HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1893-7-20, Page 4E.ve>y, �e,� to -tacky: , ,,•?p- ,��+•r'�"�'+r� ' �f at ar �4 IG * ', T SANDERS S ee DYER, ]?tops. spicily, reaohin:, 1,0,000,000 atiuds >a 1$69 an�120., 0000 Dung's is , ,00 , ? , i 87 . n t e .=ear last named 'Ce ., n 1 $ 4z . y ion made its first sill me' consisting P t a of Z3 pounds. Last year the poopro o£ At Coliunbus.,Miss, the negre,Ilenr,y lemiizp, Ivho stabbed to death Mr, J1�0 �� &,u el/EDITOR S �{�.• 'Fowler'sI d.d'1 •1 w ,.. j` R nr' ONDER... INLLA D14 112inohel• on Monclay night, wl s taken �7 from the officers on Wedi'es --- and In the matter o£ the e of Joseph h ug° , estate Casa, l�ltc of the Tot: gisl'lip of Usborne 7 ho Peary ex edition stealeelni ] the Huron,an e- I arc n sail I. ui, lire County of yoom , d o. r 4g' front St: John's Neta• foulidland lrl d ceased. = , ay night, £or. Lubracloi' Ncltioe is hereby given pnrsua>it4o Ohtep• �° �' d thence to for ri0,,of tbo itevisod 56atutos ei Ontario, settlements, to et do 'o an Gloeullr,><id. ' 19Si t1ia1 a111rersons hiry n via ms a 'bins the estate of the said late J oseph Case, who (lied on the 17th clay of';nine, isk)o, are re- The 86 Montxeal salooi]keepeas whQ uirec to deliver, or send bV post prepaid, to n l . ,,..v , • , I 1.. i ,1, okened •tiler' Bare on the and lire nn•lersimuod solislia''to .tkoln.ta.n[ui- Sunda of elle , - St. Jean �:i . oft se la rte ; l i testament Lth lints, Bantle() was Fri- ottholat t vlllanatust,ament of the said filled 76 ea given1 e solor bafor the A ch, and was six c e ea$01 i e . weeks xn wliieh to pay''up, 15th day of 1' ue—est, 3:➢3, A despatch from Zanzibar to the &statement in writing containing their p ,gg London Time sa '9 the Snit t 1 s uautos and addresses and full, particulars c 1 Ua oftlieir clairus duly verified by statutory all the declaration el and the nature of: the soonzlty tiro 0000eSa101 of1 1 Benedict(if an,y) field :by theca, _And that after' the OltdG/t', P sting' tern to Italy said las t' mentioned date the said Executors for a previsional Period ofwit proceed o distribute the assdts of the P three years ll t , - said Estato among the artier 'entitled•, g Mr. Gladstone told Mr. Sexton iu t1]e' regard an y to claims of house of'commmns 1'llnrs a iii `ht t d Y g that tivhicli notiro s till have boon recoivoct ae xequirod. ; and the said iixacutors will he doubted thepossibilityof finding a not be liable fol. thes,tid assets, or any art day for the dic' ' • a • 1" thereof so distributed to any person ui per- cusszon of Chairman + sons of tivltosoclam5 notice shall not have Mellor s recent action in suspending been recoivocLwt the time of said dist ribut• him, lou. ELLIOT & ELLIOT, The Beaver line steamshi Lake solicitors for Execrators, Ne i ar:, R'ht•h was: a.Sliore in •the Dated 5th Jul, 1903. EXETER, 0NT. 1? g Extract of Wild Strawberry is a reliable remedy that can•always be depended to ours cholera, choleriy irifantuin, colic, Drams eliarrhosa,''dysentery, and :all cramps, looseness of the bowels. It is a pure Extract '. ,. :... : containing all the virtues of Wild Straw- -one f 1 safest and surest au xis, berry, o the s o a s r m for ,ail summer oomplaluts, comb ed ��ltliotl]erhalmlossyetplomptcnrlutrve agents, well known to medical science. gg , The leaves • ff o f i1 . Strawberry were known by the Indians to be an excellent remedy fordiarnc�ea, dysentery and looseness of the bowels; but medical science has placed before it the public in Dr, Fowler's s Eat. of Wild r, r�i � �it �� a complete and effectual cure for all those distressingand often dangerous complaints so common in this change- able climate. It bas;stood the test for 40 oars and Y • Representative , °,,,?A l �• •ttieeeto,liayin /���'---,it, . £ l�!�S�%�. !�' " Ell, ,, l /f '/, / P /4�a. �' j,,y �.., k mo <1r yl Il '' , I�'a i •3 s.: E'' >' •• c /' , resentative kw ti' eG. W nn',' q . , t 9. ��� , i `.. �/ c, �` ca t%iCrus ` erg •C w `' ` , i.y... •,", C ;rh dJ •� Fr; >ryrr,,,,5�• '.. -a • i Ucr?, ra�,,J,,• % � ��/ / �`� �� �� Farmer , 4,•;... • . " , ' '. r,•>+ ,. .,•t r +.'Kr • yeti �' '' /� ,i dJ �l � , . � / � --- `" •';f ORRO.AY, JULY 20t1 189x. Great 1?ritain and Troland consumed r -, 207,113,{0k pounds of tea. or 5.63 lbs. r,r i j� •r �7' A / / r' 7�7 V 1.1' �J IAN O 1, 1 ,4'.4{�J• CANADIAN ter head• Of t11is supply only 34,433, IQs pounds came from China and e a- There. is no pleuro-pne11m0nia in P 'anirda• :'rheic has beau none for :. : ,.._..da Map liars. Cattle for expert are 4 Ya Po is ct?d` before em ver carefult li C c,s y' Y P �. 5 .. oa0'6,fi0n, and the disease would cilli ainiy.be detected if it were in exist-proelarIned Y1 . ; : .. : ,.'; , .. Ailcf• ° "Tine impeeill entholities forbid the dill f Canadian cattle in Great lending ° S Hain eSce t for immediate slaught- P CIT. The oxeiise is that pleuro-puou mania exists amens them; and that if this were allowed to ho commuuivated a British cattle the results would be very sea It is said that Sifter mouths of careful investigation one ease has been fouud iu which micro- an 68102,127pounds: Demi' from P 1 , Ceylon; and 109,5281169 ounds from 5 sP India, Tlitts, China and Japan to gether sent Duly one sixth of trio quantity cousnmed:ui the British i . q y lauds. It must not be assumed, however, that the total exports of tea from the P countries named are in thls,piopoitlon, Russia, for example, takes almost the R , P ,above whole of its tea from China. Canada last year received more half the Y tea imported for consumption from Jae Han. Still, the growth of the tea in• , is dnstry u] Tudia, utcluding Oeylon, one of the mar eels of the nineteenth,got century. straits of Belle"Isle has been"� off '- ' - and is now on her way to Quebec •in Jas, 11IcI Illenny, a laborer., aged 66 tow of the w'ekina steamer, Lord years, committed suicide Monday even- -. Stanley., ins by swallowing an entire box of •'Relish on Rats," The action of de- Aman supposed t° be Albert Ecl• g ward Wilson, who escaped from War- ceased is supposed to have boon due to wick Lambton count in 1889,after domestic trouble. ' o y'The forei�• ii`exhibitors atthe World's ins Miss iVlary Dfar shall at the ti door of a church, has bee •arrested •in, Fair hays decided' to brrng� claims Saginaw, Mich. against .the United States for $400,000 for .lamateis to exhibits byrain snow An indictment has been found at Ta- coma, Washington, against the C. P. R. and sunshine. hundreds of lives have been saved byits use. No other remedyalways prompt Y Cog rev <�A a� summer complaints so promptly, quiets the •pain_ so effectually and allays irrita- tion so successfully as this unrivalled prescription of Dr. Fowler. If you are going to travel this B�II iY�l 1 Ste 11 er be sure and take a bottle with It �r1Fl. C. C. a>fACEi`d. Thefollowinglowinging unablefaotsarefully evetified to as being undeniably correct, , everyparticular, Mr. Ham is wellluiowi in the ,vicinity, having :resided here over fifty years, and is highly' respected as s man of the strictest honor, whose word iE as good as his bond. As will be soon from his letter, tour only a ter had attgiven him, and f wag only grist ci had given up hope; of Durr that Burdock Blooi Bits ee oneC1the reoolded. to nmendation oft has the scopic examination revealed presence o£ the disease in an animal imported from Canada, i e do not be- Have the statement to be true, There. izre many persons who from interested motives have tried to prevent the im p station of live cattle from Canada Over and over again these persons. have charged that pleuro -pneumonia P P existed among Canadian cattle, Over and over again it has been proved that thiel, statements were false. For many months Mr. Herbert Gardner has been hunting for the disease. He has put his embargo on Canadian cattle en the ground that the disease was in existence. If he were to acknowledge • aiEaw that it does not exist he would prove that he had taken a most im- portant step, that lie had seriously in- ,jarred Canadian cattle men, and made The Grits are now- hard at wort; ointing out to the Canadian farmer' P +� that, ander a revenue tariff, he can get bigger erprices for his wheat,znurdoi gg butter, eggs, potatoes, oats and garden truck,. and at the same time pointing'out to the Workingman in the city that, un- der a revenue tariff, he wily pay less for his flour, oat -meal, butter, eggs, Potatoes and garden sass. They furth- er tell the Hamilton mechanic that, when stoves, tobacco, irons, cottons, nails, wire hoods, carriages, brushes, screws, agrieultnral implements, scales and other manufactured articles,are imported free from the United States, the Workingman wit! have more work making the same articles here, and will get more pay because the pro- ducts of his labor will be sold cheaper ! yrs °n a charge of rate -cutting, u] viola- - tion of the inter -state commerce law, ALL It`ri F A warrant has been issued, under which President Van Horne and var- Young, old or middle-aged, who find ious local agents •are liable to arrest. themselves nervous, weak and ex- Duncan PJlaeArthur, late manager of hausted, who are broken down from the insolvent Commercial Bank at excess or overwork, resulting in many Manitoba, has transferred to trustees of the following symptoms: Mental for the bank about $34.000 worth of depression, premature old age, loss of property in order to secure the bank in vitality, loss of memory, bad dreams; pfor connection with guarantees of accounts dimness of sight, palpitation of the heart, lack of energy, pain you. overcomes safely and quickly the dis- tressine summer complaint so often caused by change of air and water, and is also a specific against sea-siokess, and all bowel ' d� ��' • ��g$��a Price 35e. Beware of imitations and substitutes sold by unscrupulous dealers the sake of greater profits. neighbor who had been cured of a simnel disease by its use. Mr. Haar_ writes a, follows: Dean Sins, -I think I have been on, of the worst sufferers you have yet pearl ofo. foiirofiotgii best docbeen six torelwiihos in ntobta e Hint permanent relief, but continually growing worse, until almost beyond hope of re covert', I tried your Bitters and got relie: in a few days. Every organ of mybod� was deranged, the liver enlarged, hardener , o and torpid, the heert and digcstiae organa which he has even. emissions, g . At In the kidneys, headaches, pimples in Y itching P farewell to Earl nd Laontreal dy Derby weres the face and body, or peculiar presented an behalf of the city and • ofsensation about the scrotum, wasting before the governors 'of McGill university. the eyes, twof the itching of theiness, se muscles, eye- Their excellencies were afterwards en- tertained at luncheon by Mayor Des- lids, and elsewhere, bashfulness, depos- its in the urine, loss of will -power ten- left for St. Ann's to visit Sir John Ab- and flabby muscles desire to sled bots. , P, left fob, In the afternoon Lord Derby derness of the scalp and spine, weakill failure to be rested by sleep, constipa- I • seriously deranged, a large abscess in m, back, followed byparalysis of the rib, g, p Y g leo in fact the lower half of my body,wai entirely useless. After using Burden] bucks s the absces rst, od di charging fully itters for a few ave quarts of pu in two hours. , I felt as if I had received l rer shock from thispowerfulas steady the was tt efoandur cur seeing that for the four year permanent,rery afterseeing since I have had as good health as ever '. had. I still take an occasional bottle, no beef dearer to the British consumer without reasonable cause. Mr. Gard- News of the Week in Brief. Per's apparent vindication is the a P- parent fact that the dreaded disease rices exist, Manya time evidence has been forthcoming when powerful in terests have strongly desired itspro- strongly . duction. We believe the apparent ev- • •idence that pleuropneumonia exists among Canadian cattle was bronght out not because the disease does exist ®s has existed, but because it is to the • interest of certain persons that it shall be made to appear so. The British governmentprofesses �, free trade principles. Apparently the Grand Old Man is willing to giyc the British cattle raiser incidental protect son by. excluding Canadian cattle on the ground that they are effected with ,leuro-pneumonia, when such is not the fact. Abraham who attempted to Wilson, shoot his daughter at Carnpbellford has escaped. Americans arepin Montreal buying y g upall the raspberries theycan get hold of, The Buckeye Cycle Company,ofthat Y Y Cincinnati, has failed. Assets, $81,000; liabilities, $60.000, A disease veryamuchy resembling cholera is raging in Northam tom county, North Carolina. The Ontario Bureau of Statistics has c issued a crop report covering the situ- ation down to July let. Arrears of wages amounting to $12,. 900 werepaid to the employees of $1 Y & Co.'s factory at Woodstock. q he tonnage through the canal at Sault Ste. Marie for the year ending June 30 is the greatest on record Lennox Reformers met at Napanee tion, dullness of hearing, loss of voice, Disgrace and Death. desire for solitude, excitability of tem- per, eyes, surrounded with . . The under Sib lied •• that t need it but because I wish to keel nay system in perfect working order. , can think of no more remarkable Das sunken Mackinaw, Mich., July 18—Miss Lil- LEADEN CIRCLES, oily looking skin,Y Tian Saulte, an 18 -,year-old girl employ- etc., are all symptoms of nervous debit- ed as chambermaid on the island, cam ity that lead to insanity unless cured.1J mitted suicide last evening by taking The spring of vital force having lost laudanum. She leaves two 'very com• its tension every function wanes in promising letters implicating a soldier consequence, Those who through at the fort, who, she said, outraged her abuse, committed in ignorance: may Friday night while returning from a be permanently cured. Send your ad • village dance. She couldn't stand the dress for book on diseases peculiar to disgrace and has for days been man Bent free,sealed. Address M. V g' v plead -last ing to have him put in prison. The LUBON, 24 Macdonnel Ave., Toronto, letters are of a heartrendingkind, tel Ont; ling her v .wislleS to inform the public he keeps constantly in y stock, all kinds of building material dressed and lin- ' dressed lumber B. �j, ,� Orta io 9 'I3igh Land and Pine Shingles. than what Thave myself eased throw *b p :; and no words caneiprossmythankfulnes for such perfect recovery. 0.0. Heim, wetland�'.: In this oonneotion the followin 3ette] from T. Cumines, Esq., a leading oruggis of Welland, Ont., speaks for itself:` 1lle•srs. T. Milburn do Co., Toronto. GEsTLEnIEN� I have been personally acquainted with Mr. 0. 0. Hann for tits 20 years, and have always found him avery reliable man. You may place the utmost confidence in anything he say: with regard to your medicine. He has on of struggles as an orphan and her battle for her honor. Her only re- WorkPs Fair Notes. latiyes reside at Petrolia, Ont., where One of the most curious exhibits at the remains will,be sent. Officers have the World's Fair is a family of Lap- Lap - the man named in the letters in custody landers, headed by King Bull, a lusty and he will be given an examinationpof 112years. With him is patriarchis at'the coroner's inquest. William Bad- his son' ninety years old, who has a son geley, the young soldier is now in cus•' seventy-three, wire has a daughter tody on the island he was found hidden: fifty•nine, who he s a son forty-one, who in the hold of a Canadian bound steamer has a son twentynine,woo has a Talk of lynching him has been preva- daughter fourteen, who has- a laugh- lent among the:other soldiers, Lillian` ter two. Here are eight living• goner- was engaged to marry a young man ations—child, parent, grand -parent, named Joe in 'Detroit, whose picture. great grandparent, <and so on up to she held tightly. in her hands after the five times great grand -parents. The poison had been administered, severe' climate of Lapland, Lae not sup- Her aunt, Mrs. Stephenson, of Petrolia posed to be conductive to longevity. has been telegraphed to, and will P g Y w 1 ar- rive It has been decided that foreign ex- rive to -morrow. hibitors at the World's Fair may sell their exhibits for delivery after the ex- • • serer notice is drawn Special ` to B. C. Red Cedar which acknowled�'ed to be the a, most durable timber that grows; especially for shinb•Yours •of les, s� 36 o 40 years. o • It is said bythose who know, that they will last frOTll 3% t0 �� years 7n anyil ' many occasions within the last four years told me that it was marvellous the way the Burdock Blood Bitters had cured him, and that,he now felt as able to do a day's work as he ever felt in his life. Althou b quite well he still takes some B. B. B q occasionally, as he says, to keep him_ ix perfect health. truly, THOMAS Outages, Welland, Ont. The steadily increasing sale of B. B. B. the length of time it has been before the people, and the fact that it cures to stay 'cured, •attest the' sterling •merit of •thiE monarch of medicines, the people'sfavorita blood purifier, tomo and regulator. l'', s e"' 1i°.`�>; ""' •''""` l ,.F iY. 1'ix`'`i rel with El enthral ir�,mr,ittla ono should bo 4xtcon et physician ltlya=litleonoshouluaaur w utpay.,ciuthElen sal its life Rune. —n-=•.� TEE GRIT PLATFORM. The French convention at Ottawa t 1 aE]i$e 4ded that this shall be the Grit tatform. �'No customs taxation except for pur- revenue. Instead of a poses of publicdeadly thirty per cent. tariff for protection will be a 30cent. tariff 1iInoses, it w pertelegraphed ove0enue`only. Ig_pl.gtection for monopolists on this ef1Q ol`'tfie'southernboundar line the y. , ttade:of•the country to be handed over rSarsaparilla.f.• t0 the• E1 mericau monopolists.' helicis free trade, limited only by tli4 necessities of government honestly ancl'; economically administered by &2ercier •and his bosom friend Laurier. 1 ,eci ,Dell with the, .United `•States P Y Vg tvh;atever terms that may suit the. ee atgr:ountry, wa h corresponding dis- amination against Groat Britain. ...Abolition of the costly, vicious and Abe : seiess Dominion franchise act, and aiii; adoption of the more costly,vac-ship, • _ . incomplete and absurd Ontario frknehise act. • .. .. t application of the doctrine of ' Tory'l ministerial responsibility in all Madera of public administration. Re-' '#oi;m' minister$, beau,; flies on the not responsible, • g ;'Ch,pU11c lands to be slough ered s Mowat laughtersthepublic timber, .;: s " •'American speculators preferred• No gerrymandering, except such as tmay be done by the Christian states- man,Chairman Mowat. The prohibition question to be shirk; P q ed bymeans of a plebiscite, ' Confidence In and admiration for Cbthe Mercier's bosom friend, • Latiriei, a Frenchman who has never. stolen pub lie, moue for the reason that thep Yiron treasury has been well watched by the i. Tor Les. last Thursday. The business trans- acted was a routine character, The first clause of the army bill was was passed by the German reichstag, Thursday, by a vote'of 198 to 187. The steamer Falcon with the Peary expedition sailed from St. John's New- foundland, for Greenland, The international convention of the Baptist Young People's`union began at Indianapolis Thursday and continuedclimate. all week. Strong nerves, sweet sleep, good ap- petite, healthy digestion, and best ofposition. all, pure blood, are given by Hood's The Brant jail returns for the, • last quarter show the prisoners to have been kept at a trifle wer 6 cents per head,per day. Thomas Arnoldpaid$50 and costs 'for violating' the liquor law by selling beer on the race. track on the days of the Tilsonbury races. A Grand Trunk train entering Chi cage Monday night ran down a crowd- ed street car, killing four persons and injuring many others. Byan accident to a C. P. R. trainStore, near Komoka Thursday one passenger had a leo broken and several others a werci_aeveraly wounded: Joseph Deacon was fined 20 and � costs at' London, because one corner of e the screen projected oyer the selected window his barroom. Iu view of the distress caused Uy the drought the trans ortation of fodder g P exclusive of cereals, from Austria and Hungary has been prohibited.: The appointment of 'Mr, Montague Allan as the Manitoba and Northwest- ern railway auditor was confirmed by Mr, Justice Bain, Thursday. :;were Dr, Henry Mayor., accused of whole -y sale poisoning in New' York and othei .: Ppassengerand cities, has arrived in New York. He was taken to police headquarters. q The attorney•geoeral of Manitoba, • that i] Winnipeg i has decided the W nn e ex.hibl g board shall. not allow beer., tb bo •o• sold on the grounds during, t[ie fair. : The.Iloyal Vkt01'la Hospital at Mont- Deaths of the Week. P ll1 [1 M�allies , ��1�17� g� yc17,..77:17.5.(7',-••�f �i Bail sE„f'�£� , i;,Y ee * Mr: M. C. Boown,police ��• magistrateLUMBER of Simcoe Ont. died on Wednesday night of erysipelas, 60. He PgYt ��Is d'". '` t,,; , , MERCHANT.. a ,rllomtus. 1'rt s, 100.less pmvda,a,po ilio meths¢ rot91-A. 1 ^.e hearers Luo never railed. Ordur NO\Y t1•rnn your dneggt ur i'rom va. Prlcu, Goo. deam„lupmvdorby mull fyr lou. 71;_ OR. srtnig PROPRIETARY CO., JAMAI CA, N.1 aged was Born in Eng„ and came g, to Canada in 1833. The West Shore day express was Easley, wrecked at N. Y. Thursday , {i r, •t ''�` Quickly, . OF ; = Permanently Restored. ('� R���I ����5 Livery, G. Bissett L ery. .��� THE f p r n� jx rr e. tit„ g19a ' . n fist .Newburg, Six. or seven persons were killed and P is"j �Q r � , overtwent were in •used. 3' J The dead bodies of two woman were ° found about two miles west of West Newton, Pa. in a dense thicket. There 3.. > no clue as to who the women are. Near Little Britain, in Mariposa town Mrs. Albert Henderson, eommited suicide bycutting her throat with. a •of scissors. She had been married pair/ about one year: .."• While a large party of Oddfellows were driving,:across a track near Jamestown, N.Y., a :train struck a y % / a I. I' a : ( 1 i¢: �3 a.-� •_ q>) I '_ • 1 �� ! I First Class giorses and bias b SPECIAL RATES WITH COMMERCIAL MEN. Orders left at Bissett Bros.' Hardware will receive prompt attention. TERMS - REASONABLE ATRIAL SOLICITED. r W. Gr'. BISSE.PT �' dZ '' ' Unloclraall Bowels, off gradually tem, of the resting curing Headaches, Constipation, Dropsy, dies, l , �� the clogged Kidneys without all the impurities secretions; Acidity • Biliousness, Dizziness, Dryness Dimness Salt Rheum, ;� and weakening at the of of Erysipelas, l'� IIi1 err avenues Liver, and same the Heartburn, of Vision . k ^ pp $€`+r of the carrying the syse foul humors time Con- Stomach, Dyspepsia, the Skin. , Jann- Sero- bugs in which were Frank Newhouse r,gYi and Dexter Whitford, and' both men �; J werekilied.these Mr. J. B. Cool.dentist of London � dropped dead at Pont Franks, P Friday k,7 j. V CHRITIE3S fula,.Fluttering�• of the Heart, Ker- vousness, and laeneral Debi ity;al]are and many other similar Complaints eldtothe happyinflueuceof BURPOCH n BLOOD BITTERS. where he had been camping with a woo �g ®�9GC������.) U LIVERY>, l'ar Sate by alt Dealers. '• , Toronto. party of relatives. , ' Proprietors �tlM CO 1,0 ' THETRIMPH0110YE - •. - --- "'" '"�"""`"�`°"' ""�"" In a swamp adjacent to Ottawa the badly decomposed body of a man was weakness, Nervousness, Debility; found Friday by two little girls who and all the train of evils from early errors or heir rug. Iater excesses, the results of overwork, sick- err etc. Full siren th develo meat A Grand Trunk train uses, worry., g w P,. toile given to every organ and portion of stiucl, a street car at' 49th and Hal- bad , 8' 1e natural methods. Imine- a p , stead streote, Chicago, last night, hull- diate iin �rovernent seen. Failure impossible. g l rn four persons,000 references: Book,ex lanatime and P 2 P • )'i'',/1r T J. Richartl9011, one of the ofiieial P oafs mailed (scaled free. ,:;porters of the House of Commons, M�ppggpp , p yy Buffalo. died n• HSI �����fE� CDet N.Y. e�enma at Ottawa, agedy First @ass RIGS And HORSES ORDERS "LEFT ' AT THE HAWS SHAW HOUSE OR AT THE STABLE WILL BE PROMPT , LY ATTENDED T0. rs'arao.a - mamaaceetebe Teloohone Oonnoctlon DR. ,:. }, ° Y t I " ✓' 'fc?,i?�u � ,,,r . WO 1 • . . P"` ,, rRy /•� V. r , . ars `' . d "' vrdso rs °. fie. t R a{,•a i ° " I `Fr ,, .��, ., yi �r;;%"� 3::;t! r w �, 9 9S , 1. see },.. '�l, l)U s,�,A 'd, ,Monday vasa+ 4 60, • At White 1A.ke about llv •„, five miles of Medoc, Mrs, Wickens, ageC1 22, Ft was drowned'by the upsettiti,, of `d 1 f boat, Her husband who accom ant ed P her; escaped. Vise's Remeay,for Catarrh is the L I3rgt Snglest to rifle, and Uti2a,iest A° p w w$ - r . t {� :`;, •x•. , el xs a;.....?...g.'Jam„ lt, u sold by druggists or sent by malt, toe. ,t, T. Iiazeltbie. Warren, Pa, ,Ir, ,�• o ,. 't l;� ,,s.," -4, d , h{r ..s. .1r. �-1 ! , .. J . : ����I�s k, o ?•. •r'....4:. e .�:.�1b.: i. rti ,, jl� � line �:. w,....n..�„ � r,south INDIAN. TEA, ____. trade are r['he changes In the tear ago.. truly wonderful, Thirty, years ,., . ..: nearly al l the tett used i the world was procured in China. Then Japan China, and sent !ergo 9u p'lies,,- Irl cams in a =1 Ltl i„ had herr se. all quantities; dra laaclbegttn ttl !§cridSm tY v `tiratt 50 I' 't as .806 Drily 4,600,000 ootids wore sent to Lngland iron; that It b country, The Indian trade der repair roil will be opened,it is expected,. in; September, lhss E. A: Draper, form - P P , Orly of Illinois, has been appointed . .. •superintendent, • . . . , .. ,- Lea ieenry C. W. Meyer and: Mrs, ,., , , - ,l . • t c ; T♦?eye ,, urid(1 arrest it1 Detibit,chalgdd, i . g a with poisoning a number of people in Order to'defratrd nlsulanco companies, p will be handed over to the dew Yorlc nonce as soon asthe officers from that , cit arrive with the' necessary papers, rs, �' ,p Pg Since her arrest Mrs. Meyer' n �' at aS give b�rth to a son, -r . , g , :,' While bathing , in the Petewawa "..:': „ m 6 ign.a OMR': ,�._ _ %d ,. :. to ohlldren Jt yro1* :. ,gyp ;. - ,t , , 7 .. Tuesday, Alex,, Barnett' Second Son of .,: wishAirtheir Altura , - .. m �' sere dt - A. Barnet, lumberman, of Sleufew, was welfare.. ,�trer• .. y r l v oeretd of dolor# Conti- seized -raith cramps and was drowned <•?; �''m Oithlet, Exalt formula on e . • , g F over label,;18 Ode rerri• in five feet of waters .4. younger bitith : at, . 3 . tnra>itd edy+ for teetbib . Or on a raft 'Beat by heard his cries.' ) dints. Ilii* a>yr1 eivou a .. , , ,ave Ma. alarm. The hod. was ' dorsad by+phYdlaiaste. ..., and,• y aunt stalri fo1N r'ecover'ed in :' mates b '"_ , &M two . to eft minutes but iCeuaoi ., desert etecatmin wasr. :, r. J. Ysd 13040, lY.i'• talion rte osslble. "',xrilwg, n„Qa, i 1laorirao ,PARISIAN and • • ,, Rail e'11t1 r s Ladies �, _. _ tSWitches ani ■ H. pia,.'�' -.,. AG4L27T in the latest style 7 r Knots Dana's an� 7 Trade t0 Older. b. 9 °� X11 — l Ozt aiI>i STEAM LATTNi71#Y, j , it .i, ,, a• - Mali as the ran -heating vieteee oft.Rie i i:a R e•-1 to and ea: eatrszan combined with, the soothe cv . P rn ernes oibttier Pectoral herbs aailllarf,s p P p. {b FFECT'li1JFt Fl?,.� 2 �l il✓C� y, C ' > °^' Iteereenes5 Aeteniti,leronehais Sore�eaciat LUNGnd:ilt ASIg .; Ob tS3 ateeo ing h r LUNG her' ,.Axis obs p,, ,. re nisi other' roi{reebl�a io13 prompt y tv ilii resist q. Pleasahtpin kyrhtls,,, • ". i0�4 esdi anlvisoo.P. parr y