HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-12-23, Page 13A Christmas poem What Do 'I Want. For Christmas BV JEAN JOHNSTON They are not -happy eyes 1/tat doTwant for Christmas For they are filled with sa.dne"ss Tomeone asked me .the other qcand pain. day w . What do'I want, you say What do I want for Christmas j at t want •Cd y,11?suxpnei1gn is X r nswe - q ta1T . 'hfil- r'wx rTtl4-:.b# } 111-e 1 "-taro : a, v. • question small child's qultstion, , A heartbreaking question it is "Mommy did "daddy w rite. to us That question is; today? "Mommy will daddy come home% Sadly once again my answer is, for Christmas?" I kow not what to say, There's so much hope in her voice and yet. there's saddness too. Oh how I wish my answer could ,be yes0 But I have to tell her, "Nay my child nay" ° y -"Your daddy cann't come home this Christmas day He lives so very far away.', Then she looks upon you 'with " eyes so big and bright. "Nay my child nay." Then in a small hurt voice she asks a "Why" "mommy, why didn't daddy write to us?" All I can say is, "Because my darling, daddy works hard ,k and is tired at the end of a very long da --y Maybe someway, someday daddy will write.to you. Let us bope and prey:" What do I want for Christmas • laid IAeahso meone say Al 'aa'ibetore my answer is For Christmas, Iwould like the answer to a small childs question; "go mywill you rite daddy irr�-t•�r= Stay?" With a sad and' heavy heart I answer "Nay my child nay." Then I sadly hear her reply. "Why morrimy why?" 'Slowly and painfully I tell her "Your daddy doesn't„ love me, thats why he went away." Quietly and sadly she answers, "But you still love him momma. Why, doesn't daddy love you?" Why die he have to go away?" What d� I want for Christmas Alas, as before I would like the ,answer ,.to small child's question "Mommy- :does daddy still love us?" Alas; I can answer "Yes my child y,es2" - With tear filled eyes she asks. "If daddy still loves us mammy why doesn't he write to us or come for a visit? Ifs he loves us why did he.„,leave and not even sayy goodbye." a Concern for Mrs. Santo Dear' Santa, how is Mrs. Santa? ° _There is only'°one thing that 1 want for christmas if it isn't to much. 1want a� new- pare of ski-doo boots. I hope that lesntt Co much. I will leve some Coco anti-arracb' Some shurger,for your,rain deers. yours 'truly ' Ronal. eddy 4, a. ary s With a heart filled with pain ' Silently I prey; "Dear Heavenly 'Father help me find an answer so I may . . ease this childs..hurt' and pain." that you would bripg me something spehel. Junet lassaline 27 Napier St. Goderich Ont. Dear Santa how 'are you I hoqe you are fin. _I wot a tocke wocke for cricmics and a 3 wilier. Mine Bick. I was a good Boy. and if you give me what I wot for crksmis I will de a good doy all the time. by' Denne to Santa St. Mary's DeaL.Santa Maus _ glans y k all year. Have " yo'fi noticed. 1' have tried , td' look after mly two youger sisters Virginia and Jacqueline to be good girls every year for Christmas. Everybody, thinks you are a fake but I believe you. If you are a, fake don't ' tell . me I don't want toy' know. May I have a camera. My dad has a camera and he says I might brake it. Thank -you Emmy Sansome' St. Mary's Dear Santa: I hope you are ready for C_histmas. Are your elvs working hard -for Chritsmas. I hope have a happy Christmas this year and I hope your reindeers are' ready for you. Santa I hope ervyone likes what they get for Christmus. I -"-would like .a ,,,,.,cooking set. My mother said Dear Santa, For' Christmas I`would Like a giJoe, set and i want a drum set and i would like 'a tran set arid i want a best of the West set. dy mike. W. I hope you don't' get suck in the snw. XOXOXOXOXOXOXO• • Mike W. St, Mary's : GO.DutickSImpti,ormt, IA.d r*VAVAV=rAt: • u To Our Customers 1969 was quite a year but 1970 was overwhelming and 1971 has been something we wouldn't have imagined, We are gratified with the interest you have shown it our product and offer a simple, heartfelt..., .' Wishing You A �.�,. Merry Christmas -And, Best Wishes For The .Neer Year C 1o; ei Sa• ler s' Reoria' ducky 601 Ma TAKE HOME SHOP • 87 KINGSTON STREET Located Peside The Gulf Station At The Five Points ""tief43wieed: • We wish to extend our, warmest , holiday greetings'to all the wonderful people in olr town who make day -to -day -business a y ; special pleasure. Heartfelt thanks for °_ -your_ Loyal trust and support. Merry Christmas. What do I want for Christmas Do 1 still hear someone say What I want for Christmas' Is the answer to this small child's • questions. I prey for the answer to give' her on Christmas happiness ,_ So -her" heart" -will fill with ; 1-Ier laughter will bb light and gay - V. . that rose on our first Christmas day This is all I ask for on Christmas.. * * * Christmas to me means a time when families are together, to receive and to give gifts. A time of fun, happiness and worship all packed into one. A day, when all people should forget 'M their troubles and rejoice for on that day 'Christ -was born: Born ih a manger on a clear dark night. God'_s. 'only begotten son came into our �. And people ..,carYaey iron, miles around bearing great gifts for the newborn king. In later years ' Jesus 'spread christianity and taught us of God so that we, might become better people -and--rnake _this world, a better place to live. So this Christmas have• -lots of, fin but remember 'also the true meaning' of Christmas., Lynn Mansell Robertson School. PLUMBTE G nd suddenly the shepherds saws on their peaceful hillside, the angels come to proclaim the birth of a Saviour... their - hosannas e.choing through the holy night. As we share the wondrous" tidings' of Cfristmas, may. we also share love and kindness with our fellowmen. 4ERRY CIIRISTMAS Across the land, in farm, village, town and city, the,apirit of Christmas Ts everywhere. May it fill your own world with happiness, joy and good will now and throughout -The coming year,! 1 ';.• .4 .t.: 4 A ... Ft ,�' >'4• ; *. Y:.. �,+A, '� +` i- "4, .5�...i �,iR •,.°r. tµ'" iin�.' ' ° '•t f' i,' j '..: - }r . UJQRS OF ;SILVERW®00S MRY P'R ►buL 13 GODERiCH ILITIM ....._ ..: 1w''��4N�dbMYW�'NI6Y'ii&foalAM1RN�FV,'�i" /xPj�lb%ik53a$M1� ozwo=wig& 41