HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1972-01-06, Page 9..rC01;;1BHI %H $IG IA1 TAR, T U
Mrs Hannah Acmes ,of Christmas guests w#th Mr. and
Walkerton and. Mr. and J.C. Mrs: Frank .;Rai thb and
Mrs. �". t Y......John
-Allen of Hanover visited'last were Mr. and Mrs. Re Shultz,
week.with Mr, and Mrs. C arl `( -Clifford and Donald of . RR
� h e$� 3 q
Scott. ' Blyth, Mr. and Mrs. Norman
. Allison Vincent and Mary Lou, Mr.
Garrdhouse of Midland 'visited Mrs. Clare Vincent, 'Bruce,
during last -Week with his aunt, Ronnie ,and Robbie of RR t
Mrs'. Beth
�• • ' Lansing. LQndesboro and Mr. and
Mrs.amuraIlpge•o �Saskaiwan.n".Doug 'Vrnaei,m�ichael and
• vas" e l ast week with her Cousin, Jeffrey
of liton`.
Mrs, - Eleantor.Bradnock nners of h p
ri es
and gifts
fancily 'and attended the funeral at . ,Robinson's General Store
Of .her °"aunt,- : -Mrs.... Charles ..were Mrs. Sandy. A Brews, $10;
Straughari.- Franks Van Dogen, $5, and
Stephen Haggitt of Hamilton James Glousher, ''$2, The 'draw
Spent the vacation with hi`s was made lo Tattle Kim'
parents, Mr. and Mrs.' Thomas • Robinson of New Market,
Haggitt, granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. William Clark Ross Robinson, the proprietor
visited last week with Mr. and of the store.
Mrs. Jack Maclntosh"and family Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hamlyn
at London., • of Lambeth visited last Sunday
Christmas, "guests with Mrs„ ...with,.h s uncle and aunt, Mr, and
Eleanor Bradnock, Miss Sheron Mrs, AlberCIVIcFarlane,
Collins and Mr. George Collins Mr, and . Mrs. ' Jack Pipe;
were Mr, and Mrs" Harold Robert rind( Shirlyy of Brussels,.
Nicholson, Seaforth, Mr. and Warren and Nancy Knight of"
Mrs, John Menheere, Stephen, Seaforth visited last Sunday with,.
David and Paul of Dublin. Mr, Mrs. Beth, Lansing.
and Mrs. Hugh Bennett and Jim Mr, and Mrs. Maitland Allen,
Bennett, Port Albert, Miss„ Jill Mr.' William J. Craig and Mr,
"Bennett, Toronto, M 'John Peter Brown of Windsorpent
Bennett, Miss Della Wallace, Christmas' Day with Mr" an' Mrs,
Seaforth, Mr. Ronald Hallam, Robert ;Craig and family , at
RR 3 Auburn, . Mr., • John- Lucan.
Stadelmann, Blyth and- ;Miss Mr: and Mrs.., Maitland, Allen
Margaret R. Jackson, Blyth. ,quietly celebrated their, '58th
Special Christmas services wedding anniversary, • on
were held at the village churches" = Christmas Day owing to the
Knox United v_ Ch rch had a '"death of their sister-in-law, Mrs.
service' -led by )toting People ' Harold Allen of Goderich"
_ with " special singing. Pastor
Alfled Fry was the speaker, At Mr.: and Mrs. Keith Robinson
Mark's Anglican'. Church ,kidri: K'
v. Keith Stokes the rector
ew Market spent'
,his parents, Mr;
a , special rr,essage. He and Mrs. RoRobinson.
w lcamed former members • ° : Mrs:' Elmer Tromrner, son
ack, among them Mr, and Mrs, William, Tr•ommer and..dai,tghter,
„Fordyce Clark of Goderich- and : ' Miss ,Connie Trommer attended
-."13' members of their family from the .golden wedding celebration
Ingersoll, Toronto 'add .Stratford,. of Mrs, • Trommer's _ parents,' Mr,.
and Mrs. H. Odbert 9f Stratford
_ w
on.,Deceruuer 27.
Mr, and .'Mrs, Harry. Arthur,.
Gare and. `- Mark, Arthur of
London 'spent, New Year's Day,
her r' nts' Mr and Mrs.
with ,er pa e � •.
Blrper Keller of Dublin..
and Mrs, Ben Hamilton
Ntx.' ,
ent New • Year's • Day with
P ..
friends in Toronto.
Randy Machan ofLindsay
he � holida. s mini-- his
'Spent t. ,
parents,. Mr;.. and •"Mrs: , Keith
a a ' ''rud and
M cli #�, �y'.Tracey.
New Year s Day guests with
Mr. anti• Mrs. Frank Raithby and
Jon Raithby _were, Mr. and Mrs.
Grant Raith.b ...•and. family 'of
Preston, and' Mt and Mrs.
Harold Raithby. and family of
Zurich. John Raithby returned
with there to Prest pn.,w '•
Miss` Barbara ' MacKay and
friend of Sault Ste, Marie spant
the Christmas-, holidays with her.
,parents, M. and Mrs. Duncan
Christmas' Day visitors with,
Mrs. Beth Lansing were Mr. and
'Vlrs.. +Harold Adams of Clinton,
Mr. an -1 Mrs: Don, Jardine' and
Mrs. Myrtle Jardine of SL Marys.
Mr. and MVtrs. Aud,,Smith of
..Wallacebnrg visite d last Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. .Maitland
Allen, "
Mr, and Mrs. Roy , Allison of
Toronto and .;John Hamilton
visited with 'Mr. and Mrs. Ben
Hamilton on Christmas
weekend . '
•Mr. and Mrs. Robert Phillips,
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Johnstn
and Miss . Laura- ° Phillips spent
Christmas Day with Miss Isobel
Fisc at Blyth. • •_ :� �._.......
and Mrs: Robert Arthur
and Miss' Jayne sp Christ'rnas
: with relatives_.Listowel.
Miss Diane Kirkconnell of
London spent the holiday with
her parents.Mr..and Mrs. Andrew
• Mrs. Gordon Taylor" lor" spent the
holiday.season: with heir
daughter, Mars. Ronald•lathwell, �,
1'< r , R
Mr. Rath ell, ^ Michael. '� and
Janice at Chatham. •
Keit cot London s.eint"
Keith t U# i.. l?
the holaida s, , with - his parents,
Mr,.> and. Mrs. Kenneth Scott,...,_
Wa • ne: and 1 nG, •' •
Hl ,us n-
,. #day guests is 'w#th Mr a .d
'Mrss Maitland Allen` were Mr.
and Mrs. R. K. Mut and Miss. < '
Heather Aliin"of" Goderich Ron
Allan, . Brantford, "Mr. and Mrs,,
Lawrence ,Snyder, Goderich, Mr.
and Mrs" Clive Allin 'and . Miss L.
Ulf. erald� Mcpowell made ;a ..
few remarks.` -The Programs rias
in the form • "`of' a. a pageant
arranged by Mrs: Brian Hallam.
Following.'theprogram,all went
to.;! '.the Sunday svhooi -r nr-
where Santa a ared' and -lunch •
,Was served tli.'all, •. r
Mrs, Ronald Pentland of
rth Ba visited' her . cousin
Y � a
Mrs.. EIean;or . Btradnock, Miss
' erori
Collins. e
Sh Collins . and.M ..:CieQY a�..
Vanderburgh of Goderich and
Peter Brown of Windsor.
Mr. and • Mrs, Ralph 1-Iamlyn
Funeral service was ht�r'd on
January1, 972, ,, for Mrs
Charles Straia han. at the: Arthur
ry �.
Funeral,. Horne, .At;buicn, who °
a d_ • ,
sse -wa iri.iClintonR ....a n.. ital
.,after a shor-illness on Thurliday,'
n onJa
Born. near Aubur. ..Hoary.
She, was' . the former
12, 1881; sh ,
Collins, Mr,and .,Mrs. 'Har Arthur and
M ro r3'
Miss Judy Arthur of Montreal Greg.. Mark Arthur. of London
is holidaying with 'her parents, was also -home for the .holiday..
of Lambeth visited last Sunday • • • '" ," ` �� •
with his uncle 'Albert lvicFarlane The London Symphony the full Symphony Orchestra
and Mrs. McFarlane.. , ... Orchestra, this' week,. announced and the Synthesizor,
• ' Advance tickets .are available -
at Lodge Furniture, Pickett and
Campbell, Campbell s' of
Goderich and the Coach Hause,
at a cost of $'2:50 -for adults and
$1.00 for students. Prices.at the.
door will be,$3.00 fox adults and
,$1.25' for students. •
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Allison of *that as part of its Mich 5 -Pops
Toronto and Mr. John Hamilton Concert, Paul Brodie ,a well
of Toronto spent the holiday known . Tenor Saxophone
witti`Mr and Mrs Ben Hamilton;
virtuoso from Toronto would: be
Mr.. and. Mrs. Major Youngbiut appearing with the -Orchestra in.
attended th'e baptism their both .the London and Goderich
grandson, Richard Shannon 'concerts. .
Trent, son of Richard and. " . The theme df the concert is to
Margaret Bellefeuille, `47 Allen e "Hocus,, Pocus In additi?on
St.; Waterloo, Ont" The service to Mr. Brodie there will also be
took place at Knox Presbyterian
featured a new work written by
Church, `Waterloo with Rev. a Landon composer, Peter ,
Walter F. : MacLean; B.A"B.D.Clement:•The work is'written for
•officiating. a synthesizor and Orchestra and
&large attendance was held atm is bated on" -;the themes from.
the annual Knox United Church � horroriovies in th�. •
Sian day school Christmas The program is to be staged at
concert held ."recently.. Pastor ,the Goderich District Collegiate'
Alfred. Fry 'Iva:sip charge of the Institute Auditoriurn oh Sunday
program and.thesuperintendent, March 5 at 2:30 p.m. featuring -
Mabel B. Erratt,the daughter of
the Jae-. - Thomas 'Hand. • Sarah
(Welsh Erratt.
She was 'Married " to Charles
a a�
t• h w o e 40c. a
S �� a h rd sed �li�r•
in . 1943.. • She . 'was
-predeceased by • two .sons
G"eor a on'cti`Ve service' 14194
g w•
and Ross: m infancy,
e� , e, '
rs ti•, . �
�h„ surv#v d . y o�? .
dao 'tern Mrs.'onald " iviaia
Pentland,. 33 McDonald 'Ave. ,E:,
North Bay and several nieces.
Mrs. Stxaughan; ', .known
'affectionately as Aunt Mabel' to
everyone ,in • this ` cpmniunityy.
where "she' had "spent her entire
life until, last year when she went,
to Blyth to make her home with
Mr. and Mrs. William Knox, was
a member of Knox . United
Church "Auburn} a life member
of • the U.C.Vi . and a charter •
Member of the Auburn Women's
Institute "where she remained a
member for the past.50 years.
In 1950 she was presented
with a Service Diploma by the.
Ontario : rtieultu Society
for War ou n t u�tio
for �► fid) ,� ion °iia ><>'
to the Auburn Horticultural
Society, w eh she h'lped "to
establish. She.servedtis society
by being seeretary'-teal# rer and {
recording f�c .ate' for � al
.years,':"` �u
he ` as a .v l ' xire l~
�.. , vir a ued; ,._ rni,�ex Q "
e , Tsv, e i ti
h e .dsiut� r � +�
t ee V .of
"o t d
e � #1
c nine ,'� a
a' te. # e t.
is g' b.
h, . it;o_ o . P the Auburn
is �
Pastor Alfred dry .,conducted
the services ,with burial, taking
place ;at .Balks 'Ceniete ry.
Pallbearers • were ' Oliver
Anderson, :Robert .Arthur and,
nephews, John Bennett, Port
Albert, Gary.: Nicholson,
-Seaforth, . ,Thomas. Jardin,:•
Wingham . and George Collins,
Auburn: rt t
Relatives were present from;
North . B.ay, f Saskatoon,
Amhertsburg; Grand. Bend,
London _ and surrounding. towns.
..� Write
197 -Bayfield Rd.
Gode'ridh, Ont.
m-~--- 19 oz:
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that Volkswagens are his specialty;. Ottoocordially invites everyone to drop in
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