HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1972-01-13, Page 8L have often talked toOu; will enjoy gettingsome exercise Y J abot»;t the pleasure and in making things for or the set work;en. ed ' . in belopi ipig ' itself • ° • • ACTIVELY to Little Tteatre-.. Now.members as well -as:.. .Now, work ' isn't WORK, If . - regular members are invited to you .enjoy..hat.0 are doing -. attend this. workshop so mark * w.o . � � or yonle "interested in what the dates., ot e dei g. • ". ° There are a--,-z�eat many , Fortunately • over the years .hapPenings for these thre dates therei•have..,been a great! i%iany --- Jan. 21, 22,, and 23, O.L.T.; W.110 have,reallr enjayed'worl>Riiig Workshop and the Hare Tinel ba k stage with this interesting • dance at Saltford Valley j -i .'11, ~ • ' , . phase oaf culture: • They will- all.: be- inter ting For those who really enjoy a instruction - exercise an. fun --- goodplay -- :and they appreciate and the fun. party 'is t raise the work behind it -°- they have ""Money -,for , 'they •.unfo tunate to make trips to the cities for children of this area whe her in that extra bit which they enjoy frospital or in need. - _ - - e! You have a heice' election `1 t- ' �!artha ° Af>lee.', having' been under dealing with neglect of duty. •suspension, with\a for more p,.�'` � The charges, Iv* laid after .he than a month town police left hisDodd4 ost at . the strike b � 1� Constable Thomas Fortner was. Sheaffer Pen' Company Plant • returned to activity duty with a locally, crossing picket ' Y> g p eltie lanes and reprimand from. the Goderich .-- entering the buildnig. police commission, , late t pAccording to theTcoristabie he . •, 'week. At a com fission hearing had entered t e� f ' ' r d h pant to use the ' taut: t. ; d 'Fortner pleaded ; .hors a Fon ailed Y p �r as sz " h.. ; . � b ojn. While ander guilty to°ti a charges against hien: suspension, pending.a decision Constable Fortner, ,was • on his . " 'case, Fortner .was suspended on • November 30 receiving' ' The program this year- planned ear - u is lanned to include"one outdoor p activityeach nio/ith, -Qetober . outing consisted of a trip to the Beumiller conservation area. After some L games,and'a bit ,of exploring„ the cubs set out to end w oil for.;their cooking bo. u"sbe b l� 'fires. Each„ y m t ab to light and feed .a fire properly as one requirement for the Green Star. After some, .bad starts and more, demonstrations, .most cubs ' were sriccessful in lighting their • t=ires.., ~ , • Early' in November' nine new churns were invested.. The parents were 'invited to attend this occasion' in which ,Akela led • Most of us are satisfied with two So then or three a season and. are content to watch the professionals on • ei.°`'Like.all 06W -they are Goderiii enjoyed by some and criticized televisip o . e severely by others. ••• The series "Elizabeth" which report th Ce e ended last Sunday nite I thought was. wonderful, but I w know quite a few who wouldti't accidents turn it on. The acting; costumes sets and The Goderich o lice mainly the history of the play Department this week port - WAS good and I'm sorry to see only three accidents on town the end of it.' streets. I enjoyed' it, many did not The first' occurred on Ja uary, and so that isthe way the cookie 5 at about '4:00 p.rn• when' crumbles with theatre. So•, Ikam' Harriet McAllister was travelling • lemming, up to the fact that we south on South Street. and are having a seminar - or . stopped at a stop sign then, WORKSHOP in what goes on , crossed Elgin Avenue (kthrough back stage. and- I know many of street) where she was struck by a you will really enjoy it. .'second vehicle driven by Robert There hasn't been one as big Newton a Irwin of' 38' Raglan ' as this for some Years and we are Street in ,Clirrton. Damage very fortunate to - have an expert totaled $800. ` willing to come to a small town. The , following day at 3:05 I'm 'not saying the • experts p.m: Mary R. Walterbeek of 116 DON'T want to come to a small Elgin Avenne'Vest irr G(ocjexich town it is just that they're ' .,skidded.out of control on always so doggone. busy you Montreal' Street and struck a can't get them at the right time. parked car owned by the, Styles Friday eve'•ing Jan. 21, Mr. Funeral Hone.. Damage in ;that Bill Scott thro' the cou4esy of mishap totaled $700. "Theatre. Ontario" will be here The final 'car accident,of , to lecture and instruct - with week happened an Janna y 7 at. • the mam instruction taking place about 2:00 p:m.:wheh a collision, on Saturday and Sunday. •• ` You will lre ,more about this pek,t week but in the meantime anyoneinterested in • 'set design, set Construction, lighting,• etc., ' etc: please make note of - the dates Jan. 21, 22 and 23 ` .— ' .-- Little Theatre of Goderich recently updated their stage lighting - a big expense, but a r + ep.tie " i erest"e -m: • . Dm .elee 'a . • aratus and special - lighting.' An executive meeting,; of the Huron Riding, Association.'bl' the New Democratic Party was held in ' Zurich, Wednesday evening, January 5 Among the topics for discussion;. were initial -plains for the anticipated Federal Election this year -It was -decided to "halo contacts 'with the Riding Associations in Middlesex North 'and. ,Hjtron=Eruce to establish a .. Steering Committee - for the , combined Federal Riding . of Huron. Initial contacts will be made to potential candidates.. In other busine'ss', the 1972 membership . drive-. .for thee, Provincial Riding was discussed. - A goal of an additional 50% in new members': was. established. The programme for the drive 'will be under• the direction of .David: Weary, Goderich, who- ...4 - hopes, • .to wind up ° the membership drive in approximately eight weeks with 1 a dinner- meeting with guests from. the Provincial NDP. -Caucus. An invitation is to be extended to Stephen Lewis, Party Leader, r who has expressed the desire for a return visit to Huron County this year. The Secretary, Shirley Dodds, Goderich,- was .authorized to contact several members who are tb be requested to sit„ on proposed committees to study Policy. and Agricultural problems. Riding President, Shirley Weary, • Goderich, cited the success of the first Christmas social. as grounds to consider similar activities at some future date. Preliminary . enquiries* about a social evening in 'Zurich-- orExeter are to be made:..•_ . . • H r In .a ~ discussion of -other activities,_ Riding Vice -President; Herb Klopp, Zurich, suggested that planning, for educational activities might form one portion of the next meeting which -is scheduled for February 9. . occurred between a car driven by -Michael J. O'Brien of 191 Bennett Street (who was on his way to help fight a fire) struck a - .truck- driven by Reginald • Hesselwood ` of- R.R. 1 Blyth. at.: the.corner of Waterloo and Elgin Streets causing $1500 damage. There were; no injuries reported in arty of the accidents: David' Lomas, , Jeff Surridge., Larry - Boyce, 'John Ross, Andrew Ross, Ricky Turner and °Breit Evoy`'through,the Cub Law and Promise,. presented them with : their -neckerci -I's and permitted thein to tai. part in the Grand Howl. Thc, boys have improved the pack' with their energy and, enthusiasrn. Early on a: Sunday morning later in November, 36 cubs and Faders boarded a chartered bus and headed for theirfirst stop in Exeter. Here they picked, up 42 more cubs and leaders from three packs in the area,. and headed foethe Science Center in Toronto.' Enroute a great deaf of noise was made as each pack tried to outsing'the other. After a hastily eaten lunch on the bus,. the boys I split into groups and toured the Center for the afternoon. •The Cubs° picked WANT - 'the more °interesting displays and demonstrations which they � Y wanted to --see and bought ' ,)uvenirs at the concession. - After five . hours most of the boys agreed • that . they had enjoyed' the visit but . were ready F to sit fox awhile._ • Theyboarded the bus - aain' - g and headed fora, restaurant on 40r Highway, Here the staff was waiting "and the group filled the special section to the' bursting point.. The.,' hamburgers, chips and< milk fortified .them' for a ° slightly. longer , than - expected trip back to .Goderich through ' the first snowfall. of the season. ,Pro rams dun the regular. Meetings , included`,q Constable John • Ruxton speaking . on Bicycle SafetY Equipment, and 1 ui lment , and a trip to the Fire I1ia11°,to see the equipment and listen' to the - explanattons Chief Ted Bisset, and his assistant. During the, xegular meetings, proficiency coinpetition . was p _ continued: *The winner for the first 'half is the Black Six made up of the' following members: Sixer Larry, Adams, Seconder' Robert Pinkney, Calvin Martin, Chris Griffiths, -Steve Ruxton, 'Grit/ Murphy and Randy Haniilton.. Individuals) winners with high scores were Dotlg Th9mpson, Randy' Robinson and Ron :Butler. Ali„the above are . obtaining prizes from ,fie Scout .catalogue, n The 'final meeting in December was a pack party -where games, a Watt pisney filtn on "ocean Water", jelly donuts 'and hot chocolate were the . order of the' day. To this, meeting • the- 'Cubs ,brought • in good used ,toys,Which.were then . given' to , the 'Children's/ Aid SocietyJor,distribution,, WORK WONDERS OTTO HERRMANN . . 80 VICTORIA ST. S. GODERICH 624-A6011' OPEN, 7 .A.M.-To 10 P:M. 7 'DAYS.AA WEEK HAMI. LR.O.n ICH- .. - . ` TO, �©.,�� POD E R ISH Fi24876� The7re are three important events to announce 'about -the imrriediate conduct of the Goderich'Little Theatre. Sunday, Jan. 16 at The Barn ~ all interested Townsfolk are encouraged to attend the casting • of the next- play, an hilariously funny' three -act comedy called "Here Lies Jeremy Troy", The event will commence` with a selection of the cast and a • first reading at 3 p.n., The Group : is conducting a workshop -commencing, Saturday January 22 and - --- xtinni-ug - -.ihrough Saturday- and Sunday, January, ' 23, Registration will-, take-- place at 8:30 p.m. Friday - evening' January 21 at MacKay Hall. The. subject of the workshop will be stage and- set design and lighting' under the expert tutelage. of Bill Scott- -of ' Drama Theatre. -of ', Ontario. A 11, oi' .- the • community Whether a -'member of the Little - Theatre or not, are welcome to.. , - • ,participate in ` . this "fun" constructively. artistic `event. A y further detailed inf©rmation'' required, please telephone Goderich;-,524-9469, Secretary GLT. GLT is still struggling to cast the forecasted musical by.. Gilbert.. and Sullivan• which -it is .felt- rthiftwhen dote, will be a future source of most enjoyable . entertainment to °start another GOdericbi, ding season. ^ p DON'T LET THE NAME F OL YOU! COME IN AND LOOK AROUND WE HAVE A GOOD SELECTION OF .WORK CLOTHES .WORK BOOTS .FARM SUPPLIES .SNOWMOBILE SUITS .PET SUPP[IES .HARDWARE ITEMS OPEN 8 - 6 MONDA THRU SATURDAYS .=-a./ LL DAY' -WEDNESDAY : FRIDAY:. TIL. 9 ��,,......_._..\%.\\\\\\\\\\\\%..\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\,4` \\`\\\\\\\%\%\\k.X\\\\\\\�\\\���\�\\\\��\\\\\�\\\���. •\\\\\\`\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'�\\" \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\e�\\\\\\\\a\\\\\\\\\��\\\\\e‘k%\\\\\\\\\\\e\\\��� 'MEN'S UNIFORMS , PANTS .-- SHIRTS OVERALLS • "SMOCKS, • YOUR CHOICE. pnjoytiThe .. Winter.`Months FEED THE BIRDS! .. ALL :BIRD' ' • FEEDERS OFF \\\\\\\%\\\\\\e\\\\\\\\\\s\\\\e\�e\\\\�\\�,\\ DYNA-GLAZE ALL PURPOSE POLISH FOR AUTOS- „ APPLIANCES -ALUMINUM. CLEANS, GLAZES and PROTECTS. - ,�\�\\\\\\\\\\\\\\e\\\\\�\e��\\\\�\\\\� Iirirr is lecanbmicaffyr intra `Huron Snapping. hewn Want. OM. the New -Record'. , at ,4$124441 , or t"ht Sigrlial Stag �.ar 5244331, to plate your welt ad \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\e\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 'IN AND LOOK, AROUND - WATCH POR ,TSH partinves Circ ant' Oust 'opt Practically Any Hard Siarfaice, E YELLOW - SALE TAGS REG.•`• 11 3.49 , f,talyla���