HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1972-01-13, Page 19►n Minis to r Study BY REV; LEONARD WARR V;ctorl'aS't, , "1`enmiller United Churches .. • "GOD'S X-RAYS" • "Search me,, Q God, and know My heart;. try me, and known y thoughts and,see if :there be.arty wicked way in' me, and lead ime in ttie way everlasting. (Psrn. '139;32-4). "Who. can understand his. errors?"."(Psrrm..l9�rl 2 ) We. understand ourselves so little, .. O.$lrers misjudge; misinterpret and misunderstand us. 'It'is .comfort .to be assured that whatever.the world thinks and says, there is 011e who sees the whole,. whose judgement is unerring, whose mercy is /Unfathomable. Does; God know you personally? The Psalmist believes' that C.od knows him altogether (139." ), that . He is- lovingly presen .h (7-12), that. He is his Maker,- Redeemer and Friend. (13-2'2): From that experience bursts the prayer (2314). We • marvel at the human eye, but ,,.;.,the human ' spirit needs -greater eyes — the telescope, the microscope, , the X-ray, _ the ' electric eye, the eye, . Qf ' faith. The X-ray photographs coin through: the thick envelope -.of:_a.. purse. It lays •bare the bones of • the hand " behind the ,flesh. It q ,e s"1i1 concernn. Wimpy .alone. Are we willingto be, to go or to`, stay where "God ;can use us?.To chdose our own way, instead of God's better -way iswicked! • • The"' Word of , God strictly says, `'.`Be not overcome of evil, butOvereorne'evil with good" ARom.12:;21) _..e Dr. J. Stuart, Holden says,. "Whilein Egypt among the soldiers, .1 asked a big serge nt: in ,. a Highland regia i;ent how he was .• introduced to Christ. His answer was, "A private in our company was converted in Malta before we:. came • here. We gave that - fellow an awful time. One' night he came in from sentry duty Aired and wet end before. going to . bed` , he kneeled to , pray., 1 struck him on the head with my boots, but he was not disturbed in his devotions. Next morning'I found my boots beautifully 'polished by. the side of my bed. That was his reply to me.'1t just broke rpy heart, and I decided "for Christ.." • ` Life is too important, eternity is . too long, and reconciliation is ,to sweets, to -permit- -aught. -to hinder our peace; with God, our 'power"with men! locates; a lost bullet in the body.., . . It outlines one's internal organs, reveals the hidden parts of the h - - "GOD'S X-RAY$":• ' body. , . • THE RESULT A 'lady came to a specialist for A richer "life along a more an X -rayl . examin.atioii, but was radiant 'road is the 'thrilling too poor to pay. The specialist , result. This richer life includes „... 'agreed - to ` make the X-ray 'such blessings ,.,as complete examination free of charge. In forgiveness of sins, closer walk the -Process it X-raying herewith God, joy in. serving Christ o to Sigma Phi. Finalize pions for January. dance. On r January the .regular meeting of .Beta Sigma, Phi was heh 1 at Vietpr a and Grey. -TruS,t Co; with 14'..members•present , Tile minutes of the; irevious. meeting =were approved as, read. :Two thank -you. notes ,for. `yellow 'roses one, from Sand Rompf and one. from :Margaret Craig . • were read by the secretary. The vice president, Dorothy Feagan, announced that one of the. new.piedges had decided not to join but that. pledge training would beTatarted ;fan.. 18 for the rest of the new girls: • The treasurer's, report was approved as'read. Pat ,Spence, the service committee chairman; ° thanked the si* girls who wrapped gifts. for the. patients at the Goderich Psyeliiatric .:, Hospital., , Any clothing for -the Children's -Aid Society was to be�'.&t pped at • Shirley. Baechler's home before s January 6. SIGNAL -'AR. enc 0 E>UUZA HARDY unerai service WAS conducted. ` Wim. M allturt Funeral Herne under the direction Of Rev. Leonard. Warr at 2:30 ppm. January 10,:for the . , 'late. M'rs. Eliza Jane klardy° 'who died : Friday, January'7, : at • Alexandra Marine, and General: Hospital -in Goderich .at,the age . of 91,` . . Mrs, Hardy was the daughter. of George and Phoebe Bean, born to ,,that couple on .March' .„ 1b, .880: WS. Hardy lived - in Colborne Townshfip most, of her~ life4;unti'l moving..tq Goderi�eh 27 ` years ago. She was a member of Victoria Street United Church. • Mrs. Hardy is survived by six children, three sons and . three . daughters; Mrs. Graham (Hilda) Inglis or.Coderich, Mrs. Carman (Lucia) ° Smithers. of London, Mrs. Duncan (Edythe) Million of Goderich, -George •of Goderich,. Wilmer of Colborne Township and Murray ,of: London. She is - also. survived ' by 15 grandchildren and -31°- ° great grandchildren 'as,„ well as two sisters, Mrs. E. (Annie) Allman of Niagara Falls, Ontario (and The ways • and means chairman,' Margaret Craig, announced that leer •'committee would meet ,at ,her home on Wednesday nigheat 8:30 P.M. to finalize plans for the dance: A general . outline ' of the dance plans was. then • given by Margaret. • Ellen Connelly. and her committee tam- in 'charge of ; the lunch' for the danc.e -and each member' will contribute, $2.50 to cover the cost of the meat`. . Barb Moss announced that the entry iin the Santa Claus parade had cost approximately $20.00. Each member contributed $1:00 to cover the cost. The cultural program for the evening was presented by Allison DOWdS. The evening concluded with • sings----th`eminstrtrment 'revealed-----desi•re,--fer-t--thew-cxten•tion-o€--the p something interesting. It -Kingdom of God at homeand discovered a hidden purse which throughout the world, ,deeper - P . he1latly---c6ncealed in herwaist:-- --prayer- life-and--fellovvship vitlr'- There was considerable 'money. .God's people,, spontaneous yn Wordloving • of God's, The specialists report. `readg g thegreat fact, bf "Your,..lungs are healthy but .our Lord's coming again, and your ,heart is bad. You lied, to • Int' me - when you,�„said you werephaving a place • reserved in oor and unable to a " heaven. • 1 c rod's Xraya� are. v_en_ ore_..._-:... These are "bur a : few of the i ° m'site God's results of bein; led "in--the-Way +�• sear", in5i... nerlas)ii pene • ing, all -discovering eye "Search me, 0. God, and know of °holiness. . Thy heart: GOD'S X-RAYS: THE REASON - It is reasonable, to allow our . hearts and lives to come under -tithe-- great- •searehlightr--o-f 'God's truth although it may not be so . pleasant. (Isaiah 1:18) The. colored man said, "I would ,be converted too,' but 1 don't like the process." However, no one can afford to let supreme values slip away, • '"GOD'SX-RAYS": • THE REVELATION -This God -Searching process may' reveal `What' and 'where'' We ought -to be. Unconfessed and unfoi;given sin may come into focus. What 'hurdens folk carry because they are .unwilling ' to confess! Theh too,` it conceriis others whether we walk uprightly or . disorderly. Aehan's confession issued in, vietary for, Israel. ."No Try me and know my thoughts " And see if there be any wicked way in me ' And lead me in the -way. everlasting. "Le.t 9d.:X-ray. 'ourMSold. TOm.;Flyfln heads Bciha 'is�,. • Mrs, flerOld (tee) es c Toronto.. She' wet p by her husband aawend one dal ghter,1,Luel � Pallbearers, " wed Goxd'on Hardy; :Kenneth Xob,: WIWam. Hardy, < Fred. Siithera �► Srtiithers and r�dy.i, � 'Eric a w :e r Was ► Ralph Smith-ers; tntex ent ' w0. in Goib Srne,Ce tory',, GEORGE PATRICK. (PAT) :RUMSEY: George Patrick (Pat) Ituinsey, 579 First Street, ;Londdn ,. dim. at 8t;: Joseph's'Hospi l . uesday, Januaty.4. , Surviving .are „his. wife, • the former Ellen Theresa Kelly;'four'. children, Mrs. Larry (lizabNeth • West, Woodstock and Patrick,'.' Patricia and Doris, all at home;''. three grandchildren; and three sisters, Mrs. Walter (Mary) Shaw,: Mrs, Fred (Doris) Labombard and MIs.. Cecil (Keannette) ,;. Murray, all of Chatham. Funeral Mass was' held at. St. Patrick's Church on,: Friday,. January 7. Interrnent was in^ Peter's Cemetery. ' HEAR CAPTAIN NEW Salvation Army, ; Toronto, ,Will MR. AND MRS., ROBERT' SOWERBY years of marria Mr.•and.Mrs. Robert Sowerby, :,,They were married :at the 172 Elgin Avenue; , Goderich, home of thq, bride's parents, Mr. were .honored by a family dinner and Mrs. Wm. Johnston, first hen -Bedford... _Hotel..�on. oncessian of Ashfiield—on- • Saturday, January '8W on. the January 11, 1922 by Rev. Dr. •occasion of their, 5b wedding 'Campbell of Dungannon _-.--anniue.rsaryg.-.--_,_..�.._�.�.._.�� -Presbyterian- --Ghurch ` They. resided on the groom's .fariii on Highway, 21. tor 'A8 'years until retiring to Goderich in August 1970, They. are members of St. George's Anglican Church.+' Mr. and Mrs. Sowerby have one son, Bruce;, a daughter, IIu ron 's Chap AUBURN !Ma GOSPEL SING Betty, (rylrs. Gerald Fisher), four grandchildren . and one great-granddaugliter, all 'of ---'a'der`irch . After the, 'dinner a social gathering was held at., their own home: -A Kroehler=-'roek-er was presented 'to them from the family,,'brothers and sisters of the bride and groom of 50 years. - `Tire- neighbours': gave them a lovely. mohair throw and towels;, They also received many cards ' to -mark the occasion. Speak iUAnd HEHELW!GFAM 1L ' - Will Si .. �sr ate HuronMen's AUBURN 8 LM.SU'NDAY;: ` :ALL WELCOME EVIL PREVAILS. WHEN GOOD .MEN DO 'NOTHING NOT JUST DUSTED" YOU ARE INVITED TO WORSH4P WITH US: et`hef Pentecostal Tab'ernach Affiliated with the Pentecostal Assemb`Iies'df Canada .. . CORNER OF ELGIN AND WATERLOO STS. -• REV. PETER G.' ST. DON, Pastor - •w--..-SUNDAY=..JANUARY--16th 10:00 ‘a.m. —'SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11:00 a.m. WORSHIP SERVICE. 7:00 p.m.-"— , EVANGELISTIC SERVICE. 'Tuesday, 8':OO'p.m. - Bible Study and`Prayer. Friday., $:00'p.m. — YOUTH NOTE. . On Tuesday -evening, January 4, , the Baha'is o.f Colborne • Townships gathered in the home of .Albert Durst near Benmiller to form the first registered Baha'i group in this locality. Toln • Flynn was; elected chairman and Mrs. Phyllis Durst, secretary. _ The group decided to :hold - firesides every Monday evening, the first dealing with the history of. the`Baha'i Faith. 1 •UNITED-:IIOIINESS CHURCH;: 62 Cambria Street North SUNDAY, JANUARY .16th • 9:50 a.m. — SUNDAY SCHO,OL.. 10.1:00. a.rrl. — WORSHIP SERVICE. , 7:00 p.m. — EVANGELISTIC SERVICE. •, - MEETINGS ON THE SQUARE AT 3:00 P,M. Prayer,,Service -= Wednesday 7:30 p.m. "A WELCOME 'AWAITS .-YOU" Pastor: REV. O. H. LEE PHONE 524-6887• VVESLEY, MEMORIAL (HURCH THE FREE METHODIS CHURCH Vark St. at Victoria 7:00 — qveni9g. Service. The Huronview' 'Orchestra with Miss Della Pearfi Mrs. Mary Taylor, and Norman Scteir provideci the music for Monday ttythm band, which is being organized and has live members joined' the''Orchestrad' cot two 0, residents were entertained on Family Night Gordon Ittunleyt Mrs. James introdueed the numbers and led the , singing' with musical selections by Tom Fortner, guitar and Gordon Rumbley,- Bobble BUrna%prograft is being planned.;for the last week of, Januarrwith- Mr. Jim Laurie of blytlibt charge: • Plans have, been made to forn1 an Over'90 Club and 'it is hop'ed if We .cc•uld have a sponsoring organization" to start 'meeting early in the New Year. , ,„.. TE MEMOIZIALS. And ▪ RONALD .11cCALLUNI' i,2„1 litd;, North, Godetich 524-62i Or 524,734S •I CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH SNIPER, A IL, -SATORDAY NIGHT BAYFIELD ROA:0 AT BLAKE STREET -EVANGELISTIC' FtkIDAMENTAL *REV. R._BRU_BACHER, Pastor 11:00 a.m. -- Sermon: "Think Before' You Act" -6:30- Youfig Peonies' Meeting . Subject: "ROCK. muSic;' 7:30 p.m. 7 Last in series, "The Name of Jesus" Spe'ciat Music by Students c)f EMMANUEL BIBLE COLLEGE, Kitchene Wednesday; 8 p.m. — Midweek Service. WELCOME TO THE FRIEM5L-Y CilyRCH ST.:c GEORGE'S -CWU2 CH- EPIPHANY 2 JANUARY 16, 1972 Holy Communion at 8:30 a.m. a Rector's Class 'af 10:00 a.m. Holy Communion and 'Sermon at:11 1:00 a.m. , • Sunday School at 11:00 a.m. Organist -Choirmaster:; Mr. Paul' C. Baker, F.R:C.O.. L.R:A.M., A.R.C.M. Rector: THE REV. G. G. R,US$EL.L, 13' .FlitST BAPTIST CHURCH iB,aPlist Convention of Ontario and QUebec). MONTREAL STREET near The Siivare 11 10:10501 4. Ea a r nm. v\f_- - SHMU'onrrVid:ainYIN:SvvclooNrsolhIE:ip‘. Sermon: "Operations and Ministrations" .8:00 p.m. Wednesday, Prayer and- gible Study. • COME AND WORSHIP iN A CHURCH Victoild Street ,United 'Church HOUSE OF FRIENDSHIP- REV. LEONARO WARR 10:00, a.mr. — Bible SchoRI for all Grades. '11:00' — Worship Service Sermon: "JESUS CHRIST—SUPERSTAR?" • 1:30 p.m. VVorship Se iCe and Bih%School. Mrs. f. Snider, P • Mis. Leonard. Warr*, Victoria St. Organist Benmiller Pianist THE REV. G„ LOCKHART ROYAL, B.A., Minister ;WILLIAIVI CAMERON, Oirector of praise irarik4ichwaini 524-9406 200 Gibbons Si. :keg. O. Bell 1244464 "EAR REVe CL e Proverbs and Sni4er DAY,) tharsProvirlis Veit log fine ttsi ip doer 2 p lo:00 a.m. — SUNDAY SCHOOL. uiTY OF THE BEES" Sermon: "A FIRST OALLOvvp5 BY A sedoNir. tHE SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM p.M., Young 'People's Simlety. • treet united thurcn -.* (Sack t� Clittrih;SiOho01): dhotoh *Ails —5244051