HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1893-7-13, Page 5.& fit-' "• A NS l'IMI VIIIFA.I1b Are a pew ase• <oi,:ry shat clue the worst XpiL5C,3 nt ;:]cellons Debility. Lost 'Visor and lratl'ui,r Manhood; restores the weakness of body or maid caused by over -work, or the errors or ox. avv...L cma+lamcatvat C'5OJa OL yOntli. '}1118 1}Oledy air+: eolutely euros the most obstinate cases when all other "anal, ru .' have failed evollto relieve. ;,old by drug. gilts et yi ler. ?,chair , 0,• six for *5 or sent bymallo,i receipt of price by,tdr1ressingTHE JAMES MEDICDNII 9)., Toronto, Ont. }write far pamphlet, Sold lu— For Sale in Exeter by.f. i'i'. 1Ls owlein;; Ingram The latest sows from the Ing r colliery in Yorkshire, in which the exp'osion occur- red on Tuesday, showed that eor men probe ably perished. SEVERE ABSCESS CURED, Dear Sirs, -T, had an abscess just behind my right ear, in August aer, Aftet• suffer- ing for three months, I began to take B. 13. B. and after one month's use of it I was very much better, and the abscess entirely disappeared in four months. 1 am certain that Burdock Blood Bitter is an excellent remedy. Florence M. Shaw,',9olsgirth Man RIoting continued in Paris Wednesday, but the determined demeanor of the troops las had the effect of cowing the mob con • siderebly. HARSH COUGHS, Heavy Colds Hearse nese, Asthma or Bronchitis cured by Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. Ile best in the world. The smelting works and H., G. & B. by- laws were carried in Hamilton Wednesday and the Central fair by-law was defeated, My friend look here! you know how weak and nervous your wife island you. know that Carter's Littre Iron Pills will relieve her, now why not be fair about it and buy her a box? The Madrid police have arrested a man who was earring a bomb under his coat near, the house of ex -Premier Cantwas del Cas- tillo. Dr, howler's Extract of Wild Strawberry cures cholera, cholera morbus, diarrhoea, dysentery, all forms of summer complaint, looseness of the bowels, etc. "Deice 35 cts. A London cable reports that the steamers Elba and Wm. Ball collided off the Hum- ber estuary on Tuesday night. Both vessels sank, but all hands were saved. DR. LOW'S WORM SYRUP removes worms of all kinds in children and adults. Children cry for it. Chicago bankers. believe India's' silver ac- tion will have a depressing effects in ttie States. A woman who is weak nervous and sleep- less and who has has cold hand and feet, cannot feel seed act like a well person. Uar- ter's Iron Pills equalive the circulation, re- n,ove nervousness, and giyes strength and zest. The United States Warship Monocacy is reported ashore on an island between Jehang and .Etankow Japan, CONSI.DERED THE BEST. Dear Sirs.—I also can bear testimony to the value of your wonderful remedy for the stomach, liver, bowels and blood, B, B. B. I have used it as well as Burdock Pills for over three yeltrs, when necessary, and find nz the best remedies I have ever used for stipation. Mrs. Gregor, Owen Sound A railroad in the Argentine Republic has one stretch ofeex miles without a curve or bridge. When )3aby was sick, we gave her Castoria:' When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. Mr. Jr. A. Moore, agent of the fast'' freight line in Buffalo, fell down stairs on Tuesday and received injuries which resulted in his death. VICTORIA CARI3OLIC SALVE cures Cuts Burns, Sores-)3rrsises, Wounds, Chap. ped Hands and Cold Sores. Price e5c. Walter Darling, son of a widotiv who re- sides at Brockville, and Miss Abbie Wooley were drowned Tnesday evening while boat ing at Glen Park, near Watertown N Y. MRS..ALVA YOUNG. Of Waterford, Ont. writes,•"Mr baby Was very sick with summer complaint, and noth ing would help him till I tried .Dr. B'owler's Extract of Wild Strawberry, which cured him at once. It is one o1 thebest remedies 1 ever used. The marriage of the duke of York and Princess May of Teels took place on 'ihurs day. MILBURN'S BEEF,IRON AND WINE is reeommended by Physicians as the best Mrs. Cathariue Neumann, a widow living at Saginaw, Mich. was fatally burned and three of her children were smouthered by smoke by the oreakiug out of the fire in their home on Tuesday night. BILLIOUSNESS'CURED. Gentiemen,—T have used Burdock Blood Bitters for bill ovsness and find it the best remedy tor this complaint. I used several other remedies but they all failed to do me any good. However it required only two bottles of 13. 13. 13. to cure the 'completely, ander can recommend it to all. Yours truly Wm Robinson VVallaceburg, The King of Greece has abrlicted and the country has been declared a repablic. Must.not be confounded with cemon Both artic or purgative pills. Carter's Little. Li- ver .Pills are entirely unlike them in every respect. One trial will prove their super iority. Mrs. Thos, Lyle, of Kinmount, died sud denly Wednesday morning. TROUJLLLE AT nvz.. rA. Mrs. W. el Brown, of Melita, Man. states that two of her children and two othees be- ion:eine to a neighbor, were cured of the woe t form of :sunt mer complaint by one bot tle of Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wilcl Straw- berry, nature specific for all summer coin- complaint. The pnhlishere cf the city directory of Chicago say that city is now the most p rpu- sous in America, beating New 'York by coo coo; Thew 1893 estimate of Chicago's pepu- latish IS '2,160)000. Fly{,ypyyiAifY.l stokNrt;,Nvr.umn..4t1,'P�LaY' dclaur1YN.5RYYWA%1e.nitnA .I CUBES V etliC AL1 ELBE FAILS. :nest °meth syrup. (raster{ Gcod, tree: In tirnro.,� sold byru dKglsts Edt a'r IEi WAIL,Ckti y. 111.21g, .10t-*saGF.C. This wouderiul discovery is the best known remedy for Biliousness- and all Stomach and Liver Troubles, such as Constipation, Headache, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Impure Blood, etc. These Lozenges are pleasant, and harmless, and though powerful to promote a healthy action of the bowels, do not weaken like pills. Rt' your tongue is coated you need them. Ltc�, aif W �N, iry L' ALL Wage STORES. Miscellaneous, To ;Cure Kidney Complaint, you must treat .the Livee Membraw's Kid- ney and Liver Cure acts direct on the iUclney combined with a treatment for the Liver. Try it, one bottle will con- vince you. rs:t A Petewawa Boy Killed, Petebrol,e, Oat., 31.11y 5.—A little boy 7 years of age named Charette, of Pete. wawa, was struck by a train on Mon- day afternoon last and had his skull crusbedand aims broken. He was inI mediatel" brought to Pembroke hos- pital and died this morning at 2 o'clock, To PREVENT CuoLEnie—It 13 neces- sary to observe the greatest care in cleanliness and keep the system in a regular condition If constipation or biliousness' is present a laxative should be taken. "For this purpose," says a well-known physician, " 1 know of no better medicine than Eseljay's Liver Lozenges," Boy and Horse Killed,. St. Marys's Oat , dull' 5.—Chas. Wait the 16 year-old son of William Wait, of the'6th concession of West Nissouri, while aiding on horse back on the road about 6,50 this morning, was instantly' killed by lightning. The horse upon which he was riding was also killed. What do You Take Medicine for? Because you are sick and want to get well, or because you wish to prevent Meese. '!.'hen remem- ber that ememberiliat Hood's Sarsaparilla menes al ei,eases en used Liv impure blood and debility of The system. It is not what its proprietor's say but what Hood's Sarsaparilla does, that tells the story of its merit. Be. sure to get Hood's and only Hood's. Purely yegetable-Hood's, Pills -25e. hie •"The Proof of the Pudding is in the Eating" 'Me'' bray's Kidney' and Liyer Cure has been pronounced the best remedy ever put in a bottle, for the cure Of all symptoms indicating Kia - uv or Liver complaint. • :s*:t Their Name is Legion. Reader, there are matey blood ,purify- ing medicines. There is but,one Hoocl'sSarsaparille:. Do not allow high-soneding adver- tisements or other devices to turh you from your purpose ,to take Bood's Sar- sapaella, betaasd iu this purpose you are right and win not be disappointed. in the Icsalt. Hood's Sai'sta.psrine, is an honest medicine,' honestly advertises, effects eeriest cures, tied gives e'.ory patron a fair edaivalent for his money. What more can yon reasoi!ably ask? A fair trial guarantees a complete cure. s: * New requirements seen to develop with the demand of the age. When la grippe appeared with it cane the dis- covery of some preparations of tar— Antipyrine and Antifebrin, which iso doubt materially decreased the ravag- es it would otherwise have made. Now, on the present approach of cholera comes the invention of a simple pre- paration from medicinal herbs to set the house of the body in feeder and close the door against the dread die sease. We refer to Eseljay's Liver Lozenges. They are pleasant to take and power:lel to purine tnesystern. .iY.s An Unusual Death -Rate. Attbis season of the year there are always ninny deaths, particularly atnong children, from Summer Com - plat et, omplaint, Diatrrheea, Dysentery,Cholera Morbus, Cramps, etc., but this season the case seems to he unusually fre- quent and fatal, and every one ought to know tba i a sure and speedy cure can easily be obtsiued by taking . a teaspoonful of Bee RV DAVIS' P:a:u K LLEtt in sweetened water (hot water is the best), every half hour until re sieved, Tbis remedy: has never been known to fail Full directions are with each bottle. Itis kept by eyery re speetable druggist. New Ili; bottle 'old popular 25e. price. * * A. Little Hero. Pert Heron; July 7-A shoe'', leg alccidellt, 10, 1.1 ing from the use of ii reweeks, sndatrbe satnotrete a ease 0 e eeptfenad.youthful heroism, 10 ro. po °tell this teeen nnoii from Ke sokecl toweshtis, Olin elite lire 4 -,year-old son el Dentel Ctnrrot.4 t ssidiog two miles from Brockway, was bttrnect to death, while Eddie, ,a t -yea ,ski son, was seriously and perhnps fatally hurned in attempting to save line brother from the Varna. Tho little fellows had been amuai'tg themselves ley &noting ell' firecrackers, and after tiring of tht sport they both went into the been ind. lay down to have a steep, The older ono awoke e S mctime afterwardss and found the building densely biaek with smoke. Helletnetlia'iee' ensiled out of HAFiffILESS HEADACHE POW ,Fa tr1S t 'A Li. el E. ileo?% are seat «elver.. ¢iser,L to (nu'e vvery. viang.L'tdt$i,tl,y Ileac.: ac/tc,,. ah it freers, tt u•iU cast but 2a yenta, f�'vr a boa; and tIeoy .2,4)ltarnalcss. They are nota leathern** the barn, but upon reaching : the open air remembered his little brother, and, although the barn;:; .V,We lilready a blazing furnace, be tliilae rushed into the $amen. The first ;tee Times he had to retreat for fresh air, but. the third time he maclo his way to where his little brother was' lying tied thig'g•ed at. hien. The burden, howe yer,, was too much for the little fellow, the younger boy undoubtedly elecath• being un- conscious from the smoke, and the brave 'little hero just succeeded in reaching the open air himself when he fell down e;,liausted and frightfully burned about the face and arms. He was picked up and taken to the house by persoos conning up at that time and is now ill a":precarious condition, his whole face being a huge blister.' The barn stud contents were .nearly de• stroyed, and the body.of the smaller boy'huinucl nen -1,Y to a crisp, the head being frightfully burned, acid the fee and one arm chopping od` when the body was moved. For O -ser Fifty rears, Ax OLD Aso Wrr,e-Them Ren nr.—Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used forover fifty years by, millions of mothers for their children while teething, with per- fect success. It, scathes the child, softens s i the gum ,all,, , all pain, eures wind colic, �. and is the bee • remedy i 1 viae for D arihcoa. Is pleasant to the taste. 'Y Sold by Druggists in every Part of the -World, Twenty -rive cents a bottle, Its value is incaleulable. Be sure' and' ask for Mrs, Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind The earl of Derby will sail for Ent land Quebec on Saturday on the Sar- dinian. TheMasonie grand lodge of Canada will meet at Ottawa on Wednesday, July 17th. The Canadian distillers are said to bo closing down in order to work on surp- us stock. A serious fire wad raging in the thletdysettled portion of Owen Sound at a late hour last night. Several hundred Christain Endeavor delegates passed through Toronto 'last eyenirtig on their way horn to the southern arid: western states. Rev. Jobe S. Penman, of Irvington, Y., Presb y terra n church, has resigned his pastorate. . He says he is unable to longer subscribe to the doctrine of his church. Fa.i'ryille, the snhiirb of St John, N. B , which was nearly wiped out by 're a few months ago, zywas,egain the scene of a conflagration. Monday. Some twenty buildings were destroyed. Wf.11dant A. Lehr of Kendallville, Ind., says Hood's Hood's Sarsaparilla is Kling of Rgedicines And Ills Cur© Was Almost. a :,oqracle "C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. " Gentlemen: When I was 11 years of age I was confined to rey bed for several months by au attack of ihetunatisin, and when I had partially recovered I did not have the use of my legs, so that I llad to go on crutches. About a year, later, Scrof ilia, in the form of White Swellings, appeared on various parts of my body, and for eleven years I was an invalid, being cox: - fined to no7 bed slim :years. Inthat time ten or eleven of these sores appeared and broke, chasing mo great. pain and suffering. Several times pieces of bone worked out of the sores. Physicians did not help me and 1 >eoarne Disboancraged "I went to Chicago'to'visit a sister, as it was thought a chtthge of air and scene might do me good. But I Was. conilned to my bed most tie the time.. I 'was so impressed with the success of Ixood's, ,Sarsaparilla in cases similar to mine that I decided to try it. So abate was bought, and to m great gratification the sores soon decreased and I began. to feel better. 'This, strengthened my faith in the medicine, and Ina silorttilue I was C'sap and •,Oi. t,of nAiool'S To maks a long story shorttl continued to take Hood's Sarsa'pateles ter a year, when had become so:fully rbieitsed fromthe chains of disease that I toolf' ua position• with the Flint & Walling Mfg: Co.', and since that time have not lest a single day on account of sickness. I always feel well, ant ino0d spirits, and have a good appetite. I endorse. Hood's Sarearcovilla for it has boon a great blessing to me, and to. my friends esy recoveryseeres almost mirae- thous. I think flood's. Sarsaparilla is the king of all medicines t' WIraC,rare A. Luna, No. 0 North Il'ailroad Ste, Hendttllville, Ind. Hood's rinks cure Biliousness. 'Vegetable Pills are prey �, pares to meet a legiti- mato desnaastl for a mild,. oillelent and reliable i'asnily physio. They aro purely vegetable, ecntalning 110 pe ll morel: y, or mineral sub- t ll stance of any kind. Hood's Pills het upon the .atrnnach,, livor, and clime] tory n i1 . r canal, and cure Lives Complaint, Co st i slice , Vatrsa0, Biliousness,- Headache, Indigestion, Sour Stomach, Distress after Eating, Jaundice. A cold inay be broken up anda fever prevontod by promptly taking hood's fills. Hood'S Are prepared by ;.Lneed Yo. Apo tledarleq , Lowell, 11148g, Prier: 25 cents poi box. Sold by all druggists or sent by mall au receipt of pricer EN.L L"r- SHAVING --PARLOR. EXETER, = ONTARIO. A. Hastings, Every attention paid to � Lathes' � l�'. and r i Hair Cutting. ,r, The Cheapest and Best Place in Town To get your Botts and Shoes mended, is at GEO. MA ._ SO S'r Just 'a few more pairs of those Men's cheap Hepburn Shoes and La- dies' Dongola Kids left. 0E0. Noxt Door S u tlllOf Postotilee O Barg P `far • ane I 1 Bargains ' y 1 The Spring Season is about here and our good wives are begin- ning to think of house `cleaning. Then after the "dirty work" is fin- ished, a few nice pict- ures will be necessary for a spring-like ap- pearance. Bear this in mind, the best stock of Bamboo Novelties, Picture Moulding. and. poles, Is at GI: x Y'S FtEREIT E &'UNDERTAKING —Establishment.— Odd-Fellows Block, Opposite J Gri Stationary. "logs Wanted. Dossed or Alive. ''Dressed Hogs bought subject to the following conditions: -2 lbs perew. t off; 5 lbs extra if shoulder stuck; 3 lbs for either bung gut or gullett, if left in. Ail Hogs to be cut through from Tail to Throat. o: Highest Price paid for Hogs weighing from 100 to' 200 pounds, dressed. SN LL EROS & Co. PALA41EBAKERY The undersigned having handsome- ly fitted up hie parlor and 'restaurant —will serve— ICE CREAM during the Summer Season. Also a large supply of Confectionery, Bread, Bins, Cakes Sze. Visits Exeter every Wednesday and Saturday afternoon, All orders left with George Sanders promptly attend- ed to. Oysters and fruits of all kinds in their season. D: W. FOSS, Eiensall Bicycles, • •. 0 Sewing Machines, Baby Carriages • And Musical Instruments. . We are the only firm who make,a, specialty of the above named goods and therefore claim that we can give the people of Exeter and vicinity,— . . Greater arg'ins Greater Choice ! ! Lowest Prices. ! ! ! The latest and newest at- tachments for all our goods can be had by calling at our ware -rooms, --One door north Dr. Lutz's drug store. s PERailiS ve,to e CarryCarrys the largest and best stock of Furniture and under- taking goodsthe County. ta��.�° ice. � Stock complete in, all lines. , Night calls for undertaking will receive prompt attention, by calling at my residence on Huron St. (Tho premises lately vacated by Thos. Prior.) 10.00..000010.00.001 Mr. H. H:; Lstn '; of Ham toil a wen- t now 11 merchant, died Sunda' evenieg after but 24 hours illeess. Henry J, Black of 75 Cannon street east Hamilton, committed suicide' by drowning in Hamilton bay. Mrs. Baxter of Chatha,in jumped from a G. T. R. train at Glencoe and receiv- ed injuries from which she diced . an hour later. A man named Maron Richards fell from a third -story window of the Ho- tel Lalonde, Montreal, last week and was instantly killed. Mrs. Louisa Kister, aged 67, of Moot - lose, wag run over and 1.iiled while walling on the M. C. R. tract: at Ni- agara Falls, Ont., lelouclay, A collision between two electric trol- ley cars of the Brooklyn, N.Y., railway company resulted itt the killing of Pat. tick .Mohubb, a motorman, and the in- jill•y of eioht others. At a picnic near 'Woodbine, Kno-c county, Ky., Joel Mitchell killed John it.Tarsce, James Francis, and Dempsey Smith. They had been di 'teeing nod there had glees bad blood between thein Mitchell escaped. The Belleville Inte)ligcncer is print- ing a, list of persons in that neighbor- hood who are over SO year`s of ago. Foily-fou r names. e e iatitl. 's list, those of Irish e:tttnetior.'1 leading, English next and Seotch third, F 0 R The .5' ashio .vfo Cutter and Fitter. AA I arts the only CUTTER, and k'ITTRIt in town wlsohart: visited the large cities in ti t United Status this Spring, I ase. therefore the best able to f'# you in'I% 0."'/aopeR t4tyle, Ladies, When you have boughv- the ' maternal fory our' Spring and Sumner coat come to me and get fitted. Gentlemen, Beforey ou buy t; 1, C y y Spring Suit, come up my ' shop and get posted on THE STYLES, BERT. KNIGIIT 1, The Fashionable Cutter and Fitter, CNTflAL )9�G A complete stock of Pure alldReliable Dr gE ALWAYS KEPT. jilogiolas,Spogob, Dnillist's Sala 4t right and reasonable prices Prescriptions and Family ccei li Carefully Prepared. INiiirt' FOIVUE i the best in the market. C. LT TZ. PRO o L ST171 wq st. EXETER - ONTARlt Has now in, stock A te gni �mt IN.THE FOLLOWING LINES: West of England Suitings and Trois eringe, Scotch Tweed Suitings and Trouser Ings. French and English Worsted Cloth Ail Rade up in the Latest Style, at best Rates. .6.. 3. SN L Atkinson's Furniture Ware - rooms in the Countyto buyFur- niture. place � • • • • • • • . A first-class Bed-room,Suite for only $9 and every- thing else in comparison. All goods guaranteed to own make, of first-class dry material nothing be my but best hard lumber used. Lunfier and Wood � Taken in exchange for Furnitl:ll'e. 5 Wire Mattresses. onlytown where you can ti the The place in y 1. x by .reickle-plated Wire Mattress ---war- p<�ten.t �bolrillxlon N ranted not to rust. Atkiiio: