HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1972-01-27, Page 21N Economical vane mealtime a delicious You. can economize on., your ,meat 'budget by buy g variety, meats once in.awhileN.ecording to the home economists with Canada Agriculture, Ottawa, kidney is one variety meat that, if properly prepared; can become a • - juicy_and flavorful -Heal-'fg-thoth' family and conipanyJf ' y.ou'vd • never trie.d kidney, yolr may want to serve it first in combination . with another meat as in the wtraditional recipe of "Steak.' and. .•'Kidney -Pie,;. Or, you may want to ' prepa're it in a simple .$upper, ..meal' such as "Sauteed Kidney With , M'ustard'Sauce" . w 1. Denomme IVV. FLOWE SHOP Phone 524- 6132 246132 DAY OR NIGHT Agent for .24 -tar. FILM DEVELOPING lG 'When shopping for kidney, you'll notice four kinds are available—beef; lamb, 'veal and pork. There is a great difference JP appearance and size among the four types but the veal, pork and 1 nib kidneysaean be used, r•: hang:Pa hty',in_ -ani, ripe, -- The beef kidn.e,y, which is not quite as tenderas the others, needs,, a ' longer cooking time. But when ; -properly cooked, the beef kidney can be just as tender anal delicious : ° - The beef kidney jis large; weighing about 1 pound.' It is dark - brown 'in color, and ha''s many irregularly, shaped lobes. A veal' kidney is lighter brown in color '.than thebeef kidney, weighs about 5 ounces and has small uniform lobes. The pork kidney weighs about 4 ounces, is bean shaped and light reddish brown in 'color. The lam kidney is a dark brown, bean:shaped kidney weighing about 2 ounces. Not too much preparation is needed for kidneys. If the outside membrane, which is like a.thin layer of skim, is still there, it • sliould be peeled off. You should mit some of the fat and tubes away from ° the meat ' with • pointed scissors. It's easy to do• if you separate the kidney in lobes,' cutting away. the qat and tubes. Then for most recipes, cut the kidney Crosswise in "2 to 1 inch FOR YOUR AUTO. INSURANCE See o, 'Phone • MALCOLM MATHERS GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT 46 WEST ST. - 524-9442 w McDOnald CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 39 St. ,David St.,, 524-6253 ,Goderich, Ontario For FASHION DIGHT SHOES The Place To Go, Is ROSS- SHOES The Square Goderich Now a good•saylary Opportunity -security .for you in abiusittess careEr Goderich Business College Clerical, Secretarial, Medical -Secretarial' 524-8521 Res. 524-8732 For Pleasant .Surroundsnz m "and -Good Food , THE G0DERIcH , RESTAURANT STEAK HOi1SE. and TAVERN FRIGIDAIRE * WESTINGHOUSE , * G IBSON *• HOOVER Sales and Service M • JEWELL BROTH ERS XPPLIANCES & TV LTD., Th. Square - Goderich 4/ BELL OPTOMETRIST The Square 24--7661 •DIESEL Pumps and Injectors Repaired For Al! Popular Makes Huron Fuel Injection Equipment Bayiield..Rd.,:Clintc —482-7971 CHISHOLM FUELS Dist- bettors PRODUCTS HOME, FARM, INDUSTRY * Free Burner Service * 'Furnace Financing • Gasolines & Diesel Fuels" 524-7681 011 529-7524 ._ATM Cards For All Occasions * Gifts * Books *- Stationery Supplies *' Records • ANDERSON'S BOOK CENTRE 33 East St. Goderich . GODERICH BUILDING CENTRE el * 5248883 Cimbria at Anglesea . tor-iiiiiiiiim.rimimormiriiiiiiiiessirefr' -AAAA.... ' ta 00 is make venture thick pieces. Kidney should not be overcooked br it will become hard and much of the flavor will be lost. KIDNEY STEW 11,2 pounds beef kidney a 3 tablespoons flour 1.'2 teaspoon salt .teaspoon pePPer' 3 tablespo4,ns ttuttei' 1 large onion, chopped 1 10 -ounce' can 'condensed beef. broth .,, . ii2 cup tomato juice Cut ,kidney. in 41-incfr pieces. Comb,.ijne flour, salt and pepper. Coatkidneys with seasoned flour and brown in butter about 5 minutes. Addy -onion, beef broth and tomato juide. Cover and. simmer until ,meat is tender (about 35 to 40 minutes), May be served with mashed potato or hot rice. 6 servings. 'STEAK AND KIDNEY PIE 3/4 to 1 pound kidney (lamb, pork or veal) 11/2 pounds beef, round steak 1-3 cup flour 1'2 teaspoon, salt 1/8 teaspoon pepper 1/4 cup fat 1 cup" chopped. onion 1/2 cup diced celery lie cup sliced- carrot 3 cups beef stock or bouillon !/2 teaspoon thyme 1 bay leaf i' teaspoon salt _ 1/8 teaspoon pepper 2 cups sliced mushrooms pound? Pastry for one pie crust Cut Kidney in -inch pieces and steak in 3/4 -inch cubes. Combine, 'flour, salt and pepper. Coat steak and kidney with seasoned flour.. Saute onion, celery and carrot in 2 tablespoons fat until .:.onion: i's tr'an`sparent. Remove vegetables from pan, add remaining fat„ and _ brown beef on all sides. Add kidney, and brown. Return vegetables to, pan and g.radually stir it bouillon. Add -thy--e-,-- ay leaf, salt and pepper, _ Cover', bring to. boil and simmer' until meat is tender (about 2 hours). Add mushrooms. during last 10 "-- .-inin'utes- of---cooking--Turn----i`t to- ' baking dish and cool. Coverwith pastry, seal, edges and cut steam' 'vents. -Bake at 425 ~degrees' F. until browned (35 to 4Q minutes ). 6 • servings; •v SAUTEED KIDNEY WITH MUSTARD,SAUCE .�....d'.�ti-pou.riels.kadnea m b ,�p�k�•o• veal) '1/4 cup flour 1/4 cup butter 1'2 .cup chicken, bouillon : 5 teaspoons prepared mustard 1/4 teaspoonsalt Y.• Dash pepper 1 teaspoonlemon juice 2 • tablespoons chopped, fresh parsley Cut. kidney' in 1%2 -inch pieces. - Coat with flour. Saute in butter until tender (abquf 12 minutes) turning frequently. To make sauce,'combine bouillon, mustard, Seasonings and lemon juiceandpourovef kidneys. lt,pat ...2 .minutes_ stixririg_ ._cons,j ntly ' Garnish with parsley, May' ,,be served witht rice on• toast, points. 6 serTrgs . Bruncii thJs Sunday ,.. _serves siz A. "Brunch" ie one of the. ,•;.,ac delightful of eating custorns. It is a lazy, he4.ry way of beginning the day sorrietime between.' breakfast and nch Casulual and unhurrle , brunch can make up,for those week -day breakiasF cainsrrop es that piague the, hurried `pace of lite' todayy ' What savory delight .' Cnn be created with lust a little more effort than usuall The aroma of good hot food earday nly in the i5 an invitation ..to follow the, ' 's'ame routine through ta rest of the week. ,You may like' to try a treat of Bacton Wedges instead of-toast,or Sauteed Chicken Livers for those heartier appetites. • The home economists at Canada Agrictilture offer these appetizing brunch suggestions. BACON WEDGES - 2 cups biscuit mix 3/4 cup grated cheddar cheese - ix cup milk w 8 slices cooked bacon, crumbled 1 bet , en egg• 1/2 cup dairy sour cream Combine biscuit , mix and cheese. Mix in milk to make soft dough. Knead on a lightly floured board 30 seconds. Divide in half and spread in -two greased ,riine- inch plates. Sprinkle with bacon. Combine egg and sour creacrl and spread over bacon.` $ake • 15 minutes at 425 degrees F. Cut in wedges'and serve warm. Makes 12 wedges. t • U SCRAMBLED EGG BOATS .2 tablespoons chopped green cation 2 tablespoons chopped celery 1, tablespoon chopped green pepper 1 tablespoon butter 4 beaten eggs 14 cup milk Salt and pepper 1 submarine roll, , split •'ander toasted 6 slices fried tomato • 4 dices, cooked bacon YGreen PefrPer-74-IniS to garnish Saute vegetableo in melted butter two minutes. Add combined eggs, milk and -seasonings. Cook stirring constantly until mixture• is just set, (about five tTtlnut s), - Spread mixture on roll. Top each • with three slices tomato and, the apple - a. out Good health and. apples have been associated for centuries. The apple is a valuable addition to any' balanced diet, particularly low -calorie and low-sod'itim diets, One.._medium apple has only 80 calories. - Like 'other . fruits,' apples are composed largely Of water (almost -85 percent). The rest" is mainly carbohydrates, that is,' sugar, starch; and fiber. The fiber in an apple provides bulk and satisfies hunger: Apples after meals or for 'snacks help clean teeth :and stimulate gums.' They havebeen. called "nature's'toothbrush". In fact, ;'An 'apple a day keeps the dentist away" may be nearer the truth than the traditional slogan,say,fooxi specialists at the Ontario Food Council, Department of --Agriculture and Food. ° JAC 'S C�'ePll�MBER ZHEEY META:. wopJc, ALL KINDS WE 00 AT PRICES- THAT AI2E 'FAIR To You etlper- rings and serve immediately. Makes two sandwiches.. Remove' membranes , and cut livers in- half. Saute onion in a melted'butter until transparent. Add livers, brown and cook about eight is inutespRemovelivers a,nd. keep hot. Blend 4iri` flour and, gradually add bouilton.. Stir and Cook' unTilts ndotha,hd thick. Add livers and seasonings and heat. Serve with Potato Pancakes. Serves six. POTATO PANCAKES ,two cups coarsely grated r dW,v potatoes • ' two teaspoons grated 'onion two. tablespoons flour a'4 teaspoon salt 1/8 ,teaspoon pepper 1 2 teaspoon baking powder two beaten eggs Fat Mix grated potatoes with onion, flour, salt, pepper• and baking ' powder. Combine with eggs just, before frying.. Heat fat in frypan until a drop of water sizzles. Drop tablespoons of mixture -in pan and spread evenly. Pry until golden brown (one to two minutes each -side). Makes about 18 pancakes. • Ff you need money. -.Once-stop shopping For the -looney you M1 • Personal loans to $5,000. a.nd.more• Mortgages up -to $25,000. SAUTEED\•CHICKEN LIVERS 1 pound chicken livers . 11z cup,;rtropped onion 1/4 cup butter 1/4 cup flour ' 2' -cups, blgef, bouillon 1/4 dash teaspoon salt Dash pepper 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce . —me 46'Call Niagara —the all -Canadian consumer.Ioan company. 6. ' `:‘, ' NIAGARA P Check the phone book for your nearest Niagara office., IV r need; when .yo -,I ' need it. 9' 9' 9• M.�.,.• u • •MK.+•1 In nibst households hot water rates pretty high on the priorities list. • "And yet a lot of women find - themselves running short of hot water .just when they need it most. The answer? A properly sized Natural Gas hot water heater. It'll ', bounce back quickly time after time to keep pace with all your hot water requirements. Ana a Natural Gas hot water heater is thoroughly dependable, almost trouble-free. 'And because it's Natural Gas and - burns'cleatr--you'll know you're doing your part to help control ' air pollution. Rent or, buy a Natural Gas hot water heater. If you run out and do that, you won't run out'of , hot•water next week. • a „ttK-�1 fMIKM�KK{�1 a MBINC ,:_HEATING. SS KINGSTON' S Natural Gas. Clean up to the sky.