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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1972-01-13, Page 14
sz triGN A STAR, THURSDAY, JANVARI 11972. !Boutin •. ,.t. ors's A,„. . r , ..„..,_ r The long=a4ited answers to everyone's . SU.9gestei involve things like divorce, questions concerning the .new income tax death of a spouse, common law marriages, deductions for :child. care ..for working legal separations etc, A moderrrrsety parents areavailable r s . ailable but not through h., a „r�nagni,tude of problems for,which, this: . newspaper, In fact, following a new, ax structures must provide., ° ° tel phone interview with a :representative -. �l e were alo . that -- for•- he ~tax Cp .stold' at • ofi the tax department,; we find that the .. department tq ppmpi.le e booklet Which only �a� toget answers to uestions o y „rev y q wouid , cover all situations end which about this nev0 tax legislation is to calI,or would be easily understood by all the write a tax•; representative,directiy: - people, would be impossible. For thta About the only thing ,'we weree able toy reason, personal contact with „a qualified discern.. from 'our _conversation was that , tax representative is• expedipnt, and the ehil. , care under certain circumstances is onlycost to• ,the- taxpayer' to 'ain such OK �,�9 ' deductible foto income tax : purposes. .; It informatiorswwi l l be -for -the- telephone Gail. • amounts to $500 perchild or $2,000 per family, ,per annum., and such a claim must be accompanied by an acceptable receipt from the babysitter, ' .ti , That's just the beginning, ,,however, our' tax. representative ,t the London office The tax office :in London, we were told, .is receiving up to 300 telephone calls per day now, concerning this matter. Sometimes-' the questions come, because 'newspapers have attemptedMtO explain the Implications of the new deduction's ,,,. told us ns There are many complicatio <�: and have made a botch of i�. d which can arise 'and since every case Is - �a W different, correct answers to• individual We don't wish to transmit any fare questions can 'only ,• be' gained:through information to Signal -Star. reader. We. consultation - with a " qualified repeat that the .onl(r 'way to get accurate representative of the tax , department: ; advice is to .call -16e tax office in Kitchener • . Some of these complications, he or Sarnia:nd good luck to all!. v •,r.. y.�LJ2 wJ' Mrs., J. W. Wallace was hostess for the January meeting of the Maple Leaf Chapter I,CIRH,P, on January 4. ° The regent, Mrs. J. 11 Stringer thanked: Mrs. Aloy 'Breckenridge for °'convening, the float project, which the Chapter enteredtin the Goderich Christmas 'parade, noting that the entry • had. received honorable mention, Mrs. G. L Royal,, . acting secretary, read several: interesting items from the Provincial New Letter. Mrs, . Hassell, correspondence .secretary read several thank you notes. Mrs. Wm McKellar' reporting for ,: , the Opportunity Shop, announced that _Ws. Chas. Boddy will be the 1972 Shop convener. it vias agrei,d. to .purchase some equipment, a floor polisher- and a fan for the Shop, • t ducational Secretary' Mrs. Anne 4Jeitch, spoke of the calendars, mentioning, a supply had been forwarded to ' the group's Christian Island adopted school. The nursing • bursary has yet to" be awarded, th"e delay having,been `caused 'by changes in the Sratford Hospital Administration Staff.,_ divided those present, into five groups for a "beef period.'.' Many interesting,', usefy�l . and, amus°in'g. recornmendations werevreported. Following a lively discussion, the meeting was adjourned. Coffee and refreshments were sere ed b ` �,M H. Murpi y 'and ittee r - her comm Past Regent, Mrs. J. Stringer; Regent, Mrs.Wm, McKeljer; 1st Vice Regent, Mrs. R. • McGee; 2nd Vice • Regent, Mrs. P. " L.• Royal; ; Secretary, ,Mrs: D. J. Cochrane; . asst:' 'Sec. Mrs: M. Rogers. ' Treasurer, Mrs. R, Hughes; asst. Treas. Mrs.'', W. Hassall; • Services, two assistants, Mrs, - W.,. D. Kenwell, Mrs. J. Melntyre; ,• iducation, Mrs. J. Wallace;. Asst. E d u cation, . Mrs. -J. H. MacKenzie, Public Relations,.. Mrs. ' M. Mcill;---membe-rsIiip, Mrs. M. Egener; ' citizenship, Mrs. R. present the 9 2 s e of officers. ()facers for 1972 are: McCallurn; Echoes, Mrs. G. Hadden; Standard Bearer, Mrs. G. Rittinger. Mrs. 'Wallace spoke of the fortheOrnitig"..''Public Speaking ,contest in • . Huron COulpy 'Elerjentary schools sponsored by • .the Ontario Trustees A:s s o c aRt io n. FollO w ng discussion; it 'was arranged that the '1971 .and 1972 Education Committees should act. in. devising a system •of awards for the Public Speaking to be held in February. The Chapter voted to place its• proxy,., vote for Provincial • 'councilt`cr with Mrs, . Farmery of Leith, out,' and for National councillor with Mrs; Carruthet r of Qwen Sound. The , 1971. nominations committee, Mrs. H. Bettger, Mrs. Chas. Boddy and Mrs, • F. Curry, Janes Richardson Sons Li •Serving The ,Feed Dealers of .Wester Ont*io PHONE 524.8388, GODERICH CLEARANCE 64QUSES -SKIRTS PANTS. — TOPS THE SEPARA TE SHOPPE Main Corner • Clinton • Open .,2.: 6 p.m. • Closed, Wled"nesdays- We Also Sell M1 "' i 'tEtiNrry'WEAR 2b , FOR YOUR ,a.. UTO' INSURANCE- S.. or Phono MALCOLM MATHERS GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT , -46 WEST ST. 524.9442 DAV art`n NIGHT r .. tVEL i . WE ONLY SELL ,w ANO.PLEASE TAKE, WEED, Rc 13,CfrER QRS 7 Ji GUARANTEED 4 Woman to -Woman SCOTTISSUE �ilith Shirley J. Keller . • It 'is the new year as everyone riot outdoor minded, especially ;along and mother may get --•-- is -well aware I promised -that --in- -4'n -the winter..-months___But eve perturb d at.: -x n;:jtlgught .of the ne•Ov year; I would', begin to should be. I really believe a dressing arid'-undr-essing the kids think more earnestly about a person feels better ; and for such, a small'amount of time. • Consumers Association for this functions better in the bargain - We found there was only one, town. The following are my own if-,4here are °outdoor activities on way, to handle this problem with •personal feelingson this subject. the agenda. , our very -:young member -of -the - From.;' the dater�ponse uld eThere is . about kaon nin an h •o be said arena. You - nece nary to pickfound- elt ofw� received _to I, wo ... say g the there is considerable interest in a don't have"to contend ; with the• day when someone was , free to Consumers ; Association here. ` chilling. winds. You -don't-have -_ make `the. jaunt . withTiiri`ri. We The -women of -this .munici' •• t • sera • e the snow off the ice also f ound",it was better to select , are ;well aware of the value of after a storm.,You don't have to a win • ess • ay an a • 1 er lar --` a such an organization. go through - the gruelling , We would dress our youngest However, it appears thbre, is , problems of working with water skates and ,all - and haul him to absolutely- no ;one in this town • in , freezing 'temperatures when the ice on the sled. Then we who is willing to take the bull by you' would much- rather 'be at would put him on the ice and we the horns .and work towards home by the fire: ' would either stand. around and - getting this ,or anization off the But there are other difficulties watch, getting freezing cold in ground. We have ;,-tie general _ about" an arena rink -Which cause- the -bargain,- or we -would' use -the-- • enthusiasm ' - ' we have the headaches A for parents and time to take a brisk walk:around • promise of assistance from anyone connected with " the neighborhood.,-, , • • provincial members of the CAC recreation. First of all, there are After 20 to: 3(iminutes,- our ,,,, ,;hut we haven't ':been able to only so many hours in a day and youngest was. all set to go homer: whip up the leadership , we by the time you schedule all the again. So ;we'd load him into the ' require to get things moving. activities for which the arena is sled again, take him home, I had hoped. that through this best utilized - hockey; power undress% him and everyone would column we could find. someone skating, figure skating etc. you enjoy a hot drink while we who would assume responsibility. ,.wind' up with .very little time for- remarked about our rosy'hheeks. for a local CAC. I .had hoped public skating. ,. There just isn't any easy way that person would recognize that Besides—that, an arena, has to to put a very young child on ice, I would be a willing aid through „make make money, There's no other • I've found. .It always involves this column to give the project ' way it ,,can be , done, unless,' of mom or dad or an older brother . as much -publicity as it needed to course, the taxpayers are willing . or sister. ' • make it successful. I • had hoped ° , to pay a larger share of operating The best solution, of course, that with one • or two tt- maybe • it. And that's.unlikely. is for mommy to: go skating.with , rt, three , excited• persons at the Too often, parents with four junior but this' mommy never, root of the organization, it or five youngsters wanting to go was a skater and never, never PING OF 4 ROLLS twiWatn ' would grow and expand wilitt it skating just ; do not have . the Will be. was a vital part. of Goderich and ' funds ' to permit that sort bf I see,quite a few backyard ice entertainment on a regular basis. rinks showinguparound town • perhaps even Duron County. . � • ' 1.. am very.- .certain that It; can get a little ecpensive if and that'should. be .,a very fine somewhere in- this large town your income .is. modest and ,yogi solution for the younger skaters° there till resides women who are trying. to pay the rent, the In fact, there's a skating rink in have this ability. -.r and the time milkman, the oil man the ' the making in, our', backyard' to pursue such a goal grocer, the shoeman etc etc. thanks to the—efforts of our il �nfortunately, I've -exhausted' etc- kindly:, neighbor.. Last year, the' my bag of tricks ..: •upless .a ,What to do? Keep the kids at fende between •our properties public meeting with some of the home? Help .them make their Came down arid the proposed' ice Provincial CAC representatives , 'own !ice, riff in the back yard? rink how spreads over most of• Encourage them to stay inside .two yards. • I say proposed, • 'might�ust.be-'the .answer.:- ., and ...,K6 � o This has, been suggested by, and play dominoes? because a't the time of writing, it the. provincial CAC peopre (,That's why I think that is•still at the packing and getting themselves, Tiley say they will • outdoor rinks through the ready stages.) • , come to Goderich to meet with assistance of , the municipality. - * >r * , interested citizens : and to tell are such a great'.idea. S, re there • I u erstand; the Goderich them • just ' - how • a local are some" problems,. but' that's Little Theatre is -still' attempting organization works arid what • it true of absolutely, everything to 'get Iolanthe' off the ground requires. 'to make it successful, • I - you set out to ,dor And in this for this winter; According to my Woulde delighted to- help set case, 1 think that outdoor rinks trusty informant, , Murray up„such: a •rtieetinig: ' are the . , only ecorioinically Maeronald, quite a few music Are there a few women :who• • feasible solution to a nasty enthusiasts are showing up for ,,,- would be willing' to work with dilemma. the rehearsals” but still more me on this>p roject?•'Wewill need There's to be a rink at Judith people are needed: If ,you are to p l G©oderliam Park as there was find • a • suitable data, : , a° - ainterested at all, for goodness poetical k ation, a" couple of - last °year and there is also to be .< safe get over there to help out: keynote speakers: We, will also one at-, i,obertson •School. These • By the :way, I have '$ome i'" want.to generate enthusiasm, ice surfaces will be there all the over -due plaudits for Goderich If you are Willing to work time 'and 'may: be utilized daily, Little Theatre, They dome after "Please ll me -A the . weather - conditions ,permitting, , seeing Plaza • Suite it the local with mei .. � ... - se -, The o*course. �, ..theatre last week, ° 'number here ,is 524~8351. Lana : ° Little Theatre goers will . ' .y . , » .. local group iLiost.tia�ys fz 9 a.m. until Since ``illi, Wilily •liv'es within, remember when the. 5i►;;;` . . and eoutd - receive your. easy Walking distance of Judith did, Plaza 'Suite here last year; 1 . • 1 tti ' ' Goodelrham that's where . calx dud'Lng those holirs� >; w, Park, guess I 'wasn't fully appreciative they went ' skating °last wint, r. of the performance until 1 saw , *+ ° There . was WON,„ -At ° last ; Mothers wont • worry too ninth . the ' mov'ie version. Ater that, 1 •p as n but effortw hildre t the, GLT c e t , .der lz a uay °'err'ahi , s, meeting of about, the . al ,,. ,� . i d % 4 fi!ilo nJ ourleil that .a wheti you have younger kiddies of top..notch ' calibre. Maybe it - w „ , era --a � d- ..ke��kno in . ,- s._ ti ,,.�, tafoot to make at1 `tn�the h�i pxesc.lro'ol r# r�ra�'�zltise--ilk �r g'. - g. p r in o. and actresses, A but, I .. outdoor °Itkastiin . dL�,� in' the rima. _ People you iiia, have actors 'ool ye; at Robertson second 'thoughts about sending believe 1 enjoyed ,, the local L that soulirda' them out :to ',skaite in the: great production, much„ much snore • • like s► i!�i�i'tile• 't11ir��� do, and.tftlt, bo rs, " than the, rinovie. - wri • iss responsi. ble .for the Th fitat Problem, is getting 1 didn't really dig the fii?si w deserves Yotnanendat--_t to the' :- Ifyourputthen-_- e n_.esny wa y, For _ omey;" f twirl the community„ . hdme, Are ' found"xiero.terriblyidpressing. not an ,ouoOr wtt out by the/time imethey a „L But, that final sone vvhoe the i$tosit. My fainily-a with the walked over toOle.ritik. They n of one m it ` rw is may ally be totx cold to stay out ' tuutn too P e 0, • WHITE; •P;NK, YELLOW Viva Bathroom Tissue, 3 pkgs of 2 rolls; ▪ FACIAL TISSUE, WHITE, PINK, YELLOW WHITE; YELLOW, CORAL, GREEN, DECORATOR• .00 Scottowels . pkg of 2 rolls'5 9 Scotties:• box 61,200 2•ply sheets FAMILY Cott pkg o LSO AIF prices shown in this ad guaranteed 'effective through Saturday, January, 15, 1972 DETERGENT Old :Powder '*king size16-Ib box ' �T' ..moi 4. ... \ • .. SUPER -RIGHT,' JALfl'Y, BON ,LEST END CUTS CENTRE CUTS BREAST Don't forget your recipe of the• week. • New from AV's "T+e'st Kitthens : . •"HONEY BARBECUE CHICKEN" • CHICKEN THIGHS Oosr,zUMs lots .C--HiCKENI i.LIVERS •CHICKEN GIBLETS, BURETS, STORE PACK, \ „•, PORK & BEEF ' "A• SAUSAGES' BOLOGNA SX BRAND, VISKING, BY,'THE PIECE, ANY WEIGHT CUT I.b.:69c Ib 39c I629c Ib53C Ib37c New Low Coffee Prices PERC, DRIP, ELECTRIC GRIND 1r -Ib tin PIZZA; PTE 1. BURNS WIENERS 1-16 vac pec. 59c COTTAGE • ROLLtaWN VACUUM PACKD ,,PICKLED, ib 6c BEEFLIVER SUPER.RIGHT SLICER, SK NLESSTY, ►m t .' UNIVERSAL BRAND, 14 -oz pkg 8 9c PEPPERONI SIDE BACON Ib66c SUPER -RIGHT SLICED 41b.:•pk• g. 3 8t, n 3 -Ib tin:- DRIP in:- DRIP ORRE4UfAR GRIND A&P COFFEE . *-970/0 DECAFFEINATED GREEN BEANS CANADA No. 1 GRADE, ' ib a'R.9 ,c • • CUCUMBERS._ -CANADA -Nor: -a ADE,.MEXCAN,-_.x._-:tgC}49- 'FLORIDA, STRINGLESS , , <• : LONG GREEN. SLICERS MEXICAN EGGPLANT , "LARGE SIZE each 29c w-. BUTTERNUT. --- "bNTARIO GROWN, 16 -OZ fray: 3 9 SQUASHOVEN-READY IN FOIL TRAY 4 403 k 01 JANE 4 ' ORNNop PEKbE r Red "Rosa Tea Bag SMOOTH OR CRUNCHY Kraft Peanut Butter .pkg of 60 18 -oz jars °5 9 c (1 BAR FREE WITH 4) , Ivory 'Soap 5 personal size bars 49e. A—HASP, RRY`` '!R` TRAWBERRY, -— Iona Jain .W11'14 PECTIN as fl oz tar 9 MIX 4 MATCH, -FANCY O UALUTY VEGETABLES GREEN GIANT VEGETABLES Kalium Sw.st Peas, Large Sw• i Pear, Cream Ityl'. Cort, 'MEW* tilted'orten-1 nt i --- , I. P RKt'R. SLICED (any 4 - SAVE 320 RAISIN BREAD. 16.OZ • LOAVES` JANE PARKER Pump' kin ,Pie JANE PARKER, HOLLAND DUTCH Coffee Cake • JANE PARKER wnies • Chacolate Br 41441-oz'tins 1 JANE PARKER , Si�wftak&R�lIs - IAIJE PARKER Giant . Jell. Roll JANE' PARKER Donuts (SAYE . 4c) full 8-in'Ch pie 5 9'( ' (SAVE lOc) q1 1•Ib,.a-c�z-cake 49C 15-ozpkg 5 9t • (dt1Y 3 PKGS SANE 17e) . +Fikg $•of11 • (SAVE± 14c) 1-16 7 -oz pkg , g ?, ,. (SANS c) pkg of 6 49c