HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-12-30, Page 16R d ► tlx iD }UC'!l SltINAL:STAR, THURSDAY, DECEM ER 3 1971 "Eyes front qnd forward At the'corner'of Victoria,aSt. and Gloucester Terrace in Goderich there stands a pillar of salt, It reminds me of the Bible story or Lot's wife who, 'disobeying -the Lord's command not to iook back .at the burning • city of,Sodom, was turned into, a pillar of gait. . • In •my: idler moments, as I drive pastI sometimes observe that Mrs. Lot is wasting away; or, on another occasion, I feel sureus�i is. putting on_ r_eJght :-..-- Lately I have"been meditating on tie more serious aspect of Mrs. ' Lot's condition, with particular reference to the impression she makes on the WELCOME ,. SERVIEE ; N,. .' acvCi'•u�l`.d'.rltt'e•'fo :.ca1'l Yon• yau�. ;w;-itfi�,• .'housewa•rming,. gifts" and mfarmatr5n about your new' location. The Hostess will be' . glad to arrange your subscription to the,SIGNAL-STAR. Call her at 524-9525 • People of. Goderich and the thousands of 'travellers who her, by each year. She + rs a profound 'lesson to- : who take the trouble to t•' a -about i•t. We can. or;?sider • her as a visible sy bol. of something we s°fiould make a great dear of effort to avoid. Usually a monument is erected to represent something that is ,commendable, but in some instances it is erected for the 9PQsite- .rear.; -•0s:..a... i g, and a rebuke. A well-known example is the statue of the Pied Piper in Hamelin, Germany which serves to remind . its citizens of the tragic loss of their children, according , to the legend. 'With a similar thought in mind, Mrs. Lot, whose remains e a pillar of salt, can be a , •minder to us of- the,;sexious consequences of looking backwards. Some, people seem to •live all„ their lives looking backwards. :I'hey remember all the terrible things that other people have done to them. They brood upon the injustices they have suffered, the,: :opportunities ..they, have •missed. : ands .the- ,sorrows , wn)ch 'they once endured. Life, ' Life, • thein, has become such an unpleasant memcy that their present condition is calcified: they have turned into salt. ' It is not easy -'to forgive and „ 'MEMORIALS -MARKERS & CEMETERY LETTERING Goderich District Representative Y. PRYDE SON • Cli-tton-Exeter Se,,aforth • Frank Mcl.lw•ain 524-9465 20.0 'Gibbons St.' Reg J Bell 45 Cambria Rd. S. 524-7464 :• THE GODERICH AndD!STRICT ASSOCIATION FTHE. MENTALLY RETARDED are holding their REGULAR MEETING 8:00 P.M, ONDAY, JANUARY 1 QUEEN ELIZABETH SCHOOL NORTH ST., GODERICH ° Under discussion will , be the purchasing of property to build a ' workshop for trainees of Huron County with Wingham and- South- Huron Ass'ticiat,ions taking part. We•. • would urge each . service club to, have at least one representative present. a0 orget, uit . must be done: There is no escaping /44e • obligation to forget, If we allow the past to dominate the preseht, there is no r-ooin left. for -- the future, and life has solidified at some point just -short of: hope. The promises, of God cease to have meaning because we cannot escape from the temptation to look hack. Though New • Year's resolutions and not in favour ..:...thy days, I am going to suggest one anyway:.:lEyes Jront and forward. Stop looking back Ito painful memories, . and look forward to a new beginning. When you drive past Mrs. Lot and feel a twinge of sorrow for her unfortunate condition, let it be a stern 'reminder- of what can happen tie people who dwell in • the past instead of looking ahead to the light at the end of the . road. So I wish you a confident New •Year in which your happiness ' is found in the delightful discovery'. of something joyful every day. , 'Ma Arthur Circle bolds Goderich annual business meetin DR A H TAYLOR • The annual meeting of the Arthur Circle was held in the Knox • Presbytetian Crhurch parlodrs on Monday evening, December 1`4, witty President Edna 'Pollock inthe chair. , Following the opening exercises, the business portion of the meeting was carried out. The offering was received by Sadie Gilders and Lucy Johnston and dedicated by the President. The ''secretaries, of the various offices• presented their yearly reports, and it was agreed that a good yearpof service, study and fellowship had been enjoyed by the Arthur °trete, Favorite carols were sung, led „ by Mary Henderson with adeleine Edward at the piano. he Christmas story and prayer were Offered" by Audrey Royal, and ' :Winnie:, Walters read.,:a;o Christmas meditation titled "Loving, Giving and Receiving." . The officers for 1972 were i; installed. by .ev. G. L. Royal. The President brought the meeting to a close with an "Old IIrish Blessing." A. time • of fellowship was enjoyed by the members. ° The new executive,includes: Past President, Lucy Johnston; President, Edna' Pollock; • Vice -President, .,' Agnes Cutt; recording a .'secretary, Glenda • Salter; treasurer, Lee "McCallum. Press secretary, Dorothy Ree4; corresponding ' secretary, *AA ty; MacKenzie; supply, -' secretary, Lucille Henderson; life. .njembership, Lucille Henderson; father until his Lather's death in GladB Tidings secretary, Hazel 1925: McCreath. In 'World War II, he was in charge of the first Canadian Literature and °, Library !los ital Ship, secretary, Dorothy "Blake; p The Lady Nelson. ' Fri'efids`h► �an`cl .Service -` ter.. the',,war.-..he.�returned Ito.. d 1-felen Alexander Harold Taylor, • M.p., died in Alexandra Marine •�andr General Hospital, pderich, on Wednesday, Decerljtiner 22, 1971, the son /of Axander Taylor, M.D. and Minnie Kerr. He graduated- from the University of _Toronto, and later practised in Calgary, from where he enlisted at ,the outbreak of World W'af I. He served iii France and, later, on British Hospital Ships. In 1919, he returned to Goderich ,incl practised: with his rys McManus; pianist, MaGoderich dand resumed his practice until- 1968 when he convener Betty Fisher;' Home liretired. en e iso d • n , flower fund Helpers, Sadie Gilders; social conveners, Pat . Stringer and nna Crawford; group leaders, Mary Henderson, '" Margaret MacKenzie, Audrey Royal, Irene White, Mary Wray. • Nominating Committee, Ruth ' Jerry, Helen Sager, Ruth Skeoch. • "THE BIBLE TODAY" Students Iattending a recent.. Seriptures a distribtttio'ri train- ing conferer .ce in Nyegezi•,• Tan- zania, had 14 reached the point �. b/1,1 ME BIBLE -- BY CORNELIUS' R. STAM PRES. EREAI4. BIBLE SOCIETY C 1ICAGO., • ILLINOIS 60633 "BUYING UP THE TIME Nineteen hundred year's :ago Paul wrote to his fellow -believers in the vicinity of Ephesus "See then that ye walk circumspectly not as foals "but las wase, redeeming (Lit buying up) the time because .thio dayc are evil:" (Eph 5:15) • e . . Those were indeed evil days are turn(.nq their backs on it. Only • a small mrnorit, of Ewen Christen- dont truly. believe the Eirble and ' know the Christ it presents -and how very few know they ,riches of His ortwel Meanwhile our •governments our when a wicked tyrant ruled the 151 icational insti1utions and our becoming ever Roman Empire 'when Mess wh had - social systems ,errs been rejected .not only in. (ncarna' raiore go'(flr ss Thr' retSult? The news: Awn Mit.: art rasurro.:tio.n aril Chas papers radio and TV even .3 •trip taan(ty was fighting a bfe d•dr Cath I downtown -to any ,sized city will battle. to penetrate thepr"evaal(ng till, US. all 00 1)(20(i tea know «,cfr�hl da�iEfie3 ttiFnr T(t{1t' .L7f_.•-- _ rtt(1Qe a.gaLorti'S cor�,'(nct torttH, eyr, God's grace '. , l I (s own Surely Pa 61 neve E.:dr that Seems Zinn; ne.nt he.e issiilfi niur tt- the dispensation of grace would to/1, about lasting lPace and pros - continue for nineteen hundred years longer IJe- expected jIw, Lord to conte at'priy tine°fo reef!+--Hb•s am ha'ssador tind. bring the day of grace, to a closes Hence. the urgency of has appeal: ,6i✓y hp the' time because the days ore 0011 •• , But if Paul -had reason to suspect that the day of grad would soon be brought to: a close,. we today have greater rr•1trson to think so. Now„that the Tight of the 90515/1 has bean brought to Europe. Anierica and many other parts of the world men Couple wed in Kitt ener Deborah Ann Baxter, - daughter of Mrs. and the late John L. Baxter of Goderich and William Joseph Reid of Kitchener,, son of Mr. and Mrs. • Wm. J. Reid, Conestoga, Ontario, were joined together in Holy Matrimony by the Reverend E. ` F. Kent at St. Timothy United Church, Kitchener, Ontario on December 9; 1971. at 2:00 p.m. Huron. Meiis Chapel, Auburn EW YEARS EVE DEC.-- , .31 AT HURON MENS CHAPEL, AUBURN 9 P.M. TILL? COME AND ENJOY VOUFSELF, AS Y SOLOS, DUETS, CHOIR, TRIOS, INSTRUMENTALS; TESTIMONIES, ETC. OU HEAR SundayAfternoon January .2 WESTFIELD FELLOWSHIP HOUR — 2 P.M. and Sunday. Night,' January 2 HURONMENS CHAPEL -8 P.M... HENR The' Singing Dev-eroaui Sisters REV. ROSS NICHOLLS PASTOR WESLEY MEMORIAL _ CHURCH IN 'GODERICH WILL SPEAK AT HURON MENS CHAPEL AT8 P.M. MAKEIrial8M - .Y "I,fM JJ r ,k A Y i 1 '1 `•�'� n ,..:� "tit K •.re,sr PRAYER, ,SAN: T1, 14, 13 TIS? CHURCH, GODERICH 1.. Pertly but no thoughtful person be, heves that we ,ire headed in that direction: A.,;ts r the world appears tri „rid(0(1 straight toward the prophesied day of His wrath " V''hat c.ornfort then rt (s to the' helievr2t to ,J.now that -God hath, not appointed us unto wrath but 1(1 obtain sa.lvutiom.hy.our Lord Jesus Christ who died fix us.,. tl Thes 5:91(11 -For the Scripture saith l"vhosoevrr hr•1 eveth on;Hint slialI not. be ashamed"' a41 "whosoever sha11.cil1 upon 't nenae,of the Lord shall be saved" (Rom 10:11 13 �.: Christian farmers at dis CUSSO\flS Vertical -Integration was the main topic of a discussion held on December 16, between the Executive of the C rrstian Farmers Federation and the 'Provincial Minister . of Agriculture, the. Honourable Wm. A. Stewart. ., The Christian . Farmers Federation was represented by president-, Martin Verkuyl of Woodstock; vice-president, Harry 'Knip of • Lucan; secretary,. Martin Duimering of Moorefield; arid secretary -manager, Elbert -van Donkersgoecl ol,Drayton. The C.F.F.'s 'policy statement, adopted earlier ,this year, described the disrupted situation caused by vertical integration and recommends that "immediate action be taken to stop the growth and spread of "vertical integration and to put the family farmer ' on fair. competitive' terms with the' present integrators," and that "in the future further, action must be taken to break up the integrators'. hold on some sectors of agriculture." AI"so discussed was the brief presented by the C.F.F'. on December 15, to the Inquiry into the Egg Industry in,Ontario, That br,ief's main recommendation was that "vertical integration in the primary production of agricultural products be made illegal." 4 „ A number of other topics were also discussed. These included organized. Marketing, _ filar t ".a11ari ,; guotawC1 n tao supply management°, arra- the - recent proposal submitted ,by . the rovindal Ministers of Agric lture• to the Federal Miinist r of Agriculture. inthe week-long curriculum to'*put their lessons into prat - tire: ,• They headed f'br'the market and to attrac tliy e. attention of .parable,' of the. Good ,Samar- ,, 0 1 itan: "A, certain- �nm'the crowds b.an enactinthe ing idowa'from rasalem to Jericho, when robb`'ers attacked him, st'f ipped him, and beat him up, leaving him, half dead" 'Luke 10.30, Today's - English version. So vivid was the ac- tion that one viewer rushed to the rescue. The disruption indicated the the rapport the students esta- blished with the predomin- antly Moslem audience Fol- lowing the drama they sold .640 copies of Scripture. Suggested Daily Bible Wednesday, December 30: Romans 15 1-13. ' Thurday, December- 31: Rev- elation 22 6-13 (Apocalypse). Friday; January 1, 1971: • 1 Hebrews 11. 3-6. • Saturday, January 2, 1971: Johri.14. 23-27 Surviving' are his wife, Mary. "Adelaide (Baker) and one, daughter Mary Elizabeth (Taylor) Lambert;' and five grandchildren. He was a member of Knox Presbyterian Church, Goderich, and a Fellow o'f the Academy of Medicine,''Toronto, , A ,..service was held on ,Thursdayl evening at the McCallum;, iluneral Home, Goderich,,, by the • Royal Canadian iLegion Branch 109, Goderich.: tThis was followed by' a funert service in Knox Presbyterian •Church Vin' Friday morning* with the •--Reif, G. ''L: . -Royal offkiating. a. r �e t .in Maitland .I,�_m n wasMart and Cemetery, .Pallbearers: we're I eore, r Lw :Ha b1 ' '0l1ambe Morris McMillan, Jack Videan, .David MacDonald and •William Moore, allot' the Legion. MRS. GEORGINA ALLEN • Mrs,, Georgina (Jean Fisher) Allen, 57 Trafalgar St., died December 24 . at' Alexandra Marine and 'General Hospital/ . following. a seven month illness. She *as7 3. ° `A • daughter of Charles and Eliza (Neal) Fisher, she was born October 10, 1898 in Colborne Township: She came to Goderich in 1938. • She was married November 9 '1916. in St., George's Anglican Church .to Harold' J. Allen who predeceased her: on Qctober 7, 1970. .' wA li a+� and'a$r She .,vas a- member of Rebekah Lodge -89, in Goderich and of Victoria United Church. Surviving are four daughters, Mrs. J. A." (Thelma) Smith, Wallaceburg; Mrs. . Norman (Doris) Gzeentree, Base Borden; (Dolls) Mrs. Ralph (Norma).- Kingswell and Mrs. W. A. (Lorraine)• Jones, both of Goderich; one son., Glen C. , ', Allen, Goderich; 12 grandchildren and two great grandchildren; ,one ;sister, .Mrs. 12ave (Nellie) Cornish, Clinton; obituariess December 2b at' 11 a.m. ,when , the funeral service was held at St. George's , Anglican Church with Rev. G. G. Russell r officiating. Interment' was in Maitland Cemetery. Pallbearers- were Les ' Riley, - Jim Skeoch, Don Woodrow and.William Stiles: MRS. CATHERINE HAINS° Mrs. Catherine Ileitis of !� Braemor Manor in Exeter, died* suddenly December 20 at South Huron Hospital, EExeter. She was 'r Q �a and ° one brother, Jonathan Fisher, Goderich. Funeral service was Monday, December 27 at Stiles Funeral Home with -Rev,,. Leonard, Warr officiating. '' Interrnent was in itland Cemetery., Pallbearers ere Ronald Allen, Robert K. ',Allen, Robert Steep, Terry Fisher, Bill Fisher and Gordon Fisher. Flowerbearers were 4 Michael 'Jones, Gerald Greentreer James Smith, Paul Steep and Gary Allen. • . • ° Goderich Rebekah Lodge held a service atthe funeral home Sunday evening. •MISS BEATRICE GRACE • • LAUD':f' Miss Beatrice Grace . Lauder, 129 Ne1Son St. " E., died December • 25 in 'Victoria Hospital, London, after a three month illness: A daughter of George Henry and Hanna!!"((Parr), ,La:uder., she was- ti -r he S> 321- Ontario. , a11bnded university in Kingston and after graduation, she taught high school in , St. Catharines until retiring to' God 'rich in 1954. She held her Master of 1 Arts degree • in History from Queen's. • She was a.. member of St. W! L L I A M S • A' --daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Byers, she • was born. November 7, 1893 in Monkton where She lived until 1912. She then, moved to Sarnia and later to_Clin: o ,.in:;19 She was married in 1912 in London to William A. Roberts who predeceased her April 3, 1960. She. tas also predeceased by her second husband, Frank Hains on December 17, 1962: Mrs. Hains had been,confined to hospital and nursing horne since,1963. • She, - is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Orville (Violet) Scaife, Sarnia, arid one son, Alfred Andrew Roberts,. also of Sarnia; one grandchild5 anti -one great grandchild; and one sister; Mrs. Helen Bawman, Detroit. . Funeral service was Wednesday, December 22 at the Stiles Funeral Home with Rev. Robert L. Raymont officiating: - Interment ' *as in -Clinton Cemetery. .. STANLEY T. WHITEMAN' Pallbearers for funera1 •of -ttie-- • lace. .Eanl • ,., ,White ri Stanley T Ina , ,fit:, : ' which/took, place at ,'the Stiles Fune .a1 Home on December 21st, were Tom 'Whiten n Tirn Thornton, George`" ' Westerman -Sr., George Westerman Jr., Greg Close and Rod Trout. George's Anglican Church and was •a very active -member sof the Hospital Auxiliary, in Goderich,• ' She is s'fft•vived by • one CEMETERY sister-in-law, Mrs. JohnMEMORIALS (Florence) Lauder, Goderich; - and ••two nieces, Mrs. Michael. (Eleanor) Wolfe, Barrie and Mrs. - Donald (Elisabeth) Woodrow, Toronto. She was predeceased by one brother,- John in 1957 and• a sister; Gertrude in 1945. µ The body rested, at the' Stiles Funeral Home until Tuesday, And 'Inscriptions Stratford - Ontario RONALD. M,cCALLUM 'Representative 21 Cambria Rd., North, Goderich Phone 524-6272 or 524-7345 .,T Ike - family that , prays, together ^.. . stays together ethe:l. Pentecosta abernacIe. Affiliated with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada CORNER OF ELGIN AND WATERLOO STS. REV. PETER G. ST. DON, Pastor 'SUNDAY, JANUARY 2nd 10:00 a.m SUNDAY SCH "�L. 11:00• a.m. — WORSHIP SERVICE., 7:00 p.m. - EVANGELISTIC rSERVICE.' 10:30 - 12:00 p.rri. elmbFriday, Decie•r 31st. •Special Watchnight Service. Welcoming, the Nevi -Year in. . YOU ARE INVITED •TO WORSHIP?WITH US "TACT IS THE ART OF RAISING THE BROW INSTEAD OF THE ROOF" ' WESLEY MEMORIAL CHURCH THE FREE METHODIST . CHURCH Park St. at . Victoria H. ROSS' NICHOLLS, Pastor ' 1.0:',)0 a.m. - Sunday School ' 1:1':00' a.m. - Worship 7:00 p.rn.- - Evening Service. WELCOME ' 62 Cambria Street;'North SUNDAY, JANUARY 2nd. 9:50 a.m. - SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11:00'a.m. - WORSHIP 'SERVICE. •7:00 p.m. EVANGELISTIC SERVICE. MEETINGS ON T19E. SQUARE AT 3:00 Ply). "A WELCO'ME .AWA -TS.- YOU" Pastor: REV. O. H. LEE - PHONE 524-68.,83, T. GEORGE'S CHURCH" 2nd •SUN6AY AFTER CHRISTMAS - JAN. 2, 1972 • Holy-Cornniunion at 8:30 a.m.' Rector's .Class.a:,m.�. - w Holy Communion and Sermon at 11:00 a.m. Sunday School at 11:00 a.m: • Organist -Choirmaster: Mr. _ Paul C. Baker, F•.R.C.O.. L.R.A.M., Rector: THE REV. G. G. RUSSELL, B.A., B.D. -FIRST BAPTIST: CHURCH - •(.Baptist Convention,of Qntario and Quebec). MONTREAL STREET near The Square A. HAPPY. NEW YEAR. REV. W. H. McWHINNIE 10:00 a.m. - Sunday ,School. - 1 1 : 15 a.m. - ,Morning Worship. Sermon: "LET'S .BEGIN"AGAIN. Special Music' 8:00 p.m. y- Wednesday, Prayer an 'ble Study. COME AND WORSHIP IN A ' RCH .. CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH I3A`lFIELD ROAD AT BLAKE STREET EVANGELISTIC - FUNDAMENTAL - _ REV,. R. BRUBACHER, Pastor FRIDAY, DECEMBER 31st - 9:30 Ip.M• - Watch night service. Don't fail to see the • unusual film, JOURNEY TO THE SKIES. - SUNDAY, JANUARY 2nd 10:00 a.m. Welcome to our Bible, School. 11:00 a.m. - Sermon:. "THE DOOR Or OPPORTUNITY" 6:30 'p.m. - Youth Time - 730 p.m - Evangelistic Service. Wednesday, 8 p.m. - Midweek Service +n ,..WELCOME, TO.. THE FRIENDLY CHURCH 4 Knox Presbyterian Church WILLIAM CAMERON, Director of Praise r• HdUS-E _OF FRIEIV'DHIP REV. LEONARD WARR • 10:00 a,m. - Bible School for all Grades: 11:00 a.m. COMMUNION SERVICE. Sernion: "SURVEYING GOD'S GOODNESS" BE•NMILLER„ UNITED CHURCH • �--r----- 1 :30 p.m, —COMMUNIOW-kRVIO BIBLE SCHOOL. ... W -E -L -C -O -M -E Mrs. J. Snider, Victoria St. 'Organist & Choir Director Mrs. Leonard Warr, Benrniller Pianist &'Choir Director SUNDAY, JANUARY 2nd • 10:00 a.m. -'-•• SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11:00 a.m. - DlVl _ WORSHIP. Sermon: "FOR THE, RE OLUTE IN HEART" M r „ • 1 at" , d u, 1 y ...51+ �5 Kh d i :n •Nin. �!d^7 a ° ^,c "fir - 4:30 p.m. --- young People's Society. Depart to sarve REV. ROBERT L. RAYMONT 'SUNDAY, JANUARY 2nd NEW YEAR'S SUNDAY 11:00 a.m. - MORNING WORSHIP. t' • �l ~ Sermon: "The God' Who Is- In Christ" What better way to welcome the New Year than to join in the worship of Him, in -Whose hands ire held all man's hopes. anif dreffhi' . e 6;' e 5''. ,i k $ „� �✓jnu"!`C'q ftr;)': k a L, tw « ` - Lr # ti t +K • t Ivo S�Ern¢ay� Sctrot�l r --M �}3�iursery will•brtuph'ov3dech Mrs. Eleanor Hetherington, A.T.C.M. ' Organist and Choir Director w