The Goderich Signal-Star, 1972-01-27, Page 25Auburn ardistrict
Horticulturatists elect slate
The annual 'meeting . Of. the " Robert Phillipsi Assistant ° Mrs. Norman McDowell, Mrs.
,AuburirliortieulturaiSociety was .pianist,. Mrs. Brian Hallam, Roberto. Turner, Mrs. Robert
held in the Community Memorial - Directors 1972, Mrs. .. Russel • Arthur, Mrs. Donald
hallwiththepresident Mrs. Celia Brindley, Mrs. William, Haines, Mrs. James Jackson,
Taylor in charge. The meeting Straughan; Mrs. William Clark, Auditors, a 14rs. Albert '
was opened by singing 0 Canada,. ,Mrs. Thomas Lawlor, " Mrs, McFarlane, Mrs. William L.
with Mrs.•Robert Phillips at the Dorothy Grange, Mrs. Donald Craig, Nominating committee,•
p revs, w of the ear's Cartwright 7.. T ms's Doifald-Haines,Mrs. James
year's work was "' Directors. for 1,972•' and .1973, Jackson, Mrs. Fra4 Raithby.
given by the secretary, Mrs. Beth• tifm.
• showing a balance of $11;0.00 was
given by • the -u treasurer Mrs.
`` Eleanor Bradnock. Mrs. Lansing
Lansing, The financial, statement . meet
e. gave a detailed' account' of thea ''
ear's activities showing39 The Auburn' group. of 'themetttbers for' the past year. Presbyterian Women's
Seven 'flower beds were, in Missionary Society. held their
charge of the members and two Januat•y meeting at the home of.
• flower boxes at the . hall were
planted by the Society. The
Manchester Garden was also
Elect new officers
cared for by the Society.
The roll call ,was answered by
naming a flower you had blooming
in your come at present. Mrs.
Eleanor radnoek was in charge
of the election of officers and
Mrs. Donald Haines presented the
slate of officerslnepared by the"
Nomination Comm -Mee. These
were accepted'• as read. A
discussion took • •place re the
Ontario Horticultural Society at
Kingston and .delegates will be
named at a later meetine.
Mrs. Wilfred Sanderson. After
the call to worshipu by Mrs.
'Sanderson, the hymn, Standing
at the Portal of the Opening
Year, was read in unison.
Mrs. Sanderson welcomed the
ladies and Mrs. Prank Raithby
led• in- the devotional period.
Psalm 34 was read alternately
and she based her New Year's
message on Hebrevys 1;12 -and
closed with prayer. '
Minnie Wagner and Mrs., Frank
Raithby.. J
Thr roll call was answered by
the • paying 'of fees. The hymn,
"O God Our Help in Ages Past,"
was read' and the minutes of the
Pastor Alfred Fry was the December meeting were
speaker of the event He gave a
detailed '.account of the first appoved-Ps-read°` y -Miss Mi
Hortictil`furists recorded in the Wagner. It ;was announced that
Bible starting at Adam and Eve the Huron Presbyterial annual.
who were placed in the Garden of meeting would be held at
Eden to care for the fruits, Goderich on January. 19, at 1:30
vegetables and flowers. He spoke p,m. in Knox Church, Goderich.
- 'of no weeds being in that first A card was signed to go to
- garden. He -spoke of Cain who was Mrs. Clara Lawson a .Patient in
a market gardener and Abel who Clinton 'hospital. ,Mrs. Frank,
was the first farmer. Pastor Fry Raithby invited the group to
spoke ()riffle flowers of that time meet • • at her home for the
ii•lily of the Valley, Lily,ofthe Field February , meeting. • Mrs.:
And ' Gladiolii _ were grown Sanderson gave. a talk on the
abundantly and closed with an 'Mission work of 'the Ch h'
inspiring message to all -•told how the Supply Fund is
Horticulturists. used in W.M.S. work.
The door prizes were won by
Mrs. Robert Slater., second . The election of Officers took
prize -Mrs. Donald Brown and ,place. President -Mrs. ' Wilfred
third—Mrs. Beth Lansing.' Miss . Sanderson, . Stecretary-.Miss;
Boris NayTdni-lay d'rirtani'solo:----M-i~n-tr^'rre�----W"arrt"e'i'.'. `y"n-ri'd-
Mrs. Taylor read the poem Treasurer-Mrs.,William,.Clark.
Wintertime in Canada. Mrs. Sanderson spoke on
The Officers for 1972 are as Practical ,prayer,a srvey of a
follows -President, Mrs. Gordon Christian's life and a, guide fo'r
Taylor; first vice-president, 'daily living. "'the rtieetin'"Cva1;"
Mrs. Kenneth Scott; second vice ' closed. . with the hymn, "Dismiss'
*president,' ' Mrs E1nler ` r e" not Th 8grvice tLord" Arid
a Y y er
ney ansing; reasurer, ' rs.. 'Lunch was served by Mrs.
Wes Bradnock; Pianist, Mrs. Sanderson assisted ' by Miss
The Anglican Church Women
of St. Mark's C Urch Met at the
hbme of Mrs.tDonald Cartwright
for the. January meeting. Mrs.
Cartwright was in charge of the'
meeting which opened with the
hymn, ."Bless -be the Tie- that
This was followed by the
scripture lesson by Mrs.
Cartwright and, a poem "Empty
hearts". She„ closed with prayer
Mrs. • Andrew Kirkconnell
gave the topic -"The Riddle of
the Calendar". The Mission '
theme Was read by Mrs. Thomas
Lawlor. Mrs. Elmer a Frommer
read a "poem '"My Daily Wish'
ane M..t its was"o�[1owey�ilie
hymn "Take it to the Lord in
Because Of TheEnthusiastic: R
Lest ° onklin's
'00,DEli ICH
. . 524.8321
Meet Sandra Lee Ann Mothers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Mathers of RR 2, Goderich, the
New 'Year's baby. for 1972. Sandra, spent some time in hospital at London following her birth at
' 3:51y`a.m. January 1 in Alexandra M9rine and General. + ►as no vaila6letto.ftave-hex._-., -
'photographtaken until last week. Sandra is doing just fine now. "Weighing in at eight pounds one.
and one half ounces Sandra is a sister for one -year-old Robert John Mathers. - staff photo
Prayer". home gardeners
The new president Mrs. Elmer
Trommer presided for the
'business` part of the• meeting. •
The minutes of the December
meeting were read by the
secretary, Mrs. John Daer. The
financial statement was given by
the treasurer,, Mrs. Thomas
Haggitt. The roll " call was
answered. by the paying of the
The Annual general, meeting
of the Church is to be held on
Janaury 25, at -7:30 pin. at the
home of Mr: and Mrs. Thomas
Haggitt. After a silo& auction
sale a delightful lunch ' was
served b -Y -.. Mp°nald
• •-ltllf�S THf3M,4-S�McP,.Wf�E R R-3-A�barn•
Carina -for azar
Each yeah. azaleas are
becoming •rnore popular as a
Chr•istnlas gift plant. For- tire
lucky people who received one, R.
For .Octogeflarians
:: and those older
Goderich Signal -Star is pleased to extend happiest
birthday greetings to the following new .member 'of the
Octogenarian Club:
Cartwright. as -84
Mr. and Mrs. h Ronald
Rathwell, Michael and - Janice of
Chatham visited last Sathrday
with her mother, Mrs. Celia
"'Taylor. .
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Mills
returne ytr • wo week's visit
with t eir �� a
Schmidt, " Mr. Schmidt and
family at Burlington. -
years young Sunday, January -23:
It you know of someone who will be celebrating aniEDth
birthday or better in the near future and would like to_have his
or her name mentioned in this column, please telephone
524-8$31 giving -the name, address, age and birthday of the
. celebrant.. .
There--rs-absotutel.ii-nn hat
pleased to hear from all of you.
is service anwe arr
First, let's set the stage. And, let's start ,,, phoney; so that we can lend you money.
with you..You grow u..You. et-certaip BWts'all of it isn't worth a plugged nickel if
L,. goals-forlou,:self:-N "% then; afte i{n• e-h.:.<M•,•,sorebadyddoesirt..use44ar; ou ser.vic .
time, along come e you.'. An • with or our facilities. . •
them, a•whole ne • No, we're not trying to talk you into a
e lit
`sCt 0
a car; maybe a cottage. You-want,the good
things. And, seeing that you work, hard for„
your money, why not?
But, where do we fit in? Well, we feel
two heads are better than one.We figure if
two people set out to achieve the same
goals, they might come a little sooner.
And easier. Ry .
You see, we're in the money
business, We invest money to make
loan or a deposit. It's not
like that. We feel.these
things will come
na.turally`with what
we have to offer.
And that offer is
this: a working
partnership in achieving goals. Your goals,
and -ours goals, Let's call it something like,
- is s otx FSensk+•W .know yQuArork harc,k„,:-,,. .
for your money. We understand things' f -
don't come easy. For any of us.
And that's what we mean by. "You
and the Commerce.'fogether we're both .
stronger': Because together, we are.
You and the Comnirce.
lbgether were both stronger.
W. Crawford," horticultural
specialist, Ontario Department of
Agriculture and...:Food, offers
somelrints to make it last longer.
Azaleas like to he ,cool and
•moist. However; this condition is
not found very often in homes with
central heating. By placing • the
plant in a window.or in a cooler
roorn , you can prolong its ,life.
Misting the loliagp, and buds will
also help prolong the. blooming
all times, but he careful not to
Theazalea can be used in your
'ga,c den over summer and will
orAsionally hloorn again in. the
garden. However, the varieties
used in the greenhouse are.
--- �i--fi �r� �€r�r-n--•tlaca�e-ol�1• : fig
1 MARCH' 9th
$25.00 Peem For $20.00
$20.00 Perm For $17.00. $15.00 Perm - For $12.50
$18.00 Perm For $15.00 $12.50 Perm For $10.00
ou (loot- use, so don't plan. on
,keeping a - Christmas 'azalea
outside, Over the winter...
120 Lighthouse Si.
' Phone 524-7461
•. y-1