HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1972-01-06, Page 18• 8 ` OD ICI SI9NAi•STA >;' l tXI SI AY>'jAN? AR ' 6 19" 2'
Christrts and New Year's are'
gone for another year. We wish
everyone, a haPPJ' and
4.• ,ptcosperou New Year alWad.
Christmas, goest4 with M. and
Mrs,Les Johnston and Bill were
-' Mr, and Mrs. Charles Johnston ;
And famiily.
. Gnests 'With 'Mr. and' Mrs;
John Clements .sand „Kerr fOr .
Christmas Day weird Mr and
'Mrs. Eric Miller •anal fantrly,. Mr:
And. rs. Reg Brindley 'ands
fam. • Mr, and MrsHarry
Cle ents and Ronnie of Saltford
and • iso Lloyd Walff. . •
Mr. and Mrs: Len Cl ristilaw,
visitedy;with Mr and' Mrs. O raid '.
Blake .and family of l-lolmesvi'lle.
Mr., and' Mrs: Cartnan Pollock
and 'family .visited with Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Squire of G ,deerich
Sunday Poli ► ving i istma •' °' 'nr• •
Congratulations and ` best
wishes to Mips Valerie Stothers
on ,the opening of her IJeauty.
Salon in the:.Nile. Good' Luck
Val.. •
' • Best of Luck to Mrs:; Corin
Trivets with her Beauty
Counsellor sales.
, Glad to see Danny Gravers is
t}ut around atkd_we alt wish iijtn
a speedy recovery.
•Our young bowlers Attended as
mother and daughter -and father
and son twosome bowling
tournament in Goderich last'
Wednesday . evening '(Jack and
Mike Miller,' Patti and • Cindy
Brindley. Ken Clements).
Visitors with -MC and.Mrs.
'- Reg Brindley ,and family for
Newi Year's. were Mr. And Mrs. •
Steaming bowls of Goudachowder provide a quick and. palatable warm-up after outdoor activities,
This hearty meal -in -4 -bowl served with crusty rolis•.canbe'the tirairi attraction for lunch or dinner.
Complete the,.rnenu with"a favorite cake, fruit andnuts.
526.7644 ,
..,..,-. - . Carr
And Lorne, all oaf I enmiller. Win two'free• Passes to .the,
Visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Park Theatre on The- Square
Charles Johnston and family fol to see, the trove of your
New,,"Year's 'were Mr and ..Mrs. • choice. just telephone the
Les Johnston•and 'Nand Linda •
Signal-5far . office , anytirr'tel
Straughan and Stan Dungale. MONDAY with mews of your
Mrs. J Clements . and K,en weekend activities: l.f you are
visited in • Goderich) . -*tither the 15th person to t�elep one,''
sister's, Mrs. Wm -.Million *and you will automati;pally•relse,ve
'family, also Mrs. G. Vanstone, two ,free theatre tickets ,
and: receive the. sgct.al news of
and brother BM, , •. ,z
.Mr,.. anti Mrs, Eric Miller at)d the, cQtnmunity as . an added
family .visited with Mr, and .Mrs, bonus.. Letv's, 'bear 'from you,
`Harry Clements andRonnie. for, ' •
New Year's Day. •
. Cltrrstmfas'gttests with Mrs, W.
G. "IVlacEwan were kr., and Mrs..
Dort .: Mason and. son. Paul of
.Mr. and Mrs. Wayne 'Feagan of
Calgary - were home _with' ,his
parents, Mr. and ,Mrs. Carmen
Feagi and visited with relatives
in Nile and conin)unity. They
also attended a family dinner at
:the. home of Mr.. and Mrs. Elvin'
Feagan on New Year's Day.
Winter courses ,are being
offered ' at the Ontario
Department of Agriculture and
Food office. at Clinton and the
Centralia College of. Agricultural
Technology, Huron Park.
Courses'. a'the ODAF office
in Clinton .will cover herd health
and'' { management, ' production
economics, . feeding- nutrition,•
etc. for dairy, swine and beef
producers. _
Other courses offered • at
Clinton will be....on .Profitable -
Corn Production; a° Cucumber
Clinic; Marketing of Farm'
products, Tractor Maintenance, ,
Farm Machinery; Economics and
Practical Welding,.. .'.
Landon and Miss • Olive
• Goldthorpe of Toronto.- '
• Miss Patricia . ' McClinton;
Tofonto visited with her
mother, _ Mrs, J. E. McClinton
over.the holiday. -
Mr. and IVI'rs. Robert Scullion,
, Scott and Robert of Toronto,
''were . guests* of_lyk • and Mrs.
•btanley Telford and family over
the New Year's Holiday.
Wayne Cook, Brampton., Mr.
and Mrs. Samuel Stott, Sh_ allow
Lake and Mr. andMrs. Jack
Thom and family, Auburn,
— visited with Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Cook for New Year's.
If you had an' accident with
;our, food; or drink during the
fe$tive season, you, should
have, them cleaned
imritediatelyt. hood. and'
alcohol stains can 'become,'
permanent' if left more than a.
P •
Steaming 'bowls of Gouda
chowder provide a, quick arid
m• '
palatable war -up after outdoor
activities. •This hearty
meal-in-a:bocvl served with
- crusty_ _"r'o-its"" can_.b '
The main,
attraction for lunch or dinner.• Complete, the • menu with a
favorite cake, fruit and nuts:
' cup chopped carrot
• '4 cup chopped celery
'1/4 cup chopped onion
,. T ' 4 tablespoons butterootablespoons-flr -
1 teaspootn dry mustard
3 chicken bouillon, cubes
4 cups milk
2 cups shredded imported
Holland Gouda.:..
2 6'/z -ounce cans' chunk light
2 tablespoons chopped, pimiento
(optional) ,
In _a three 4%1144•saucepan Add milk • and shredded
.cook carrot, celery and onion imported Holland Gouda. Stir.
until soft but not brown. , Stir in _ constantly over low heat- until
flour. _folia - ., _.ulltti._ mixture Gouda melts..IVIix in pimiento,
bubbles. •Add) = mustard:- Slowly tuna and its., broth. r Serve_ --
'add -chic en.:bouillon; bring COI hnmediateiy. 'Makes' 8-10
boil 'then4simmer 10-miniites. servings.
�r—•:'ei ct.—Eg iia s -c ntid ice• "
the onion a sacred food: Int later,
folklore, it' was used as a ,good
luck , charm and a medicine
Which was thought to impart
strength and cure baldness.
Today, its magic is
effective in cooking. •
• °Onions .are asversktile ras any =•
other vegetable, •'roper y
cooked, they have a mild
delicate flavor that complements •
almost any meal. The . key to
cooking onions is to use a large
amount of water, and ani
uncovered' pot. This • allows
• ,strong flavored compounds to
=escape- ot be:diluted Gook large,. • •
onions 15. to h20, minutes, and
small _ones 10 to -15 minutes. '��
Serve with sour cream,- cheese -
sauce, tomatoes, ' a glaze of
brown sugar and butter, or
simply buttered• and spiced' with •
paprika, celery seeds or. cloves;
Canada. No. 1 Small . onions,
about 1' .inches' in diameter, are
ideal. For oven meals, parboil
onions 10 minutes and bake
uncovered with, a sauce or
around a -roast. x '
Most consumers' are , more
familiar with onions used as a
seasoning, to —Satces;.. d"ips,• or
casseroles. Food specialists at
-the •. _.-__Ontario ___Food ,_.T, Council,_
Ontario Department of -
Agriculture and Food, suggest
that onions be sauteed. before
they are combined with other
ingredients. Rings, slices,. • or
chopped onions ''cooked. slowly
in ''-butter or bacon . drippings,
have at mild. flavor' that blends
well with other foods, ,_ n
Visit our: plant in Burlin jtbn during our three=.day celebration.
Tour .the• facilities. and enjoy our hospitality. See Canada's
Largest saw .chain, manufacturer at work -.You'll also see the
new 2001-saw-cttairrirt production: Juat recently;; introduced',
it has already created:, sera-safion,among chain saw owners.
dABRE"SAW CHAIN' (1963) LTD. • •
3225; Mainway Drive, Burlington, Ontario
Many, many beautiful twtif-,r r oats, some
with luxurious fox collar= Also twills,
worsteds, plushes and many other fabrics.
There are styles to suit bull, rnother and
daughter. Sizes from 7 111 181,, in the
group. A great collection 1uI coats that
sold this season for 40.00 t11 I /9.00.
$35 TO I29
SUITS $45 T° $9 9
These coats have the look „I luxury
but without the high pr 11 F lag you
would normally pay fol -1 luxury
item. See them soon. Y 1,11'll like
what you see.
REG. 50.00 TO 179."
11115 is a great (.01111 r,„11 cII Irrl , rrrrr•,I 'Ill r , .111 If1n1•sfIltecl Worsteds, tweeds, double
knits, a few with Iux11,Ic,11s fu1 collars some pa111 sults o1 the troop
A large 111 oop, sites 10 to ;II ,n I III .I' .",i'
Camel and wool, worsted, �,trlla tweed
and nl,rrly other fabrics
r`esses • Skirts ...v.
Jumpers ~if
Slack Sets, ° ...
Winter J a c k e f s ...,.. -w.-
• Sport Jackets
Dress P in'ts
i Vest Suits
el -Winter Jackets
Winter Coots
° e
Snowmobile Suits
iz .I .an o fIroi 4 14 E oy . G tris - Broke) Size -in r tertit
A large reboil of 111, 111(1111,1
In(1•,t of this 1, 1 , from,
1101,•, to 0051 lir'lc)w th, I
.11nro1•,, t1�.lyt ,ter;, rr,1,o1
othr,,, in prink, 1) 11ft, 1, ‘,I
c,1,•rs 1rorrl i 11) 22 in
SHOPPE Goderich