The Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-12-23, Page 29srlt • • GObRICH,SIgNALSTAR, THURSDA,.DECE1118ER 23, 1971 ' r r•-11, • k`; 91441911CtigftiMMOICOMMCSACEttaMMACIME' VSACWWW00:491442,021VM*Vga$,IVISXMMVAM420404MMAKMIMMcrgMft`WMMVPIOACMOW*14M r44414(2141"4CMre$114"74$4,4"4"41404SMT1410$14tCrt1544 ;4( • s 1 aNO FAMOUS FOR - QUALITY LiTsz:1Mrseitialrstu!WrizivisMszYsr5rssmucw5Egs 'The IlitThumb 168The Square *168 The Squaig. ' wmcmrestixsoirssmodr*osvgiNuturepam 120,--mee4feoleAgmmiezir=sxyagloSiSiZiimASX*1#140351talltiMstRiAlimtta5VireAKsmisacmtvigrAtTsaloctiOgtstaslosaiMrezivatzsvafittCrAt'reZ1McgASTivatta.satEtsia:thl, I .0 FAMOUS - FOR FRESHNESS Whence the generation gap No. 2 , BY G. MACLEOD ROSS- fr.' better than ' their blinkered' human beings identical aptitudes Headmaster Boyson's "The elders, some of whom, like Mr. has 'also missed him and .cadnot * 181traya1 of the Young" which Boyson, are unable to appreciate , be explained away by calling it was reported in the Blue Thumb the evils of the class system. "class or social .privilege". As for 9/12/71 caused considerable ' But the greatest fallacy is to Joseph fi .11er said: "Some men correspondence both for and reduce present comment to a , are born mediocre; some 'men against Mr. Boyson's remarks. . generation „one, when its real achieve mediocrity, and some Here is a digest of some of them: , nature is economic and have mediocrity thrust upon,, Dr. G.C. asks: Have parents ideological. Dr. G.C. claims the them") • who think like Mr.Boyson any real conflict , is between the vast ., '. wisdom to Pass on? They have A Headmistress finds * majority of human beings, who - o nly advanced half-baked Boyson!s• theme makes exeellent are fcireed to devote their solutions for present day meagre energies to keeping alive, sense. In her book: "The . Prbblems which have been and a ' minority of privileged Vulnerable -.Generation" she , discredited, not so much 13y heirs to wealth extorted over the recalls that she devoted a whole thinkers ,as 'by the course of centuries ' from 'the ma' 1 . , 0 tori y, chapter tb "the abdicating . -" ,human history. ' adult"Nornd argued the right as . who are then free to decide what claims the matnre well as the need'of the young to young know Anuch more than proportion. of. their energies the. . • _ will devote to more rewardinrg expect help: - . their parents. or. teachers, as 'task's. . - Sh,ebemoans the . witness the scientific and artistic . The conflict is, between.those vulnerability of the young,, both . achievements of the young prepared to -forego all their" to the onslaughts of materialism under 30 years' of age. Hence, he- present' privileges in order that • and commercial ., exploitation. '* argues, maturity'. does ,not '`go.:7,,, ,sociakinitistied‘niaybealyolished Their- • , • flee& - is' - , for,. with age. `. ', . , , , •,,.and, iiqth,,"it.-:the„,...very ,idea, 'Or ',° imperthrbabl a -adult withWhonff: It .. basic , wisdom to social privileges AND; those whb." .to co'mmune. Unfortunately the , , distinguish between the mere pay lip service to Christian or' attitude of the adult has become 4 possession. of knoWlelge,.and the liberal ideals, but who, are not- almost 'apologetic. : With no „ : ability to put it t� Use. Useful prepared ' to do anything that ' 'religious support, criticised by knowledge is • only acquired by might cost them loss of power, the psychologist and excluded people . endowed with the status, or money. - by the educationalist, no wonder theoretical ability to 'make sense . , (Comment: Dr. CG. loses the parents contract out of guiding 4,149 . of what .they experience. "scent very early in,the chase by -their young. Such -action does Experience itself is not enough. arguing about a generation older the. Young a grave disservice, for _ .. k The . . unblinered- - -young- - than-lhar poStlitated-by Boyson.' adoleseepVe "Is: a- nth -St- tin:stable - understand - today's problems - The fact that God Faiiedto give . age, both peysically and - . _ ... _ emotionally and their - sz; ke101t:, ,VP.7.100:10:00:30c--,jp, Or yperhIpT.11,27 Or 07 4 bewilderment is ail appeal fpr ky 14 te, values, for judgement, for a HOME OF TASTY BAKING SINCE 1877 , IR discipline which. is rooted and -. - ic ,..44 Christmas $hortbreads & 'Small Cookies iR made to understand that we „ grounded 'in love. limy must be - , ..1,..0":0.7104,ii,t:-t.P-Wggiiti,iisimmwaioi4iiiiiikok.::,',44w*.,ig..": Itt.'etafie0e114-411110Kititiitifkarntiftige ,4 • teacher is better than every parent and every ,school better than every home as an educational establishment. • At one fell swoop the young* ;dee Inbjected to serving,tWo masters. - L.F.C. argues that the only way to right this wrong, and ensure a return to Boyson's local loyalties and group ways cif life, is to restore to parents the right to choose whether to send their children to school at all. No government will ever take this step (you have only to consider the unemployment it wbuld cause in, a Province like Ontario) and only parents, acting in consort,can bring it about. By no.w,, they. areas° deluded_ by a • century of propaganda about the mythical' "benefits 'of education in school, that they. will; to . in this • tarbarittm.- - • to give them the intolerable lc. - AVAILABLE UNTIL •CH.RISTIViAS EVE .„ • ' • 44 responsibility of making their ,j0.0.-.0 ' . , ----''--- -- - - - - -- - • own decisiOnT uritirtheY la:ve ' iR 102 la:cb„ • ......... 0 ill panic , , .. ....... •.... 4......_„„.,.,„..... --,,,Te-,e-r-th--air4-ic-cf emotional . *' Bread crupibs prepared for dressing. - ,... . bth. * Mince and pumpkin pies and mince tarts. • * Wide variety homdfritdi realr.*'-- . . maturity. Love is not measured iti , showers,...of gifts, or freedom these are easy . , vito please themselves, but by a Finaily a cynical correspondent •writes from Paris (No, not Paris, Ont.) to say: "How refreshing to read that headmasters,. with an archaic conception of society, are still a necessary feature of school ijf this providing a tangible -- monster.' • for --their more -- intelligent charges to rebel against and finally leave behind in the difficult transition to the - real world. I feared they were a dying 'breed in this gorded age!" • s .044 „ 4iA9JAV 63, 1:v.;*.„* -"•"..`4, It was a family night for he Goderich Lions Club last Thursday and in 'addition to a big meal for all the wives and children of Lions members and an appearance by Santa Claus -"Big Al" star of his own television program for youngs:ters 6n CKCO Parker House, plain and seeded crusties, butter rolls and• kind yet 'firm authority designed ac. to protect them from their own 14,1 follies and inexperience. , . w split rolls. N * Homemade caddy gift packaged if required. , _ '. * Light and dark cake in good supply. * • • 4 L.F.C.- complains that while , -, kr, Boyson - recognises that the 1 44 * Almond Icing for Fruit Cakes. animal kingdom conditions its , . t.4 PLEASE ORDER EARLY - . 13 pays __ scant attention to the kg, young for a life in the wild, he . • ' . • important truth that it is for _ _ . parenfs to pass -Ori-wisdOM. goes on to claim_ that the -1-1-e— .” CULBERT'S BAKERY relationship has been eroded' by poderich 7,41 the legal requirement that all • 524-7941 •• children must attend School. 44r. .10: IV: jp: 10: -/JV. 1114'P • .W• Jae..iic This requirement carries with it the implication that every ' X'VM'VMVXVM'VX'V=MVXV .*XV&VXVXV;VXVa:'),k „ •• LET IT ALL HANG OUT • or Let Your CLOTHES DRYER Do The Drying For You , YOUR LAUNDRY IS - ,4? irt *Tumbled Gently * Custom Dried * Dried at Just the Right Heat for Each Fabric • * Lint Free * Sunshine Fresh "THE SERVICE PEOPLE" JEWELL BROS. APPLIANCES -tr FESTIVE JEWEL BARS 3 cups sifted all-purpose flour 2 teasppons bakihg powder' 1 cup sugar 9 1 cup chilled butter 2 eggs 2 tablespoons milk 41/4 cupsslieed.almonds 3/4 cup diced candied -pineapple 11/4 cups candied red .and green cherries, halved 3/4 cup raisins . • 11/2 teaspoons vanilla 11/2 teaspoons brandy extract 3 egg's, slightly. beaten 1/3 cup sugar GREASE a 15 x 10,x 3/4 -inch jelly roll pan.:Preheat 'oven' to 375 degrees F, . Sift together the flour, 'Waking pow,der and the 1 cup sugar. Cut chilled butter in finely. BEAT the 2 eggs slightly; stir. in milk, Make a, well in flour mixture and add liquids all at " once. Mix lightly until just combined. Press evenly into prepared pan. - BAKE in 'preheated oven until lightly browned, .15 to 18 minutes. Meanwhile prepare filling.• ..COMBINE almonds, pineapple, cherries, raisins, vanilla and brandy extract. Combipe the 3 eggs ,and the 1/3 cup sugar; add fruit, mixing well. Spread mixture over baked layer. RETURN to oven and bake 15 minutes longer. Cool completely in pan on wire rack. Cut into bars to serve, or freeze. MAKES about -4 dozen. COMPANY GRAND MARNIER CAKE 21/3' cups sifted all:purpose flour 1 teaspoon bating powder , 1 teaspoon bakMsoda 3A cup soft butter 11/2 cups sugar 3 eggs, separated • 1 cup dairy sour cream grated rind of 1 orange. 1/2 cup chopped, pecans 1/4 cup orange juice .1,4 cup Grand Marnier OR ' 2 cup orange juice PREHEAT clve,n to "3-50 degrees F. Grease a 9 2'1 -inch (12 ‘cup) tube pan. Sift together e flour, baking powder and ▪ CREAM butter and i cup of the sugar until light and huffy. J3gati.flegg yolks. Add sifted dry ingredients alternately with sour cream beating until smooth, • STIR in rind and chopped nuts. Fold in 'stiffly- beafen egg whites. Pour into, prepared pan. BAKE in preheated oven 50 to 55 minutes. Cool cake 10 minutes on wire rack. Remove cake from pan ,and cool completely. ,, WRAP well and freeze;lo thaw cake completely. Combine remaining 11;2 cup sugar and orange juice and heat tb dissolve sugar; cool. Add Grand Marti:ter. With skeWerS, make hole 1 -inch' „.apart On top of cake. Brush syruP over cake. Cover and let stand 1 to 2 hours or overnight before erving,: MAKES one 9 -inch rim cake. BRA2IL NUT ORANGE BARS Vi cup soft butter" 1 cup sifted all-purpose flour 1/4 tsp. skit 2 eggs, well beaten Yi cup brown sugar, packed 1.ci.ip finely chopped Brazil nuts 1/2 cup flaked coconut 1 tsp. vanilla extract 1/4 tsp. salt ) 2 tbsps. flour shivered Brazil, nuts for garnish (optional) • MIX butter, flour and, salt together. Spread evenly in a pan about 9 by 9 by 2 inches, pres.s down with a spatula or back of a, spoon. - BAKE 15 minutes in a 375 degree oven. MIX eggs and sugar well, add remaining ingredients. Mix well. Spread over baked layer. BAKE 15 minutes. in. a 375' degree oven. Cool in pan. Frost with orange butter icing of your choice, sprinkle with slivered Brazil nuts. Cut in bars. • / MAKES :36 bars. so . Kitchener, was also in attendance. 'Here some ,of the children "attending the dinner meet Big Al. The' CKCO star also brought along the Doirons, a brother and sister erytgtai.ning team, te) help him out on his part of the program. „ WANT TO SHORTEN r1;11- JOST SIGN A MI "N/NETY-DAY NOTE" •_. MONA CLEMENTS Suggests FINEST BATH _11'01 LIT R 1 ES by BRONNLEY of . ENGLA-ND LiONE SUNOCO At The Five PointS . . Lic-ensed Mechanic - Repairs to alt.„Mak-es " MONA CLEMEVS RIECK .Soap Makers to. Her Majesty:Abe PHARMACY ••• Vexalli Larry flieck,'PHM.B. Archie Barber, PHM.B., NEW ELECTRICAL RATES FORECAST 01 HOW THE REVENUE DOLLAR • . WILL BE SPENT IN- 1972 si 00 Costs continue to increase, Your commission was able ' to absorb these increases "during 1969 land 1970 titit :cannot continue to do so and therefore must revise the rates for electoicity However even with- an. increase 111. _HYDRO RAES ARE STILL VERY LOW „.. • WHOLESALE COST OF POWER TO ONTARIO HYDRO 1_ THE FOLLOWING NET RATES -WILL BE . AFECTIVE FOR ALL BILLS, ISSUED'"ON OR AFTER MARCH 1, 1972 . RESIDENTIAL RATES ( GENERAL SERVICE RATES I in KW Hours, , K.W.H. I/ Monthly Comsumption 'Cost Of DEMAND CHARGE ei First 50 Kilowatts of viopthly First 50 K.W H. 3.8 e Billing demand . ow , ,Next 200 K.W.H., . 1.8 c Balknce of billing deman. ' ,. :VV.H 1 j, ....2.6 C ENERGY CHARGES " . First 500•K , $4.00 per kilowattentspe ALL ELECTRIC r All addit,Lonal K.W.H. .... : . , .,,, ..1.1 c . All additional' . ' .1.1 c Monthly Consumption in c wK.W.H. Minimum mo7.50 nthly bill - FKiirlsoft5aottoukH.wiirs .(K.W.H.) , 1S.lext 9,750 K.MH 1.5 c . 2 3 c , Next 200 K.W.H 4.3 c „ , . Over 10.00(1,K.W:H., .. ' ..... )......55 c , , Minimum monthly bill A late payment charge of 5% will apply to 'all bilis not paid ori or beft2.rer' uti.e .1, date. nit s: " Sq."- • "0 giro -1"'4774.4, , Altists, Vrt7.,s` '4"t1'21.1" G�dericW XIVX4VMV=AVOttV*V;ItN4$4V. 1/ • i// 1 fit „ 0 " GODERICH 524-8985 - 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. ,iamidatie,i0wk,44/VIIIGHAM41,57013'94,;At4WPIME-- , 225 PIC'TON ST., GODERICH • , 9 • GOPERICH PUBLIC - missio . —7-4••=s, W1.14 • • - •