says:—'They claim their company has
sent them to inspect the farmer's rod
and get him to sign a statement as to
the condition in which the rods are
found. That statement proves to be
an order for more rods, and the farmer
has to take them or settle. It is a good
plan for farmers to refuse to sign all
papers presented by strangers, or to
make his mark on the strangers back
side with the toe of a No, 10 boot.
Miss Minnie Taylor, eldest daughter
of John Taylor, while walking up Main
street Monday night, met with a se-
vere accident. She was carrying a
glass pitcher in her left hand, and
tripping over some object on the side•
walkshefell, breaking the pitcher - in
fragments. By some means her right
wrist came in contact with one of the.
pieces, cutting a deep gash about two
inches long. The doctor closed the
wound with three stitches. It is quite
evident that one of those nails sticking
up about half an inch above the side
walk is what the young'' lady tripped.
over, and it is well to':call the attention
of the roper authorities to this exist-
ing nuisance.
A new iron roof is being placed on
J, A. Stewart's store.
Election, of Officers L 0.r.
At the last regular meeting of Court
g. O. F. No. 123 held on Monday night
last the following officers were elected
for the ensuing term:-
C R. Nelson Peterson;
V. C. R. Richard Coates;
R. Sy. S. Westaway ;
F. Sy. A. G. Dyer ;;
Treas. T. Fitton;
Chap.. Wm. Brown;
S. W. Jno. Dauncey;
.7. W. Rd. Terry;
S. B. D. Mills;
P. C. R. R. N. Rowe;
Physician J. A. Rollins;
Finance Committee M. Eaerett and
Jno. Denney, also M. Eaerett and Jno.
Dauncey. Audit Committee.
Trustees Jas. Down and. Eli Snell.
Janitor; Geo. Cudmore;
Bros. L. H. Dickson and D. Mill were
appointed delegates to attend the high
court which will be held in Sarnia on
August 21st.
The growing popularity of the
B. C. Red shingle is noticeable from
the= immense quantity teing sold from
.Willis' lumber yard.
Always when our local eotem opens
his•capacious maw and displays his
jejune babblement he slops off more
than he can comfortably masticate and
digest. The Times editor is, we know,
what Darwin sought after, an educe,
tor of the masses, but he fell :short on
the scholastic dissertation in his last
issue, when critizing an ,item in our
issue of the week previous. ' We can
see no error in our item, but no doubt
this very learned gentleman of utas-
siye intellect, whose literary excellence
is unsurpassable, can. If our unfriend-
ly critic would learn to correct the mis-
takes and blunders in his own erratic
sheet and learn to keep his nose out of
the affairs of others he might possibly
have room to shoot of his "bazoo". How
will his learned nibs account for the
following sandwiched and egregious
blunder which crept into that infallible
?): sheet, the Tinies, last week under the
heading of "Condensed District News."
"The Methodist church Wingham was
the scene of a very pretty wedding on
Wednesday morning, when Florin, C,
eldest daughter of F. G. Sparling, Esq.,
of the firm of Gray, Young & Sparling,
salt manufacturers, was united in mar-
riage to Wm T. J Homuth & Son, mer-
chants of this town." We have heard
of one man marrying two or more
wives, (Brigham Young for instance)
but never heard of two men niarrying
one wife at the same time. Sharp
"Alecks" have been known to "exca-
vate" for the downfall of others, and be
the first victim to fall therein. Where-
fore, "let him that thinketh he standeth
take heed least he fall."
v vaxuw�.cexa N�
g/IgIlt1 1111411;11111g'�
4 Cans APPLES 25 cents.
4 Cans pu petals do
(7 5 centr per dozen.)
Salmon . .
(Flat tins) 2 for 25 cts,
Raisins . •
$1.25 per box, 5 lbs 25cts
Dry -Goods' . • •
Summer dry -goods to
clear less than cost.
Carpets and •
Clothing . . •
10 per cent less than cost.
Also Boots it Shoes.
McTavish's Old Stand.
Masonic Sermon
The members of Lebanon Forest
Lodge No: 133 A. F. & A. M, accomp
anied by a large. number from Clinton
and Zurich Lodges, attended divine
service in the Main street Methodist
church on 'Sunday last. At about
10.45 the brethren,_ numbering about
seventy-five, formed in procession and
under the direction of Bro. M. Eaerett
marched to the church, where Bro Jas.
Livingstone, of Kincardine, delivered
one of the ablest masonic discourses
ever delivered to a like gathering. He
took for his text, Job vii, 12—" -What is
man, that thou shouldst magnify him 2
and that thou shouldst set thine heart.
upon him." His remarks were well
based and his discourse throughout
was attentively listened to by a large
and appreciative congregation. The
choir acquitted themselves admirably
by singing appropriate hymns. " After
the brethrenreforming and marching
to the hall a hearty vote of thanks was
tendered the worthy brother for his
able remarks.
Detroit is now infested with an army
of thieyes and pickpockets who are
plying their vacation at the races.
At New York Frank Egan killed
John J. McDonald, 24 years old, a meat
carver, in a glove contest Monday night
Egan has disappeared.
The C. P. R. trek for the week end-
ing July 14 amounted to $429,000;
same week last year $421,000.
Fred. Coldbeck, a lad of thirteen,
was run over and killed on the rail
way tracks near the waterworks Tues-
day night.
Lillian Salter, aged 18, whose rela-
tives live at Petrolea, committed 'sui-
cide at Mackinaw Island on Monday
The corner stone of the Oddfellows'
Temple at Philadelphia, which will cost
yesterday after
0 s laid
$10 0.00 was
noon with impressive ceremonies:
A warehouse fire in old London, in
the district bounded Leadenhall.
Brazmarks and Camomile ;streets de-
e-stroyed 30 buildings, The doss will
reach £1,500,000.'
200 pieces at 25c.
200 'pieces of all wool
double fold- Dress Goods
worth from 75 cts, to $1.,
for 25 cents, .
200 Robes at $5.
200 Robes for Dresses,
worth from. $10. to $20.
Your choice for $5.
Has been agitating the minds of
the Council for some time past
and it would 'appear by some of
the "ads" we read that it has
become conta,gi.ous o
Wool Delanes.
Wool Delanes in endless
Quoting Prices Misleading.
We are not in the habit of quoting prices
as they are oftimes misleading. We would
therefore ask you, to inspect our large and var-
ied stock of
Dry e l' s, . eady-m de
Clothing, Groceries,Crock-
Boos and Shoes, .
All of which will be sold at pric-
es at the lowest pssible margin 4
above oost.
A Call solicited.
Produce taken in exchange.
Eggs 11, Butter 15.
200airs at halt
200airs of Lace Cur-
tains bought out of bond
at half price. .
Spack�an 81Co
The Spring time is that Season of the year
when everybody should take TIME by the
forelock. This is just what we have done
and now we are able fill all orders for seeds
of any kinds and in any quanty. This is
the only way to secure good, reliable seed.
While you are in do not fail to see our new
Large Stock of
Spades, is . ees, . •
Rakes, Forks,
• . Shovels, &c,
In fact everything in
way of Garden Tools.
Co.,of E et
Have opened an office opposite the
Town Hall, and while build-
ing the
Will keep constantly on hand a full
stock of the VERY BEST BRAMDS OF
FLOUR; also all kinds of mill staff and
Farmers and townspeople willfind it
to their advantage to call and see us.
Laocoon in
the coils of
the fatal ser-
pents was not
more helpless
than is the
man who pines
under the ef-
ffects of dis-
ease, excesses,
tu�a� oin;ih overwork,.
worry, etc. Rouse yourself. Take
heart of hope again and ]3D A MAN 1
We have cured thousands, who
allow us to refer to them. WE CAN'
cunt: YOU by use of our exclusive
methods and appliances. Simple,
unfailing treatment' at hcmc for
Lost or railing B!anbood, General or
Nervous Debility, Weaknesses of
Body and Mind, Effects of Errors or
Excesses in Old or Young. Robust,
Noble MANHOOD • fully Restored.
Improvement seen rho first day.
How to enlarge and strengthen,
PAItTS OF BODY. Mel' testify from
50 States ancl Foreign Countries.
Write them. Book) explantation
and proofs mailed (sealed) free.
LEItuEE1114tg Agnuy
Buy or Sell a,;Farm
Buy or Sell Town Property.
Borrow or Lend Honey
Collections Make
Call at Mr, he. Spackman's
Real Estate Agency.
Business Transactions strictly con-
fidential. Intending purchasers will
receive the best adyice in selecting
land or town sites.
Also agent for Allan Line
and. State Line Steamships.'.
Office- Main Street, Exeter, Out.
Box 44
T h e undersigned
have opened out a new
Stock of first-class
Spring > and Summer
suitings, in Canadian
and Imported Tweeds
Worsteds, etc., which
we sell at right prices.
Tweed Pants $3. and upwards,
Worsted do 4. do
Tweed Suits 10, do
Worsted do 16. do
Spring Over Coats
buil and. oxumine before purchasing
elsewhere, We guarantee N geed fit.
Creech &t, Bissett.