HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-12-23, Page 31N . .41,1,7117' 14,..oid+io4;.4.4,4„4,,,o4,oniia,uokioxii.ovix,,,,,a,nurof•44M4o4Vioirooix-4.14,11.. • waq74th,,,,,,,o-iosro--,--, • L.:: 1' • - r ' ':-":1;"'''':•,•"1::•`:,"";;;:ti: "Xli;"t• •I .11(011111110001101.• a s The Ghosts of Christmas past Looking forward to Christ- . rum has become something less than unadulterated joy. The thrice -blasted cards, the seven - times - blasted tree with its inevitable crooked ' stump, - the never -Increasing • cost of gifts: these and other aspects of the festive season' have. turned the fes- tive part of it, at least, into Thexercis of hectic futil- ity. rthink many 0111 agree when 1 say that there's a huge sigh of relief on Christ- mas night when the last of- • the wrappings have been put away, the last of the dishes washed, and we can sit back, look at the lights', and listen to music. It's .a lot easier on the nerves to look back on Christmases of the` past. They were probably just as frantic, but irimretro- ,. spect they have a S'ort of rosy glow about them.„ • There's, one that ,still causes me a pang of remorse and shame. My mother was :making the usual huge tur- key dinner, with all it en- tails. We wereto eat about four. Around 1 p.m., my kid brothe and 1 s ked, yes, snea ed off:, •to the matinee...---AbOUt the same Triy •-older tyr9ther-earld''' sister, went for a -long walk • with a••friend. None of us got home until about 5:30, and there was Mom stuck with the ruins of a magnifi; Lent dinner, on 'which she had toiled for hours. She Et • didn't say anything, hut 1, for one, felt like a rat. t..wa& about.ten, and it • was the first time 1 ever real- ized how thoughtless u n d selfish kids call. be. Which reminds me that. illy own ;two' thoughtless, selfish brats will behome this Christmas. Hugh's a vege- tarian and will have his little bag of whole brown riLv. Kirn's on some kind of a' crazy diet.' By some. strange coincidence, the v'egetarip becomes a carnivore and the.. • diet goes out the window, -when they're home.. It's tempting to think of making - them. a nice nut salad, :and CoOklii-g-Ti • hiairduck: for their parent. n1 • . . Another ristm s I'll 'fita,o , gy r orget as • that • of deep -in the -heart -of . 1.. -have' Three .salnion with delicious creamed sauce made frpin powdered ilia. There were , potatoes au gratin (we'd hting." onto a, hunk- of cheese.) And alien; was that fantastic cake . . crumbled Graham crackers and mash- ed turnips held tuether by a bit of marg, with, two. melted chocolate bars stir- red in. It was cooked on top of the stove, and weighed about 18 pounds, one pound per man, • With dinnerwent kriegie brew,, We'd saved enough' • prunes and sugar to make -a potent potion (just add water and let it ferment for a couple of weeks). After -scoffing the lot, we lay 'alound pn our hunks, with the firelight flickering from the hatterecrstay., Did we talk about horrie and loved ones'? We did not. We pythons who just lay there -1.8...ontiroaltr* simultanebusly swallowed 1,8 goats. Most of:bs were.sick half the night, but it was..'veir4h. 'it. 'It was the only time for months that we hadn't been - hungry, 'and' the only time for months that we .wouich. ' 4 Other Christmases swarm' into.. memory. I'll not forget the one when 'my wife was having .the family, for the first time, $he fussed all day arid had everything just .so. She- was 'going to show her -. - mother -and aunts that she was no slouch. of :a house- wife-iier,eyest were -darting Lverywh. ere, making sure • • that . everything' 'was_in or- der. The atmosphere. 'was about the same as, that at Cape Kennedy when they're • going to fire at the moon. ,• Finally, _ the' supreme rriOrneri. She ushertd every- one to the tattle amt. -rather grandly ordered me to take the turkey out of the oven. • - 1 did, but the 'dam' pan was - red hot and 1 drOpped the whole works, gravy, grease; dressing and turkey, on the shining kitchen flout,- I'll spare you :the -detifils, -but- I've never „come closer to 'sudden death,. even during the war.. Wire. We didn't have to that your Christ,mas. tree • worry about bUying gifts, LtoeSn't fall over just after sending ,cards Or making you've finished decorating; - long-distance calls to rela-'' that you don't drop the Mr- ' - fives-. ---Maybe----tha-Cs -why- 'it key; ancrthat youhave the- was so much fun, Not even hest and ha piest Christmas ,- i.- • , Ann ,Landers says„. People are Dear Ann Landers: My husband bas been unfaithful three times that I know of. His first playmate confessed by 'telephone. I had no idea4ho she 'was; I'd never heard of her and was shocked. The second blow came when my husband sobbed out the details of a torrid 'affair after we had seen a very touching movie together. (The gifilt got to him.) This woman was also a stranger to me. I was stunned to put it mildly. He said he felt greatly re 'eyed after having "unburdened" himself.I nearly • .•. punitive had a nervous breakdown. T third woman showed up at njy home and said she wanted me to know what kind of man 1 wp married to. I nearly collapsed. Tez I would never have guessed about any of these affaifs.hati I not been told. Duthb? Yes -but true. Knowing didn't help. Why did these people tell me? -Ignorant Wife Dear Wife:Because they needed to unload and they didn't care who was hurt.„ Such people are 'immature, inconsiderate and often punitive. -Provincial.parkt:, Continued from Page 813",. number of small lakes, no travel on 'ice is required to complete the circle route, Echo Provincial Park on Highway 41 and travel westward on this 25 mile trail. The trail-, cheerful; connects with an extensive/ Jam backgrou Silent Lake Trail: this 15 mile systemof traits developed bytle . ifightands•, ,,of,' Hastingsr'-To feature being his eipressive trail circles. around.:Silent „Eike. Council., tffrough, an interesting Tatige'of " • .. It..7; • 115, C., •/, a. • This aican in Lit a le tle Opera Singer; rt -looking baby nd; he is dark 11 • :• • • gebERICHSIGN.AirSTAitt V111,460-1sYt ortvol„,„2, is Victor, 15 months, old: browdeyes.' in Cliloring,, his_outstanding m ....Victor is amusculat, active boy,Aii:exCeknt -health thouih he, ,has,atendencyto colds when teettvare-onthe way. •, , •• ,‘ , '• :' 1 — Limerick Forest: ! his This baby is a contented, alea, young fellow who enjoys people topograpliy, and forest cover. . ; extensive area of reforests ion ' and chats cheerfully to them. His foster mother calls him, her little The parking' area is located 'on Highway 28 approximately 13 , managed by the departmen of . opera singe' because he,,,is always raising his voice happily in ,, miles north of Apsley (one mile lands and forests ,provides' the . he may consider music. He's affectionate and loves to be cpddled. north -of Dyno road cutoff.) setting for 55 miles Of marked . Victor has good appetite and always seems to enjoy his ineals. trails. Follow Country Road There' is good achievement, academically and athletically, in - •-Cavendish --\* Anstruther north for seven nap to this baby's background. He vvill be a fine son for a warm, loving Trail: this 46 mile circle route. Roebuci. Continue north for six family who will value his heritage. to .inquire about adopting lies between Highway 507 and miles on a. Tovvnsbip road to the Victor, please write to Today's Child, Box 8,88 Station K, Toronto. Highway 28. The-.westerrrareazis- forest -headquarte1-7 - - - For genefalidoptioninUolinatiiin, ask y�ur Childien's Aid SOeieTY. located 12 Miles north of Flyns Corners on Highw,a,y! 507.. The ' eastern terminus is located one Last minute- rittmas treats - mile off Highway 28 on the Eels • . Lake Road (approximately nine miles north of Apsley).• 4Kendall Area: located in 'the CHTIISTMAS MERINGUES heat and le'aye Meringues in oven _ CREAM butter -and •sugar. • ntil cool Beat - egg •yolk. Add oran MAKES about -1 dozen. tind and juie:,anitt4Tift4e-: aore area provides an interesting, I/4 teaspoon salt SIFT flour and,Salt. Stir 'into and challenging variety of open * I '2 cup Sugar . imarned mixture. Chill at least 2 and wooded areas in hilly i2 teaspoon vanilla ORANGE BUTTER ho rs • , country. As no specific trails are - 1. cup chopped dates or 'candied BALLS IH • NC ' off small pieces of amarked, visitors are asked to cherries cup butter chilled dough and roll ino balls. respect the newly reforested .c.upshO,P1)td-nats -• --1--retrp-sug:ar ' ' tt areas and- surrounding private , . BEAT egg whites and salt 1 egg yolk the in chopped almonds. Place lands. Travel north from until stiff but not dry. Gradually .1 tablespoon grated orange rind on 'greased cookie sheets and .dec Orate r with small pieces' of • _ We exchanged gifts. gave a pair of gloves to one of the artists, . and ,he gaye me a caricature' of: mySelf. Someone else•gave a pack of smokes and received a razor blade that .had been used only one week. And there, was the Christ- mas dinner. We hadSaVed every scrap we could ,fr,om the iast of the Red 'Cross parcels. We had two tins of atree to wrestle with you you ve eve dwripeo- ple you -love. .• scenic Great Pine Ridge country • northeast of Oshawa, this 700 2 eggchites - /Ay il4)g sost)ds, if! !Iry coat Dear- Santa Claus, have been a pod boy and 1 wiU leave some milk and cookies • for you and some carrots for your reindeer. You can bring me some pants and a new bike end.a Hotwheel's Rumbler SO. You could bring my dog a ball and a new coat. My brottter would like. an electric'football game. Your friend, Chris'Griffiths ".• be. -4L0,01111,41,,, Dear Santa Claus, How are your reindeer? I want a bike and my baby sister would like_a41911 _for Christrnas. 'Love Ronnie Bacon Grade 2 Robertson School Dear Santa Claus, ' ." How , are yOu? How is Rudolph? I want an ssp for Christmas.. Thanks tor the things -- that you gave me last year. Yourfriend, " . Timmy Howe Grade 2 Robertson School Dear Santa Claw, Row are you? Thii.4.you-. the 'gifts yot brought year. Are your elves wOrki,11C hard?. This year 1 wOuld like .4 walkie-talkie, and an air rifle.' Your Friend, Norman Hotchkiss Robertson Sch.291. • ; • , . . 0 . • i i . W. j • eno . Phone 524 8192 DAY OR - NIGHT Agent ter 24 -hr. , FILM DEVELOPING FOr Your INSURANCE see or call MacEwan 44 North St.,- 524-9531 , • • Donaidkl.•MaCEvaan • • 11 Feter.S. MacEwan SIN ESS. • Ronald. L --cHAEITER ED ACCOUNTANT 39 St. Qavid St., 524-6253 doderich, Ontario DIESEL Pumps and Injectors, Huron Fuel Injection _ Equipment Bayfield Rde.,•Clinton-482-7971 Newcastle for Seven .miles on . beat in sCigar until stiff i, peaks 2 teaspoons orange juice . Highway .35. Turn east . , , form_ Add vanilla. Fold in fruiet--4-teaspoon len= juit•t, -- candied .,,,,,VA-..,ag.,-4.„-.9:LiiikX91.14..,CaldoetY....:,-..t.atetd..allas..Dr-013,-4,1;easPoolls'ori-71-ttirgiTttrlralrpitrPege-firilir ' " ' ''""'"B'A.K.Mr---' 3'25—trooints-ttritn--- ''Road nine and travel four miles very., lightly greased cookie: , i i , it,aspoon mit . . , , _lightly , 43,1,... ... a ,.b. t 25. passing the Oshawi Ski Club, to sheetS,-;--, . ...,,, , • • owne , a ou 1 egg white . . mi utes. the" parking area. - Bon Echo Trail, begin at Bon,„, , laKE at 250 degrees until !.2 cup chopped almonds . . liAKE8.-!' about a do-teii crisp, 25' to 30 minutes. Turnoff Candied ehex.rie to decorate . :It' ' rt-ICAV:A-V-VA-VA-VAVA-VA-VA-VA--VA,A.A•-V.'-et-VA.VA-VA.VA-V.:•-A:-VAVA:V.".'t-VA-V RIST Highlights fina cial year c, W71 ik-' Company uncis $ 30,268,00o Guaranteed Funds . 510,50/1,00(i Estates, Trusts and Agencies , .66„)()5,00n TotatAssets uncle'. , Administration 47,277,00o Mortgages Guaranteed Inveslment Certificates _Trust. Deposits 438,109000 , :391:170,0W) 319„'131,000 * Net profit for the 'year * Earnings per common share 1,6,1 so *Net profit includes the Company's 98% equity in 1hr eaunings of II., sill). sidiary., The Lambton Loan and Investment Compam , and compar CS waft the restated 1970 net pi•ofit of $2,543.939. 4;1,520,000 2.;1,1 :152,097,()( 9 :;19,86,1,00( 9(4,085,000 ') 000 • ,• VG 11. RIA.,„,d GREY 'TRUSC,OMPANY SINCE189 tiatA4749.13149-A9-44.-----' Ex ---C"1111111-44--484141er'1"'"";" -Kingston • L'wei inusay i•Listo• meaford -• Newmarket • -Grangeville • Orilhe • Owen Sound 0 Peterborough « Port Credit Renfrew • Richmond Hill • St. Marys Stratford 0 Toronto (5) • Whitby ' ikettr 44••• •e!'" or,',1, 1,3; , • `,144, eaa,,,aa ' , at, (A4,0 AT • R. W. BELL'', OPTOMETRIST The Square 524-7667 lAziamta,' ,D 14S ESSEX STREET GODgRICH, D,NTARIC) Available For Large' or Small Parties 'CONCF.RTS - BINGOS DANCES NVENTIONS Cater Any Time or Place ORIGINAL IN BLYTH A LANIWARK IN HURON COUNTY SINCE .1894 4- , For the Ladies and Men.— a new stock of Leather and Suede Garments of High' Style and Quality h' just arrived. See these r , and compare...- , - YOU SAVE 300i e4" Aro • N. • e • 6 " • "Lo‘.1 ' • ia x4r4tiA:11.1 • % inv t,r az"( /iv1 f4 •‘-a, "Id / Nat Yrfr, ‘,„„, • / „/ • Y•40,0T,, =7, j'*1 , , e • \‘‘ A Special Christmas offers on Ladies Fine Kid Gloves! ' There are 4, 6, and 8 button lengths and 'also ' short lengths in black and brown VALUED AT S8 00 to 515,00 -4a Factory Outlet Banton Special - s4" .5798 BAINTON DEERSKIN SPECIAL • Nowhere on this continent can you buy these Deerskin gloves and mitts at these values Men's and Ladies Fine Oeerikin Glove V,p4, 04 00 Pactory'Outlet Banton Spatial at e, s 9.10.11, °IN Deerskin Curling Gloves for Men and 1 ;idle, Value SI2 00 Factory Outlet Rainton Spec., t• Balnton swim Deerskin Rope; %loves, Value 96 90. F actory "001013.45 MOCASSINS - SHEAR LING VESTS - WORK SOCKS - 3 ply Grey WHEELING YARN - WOOL and MOHAIR AFGHANS - AUTO ROBES - SREEPeKIN RUGS' TOYS Wind Crafted INDJAN DOLLS Beaded leatlapr BELTS, CHOKERS, NECKLACES and BRACELETS OTHER GIFT ITEMS.UP TO SOS SAVINGS • BLANKETO SPECIAL Our FIRST QUALITY" Mira Virgin Wool Satin Bound in choice of colors 72" x 90", 4 lb blanket, and 64" x 90, Lail year's Sale Price was 112.95, NOW Bainton carestra, spaeoal at 7.75 Limit tour to a customer •• Monday through. Saturday —from 9—ii-an. to 6 -p.m. Attaa:AtawAtuatm,mcmoach-vonktancAvklamummtmemmovaAvAltft f • • CHISHOLM FUELS • Distributors For - • A - ^ ^ PRODUCTS HOME, FARM, . INDUSTRY * Free Burner Service * Furnace Financing • Gasolines & Diesel Fuels 524-7681 nquct Rooms for 25 to 400 Spetial. Attention to Weddings HONES 524-9371 Or 9264 For OR 529-7524 1/4 * FRIGUDAIRE WESTINGHOUSE * 'G I BSON ' * biOGNAR Sales and Service JEWELL BROTHERS APPLIANCES& TV LTD. The Square Goderich 14.w a good salary Oportunity-security for you in a business caretr Goderich Business College Clerical, Secretarial, Medical -Secretarial Courses 524-8521 Res. 524-8732 Pleasant Stirroundirk and „X Good Food THE • GODERICH RESTAURANT STEAK HOUSE and TAVERN Cards Por All Occasions 111: 14V. * Gifts * fiooks * Stationery Supplies 1. ''' Records .N11", ANDERSONS BOOK CENiRE 33 East St Goderich • -ro-0 524-' 8383 -:pambria-at Angieg6i • co, , — \ •