HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-12-23, Page 242A3 09DPUOI 5 NAL.STAR, 'HURSDAY, DECEMBER 23,'1971 .a. .4 Loch ais�1 A 1 ea 1 R '.1.4* 411" 4114141r, r Alr Ara pir 41111 :A a 441#1 :4011 .1401 ir The Ashfield �WMS � Holiday �ffice This 'is the third time I've started .this column. The 'other two efforts are crumpled and ' rolled into balls which resit in MY. wastepaper basket there at, ,...any feet. That's, n,ot at all like rne. Most times l can ratpe.this column oft' without a hitch....bttt this week. I'm having to w.ork off . my. hostilities about'Gathe modern-day Christmas on t -we rough drafts becausethough I've vowed not to permit this Christmas column to' b'ecorne morose and sullen, r bitterness 'about rsociety''s rejection of Christ at this. season - keeps creeping into it. I want to say something profound in , this column, too...something ctf....which peC.pie will be reminded as they sit around their 'Christmas trees , Saturday morning, but for the life o1 me, everything .I think. of to say has been repeated so many._times it is beginning to, sound ,Itrite. I guess I'il have to admitf Iim no -great philosopher., wh.Q, ..:+an. ,. spout ' ea. t.h sOlaking, phrases whenever the spirit moves him to do so. Other C. h r i st mases$ Goderich, I've written about my mother-in-law and my children's grandmother. In the last year, or so, a few more •Goderich people have met this wonderful .woman arid'—learned.' 'khat*what I - . say about her is . not - just the babbling of a,fool. - I've 'been too busy this y'€ar to keep track of Grandma's Christmas plans...although I'.m positive she'll, have some fine surprises. up her sleeve -for the whole family. " � 'tier' 'today' advising usthat Christmas dinner for the whole clan (puff,puff) will be served at 12 sharp on Boxing. Day, S-trnday, at the Dashwood Community Centre. You know, Dashwood is a a story in itself tChristmas. That town dies at 6 pm Christmas Eve and doesn't really .awaken again until Boxing Day has, well ' passed. In that little village, people know how to celebrate - Christmas....as far as my thing° goes, of rourse...,and families seemed to retreat into each otheer. at, £-h-ristrnas the - -way chocolate spreads through the cake. • .. ; _^ Dashwood "people are, forwthe most. emirs;. -of German descent- A good number 9f these people are Lutheran. others -belong to the United. Church after the Evangelical United . •isethern joined with the body, 'and a _ small percentage .are Roman Catholic. Any way you cut it, though, these folk celebrate . Christmas at church. ... usually on Christmas .Eve, Christmas Day and in the case of this year, on Boxing Day as well. That's -just the way it is. And .the churches are '' gorgeous 'for Christmas. In the Lutheran church, for instance, The `tree is always from floor to ceiling....and man, that's tall. The decorations have been handmade by the Lutheran Women's Missionary League....white Christian,, symbols decorated with gold ' sequins and beads. W.iiit �, to With Shirley the entire family boasts a,,family of their own. - Grandma's, grandchildren range in age from 2f years to two months but the.. greatest majority of them are between the ages of infancy and eight nbaking .family get-togethers noisy and full of problems. '4^ You don't have' to be told how ib'- works. ''racy is • just learning to walk and every time she stands up to take a couple of _steps,, she gets pushed' down by Scotts who is Having a game •of touchy rugby with Warren. If Jeff wakes up and cries to be fed it touches off a chcsir of wailing with Tammy as the soprano and • • Mindy as alto to embellish the squeals of Karen- and Ross .and Kathy and Jimmy, and Sherry and Sandy. And, the kitchen. The. kitchen --- 's a disaster area.iWith a doyen women all' ,working over theme same hot stove, each with a different idea how. the gravy •should•, bei - seasoned. and where the. pti:tat.Qes,G,shoUld. you are inviting trduble. There's always two or three Qf the children missing. They'w either gone outside,.without their coats on and are 'up to ,..their. knees in water or they are quietly, removing the contents from Auntie's purse down under the coat rack". i' rere's the. ,eh-Ud•-who insists upon tasting everything•'•on the table before anyone gets seated. That'salways the child • who: is • never . hungry when dinner -is served! -Then there's the' problem that corn•es up when one youngster opens a .Christmas gift a • ' There are White poinsettias on the altar and.red ones scatter 'here and there. And there's the , Advent WreatFwith its lighted candles proclaiming that the long wait for the Christ ,has And the music. Everyone° sings with gusto- at Christmas. All the. pews4are filled. Whole families worship'together. And after _church 1We-re's the fai-nily, again, together for the 'day, all having worshipped the „ newborn King and now ready to enjoy some of the secular pleasures of Christmas. ' For the last few yearg family Christmas dinner has been served at • the Dashwood Cominunity Centre. it is the way we•can cope. , I remeMber when we didn't rent a hall. Everyborly• went to Grandma's houkse in a happy' jrnood and left 'totally exhausted getting caught , on the 401. between Young and Bayview at rush hour. .have wives and husbands now....and this year eyeryone in Woman J. Keller. heart of pure, gold, t'm surety, and is well loved by all •v% ho know her. She's the little lady , you will remember, who washes and irons piles and piles of used clotnes every year ,tor nussions. She packs thein and then Sends,. them off to the various mission fields to be worn and enjoyed by people who may not4bave such abundance as we do. If you have meant to send Miss Blanchard a little something to help her , along with her .mission -work, there is still time this Christmas, * .* : " By the way, don't throw away your Christmas wrappings or your Christmas cards this • Christmas. Take some time',' you will, to fold up the wrappings neatly and pack them - into a bag or a box. Deliver it to • Ed Stiles' home and he will take it .to ,Jim RuddQc k of Colborne Township who will use the paper to wrap- the Yule logs he makes The. cards ear; be ta,keri...to tune. Children's Aid Society ' >. ' That- group will use. the, cards next year to decorate the dozens and dozens of Christmas parcels whey wrap for needy families. * . * Before I close off for this week, I want to, wish each one of you a very, merry- and blessed -Christmas; TCre. da.y is short -but the season needn't be.. 1 really. think you can carry Christmas in your heart every day of the year if yo,u'try.. • " If I could give a gift to. each of you, it would be faith for the new • year, These are 'difficult— times inwhich we live, Sure, you 440,7"' �,�i ad t.i,�. •g.Y '���`(�7' - G A m 5 .rw H 4�..'yy�yr •-- only to have it broken when it is and nice children and a home accidentalty stepped upon by and a car and a snowmobile and . unsuspecting (i ousin Rob. maybe even ' a., color TV. But But that's the kind of family. these are only the monetary ,.... memories which stick in one's frills—which •really don't count head as the better ones. . for much when -you get down to Somehtw, it .is the simple little basics. It takes real and abiding pleasures....even those things faith t,cz.„live with peace of mind . which aren't always the most 'these days. pleasant moment's at the And may I make a bold time....whi.ch give the greatest suggestion. 1f you -think your -amount of satisfaction tc$ look Christmas 'will be a little dull — back at. not quite the way` you remember • • * * the. Christmas of your childhood ours The W,omens MissionaryMrs."Ray Gibson was"a visitor Society of Ashfieki,Presbyterian in -.the community and has The offices of the Goderich Signal -Star will be • Colin James. , -r,closed from 5, p.m. on Thursday, December 23, ,la �" •• 'until ,9' a.m. on Tuesday, December 28, for the 114 ' `Christmas holidays. . . ' • Church held their Chtistnras rented her farm to Mr. and Mrs. meeting ono Thursday at the home of Mrs.• Jean West. Mrs. Ewan MacLean ?resident had charge of the'meeting. •- Thursday morning saw the Lochalsh Community very much - astir due to the • bus -transport accident on Highway 86 in front. ' czt the Wallington 1 ster farm. -*lordcrt iRob r driver --of he=bus'-' with nine children ori board made a lett turn to enter the MacDonald side road when a transport truck loaded with 20 tons of steel also proceeding , west hit the bus turning it over in the ditch on the South side of tours and Carriage tours will .originate from the Museum entrance. except for .Saturdays and Sundays through January 2. 1972 ( plus rl'hanksgivirtg._ and,, Christmas holiday perjods). Walking tours will be scheduled the road, and the truck landing daily•at 10:00. 12:00, 1:30 and vin the ditch on the North side of 3:30 p.m. the highway. Only the quick A special adaptation of the thinking and good handling Of charming fairy tare, Rangel and , the truck, averted a tt•'adgedy. (3retel, is designed to appeal to Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Luther the entire family, It will be spent the past week . in presented in the "Museum itidgetuwn�visiting relatives. Theater, every day -at 2:30 p.m.' Mrs. Doer, Wylds who has been with special e v e n l n. ;: in hospital in London was slated performances at 7 30 I9.rn. from to • be moved to - Wingham December 26 through 31. There hospital. will be no' ( t'orn,ances on _:. The .Annual Christmas—rtee - Christmas 1' '. Yari'.tn as Day oi-: `and Concert was held E'ridav New Years 1)4y. Admission is • evening, • aL., the Presbyterian' $2.00 for adults and $1 for (:hunch. All children took part children 6 through 11. , and received treats from Santa., A rattle for!!foraggliortorAr:At :OW :40" .tig" gg :WI:. • a rattles' Soon it will c+ hristinas Eve., morning and. open.my stocking. Empty•it then eat all the candy.' We have to waittill everybody is up, ~then we open all the presents. One -Christmas my sister ,Susan got a rattle because she always kept rattling .her presents. Christmas is a`' good time of the always happy, Diana, Freeman, (a rad ,,6, I-lolmesville School ... * Christmas means presents to me. Clark Williams ' Grade .5 Holmesville School HEART FUND • MAUDE �. -'gym7 , nBR OADF T_...... B Suggests, `SNOB' 'SOR TIL•EGE' 'LE MUGUET' C�lognes b. ,;, y r LE ,9ALION PA RIS MAUDE BROADFOOT, IECK PHARMACY Larry Rieck, PHM.B.' Archie Barber,4P'HMa.B. T,fi #z.`t}"`� . � i 5'`.�S"w'a`�"�' 5i3" F C� it Er X"✓.iS"w�L}�F7.�p '"""A5Z3S"0it fi r„' 52Z;ttg=A3t5,% 3t7 r.i5"w. 7w,, Y9•3et)t5.iy'r ir~^.=3*5' !) 4 I O FINER TURKEYS SOLD ANYWHERE `a,CAN1DA GRADE "A" DOUBLE y (No other grade of Turkey sold at A&P) EVISCERATED, VACUUIIPACK 20 -LBS , AND OVER Ib NO CONFUSION AT -UPI - One low .price only on frozen Vcscuurn Pocked Turkeys over 20 -lbs. tiC111 DH1.4•11f.G1 --1`. R MONEY BACK GUARANTE IT' YOU AK NOT COMPLIT4Y,SATISTIIID WITH YOU* ALP TU1011.11 Canada Grade ''A" Eviscerated, Young (Not Frozen1 6 to 20.1bs average FRESH TURKEY CUTS WHOLE LEGS WHOLE BREASTS WE CARE This year. as last •.‘Pear, we're, ±- why not,plan a little excursion going to be spending Christmas to Greenfield Village in. Detroit. children tell rice that because a Listen this! Grandma will be serving the - "Nostalgic scents of SpicY traditional turkey . :dinaer on baking, pungent cedar garlands. . - Sunday, they would prefer ' bayberry candles and hickory something -- different on logs blazing on the 'hearth are, , Satprday. only a small part' of Christmas. ' That's causing a - bit or :past as re-created in ace historic consternation. In the first place, homes in Greenfield Village. no -one, pan decide what to have t'Horse-drawn carriages and , that would be fitting' to sleighs cut through snow-drifted- C,hristmas. Number One son's streets carrying hOliday visitors suggestion -of fish and chips thrTugh Ackley covered bridge, • soundS a little far fetehed for to Noah Webster's' home where , Christmas dining. he compiled t,he first American• BLit it wOuldn't be the first • Dictionary, then jangle down the • .-time that the Keller ChriStmas' block to Stephen Foster's home ,Day dinnesegerru varied far from to listen to his delightful musk'. the norm; I gen remember one then off to the stately Town Christnias when' my husband was Hall for hot cider aaci Chritmas sick in bed. ,He was too ill to do cookies and a warm fire" All -- much else but drink clear te. or - along the way, homes and.shops a bit of broth. That year,' as I may n.,,e seeri decorateein the recall. the children and I agreed historic manner of their original that we would hold off our Christmas dinner until daddy ..r Horse carriage ' tours of was feeling' better..To appease Greenfield Village are available ,the children, I told them I would daily Monday through Sunday. prepare any*itg they wanted :(When ' adequate snow is fordinner that day and that was ayadable, sleighs will be used in the Christmas I served pizza — place of carriages). They will cheese and salomi! ' . operate op a demand .basis A, There was another Christmas , o.m., leaving frorn _the Museum when our -eldest son. had the ..cilidea-pox— 4-1e4tas-n't —able to Gatehouse area on Saturdays be out of the house. of eourse, and Sundays.. so he and I stayed at home , Visitors can get snackg or together while 'the rest of the cafeteria , style lunches in the family went to Grandma's charming Garden Robm of house. That day I let my Henry Ford Museurn from 9:00 '- quarantined son plan the'inenu 4:00 Monday through Saturday: and he suggested Opening a can of chicken and serving it, with The Village Clinton Inn will be - corn nibletS, He ate like 'a open for scheduled groups only trooper .but somehow, t at eacept, for Holiday period's. , Christmas dinner stuck in my The Coffee • Shop and throat, just a bit. Museum stand may ,be, used by , special arrangements.. Usually at Christma:s lime, ' there are_ Some' stories abont The Museum hcaTrs through Special' gifts arriving Which are Winter are 9:00 a.m. — 5:00 ' totally unexpected but fully p.m. daily; 9:00" a.m. .— 6:00 deserved. This year the Most p.m. Saturday arid Sunday. Last 4 heartwarming word I've received ticket sold 1 hour before closing. concerns the •verY wonderful . Village hours through Winter Miss Lilly Biandhard. — 9:00 a.m. — 5 p.m. Last ticket 1 have had notification ftdin sold 11/2 hours before closiTig. Santa Claus that Miss Blanchard Adthission to the Village a will receive • a most useful . Museum is $2,00 for adults, A Christmas gift this Year. Without • $1.00 for children six through divulging what the gift is, I can ., fourteen for,, each attraction. • &Lilly Blanchard is a kind of The Village Gatehouse Will ken& in Goderich. She's Of, a close • and all Village. walking • TURKEYS 6 TO 18 LBS ib 39 nt AV,ERAGE 7 - Swift Prerniu'rn, Eviscerated, Frozen, Vacuum Pa.cked, Deep -Basting, Young Butterball .Turke.0 6 to 18 lb,s',average 20 lbs and up 31,1 lb Semi•Boneless, Cooked, Ready -to -Serve, Skinless SMOKED- HAMS WAIVES OR QUARTERS JANE PARKER- FRUIT. CAKE .c"-::&xki-, . 0.1;er 2/3 Fruits and Nuts 11/24.6 PIECE 3-0 RING $11.79 $ .49 FROM ALL OF U$ A&P ALL PRICES. SHOWN IN THIS AD GUARANTEED k EFFECTIVE THROUGH' 'FRIDAY, DEC. 24, 1971. Maple leaf, Pork lb 39F1 SAUSAGE KAT • Burns Brand, Store Pack SAUSAGES ieef & i'ork 49.F1 - BA vac pac SOFT DRINK WHY PAY MORE? PEPSI -COL oz bids "" PLUS R. ft DEPOSIT A' Superb' Wend of 100% Brazilian Coffe , dROUND TO ORDER 8 O'CLOCK COFFEE rA, 14,• 51( (a. Budget WisaBeverage Buy g FIRM, RIPE TRAY A&P Money Saver! WESGATE BRAND ICE CREAM HALF GALLON' CARTON Don't Miss These! kemon, Lime, Orange, Raspberry, Strawberry Shicriff's JELLY POWDERS CHRISTIE RITZ CHRISTIE CRACKER -S Oseart Spray (Whole' or Jellied) 3 -oz pkg 10c 16 -oz pkg 5 4c U(E tins ge FLORIDA 34B BAG Check These Prices POTATO (HIPS - Fancy Quality •A&P 1?EAS Annk Page_ KETCHUP White Swan (Prepriced 69c) pkg 5c 4 14 -fl -oz hns 89C .99 1 -LB BAG Yukon Club (Pluset1 Deposit) ,GINGER ALE I -OR SOPA' DINNER NAININS FOIIICWRAP 18" by 25 ft ron 69c r Write This One Down! MAPLE LEAF MINCEME T 18-02 A&P Holiday.Values Jane .Parker (SAVE 10c) Ful. 8 -in, 24 -oz size each 59; MINCE PIE Jane Ptrker Rplls Brown and Serve SNOWFLAKE or. 3 pkgs TWIN 'ROLLS „ ,of 12 #1.00,. "Be sure tis visit tile fresh nowt'. department. We have a good variety of Christmas plants for your. choice, fpaturitig such items. as Poinsettias, Chrysanthe- mums, Ailleas, Cyclamen, Hyacinths, mixed pans and many .others, inclUding a good seleelifn of tut at g . • •