HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1972-01-27, Page 14°DEMI $.1014 '14 ►TART hURSI AY'i JANUARY,21.. i. orlon tO ,;woman 0040 400, fro!n. Page 2,4 'attheloeal Nye'.and welfare win citizens.sounds great b tT`l think / take aver QUlY wheii< the persons' • perhaps the idea IS a little too rich have proven they cannot .pay for for even Goderich blood. In the thesery ee themselves, 14'0%4 that firstp aCe, sonwone'wiik,have to $reason,. homemaker service for - pay for any service provided for . some peopieis used. only when in the senor''eitizens and let's face • "fit -•wile Goddin+ hhudgei just won't accommodate. much. more ,,spending right now. 4' Perhaps a, handyman service pauld be provided by'a• local men's Se;ryice:Club—like°-the- Kinsmen or the Lions. But this service too, a'rniht tend tobe abused and I doubt Whether ` that' aspect of itwould appeal lo most "groups. + +, A telephone ,rtisitfng service is 'another matter—wind I think this su'g'g•e;s.t'io•n ,is worthy of consideration by the women of. this community. I have no idea just how the service is,operated in other centres, but I imagine that ,informatiorf is available, I would suspect it would entail compiling a list of senior citizens and then splitting that list IT into equalportions for distribution to ladies inGoderich. •lt would then °become Vie responsibility of those women to regularly telephone /he senior citizens on 'their list .... to inquire about their .health and "their comfort and just tb visit fora while with them -by telephone—and listen' to, any problems or special joys • they may wish to`,discuss. I thirik sometimes that senior c izens are o ely . peopTe='no because they need people around dire need. I believe the kind of homemaker service which is ideally suited for elderly folks would be a' homemaker service provided through the provincial government perhaps, whereby senior citizens could have free , . access°to a honiemalcer who would db the laundry or 'clean the house' etc. just because; it would then �be easier fpr the senior citizen to 'stay,in his or 'her own ,hou.e-with ..such help available. - -But that servic i 6 cost this province a bunch .of money, and whether -or not the advantages would' . justify - the expense, 1 am not --prep, ared'to say. , + + + Thereds little doubt, however. that our senior_ citizens are in • need . of sorne special services • which until just recently, tnost of us hadn't thought Of providing. Goderich had•an unity a while ago to do" something for a few senior citizens—to pay the $500 operating deficit at 109 Homes so that the rents of the senior citizens living there would not have to be raised. We couldn't afford . that, it seems. We were. content to say that because so few would benefit, it wasn't worth the expend d believe that was the wrong them constantly but just because attitude. to take. I believe town no one seems to care. . council—and the citizens of this - Through a telephone service, community—were shortsighted this community could let the on this one 15ccasion at least. senior citizens know- that we do- • 1 wonder if we really are a11'that interested in aiding our senior citizens to.lead happy, dignified , lives during their twilight years or•do we really want to make them sufferallover again because they' . didn't "strike if rich''° in their A transportation system 'which working career. I .wonder-. makes it easy for the senior ' , - citizen to get around is something which,�in my opinion, Goderich , thfi 'd does not Have the size or the population t'olprovide. 'My caller • waS • --unable to Care and that we are ready, 0, willing and able to help when they are in need. .• + + + a .L. to hear Miss Eileen Boyko, Electric Living Consultant, Ontario liwiro will b6" guest . speaker at the C. W. I., .,meeting on. February 2nd at8:30p.m.' ' • . Miss BoykowiWpresent slides s.nd. a commentary °on• ''a Supermarket in , Y:our Horne. (Freezing)., This will include discussion of the various types of" freezers -wrapping and packaging materiarrtreeiing urucedur•es, suitable food's for freezing, storage times. Also on the program is a pl•esentation on Better— Electrically-Yesterday, :3etter—Electrically:Yesterday, '('°day and. Tomorrow". This will let ladies look at how homemaking has changed sincetrandfnother's. day's, the convenience_ appliances: - we have,' and a preview of what the future holds for tie lady , of the house._• Anyone intei'este4 in :hearing Miss Beyko, is welcome to attend. O. M. BL,‘KE Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Irvin entertained "members of• their family on Sunday, January 16, in honor Of Mrs. Wm. ' .Irvin's birthday. Guests were Mr. and Mrs: • Percy Blundell from Goderich, -Mr. and Mrs. Russell Irvin and fathily, and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. -lrvin, 9th. Concession Mr•s. Cecil Culbert, 4th. Concession Ashfield is taking a seven. week course in . Diesel Mechanics at Guelph University. 'Flu and heavy.._colds continue 'to be very prevalent in our community. • 'Y Ruttl Ellen Currie of,,Wingham spent the weekend with her friend, Irene Hasty. CASH SALES ONLY NO BOXES ALL SALES FINAL NO EXCHANGES OR -REFUNDS ' Congratula,tions to Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Naylor (nee Colleen Park) who were married recently in Auburn and 'who now live in. Clinton. A reception far these was given in !Dungannon Agricultural • Hall on Friday, evening'. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Sowerbrof Thornhill, Debbie Highet .• of Agincourt, also Mr. and Mrs. 3i11 Blake and Becky of Galt, ,visited this weekend with Mrs. Cecil Blake and Barbara. M 's. Minnie Jones whowas 9? years••young". .__on -..Friday received beautiful flowers and cards and,many callers, including tier brother Mr. Will Marsha Gode-rtc.h;and Mr. a� "a M-,.8. Sem - understand, fon instance, why ,it Marsh. 'Auburn, also a niece. --- sLostswher$1-toha'�re a taxi pick-up -_ -Mrs amen . W3clds;. wlao: �nras °Mrs $eH and medicine at the doctor's office in charge of ,the program opened. Goderich. On Sunday ethers who the Women's Missionary Society- visited Mrs. Jones were Mr. and .meeting' at the ;home -orf, Mrs. Mrs. John 'Finnigan and Mrs. Ewan MacLean- with a thought Sarah Ansett -.from Wingham. for . the New Year and, prayer, Mors. G o r d o'n C o n g r a m .� She,led in a responsive reading: ' receiv • word on. Sunday of the Roll call was answered.by 11 d•ea•thof., former neighbour, Mr: and, deliver . it to her door. The lady'felt this service should cost • -_ only 75 cents because it was only One trip for the taxi.rt . -I don't -wish to a=rgue the -matter • at all, but I would like to remind a..,, _�.thp larly..that.iLis mond rf �1 hex, members'with a characteristic of jay , s , ears_srf..age . hristi'aii worrTdU.4.J . Uait. Celuingwood. The COOK Lanni • the service isavailab e a would -imagine _ that a similar service. Ln the city would cost much more than $1• . and might not be available at anyp rice . -Of-'cotrrse;'_1- svinr ttriz "with senior -citizens in the wintertime who find it difficult to leave their homes to get their groceries and their medicine. and to pay bills etc. But I -can tell you• that a town the size of"Goderich is much more convenient for the senior citizen in the winter than a large city -•--or asmall village where there just is no Way a senior' citizen can get -around except by friends and relatives, • + + A visiting public health nurseis a matter which comes under the 'jurisdiction of the Huron County Health Unit. Being in touch with some county matters, I know that a geriatric program (a' full health, service for senior citizens) was - proposed last year for the Health Unit but the members of Huron County Council turned if down. At the present time, there is 'just not largq enough staff of ' public health nurses to visit all the senior • citizens of Huron ' County on any regular basis. I understand that some visits are: made to senior citizens, but these are generally to folk who have been in hospital. or/ have had special problems which have come to the attention of the health nurses. However, if a senior citizen does have a problem, which he or she would like to discuss. with " someone from the health unit, that . person is welcome to call the 'lbcal office for advice and, -: assistaetce: • fifie number In - Goderich is 524-8301. + .+. .+ - Extended homemaker services '-would be wonderful, but unless • provincial legislation can be - itnproveJ along these lines, I'm Afraid there is little that can be, .. =done. Goderich is fortunate to have a honietnaker service. Many', many • smaller communities do not have one and I believe that Goderich,is Indeed in an enviable position in this regal. the, Goderich Community I i inaknrService-ft sprovid hbmemaker services, for senior citizens{ It is up to the senior.. Citizen• to inquire about it and to make his . Ot' her ewlrn arraements Concerning .it. The perse i 10, call .is Mr$. Everett.. (Be*) Sperling, Bingham Drive. ". However, ,tae ,bulk ...of the$e tv ees sr'e'presently being' paid MacLennan read an artier on Albert Sweitzer. ' Reports were given by the treasurer Mrs. M s. Wm.R ass E pa o r'e rs . rs. Allan M• - - MacDonald, Supply Mrs. Henry ' MacKenzie, Glad .Tidings Mrs. W. W'yk's. Mrs. Ewan MacLean gave the highlights of the ,Presbyterial • held in. Wingham, and Mrs. • Kenneth Rooney installed the new officers. ' Lunch was served ' by the eotmrrnittee. - C SOCIAL ITEMS Mr. and -Mrs. Ilavid.'Compton and Lissa and Lori of Lucan visit relatives here Sunday. Mr, and -Mrs. Robin Davies • and- baby of «Toronto were weekend guests with • Mr. and Mrs. Donald Simpson. -Jack, . Johnson of Hamilton • visited ,with his father, Wpi•, Johnson last•week. The congregational meeting of Ashfield Presbyterian Church 'was held Monday, formerly lived on t'he 4th. Concession of Ashfield where Mr. and Mrs. Bill Black and family Mr d1) now live. r .Coo is survive n k y hip -wife,- -and` one. --son;'. Finlay Cook, Jr. who teaches in Collingwood: Mr! and '••Mrs.' Stanley Thompson of Kincardine visited Gordon . Reid on Sunday, and accompanied• his to visit Stuart Reid 'who has been a patient in Goderich Hospital since Tuesday, Jan. 18th. p. • Wilfred:ogentland bad a very .interesting tour last 'week along with 130 men interested in International Harvester equipment. They flew from.' Toronto; leaving 10 a . m . Tuesday., t6 ,, Kentucky ' . and Tennessee where they inspected International Harvester centres. As side -trips they ' enjoyed Churchill Downs in Kentucky , and banquet .and tour of Memphis, Tennessee.'it is thrilling that all this could be. accomplished and Wilfred was home again by Wednesday! A• number of ladies from community enjoyed Ladies' at Hanover last Wednesday. Jim Culbert; son • of Mr. in Canada. OPEN SATURDAYS In 15 years, '20 million Heart Fund dollars have 'been channelled into medical' research Be An LY BIRD on of your this Day and Come in and learn more about,, Jeep's world-famous 4 -wheel drive. See o•ur Jeep°models_: ° a l.desig fled and built to,make 4 -wheel drive a, central feature, not just another add-on. Discover th-e performance differencethis makes—.whether you want more work or more fun. ' 'You'll fin f our people are well- informed and ready toansWer your questions about Jeep. They also • want to show you Jeep''s new features for '72. Things like heavier suspension and axles . . . Jeep's Jeep Wagoneer Top line station • wagon.Available with 6 cylinder, or V-8 power up to 360 cu. in., 3 or 4 speed manual shift or automatic; and a wide.choice' of other options. ,5 The toughest 4-Itter word on wheels. wider track and bigger brakes .. the: new shift clever ,th"at makes switching,.to 4 -wheel drive smooth and fast ... easy -to -control, fast recovery steering ...the stronger engine and shorter turn.:. and the. big...new heater -defroster that makes you feel warm,abo,ut Jeep, right thro,ugh the winter. '.Jeep also offers you many options- as well as a complete range of special - equipment—'like push plates, -snow - .plows . and winches. 'Come inand learn whatthe right Jeep can,do for. you: • �:•• •••"1:t • wasSanningy Jeep. Commando All nerve for '72. ,Jeep's bigger brother. Soft or hard -top cab. 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PHONE 52486$ , NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY. Attie* Motor* ; • • .• JEEP.... AMBASSADOR — JAVELIN Ani c 26. r , �` Road ��rd I�Itunre�e MATADOR HI�F�11i�T f�i�Ellll�,1111 Jo ti Graf • od richt' bit