HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1972-01-27, Page 5OMAL STAR,'I'HURSDAY, ,ANUARY 27, 472 IA,
04 Y• 11r •M• ♦ �u•1r ����H►�•��.♦ rr��►4r01, i.
Saturday, "evening opening up -
Minor Hockey Week, Goderich
Legion Mites played host to the
Zurich Mites. In the first period
,Leg' n opene
d the he
scoring„tthe I.�Omark is harry
settip. Allan Rivett- for
Goderichss only goal ofthegame,
Early in the second period Zurich
tied ' the score as Kris Bedard
sctred, unassisted, Late in the
third`herlod an a hard, shot -from
the stick of Kris Bedard gave ..
•, Zurich the 'win, ":
In the only game played Friday,
January 21,, Canadian Tire and
MacDonald,Marine fou'ht to a 2- ,
all tie. John Buff gnd Larry Kelly
pooh o'nt a e'oal for Canadian Tire.
Robbie Willis' drew an assist.
Robert Jeffery set up both goals
for MadDonald Marine as Jeffery
Sowerby and James Fritzleywere
the g a1 getters,
Satrday in the `first game
Legion Aux. Flyers -trounced
• Bedford Hotel '7 - 2 as Allan Rivett •
wild continues to be the top goal
scorer' in the mite divi.s.ion; ..
picked up 4 goals. John, Alexander .
-got two goalswhile Greg Marshall
picked up his first -goal in the
regular schedule. Tom Profit and
Dave MacDonald scored for",
Bedford Hotel. "
--• In the second game Saturdays
• '-Legion Aux. Sailoi s white -washed -,,1
Goderich Electric 5 - 0. Rick Ryan �.
pickedup a shutoutfor the Legion
team. Paul Legere lead the
Legion Aux: Sailors with two -
goals and single tallies wentto
Mike Chisholrii, Mark Rowe and
-Mike Paquette. Mike Murphy and
Mark Rowe assisted on, the •last
two goals far the Sailors.
Monday in the first game
Goderich Electric' player Stere,
Sager scored three goals in less
than 'three minutes to ,lead his
team to a 6 -.1 victory over Legion
Aux. Flyers., Spoiling the ,shut -out
for Goderich Electric geaiie
Robert Cummings, was „Allan
Rivett who scored on a break
away. :Other' .Goderich Electric
scorers were .Willie• 'benomme
and Steven Boyce. lir'. Lassaline
picked up an assist on the first
goal for. Goderich 'Electric.
Se'ebpd game Legion Aux,
Sailors fought to• a 2-- 2 tie with
MacDonald Marine. Paul Legere
and Mark ,Itowe scored for. the
Legion Aux. Sailors, both goals
perforrnance in .'.t. game played
here in the evenings between the
same two teams. .
Territorially the scores were
'not really indicative of the play,
but the U.S. lads shooting. was
much superior to our boys.
`' On Sunday, the Legion All Stars.
'lost t;o :Kincardine 3• - i in - an
n game la 'eddurin the
exhibitio. g m P. • y g
Pee Wee tournament here. Terry
Kisch,, assisted by Danny. Boyce,
. scored thonly Goderich goal:
' Tli Saturday; Don Elliott's
crew will meet Stoneybrook here
at 7,:00. The Legionnaires
defeated Stoneybrook 3 - 1 when
unassisted.' Coming, up with the they met during the Boxing Day
goals for MacDonald Marine was
'Randy Middel and, Jeffery
Sowerby. Tom'Smith picked up the
only assist of the game.
tournament in Ingersoll, but th
teartis are evenly matched,, and i
could be a good game.
Kentucky Fried Chicken won '
two games last week to extend
. their League lead to seven_points•
overGsrdiner"s Dairy who could
manage only a tie in their two
• wa
'Robert'lVicDonalrl got the other, Gauley and Jim lior•kon each l einhart all the y
- .:.
b e•�to�-bea
' ul--- na . t
' kif � .
ea, ,
Jim Costello• picked u a goal for "Goderich goal. Ted Cra,wforcl picked up the •
goal' assisted by A A g
Larr! McGee had the lone Legion Motors. Only assist in the game other goal 'as Foil Evans netted
Mounter, ' .assisted by Brian was` credited to Ian 'Lambert,` two goals for Don Hoist' Real
o and Doug Wilkinson'sshut-out Estate-. ' Drawin assists were
Sowerby. Jim Costed I" Spoiling Dain at . i;
got assists• Danny was Tom Doherty"'as be get Sifto Mike Cummings and.•...,, Kevin'
T�'evexS g .
Millet -and Steve Durst scored' Salt on the score board. Meriam• •
for G rdiners. Ronan Conlon -tat lost 5 • 2
a olst cal s e 1
. x... - ,... _ � . u
Standing- - to , C tx •Grill 21 Aoh,H-._.�_..R_� „ .___. + _ _-- .� .._-__...,-
picked u an assist,. , i g date: Club -Grill-
A o e o rbeeniF:11°':ethi;
who were
'of pts.; Goderich Motors 18 .pts, ti to � n .League .. standing, asstamdin s.SiftoSalt 11 pts.; ' Goderich- tiedwftti, „ t i.
Januar 23, show Kentucky Fried of°d lead Denomme
y Restaurant 12 pts Terry. CraWf
for the night. Also playing' 'a good
Lou Dewinter •came up with
another shut -out as. Canadian Tire
walloped BedfordHotel 7 - 0. John
Huff and Larry Kelly lead their
team as Huff got 4 goals and Kelly
3 goals, and one assist for. four •
points each. Canadian Tire have
now picked up 3. wifls and a tie in
their last -4 gables and are now -
fighting for first place with
MacDonald'Marine. •
Don, Elliott's Legion Ail Stems.:
ran into some tough competition
orrthe weekend. On Saturday they
had their own . lesson on how
Canada is dominated by the United:
States, delivered by a scrappy.
bunch of nine and ten .year old
hockey players frim'C,linton, New
,The first part of the lesson
came at a toarnainent .in Clinton,
Ontario in the morning when the
local lads were drubbed 8 - 0 by .
the New •Ydrk tea in, and, that was
followed up by a 5 - 0. repeat
`'Friday, K.F.C. shutout Mills
'Motors 3 -.0. Goal getters were
Bill Peters, Paul Yeoman and Jeff
Denomy.„Jim'.. Burliine and Larry
Madge had assists on Denomy s
goal. Erwin Schneider •racked up
the shutoutin the K.F.C. nets.
_-Saturday K..F JC.-eliged
tardiner's Dairy 2 - 1 in a. well
played game-. Paul Yeoman, with
his tenth goal of the season, and
Chris .Tyrovolas - scored for
Kentucky. Fried Chicken. Bruce
Melick got Gardener's goal.
• Glenmark. Homes took over
sole possession u° third place,
getting three of a ,possib,le-•four-
points, with a 3 - 1 victory over
Legion and' a 2 2 tie with
Gardiner's Dairy. Tom Fincher
stored twice for (,,nenrirark, while
Chicken25 pt's.; Gar•diner's Ila ry .
1$ pts..; Glenmark Homes 12. pts•, GODERJGH''ROTARY Flowers withgoals and 2 assists
gauge was
BANTAM A 'Dale ale 'Ba.echler who
Legion 10 pts:; Mill's ,Motors -LL STARS
pts, '
I a r
UE a g
e g u 1 a r s c t e d u l'e d pioked up „..goal and ,two assists.
W.O.A.A. game Saturday eight in Mike .Connelly scored -his first
Goderich,Seaforth won 2 - 0 in a oat of the season for Denommes
lathe firrst game we had a real.
good game as Club Grill and Sifto
Salt fought to'°a 2 -all tier Shannon
Niblock got both goals for Club
Grill unassisted. Randy Lamb and
Paul Dougherty 'were Sifto Salt
point getters as ., well as. • Fred
Jewell who picked up an assist.
Tuesday in the second game, we
had seven penalties called against
Goderich Motors. This didn't help
them as they weft. trounced by
Goderich Restaurant when Paul
Schaefer picked up four goals and
an assist. Bill Walters and Rick
Healy scored the other goals for
the winners. Bill Gauley
prevented - Dave Bedour, , from
getting a shut -out as he was the
only player for Goderich Motors
'to score. -
- Club ,Grill Upset Goderich
Restaurant in the •first game
• Ts`ay as. both goalies were
outstanding in the nets. Shannon
Niblock and -Rick Shoerna.ker
scored for • Obit) Grill with an
assist going - to hick Stoddard,
Paul • Schaefer- scored for the
. Goderich' Resta14raht unassisted.
” In the other .wine Goderich
Motors defeated -co Ito Salt 4 - 1 as
Jeff llarriiStn.-lari Lar"rrbert, Bill
penalty . filled game. Goderich
Rotary Bantam All Stars had 8
penalties which were very costly,
as Seaforth scored both goals with
a man advantage, Scoring
$eaforth's goals were Danny
Nolan and Jerome Auburn,
In a game played in. Mitchell on
Monday January 24, Mitchell won
over the rotary Bantam All Stars
1.Ioou Marshall
b f2 g
and. John Warr picked up an ,assist
while Paul Parsons got the ether
goal. Kevin Meriani got both goals
. for Don Hoist Real Estate and
Briau Petrie picked up ail assist
on the first 'goal. There .was a --
penalty shoiawarded toDenoamme
Flowers but Greg Beacom ,was
ascoreo -
got the goal for Goderich, Name county
assisted by Lee Arbour. Despite
the fact that the Rotary Bantam
All Stars were defeated, c,bach
Derk Wolterbeek reports his boys
played beautiful hockey. It was a
. 1gam.e worth watching, but luck
just wasn'th
with the Goderic
boys, - '
'The Goderich Elevators
continue to win as they knocked off»
second place Denomme Flowers
by a score of 4 - 2. Five different
,.players figured in the scoring for
Goderich Elevators as theychave a
well balanced club.
Coach Keiti:,Hinsserwould like
,to line up :au exhibition, game
against the Bantani.All Stars.'How
about it Derk`.'
Scoring -for Goderich Elevators
were Steven Palmer, Kevin
-° Williams, Barry C:ulbertand .Tim
Evans. Robert, Hodge played a
strong; game " on.. defence and
picked up .air assist. John Warr
continues to,be the top scorer for
.:1D4no'mme Fiotiers,a`s_he_ picked
uoats and Ter r v.,Crawford
—.a: sisted-on ' i 111 9ln tea,• — b . _.......
• In the secQncl• ;.;,trne Thursday
evening Don Hnkt Real Estate
defeated McGee S M. -Parts 4 - .1.
Doug Nichols se( o tql theonly.gpal
for Mcae's. 4.:me'featured'a
penalty shot, >is Kevin Meriam
Scored when he;, wit -guessed John
nets; p . °
lathe Other game McGee•Q.M:
Parts came op with a `tie as> they
" held Goderich 1 levator" to only
one goal. Salting forMcGee. G.M.
Parts was Ken &13-'aug'hatr as 8004-
Millan set hirii' up,det'ich;
-Elevator had- i fang bpportuniti0.s ..
toscore, but.Tirn !~',vans. was' the.
only one to'.&eat. John Reinhart.
Robert Hodge drew an ' assist on
the goal. Score 1 = 1.
in an exhibition game; Don
'.Johnston's Legion Aux. Flyers,
Mite'House Leagu,e team
travelled to Bayfield arid'defeated
the Bayfield Mites 4 - 2. Greg
Marshall and Robbie Kisch each
got their first goal of the sea°son. -
fn fact Greg got, two goal's, as his
�y�+ 4p wri..
Sr -91!1_44
FSK _.
goalie. Ret ;er luck 'next lime
• Greg. �ou''
David Eastwood„ .atld• Daryl
Madge picked .0 the:other'Mgo 1s
for t'heregion;: ..
Goderich..E levator played an,'
exhibition game against Clinton
tp `defeat' th. k.' r..
' Bill G► dard:'scoredd•'.two goals
and .RAbert-; Huge,' Jitn • Riley:
Kevin'Meriaha'and'Doug: Culbert;
ach a single,. goal, Coach
e. got,
I eith' Hiussen' ,next' gime, he
hopes', • „ will be . against the
Goderich Bantam All'Stars's.
"Kinsmen Midgets continue lo.•
wtnias they won over r Cl irltQn.41 - i.
If you want' to see' some ; fait
hockey be sure to .g4 dein ;tO the
arena this Sunday:'GOStarts at
, 4:30.
new year
Roads, William Elston,
Elgin Thompson, Joe Hoffman,
W. $I•.' Cuthill, . Joe Dietrich;
Huroiview, Hugh Flynn, Frank
Cook, J, L: McCutcheon, Anson
McKinley, Lloyd Hendrick;
Health, Cerry Boylo, Elmer
Hayter, Gerry Ginn, • Jack
Alexander, John Morrisse.
Library,'Eugene Frayne,,Johr,
Baker, John, Flannery; George
McCutcheon; Stewart Procter,
Dou McKenzie; Property; Ken
' McMichael, • George Bailie-, Don
McGregor, Dave O'ower, Harold
Lobb, Harold Wild; Executive,
-Allan Campbell, Bob, Lyons,.
Everett Mcllwain, Cecil
Desjardine, Doug McNeil, Alex
. McGregor. ;
Planning and Development;
Girvin 'I eed, ; Paul,'CarrdIl; r e
Allan,;'""I'an , McAllister; Ralph
Jewell, Roy Westcott, Clanton
Laithwaite and Cal IIrauter;
Social Services, Harold:
Robinson,' ''L. R. • Ferguson,
Charles, Thomas; ,.Gordon. Hess.
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Pucks seem to' have a way of• disappearing during the active
schedule of the Goderich Minor Hockey Leagues at the local arena'.
.. As a result Vic Pope, co-owner of the local Kentucky Fried
• Chicken_ , •outlet presented Minor Hockey Association
Beef Improvement Association..
Proposal not
The provincial government's
proposal of grants to, stimulate
the cow -calf farming operations
. . may be shelved but the issue is
definitely • not ' dead among
Huron county farmers. "
The 'proposed assistance
program . dominated the annual
r3 Beef Improvement_of the .�ron Countymeeting Association
held in Lo*idesboro last,
Thursday afternoon. -
• The issue found its way into
most discussions throughout the
afternoon . and eventually,„.
brought a resolution • from the
floor - which called' for the '
government to ger ahead with the
proposal. After discussion the
resolution was withdrawn and a
. new one drafted which called for
the • govertinent to negotiate
with the Ontario Beef
improvement Association on
such a pian. This motion Was
' approved bf the 'members of the
association. ,
The discussion involved the
plan � Xoposecr die provir iat
government last fall which
would have . eXtended loaiig to
farmers entering or expanding in
the cow -calf farrfnmarket! to
supply calv'e's for feed lot operations. At present, most
city+ • are. brought into the
t province. from westeirn Oahada,
and, the, government wanted tO
protb ote more calfproduCtioil tiwl
representative Ken Crawford with' the second lot of pucks this,
year. The pucks, beating the picture of Colonel Sanders, are
provided freely the Kentucky Fried. Chicken outlet to the Minor
Hockey Association. Staff,photo
dead issue
Jone brother of • a family'which vice-president ' of Caldrone-
e Etherington, RR 1,(` 1
�... Archie runs a large feedJQt and cow -calf
Hensall, the .county- director of g
the OBIA„ explained that the operation, said -that a farmer
government brought the plan to, would have.to have- something
the' association and wanted else to carry' him while'lie built
either approval or rejection of up a herd of cows for a cow -calf
the plan: Mr. Etherington said operation. die said the program -
the directors of the OBIA had had. to be 'reworked before it•
reservations about some aspect's would help farmers. Mr:
of the plan so voted-agai `st it in _ Turnbull said the `_$15,000
its ” present •farm•: The ceiling wash t enough to help a
government then withdrew the farmer' getting into the business.
proposal. He said that his operation would
have failed if the feedlot portion
Mr. Etherington painted out had not'provided income while
that the proposal had' not been the cow -calf herd , was - being,
discarded altogether and that he formed.
understood negotiations are still
going on. Mr. Etherington said
he. still, thought the OBIA had
. done right and that he was sure
the proposal - would come up
again: .
Phil Durand 'of Zurich who
proposed • the „ resolution ' said
Ontario farmers now have to
compete against farmers from
"I support the assistance,
said. ".Ontario needs calves." ,
Another, resolution passed at
the meeting called on the OBI°A
to 'appoint - an impartial
committee to • look into the -
structure, organization and
"operation of the 0111.1A.
George B. bertson of
Goderich, at feed lot operator,
who and
theo u
outside moved the res
- subsidi'zed. his, he said „9was a lamed that there have been
unfair.' For this reason, 'he said,. many changes in farming" since
the proposal should, be the Beef Improvement
implimented. Association was formed and he
HeAvithdrew the ieioltition in was afraid the organization had
u with the'times,
. on ..hat net kept p
'favour of the resolution t� � ,
..N e. ' the organization. doesn t
If th
finall 'passed after.several • .'with the . ,.
rpe*tbers said theyagreed there keep in tune the times, Mr.
some assistance Robertson said, it *nay die, "and
_ e tO be s�ntbut
needed don't want it to die," he said.
they dist3►gttee .with the proposal
it stood. . Guest speaker at, the mooting
Carl 'Turnbull of Grand .Bens;:. was <4.. H a l Se hr o e d e r
_Curran cow -calf ranch near a ass
Take, Michigan. The company
r'uns'an operation of 2,600 head
of Hereford cattle,
_ He told the meeting that the
cow -calf . and feedlot operations
soul` be oneand ; the same.
",Today,'' he said, the average
calf stops at 14 different places
beforeit reaches the market-."
Every atop, he "pointed out,
causes stress which reduces the
efficiency of gain and therefore
costs- money. He encouraged
farmers to go into both'cow-calf
and feedlot operations:
He said his company y likes to
feed out crossbted steers and
told the meeting that the .
operation makes use of a
computer to help- provide •
information on breeding and
gains. '
"It takes guts and know-how
to get into th6-cattle business," ;
Mr. Schoeder• said.' He told the
meeting that those in the beef
---indu�-st*v"could10 ='forward- °tom-
the future with promise,
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Barry ry Ikktllvey of RR 1,
Wroxeter was elected president
of the association for the coming
year: He succeeds Brie .Andersson
of 'Walton. Archie ttherington
was reappolnted as county
director to the'' 0131A..
One hundred and . thirty
persons' attended the meeting'.