HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1972-01-20, Page 15• • • '•• • 1#4 Orb „ , '13TH- 1C114TTE'Mardi -Clras, 4, COME to Blyt Club February 5; Saltford Valley Hall.' Bingo every Saturday night at 'rickets available now, Phone 8:3Q p.m., Conanunity Hall. 624-6635, --- 1;2,3,4Admission $1.00. 12 regular games, $10.00 each. Two Share -The -Wealth games. One " $25,00 special. $125.00 jackpot, if taken in 60 calls, if not taken, 810.00 added each night. -50% of take to full card if jackpot not taken. ltfn THE 61ST ANNUAL MeRing , The Children's Aid) Society of Huron County will be held in ' the Cduncil Chambers, Court House, Goderich, Oil tatio, at 2:00 P.M. on Wednesday, February 2rid,, 1972. The public is ordially invited to -attend, and –refreshments will be served at The close of the business session. — 3,4 BETA Sigma Phl Hard Times Dance, Saturday, January 22, 1972, 9 p.m...to 1 a.m., Saltfo'rd Valley Hall, with Disc Jockey Unlimited. $8.0q ,per couple, refres4jrnents and lunch included. . For, tickets ' phone '524-8398. — 2,3 HAVE YOU GOT YOUR Kirr LOTTERY TICKETS YET? RUMMAQE SALE, Saturday, January 22, 1:30 P.m. Salvation Ary Hall, Goderick - 3 ,RECEPTION for % Mr. & Mrs. 1111 Naylor (nee -Colleen Parkr Friday, join. 21. DUNGANNPN Ai AGRI.C1.4tTURA1.- HALL -** ' Mtisic By Tha.Country Boys ,—EVERYONEINEi..comE ASK FOR AW. APPOINTMENT • — r • CANDI r LIGtU RESTAUR • AVERN Formerly The PIZZA PATIO - , . • ,BAvrtgt.p RD. GOPERICH". ' DINING AND DANCING '"--EVERYFRiDAY AISID • SATURDAY NIGHT 'Friday & Saturday January 21 it: 22 • A.400)0001. tiiCirIVALdrAii, THURSDAY, !JANUARY *41972 SA • 0.0' ""440.,, • i•40.;.° Cuirttoin 111.rit f010 - the 111100101.Star!*. . , =t'„f , Iiit4hIAT. 22 E. NEXT TRAVELOGUE TUESDAY, FEB. 8 IRELAND Bob O'Reilly Sponsored by Goderich Rotary Me 'are,” irmuir* irrir — If you have a hearing,. problem cofftiCt The' Zenith Hearing .Aid Senrice by calling R IECK PHARMACY 524724114 Inc Square. FREE TESTING, NO BLIGATION, • Thu. 20 Fri. 21 .5'0.22 A STORY OF YOUNO LOVE (ID I •••., ANNA CALOiR MARS011. 111.401HY DALTON *•*,•u,r, foram& Ill WM eights GO* L TOME ..'- masmagiuglisS. Nie,g. BRUCE TECHNICOIOR ,GUI • s... 23 m...24 Tue. 25 surnigs name, -1i3u ale looking at he face of a Villain. .101AFTshis game Frank' &. Gus Carry-Ouj.. „ • Available from Ally Kinsmen BINGO Every Saturdby Night LEGION HALL Starting Time -8:30 • Richard Burton Villain" trAETROCOLOOt igrwrixtir • ALSO • SPAGHETTI -LASAGNA -RAVIOLI 50 INET ATREET, GODERICH (Near The Laundromat) 'The London Symphony Orchestra • Wed:26 only 21 imituatm trans Laam moms,. mtuiti veg. S.U. WU. W,Il.C.10 • WILLIAM HOLDEN, ALEC GUINNESS, JACK HAWKINS (1 a '..7.1. te...ii OOERICH 'THE BRIDGE = , ON THE RIVER KWAI = — = , = — WE NOW -DELIVE OPEN 4 pm. to 2 am. •r4cr•tr,arowl!. = iillliiIIIIIiiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII111110111t1n1111111111111111111I1111111.1111111111.11111111111111111111111111111111111111111fli Kin LoyerylE tickets may be purchased from the following authorized sales outlets. CE 145 ESSEX- STREET FEATURING PAUL -BRODIE„ TENOR tvSAXOPHONE ,VlRTUOSO Frorp---T-Gro-rito aba—AlitYkrORTU1V1— , - 2;30 12”. SUNDAY, MARCH 22 McGEE PONTIAC-BUICK GODERICH DISCOUNT CENTRE AT ,DOOR 1. • • Adults — $3.00 Student. — $1.25 TICKETS ON SALE AT: LODGE FURNITURE PICKETT & CAMPBELL CAMPBELL'S ,COACI4.---HOUSE Or Any Rotary Member. • a group ca e Sponosi • by Goderich Rotary Club • SUGROOT , Sponsored by 6oderiqb Minor Hockey Association DANCiNG 9 - 1 A.M.: ADMISSION $1.50 PER PERSON --Refreshments Available - You Must Be - 18 or Over, V1 -HG n. RM.. ESTATE DON HOLST REAL ESTATE • BLUEWATER CLEANERS BLU EWATER BODY & FENDER' . • F. E. HIBBERT .AND SON I:AC --I NIAGARA ;FINANCE Got r4 •• 4 • • SATURDAY, JANUARY 29 4.00 6.00 P.M. REGISTRATION 6.15 p.m. - MOSRA SNOWMOBILE RACING ° - CASH PRIZES_ PLUS TROPHIES . • all classeiiinder the)igiits at the Agricultural Park • Admission by Carnival Badge, " 10,00 P•111. - WINTER CARNIVAL DANCE Arena Auditorium Achrdssion $4.00 Pet Couple (tickets limited) Featuring "The Country Boys" err • SUNDAY; JANUARY . 30 • t A11i6:"SNOVIIOBILE‘ Proceeds' for Cystic Fybrosis Foundation Cr 0, No -entry fee Trophy for winner Each entrant to solkit pkiiiges'irlor to event • Total distance .99 miles . , Starting point Goderich Sunset Coif and Sports' miles north of Goderich on Highway 21 Woman to woman Continued from. Page 2A about. I guess if the day ever comes were inanufattures tire of tbeir ,relentless search " • tor_ sornething new,, we will t)e facing an economic disaster. * * * And here's a little note for, the Men - for I understand that some males do gei around' tow*, reading this section of. the PewVaPr,. The next high heels you see in a boardroom may belong toba man. 'That's riht, and they maY be in lechnicolor. Right ai the present moment (Iget my .pews .f.rom:tle Finatistial Post 1 these shog---are fahion for the Young, but if the past is an indicator, high heels may be the darling of the middle-aged .executive a year from novir. Reaction of retail buyers to shoes and boots :With two-inch heels has been tremendous, says TOny Iminnatteo, ISresident and designer of Christina Shoes Ltd., MOntreat. Young people„already wear them, and he expects that Men of 50' inthe, fashion industry and -other avant-garde processions will wear them in .the fuure. Platform soles altrinst an inch thick are coming„ too, says Iammatteo. And The Financial Post SiYS you can expect Colors of every known -hue: reds, prunes, light navies,- and two-tone combinations of spch shades as red and blue, beige and bibwri, lilac and nvy. 1 HOUSHOLD • FINANCE THE ROYAL. BANK B. R.-ROBINSON FLOORING. KINTAIL GENERAL STORE • GODERACH MANUFACTURING: • CO. LTD. • • GODEAICH •POST OFFICE A&P STORE !_ioNEt's • suNopo 1st prize $100,000 4th prize $5,000 2nd prize 50,000 5th prize 1,000 3rd prize 10,000 6th prize 40 @100 Ticket sales close January 31st. Final draw date February 14th. Kin Lottery II tickets are now available from members of participating Kinsmen Clubs and authorized sales outlets. *All future Ontario lotteries will be limited to $100,000 total cash prizes. Kinsmen fulfilling the community's greatest need. WORTHY'S ESSO Mr's fashions certainly are -growing•Wiht-et. Soon themale- of the human species will be like the males in the bird kinidom of gayer plumage than the ladies. 34 k . OR ii $2.00 ecti. Make che9ues payable tO "Kiri Lottery" and mail to: ANY , is 'Kin Lottery, box 1779 Cornwall, Ontario . , ' III • 1140 IIII ' * KINSMEN .,., ilir ' •, . MEMBER • .... Eficlood pleaselind my chequeimpneysbrder ,-titket6 • 1' • II address • AA: Kinni.ttery is:licenctid by the Ar0virt0te Ortfir ,ft17-4111: loos . ,